Patchwork bird. Patchwork quilt "birds"

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Josephine Hague creates adorable bird figurines with multi-coloured feathers. Works in the style of patchwork have already managed to gain popularity.

Patchwork has long been practiced by needlewomen, modern artists use this technique to perform three-dimensional compositions. Josephine Hug selects fabrics with vintage prints or traditional ornaments for her birds. Japanese style. Bright colors and a variety of textures make her products especially attractive.

The birds look as if they are alive, as if they are about to flutter from the branches. As a rule, the artist places them in a special mirror diorama. Each product is unique, you will not find two identical birds in Josephine's collection, just like in nature.

Josephine Hug is a professional artist based in Somerset, England and educated at the University of Brighton. She came up with the idea to create mirror miniatures with birds while collaborating with designer Bill Amberg, who is known for making luxury leather accessories.


Today I present another baby blanket!!! Birds, flowers and peas. What could be cuter? And when is it all together? It turns out just a killer mi-mi-target. This is how this blanket turned out. Soft and springy!!!

In this blanket I used a new filler for me - thermofinn, this is a modern analogue of synthetic winterizer. But it is more environmentally friendly, made according to Finnish technology. I took the rest in the store, it was enough for only one of these blankets. But I have already ordered a roll for myself, it should come to me soon) This thermofin is also very convenient to use, because its fibers are, as it were, pressed into a thin, thin crust, as if laminated on top and bottom. As a result, the fibers do not migrate at all through the fabric of the blanket to the outside, it is more convenient to wash and care for the product.

As a result, the blanket turned out to be lush, airy, warm, but not at all heavy, but, on the contrary, very light and plastic. It is sewn for a standard crib, size 120x90 cm.
As a bonus to the blanket, I sewed a small bird toy-rattle. Inside the bells tinkle gently, on the legs there are large wooden beads. The tail is a bunch of multi-colored braid zig-zag.

This blanket also inspired me to create a collection at YM. I have been registered there as a seller for several years, but I have never made collections. Thought it was difficult. But nothing seems to work. I liked how it turned out.

Bird in the technique of patchwork. Master class with step by step photo.

Sculpture of a bird in the technique of patchwork. Master class with step by step photos.

Goloveshkina Lidia Mikhailovna teacher of technology MBOU
Secondary School No. 8 named after Bliznyukov A.N. Beisug village, Vyselkovsky district, Krasnodar Territory
Description: This master class is intended for children from 10 years old, teachers, parents, as well as for all creative people.
Purpose: A sculptural bird made of fabric can serve as an interior decoration, for an exhibition and participation in competitions.
Target: Perform a sculpture of a bird in the technique of patchwork.
engage in active practical activities;
educate a common culture, aesthetic perception of the environment;
develop self-confidence;
activate cognitive activity;
develop skill;
develop the ability to think creatively and independent activity;
improve visual perception;
develop hand-eye coordination;
form aesthetic education.
to form cognitive interest, diligence.
Preface to work:

The Caucasian pheasant lives in the valleys of the lower reaches of the Kuban and its tributaries, overgrown with thickets of wild grapes, blackberries, wild roses, blackthorns, in the immediate vicinity of the water, very beautiful and has become Lately rare bird. The head of the male is violet-green, the back is golden with a reddish tinge and a black border on the feathers of the front part, the lower part of the back is golden red. This outfit is complemented by brown wings with reddish edges. The female has a simpler outfit.
This bird is sedentary, flies with difficulty and not very willingly, preferring to overcome the necessary distances on the ground. For the nest, it chooses places in impenetrable thickets, where females lay up to 12 brown-green eggs in a depression in the ground, covered with grass.
Pheasants are secretive birds. They feed in the morning and in the evening twilight, and from 9 to 17 hours they rest in hidden places. They eat seeds of various plants, berries, insects, including the Colorado potato beetle. The main enemy of these birds is the fox. Sometimes chicks can be abducted by a goshawk, and eggs by a raccoon dog and hedgehogs.
In many regions of our country, pheasant farms have been created and are functioning. There are such birds in the Kuban. The local Caucasian subspecies of the pheasant is successfully bred on the farm of the Krasnodar Goslesokhotnichesky farm in Maykop, from where the pheasants are settled on hunting farms.
The pheasant is a valuable hunting and commercial object with high-quality meat, but the low number of this bird requires enhanced control to maintain the number of pheasants at an appropriate level.
The image of a bird is one of the most significant, it is found everywhere, from the most ancient times, in embroidery, ornaments, carvings, and paintings. Birds and animal figurines decorated (and still decorate in the Kuban) a wedding loaf. The pheasant symbolized knowledge, beauty, luck, virtue and organizational skills, therefore it became a distinction of high-ranking officials. in the Kuban beautiful bird the pheasant is of great importance. Therefore, I chose this particular bird for making sculptures using the patchwork technique.
The following materials and devices are required for our work:
different pieces of fabric;
synthetic winterizer;
needles, pins;
sewing machine;


