Alcohol at home. Profitable business: alcohol production

Moonshine in Rus' was first mentioned in the chronicles under Ivan the Terrible, that is, more than 550 years ago. But since at that time there was no sugar, as such, the most popular raw materials for the preparation of strong alcohol were cereals: rye, wheat, barley. Honey was used as an additional top dressing, although you can do without it.

Today, technology has changed a bit: honey is too expensive a product and sugar has successfully replaced it. You can do without the use of yeast, which will only affect the taste of the finished product for the better, since there will be no characteristic yeast taste.

Consider some recipes for classic home-made wheat.

So that homemade wheat vodka has a characteristic aroma and grain flavor, it is necessary to select high-quality raw materials and strictly follow the recipe. Before use, wheat is washed 2-3 times, left covered with water for several hours so that the husk floats.

Properly prepared ripe mash contains alcohol in its pure form from 10 to 15%. Thus, out of 10 liters of mash, theoretically you can get from 1 to 1.5 liters pure alcohol. Or 2 - 2.5 liters of 50-degree moonshine.

Recipe classic

According to the classic recipe, mash for moonshine on wheat is put without sugar. You will need:

  1. 5 kg of wheat grain.
  2. 300 - 350 g of yeast.
  3. 15 liters of water.

Cooking requires patience and perseverance. The process is divided into several stages:

  • wheat germinate;
  • when the sprouts reach the size of the grain itself, dry up. Previously, this was done on a Russian stove. Today you can use the oven or dryer (temperature - no higher than 70 °!);
  • grind, having received dry malt from germinated wheat;

It is malt that is the raw material for yeast, because it contains simple sugars. Yeast converts it into alcohol.

  • into boiling water gradually, stirring, add ground malt. It should turn out jelly. It is carefully wrapped and left overnight;

It is ideal to brew jelly immediately in 15 liters of water, but it is also possible in a smaller bowl, followed by dilution after infusion.

  • to warm wort (30 degrees), add yeast and put on at room temperature;
  • after 5 days they begin to try mash. Bitter taste without sweetness is a signal of readiness for distillation.

According to experts, it is this recipe that produces moonshine with a classic wheat taste.

What to do with brown bread?

This recipe is not only wheat, but also grain vodka, because we use not only grain, but also bread (necessarily - black). We will cook with green malt.

Green malt is sprouted and ground grain without prior drying.

  1. We germinate 4 kg of wheat.
  2. Grind with a meat grinder (even better - a blender).
  3. We soak 5 kg of bread in 10 liters of water (about 8 loaves). Bread is needed dark, it is possible with cumin, anise. This will give additional notes to the final product.
  4. Add a half-kilogram pack of raw alcohol yeast.
  5. We ferment for about a week.
  6. Checking and distilling.

For high-quality vodka at home, it is alcohol, and not baker's yeast (dry or raw) that is needed. 100 g dry will replace half a kilogram of pressed.

How to cook with wild yeast?

Moonshine enthusiasts are quite capable of making wheat vodka using wild yeast grown with their own hands. Consider how to make excellent moonshine without industrial yeast. He has two advantages:

  • no need to look for and buy alcohol yeast;
  • the aroma of moonshine will be more pronounced and natural, with a characteristic aftertaste that is characteristic only of wheat vodka.

For 20 liters of water you will need 4-5 kg ​​of sugar and 4 kg of wheat.

Stage 1yeast cultivation. To do this, you need a container with a volume of 25 liters.

  • Wheat is poured into the container, poured with water a couple of fingers above the grain.
  • Add 0.8 - 1 kg of sugar, stir.
  • Leave open (cover with gauze or cotton cloth from insects) warm for 4 - 5, until fermentation and a characteristic smell appear.

The advantage of growing wild yeast is the possibility of their repeated use(up to 4 times). They simply add sugar (preferably syrup), water and leave to ferment.

Stage 2fermentation. It is necessary to add lukewarm water to the activated wild yeast (for the indicated amount - 17 liters) and sugar at the rate of: 1 kg per 5 liters of water, taking into account the yeast already poured into the container.

