Sewing production of children's clothing business plan. Tailoring of children's clothing as a business

Clothing is one of the most sought after products on the market today. It tends to wear out and go out of fashion. And the most relevant product is children's clothing, which parents buy for their children much more often than for themselves. Children grow out of seasonal clothes very quickly, and they are also more likely to get dirty and not worn as neatly as adults. Therefore, the business of selling children's clothing has its own prospects. At the same time, craftsmen who know how to sew clothes on their own can easily establish the production and sale of products. For a competent approach and successful activity, you will need to draw up a business plan for tailoring children's clothing, which will allow you to develop your business with minimal financial risks. We will present an example of such a business plan for a garment production in this article.

Project Summary

The production of children's clothing is relevant in any city in the country, because there are children everywhere. Work in small towns is promising, because the cost of premises and wages for employees is lower. And wholesale deliveries can be arranged in any city of the country. We will consider a business plan for tailoring children's clothing with calculations for launching a project in a small city with a population of about 300 thousand people. The return on investment will be potentially high.

For high production productivity, you will need to rent a small room for the installation of equipment, mannequins for the presentation of models. The sale will be carried out both directly in the atelier and in bulk (to wholesalers and children's clothing stores), as well as on order.

The work schedule of the production shop at the first stage: 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 19:00. If it is necessary to fulfill a large order, there will be a transition to shift work.

  • Clothing for children from 0 to 12 years.
  • Clothing for teenagers from 12 to 16 years.
  • Pajamas for children from 3 to 10 years.
  • Masquerade costumes for preschoolers.
  • School clothes.
  • Holiday outfits (dresses, suits and shirts).

Main clients:

  • Retail customers (women with children under 16 years of age with an average and above average income).
  • Wholesale buyers (wholesale suppliers, children's clothing stores in their own and neighboring regions).
  • Schools, children's centers, recreation centers.

Main risks:

So that risks do not interfere with dynamic development, they should be foreseen in advance and minimize their occurrence.

Business registration

You can also sew clothes for sale at home without registration, however, if you plan to increase production in order to increase profits and build your brand, you will need to register with the tax authorities. For a small production workshop, it will be enough to obtain a certificate of an individual entrepreneur. Investments in registration are minimal, about 1,000 rubles. It is also necessary to choose the optimal taxation system. We choose the STS 15% and indicate the OKVED code 14.1 “Production of clothing, except for clothing made of fur”, corresponding to our activity.

The production of children's clothing is subject to certification. To do this, we need to submit documents to the appropriate authority:

  • IP registration certificate.
  • TIN taxpayer certificate.
  • Lease contract.
  • Copies of certificates and sanitary-epidemiological conclusions for materials.
  • Permission of SES and fire inspection for compliance with the requirements.

It is best to contact a consulting company, where this service will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Room search

To carry out activities, a room on the ground floor or in a separate building will be required. Active cross is not required, because. this is not a product of impulsive demand, and most buyers will come to advertising or on the recommendation of friends. The cost of the premises is 30 sq. m will be about 15 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will have to spend on repairing the area in order to obtain the appropriate permission from the SES and the fire department. We will carry out minor cosmetic repairs in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

To pay utility bills, it is necessary to allocate an amount of approximately 5-7 thousand rubles a month. It will increase with the increase in production volumes and will consist of 90% of the payment for electricity, because. equipment requires increased loading.

When choosing a room, we will focus on its condition, price, the presence of large windows, because. natural lighting, serviceable and powerful electrical wiring is necessary, since it is possible to increase the number of electrical equipment over time. There must be no humidity in the room.

The room will need to be zoned or initially choose a room that is divided into several zones:

  • Work room.
  • Stock.
  • Manager's office.
  • Recreation area for employees.

We pay immediately for 3 months. In total, the initial investment in renting the workshop premises is 45 thousand rubles.


Normal productivity will require at least 2 dressmakers. When choosing a seamstress for the workshop, preference should be given to experienced specialists who have relevant experience. The salary for a seamstress should be piecework, which will depend on the volume of products and their cost. The average salary is 20 thousand rubles per month. If we plan to initially hire 2 seamstresses, we should take into account the payment of wages in the amount of 40 thousand rubles. As soon as the number and volume of orders grow, 2-3 more people will need to be hired.

At the first stage, the entrepreneur will perform the functions of the designer independently, as well as supervise administrative issues.

Procurement of equipment and materials

The production shop needs the appropriate materials and equipment. It is important to purchase high-quality sewing machines that will work smoothly and perform their assigned functions.

With maximum attention and responsibility, we will select and purchase materials for sewing children's clothing, because environmental friendliness and quality of fabrics must be certified, because. we will also sew clothes for children from 0 to 3 years old. The seller of fabrics must have the relevant documents; without them, production cannot be started.

