Journal of quartzization in kindergarten sample filling. Quartz mode log

Since the cleaning of all premises except office rooms (staff rooms, office of senior m / s, etc.) is carried out using disinfectants. Therefore, you need to make a folder in which manuals and certificates for disinfectants used in the department, as well as calculations for all premises, will be stored. At st. m / s there should be data on the need for disinfectants for 1,3,6 months. So that at any moment she could present them to the main m / s for the purchase for the future, knowing her balance. Also, do not forget about the disinfection of waste materials and medical products, etc., and the pre-sterilization processing of instruments. For calculating disinfectants, it is imperative to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms. 1. S - area 2. L - cabinet length 3. H - cabinet height 4. D - cabinet width For example S - floor 6x4 = 24m. x 2 (if the ceiling is washed) L - 6 meters x 2 (2 walls) D - 4 meters x 2 (2 walls) H - 2.5 meters for gene.

Quartz treatment room

The couch, which is used to examine the patient, must be disinfected: a) after each patient 62. The issue of the volume of sanitization of the patient is decided by: b) the doctor 63.


Wiping eyelashes and eyelids should be done: d) from the outer corner of the eye to the inner 64. A sign of the second degree of bedsores: c) blisters 65. In case of kidney disease, diet No. is prescribed: b) 7 66.

High-calorie food, enhanced nutrition is prescribed for the disease: b) tuberculosis 67. The temperature of the water in a hot bath is (in ° C): b) 40-42 68.


How long is the first dressing after a hirudotherapy session (in hours): a) 24 69. Body temperature during the day fluctuates within (°C): c) 0.3-0.8 70.

Shelf life of potions, infusions, decoctions (in days): c) 3 71. Possible complication of intramuscular injection: a) infiltrate 72.

Urine for diastasis should be delivered to the laboratory in (in hours): d) immediately 73.

Nursing Forum

All surfaces are wiped in strict sequence - a table for sterile material, cabinets for sterile solutions, equipment, manipulation tables, chairs, couches for patients, walls at arm's length (1.5 m) from the window to the door. For cleaning, specially allocated cleaning equipment is used, which is clearly marked with an indication of the room, type of cleaning work and a specially allocated storage area.


After wet cleaning, bactericidal wall irradiators are turned on for 30 minutes, after which the room is ventilated. Cleaning equipment is disinfected after use.

Check the temperature in the refrigerator with a mark in the journal "accounting for the temperature regime", looks at the expiration dates of the medicines available in the refrigerator.

Treatment room quartzing mode: ?

At the end of the working day, after the end of the disinfection time, the m / s changes into a gown, puts on 2 pairs of gloves, glasses, squeezes the material from the disinfectant, puts it in waste bags, packs it into bags for Class B waste by ¾, carefully releases air from the bag, ties it on node, writes the department responsible for packaging and takes it to a Class B waste container. The order of the general cleaning of the office (you can also carry out the gene.
cleaning in wards and other premises). Get the full text General cleaning of the treatment room is carried out once a week (non-sterile rooms once a month) rags. All furniture is moved away from the walls to the middle of the office if the refrigerator is defrosted during the gene.

Schedules of quartzing in kindergarten, cleaning and airing in kindergarten

Infection control is a system of effective preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of hospital infections, based on the results of epidemic diagnostics. The goal of infection control is to reduce the morbidity, mortality and economic impact of nosocomial infections.

A hospital infection is any infectious disease that manifests itself in a hospital setting. Hospital-acquired infections also include cases of infection of medical workers of healthcare facilities that have arisen as a result of their professional activities.
To prevent nosocomial infection, the nurse is obliged to: separate outerwear and overalls, do not go out of the hospital in overalls, do not wear overalls during off-duty hours. Work in the treatment room begins with the current cleaning.

Sample journal-schedule of air disinfection in the treatment room

The amount of material to be sterilized must comply with the table below. For a mixed load, the following relationship is used: 1 gown = 1 sheet = 3 towels = 3 pairs of shoe covers = 14 surgical caps.

