Writing articles for money, selling articles. Writing texts for money on the Internet to order - vacancies without attachments Writing articles to order for money

What is in demand on the Internet is for articles. Where to write texts for them, and even for money? Articlean important part of any website , thanks to which its attendance, position in search engines, and, accordingly, popularity are determined. It goes without saying that the webmasters of their sites are willing to pay money for this, because not everyone is able to scribble a good article. And if you need a lot of good articles, then this turns into a dreary difficult task. The webmaster will not solve it on his own, he has something to do. And they come to help content exchanges thanks to which he finds a performer for his work. You will become this performer, ready to perform. You will write them for websites. Therefore, in order for the customer to find you, you need to register on a popular content exchange.
There are plenty of content exchanges in Runet. I will list the most basic ones, on which there is enough work for everyone.

Write texts for money through exchange sites

Advego content exchange

One of the most famous exchanges is . There is not only writing articles for money. There are many other no less interesting tasks . They can be associated with adding to subscribers, liking, commenting on a blog or youtube channel. Naturally, all money .
Advego like similar exchanges, they act as an intermediary and guarantor of the transaction between the contractor (you) and the customer. There is a convenient sorting by type of work and price category.

Text exchange Miratext

Exchange writing articles TEXTSALE

- In my opinion, a very nice exchange. A lot of customers come here in search of unique articles, since there is quite a lot of necessary information here.
The site is very suitable for beginners who have just taken up the pen and wish to master this multifaceted market of articles. If you are a pro, then this resource is especially suitable for you. Good articles go to waste . You can set any price for your articles, depending on your professionalism. But look, do not overdo it - know the measure, set reasonable prices, otherwise customers will run away from you to cheaper performers.

eTXT article exchange site

- a good content exchange for writing articles for money. Here you can also sell articles if you have accumulated a huge amount of them. Don't forget that articles must be unique. In addition to writing articles, it is possible to fulfill orders for rewriting, translate texts or simply correct them.
If you wish, you can make a detailed portfolio which will be available to every customer. The more you write, the more you get authority and the more you earn.

Text writing exchange Text.ru

Site-exchange of texts Copylancer

- text exchange - bread for rewriters, copywriters, translators, as hundreds-thousands of advertisers come here in search of articles. Good exchange, suitable for beginner copywriters. The price for 1000 characters starts from 20 rubles. Working with the exchange is simple: register as an author, choose any order for your taste and color, or put up ready-made articles for sale.

Exchange Turbotext

- an exchange for writing articles for sites for money. The requirements for authors are quite high here. If you feel empowered and ready to write good articles for good money, then the Turbotext exchange is perfect for you. The average cost of 1000 characters is about 30-35 rubles. The site cares about the quality of articles and their uniqueness. Therefore, to become a member of the system as a copywriter, you must pass a literacy test. For some, it may seem difficult and it will not work out the first time. But having started working with the stock exchange, you can already gain a rating, thereby gaining a price for yourself. Your earnings depend on it.

Writing articles for money: 4 areas of working with textual material + 8 reasons to make money on texts + 3 popular content exchanges + 8 common beginner mistakes + 15 tips for success.

Writing articles for money- this is a great opportunity to realize themselves and reach a stable income for those who prefer to spend all their free time at the computer.

Walking around the Internet, you almost daily read news, various blogs, look for answers to your questions in an unfamiliar area, look at product reviews to make a choice.

Have you ever wondered where and how this information appears on the web, who are its authors? Regardless of the specifics of the site (informational, commercial), articles appear on it thanks to copywriters, rewriters, SEOs and translators.

It defines 4 destinations for which money is being received for writing articles on the Internet. Such employment is regarded as one of the types of freelance ().

Each direction is characterized by its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which we will outline in this article.

Making money writing articles for money: 4 main areas of work

Preferring such earnings as writing articles, you should know about 4 main areas of work with articles. This will help you understand the essence of each and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

There are the following types of earnings on writing articles for money:

  • copywriting,
  • rewriting,
  • SEO copywriting,
  • translation.

1) What is copywriting?

Copywriting is writing a unique article for money on one of the selected topics. Such texts are in great demand on the Internet and bring good money, but the work itself requires time and effort.