Stage 3fermentation. A water seal is already needed here (in extreme cases, the container should be covered with a lid). It is important that the temperature in the room where the mash ripens is not lower than 22 ° C. Fermentation continues for about a week until the sweetness disappears.

A simple yeast-free recipe

2 kg of ground wheat is poured into 1.5 liters of warm water, a pound of sugar is added, mixed well, left warm for 5 days. Another 2.5 kg of sugar and 9 liters of water are added. Another week fermented. They try, when ready, filter and distill. Wheat vodka at home is ready.

The rest can be reused once. Usually, wheat vodka is distilled twice(the second time - with cutting off heads and tails). Then they clean it up.

It is important to know! The above recipes can be used not only with wheat, but also with rye, barley, and other cereals. The taste will be different, but always pleasant.

How to improve taste with cleaning?

The most popular methods among moonshiners are using coal or potassium permanganate.

  1. it is better to use chopped wood (from the stove, fire) at the rate of 1 full spoon per 1 liter of product. Set aside, stirring daily, for a week, then filter.
  2. Activated charcoal tablets are crushed and added to moonshine. Further - as in the previous paragraph.
  3. (at the tip of a knife) is added to a three-liter jar of moonshine, mixed thoroughly. Leave for several days until flakes fall out (these are various impurities associated with potassium permanganate). Then filtered.

As for the choice of cleaning method, one can argue about it endlessly. Some consider manganese cleaning to be harmful. We suggest you try it yourself: clean some of the alcohol from one distillation with coal, and some with manganese.

Naturally - with subsequent filtration. Now feel the difference! Purified with potassium permanganate will be softer, the smell and taste will be muffled, without harshness. But it's up to you, of course!

Now you have the necessary knowledge on how to make wheat vodka at home, and choose the method based on your own preferences and capabilities. Do not forget to leave comments, share the information received with friends on social networks.

How to make alcohol at home

Currently, a lot of people around the world have begun to make various alcoholic drinks at home. This is due to many criteria, but the main ones are the rise in prices for various alcoholic drinks, and low-quality products on most store shelves. And it happens that both the first option and the second come across at the same time! You pay a lot of money for a low-quality alcoholic drink. That is why many people began to wonder how to make alcohol at home.

And as it turned out, making alcohol at home is very profitable! If you approach this issue correctly, then you will practically not have any waste that occurs as a result of recycling. With simple equipment and a series of simple processes, you can produce high-quality spirits of a wide variety of character. And besides the fact that they will be of high quality, their cost will be much cheaper than on the shelves in stores. In addition, absolutely all products that arise as a result of processing can be used. Even the first fractions, which are unsuitable for human consumption, can be useful as glass cleaners, and also, with the right proportions, they can be used as paint thinners.

Now let's take a closer look at how alcohol is made at home? The two main components of the classic are the evaporator and condenser. In the evaporator, the alcohol evaporates, as well as its separation from the other components of the feedstock. As for the condenser, in it the alcohol vapor turns into a liquid state.

It is thanks to these two elements that the process takes place in which alcohol is made at home! As for the rest of the components of the moonshine, these are all technical improvements that have come into force over the years.

When creating an elementary evaporator at home, there should not be any difficulties. After all, the easiest way to make it from a pressure cooker. A pressure cooker is a large pot that is closed with a sealed lid and safety valves. Based on this, in order to get a good evaporator, you just need to modify the pressure cooker lid a little. The only drawback of such an evaporator is that it is small in size, more precisely 4-6 liters.

Much more difficulties arise with the manufacture of a capacitor. In the people, such a capacitor is often called a coil. As a rule, it must be made from And so making it at home is a very difficult task. It will be much easier and more convenient to go to the nearest chemical glassware store and buy it.

When making alcohol at home, the coil must be cold. Therefore, it must be placed in advance in a bowl with plenty of cold water. In the very process of making alcohol, in the evaporator, the boiling point must be at least 85 degrees Celsius. This temperature can provide good evaporation of alcohol products. As a heater for evaporating alcohol, an electric heater with power control is ideal. This will be needed so that our homemade alcohol is not too strong or too weak.