We will need to purchase:

Name Amount, rub.
Sewing machine (3 pcs.) 30 000
Overlock 10 000
Coverlock 7 000
Cover stitching machine 10 000
steam generator 7 000
Iron (2 pcs.) 5 000
Buttonhole and buttonhole machines 20 000
Inventory (scissors, needles, rulers, glue, crayons, etc.) 10 000
Tables for sewing machines (3 pcs.) 15 000
Cutting tables (2 pcs.) 10 000
Chairs 10 000
Shelving 10 000
Recreation area equipment 30 000
Materials (fabrics, threads) 50 000
Table lamps for each seamstress (3 pcs.) 1 500
General lighting lamps 1 500
Commercial equipment (racks, racks with tripoli and several mannequins) 15 000
Total 235 000

Equipment and materials will be the main item of starting costs for opening a children's clothing production.

Advertising and marketing

The entrepreneur himself will be engaged in the search for customers and buyers. The first step is to create an electronic and printed product catalog. Offers will be sent electronically to shops and wholesale buyers. To begin with, we will register a group and an account on social networks, where they will find offers, new products, promotions, manufacturer contacts.

Printed catalogs will be distributed to the administration of retail outlets to study the assortment and prices.

The main sales channel will be online sales and the signing of a cooperation agreement with shops, schools and other children's institutions for the tailoring of school uniforms and costumes for performances. You can distribute flyers in the centers of the target audience (schools, kindergartens, recreation centers, sports and culture palaces).

A small amount should be allocated monthly for the promotion of the group (targeting) and the printing of flyers and 1000 copies of catalogs, a total of 30 thousand rubles.

Income and expenses

In this section, we will summarize all start-up and monthly costs, plan the production volume, estimated profit and determine the rate of return on investment.

Starting costs


From the first month, it will not be possible to reach the required profitability indicator. Profitability is planned after reaching 50% of the possible load. In the first months, the plans are to sew according to individual orders of individuals and gradually acquire wholesale customers. Also, in the first months, a wide range of clothing models will be developed and formed.

For the third month, the approximate production plan will be:

After deducting the price of materials, about 140 thousand rubles will remain.

Determine the difference between income and expenses:

140,000 - 75,000 \u003d 65,000 rubles.

After deducting taxes, about 55 thousand rubles will remain. The profitability of the project under such conditions will be close to 50%. The payback period will be up to 10 months of active work.


Own production of children's clothing is a very profitable business. Especially if you rush to find buyers and establish uninterrupted work and a full load of masters. The plans for the year are to increase the volume of orders, purchase equipment for another 5 seamstresses, expand the range and work for wholesale buyers. In addition, work will be underway on its own brand of children's clothing. It is planned to create an online store for retail and wholesale in small and medium batches.

Tailoring children's clothing will be beneficial if you know its features. Prices for goods for children may be the same as for adults. Make a business plan for the future enterprise on your own or with the help of a specialist. This is necessary so that you understand how long your business will pay off, and have an idea about what kind of business it will be, what moments you will have to face.

For the production of children's clothing, certification is required. To do this, register a company with the tax office. In the SES of your city you get a certificate of hygiene. The certificate indicates the fabrics from which you will sew clothes. Not all fabrics can be used, but only permitted ones (for this, contact the SES for a list of fabrics from which children's clothing can be made). For all fabrics, a technical passport is drawn up. In the city center of patents, they must obtain a certificate of conformity for those types of fabrics that are in the certificate, providing samples. In Russia, certificates are issued for a period of one year, and certificates are paid. You cannot produce clothes without certificates, this can damage your business with a fine or closure.

It is possible to bypass certification by letting contractors (workshop, factory) sew clothes under your trademark. Contractors are self-certified. Accordingly, you do not need to spend money on certification, and there is no need to pay wages to your employees, purchase equipment, etc. You will only have to pay for the purchase of fabric and sewing accessories. The price of goods in such production will include the cost of tailoring in a workshop or factory.

Depending on the niche in which you will work and the products you will sew, equipment is selected (sewing machines, sewing machines, carpet lock, overlock, iron, steam generator, cutting knives, possibly buttonhole or buttonhole machines). Auxiliary equipment is also needed (cutting table, rack, tables for sewing machines, etc.). If you plan to hire hired workers, then it will be necessary to purchase household appliances such as a kettle, microwave oven, refrigerator, etc.