It is necessary not only to superficially familiarize yourself with the content of the articles that you use as sources. You must delve into the subject of presentation in order to give detailed and complete information on a given topic.

After all, high-quality writing of articles in the style of copywriting is unthinkable without deep knowledge, theory and practice.

Copywriting according to the scheme resembles the creation of a term paper (remember your student days): first you collect data, then you devote yourself to mastering and processing it, and, ultimately, you start writing an article in your own words.

Freelancing beginners and creatives alike regard it as one of the good options for making money from articles.

Website owners, webmasters and SMM specialists understand this concept as a means for promoting resources, creating a positive image of a company or brand, advertising a product and, as a result, getting more money.

  • obtaining new knowledge (delving into new topics, you expand your own horizons);
  • it is creative work;
  • you will receive more money on such articles than for many other types of earnings on the Internet (clicks on ads, writing reviews).

Here is a clear example of how much money copywriters receive on average in the regions of Russia:

The disadvantages of such work are:

  • doing copywriting is not so easy, especially at the start;
  • have to spend a lot of time;
  • to make a lot of money, you need to write a lot - get ready for large volumes.

2) What is rewriting?

Rewriting- this is writing articles from the original source, close to retelling. The rewriter needs to rewrite the article from the author's one, retaining the informational message and the main idea, but not repeating it word for word.

Here, the requirements for uniqueness to the final result are lower than in copywriting, 85-90% is allowed.

Rewriting can be simple when writing comes from one original article. Complex rewriting involves writing an article based on two or more sources.

You will receive less money for rewriting than in copywriting. But such articles are also in demand on the Internet, while everyone can deal with them - no special skills are required.

Frequent customers of articles are webmasters who need the maximum content of the site in the shortest possible time.

Since writing in this style is easier, you can produce as many articles in a day as the total amount of money received for them will approximately equal the earnings from one or two articles of copywriting. That is, you can "take" not by quality, but by quantity.

Pros of getting money for rewriting:

  • it's easier to write, because there is a template in the form of source text;
  • writing takes less time than articles in copywriting;
  • there is no need to search for a large number of original articles (sometimes the customer even provides them himself).

Cons of writing articles for money using rewriting:

  • a small amount of money as payment;
  • more mechanical type of work than creative.

3) What is SEO copywriting?

It is important for you, as a reader, that the article is informative, enjoyable to read, and logically connected. And it is also important for webmasters that it meets the requirements of search engines and robots.

By writing such optimized articles, customers promote their sites. When text is optimized for queries, it appears in search results. The site advances in positions and becomes popular, the conversion rate increases, and its owner receives a lot of money.

SEO articles are specially prepared content for the web environment.

These articles should be highly unique. The content of the articles is compiled on the basis of the semantic core, i.e. competent, uniform use of keywords.

The semantic core is a set of keys or keywords.

Keys are words or phrases that Internet users most often type into searches as queries.

By using the “correct” keywords, the likelihood of increasing traffic on the site increases significantly.

Apart from this, there are other important terms present in the SEO copywriting technique:

  • Under nausea understand the frequency of writing keys in the article, which should moderately prevail over other phrases and words. Its percentage varies depending on the requirements of the employer. But most often the indicator should not exceed 6-7%.
  • Water- an indicator of the frequency of writing insignificant words in the article. These are lyrical digressions, philosophical reasoning of a copywriter and other points that have no informational value for the reader.

    If the article contains more than 40% water, its significance is lost. The article is perceived as having little content.

Writing SEO copywriting articles has its positive features:

  • such texts are in demand;
  • they pay a lot of money.

The disadvantages of writing articles on SEO techniques include:

  • the complexity of the process;
  • the need for skills.

4) Getting money from translating articles

This type of income translation of an article from a foreign language to the given one (for example, from English to Russian).

There are a lot of offers on the Internet for making money on transfers, since foreign sites are an excellent source for filling your own resources.

Not only articles by professional translators are in demand, but also by beginners who speak English at a level not lower than Intermediate.

Most of the money is credited for Chinese, Hindi and other rare languages. Also, writing articles of a narrow focus from a foreign source (medicine, finance, programming, jurisprudence) will bring more money.

Among the indisputable advantages of making money on translations are:

  • high pay;
  • the possibility of individual selection of articles depending on the topic, complexity;
  • improvement of own knowledge.

