Rabbit breeding business. Rabbit breeding is a profitable business

2017-01-25 Igor Novitsky

A business based on rabbit breeding requires the farmer to organize optimal conditions for keeping animals, depending on the preferred place for their breeding - in an aviary or a pit, as well as the correct preparation of a business plan for a rabbit breeding enterprise.

To date, the development of rabbit breeding in Russia has not yet reached the peak of popularity and production efficiency. Although it should be noted that in rural areas, raising rabbits at home - as part of the household - is a fairly widespread phenomenon.

However, domestic breeding of rabbits does not usually occur in large volumes. In order to meet their needs for rabbit meat, people do not need large-scale production. Rabbit meat has a number of beneficial (in comparison with the meat of other animals) properties. Basically, rabbit meat is of interest to people because of its high calorie content with its digestibility by the body of 90%, the content of lecithin, nicotinic acid, and proteins in it. At the same time, the cholesterol level in rabbit meat is very low, so it is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.

Growing rabbits: features and subtleties

Despite the fact that rabbit meat has a number of advantages over any other, rabbit farms throughout the Russian Federation can literally be "counted on the fingers." Experts argue that the problem lies neither in the lack of climate and environmental conditions suitable for rabbits (moreover, it is believed that these animals are the most unpretentious to the conditions of detention, the most prolific), nor in the low demand for meat (according to a social survey, more than 60% of people claim that they are ready to eat rabbit meat on a regular basis, but they do not always find it on store shelves). What then is the problem of domestic rabbit breeding? After some thought, only one assumption remains: inability, an approach without due responsibility and preparation.

In fact, raising rabbits is considered far from being a difficult task. But this does not mean that you need to take it on without having any idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat rabbit breeding is. Before starting any business, it is recommended to read literature about it in order to confirm your decision, or, conversely, to lose faith.

Rabbits are unpretentious to the conditions of detention - they can live both in specially equipped sheds or rabbitries, as well as in certain equipped rooms, even in cages or aviaries installed in an open space. Rabbits are unpretentious to feed: it is enough that there are three main types of feed in the rabbit's diet: coarse (hay, straw, tree branches), succulent (various herbs and root crops) and concentrated (nutritious feed: fish or meat and bone meal). Concentrated feeds are more effective in winter. It is also possible to feed rabbits with vitamin complexes in winter.

It is important to carry out prevention against diseases. In practice, this is often expressed in the fact that from time to time farmers give the rabbits "silver water", which disinfects the animal's body. As a rule, it is obtained by passing through silver electrodes that are in water, poured into a dielectric (non-conductive), for example, a glass container. As a result of the passage of current, a precipitate remains in the form of silver ions Ag + . Water with silver ions has a bactericidal effect, while it is absolutely non-toxic to animals.

To achieve maximum profitability of the product, it is recommended to buy exclusively meat breeds of rabbits. Rabbits of such breeds reach marketable mass already at the age of four to five months, while a female rabbit is able to give up to 10 births, each of which has at least four rabbits, per year. However, of course, these are approximate numbers. Depending on the conditions and breed, the rabbit can give, according to statistics, from 4 to 12 rounds per year. So, according to approximate calculations, one female and her annual offspring give approximately 100 kilograms of marketable meat.

Is the rabbit breeding business profitable?

The profitability of such a business is calculated quite simply. For example, if rabbits are slaughtered at the age of four or five months (with an animal weighing about three kilograms). On average, one kilogram of rabbit meat costs 300 rubles. From a three-kilogram rabbit, one and a half to two kilograms of meat are usually obtained. So, the wholesale price of one rabbit meat is approximately 450 rubles. But it is recommended to calculate the costs.

Thus, the cost of buying or renting land, registration, marketing and other organizational costs can be up to one million rubles. Also, the expenses include the purchase of feed, the cost of funds for the repair of equipment and premises. Basically, that's what the cost is. Let's say the farm has 1000 rabbits. Of these, 500 are rabbits. With proper care, the female can produce from 25 to 60 offspring, which will be from 40 to 120 kg of meat.

So, for a year you can get, on average, 80,000 rubles, which in the second year of work will cover the costs of starting production. Of course, it is worth considering that part of the young will die due to many factors, the main of which are: illness and uncomfortable conditions. You should not forget that in order to effectively increase the number of young, it is necessary to change females that produce new individuals. If one individual constantly produces offspring for a long time, it will quickly lose its fertility.

As soon as the female's fecundity fades, she is slaughtered, and another female produces offspring. As a rule, males are replaced every two years, while females are replaced once a year. Subject to all the rules for the care of rabbits, you can get about seven tons of rabbit meat only at the expense of the offspring of 100 females. Therefore, it is very important for an enterprise to establish sales channels and a sales market for products. It turns out that the rabbit breeding business is profitable if you follow a few simple rules.

Rabbit breeding as a business: from start to finish

The first thing to do when creating any business is to settle the legal and regulatory side of the issue. To do this, you must at least register your company. This is where the question arises of how. How exactly is a company registered? A rabbit farm can be designed in three ways:

Optimal conditions for keeping rabbits

Plot of land:

  1. Location of the site: suburban areas, at a distance from residential buildings up to 2 kilometers.
  2. The area of ​​the site should not be less than fifteen acres.


  1. It should be possible to maintain a constant warm temperature in the room in the conditions of its decrease in the environment.
  2. The walls, floor and roof of the room should be made so that there are no gaps in them: the room should not be damp, there should be no drafts in it.
  3. The room must have electricity.
  4. There should be a large water tank in or near the room.

Breeding rabbits in aviaries

Breeding of rabbits in open-air cages is carried out in open space. The aviary is a space fenced around the perimeter with a fence. It is not recommended to keep more than 30 individuals on the territory of one enclosure, and most often a female and her offspring are kept in enclosures. At the same time, males are not kept in enclosures: they are kept separately from all individuals in a special room, and they are placed in enclosures only during the mating period.