If a sewing studio or workshop is planned, it is necessary to rent a room. The area of ​​such a room will depend on the number of jobs and the volume of products produced (for a small studio, 40 sq.m of area is enough). The location also depends on the fact that you intend to organize a workshop or atelier. It is better to rent an area for an atelier in places where there are places with a large concentration of children nearby (kindergartens, dance clubs, shopping centers, schools, kindergartens, etc.). It is better to rent an area for a sewing workshop outside the city, where rent is usually cheaper, or in industrial areas, the first floors of non-residential buildings.

When organizing a sewing workshop or an atelier for tailoring children's clothes, the right choice of employees plays an important role. If possible (in large cities this is not a problem), take courses in personnel management, this will help to avoid very serious mistakes in the future. After all, you can hire people who are not professionals and pay them the minimum wage, or you can hire specialists and give half of the profits to pay employees. The quality of work in the first and second cases will differ, as well as the profit from the atelier or workshop. When hiring unskilled personnel, they usually need to be trained, or retrained for production and equipment. In order to find a balance between the quality of products and the price of goods, it is necessary to gain skills in personnel management through training or courses (perhaps even online).

Sewing has been and remains a profitable business. The profitability of an enterprise depends on the assessment of competition in the market, the correct choice of the field of activity, financial capabilities and marketing plan.

Market analysis

First you need to choose the target audience. If the business develops from a small workshop or atelier, then you need to focus on the financial ability of buyers in your city. If there are plans to develop an online store, then the purchasing power throughout the country or even abroad is analyzed.

Today, people pay more attention to the quality of clothing than to its appearance. The second, however, is also important. It is believed that the clothes of foreign manufacturers have the best quality, but not everyone can afford to buy products of foreign brands.

Today, people are trying to find an alternative to foreign brands and choose a domestic manufacturer. More and more Russian designers are becoming famous, word of mouth allows the brand to become more popular.

You need to pay attention to the product that is not widely represented on the market, but is in demand. With regard to children's clothing, the competition is quite strong, so you have to come up with a twist for your business in order to attract the attention of customers.

The biggest competition among manufacturers of clothing for children from 0 to 2 years.

Registration and organization of business

A feature of the production of goods for children of any category, whether it be clothes or toys, is mandatory quality certification. The product must be made from materials that are safe for the child.

The certificate will be required not only for large production, but also for a small studio. The cost of the document is at least 20 thousand rubles. You can order the manufacture of products at a specialized factory. In this case, it will be necessary to provide sketches and patterns, and then engage in the marketing of finished products. Thus, there is a saving on premises, equipment, labor, documentation.

Required Documentation

Any business needs official registration as a legal entity.

The following documents are required to open a PE:

  • statement;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • registration receipt.

To form an LLC, you will need:

  • company charter;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • certificate of business registration.

You can complete the paperwork yourself in two months. The cost ranges from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

To obtain a certificate for the production of children's clothing, you need:

  • be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • be registered with the tax office;
  • apply to the SES at the place of residence.

The service will be provided with a list of fabrics from which children's clothing can be sewn. For each type of fabric there is a technical passport. Fabric samples are provided to the City Patent Center. The certificate is issued for one year only. In its absence, the enterprise may be closed, in the best case, the owner will have to pay a fine.

Premises and equipment

The choice of premises depends on the scale of production. Employees can work from home. This option is suitable for small batches, if there is one store or a small distribution for wholesale. The number of products can be increased by increasing the number of home workers. In this case, the main costs will be for transport services, first you will need to bring the fabric to the employee, then pick up the finished product.

For a large volume, it is more advisable to rent a workshop. Perhaps there will be a profitable offer for the purchase of the building.

The largest part of the costs is the payment of rent and utilities. Immediately you need to take care of good electrical wiring, heating and other amenities. It is not advisable to rent a building that needs major repairs.

If we take a medium-sized workshop with 10 employees, then a room of 100 square meters will be enough. If there are more jobs, the average floor area will be 400 square meters.

The building will consist of:

  • working area;
  • warehouse area;
  • utility room;
  • office rooms;
  • boiler room.

If the scale does not exceed the studio, then it can be 40-60 square meters. Ateliers for tailoring children's clothing should be located in places where children gather:

  1. Near kindergartens.
  2. Near schools.
  3. Near development centers.
  4. Near dance schools.
  5. Near shopping centers.

It is cheaper to rent a production workshop outside the city, it will cost less, even taking into account the transportation of workers from the city. It is profitable to rent the first floors of non-residential premises in an industrial zone.

From the equipment you will need:

  • Sewing machines;
  • overlocks;
  • coverlocks;
  • sewing machines;
  • steam generator;
  • iron;
  • cutting knives;
  • loop machines;
  • button machines;
  • presses for wet heat treatment.