And as soon as the boiling of the source material will occur at a temperature of 88-90 degrees, and the first homemade alcohol will begin to drip from the coil. In the people it is also called pervak. This liquid, which has a chemical composition, is not suitable for consumption by the body. Therefore, the first 50 grams of such a liquid should be poured out, and everything that happens after it is pure home-made moonshine.

Homemade alcohol can be used to prepare strong noble drinks, medicinal tinctures and fruit and berry sweet liqueurs. The technology for making alcohol from cereals includes the preparation of malt and malted milk, the processing of raw materials containing starch, the preparation of yeast mash and its mashing, the distillation of mash and the rectification of the finished drink.

Technology for the preparation of alcohol

Malt is needed to make alcohol out of wheat without using a lot of yeast and starch. Germinated wheat or any other grain, which contains organic substances necessary for fermentation, is called malt. For germination, only clean and mature grain is selected, harvested at least 3 and no more than 12 months ago.

Checking the quality of wheat and the content of chemicals in it is simple: soak a handful in hot water for a few minutes and smell it. The processed grain will have a characteristic unpleasant smell.

However, this is the most popular technology for making alcohol from cereals.

How to make malt and malted milk

Start cooking by sifting and washing the raw materials. This is necessary to remove debris, empty and chipped grains, dust. After cleaning and sorting the grain, the wheat is soaked in a wooden or ceramic container for 6-8 hours. When the first sprouts hatch, the grains are washed in running water and transferred to a flat surface (this can be a basin with low sides, a baking sheet, a baking board). After soaking, the seeds are germinated in a well-ventilated area at a temperature not exceeding +20°C. To prevent drying out, the raw material is covered with a damp cloth or gauze. Stir every 4-6 hours.

When the first roots appear, the seeds are placed in a glass bottle. The layer of grains should be from 15 to 25 cm.

The temperature in the room is increased by 2-4 °. This is necessary for the activation of the grain and the active accumulation of malt enzymes. The malt is ready for use when the length of the sprouts has reached 13-15 mm.

Milk is made from green malt: only wheat is used for pure wheat malted milk. But many winemakers recommend a mixture of 2 parts germinated wheat and 1 part germinated barley and oats (grain is germinated in a similar way). The mixture is washed three times, then poured into a bottle, poured with hot water and left for 8-10 hours.

From wheat, it is necessary to grind 2 kg of flour, add about 200 g of malt mixture and pour a liter of water. Mix well. The resulting malted milk is necessary for the saccharification of starch raw materials in the main mash during the preparation of alcohol.

Home brew

To prepare alcohol mash you need to take:

  • Yeast;
  • Sugar (for every 5 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar is required);
  • clean water;
  • Foods containing starch (mash);
  • aromatic additives.

The yield of ethanol alcohol is the result of the vital activity of a yeast fungus. You can use ordinary baker's yeast (10-15% by weight of the total raw materials), or you can make homemade live yeast.

Hop Yeast Recipe


  • A glass of warm water;
  • A couple of tablespoons of hops;
  • st.l. Sahara;
  • A quarter teaspoon of salt;
  • Potatoes - 110 g;
  • Wheat flour - 30 g.

Hops pour into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for a day. Strain the cooled mixture. Add sugar to the resulting infusion. Dissolve 30 g of wheat flour in warm water and add to the total mixture. Mix well: the liquid should turn out to be cloudy in color, homogeneous. Pour into a bottle and leave in a warm place for another 48 hours. Shake contents periodically. Boil potatoes, mash, add to sourdough. Mix the mass and leave for a day. On the fifth day, homemade yeast is ready.

How to make alcohol mash

Starch is found in potatoes, legumes and cereals. To prepare wheat mash, you will need fresh flour and water (proportions 1: 1). Knead the dough and leave for 20 minutes. Then it is transferred to a sieve placed in a container with water (about 1.5 liters of water is needed for 0.5 kg of dough). Rinse thoroughly. The process is necessary for the starch to pass into the water.