Nurses should be aware that filters in bixes are changed after 60 sterilizations with a mark in the sterilization quality record book. The nurse should clearly monitor the time of quartzization and airing of the office with a clear mark in the journal of quartzization of the cabinet.
On the inside page of the title page of the journal, it is obligatory to indicate: for example: Name of the department Neurological Name of the cabinet Procedural S - 21m2 V-63m3 Name of the bactericidal unit
Pay attention to how you wash your hands: -before using the product in the dispenser, pay attention if an active substance with a washing effect is added to the instructions, this means you do not need to wash your hands with soap before using the solution, after drying your hands with a disposable towel, put on Art. gloves; - if it is written on the bottle that liquid soap has an antiseptic effect, then after washing your hands, dry with a disposable towel and put on Art. gloves; - if it is written that it is a skin antiseptic, then wash your hands with soap for the time specified in the manual for using soap. M / s washes his hands under running water with soap for at least 2 minutes. (the time for soaping hands is indicated in the manuals for the specific name of the product used).

cabinet quartz chart example

All items from the sterile tray are taken by the branches without touching the working surface. Pour the solution from the vials (3% H2O2, 0.9% NACL, etc.) into sterile jars.
-m / s in the presence of a doctor performs dressing or assists him. After dressing, all the instruments are put into container No. 1 for washing, then transferred to container No. 2 for further disinfection, pre-sterilization treatment and sterilization. - the patient leaves, the sheet is removed from the couch, the couch is wiped 2 times with a disinfectant. Everything is being prepared anew Operating instructions for the UV-Chamber The surfaces of the camera are thoroughly (on the inside once every 7 days, outside every day) wiped with disinfectants.
virucidal regimen twice with an interval of 15 minutes. The remains of the product are washed off with boiled or sterile water. Treat the inner surface of the chamber twice with a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution with an interval of 1 hour.

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Quartzization is the irradiation of ultraviolet rays of a quartz lamp in order to destroy bacteria and microbes.
Room quartzization is considered a necessary process in hospitals, kindergartens and other institutions.
A bactericidal lamp irradiates not only rooms, but also food, as well as various household items. Moreover, ultraviolet exposure to the affected areas of the body is used in the treatment of certain diseases. Quartz lamps differ in properties and method of application. Some of them categorically cannot be used in the presence of a person or animal, while others are perfect even for use at home.
There are the following types of UV lamps:
- Bactericidal
- Quartz
- Ozone-free
The quartzization procedure can be carried out by different methods. The choice of disinfection method mainly depends on the type of lamp. There are the following types of quartzing:
1. Open quartz treatment (with this type of disinfection procedure, a quartz lamp is used that emits a large amount of ozone. It is recommended to leave the room during disinfection and ventilate afterwards.)
2. Closed quartzization (a closed type of room disinfection is used, in particular, to prevent the reproduction of insects. This procedure can be carried out for up to three hours a day.)
3. Portable quartzization (used mainly at home, as it does not harm the body.)
The most important advantage of a quartz lamp is the destruction of microbes and bacteria. It has been proven that no room treatment will give the effect of a germicidal lamp. Also, ultraviolet irradiation is used in the treatment of wounds, rashes and as an auxiliary treatment for certain diseases, such as: SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media. In order for quartz treatment to effectively cope with the above diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the intracavitary method of application. Moreover, ultraviolet irradiation has an excellent effect on lung diseases, as well as on wounds, bedsores and other skin disorders. Quartz lamps are often used in the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis and during the rehabilitation period after fractures. Irradiation of the room with ultraviolet rays not only has bactericidal properties, but is also an effective prevention of infectious and viral diseases, and also compensates for the deficiency in the body of substances such as calcium and phosphorus, and normalizes their metabolism in the body.
More often in medical organizations it is used, which has slightly different columns.
Quartz mode log has graphs:
- No. p / p
- The date
- Quartz time
- Remaining lamp burn time
- Signature

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Application No. 2

To the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. 600


on the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime in hospitals (departments) of the somatic profile


The capacity of the wards should be no more than 4 beds. Hospitalization in the wards is carried out taking into account the area. For adults - 7 sq. meters per patient. For kids:

  • in wards without duty places for mothers - 7 sq.m. per patient;

  • in wards with round-the-clock stay of mothers - 12 sq.m.;

  • in wards with day stay for mothers -8 sq. m.
Hospitalization of relatives caring for children is allowed if the child's age does not exceed 5 years. According to indications, hospitalization of caregivers and children older than 5 years is allowed. One of the child's relatives is allowed in the intensive care wards and departments of children's hospitals, except for the shock room.