The disadvantages of translations include:

  • money comes in unstable;
  • difficulty in working with texts about the exact sciences, technical articles.

8 reasons to make money online writing articles

The ability to write selling articles is present in almost everyone who presents information in an accessible and logical way. You have not yet decided whether it is worth making money on the ability to write articles?

8 common reasons why you should try your hand at writing articles for money:

The list of positive aspects of working with articles does not end there. Writing articles is a rather interesting and pragmatic way to get money, but you can only verify this from your own experience.

3 step-by-step steps on how to start writing articles for money as a beginner

No. 1. We fill the hand.

Since many clients require at least a basic article experience, it's a good idea to get your hands on it. To get started, you will need to write a dozen articles on various topics. So you will understand what is closer to you, tune in to work.

You will get acquainted with various copywriting tools for spell checking, uniqueness. At the same time, articles written at the initial stage will not disappear without a trace. You can make money out of them by selling them. Yes, even if they just remain in your portfolio, they will still be of great benefit.

Be prepared for the fact that at this stage you will receive little money for texts. Writing articles is usually estimated at 10-30 rubles. for 1000 characters. It is worth looking for a job on the stock exchanges (look for their list below).

After practicing writing articles for a week or two, you can proceed to the second stage.

No. 2. Work with customers.

At the second stage, you go to a more stable income. Self-confidence will appear, this will affect the quality of writing articles.

Earnings from 7-8 thousand rubles. will increase to 15 thousand rubles. and more (depending on your efforts and volumes, printing speed). There will be an impressive number of articles that will demonstrate your level of professionalism to a future employer. The price for 1000 characters will rise to 50-70 rubles.

However, all these are conditional figures, because we are talking about ordinary copywriting and the average complexity of articles. On articles that are more difficult to write, you can safely count on big money.

The amount of earnings is not limited by your imagination. Of course, it's not millions. But if you are lucky to find a generous customer with bulk orders, you will be provided with a stable and good income for a long time.

No. 3. Raising the professional level.

Don't forget to expand your professional skills! There is no bigger mistake than to be content with what money you get from writing articles and forget about development.

Watch webinars, read specialized forums and websites, attend courses. Then you can not only collect information and analyze it for writing articles, but also be aware of market trends.

You will understand the needs of the target audience and will also be able not only to write articles, but also to media planning, naming (inventing slogans and names), speechwriting (writing public speeches for oratory), script writing for films.

In turn, this will monthly bring you earnings in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles. However, only 10% of copywriters reach this level. The main hindrance is fierce competition.

Where to look for a job writing articles for money?

To get paid for writing articles, the author does not need to constantly "wander" on the Internet in search of work.

You can go one of two ways: put up finished articles for sale or agree to write articles to order. Special content exchanges help to do both (more on them in the next section).

Being engaged in the sale of articles, you are in free swimming, you choose the topics for writing on your own. However, to make money from this activity, you need to adapt to trends in this area and choose relevant topics. Otherwise, your articles will not buy.

When writing articles for sale, focus on the TOP categories that bring in the most money:

A more reliable option for getting money on articles is to find a customer. To do this, pay attention to his profile, the presence of negative reviews, comments. You can end up with a dishonest employer.

The search for employers to write articles for money is carried out not only on the stock exchanges, but also in other sources:

  • on the forums
  • bulletin boards,
  • in social networks,
  • content studios,
  • job sites.

And although at first a beginner has little choice, it’s still not worth taking on writing low-paying articles. Throw aside sentences with headings: "Jobs for beginners." In most cases, your earnings from articles will be cheap.

It is difficult to say what attracts customers when they choose a performer for writing lyrics. But there are 3 main points from which they are repelled:

  1. The quality of writing articles displayed in the portfolio.
  2. The amount of money requested for labor.
  3. Deadlines (this information can be seen in the profile statistics on some exchanges, and it should also be included in the “About Me” item).

TOP-3 popular content exchanges: where to look for a customer

Some argue that it is impossible to get big money on writing articles on content exchanges. However, many manage to find regular customers there and get good orders.

In addition, content exchanges are the starting point for writing articles. The Internet offers many such services, but we will consider the top three.

No. 1. advego

advego.ru- one of the oldest exchanges in Runet. For 10 years of existence, the resource has gained great popularity and trust of users.