Aviaries are arranged on a hill to protect against drowning. The walls of the enclosure are made of any materials, while one must be made of mesh. The height of the wall can reach one or two meters. They should be buried in the ground at an average of half a meter. The floor in the enclosures is usually earthen, which allows the owners to rarely clean it, and the rabbits to dig holes and develop physically.

Breeding rabbits in a pit

Pit device algorithm:

  1. Buy a plot for the arrangement of the pit.
  2. When choosing a site, look at the number of hills, because it is on them that the pit is built.
  3. The pit should be dry, there should be no rivers, swamp lakes nearby, there should be no groundwater.
  4. Keeping a large number of rabbits in pits is undesirable. The maximum allowable size of the pit is 3x3 meters. Up to 300 rabbits can live in such a hole.
  5. The pit should be square, three of its walls should be covered with durable material.
  6. The fourth wall should have a recess at a height of up to 15 cm. This recess should be wide enough to accommodate at least two rabbits.

As a business, it is quite a profitable business if you take it seriously. Dietary rabbit meat is in consistently high demand. The profitability of rabbit breeding is determined by its non-waste. In addition to meat, you can sell the skin, and even the insides of these animals. Oddly enough, it is unique and because it is the best fertilizer.

Before you decide to create a business for breeding rabbits, you need to solve several issues, namely: choose a method for raising them. There are a large number of breeds and technologies, but the decision must be made independently, based on the available financial and labor resources.

Before starting the implementation of the idea, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of the maintenance, feeding and reproduction of animals. The first step is to decide on the method of raising rabbits. It must be remembered that this is a complex matter that requires long and painstaking work to obtain good results.

Raising rabbits (business from scratch)

There are several methods for raising rabbits.

  • Purebred - a mating of one breed of rabbits.
  • Crossing - mating of different breeds.

The Mikhailov method and breeding animals in pits are also common.

In order to get an answer to the question “how to make a business on rabbits?”, You need to familiarize yourself with all the proposed technologies, choose the right one and gradually implement it.

Purebred growing method

This method involves mating rabbits of a certain breed. A female is selected for the male, as close as possible to his productivity and physique.
The purpose of such a selection is: fixing the desired type of rabbits in the herd, strengthening certain valuable qualities of young animals and increasing the number of highly productive animals.

Sometimes pairs of rabbits are selected with a certain outstanding trait in order to fix it in future offspring. At the same time, they also look at other indicators, especially the state of health: whether it has worsened. This method is used to obtain meat, fluff and skins of rabbits of a certain breed. Along with the purebred breeding method, crossbreeding is used, that is, mating of different breeds of rabbits.


It is used to develop new and improve existing breeds of animals. Any rabbit breeding farm predominantly uses crossbreeding.

Compared to "pure" breeds, animals obtained as a result of this method are distinguished by accelerated growth, lower feed intake per kilogram of weight, high fertility and viability.

There are several types of crossing.

  • Reproductive - breeding new breeds of rabbits.
  • Introductory - a change in a certain indicator of animal productivity (single crossing).
  • Absorption - a radical change in an unproductive breed due to its absorption by a highly productive one.
  • Industrial - obtaining marketable young animals, meat, fluff, skins and other things. Industrial breeding of rabbits by crossing is widespread on commercial farms.

Breeding in holes

Rabbit breeding as a business was originally practiced in pits. To date, this approach is practically not used. The breeding method in pits is relevant when owning a land plot or premises of a small area. It was used in the absence of the necessary time for feeding, caring for rabbits, as well as with limited finances, when there was not enough money to build or purchase equipment.

As the name suggests, rabbits are kept in pits. The depth of such pits is 1 m, the width and length are at the discretion of the owner. Up to 200 heads can be placed in one pit.

A metal mesh is placed on the floor of the pit, a mound of sand is made. The walls of the pit should be bricked up and a small area should be left near one of them, where a hole is dug 10-15 cm above the floor level.

The size of the hole should be large enough so that 3 rabbits can enter it at the same time. Placing the burrow above the floor is to prevent urine from dripping in as rabbits urinate at the entrance.

To protect against precipitation, the pit must have a roof. Life without light has a bad effect on the development and growth of rabbits, so you should make a glass window in it or illuminate the pit with an electric light bulb. A 40 watt light bulb, for example, is suitable for a pit of 10 square meters. meters.

Feeders and drinkers from various containers are placed along the walls of the pit, which should be wide enough and not very deep. This will avoid crowding and allow the rabbits to reach for food or water without effort.

Rabbits as a business are quite a profitable business, but the method of rearing in pits is far from the most profitable. The advantages of this technology: low financial costs, the ability to keep a large number of rabbits in a small area, no drafts, quick payback. Disadvantages: small weight of rabbits due to frequent illnesses, difficulties with breeding distribution.

Mikhailov method

This method is aimed at the formation of natural immunity. Mikhailov's method for raising rabbits leads to an increase in the quality indicators of animals.

The author of this method is not a supporter of classical breeding, since it does not make it possible to achieve the real genetic potential of these mammals. In addition, the rabbit breeding business involves keeping animals in cages, which leads to frequent stress and high mortality of young animals. The Mikhailov method avoids such undesirable moments.

The essence of the Mikhailov method

In the generally accepted version of raising rabbits, they are fed no more than 3 times / day, and according to the Mikhailov method - up to 80 times / day.

As a rule, young animals are fed with rabbit milk for about a month, and according to Mikhailov's technology, this should continue to be done up to 3 months. This innovative method minimizes the investment required to set up a rabbit farm.

The result of Mikhailov's approach is accelerated rabbits. On average, every 3 months they bring 10 rabbits. These features of breeding make it possible to significantly increase the profitability of the business, that is, increase its effectiveness. It should be noted that the skins and meat of accelerated rabbits are much better than those of animals of classical rearing.

Cages for industrial breeding of rabbits differ significantly from those proposed by Mikhailov. The latter are represented by three tiers. On the north side, such cells are equipped with a thick insulated wall, and on the south side, on the contrary, with an open wall that lets in sunlight and fresh air. This favorably affects the growth and development of rabbits.