The patient is allowed to take personal hygiene items into the ward and is in his own clean clothes.

Each patient takes a hygienic shower in the department at least once every 7 days (if there are no contraindications) during the hot season - more often. Change of underwear and bed linen is carried out at least once every 7 days and as it gets dirty.

Collection of dirty linen from patients should be carried out in a special
containers (oilcloth or plastic bags, specially equipped
laundry trolleys or other similar devices), then taken to the laundry. Sorting of dirty linen in the departments is not allowed.

Temporary storage (no more than 12 hours) of dirty linen in departments should be carried out in sanitary rooms or other specially designated premises (4 square meters) in closed containers (metal, plastic tanks, tight boxes or other containers subjected to disinfection).

To work with dirty linen, personnel must be provided with a change of sanitary clothing (robe, scarf, gloves, mask).

The department is provided with water in sufficient quantities to maintain the personal hygiene of patients. For severe and bedridden patients, washing is organized at the patient's bedside.

The rooms are cleaned 2 times a day with a wet method, once with the use of (detergents). General cleaning is carried out once a week with a note in the appropriate journal.

Ventilation of the chambers is carried out at least 2 times a day.

Cleaning equipment in the department must be marked and separate for wards, corridors, toilets, treatment rooms, etc. To be stored separately in a strictly established room with an area of ​​4 sq.m. and be used only for its intended purpose. After cleaning, the inventory is disinfected in a 0.5% chlorine solution, and the rags are washed in the same room, dried and stored dry. An apron and rubber gloves are used during cleaning.

After the patient is discharged, bedding (according to indications) undergoes disinfection chamber treatment.

The daily supply of clean linen of the department is stored in a specially designated room on racks or in cabinets. For children, diapers are stored separately from the rest of the linen on special shelves in the closet or in a separate closet. The use of personal (home) clothes of the patient is allowed

PROCEDURAL- at least 12 sq. m., walls, floor, ceiling are covered with tiles or oil paint. The treatment room is cleaned at least three times a day, including once with the use of disinfectants. For the current cleaning, there should be the required amount of clean rags, the storage of which is ordered (bag, container with a lid, bix). For current cleaning, you must have 2 containers - one with a 0.5% chlorine-containing disinfectant solution (or its equivalent), the other for used rags. Rags should be at least 10-15 pieces. The second time the rags do not get into the disinfectant solution. All used rags are washed, dried and collected again in clean bags or containers.

Before cleaning, the room should be ventilated for 20 minutes. After each cleaning, turn on a bactericidal lamp indicating the time of daily work (date, on and off time, signature of a medical worker.

General cleaning is carried out once a week.

All medical instruments, immediately after use, are disinfected in a 0.5% chlorine-containing solution (or other disinfectants approved for use) with an exposure of 10 minutes in a special container. After that, the nurse (in rubber gloves) rinses under running water (in the absence of a sink, she transfers the instrument to containers with clean water) and then surrenders to the CSC. Conducting pre-sterilization processing of medical instruments in the departments is strictly prohibited and is carried out only in the conditions of the OCS.

For injections, cotton balls are used, which are stored in a bag, a jar under a lid, and removed with tweezers.

Before the injection, disposable syringes and systems are opened in front of the patient.

If blood, its preparations and other biological secretions get on various surfaces of the treatment room, pour 0.5% chlorine-containing preparation (or its analogue) for 10 minutes, collect with rags. Then the rags are disinfected and washed. If blood or other biological secretions get on the floor, they pour 0.5% chlorine-containing solution for 10 minutes, and if there is a large amount, they fall asleep for 10 minutes, then they collect it with a floor rag, which is then disinfected in a disinfectant, followed by washing.