Of the fittings, each worker must be provided with scissors, needles, rulers, glue, crayons, etc. It would seem a trifle, but without these devices the work will not take place.

From furniture you will need:

  • cutting tables;
  • tables for sewing machines;
  • chairs;
  • shelving.

The rest of the furniture and household appliances will be needed for the comfort of workers. Wardrobes, refrigerator, kettle, microwave, etc.

Fabrics and supplies

There are special requirements for the quality of the fabric. You can sew clothes for children only from special materials, the list will be provided by the local SES. The fabric must be harmless, of high quality.

Fabrics for production are purchased either from wholesalers or directly from the factory. When buying fabric at retail, there is a risk of operating at a loss.

Thanks to the Internet, you can buy fabrics from abroad. On the part of the buyer, you will only need to overpay for shipping.

The most popular fabrics for the production of children's clothing:

  • jersey;
  • flannel;
  • velours;
  • bike;
  • interlock;
  • mahr.

Colors depend on the design, it can be pastel colors and bright ones. Additionally, ribbons, lace, beads, zippers, buttons, buttons, etc. are purchased.


The quality of clothing depends not only on the materials used. Of great importance is the cut and tailoring. That is why it is impossible to save on personnel in any case. Employees must be with specialized education and work experience. Workers without experience can be attracted to perform additional duties.

Main workers:

  1. Cutter.
  2. Designer.
  3. Technologist.
  4. Seamstresses.
  5. Accountant.
  6. Purchasing manager.
  7. Sales Manager.

Some responsibilities at the first stage, the owner of the business can take over. You can immediately trust the professionals.

Most often, at a sewing enterprise, the form of payment depends on the output. Also, the more difficult the work, the higher the rate per hour or per product.

Advertising and sales

Orientation should be directed to wholesale sales. So you can quickly get rid of products and reach a profit due to rapid turnover. Wholesale buyers can be wholesale bases, retail stores, sales agents.

You can advertise in newspapers, online publications, make your own website and page on social networks. The method of promotion is the distribution of leaflets, presentations at exhibitions, printing in specialized children's magazines. If the price matches the quality, then there will be no problems with sales. It is advisable to add from 100 to 200% to the cost of production.

You can open your own stores where the brand will be presented.

The financial component of the business

Cost of opening and maintaining

The main costs will go to:

  • rent of premises - 70 thousand rubles;
  • certification - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 700 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • payment for utilities;
  • employee salaries;
  • advertising.

The opening of a medium-sized workshop will require about 1 million rubles. Such production will produce about 50-100 units of goods per day. If it is planned to produce more than 200 units of goods per day, then 10 million rubles will need to be invested. When compiling a business plan, the average cost of one unit of goods and the time spent on its manufacture are taken into account.

Size of future income

With a markup of 100% per month, you can earn from 100 thousand rubles. When the brand begins to be recognizable and wins the trust of the audience, it will be possible to independently regulate profits by expanding production.

Payback period

Subject to all points of the business plan, you can achieve payback in 1 year. The profitability of the business is about 30%.

The advantage is the off-season business. It is also worth remembering that children grow up quickly, so every year they need new clothes. There will always be a demand for children's clothing, even in times of crisis.

The sewing business is ideal for creative people, housewives and women who are on maternity leave. Also, anyone who has skills in needlework and wants to have additional income without leaving their own apartment can achieve success in their sewing business.

Video: How to make a do-it-yourself sling for newborns

What to sew for sale: DIY bags

Do it yourself, the process is not easy, you need to have a lot of patience. Anyone can even make a bag, but it can be done beautifully by a person who should love it. If you have a craving for needlework, then it's never too late to learn. Many women of different ages love exclusive things. But mostly these are young girls, 25-35 years old, who like to look beautiful.

In order to start a business, sewing bags. If you are familiar enough with a sewing machine, then learning, you do not need to. If not, then you will need to pay from 600 to 2000 rubles, it all depends on how much you study.

There are many subtleties for sewing bags, and for this you will need to go to additional courses. It is possible for beginner seamstresses to develop in the professional field. Next, you need to collect information. You will need to go online and look at a few lessons. To begin with, you will need to collect 15 models of different bags. This is enough for you for the first time.

In the future, you will be able to make models of bags yourself, and you will not need courses. You first need to buy a sewing machine, not necessarily very expensive. Buy a sewing and embroidery machine so that it can sew with access to a computer.