The cell area is 1.4 square meters. meters. It provides automatic mode for a long time. Within the tiers there are slatted floors, under which there are shafts resembling pyramids in shape. The operation of the cage is based on the principle of a stove: gases from the room with litter go up the exhaust pipe, while fresh air from outside enters in parallel. One such cage can accommodate up to 30 rabbits. On average, in practice, 13-15 heads are placed in cages.

Any profitable enterprise has a clear development plan. A well-thought-out rabbit breeding business plan is the key to successful and profitable work.

Production part

Breeding rabbits according to Mikhailov's method involves keeping them on special mini-farms. One mini-farm requires up to 500 kg of feed and about 250 kg of hay per year.

One accelerator rabbit eats about 14 kg of feed and up to 7 kg of hay per year. Output - 1 animal (5 kg) for 10 days. The capital turnover period is 100 days.

There are various models of rabbit farms, among which there are also two-tier ones. The number of mini-farms on the farm depends only on the owner of the business, but it should be noted that they do not require large plots. For example, a rabbit farm of 16 mini-farms will take up only one hundred square meters of land. Such production can be serviced only once a week with a productivity of 10 rabbits per week.

Mini-farms require some heating at temperatures below +10 C with an energy consumption of 30 watts.

Rabbit breeding as a business is not limited to animal breeding. To achieve maximum production efficiency, it is necessary to organize a personal workshop for processing products, a workshop for tailoring, as well as a site for the production of vermicompost.

Expenses and income

The cost of making a mini-farm, without additional equipment, can vary in the range of 5-20 thousand rubles. If you decide to do it yourself, it will come out cheaper, if you decide to use the services of professionals, it will come out, respectively, more expensive.

For production to be efficient, at least 300 mini-farms should be organized. The costs in this case will amount to about 350 thousand rubles (excluding taxes and the farms themselves). Income will be about 1.5 million rubles.

Market analysis

This section of the business plan should contain a description of similar farms in your region, indicate wholesale and retail buyers and their purchase volumes.

Production plan

The first step in organizing a farm is finding the right land. The best option will be the plot with the lowest rent. At the same time, one should not forget that the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site for full-fledged work is 5 acres of land - it will be possible to place the cells themselves and ancillary buildings on it.

The next step will be the purchase or construction of cells, depending on your decision - to save or give in to the functionality of the finished cells. Next - the purchase of livestock.

This business plan assumes an initial herd size of 60 heads, including 20 males and 40 females.

Sales plan

In order not to be left with surpluses, a marketing plan must be thought out and calculated even before starting a business. The main buyers of rabbit meat are markets, supermarkets, private traders. Skins are often bought by fur ateliers and private fashion designers. An important factor in the success of sales is the proximity of megacities.

Financial plan

Rabbit breeding as a business requires careful design. Here are the costs that the production will incur and the income from it.


Land lease - 20-80 thousand rubles.

Purchase (construction) of cells - 10-40 thousand.

Purchase of rabbits (60 heads) - 18-30 thousand.

Compound feed - 50-100 thousand.

The salary of the hired worker is 120 thousand / year.

Total costs - 218-370 thousand in the first year.


Meat sales - 1.5 tons / year at 200-250 rubles / kg (300-375 thousand rubles). These figures are taken due to the fact that 40 rabbits, on average, bring 20 rabbits per year, 1.8-1.9 kg each. Total - 800 rabbits weighing 1500 kg.

Realization of skins - 160 thousand (200 rubles per skin, 800 skins).

Total income - 460-535 thousand rubles / year.

In the general case, the payback of such a farm will be no more than a year in time, if you take up business seriously.

Raising rabbits at home is a simple and not very expensive task, but when the hobby is ready to move to the business stage, it is necessary to think over the main issues related to keeping, raising rabbits and ways to sell meat. There are a few key points to pay close attention to when writing a rabbit breeding business plan.

A mini farm according to the Mikhailov method requires only a few hours a week for care

Drawing up a business plan

The business plan for breeding rabbits consists of several positions:

  • initial costs;
  • fixed costs;
  • permanent income;
  • additional income;
  • profit calculation.

Initial investment

The initial investment includes:

  • purchase of a plot for construction (in the absence of your own plot);
  • the cost of paperwork;
  • the cost of building a farm (materials, workers' wages, communications);
  • arrangement of the existing site (if necessary);
  • materials for sheds with cages;
  • necessary equipment (refrigerator, mini-tractor), feeders and drinkers or material for their manufacture;
  • buying rabbits,
  • feed (mixed feed, vegetables).

The cost of this item largely depends on the availability of land, premises and materials. When buying / renting a plot, you need to choose a place in a suburban area, but not near residential buildings.

The minimum desired area of ​​the future economy should be fifteen acres.

fixed costs

This item includes fees for veterinary accompaniment, feed and wages to workers, if any. When calculating feed for one production unit, a rabbit with offspring is taken. For a year, one female brings 24-25 rabbits. Rabbits are slaughtered in three to four months, while their meat is tender and there are no foreign odors in it. To get large excellent skins with lush thick fur, the animals are slaughtered after the autumn molts in November-December. However, rabbits born in the first months of the year are unprofitable to keep for so long, so they are slaughtered at the age of four months, seven to ten after the end of the first molt.

One female with offspring needs about three hundred and forty kilograms of feed per year, since the feed is purchased, its cost is included in the costs.

Farmers themselves prepare green fodder, branches, hay, reducing costs. Some farmers reduce this item by producing their own compound feed, purchasing the necessary equipment and buying raw materials (grain waste) in large quantities at local flour mills.

The same article includes all expenses for gasoline, electricity, water. The annual cost of veterinary support per production unit is more than three hundred rubles.

At Mikhailov's mini-farms, rabbits are kept outdoors all year round.

The fixed costs should include the organization of the slaughterhouse, that is, the purchase of knives, cutting tables, a waste container, a constant source of water to ensure the cleanliness of the premises, a blood source.

Do not forget about the periodic disinfection of the room and the presence of good ventilation in it.