The next step is mashing the congestion. It consists of three parts: gelatinization, liquefaction and saccharification. Pour 500 ml of malted milk into a ten-liter bowl, add 500 ml of cold water. Mix the contents of the container well and pour in the starch water. Put on a slow fire. When the mass reaches a temperature of 58 ° C, add the remaining malted milk, and boil for another 5 minutes.

Preparation of alcohol wort

To prepare the wort, the mash is placed in a water bath with a temperature of 65 ° C, incubated for 4 hours. The readiness of the wort is checked with an iodine test - it should show the absence of unsweetened starch. To determine the acidity of the clarified wort of wheat mash, a strip of special indicator paper is used. Another indicator of normal acidity is a slightly acid taste. The wort must be cooled to 30 ° C, after which yeast and ammonium chloride (0.3 g per liter) are added to it. Stirred and cooled to 15°C.

Pour into a fermentation container and put in a dark room. The bottle is tied with a cotton cloth, the contents are shaken every 6 hours.

Conventionally, fermentation can be divided into three phases: initial, main, post-fermentation. The first stage is accompanied by saturation of the mash with carbon dioxide and an increase in temperature by a couple of degrees. The stage lasts a little more than a day. The end is determined by the disappearance of the sweet aftertaste. At the next stage, the battle is revived: air bubbles and foam appear on the surface. The temperature level of the liquid reaches 30°C. Braga becomes bitter-sour due to an increase in alcohol concentration and a decrease in sugar levels. Fermentation time from 12 to 26 hours. During fermentation, the foam settles. The temperature of the mixture drops by 5-6°C, the taste does not change. At this stage, the residual products of the transformation of starch - dextrins are fermented.

If the technological process is followed, the highest quality mash will be obtained. Its indicators: alcohol level - from 10%, acidity - up to 0.2%, residual sugar - no more than 0.4%.

For the distillation of alcohol, home-made or purchased distillers are used. Regardless of the model or manufacturer, their principle of operation is the same. When heated, alcohol from the mash passes into a gaseous state. Alcohol moves through the pipes and enters the cooling chamber, where it condenses on the walls and flows into the receiver.

In the moonshine still, the mash is heated to a temperature of 82-93 ° C. To obtain raw, with a strength of 80 degrees, the distillation process is repeated several times. If only one distillation of moonshine is made, then it is not necessary to neutralize the alcohol tint. To do this, use soda at the rate of 10 g per liter.

Re-distillation is carried out under constant control of the amount of alcohol in the acceptance using an alcohol meter. When the concentration of secondary alcohol reaches 55-61 ° - it is poured out. The fraction following it is drinking alcohol. It is distilled to a temperature of 98.4 °C. Repeat the distillation if the concentration of alcohol in it is less than 30 °.

Purification of drinking alcohol

Carrying out rectification allows you to get high-quality alcohol that does not contain harmful impurities and oils. The process consists of chemical cleaning with substances that neutralize impurities, separating them through repeated evaporation and condensation of vapors. The drink is divided into several fractions, and the concentration of alcohol increases. The process is carried out in a distillation apparatus.

They start with the first cleaning - saponification of fusel oils. If there is a lot of acid in alcohol, it must be neutralized with baking soda or alkali. Then a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared: per liter of alcohol, 2 g of manganese dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water. Everything is mixed and left for 20 minutes. After the allotted time, a soda solution prepared according to the same percentages is added and clarified for 10-12 hours.

As a result, the level of pollution of fusel oils is reduced by 95-97%.

Purified alcohol is filtered through a dense cloth. Start fractional distillation. It is carried out in a distillation cube with a drop catcher. Raw alcohol is diluted with soft water to a maximum strength of 51 ° and poured into a moonshine still. The temperature is quickly brought to 60°C, then the heating intensity is gradually reduced and brought to a boil (82-84°C). The resulting alcohol is purified by charcoal. Crushed lime or birch charcoal is poured into a glass or ceramic container at the rate of 50 g per liter of drink. Alcohol is poured. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for 20-22 days. After the allotted time, the alcohol is filtered daily through gauze for another 14 days.