Products of patients in the departments are stored in a specially allocated refrigerator, where the commodity neighborhood of products must be observed. The joint storage of food and medicines is prohibited.

All wards in children's departments are equipped with special sinks for washing children with running water. In the absence of a centralized water supply, children are washed over the basin, pouring water from a mug or using nipple wash basins (cistern), placing it on a high bedside table above the sink or basin.

Pots and vessels for the sick are stored in a potty or dressing room in a designated area. In the toilet, after emptying the pots, they are washed with kwach and disinfected in a 0.5% solution of chlorine-containing preparations for 10 minutes or with another disinfectant according to the instructions for this preparation.

An enema room with an area of ​​at least 5 sq.m., has a sink, a couch, a bedside table, a table, a coat rack, and a toilet bowl. Enema tips and rubber bulbs are treated by full immersion in a 0.5% solution of chlorine-containing preparations for 10 minutes or another disinfectant, according to the instructions for this preparation, then washed in a washing complex, and boiled for 15 minutes. Store dry in a container. Esmarch's mug is treated with full immersion in a 0.5% solution of chlorine-containing preparations for 10 minutes or with another disinfectant according to the instructions for this preparation. It is strictly forbidden to store vaseline in large containers (0.5 l cans, etc.). Storage in containers not exceeding 10.0 g is allowed.

After use, the thermometers are washed with soap and water, dried with a towel and stored in a dry, clean container.

Disinfection of spatulas and other medical instruments is carried out by immersion in a 0.5% solution of a chlorine-containing preparation for 10 minutes (or other approved disinfectant). After that, the instrument is rinsed with water. Spatulas and tweezers are handed over to the CSC or disinfected by deep disinfection (boiling).

For the staff of the department, household premises are allocated (cloakroom with individual lockers, a room for eating and relaxing, etc.) in accordance with SanPiN No. 0231-07.

To identify patients suspected of an infectious disease in all departments of hospitals, it is necessary to keep a record of all febrile patients in whom the period of fever (37.5 and above) lasts 3 days or more.

From such persons, regardless of the diagnosis, blood is taken for bacteriological examination for malaria, typhoid-paratyphoid, rickettsial and other infections.

If they are identified as suspected of an infectious disease, they are placed in an isolation ward and provided with individual care by a specially assigned medical worker until hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital. After the patient is rehospitalized to the infectious diseases hospital in the isolation ward and the ward where the patient was identified, the final disinfection is carried out in accordance with the current instructions. The volume of anti-epidemic measures in the department is determined by the epidemiologist.

The implementation of a complex of anti-epidemic measures is reflected in the journal of observational measures, which is kept by departments, indicating the date of the final disinfection, a list of contacts under observation with a daily mark of health status (temperature, skin and mucous membranes, the nature of the stool, etc.) depending from the nosological form of infections.

The same journal provides for a column for laboratory examination and registration of the results of persons who were in contact with a patient suspected of an infectious disease and medical personnel.

When a contact patient is discharged, the discharge document indicates contact with an infectious patient. The departments should have a personal hygiene room with an area of ​​10 sq.m., a room for a senior nurse with a place to store medicines - 10 sq.m. m., the hostess's sister's room - 10 sq.m., clean linen pantry - 4 sq.m.

^ Organization of activities of a day hospital in medical institutions

1. A day hospital is a structural subdivision of a medical institution, incl. outpatient clinics, hospitals, clinics, medical centers and is intended for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for patients who do not require round-the-clock medical supervision.

2. The bed capacity and profile of a day hospital are determined by the head of the medical institution in which it was created, in agreement with the relevant health management body.

3. The mode of operation of a day hospital is determined by the head of the medical institution, taking into account the volume of medical measures taken.

4. The issue of providing meals to patients in a day hospital is decided by the head of the medical institution.


The site of the hospital must be fenced on all sides, the entrance to the territory of the hospital is guarded.