The main type includes income from the sale of meat and skins. It is easy to calculate them: the average carcass weighs more than two kilograms. Experienced farmers annually receive from three sheds to eight hundred - thousand carcasses. Thus, the annual output will be at least two tons of meat, it remains to multiply this figure by the selling price of meat to get the amount of income.

Animal skins can become an additional source of income or the main one if the goal is to obtain high-quality fur. There are many experienced rabbit breeders who professionally dress skins and sew hats, short fur coats, decor items from them, having their own market. Skins of meat breeds can be preserved and sold to fur studios. Their cost is relatively low. If high-quality dressing is not possible, the skins must be given to professionals, and only then sold in the studio, then their price rises five to six times. Experienced breeders claim that in this case they have from a hundred rubles of net profit per head. You can go a little further and not sell dressed skins in the atelier, but donate them for tailoring fashionable products in demand, and sell them yourself, which will bring almost a fifty percent profit.

The third source of income is breeding rabbits. Once having invested money in the purchase of thoroughbred animals, you can easily make up for the costs by selling thoroughbred young animals.

Common Questions When Creating a Business Plan

Before proceeding with the preparation of a business plan, you need to familiarize yourself with and consider the legal side of the issue, methods of keeping animals, types of feed, and reproduction features.

The premises where the animals will be kept must be protected from drafts. In addition to proper nutrition, rabbits need proper care, namely:

  • daily cleaning of feeders and drinkers, bedding,
  • regular vaccinations,
  • Fresh air,
  • periodic disinfection of premises,
  • timely isolation of sick animals.

When establishing a business, you need to decide on the goals of breeding - obtaining meat and / or skins and select the appropriate breed.

Meat breeds include rabbits "gray giant", "white", for fur - rex, butterfly, white downy.

To open your own farm, you need to have a room, a forage base (proximity to meadows, forests), start-up capital for buying rabbits - producers and making cages. And most importantly, to study the sales market in order to know how much meat can be quickly sold and at what price. To do this, it is better to bypass local shops and markets, cafes, restaurants, hotels and motels.

For information: about two to three kilograms of meat with bones are obtained from a five-kilogram rabbit.

The legal side of the issue

If you want not just to engage in rabbit breeding, but to make it your business and have an income, you need to start with organizational and legal issues.

Personal subsidiary plot

Breeding rabbits as a business involves having your own or rented land in a holiday village. You will need an appropriate certificate of personal subsidiary plot (LPH). The main advantage of private household plots is complete tax exemption. The main disadvantage of this form of activity is that there are restrictions on the circle of potential buyers. These include shops, supermarkets, restaurants and cafes, which place high demands on product quality.

To sell meat in markets and shops you will need:

  • a certificate from a veterinarian or from a veterinary laboratory that the rabbits are healthy and have
  • all necessary vaccinations;
  • they are packed in compliance with all the rules;
  • sanitary book for the car on which the meat is transported;
  • certificate from the veterinary laboratory with blood and carcass tests (meat safety).

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the form and number of the listed certificates are determined by the decisions of local authorities, therefore, at the first stage, it is good to go to the local veterinary station and find out the list of documents required for the sale of meat.

Individual entrepreneur

This is a more prestigious status than private household plots, but more expensive due to taxes.

You can minimize taxes by choosing a form of taxation in the form of a single agricultural tax on income in the amount of six percent.

The second way to pay this tax is on the difference between income and expenses, its value ranges from five to fifteen percent, depending on the rate adopted in this particular region. An individual entrepreneur must have a certificate for a rabbit farm, a declaration of compliance with GOST RF and a phytosanitary certificate. Controls the activities of the IP Rosselkhoznadzor.

Shed rabbit rearing system

Rabbits are bred in a wide variety of conditions and farms, however, for home business, the shed system is more acceptable. Shed is a mini-farm where you can breed rabbits. It allows you to optimize production processes, facilitates the calculation of feed requirements. The disadvantages of the shed system are the time spent on entry, a certain inconvenience of maintenance, but this method is distinguished by the simplicity of erecting the structure and minimal monetary costs.

In essence, a shed is two batteries of cages under one roof. The length of the battery depends on the area of ​​​​the room, the accepted width is standard - three meters. It is important to note that this means that the cages are arranged in three rows/tiers on both sides of a one and a half meter wide passage. Before installing the cages, the entire floor in the room must be sheathed with boards or poured with cement, arrange a spillway.

You can make cages in two sections, then two neighbors will have one nursery for hay and branches, one nest. Such cells have the following dimensions:

  • length - one meter,
  • width - half a meter,
  • nest size - thirty by fifty centimeters,
  • compartment for walking - fifty by seventy centimeters.

You can make cages, shelves and feeders yourself - this will significantly reduce costs. Cages are made of wood, plywood, metal, metal profiles and other materials. A metal mesh is used for the front wall, but it is not recommended to make a mesh on the floor. If the cage is completely made of wood, a window is made on the back wall for light and fresh air, which is covered with a mesh. Each cage must be closed with a lock so that the animals do not run away.

Breeding rabbits

When breeding rabbits, one of the most popular options for housing animals is the option with eighteen female rabbits and two rabbits. A ten-meter-long shed will accommodate sixty cages, in which four hundred individuals can be obtained in a year. Nine females and one male will be placed in each row, the remaining forty are intended for the growing young.

If the female is covered for the first time in February - March, then in a year she will bring at least twenty - twenty-five rabbits from three births. Please note that in order to obtain healthy offspring, it is important that the suckling period lasts two months. This will avoid exhaustion of the rabbit at three births per year - out of six possible. It should also be taken into account that experienced specialists do not cover the bulk of the rabbits in winter so that the females maintain the necessary fatness until the new breeding season.

One rabbit brings 30-40 rabbits a year

If the area allows, there are sales markets and cheap quality feed, you can cover the rabbit in the winter, but then you have to warm the nests. For this purpose, a piece of polystyrene foam / polystyrene is placed under the bottom of the nest, and the nest is filled with hay.

Feeding rabbits

Drawing up a business plan is impossible without the calculation of feed and the availability of a good forage base. Domestic rabbits eat juicy, green, coarse and concentrated foods, and that diet depends on the time of year.