It offers remote workers a huge selection of specialties. More than 300,000 users have registered on the site, and everyone is provided with work.

Writing articles for money is carried out in the following areas:

  • posting,
  • copywriting/rewriting,
  • seo copyright.

Money is credited in dollar currency to an internal wallet, and then withdrawn to. On average, 1000 characters of an article without spaces is estimated at 20-35 cents. Earnings equal to or greater than $ 5 are allowed for withdrawal.

Advego.ru provides the tools of its own development necessary for writing articles: a free program for checking uniqueness, a service for spelling and semantic analysis.

No. 2. Text.ru

Text.ru- the exchange, also ranked among the leaders. She helps sell her articles and take orders for writing.

The resource has a rating system, points are accumulated even with daily visits to the profile. Strict moderation is the only drawback. The presence of even a small number of errors will cause the article to be rejected.

Earnings start from 25 rubles. , and the withdrawal starts from 100 rubles. to a QIWI or WebMoney wallet. The commission on this exchange is 10%.

No. 3. copylancer.ru

copylancer.ru- a site designed for authors with experience. In the article store, the result of your creativity can be realized for good money (at least 100 rub. per 1000 characters). On average, for one order you will receive at least 50 rubles.

To start, you must first write a few low-paying articles (20-22 rubles) and pass an exam. With a positive outcome, the qualification "Copywriter" is assigned.

By developing your writing skills, you can earn $5-8 per 1000 characters. Those newcomers who have gained a foothold on the stock exchange receive $500-600 monthly for writing articles.

The resource interface allows you to quickly get used to and start articles. The minimum amount for withdrawing to WebMoney is 120 rubles.

Common mistakes newbies make when writing articles

For example, you cannot partially copy someone else's article with a slight change in the structure of the text or words with synonyms. Uniqueness checking programs notice such fraud and do not count the article as unique. Nothing good will come from dishonest attitude to orders.

Also, the wrong approach to writing articles for money is:

To make writing articles bring you moral satisfaction and more money, follow these recommendations of experienced copywriters:

  1. Do not stop learning new methods and techniques of writing articles.
  2. Increase your vocabulary through reading educational literature.
  3. Communicate with colleagues, share professional secrets with each other.
  4. Try to devote at least a couple of hours to writing articles, but every day. Only practice and a systematic approach will develop a good presentation of the material, an original style of presentation.
  5. Train your patience and perseverance.
  6. It is necessary to strictly comply with all the requirements of the employer, do not delay the deadlines for writing. That way you don't lose your source of money and don't create a bad reputation for yourself.
  7. Feel free to re-read the article before submitting. The regular presence of errors will negatively affect your future cooperation with the employer.
  8. You need to write in an accessible language, avoid using jargon, slang that will not be understood by the older generation.
  9. When looking for sources for a unique article, it is not necessary to read everything in detail and spend a lot of time. Run through the text with your eyes - if the article contains information that is useful to you, leave it and open a new one.

    A careful study of the sources is advisable only at the time of writing.

  10. Focus on the quality of articles, not quantity. Even if you get the same money for rewriting as for copywriting, you end up with a lack of progress and development.
  11. Strive to write intriguing headlines - this is the first thing the reader pays attention to. This factor awakens his interest in the article (or vice versa).

    Submit the article dynamically, use lists, break the text into small paragraphs of 5-6 lines to avoid cumbersomeness and not burden the reading process.

  12. Do not be afraid to ask questions to the customer, take care of him and your time. It is better to know all the details beforehand than to do the double work of re-writing the article. Nobody is eager to check your text once again.
  13. Listen to the comments of the employer, if they are justified.
  14. Give preference to writing articles on topics in which you are competent.
  15. Do not grab several orders at once: “you chase 2 hares, you won’t catch a single one.”

If writing articles for money aroused your interest, do not delay. Do not let your writing talent go to waste, because this is not just a hobby, but also a great way to make money. Do not be afraid to start working with content, it only seems difficult at the first stage.

After watching this video, you will learn how

write an article and where to sell it online:

In the future, you will see for yourself the usefulness of this lesson. Finding yourself in the field of copywriting or rewriting, choosing the right niche, you will constantly improve, improving your material well-being.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. I am glad to welcome you on my page. Since you are interested in the article, then you are interested in the question: "How to make money on the Internet?".