Determining the quality of a drink

The color level of alcohol is determined using an ordinary glass: the presence of a whitish tint indicates poor cleaning and the presence of fusel oils. If the mash was boiling too actively, the drink will have a cloudy color. Fusel oils can be removed by additional purification and distillation. To check the smell and taste, a little alcohol is poured into a bottle and diluted with cold water (1 to 3). Mix and try.

Strong alcohol at home is stored in a closed bottle in the refrigerator. Shelf life of alcohol - no more than 5 years. On its basis, various tinctures are made on berries, roots, herbs, fruits and flowers, jam, fruits and root crops. It is also used to prepare such noble drinks as cognac, whiskey, absinthe, liqueurs, gin. Many medical tinctures for hypertension, colds, indigestion and other diseases are also made on its basis.

Making vodka from alcohol at home, the recipe of which is quite simple, is an alternative to expensive factory-made alcohol. In addition, a homemade product from quality raw materials is even better.

But it is important to remember that excessive alcohol consumption is injurious to health, and home-made alcohol is prohibited for commercial sale.

There are many recipes for making vodka from alcohol, and all use alcohol and water. The quality of the finished product will depend on the quality of these components. To prepare vodka from alcohol at home, you need to go through several stages of preparation.


The first step in the preparation of vodka from alcohol is the choice of water and alcohol itself. Many recipes recommend using pure spring water, but regular bottled water may work. It is important to choose clear water with a minimum salt content. Therefore, when buying water, you must carefully study the label. The composition should indicate how much salt the water contains. And softness can be determined visually: the more transparent the water, the softer it is.

In order to make vodka, distilled or boiled water cannot be used, since such a liquid loses its beneficial properties and does not dissolve alcohol well.


The main component is alcohol; ethyl or medical is suitable for homemade vodka. There is no particular difference between them. Medical alcohol - ethyl, diluted with a certain amount of water. It is necessary to choose alcohol of the highest degree of purification; the product obtained from wheat and rye is considered the highest quality.

In order to further calculate the correct proportions, it is necessary to accurately determine the strength of alcohol. This can be done using a special device that measures the density of a liquid - a hydrometer. Or use our online calculator, which will accurately determine the strength of your drink.

The second stage is the preparation and selection of other additional ingredients. In this case, it all depends on the recipe. For example, classic vodka is prepared with the addition of a glucose solution. To give the drink an extra taste, various components are used, such as:

  • citrus juices,
  • nutmeg,
  • hot red pepper, etc.

It all depends on individual taste preferences.

Attention! According to the current Russian legislation, it is absolutely legal to produce any alcoholic beverages for personal consumption. But selling a bottle of even the highest quality homemade products to a neighbor is an act punishable under the criminal code..


The third stage is mixing the components. To get the best vodka, you need to accurately measure and combine everything in the right proportions.

At this stage, it is necessary to determine the strength of the finished alcoholic drink, and this depends on the amount of water.

  • Additional ingredients, as a rule, have almost no effect on the degree of the finished product.
  • Most often prepare vodka 40 °.
  • To get such a fortress, they take alcohol and water in a ratio of 1: 1.3.
  • For 100 ml of alcohol 90 ° use 130.8 ml of water.
  • Note that vodka with a strength of 40 ° is considered the most optimal for consumption.

Many sources provide a special table with proportions to make it easier to dilute alcohol, but it is worth remembering that there is an important rule that affects the quality of the drink, regardless of the proportions taken.

How to dilute alcohol? An important rule in compounding is adding alcohol to water, and not vice versa. This technique allows you to get a clear, not cloudy drink. After the alcohol is added to the water, it is necessary to mix the resulting liquid very well. Mix thoroughly in a container with a lid by shaking.