So, adult rabbits weighing four kilograms require 20-25 g of compound feed in summer, about 500-800 grams of greens / grass, in winter 35 grams of concentrate, 200 grams of hay and succulent feed.

For pregnant females, the amount of feed is increased to 700 grams, and 70 grams of compound feed, in winter - 170 grams of hay, 85 grams of concentrates (including 10 grams of cake), 200 grams of succulent feed. During pregnancy, females need additional minerals and vitamins, for which they are given 11 grams of honey, 12 grams of salt, 60 grams of meat and bone meal, one gram of fish oil and vitamins. This is just one of the many options for essential supplements.

It is necessary to include in the plan the acquisition of a sufficient number of drinking bowls.

By following these simple recommendations and thinking through all the main points, you can create a productive and stable rabbit farm. The main thing is to pay enough attention to the preparation process and market research. More than half of the company's success depends on it.

Meat is one of the most consumed foods, but despite the huge amount of its production and consumption, sometimes there are situations when this product may not be enough.

Rabbit breeding is a profitable investment

Often we see this situation: in stores there are only a few types of meat, these are beef, pork and lamb. The rest of the meat, rabbit, is unprofitable, so it is not so common on the shelves. If you use the opportunity correctly, then this will only play into your hands: all you need is effort and initial capital.

In this article, we will guide you on how to build a rabbit business and also provide a preliminary business plan for raising rabbits at home or on a farm in the countryside.

Rabbit breeding as a business is not a new idea, but its implementation has not gained demand. That's the plus of keeping rabbits: you can easily create a business, this will be facilitated by low competition in this market and the need for fresh homemade meat, because it will always find its customers.

Yes, capital investments will be significant, as in any other business, so before starting your business from scratch, think about how realistic it is for you to raise rabbits and save up a certain amount to start. Further, investing in a business will also be costly: keeping a farm in conditions suitable for rabbits is not a cheap pleasure.

But there is no doubt that the profitability of rabbit breeding will be high, because if you have the initial capital, rabbit breeding as a business will be your most profitable investment.

Is it profitable to breed eared?

People who want to keep rabbits for business at home often ask themselves: is it profitable to breed rabbits? To this question, we can say with confidence that rabbit breeding is a profitable business.

Not only has the competition in this business not reached a high level, but the type of meat itself plays an important role. The thing is that rabbit meat is best absorbed in our body (about 90%), moreover, it is practically lean, which is why it is dietary.

Many people today go on a diet (the reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse), so dietary meat will certainly be popular among this category of consumers. There are also many dishes that will simply lose their zest without rabbit meat.

Rabbits give tasty and dietary meat

With some effort, you can quickly establish a connection with points that are engaged in retail trade, or, if you're lucky, even with a restaurant. In this case, you will have the opportunity to set your own price for the product.

  • a market with little competition;
  • demand for meat;
  • own price for manufactured products;
  • profitable business.

The downside is a big investment.

I think you no longer have doubts about whether it is profitable to breed rabbits. But here, as in any business, acumen is very important, so if you are starting a business from scratch, try to immediately establish contact with the consumer market so that rabbit breeding as a business does not bring you losses.

How to professionally develop rabbit breeding?

Rabbit breeding as a business in our country is underdeveloped. Keeping rabbits at home is more typical for rural residents, but it can only be called a business with a stretch: the number of animals usually does not exceed fifty, and they are grown exclusively for personal purposes (own meat).

Mini-farm - the best solution for beginner rabbit breeders

The main reason for the unprofitability of the rabbit business is that farmers simply do not have knowledge in this area. Regarding the breeding of rabbits at home, then, given normal conditions, animals could even live in an apartment.

But there is no better option than raising rabbits on a mini-farm or a farm, because there are completely different conditions and, moreover, the possibility of expanding the business.

Acquisition of the younger generation

Starting a business from scratch is always not easy, this article will tell you what to do and in what sequence.

The first step is to acquire the young. You need to determine for what purpose you will be raising rabbits: for meat or skins.

If the orientation is on meat products, then the emphasis should be on early maturing breeds of rabbits:

  • giant (gray, white);
  • silver;
  • chinchilla.

At two months of age, such rabbits can weigh up to 2 kg.

Rabbits breed white giant

In the case of growing animals for skins, breeds should be selected based on their fur (you need it to be thick and of an unusual color):

  • Alaska;
  • fiery black;
  • Thuringian.

It is worth saying that in Europe such breeds have long been widely bred. In our area, these species are still rare, so it will be a little difficult to buy them, and their skins will be expensive at cost.

But in reality, there is no point in raising rabbits just for the sake of skins, since there will be nowhere to put the products. In order for the skins to be of high quality, careful care of the animals is required: separate cages (so that the fur is not damaged in fights), which will incur extra costs. In addition, such breeds weigh little and grow much more slowly.

This means that breeding rabbits will be profitable if you get rabbits of such breeds as flandre, silver, chinchilla, gray giant. These breeds weigh a lot, breed quickly and have high-quality fur. As a result of experiments, you yourself will choose which breed will be optimal for farming.

From the very beginning, buy already adult rabbits, the ideal option would be to purchase a pair of females with a male. Usually, a female can bring offspring six times a year (6-7 rabbits on average). As a start, it's a great option.

For breeding, you need to buy adult rabbits

Farm place

When starting a business for breeding these animals from scratch, you need to pay attention to the area where the animals will live. A good option is a farm in a place far from the city, quiet and peaceful.

In principle, five acres of land will be quite enough for you, but it is better that there is a margin of space (if you are going to breed a large-scale business).

Since it will be possible to build a room in which food will be stored, or make a lawn for walking rabbits.

If you live in a private house, then everything is much simpler here: a barn or a barn can become a home for animals, the main thing is that it be warm and equipped for rabbits.

To summarize: in order to build a farm from scratch, you will need a spacious plot, preferably in a village (in an apartment, rabbit breeding is possible only for your own purposes).