Departure to the utility yard should be isolated and take place away from the medical buildings and areas for patients to stay in the air.

At the entrance to the territory of hospitals, a special sign indicates the direction to the admissions department.

Travel to the pathoanatomical building should take place away from the places of stay of patients and be carried out through special gates, without crossing the territory of the hospital, it can also be combined with an economic exit.

The territory of the hospital must be landscaped, have a drainage of storm drains, the territory free from development must be landscaped.

At night, the hospital area should be illuminated.

Every day, in the morning before the patients go for a walk, the entire territory is cleaned. In winter, driveways and footpaths are cleared of snow. Pedestrian paths are sprinkled with sand. In the summer, they are swept after preliminary watering.

The swept-away garbage is removed from the territory to the yard waste bins, at the same time the bins are cleaned. After sweeping, they wipe the dust from the garden benches.

Garbage bins are installed on concreted platforms on the territory of the utility yard with the organization of convenient entrances.

Debris is removed daily. Waste incinerators are installed to dispose of infected waste.

Cyclogram of the work of a nurse

days of the week


1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week


* 1 bypass groups

* 2. Inspection of catering personnel

* 3. Carrying out food grading before distribution, sampling.

* 4 Counting the number of children and keeping attendance records.

* 5 Menu operation.

Registration of certificates and their distribution on cards

Monitoring compliance with anti-epidemiology


regimen in groups and at the catering unit

Examination of children

decreed ages

6. Meeting with the manager


* 1 – 5

Work with the documentation


examination of children

Organization control

the teaching of the teacher

logical process

6. Health analysis according to the proposed tests.

7. Work on the improvement of children as prescribed by a doctor.

8. Work with documentation.


* 1 – 5

6. Implementation of medical and pedagogical control

7. Work with the educator

Consulting educators and other specialists

Counseling for junior teachers

Parent Counseling

work with the program



and program

mms of individual development.

8. Control over the implementation of hardening.


* 1 – 5

Control over the implementation of the anti-epidemiological regime in the group and at the food unit

Work to comply with the instructions of the SES

Health control



wellness work


6. Parent meeting

7. Lesson with junior service personnel under the sanitary minimum program.

8. Anthropometry of pupils

9. Communication with the district clinic and FAP.


1 – 5

6. Control over the implementation of regime moments

7. Clinical examination of children


branch work

Publication of the Sanitary Bulletin

Medical and pedagogical


Weekly Incidence Analysis

Calorie analysis

sti food.

8. Measures to ensure the adaptation of children in preschool

9. Work with documentation.


1 – 5 – activities that take place every day.

Documents of a medical worker of a preschool educational institution

Maintaining medical documentation of the established form in a preschool educational institution allows you to record the condition of pupils, the actions of medical personnel, as well as the use of technologies and materials. Proper execution of the relevant documents is an important component of the effective organization of the treatment and prevention process.

  1. Activity planning
  2. Control of the sanitary condition of preschool educational institutions
  3. Monitoring the health and physical development of children

The list of documents that must be maintained in the DOW includes:

  1. a comprehensive work plan for the year;
  2. cyclogram of work for a week;
  3. the list and frequency of medical examinations, research and professional hygienic training;
  4. journal for monitoring the sanitary condition of a children's institution;
  5. register of medical examinations;
  6. journal of general cleaning of the treatment room (isolation room);
  7. register of biological accidents;
  8. journal of registration and control of the operation of the bactericidal lamp;
  9. medical card of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000);
  10. dispensary journal;
  11. journal of examinations for pediculosis;
  12. register of infectious diseases;
  13. record book of contacts with carriers of acute infectious diseases;
  14. child observation log;
  15. journal of anthropometric measurements;
  16. deworming journal;
  17. immunization planning journal;
  18. register of preventive vaccinations;
  19. register of children referred to a tuberculosis dispensary.

Let us consider in more detail some of the forms and sample documents used in the MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 73 "Dolphin"".