With these features on your typewriter, you will be able to make a lot of drawings, which will increase your work in value. The cost of materials is directly dependent on you. Depending on how many you have, there will be so many orders, and never buy a lot at once. Try not to throw anything away. After all, from small pieces of fabric, you can sew a fashionable bag. The income from this business depends on you. Decorating bags, pay as much attention as possible, because the appearance of the bag is the most important thing. Get ideas from famous designers. It will take you 400-600 rubles to make a bag, depending on what you will make it from. You can sell it for 2000 - 3000 rubles, again depending on which picture is on the bag, then the price can reach up to 6000 - 7000 rubles. Write your plan.

Important! Do not try to offer your bags to branded stores, they will not take it. Try to offer your bags to friends, this is the best option. If you decide to earn a lot, open your website and sell bags through it. You can invite partners and jointly create a website and sell your products on it.

This is very profitable, and a lot of visitors will come to your site. Show your imagination, your business idea will definitely work and you will succeed.

Ethno-themed tailoring is an interesting business idea

The freshness and novelty of this business will be the main advantage. The quick payback of the business will allow you to bring the business to an average level with a good profit in a short time. Having captured the essence, you can generate interesting design and style ideas.

Clothing with ethnic motifs adapted to modern people always looks very beautiful. And for a seamstress, this is not just a job, but an exciting hobby that brings income. By studying the customs and colors of the peoples of the world, you can create exquisite masterpieces. There are many lovers of this type of clothing today. And your kind of small business will be profitable.

If you decide to develop your sewing business in this direction, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time studying the literature. Look for original stories abroad. You should also think about how the finished product will be marketed. Do not forget that you can open your own branches on the forums for free, tell us about your sewing business. If the business is in demand, you can create your own online store to trade not only in your hometown, but also send orders throughout the country.

DIY baby slings

Perhaps this is one of the most original, but at the same time simple ideas for making money at home. The whole process of making a sling will take hardly a few hours. You also do not need start-up capital, but free time and a desire to work will not hurt. Having won the trust of customers, start sewing children's things. It is not difficult to organize tailoring for newborn babies. sewing for children will not leave you without selling finished products. A sewing workshop with your own hands allows you to earn good money.

A sling is a piece of fabric with which a mother can take her baby with her during almost any task. At the same time, the woman's hands are free, and the load on the spine is regulated by the way the sling is put on. If you decide to start making such a thing for children, then you will need to get a little theoretical training. On the Internet, there is a lot of information in the public domain on the topic of how to sew slings with your own hands.

The simplest is a sling scarf. This is a fabric, the length of which is from two to six meters, and the width is from half a meter to a meter. The material is used as natural as possible (knitted sling) so that the child and mother do not feel discomfort during use. Popular models for making: sling backpack, sling scarves.

How to make a do-it-yourself sling for newborns

For simple sewing do-it-yourself sling with rings you need:

  • 1. Prepare a fabric rectangle 220 cm long and 80 cm wide.
  • 2. Finish the edges.
  • 3. Thread one edge of the fabric into both rings and sew.

How to sew sling scarf(Fig. 2):

  • 1. Cut out a rectangle of the selected length. Fabric width - 60 cm.
  • 2. Finish the edges.

Tailoring of children's clothing: business pros and cons + step-by-step guide + key points of certification and registration + market analysis + 7 purchase criteria + product manufacturing features + marketing and advertising policies + calculations.

An interesting and tempting type of entrepreneurial activity is the tailoring of children's clothing. Its attractiveness is dictated by the opportunity to realize themselves to creative people and the demand for products.

In order not to fail, you should familiarize yourself with this industry in detail, take into account all its features. You need to draw up a business plan, because. this is not just a formality, but a necessity, because it will allow you to form a clear idea of ​​​​the concept, payback periods, etc.

And we will help you in its development.

Pros and cons of a children's clothing business

  • for babies,
  • nursery children,
  • preschool age,
  • teenagers,
  • holiday and everyday wear,
  • also underwear.

The entrepreneur is not limited to these options. They are also engaged in sewing clothes that are worn in different seasons and in certain climatic zones.

  • jackets,
  • pullovers,
  • warm clothes for cold weather
  • lightweight products designed to be worn in the summer.

And for those who do not want to "tie" tailoring to the seasons, you can produce all-season / demi-season children's clothing. Tailoring things for children has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

Benefits of a tailoring business:

  • acceptable level of competition;
  • relatively small investment;
  • the possibility of tailoring according to your own design, creating a personal collection;
  • wide target audience;
  • there is no need to have a seamstress diploma, it is enough to take appropriate courses and have experience;
  • the ability to start tailoring on a small scale at first, and then expand as sales increase;
  • potentially high profitability, etc.

The disadvantages include:

  • time-consuming and costly formation of an assortment of children's clothing;
  • high risks of insolvency in case of ignorance of all aspects of the industry;
  • the application of considerable efforts for the sale of items of children's wardrobe.