The fourth stage is filtering. To get good quality vodka, it must be cleaned. To do this, use activated charcoal (3-4 tablets). The agent is added to the liquid and mixed, after which you need to leave the workpiece for a couple of hours, and then strain the liquid through a dense cotton cloth.

In the final part of the preparation, filtered vodka is poured into clean bottles to the very edges of the neck. It is important that there is no air in the bottle.

Then the drink is tightly closed and left for 2 days to brew. A classic drink will have a very long shelf life, and the shelf life of vodka with additional ingredients will depend on the shelf life of these components.

As you can see, the creation process is simple, all the ingredients can be found on sale. To get a glucose solution, you need 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. Water and sugar should be mixed and boiled over low heat. In the process, a white foam will appear on the surface, it must be removed every time it appears. The solution is considered ready when the foam stops appearing.

Many people prefer the classic taste of the drink, but there are many interesting recipes with different flavors. Below are some of them.

classic vodka recipe

A traditional drink is made from just 3 components:

  • concentrated alcohol (96%) - 1.25 l;
  • water - 2 l;
  • glucose (40% solution prepared in advance) - 40 ml.

Consider the process of preparing this vodka from alcohol. In a container (it is better to do everything in a container with a lid), mix glucose and water. Add alcohol to the resulting sweet liquid. Then shake well and send for a while in the refrigerator. The drink should be tasted chilled.

Homemade vodka is good on its own, but it also serves as a wonderful base for making delicious liqueurs. Today, when store shelves are bursting with an assortment of alcohol of varying high cost and degree of "elitism", it is difficult to surprise anyone with a purchased delicacy, and the quality does not always correspond to the price tag. But putting a drink prepared with your own hands, natural, on the table for guests is a completely different matter.

Pouring on berries

Most often, liqueurs insist on berries. For this, almost any seasonal crop is used:

It should be borne in mind that berry juice will dilute the vodka and reduce its strength. If you want to get exactly the classic version with 40% alcohol content, you should make the base a little stronger. Liquors that are too sweet are hard to drink, besides they have the property of giving heavy and sudden intoxication.

citrus vodka

How to get lemon vodka from alcohol can be understood from the following recipe. For a citrus alcoholic drink you will need:

  • water - 0.6 l;
  • alcohol - 0.4 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Lemon should be washed well and poured over with boiling water, then remove the peel from it and chop it thoroughly.
  2. Place the crushed zest in a glass jar.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp into a separate glass jar.
  4. Next, in a separate bowl, mix water and alcohol, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  5. Divide the alcohol tincture and pour the zest and lemon juice separately.
  6. Close both containers with a lid and infuse for 14 days.
  7. After that, strain the vodka and, if desired, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar for taste.
  8. Before tasting alcohol is better to cool.

hot pepper

Peppercorns at home are also very easy to prepare. The following components are required:

  • homemade vodka 40 ° - 0.5 l;
  • red chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns - 4-6 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.

Wash the pepper well, make an incision and remove the seeds from the inside. Put the cloves and allspice black pepper into the peeled chili. Place the vegetable in a container, then pour it with homemade vodka, close the lid tightly and insist for 5 days. As a result, pepper is not worse than store-bought.

Fragrant vodka

This is a popular recipe with pine nuts. You will need the following ingredients:

  • pine nuts (peeled) - 0.5 kg;
  • homemade pure vodka - 3 l;
  • ordinary water - 2 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to pour pine nuts with 1 liter of water and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes.
  2. After the time has elapsed, change the water and boil for another 5 minutes.
  3. Then the nuts need to drain, a colander is perfect for this.
  4. When all the water drains, you can add nuts to the vodka.
  5. The drink is tightly corked and infused in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks.

After that, the drink is ready to drink.

cognac variant

Popular cognac vodka contains slightly more ingredients and differs in taste parameters. To prepare it, you need the following set of products:

  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • classic homemade vodka - 3 l;
  • vanillin - 2-3 drops of liquid or on the tip of a knife in the form of a powder;
  • finely chopped oak bark powder - 1 tsp;
  • allspice black pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • black instant coffee - 1.5 tsp;
  • brewed strong black tea (not in bags) - 1 tsp

Further, everything is done according to the classic moonshine recipe. Collect all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on a small fire. Seal the container with breadcrumbs. Before the vodka almost boils, it must be removed from the heat and cooled. Then the liquid must be well filtered and bottled. Serve chilled.