Activity planning

The medical worker of the preschool educational institution organizes his activities on the basis of a comprehensive work plan for the year (Table 1) and a work cycle for the week (Table 2). The comprehensive plan provides for ways to implement the "Health" program, as well as activities for the rehabilitation and medical care of pupils.

Table 1

Comprehensive work plan for the year

List of events

Timing / frequency

1. Primary prevention

1.1. Control over sanitary and hygienic conditions in preschool educational institutions

Once a month

1.2. Control and provision of methodological assistance in the organization of the educational process

As needed

1.3. Participation in the preparation of the daily routine and the schedule of classes

Beginning of the school year

1.4. General cleaning control

Once a week

2. Catering control

2.1. Control over the state of actual nutrition and analysis of nutritional quality


2.2. Control of the sanitary and hygienic condition of the catering unit


2.3. Scraping of finished products

2.4. Monitoring the implementation of natural norms

3. Control of the organization of physical education

3.1. Control over the organization of physical education, tempering activities

Once a month

3.2. Distribution into medical groups for physical education

At the beginning of the year

3.3. Assessment of children's physical fitness


3.4. Analysis of the effectiveness of physical education


4. Hygienic education in the children's team

Information is placed and updated constantly in the medical corner

4.2. Organization of measures for the prevention of myopia, caries, posture disorders


4.3. Monitoring the implementation of measures for hygienic education


5. Immunoprophylaxis

5.1. Vaccination

according to plan

5.2. Monitoring the health of children after vaccination, registration of local and general reactions to vaccination


6. Ensuring the adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool

6.1. Control of medical and pedagogical correction

Once a year

6.2. Carrying out medical and pedagogical activities to form functional readiness for learning


As children enter preschool

7. Medical examination

7.1. Conducting (together with the teacher) screening tests to identify deviations in the health status of children, assessing their physical fitness



7.3. Carrying out the prescribed recreational activities and monitoring their implementation in the preschool educational institution

7.4. Examination of children in groups

During quarantine, after a long absence of a child

8. Record keeping

table 2

Work schedule for the week



1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week


2. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the groups.

3. Food scrapping.

4. Examination of children.

5. Working with documentation


1. Morning filter control.

2. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the catering unit.

3. Food scrapping.

4. Working with a pediatrician.

5. Getting a vaccine.

6. Working with parents


1. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the offices of specialists.

2. Food scrapping.

3. Working with documentation

4. Work on injury prevention.

4. Work with staff on health education.

4. Analysis of the accounting of cases of injuries.

5. Refresher courses

4. Working with health education staff

5. Scheduled production meeting


1. Morning filter control.

2. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the sports and music halls.

3. Food scrapping.

4. Working with a pediatrician.

5. Working with documentation

6. Preventive examination of children.

6. Designing an information stand for parents

6. Preparation of information about the physical condition and preparedness of pupils


1. Morning filter control.

2. Food scrapping.

3. General cleaning of offices

4. Work with staff on hygiene education and prevention of infectious diseases

4. Preparation of reporting documentation

4. Preparation of reporting documentation.

5. General cleaning of offices

Table 3 presents the list and frequency of medical examinations for employees of preschool educational institutions (according to the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working regime in preschool organizations. SanPiN", approved by the decision of the Main State sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 No. 91).

Table 3

List and frequency of medical examinations,
research and professional hygiene training

medical specialists,
type of examination

Preschool educational workers

Employees of catering departments of preschool educational organizations


Upon admission to work, thereafter twice a year

Large frame fluorography

Upon admission to work, thereafter once a year

Bacteriological studies on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections (disgroup, typhoid-paratyphoid)

Upon admission to work, in the future according to epidemiological indications

Serological tests for the presence of typhoid pathogens

Upon admission to work, in the future according to epidemiological indications

Upon admission to work, in the future according to epidemiological indications

Research on helminthiases

When applying for a job

When applying for a job

Tests for contact helminthiases and intestinal protozooses

Once a year after the summer period and (or) according to epidemiological indications

Professional hygiene training and certification

Upon admission to work, thereafter every two years

Upon admission to work, thereafter once a year


Control of the sanitary condition of preschool educational institutions

One of the tasks of a medical worker is to control the sanitary condition of preschool educational institutions. Control activities must be recorded in special journals.