A promising site is if it has a place not only for a rabbit farm, but also soil for growing animal feed (own clover, oats, alfalfa will save you a lot of money in the future).

Raising rabbits requires a lot of space

Habitat arrangement

Rabbits are bred in two ways: in cages and in pits. We will consider them in comparison and determine which method is more profitable and more convenient.

The cage requires a lot of care: daily cleaning is needed, it takes a lot of time to fill each cage with food and pour water. The advantage of breeding rabbits in pits is cleaning once a week, and the food is poured into a common feeder, which is much more convenient.

If we consider in more detail the cleaning of the premises where the animals will live, then manure is much easier to remove from the floor in the pits with a shovel than to be picked out of the cages.

Another important detail for the owner of the farm is the productivity of animals, their ability to multiply rapidly. And here again the keeping of animals in pits wins: in such conditions, there are practically no proholosts (missing a pregnancy). For comparison: in a cage in one year, a female rabbit can bring offspring up to four times, while, breeding in pits, this number increases to about eight times.

Another factor is the use of feed. When breeding rabbits in pits, the feed is spent more rationally, since it does not go to waste: there is always an animal that wants to eat.

Group of rabbits in a hole

There is an opinion that, running through holes, rabbits gain weight more slowly. But it's not. Rabbits grown in pits, on the contrary, weigh 200-300 grams more than caged rabbits, since they have an accelerated metabolism.

Up to two hundred rabbits can be kept in one pit, but it is recommended that the number of animals not exceed one hundred. Again, economy: instead of so many cells, one pit that will save food, labor, materials and space.

In addition, the risk that rabbits are stolen is reduced, because in this case, the animals will simply hide in holes, from where it is much more difficult to get them.

As you can see, breeding rabbits in pits is much more economical and convenient than keeping them in cages, you will simply simplify the care of animals and the premises. But the choice is yours.

Purchase of feed

In order for rabbits to gain sufficient weight, their diet must include a complex of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Compound feed in this case is ideal, but it should not be a single food, add hay, fruits, vegetables, grains, mineral supplements can be given in winter.

Hay is an important part of the rabbit diet.

Business plan

Here we will roughly calculate what initial investments should be, what expenses will be in the future, and what profit rabbit breeding will bring you in the future.


Renting land on average will take from 20 to 80 thousand rubles per year. If you have your own plot, this amount is not taken into account.

Buying cells

If you buy Mikhailov's mini-farm, then buying it will cost you 19 thousand rubles (designed for 20 individuals). For industrial cultivation, at least three such cells will be needed - already 57 thousand rubles.

If you are going to raise rabbits in pits, the amount will decrease significantly - you will only need a minimum of materials for arranging housing for animals.

Mikhaylov's mini-farm

Buying rabbits

If we take the average cost, then one individual rabbit is estimated at 300 rubles (of a regular breed). Taking into account the fact that you will need about 60 animals, you will spend 20-30 thousand rubles on this.

Purchase of feed

The fattening period lasts four months, during which time the amount of food eaten by one rabbit reaches 15 kilograms. For the estimated cost of compound feed, we take 12 rubles, then the total cost will be about 30 thousand rubles.

In total, the initial investment should be from 120 to 170 thousand rubles, but this is only if you initially decided to launch large-scale production.


The rabbit on average leads from 36 to 48 offspring per year. If all the rabbits survive, then each individual, upon reaching four months of life, will have a weight of 2-3 kilograms. By simple calculations, we get 144 kilograms of meat per year (and this is only from one rabbit).

With the cost of rabbit meat at 200 rubles / kilogram, the revenue for the product will be 28.8 thousand rubles.

The sale of rabbit skins (if you take offspring in the amount of 48 individuals) will amount to an income of 9.6 thousand rubles.

Beautiful rabbit skins are highly valued

Of course, this business plan is made without taking into account force majeure, losses, and so on. When you make a business plan for rabbit breeding, consider the loss of young individuals - 30% per year.

Rabbit farming is a profitable business if you start it right. Yes, it will require a certain initial capital, arranging life and caring for animals, controlling the life of rabbits, their nutrition and productivity. But what business will become profitable without effort?

Naturally, a lot of your energy will be spent on starting your business from scratch. But in general, if you take up the business with grasping hands, calculate everything correctly and invest money wisely, then breeding rabbits will not only pay off within one year, but will also help the owner of the farm to receive a stable income from the development of the business.

» Rabbits

Many people living in rural areas are engaged in rabbit breeding. Mostly to provide his family with fresh, tasty meat. In addition, rabbit meat is dietary and it is indicated for use in many diseases, as well as for baby food. Breeding rabbits as a business does not find its wide distribution.

But this is the only business that you can start with minimal costs. Fertility of animals, high cost of meat and low competition are important components of a constant, high income from this type of activity. With a skillful approach and organization, this business can become exactly what will bring you a stable and high income.

In this article, we will look at rabbit breeding as a business, find out where to start and how to succeed.

Any entrepreneurial activity has its pros and cons. Rabbit breeding is no exception. The advantages of a mini farm include:

  1. Small financial costs to start a business.
  2. High fecundity, at which it is not required to purchase young animals.
  3. Minimum documents for the organization.
  4. Small maintenance costs.
  5. The high cost of meat.
  6. Wide sales opportunity.
  7. Low competition.
  8. Obtaining additional income from the sale of skins and manure.


  1. The downside in rabbit breeding is susceptibility to infectious diseases and, at the same time, high mortality.
  2. Strict sanitary requirements for care and breeding.
  3. Preparation of relevant documents.

Organizational and legal aspects

What is better to arrange - a personal subsidiary plot, individual entrepreneurship or a farm?

Any type of activity must be registered and taxes paid. It is clear that if there are 20-30 rabbits on the farm, then this is not necessary for own consumption and registration. The choice of form depends on the number of animals and how many employees are on the farm. Let's take a closer look at the registration forms:

  1. LPH (personal subsidiary plot).
  2. IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  3. KFH (peasant farming).

private household plot

Ideal for a beginner businessman. Starting with a personal farm on your own land, you have many opportunities for development. When conducting this form of production, taxes are not paid, but in order to conduct business activities, you must provide a certificate of the availability of a land plot. Selling meat through the markets and to your friends.