There are a lot of suggestions on how exactly you can. These are rates, and investments, and viewing ads. Of course, such methods work, but personally I am not satisfied with either the return or the amount of the initial investment.

I want to offer you the following, namely: writing texts for money. The work is so hard, but with effort you can get a good profit.

Traveling the Internet, I'm sure you have come across offers to become a copywriter more than once. “What is copywriting? Who is a copywriter? I think that those who wanted to earn money and find a permanent source of income have asked themselves such questions more than once. Copywriting is a professional activity that creates advertising and presentation texts. A copywriter is a person who, based on his knowledge, creates a unique check.

“What if I don’t know how to create texts?”

Not every person, based on their knowledge, will be able to write a text that will be easy to read and interesting to people. Such people should not be upset, you can become a rewriter. A rewriter, in a simple way, is the person who rewrites the text in his own words. Did you write retellings at school? I think yes, which means you can handle this job.

“Why does anyone want my articles?”

The question is good and of interest to many people, especially those who are just starting out: “Does it happen that you can earn money without investments?”. I was also interested in the question: “Why would someone pay me money for my thoughts?” Everything is quite simple. This is necessary to promote the site.


On the Internet, you can see many articles that are the same in meaning, but the text is different. “Why do this? Can't you just copy and paste it into your site? Unfortunately, no, or fortunately, simply copying articles without presenting the text will not lead to the desired result, namely the promotion of the site. For good results in search engines, you need articles to be unique.

Uniqueness is checked using programs such as: ETXT anti-plagiarism, Turbo Text, Advego and others. They compare your texts with others and thus give a percentage of uniqueness. On average, uniqueness should be from 95 to 100%. "It's so much? I won't be able to?" Don't be afraid! It is not much and not so difficult to achieve such a result.

“But how can I start earning and where?”

Good question, I think the internet. "What genius?" - at best, the visitors of my blog thought. Do not worry, of course, I will tell you where you can start earning. You can place your own ad on it yourself, or you can advertise on the Internet.

Having a lot of experience and a customer base, you can do this boldly and everything will be fine, but my article is intended for beginners, and this method is not suitable for them. There is specifically for those wishing to work exchange articles. This and ETXT, And Advego, and TurboText.

"What are article exchanges?"

These are specialized sites that are focused on text customers and copywriters. On the exchange, a person can order an article for himself, setting a price for the work, and a copywriter can complete it. Suitable for beginners ETXT, Advego, Turbo Text, TextSale.com, WebArtex, contentmonster and many others.

You can register on the exchanges by clicking on the following links:
1. http://advego.ru/
2. http://webartex.ru/
3. http://www.textsale.ru/
4. http://contentmonster.ru/

More about exchanges

The simplest and easiest to use is ETXT. This exchange has a rating system, according to which the level of a copywriter is determined. Do not worry even with a low rating, you can succeed.
On the exchange ETXT you can complete a text task and the moderator will assign a level based on its result. Either beginner, medium, or high. There is also a literacy test, its passage will also be marked on your profile.

Advego- more stringent exchange. The payment here is higher, but the conditions, respectively, for customers are more stringent. True, you can earn money on this exchange not only with the help of copywriting, but also for completing tasks. Such as joining a group, leaving a comment and the like. Yes, yes, yes, imagine that you can get paid for simply joining a group.
Turbo Text- This is a rapidly developing exchange, the payment on it is higher, but the commission of the system is more than on the previous two.

To start working on this exchange, you need to register on it, then pass the test. Test tasks on this exchange consist of two parts. First of all, you need to take a grammar test, in which case you will be given a sentence and answer options.

After that, you will need to write an essay. Based on the test result, you will be given a grade. In order to start working on this exchange as a copywriter, your result must be "5". But do not be upset and ask questions: “Why did I register? Why did I waste my time on this? - in case the result is less.

First, the test can be taken again after some time. And, secondly, in addition to writing texts, there are other vacancies. You can do microtasks.

Microtasks in TurboText

A relatively new feature that has been added to the exchanges. It allows users of the exchange who have passed the test task, and those who have not passed it, to earn money.