In the journal for monitoring the sanitary condition of the group (Table 4), the nurse records her comments.

Table 4

Group sanitation log

The head of the preschool educational institution controls the timely passage of medical examinations by employees, the results are recorded in the journal (Table 5).

Table 5

Register of medical examinations

FULL NAME. employee

Date of Birth

Job title

Home address

Date of actual medical examination

Date of upcoming medical examination

on helminth eggs



Date of actual analysis

Date of the next analysis

Date of actual passage

Date of next pass

The medical worker of the preschool educational institution is responsible for the general cleaning of the treatment room (isolation room). Information about its implementation is recorded in a special journal (Table 6).

Table 6

Journal of general cleaning of the treatment room (isolation room)

The preschool educational institution should have a register of biological accidents (Table 7). It fixes emergency situations that create a real or potential possibility of infecting personnel or releasing pathogenic microorganisms into the environment (bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, rickettsia, protozoan fungi, mycoplasmas), poisons of biological origin (toxins), helminths, as well as materials (including blood, other body fluids and body excretions) suspected of containing the listed agents.

Table 7

Biological Accident Log

the date



The nature of the accident

FULL NAME. injured

The operating time of germicidal lamps is taken into account in a separate log book (Table 8).

Table 8

Journal of registration and control of the operation of a bactericidal lamp


Monitoring the health and physical development of children

To monitor the health status of preschoolers, a preschool medical worker fills outchild's medical record (form No. 026/у-2000)for each student entering a preschool. The map gives a complete picture of the state of health of the child, and also reflects all the medical and preventive measures that are carried out in the kindergarten during the period of its visit by a preschooler.

Document filled in by medical workers (doctor, senior nurse) of the preschool educational institution andconsists of the following sections:

  1. general information;
  2. anamnestic information;
  3. information about dispensary observation;
  4. mandatory therapeutic and preventive measures;
  5. immunoprophylactic measures;
  6. data of planned preventive medical examinations;
  7. results of medical professional consultation;
  8. recommendations for sports, ballroom or sports dancing (in sections);
  9. information about the preparation of young men for military service;
  10. current medical monitoring data;
  11. screening program.

When transferring a child from kindergarten to school, the card is transferred along with his personal file.

A dispensary journal is used to register long-term medical exemptions, as well as referrals of children to specialists (Table 9).

Table 9

Dispensary magazine


Date of Birth

Home address


Diagnosis noz

Registration date

Control turnouts

Deregistration date









Once a week, medical workers examine children for pediculosis. The results of the inspection are recorded in a special journal (Table 10).

Table 10

Pediculosis examination log

the date


Inspection result


Not inspected




In the medical offices of preschool institutions, a register of infectious diseases should be kept (Table 11), intended for personal monitoring of patients and recording the exchange of information between medical institutions and SES. The form of the journal (No. 060/y) and instructions for maintaining it were approved by the order of the USSR Ministry of Health of 04.10.1980 No. 1030 "On Approval of Forms of Primary Medical Documentation of Healthcare Institutions".

Table 11

Journal of Infectious Diseases

Date and time of the message on the phone

Date of sending (receipt) of the primary emergency notice, who sent, who received

Surname, name of the patient

Age (for children under 3 years old, indicate the month and year of birth)

Home address (city, village, street, building No., apt. No.)

Group, date of last visit

Date of illness

Diagnosis and date of establishment

Date, place of hospitalization

Date of initial appeal

Changed (specified) diagnosis and date of its establishment

Date of epidemiological examination. Surname of the examiner

Diseases reported (to the SES at the place of permanent residence, to the children's institution at the place of study, work, etc.)

Laboratory examination and its result


The medical worker provides monitoring of persons who have been in contact with carriers of infectious diseases, and enters the results in a separate journal (Table 12).