Spices and herbs

Original drinks with a delicate aroma and exquisite taste can be obtained by infusing vodka with medicinal herbs and spices. Often such a product is obtained not only as an interesting accompaniment to a feast, but also has medicinal properties (of course, in reasonable doses).


A close relative of dill belongs to the same family - Umbelliferae, but has a more subtle, delicate aroma and a slightly sweet aftertaste. With his participation, Anisovka is being created. For its preparation you will need:

  • Anise seeds - 20 gr.
  • Cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • Fennel 5-10 gr.
  • Fresh ginger root - 10 gr.
  • Star anise -5 gr.

This amount of spices is enough to prepare 1.0 liters of anise from homemade vodka. All ingredients are poured into a clean, dry glass or ceramic container, poured with vodka and allowed to infuse for 10-14 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking occasionally for a better diffusion process.

After the end of the infusion period, the liquid is filtered, poured into a container for storage and sent to the refrigerator for 2-3 days. There the drink “reaches”, showing its taste and aromatic qualities to the maximum.


This popular spice is good not only in preservation or as a hot additive to jelly. Piquant vodka is insisted on the root of the plant, and honey is added to make its taste softer and set off the burning properties of horseradish.

  • ½ liter of vodka.
  • 1 tablespoon natural honey.
  • Horseradish root (medium thickness) - 10-12 cm.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

The root is peeled, cut into small pieces, you can grate it on a coarse grater, but with this method, the “horseradish” turns out to be more burning, with a characteristic pronounced taste. Honey for relief can be pre-melted if it is candied. Pour all the components into a jar, pour a small amount of vodka and stir or shake thoroughly until the honey dissolves completely. Then the rest of the base is added to the mixture, the container is covered with a lid and sent to a dark place for 3-5 days.

If you insist on "shitty" vodka for longer, it can become bitter. After the allotted time, strain and remove in the cold "reach".

This recipe has been known to masters of making alcoholic beverages since the reign of Peter, but to this day does not lose its relevance. Especially good "horseradish" in the winter and for the treatment of colds, as it contains a large amount of phytoncides - natural killers of microbes.

Lemon mint vodka

Pleasant-tasting refreshing vodka is prepared from the following list of products:

  • homemade vodka - 1 l;
  • fresh mint leaves - 120 g;
  • medium-sized lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 250 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Initially, you need to wash and wipe the lemons with a paper towel, then remove the zest from them.
  2. Wash and cut mint leaves into small strips.
  3. Place the zest and mint in a separate container, then squeeze the juice from all the lemons to these components and then pour it into the vodka.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. The container with the workpiece must be hermetically sealed and left to infuse for 10 days in a dark, warm room.

A prerequisite for preparation is the need to shake the workpiece once a day. After the time has elapsed, strain the mixture and add sugar to taste. Mix the mixture again and leave to infuse for one week.

This is an ancient recipe that allows you to make vodka soft and not so strong with the help of ordinary potatoes. For this you need:

  • potatoes 1 kg;
  • water - 20 l;
  • rye flour - 1 kg;
  • rye straw - 50 g;
  • homemade vodka, which was bred in advance - 1 liter.

Cooking steps:

Thus, you can easily prepare an alcoholic drink for every taste without much difficulty, but you should always remember that alcohol causes great harm to health and it is not recommended to get involved in its use.

First you need to understand how the production of ethyl alcohol is carried out. Obtaining alcohols occurs in the process of rectification. At home, this is quite feasible if you follow our recommendations!

The first thing you need to know is alcohol (at home, at least), you can only make it from raw alcohol, that is, from distilled mash. From the original material - mash (alcohol is formed during fermentation) - you will not get pure ethyl alcohol at home. You can learn how to get moonshine for making ethyl alcohol from another. Now you know what alcohol is made of!