What you need to organize tailoring of children's clothing: a guide to action

The program for opening an enterprise for sewing children's clothes involves choosing the format of work. It can be atelier, mass or individual production.

The division of labor in the workshop (studio) occurs between workers as follows:

  1. The cutter takes measurements from the client, after which they discuss how the children's clothing will look (color, style, etc.)
  2. Then a sketch of the future children's product is drawn, accessories, type of fabric are selected, patterns are created.
  3. Next, the client goes through the final fitting, on the basis of which the base pattern is made.

The tailor is responsible for cutting and tailoring children's clothing. In mass production, you need to open a workshop or factory that requires more labor and equipment, since tailoring will be done in batches.

Bespoke tailoring involves the creation of single pieces of clothing to order at home. A private craftsman makes products according to the measurements that are taken from the child, taking into account all the features of the figure and preferences.

Tailoring at home, despite the competition from hundreds of retailers and online stores, is relevant both in the metropolis and in the city with an average population. There are many people who prefer to buy children's clothes, which were sewn by the master.

In addition, the customer has the opportunity to specify the style, color of clothing. The amount of initial investment, the amount of profit depends on the concept you choose.

Further actions can be represented by a list:

1. Market research of children's clothing consumers.

The annual volume of the sphere of tailoring of children's clothing is 3 billion dollars out of 8 billion dollars of the turnover of the entire market of children's goods.

The children's clothing market is conditionally divided into price segments:

  • low (85%),
  • medium (10%),
  • premium (5%, almost all of it is occupied by foreign products, mainly Italian).

The cost of children's outfits in the budget segment starts from $ 5. In the premium segment, it reaches $ 100. The low price segment is the most capacious. It is represented by children's clothing, tailoring of which is carried out in Turkey and China, Finland, Singapore, Germany.

It is imported and sold at specialized fairs, clothing outlets. The share of children's imported clothing accounts for 82% of the market, the remaining 18% are products made by Russian manufacturers.

Children's clothes are exported from Russia to Ukraine, Poland, Azerbaijan, Latvia, etc.
An essential criterion that parents are guided by when buying products of a low price segment is the price.

However, relying only on these data is not worth it, since the overall picture shows that the demand for tailoring children's clothing depends not only on the cost of goods and the level of income of parents. It is formed by the need to constantly update the children's wardrobe. And since If the birth rate increases, then the demand remains quite high.

Among all expenses for children, clothes account for a significant share:

Even in a crisis, consumers do not save on their children. During the year, one average family spends more than 12 thousand rubles on sewing and buying children's clothes, which is about 16% of the family budget.

By 2020, it will be a priority for children aged 5-9 years. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the volume of sewing such children's things as skirts, tights, dresses. Next come the outerwear, trousers and blouses, suits. In last place are children's jackets and shirts.

Consumption levels are higher among female children. "Boy's" clothes are purchased somewhat less frequently. Many parents order tailoring of children's clothes in the same style with them, as well as replicas of outfits from elite brands.

The criteria for buying children's clothing are:

  • environmental safety, quality (tailoring from natural fabrics);
  • wearing comfort;
  • reliability in operation;
  • a wide range of products, a choice;
  • brand (brand awareness);
  • price;
  • emotional aspect (to please the child) and other aesthetic requirements.

Russian families have a different approach to the acquisition of children's things. The moment of making a purchase, the nature of the buyer also matter. For example, the choice of a winter jacket by one category of buyers takes place in specialized children's stores, attention is drawn to the combination of technological and visual characteristics.

Market potential:

Among the domestic and foreign manufacturers leading the tailoring of children's clothing, they compete with the young entrepreneur:

  • Massimo Duti;
  • Gloria Jeans;
  • The world of childhood;
  • Arctic;
  • Rikki-tikki;
  • Inditex-Zara;
  • Benetton;
  • Three sliders;
  • Bright;
  • SELA;
  • Adidas;
  • cheeky;
  • Bombus;
  • Unistyle;
  • Bershka and others.

In the field of online sales of children's goods, Asos (40%) and Zalando (15%) have more weight. The competition among the elite segment of children's products is made up of foreign manufacturers engaged in tailoring clothes for consumers aged 0-4 years.

2. Registration and certification of tailoring of children's clothing.

A certificate of conformity is provided for 1-3 years and costs a lot of money (for an atelier - from 20 thousand rubles). Be prepared for the fact that in the end the amount may turn out to be much more. Either the entire production or each batch of children's clothing is subject to mandatory certification.

If this mandatory condition is ignored, tailoring will have to be stopped due to penalties, which are fraught not only with high costs, but also with the closure of the workshop. The certificate indicates the types of fabrics that you will use.