They include: writing reviews, comments, joining a group and more. User feedback on these tasks is only positive, because you can perform an easy task with good pay. The price of this type of work is lower than copywriting.

“Who can register on the exchanges?”

This work is available to everyone. Persons who live in both Russia and Ukraine can register. The main thing is that this way of earning is possible without investments. The only thing you need is knowledge of grammar, punctuation and an understanding of what you are writing about.

All good things come to an end and, unfortunately, our communication with you too. I hope that I was able to help those who are looking for a job. Of course, it is difficult to answer all questions in one article. But I hope that the base that I provided will be enough for the first time. I recommend that novice copywriters go to link and see lessons for a copywriter.

Decided to make money on comments? No problem! Lots of good reviews about this site. But in order to earn decent money, you must pass the exam after registration.


I hope my article was helpful to you. Do not be afraid, start and treat everything with humor. .

The copywriter is dead. After the process of weighing his soul, the arrow was in the middle. He had an equal number of good and bad deeds. Therefore, he was offered to independently determine where he should go: to Hell or Paradise. In order for the choice to be conscious, an excursion was made for him. So, a copywriter enters Hell and observes the following picture: copywriters sit there and constantly write without taking their fingers off the keys, and the Devil walks over them and yells all the time: “Surrender! Delivery in 10 minutes! Faster!". The copywriter looked and went on an excursion to Paradise with the hope that it should be better here. But upon arrival, he observes a similar picture: copywriters keep writing and writing, and God walks and says: “Delivery in 10 minutes,” but only in a calm and gentle voice. After everything he saw, the copywriter asks Peter: “What’s the difference?” To which Peter replies: “In Paradise, the rating is not lowered, the payment is increased all the time, and the order is instantly accepted.”

Job writing articles

There is such a job on the Internet on the Internet - writing articles for money - it is considered one of the most stable, reliable and profitable Internet work without financial investments.

How much can this type of income bring?

Your income depends on many parameters: the speed of your writing, the speed at which you type, the quality of your articles, their topics, and so on. For beginners, the work of writing articles can bring about 60 - 100 rubles per hour. Somewhere in 2-3 months, a person fills his hand, and begins to write much faster - he can receive from 200 rubles per hour and more.

If you are satisfied with such earnings, and you want to try write articles for money via the Internet, then here is the best site for you, where there is such work on the Internet:

You can also explore the whole range of ways to make money on the Internet, read about them on the main page of the site:

And remember that writing articles is not only a fairly profitable activity, but also a preparation for more difficult and serious types of earnings on the Internet. If you are going to make your own website or blog, then you will need the ability to write articles very much!

All sorts of cute particulars, facts, figures, details
(unless, of course, there are too many of them) make the text lively and charming.

This article is for copywriters. Customers of texts need here:

Now the article itself.

From today, our conversation will be about how to write articles to order, where to look for customers and how to make your texts attractive in terms of their sale. After reading this article, you will get a clear idea of ​​​​how to turn freelance writing into a source of serious income. If you are the most novice newbie, you will have a list of specific recommendations for becoming a successful copywriter.

The ability to order texts is needed by two groups of people: buyers (customers) of these very texts and copywriters who write and sell these texts. For the first ones, ordering articles is a way to regularly acquire high-quality content from a person who knows how to write texts according to the requirements of the customer. For the second - a great chance to get a decent and at the same time stable income.

With the help of ordering articles on a website, in a magazine or somewhere else. The most popular is to go to one of. On any of them there are a huge number of copywriters who write texts for any topic. The customer only needs to choose the right one for the price and "quality". The exchange itself will monitor compliance with all agreements.

Things are quite different with copywriters (performers). Given the incredible competition that dominates the content market today, it would be the height of naivety to believe that writing articles to order is available to everyone and everyone. To get an employer who would systematically order texts for the site, a copywriter (especially a beginner) needs to work hard. After all, you need to distinguish yourself from a large mass of other applicants (we talked about this in more detail).

So how do you make writing texts to order the main source of decent income? Let's figure it out!

Visitor Review:

Alex, thank you so much for your work. A very useful site. All articles are written in an accessible and understandable language. Thanks again

Irina Bandaluk.