Table 12

Book of records of contacts with carriers of acute infectious diseases

The child observation log (Table 13), the so-called filter, is kept by educators in all age groups. Every day, information about the child's complaints about well-being is entered into it. In such cases, enhanced monitoring of the pupil during the day is carried out not only by medical personnel, but also by teachers.

Table 13

Children's examination log

Data on anthropometric measurements of pupils (Table 14) and information about the deworming performed (Table 15) are entered into separate journals.

Table 14

Journal of Anthropometric Measurements th

A vaccination planning table is compiled monthly (Table 16). Vaccinations require written parental consent.

Table 16

Immunization Planning Journal
for a month)

The basis for the proper organization of vaccination work in a preschool institution is the availability of complete and reliable information about the health of children attending preschool educational institutions. For the timely recording of children to be vaccinated, the nurse keeps a register of preventive vaccinations (Table 17). Such a magazine for the current year is planned in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 31, 2011 No. 51n.

Table 17

Vaccination register

Vaccines for preventive vaccinations are stored in refrigerators. The task of the medical worker of the preschool educational institution is to monitor compliance with the temperature regime in them. The indicators are recorded in a special journal (Table 18).

Table 18

Temperature log
refrigeration equipment


Refrigeration name

Temperature, °C

month/days: April

The results of the Mantoux test are recorded in the registration form No. 063 / y, in the child's medical record (form No. 026 / y) and in the history of the child's development (form No. 112 / y). Also, the medical staff of the preschool educational institution fills out a register of pupils sent to a tuberculosis dispensary (Table 19).

Table 19

Children's register,
referred to a tuberculosis dispensary

One of the conditions for the stay of children in a preschool educational organization (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institution, preschool educational institution) is the provision of a microclimate in groups and intergroup rooms that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils.

SanPiN, regulating the requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of children's

kindergartens, provide for the implementation of a number of measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for the stay of children, including quartzization and ventilation of group rooms, which are carried out in accordance with the ventilation schedule in the preschool educational institution and the quartzization schedule.

The relevance of airing

The concentration of carbon dioxide in unventilated rooms, where there are a large number of people, is several times higher than the permissible norm. Children and adults living in such conditions experience headaches, discomfort, mild nausea, and fatigue.

Providing air circulation allows you to guarantee:

  • increase in oxygen content;
  • reduction of the amount of harmful substances in the air - aldehydes, ammonia, methane and others;
  • neutralization of odors that irritate the nervous system;
  • normalization of the humidity level;
  • , pathogens, fungal spores.

The procedure for ventilating the premises of the kindergarten

In order to avoid excessive concentration of carbon dioxide in kindergarten groups, according to the requirements of SanPin, it is planned to draw up a ventilation schedule in the preschool educational institution and systematically ensure air circulation in the premises:

  • in cold weather - only during the absence of pupils in groups;
  • in warm time - during walks, classes, provided there are no drafts.

The duration of ventilation is determined taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the temperature regime and weather conditions. Half an hour before the children return to the group, it is required to stop airing in order to normalize the internal microclimate and prevent hypothermia for preschoolers, to ensure.

How is the ventilation schedule in kindergarten

The ventilation schedule in the preschool educational institution is formed in accordance with the technical features of the premises, the age of the pupils, and the time of year. This local act should contain information about the number and time of air circulation sessions, the type of ventilation and the place of the procedure. The document is drawn up by a nurse, certified by the signatures of the health worker and the head of the kindergarten at the beginning of the new academic year.

An example of a schedule for airing rooms in a kindergarten is presented in the table.

In preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to use ordinary quartz and quartz bactericidal lamps that effectively resist all types of pathogenic microflora. It is important to bear in mind that kindergartens rarely use irradiators with mercury-quartz lamps, which, if the operating rules are violated, can release a large amount of nitrogen and cause intoxication of the body.

The original ventilation schedule and the quartzization schedule in the preschool educational institution must be stored in a group folder, along with the ventilation and quartzization log, which records the date, time and order of the procedures. When filling out the journal, under each entry, the responsible officer must indicate the full name and sign.