Please note, there are textile fabrics from which you can sew, but there are prohibited ones. The SES can provide you with a list of fabrics allowed for use in the manufacture of children's clothing.

On the fabric make up a technical passport. By providing fabric samples to the specialists of the city patent center and a receipt for payment for the service, you will receive a certificate of conformity.

Then the contractor will take care of everything. And this is the most optimal way of doing business in tailoring children's clothing for people who do not have experience in the industry and a sufficient amount of money.

In addition, with such a scheme of work, an entrepreneur will not resort to spending on finding and hiring workers for his own production, buying sewing machines, or renting premises. The costs will be used to pay for the service and the purchase of consumables for tailoring.

However, this format of activity is not entirely win-win. The cost of children's clothing will have to include the cost of tailoring it at the factory + your own margin, so as not to work at 0 or even at a loss. The final price will be too high for the buyer, and there will be a high probability that children's clothes will not be bought from you in a big way.

When choosing a form of ownership, it is better to stop at an individual entrepreneur. This format is preferred due to the low tax rate. Also accounting is more simplified.

When specifying OKVED, you should use the following codes:

Think carefully about the brand that is also registered (about 1.5 thousand rubles). For the legal tailoring of children's clothing, you still need to obtain permission from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspectorate.

After these steps are completed, you need to visit the bank to open an account. All paperwork will take at least 2 months.

Features of tailoring children's clothing to order

At first, strive for sewing a small amount of clothing for children. Starting small, you will see what kind of children's clothing is in great demand and then you will already "grow".

In large factories, tailoring occurs approximately as follows:

When tailoring children's clothing in the format of industrial production, it is necessary to rationally use materials and take into account the complexity of fabric processing. This will help reduce the cost of products, make tailoring more efficient.

The economic model is the careful design of children's clothing, the use of advanced technology, the installation of high-performance automatic machines.

1) What equipment should I buy for tailoring?

When buying equipment, the concept you have chosen is of great importance.

It can be:

Lockstitch sewing machines (at least 3 units)
Units for wrapping slices (overlocks)
Hardware installation mechanisms
Steam generator with iron
Cutting knives
Button hardware

Sewing machines are supplied with spare parts, small-scale mechanization devices, and a variety of needles.

You will also need special furniture:

  • cutting tables,
  • shelving,
  • chairs,
  • table lamps for better lighting,
  • lockers where accessories will be located,
  • sewing tools.

There is also a need for trash cans, mannequins, stationery (crayons, cardboard, rulers, hole punches, various scissors, glue), a staff wardrobe, a cooler. It is necessary to arrange a place for employees to have lunch, and these are additional ones: a table, chairs, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a kettle, etc.

More reliable equipment for sewing children's products is made in Germany. It has a long service life and does not spoil the textile fabric. For cutting, take large tables, and you can take ordinary school desks as workers.

2) Location of the enterprise for tailoring children's things.

If the entrepreneur decides to engage in tailoring at home, there will be no need to search for premises. For a sewing workshop, 70 sq. m of area, for the studio less - 30-40 sq. m. You need to rent a room located on the ground floor or basement.

Rental costs vary by region. When purchasing a site for a tailoring workshop, try to keep it close to educational institutions, kindergartens, entertainment centers, etc.

You can settle in the center of the village or rent a room in a large residential area, in a garment factory, state-owned. Naturally, it must be equipped with electricity, water supply, sewerage, a bathroom, meet all the requirements of the fire department and SES.

The room may need to be renovated, then another article will be added to the main expenses. Therefore, look closely at the options with a ready-made overhaul. The arrangement of a workshop for sewing children's things must be approached responsibly.

Typewriters and tables are usually located against the wall, and the cutting table is located near the window. Racks with accessories, fabrics and other materials are installed near each workplace. Equipment and furniture should be located so that personnel can move freely without interfering with each other.

Wall shelves will allow you to compactly place everything. A wardrobe for storing ready-made children's clothes is placed where it is convenient for you. If you purchase modern models of equipment with backlighting, you can avoid purchasing lamps.

3) What auxiliary materials are needed for tailoring children's clothes?

In addition to fabrics, the entrepreneur must buy:

  • threads of different colors,
  • buttons,
  • fasteners,
  • buttons,
  • sew-on appliqué,
  • thimbles,
  • awl,
  • tapes,
  • fillings,
  • size labels,
  • gum,
  • beads and other decorative items,
  • hangers,
  • packaging.

If there will be tailoring of children's clothing of a low price segment, for example, underwear, products for babies up to a year old, pajamas, it is advisable to save on raw materials and thereby reduce the cost. This is achieved through the purchase of consumables in bulk on the basis (it is expensive in offline stores), painstakingly searching for a better offer.