Safety precautions when working with scissors, needles, pins:
- store scissors in a certain place (in a case, box);
- do not hold scissors with sharp ends up, do not lean low towards them;
- pass the scissors in rings to the person;
- put the scissors on the table so that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the table;
- when working, carefully follow the cut line;
- do not work with blunt scissors, with a loose fastening;
keep needles and pins in a certain place, do not leave them on the desktop.
do not use rusty needles and pins when working, in no case take needles and pins into your mouth.
sew with needles only with a thimble.
attach patterns and fabrics with the sharp ends of the pins away from you.
do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.
Safety precautions when working on a sewing machine:
do not lean close to the moving parts of the sewing machine;
do not keep your fingers near the foot of the sewing machine to avoid piercing them with a needle;
before sewing the product on the sewing machine, make sure that there are no pins or needles on the seam line.
Safety precautions when working with an electric iron:
turn on the electric iron in the network and turn it off with dry hands;
during short breaks in work, put the electric iron on a heat-insulating stand;
when working, make sure that the hot sole of the iron does not touch the electric cord;
in order to avoid burns to the hands, do not touch the hot metal parts of the iron and do not moisten the material with plenty of water;
to avoid fire, do not leave the electric iron plugged in unattended;
follow up normal work iron, disconnect the electric iron from the mains only by the plug, and do not pull the cord.

Work sequence:

1. Cut out the details of the bird, taking into account the main thread in the fabric.

2. Connect the parts of the torso in stages with a machine stitch, ironing each seam.

3. Stitch two parts of the head, leaving the junction with the body, as well as a place for the beak.

4. Prepare parts of the winglet (stitch the parts and turn them on the front side, perform wet heat treatment).

5. Turn your head to the front side. Sew the beak with hidden stitches.

All parts are ready for assembly.

6. We stuff the torso and head with synthetic winterizer.

7. Cooking the tail and wings. Cover the desired size wire with a cloth. There are three wings on each side. Details (3 pcs.) For the tail we grind, turning it on the front side. For the flexibility of the tail, lay the wire inside.

8. Connect the torso and head with hand blind stitches. Sew eyes (buttons). Since the eye socket of a pheasant is red, we cut it out of the fabric of the desired color in the shape of a flower. From two opposite sides, we sew red flowers and black buttons to the location of the eyes.

9. With hand stitches, we sew lace along the connecting seam on the neck, thereby blocking the junction of the head with the body.

10. Sew tail and wings with hand blind stitches.

11. Cooking paws (wire). The paws consist of one main and three small parts. With the help of a thread we form a paw.

12. We tighten the paws with a thread (we cut tights in a spiral) and connect the finished paws with the body with hidden stitches.

13. We decorate our bird by attaching lace with hand stitches. The location of the lace is determined at will.

The image of a bird is one of the most significant, it is found everywhere, from the most ancient times, in embroidery, ornaments, carvings, and paintings. Here are photographs-examples of how the image of a bird is transformed in patchwork and embroidery by modern quilter masters.