What does IP registration give?

With this form, it will be possible to open your own retail outlet for the sale of meat. As well as supply them to other outlets. The entrepreneur must pay tax. On this issue, you should contact your local tax office for clarification, because the legislation in this matter is constantly changing.

This will include:

  1. Farm Certificate.
  2. Obtain a GOST-R declaration.
  3. Issue a phytosanitary certificate.

If there is no accounting knowledge, then you will need to hire a specialist to keep records. Therefore, it is better to formalize entrepreneurship with large volumes of production.

Peasant farming

Carries out any kind of agricultural activity. It is similar to entrepreneurship, with a few exceptions:

  • may have several farm managers with equal rights;
  • the statutory and constituent document is not required.

In theory, this form of activity is practiced to receive various subsidies and benefits from the state, which, I dare say, are difficult to obtain.

Be prepared to solve problems on your own.

Hence the conclusion, if you do not have production on an industrial scale, then at first it is better to dwell on the design of private household plots.

Form of taxation

There are two forms of taxation for the agricultural sector. This is a Simplified view, where income minus expenses and Uniform Agricultural. Which one is more convenient for you, you can ask for advice from a person involved in accounting. Because it depends on the form of activity, on the number of employees and on the volume of production.

Upon registration, you will be assigned an OKVED code with an encoding - A.01.25.2. This means: breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm. This code does not include meat and skins of animals obtained by hunting or trapping.

How to start breeding livestock from scratch?

Consider in which cages the animals will be kept. What forage base they will be able to receive. On what land plot will the complex be located? Also read about all the breeds of rabbits and think about which one will be more convenient for you to work with. Study the market.

Leave couples for divorce from those parents who have the best performance.

The best breeds for breeding

Breeds for breeding are best to choose those that can tolerate our Russian climate and are not particularly demanding on the conditions of detention. In this case, rabbit breeding will be profitable.

Breeds of rabbits for breeding are divided into:

  • meat;
  • meat-skin;
  • downy.

There are also decorative rabbits, but they are kept as pets.

  1. Meat breed.

Fast growing rabbits. They gain maximum mass by six months. With sufficient care, by 4 months, the carcass is from 2 to 3 kg.

  1. The meat is skin.

Rabbits from which you can get both the skin and meat.

  1. Downy.

Rabbits with beautiful soft down, which many people use to make clothes.


They belong to the meat breed. These rabbits are the largest. The body length reaches 70 cm. The mass of an adult individual reaches 10 kg. Flanders were used to breed other large meat breeds.

Rabbits have large, wide ears. Strong, muscular body. Tender, soft meat. The color of the fur is similar to a kangaroo or beaver. Flanders are popular with breeders due to their balanced and calm nature.

Flanders rabbits

But this breed has its drawbacks. They need large cages, but are best kept in aviaries. They eat a lot of food. Rabbits are late. They often have difficulty in childbirth. But if you create decent conditions for them, then it is quite possible to breed for income.

Maintain accounts. Record the weight, skin color, and surviving rabbits. How many babies each rabbit brings

New Zealand

Relate to meat. The average weight of these animals is up to 5 kg. Pure white. Compact body with well developed muscles. Small head with erect ears. Developed skeleton. The carcass is dense without excess fat.

Rabbits of this breed are fertile and milky. They are ways to feed up to 12 babies. Rabbits grow quickly and at 3 months can weigh up to 3 kg. Since there is dense wool on the soles of the feet, it is possible to keep it on the net. Calm and balanced.


Relate to meat. The breed got its name from its long, lop-eared ears. Large breed. Body length up to 70 cm. Weight 7-8 kg. Velvet skin in different shades. Broken, strong body. Excellent taste of meat. Rabbits are late. They bring 9 rabbits. Calm. Regular ear care is required.

Meat also includes:

  • - white giant
  • - gray giant;
  • — Californian.


A popular representative of the downy breed. Various colors: white, black and blue. The average weight is 4 kg. Body length 55 cm. 7 rabbits are brought. Fluff is combed out from 700 gr to 1000 gr.


Body weight 3 kg. The rabbit brings up to 6 rabbits. They grow slowly. Mostly kept at home. They require maximum skin care. Cheerful, playful character.


They belong to the meat-skin breed. They have a beautiful skin and tasty, tender meat. Hardy rabbits. The female rabbit brings up to 8 young rabbits, which are actively growing.

Do not allow closely related cases. The offspring in such cases is smaller, born with defects and weak.


They have interesting colors. On a white background, specks like butterfly wings. Spots of various shades: blue, yellow, black and gray. Highly fertile rabbits. Great for keeping in the Russian climate. Beautiful skin and tasty meat.

First of all, they have a beautiful gray-blue skin. Grow fast. They bring 8 rabbits. Weight of adults from 5-8 kg.

Arrangement of the place of detention

In rabbit breeding, there are several ways to keep:

  1. Pit.
  2. Cellular.
  3. Shedovy.
  4. According to the Mikhailov system.

And now about each method in more detail.
The pit method of keeping is the most ancient. This method is closer to natural conditions, which has its pros and cons. The advantages of this method are:

  • arranging a pit from available materials;
  • when several families are launched into it, we get a large, healthy offspring;
  • precocity increases;
  • rare cleaning of the pit;
  • obtaining healthy animals due to their active lifestyle;
  • there are no animal health problems;
  • space saving, up to 200 individuals can be kept in a 2 * 2 pit.

For all its merits, pit content has its drawbacks:

  • infections spread to all animals;
  • cleaning a pit is a complex process;
  • it is better not to breed large breeds with valuable fur in the pits;
  • closely related relationships, animals become smaller over time;
  • catching the animal is difficult.

However, with the right approach to arranging the pit, this method can be used to breed pets.

Mating at an early age is harmful to the health of animals.