Moonshine, as a rule, has an alcohol content of about 60-80% vol. Raw materials for alcohol are most preferably diluted to about 40-45% vol. Why is this done when home-brewing alcohol? The fact is that with such a strength of the product, a much better separation of “heads” and “tails” is obtained, which, as with distillation, must be separated when distilling moonshine at home.

So, we figured out that about the production of alcohol at home begins with the manufacture of mash, and then - raw alcohol. Next, we proceed directly to the home distillation of alcohol. If you have already decided on, then you should know what kind of heating is considered effective for it. We would like to immediately note that on installations with a height of less than 1.5 m, large heating will be irrational. For example, in the case of the “Yerevan” apparatus manufactured by Max Cuprum, the actual heating (without heat losses) should be about 350 kW, but taking into account heat losses, the heating power can be about 700 kW. Heat losses are calculated individually for each distillation unit.

Getting ethyl alcohol begins with the fact that you must pour the raw alcohol into the distillation cube. Experienced moonshiners would also advise you to add one tsp for every 10 liters of raw. soda (food). It is needed for the saponification of esters, as well as the neutralization of organic acids.

First, to make alcohol at home, you need to start heating the assembly complete with moonshine. When the contents of the distillation cube reach a temperature of about 60 degrees, the heat should be reduced to the “working” one, which we indicated above. The product outlet will need to be shut off and the column “work for itself” for about half an hour (no less). It is important that for safety reasons you have an atmospheric choke open (or any other connection to the atmosphere, for example, in the case of "Yerevan" it is an unpressurized removable cover). If the raw alcohol starts to ooze from the atmosphere, you need to reduce the heat, as You are faced with a common phenomenon - choking.

It is important that in order to obtain high-quality alcohol, the temperature of the product must be sufficiently high (much higher than room temperature). This is explained by the fact that the temperature difference between the steam entering the column and the reflux must be minimal for an effective heat and mass transfer process.

For the production of edible alcohol, after the installation has "worked for itself", it is necessary to establish an effective selection rate. In the case of Yerevan, this is 350 ml / h. But it is important to take into account that the "heads" for obtaining alcohol from food raw materials should be taken as slowly as possible, at a rate of about 30-40 ml / h. They will make up about 2% of the raw alcohol poured into the distillation still and contain impurities that significantly degrade the quality of the product. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to quickly make alcohol, we have to disappoint you: no way.

We return to the question - how to make good alcohol at home! After the selection of “heads” (which, by the way, smell of acetone, and their strength, if you do everything right, should be about 94-95% by volume), the selection of the next, intermediate, fraction will begin - recycled alcohol. It, as a rule, makes up 10-30% of the distilled raw alcohol and is not an alcohol of the “alpha” group, which is exactly what we want to make alcohol at home.

The amount of recycled alcohol is determined thanks to the Lang test: add 200 mg of potassium permanganate to 1 liter of water, mix and incubate for 2 days. After this time, the test solution is considered ready! Take 50 ml of rectified, add 1 ml of solution and note the time. Then you need to take the same amount of water and add the same amount of solution - this will be a sample for comparing the rate of acquiring the same color with rectified alcohol. If raw alcohol acquired such a color in less than 10-20 minutes (everyone has different requirements for alcohol), then this is circulating alcohol. If more than this time, then this is a food fraction.

So, if you are thinking about how to make alcohol at home, you should know that you will definitely need to do a Lang test.

The food fraction, like the tail fraction, in our case should be taken at a rate of about 350 ml/h. It usually ends when the boiling point reaches 85 gr. (but it may end a little earlier, for example, at 82 gr., If the organoleptic properties of the rectified product no longer satisfy). Rectification, as a rule, is continued until the bottom temperature reaches 98 g. Then the heating is turned off.

Both recycled alcohol and the tail fraction will be useful to you for subsequent rectifications, because they contain a large amount of ethyl alcohol. How to get ethyl alcohol from these fractions is the same as we described above.

Now you know how to make 96° alcohol!