Binding Rules

If you ask a venerable copywriter a question about how to write custom articles, then in response, usually, you can hear a whole set of rules that come down to two groups: how to and how not to write texts in principle. From copywriter to copywriter, this list may vary slightly, but in general terms it always looks the same.

    Rule number 1. Literacy.

    Sometimes one gets the impression that elementary school students were engaged in the text content of some sites: errors, errors and more errors. And terribly ridiculous! And the most different: spelling, punctuation, and stylistic. Even in words and sentences that, at first glance, do not carry any grammatical or syntactic complexity. Alas, the modern generation for the most part does not know the elementary norms of the literary language. Hence all the troubles mentioned.

    Remember, you need to write to order only competent texts!

    How to achieve this?

    • ~ First, it was necessary to study well at school. Without this indispensable foundation, one can hardly count on success in the craft of writing.

    • ~ Second, read a lot. First of all, classical literature, which will help expand your vocabulary and instill a taste for beautiful text.

    • ~ Thirdly, in the process of writing an article on order, you should always use reference books, dictionaries, etc.

  • Rule number 2. Understanding.

    To write high-quality texts to order, you need to at least roughly navigate the topic you are writing about. But what if there is not enough knowledge to complete the order? There are two options:

    • ~ figure it out

    • ~ cancel the order.

    You can (and even need to) understand the topic with the help of the customer. Ask him to provide a link to decent reference materials and forums on the topic. Set aside a couple of days to study them and, based on the results, write a draft version of the text.

    Send a draft version of the article to the customer (do not forget to warn him that this is a draft version, not a finished order) with a request to evaluate the level of competence of the material (namely, competence, not style, literacy, etc.). In case of a positive assessment, write the final version and send the text for verification.

    In general, you should not take orders for articles from areas in which you do not understand at all. Unless, of course, this is a cheap hack and the customer does not care about the quality of the text. Then, as they say, it's your own fault.

    Rule number 3. Style.

    I think it's clear that writing an article for a bank's website and a blog about butterflies are two different things. The visitor already has a certain image in his head of what he will find on the site. He expects to see texts in a certain style.

    And he must see them.

    It may also be that the customer's site is not the site of a bank or some other organization. It may just be a regular site. But even on a regular site, the texts are written in some style.

    Your articles (or article) must comply with it (unless otherwise specified by the customer).

    If this question is not specified in the conditions or description of the order, then do not be too lazy to ask the customer. At the very least, go to his website and see his style for yourself.

    Rule number 4. Conciseness.

    The main scourge of bad and novice copywriters is excessive verbosity.

    Bad copywriters need it for the number of characters (when ordering an article, its size in characters is usually indicated, and bad copywriters, due to unnecessary verbosity, “stretch” a couple of thoughts for an entire article). Novice copywriters are prone to verbosity due to the fact that they still do not know how to clearly structure their texts and write only on the topic of the article. Very often they try to describe in detail every thing that occurs in the article. What turns their texts into a kind of stream of consciousness, in which it is difficult to understand anything even to the one who wrote them.

    Again, if the main requirements for the text in the order are the number of characters and the price, then “sheets” filled with “water” will do just fine. If we are talking about articles of at least average quality, then everything should be exclusively on the case.

    Otherwise, you will not have to count on serious earnings.

    Rule number 5. Simplicity.

    In almost any order, the simpler the final text is written, the better.

    Because in most orders, articles are needed for the website of some organization, and not texts for a scientific journal. For example, articles for a construction organization's website should tell its visitor about the products of this organization - about the houses built by it. And these articles should not be about how many bulldozers this organization has or what is the composition of the concrete that its builders use, but about where these houses are located, what they contain and how much they cost.

    Moreover, it needs to be told quickly and clearly. That is simple.

    Rule number 6. Structure.

    Sometimes articles written to order can have an impressive size for quite objective reasons (it can be a detailed instruction, a tutorial page, etc.). How to make reading easy and enjoyable in this case?

    You need to structure the text.

    A large article should be divided into semantic blocks. Each block should have its own title, which briefly tells about its (block) essence. The reader, having skimmed through the article, from the headings of its blocks should get a clear idea of ​​​​what this article will give him and whether it contains the information that he needs.

    Also, any text should be divided into logical parts - paragraphs. One thought - one paragraph. Thoughts, as we have said above, should be stated as simply and concisely as possible. Accordingly, the paragraphs should be as simple and short as possible.