The best option is to purchase directly from the manufacturer, via the Internet. When purchasing a textile fabric for sewing, make sure that it is harmless, at least above average quality.

You can save money on tailoring children's clothes only through cheap labor. Such are the graduates of technical schools. True, such savings can play a cruel joke. If you hire inexperienced workers, the quality of tailoring will suffer, there will be high turnover, downtime and other troubles that reduce profits and worsen the reputation of the enterprise.

You may not yet know what fabric to buy.

In the list we have identified the most popular:

The color scheme is supposed to be varied: bright, pastel colors, with drawings. Popular colors: blue, pink, yellow, black, white, green.

Take care of the uninterrupted supply of fabrics. It should be understood that some materials need to be bought only to order, and some for the future.

4) Recruitment of personnel for the organization of tailoring.

In order for a children's wardrobe sewing enterprise to work, a labor force is needed.


If, nevertheless, you are not going to save on labor (which is correct), look for professionals. The search for masters for tailoring is carried out on the Internet, newspapers, with the help of personal connections, agencies.

By taking on the role of a sewing shop manager or a sales manager, you will cut costs. Piecework wages can be set for everyone involved in tailoring. Such a system will motivate employees.

The level of their income depends on the complexity of tailoring, productivity, working hours. Decide how much staff can produce children's clothing per shift. This will affect the capacity of the workshop, the size of the initial investment.

5) Sales and advertising policy in the tailoring of children's clothing.

A novice entrepreneur needs to think in advance about the distribution channels through which clothes will be sold. Experienced tailors recommend focusing on wholesale sales.

Finding clients is half the battle. Only with an increase in orders, sewing children's products will bring good money. Try to comply with the requirements of the buyer.

You can distribute things after sewing through:

  • regional children's clothing stores;
  • department stores;
  • shopping centers;
  • internet sales.

You can build relationships with leading retailers across the country. There are more than 70 of them. Among them are Daughters and Sons, Kari Kids, Bubble Gum, Metro, Korablik, Yours, Acoola, etc. They sell 15-20% of children's products.

Open markets account for 65%, department stores and chains, where children's clothes are an additional trade line, 15%. On the market, clothes are sold at a price lower by 10-25%. Boutiques sell elite, imported items. Department stores usually distribute children's garments in the middle price segment.

Online retail still has its downsides. Many complain about the deterioration of the terms of cooperation, and distribution becomes less relevant. Representatives of the retail chain require a high entry fee, delivery of a certain amount of clothing, and just in time, and, in addition, dictate prices at their own discretion.

Entrepreneurs involved in tailoring children's clothing are dissatisfied with the return of products, low sales volumes, non-payments. They are trying to create their own mono-brand networks, which is guaranteed to increase margins.

So the decision on the account of sales channels is individual. Just take it into service, despite all the attractiveness and negative aspects of each of them, the majority still buys children's clothing in the clothing market (up to 60%). Stores account for 30%, the remaining 10% are purchases in pavilions and other small retail.

So make an effort to provide high-quality, attentive customer service, and this will be the best advertising option. However, others should not be ignored.

When developing an advertising campaign, consider the thrift of buyers. 59% of the population try to buy clothes for babies and other children's products on a promotional basis, save money through sales and discounts. The remaining 41% of Russians pay less attention to special price offers.

Be sure to create your own web resource with a clothing catalog, prices, contacts, and even better, an online store.

How to start a sewing business?

Equipment for the sewing business. Profitability
sewing business.

6) Financial calculations for opening a workshop for tailoring children's clothing.

Before implementing your idea, pre-calculate all costs. This will help you determine the necessary investment for tailoring, profitability, and make forecasts regarding profit.

The cost of running a tailor shop is approximately as follows:

  • certification and registration - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • basic equipment - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • additional equipment + furniture - from 400 thousand rubles;
  • rent - 30-70 thousand rubles, for an atelier - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • materials, inventory - from 350 thousand rubles;
  • packaging (inserts, stickers) - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • wages - 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • communal apartment - from 25 thousand rubles.

You also need to consider taxes. In total, about 1.6 million rubles will be obtained. Monthly revenue averages 800 thousand rubles. The net profit that can be obtained from tailoring, as practice shows, can vary between 60-200 thousand rubles.

But all these figures are conditional, because. the value of both expenses and incomes depends on the scale of production and other factors. Profitability is about 30%. The payback period is more than a year.

To make tailoring children's clothing profitable, try to make a better offer than your competitors. Find a balance between quality, product range and price, although this is not easy.

Give things an original design, follow fashion trends. Apply your own developed management system, monitor the level of service to your customers.

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