The most ancient myth about a bird arises at the end of the Ice Age, in the Paleolithic era. Then there was still little land, but a lot of water. It was the World Duck that took out the first handful of earth from the bottom of the Sea-Ocean and created the land.

The image of a bird in one form or another is found in all cultures., for example, in the Finnish epic "Kalevala", in the myths of the peoples of Australia, Africa, American Indians. In Indo-European cultures, the mythical birds of Ancient Egypt (ibis), Ancient India (Garuda), Ancient Greece (swan, raven), Germany and Scandinavia (raven) are known.

The bird was a special, iconic creature. It is a guardian of children and women. That is why many women's jewelry (pendants, combs, kolts) depicted birds, and headdresses had "bird" names, for example: magpie, kokoshnik (from the old Russian word kokosh "chicken"). Images of birds could be seen everywhere - on spinning wheels, on shutters near windows, on the roofs of houses. Birds were also depicted by many children's toys.

Birds and animal figurines decorated (and still decorate in the Kuban) a wedding loaf.

The symbol of a happy family was two doves.

As in other Indo-European cultures, Slavic mythical birds received their own names and turned into deities. They had a bird's body, and a woman's face.

The most ancient of these characters is Mother Bird Sva Glory. This image is found in the oldest Slavic mythological collections - the Vlesova book, the Book of Kolyada. Gamayun, Alkonost and Sirin are also close to the Mother Bird of His Glory.

The symbolism of the bird among the Slavs was very diverse. Birds performed various functions: they connected heaven and earth, protected people, served as guides to Iriy as the souls of dead ancestors. Birds could save a man. The Slavic bird pantheon is represented by bright original and borrowed images.

Fairy Firebird from Russians folk tales, striking the eye with the glow of its feathers, the Egyptian heron Bennu (from "weben" - to shine), according to legend, personifying the soul of the sun god Ra, the Chinese bird Fenghuang - all these mythical characters originate in the image of the Phoenix.

Usually the Phoenix Bird is depicted as an eagle with fiery red plumage. It is believed that the very image of the mythical bird originated in Ancient Egypt, and this appearance can be called natural in the culture of the Egyptians: their desire for eternal life, reflected in the embalming of the bodies of the dead and the erection of pyramids-tombs, is embodied in the appearance of the myth of the immortal, resurgent bird. According to legend, once every 500 years, after the death of the Phoenix's father, that is, herself, the bird flies to Egypt.

The Slavs have the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) - a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak has reddish feathers), wings like flames, and eyes glow like a crystal. It is about the size of a peacock. The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night, it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit fires.

Pomeranian culture has a wonderful image - the wooden "Bird of Happiness". It is this souvenir that is most often brought from Arkhangelsk. Historically, the image of a bird is close to the culture of all northern peoples - from the White Sea to the North Sea. It is the bird that is a symbol of freedom and carries the “singing beginning”. In addition, the bird is a mystical image; an intermediary linking the world of people and the world of otherworldly forces.

In the shamanic invocations of the Altaians, the golden eagle, the assistant to the shaman, is described as the same as in the writings, with moon-shaped wings:<С луновидными крыльями, черный мой беркут>(Anokhin A.V., 1924, pp. 46-49). In addition, the Altaians used the golden eagle as a hunting bird, as evidenced by the data of the epic "Altai-Buchay". For a long time, realities such as the divine bird Kan-Kerede and Mount Sumer began to penetrate the Altai culture. The name of the mythical bird, the enemy of snakes, goes back to the Indian Garuda, which in the mythology of Lamaism could symbolize the whole world. In the Altai epic, the image of the bird Garuda is a late layering on the shamanic cult of the eagle. In epic<Когутэй>under the name of Kan-Kerede, two birds appear - a female and a male, who have made a nest on the top of a tree. When the hero kills the snake that ate the chicks of Kan-Kerede, both birds become his<клятвенными друзьями>(birds are huge) (Sagalaev A. M., 1984, p. 64).