    Various formatting elements will make reading your article even more comfortable.

    For example, it's better not to list something separated by commas, but to do it as a list:

    The site is good because it:

    • ~ free,

    • ~ useful,

    • ~ always at hand.

    Important parts of the text (definitions, quotes, etc.) can be highlighted bold, in italics or emphasize.

    The main thoughts of your article can be somehow separated from the main text:

    • make the font bigger,

    • change its color,

    • headset, etc.

    In general, down with the monotonous text! True, and get carried away too much is not worth it. Everything should be on point and in place.

    Rule number 7. Uniqueness.

    Texts on the Internet must be unique both from the point of view of site visitors and from the point of view of .

    That is, the reader must see that information in your article in this particular form is not found anywhere else. It could be

    • ~ original presentation of the material,

    • ~ different arrangement of facts,

    • ~ a different look at events, etc.

    It can even be a description of things that are known to everyone and have already been described more than once, but “seasoned” with your personal opinion and your personal conclusions.

    Search engines need to see that, roughly speaking, words in the text you wrote specifically in this sequence are not found anywhere else on the Internet. Today, search engines distinguish even “light” rewriting (a simple replacement of words with synonyms).

    Good texts for websites are written with two these "types" of uniqueness!

    The bad ones either ignore uniqueness altogether, or take into account only one of its “types”.

These are the basic rules for writing good articles. Following them, you will quickly move into the category of “above average” copywriters, which will provide you with orders for texts for a long time.

Now let's talk about where to look for customers.

Where to find customers for texts?

Knowing how to write texts to order correctly is not a guarantee that all the customers of the world will “rush” to you.

  • ~ First, "knowing" and "doing" are two different things..
    You can memorize all the possible rules and recommendations, but continue to write like a frostbitten gopnik or a drunk tourist fan of Tagil. At the same time, being sure that you follow all the memorized rules and recommendations.
    So, if you are sure that you write cool texts, but you don’t get any more money from it, then this is a great reason to look at your work with a more critical eye.

  • ~ Second, there are many copywriters, but few orders for articles.
    The rules for writing good texts are not a secret behind seven seals and are known to everyone. So knowing them in and of itself is not your competitive advantage. It's like knowing the rules of the road doesn't make you a successful taxi driver.

So where and how to look for orders for writing texts?

There are three ways:

  • Search for orders on existing resources

    This is the most popular option to find customers for writing articles, not only for a beginner, but in general for any copywriter.

    “Existing resources” are article exchanges, freelance exchanges and forums on a topic and close to it.

    The most efficient, of course, is . They were created just for the meeting of copywriters and customers. In addition, here you can not only write texts to order, but also sell finished articles. Another big plus of article exchanges is the guarantee that you will not be deceived. The exchange itself acts as a guarantor.

    The plan is this:

    • ~ we start working on the exchanges of articles. We write articles not only to order, but also for sale (we write articles on popular topics or on topics that we understand, and post them in the sale sections of the finished content);

    • ~ Gradually, we accumulate texts that no one has bought. As soon as there are more than five of them (or not easy, it’s like someone’s talents or finances allow), on the main page of which we indicate who we are, what we offer and how much we want for it. Then we create the “Articles” or “Our Works” section, in which we post articles that have not been bought by anyone, and with the help of internal optimization, we begin to promote the main page of our site in search engines. For low frequency requests.

    • ~ This section will need to be constantly replenished. Or purposefully (we write texts specifically for our website, and not for an order or sale). Or those articles that no one buys. With the necessary links to the main and, if necessary, to internal pages. In this case, we get a "waste-free" production without interruption from the main source of income.

What else can help you with orders?

It is clear that within the framework of one article it is difficult to cover all the subtleties and nuances of the copywriter's craft. I have described the main points. But there are no limits to perfection, and here are a couple of links that have more useful information.

And finally, I want to say that the work of writing articles to order is currently extremely in demand in Runet. We need a lot of texts, we need different texts, and the level of requirements for their writing ranges from minimum to maximum.

I have already said and I will repeat it again: for a beginner, writing texts for customer sites is The best way start making money online.

In addition, the ability to put words into meaningful texts is very useful not only for the wallet, but also for overall development.