Standard pit:
We choose a dry place without a close occurrence of groundwater. A pit 2 * 2 m is suitable for 200 animals. We dig at least 1.5 m deep. This is due to the fact that the animals dig horizontal minks and can dig a passage to the surface. To prevent this from happening, reinforce the walls with mesh, brick or slate. One wall remains open. It will contain nests. To start minks from the bottom of 20 cm, make a recess.

Pour a 20 cm layer of sand at the bottom, and equip a grid or slatted floor on top. Cover with straw or sawdust and clean once a week.

It is desirable to make a roof over the pit. So that it does not overheat, it should not be covered with metal sheets. Be sure to make a pipe for air circulation.

In winter, organize artificial lighting. Equip drinkers and feeders in such a way that the animals have enough space for everyone. And finally enclose the place with a fence.

The cell method is the most popular among rabbit breeders. The side and back walls are made of wooden boards. The ceiling, floor and doors are covered with mesh. In cold climates, cages are made portable. During cold weather, they are transferred to sheds or any insulated room.

It is possible to install in several rows on top of each other. There are single and double sections. Two-section are used for rabbits, where one compartment is nesting, the second is fodder.

Standard sizes of single-section cages:

  • length - 110 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.


  • length - 150 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.

Young animals for fattening are kept in cages, the length of which is up to 3 m. Dense plantings are not recommended. The fewer animals in the cage, the higher the weight gain.

Equip retractable trays for quick cleaning of cages. Along the aisle, manure is transported on trolleys or removed mechanically. Autodrinkers are being set up. Feeders with gradual feeding.

Thus contains from several tens to several thousand animals. Shed content in most cases is used by farmers and large farms. Depending on the climate, sheds are arranged under awnings or in enclosed spaces with ventilation.

According to the Mikhailov system. The system was developed by Academician Mikhailov. This method allows you to raise rabbits in special mini-farms. It is intended for raising rabbits on an industrial scale. They can contain a large number of livestock. At the same time, they are served by three to four people.

In this method, animals are kept outdoors in rabbit farms. Everything you need is present in the mini farm. It is warm in cold weather, cool in hot weather. The animals are provided with water and food around the clock.

Rabbits do not like to be disturbed once again, and the developed mini-farm for rabbits by Mikhailov allows you to feed and water them without worry.

Animals gain weight quickly and are absolutely healthy. They are also called Mikhailov's accelerators. Do not confuse - accellerat is not a breed, but a rabbit grown by a special method. Expensive system, because the cost of the cells is high, but if you make them yourself, then the costs are reduced. Using the system allows you to increase the turnover three times. Next, let's see how to make do-it-yourself rabbit cages drawings according to Mikhailov.

How to make a cell according to the Mikhailov method with your own hands according to a drawing with dimensions?

The farm consists of several compartments. It includes:

  • - nesting department;
  • - for youngsters;
  • - extract;
  • - heating for the nest;
  • - feeders;
  • - drinkers.

The cell is built in several tiers:

The first tier is the stand. It rests on four pillars. Racks are made of strong bars. The supports of the upper tiers consist of the beams.

To support the structure, a stand frame is adapted. It has compartments for electrical equipment and tool storage. It also has a ladder and a feces barrel. It is better to collect it from a material that does not rust. Below are drawings of a cage for rabbits with dimensions according to the Mikhailov method.

On the stand is the middle tier. It is intended for walking animals and the generic department. With the help of racks, the tier rests on a stand. The dimensions of the racks are 2 * 10 cm. On the eastern side, the hole is covered with a net. There is a 250*250 mm window in the grid. On this tier is a trap for control and jigging, as well as shelter.

The farm is divided into several sections. The bunker feeder and automatic drinker are located in the walking area. The gap 20 * 30 cm is made from below. It leads to the sloping mines. Deviated 100 mm to the right. By this it is combined with the lower compartment on the first floor. The flooring is at an inclination of 45°. From rats there is protection from metal strips.

At the bottom, slats 2 * 45 cm are stuffed. Poop falls into the gaps and the cage is always clean.

The design provides a pipe for ventilation. Due to this, gases do not accumulate inside.

In the nesting compartment, a door is made that leans back. When it is open, it turns out a table for working with kids. This section has a solid floor. It is a little lower in level. External walls are insulated. The hole is closed with a view on the south side.

Since the mother liquor is made removable, gaps remain on the sides. To prevent animals from entering this hole, they are covered with planks. The damper that blocks the nest is better to make metal. The door is made of wood.

On the upper tier are the growing rabbits. A separate section has been made for the male. She stands for the frame.

The water tank is located between the compartments on the front wall. Moisture enters it automatically from other containers, which are located outside on the wall of the walking compartment. To keep the water warm in cold weather, heating is provided by a boiler.

Next to the drinker is a bunker feeder. Added a utility. When the rabbits rake out the hay, crumbs fall into it. The crumbs can be reused. The top of the feeder is folding. When you need to put the next portion of food, it opens.

For hay and root crops, the feeders are located between the floors. The heavy lid pushes the food down.

A complex design, but having built one with your own hands, the rest will be easy to do. After you try it in work, transfer the rest of the animals to such cages. Indeed, in such cages it is easy to work with animals, and they, in turn, feel great.

Let's talk more about organizing a rabbit farm.

Farm organization

No special permission is required for its construction. The main thing is the availability of a plot of land and a ready-made business plan with calculations. It is important that this site is located at some distance from residential buildings, ask the local authorities about this. Moreover, this concerns farms, and not a household for 10-20 heads.

Choose a place for a farm on some hill or with a slope. After clearing the entire area, it must be asphalted or concreted. Also make a drainage system.

By the way, it is worth remembering that rabbits can get sick. And you need to know , and .

In order to receive about 1000 carcasses of meat per year, the farm area will be approximately 1000 square meters of land. What to place on the site:

  1. Shed - 3 pieces (360 sq.m).
  2. Feed shop obligatory car access to it (200 sq.m).
  3. Sheds where inventory and building materials are stored (50 sq.m).
  4. Room for slaughterhouse and refrigerators (50 sq.m).
  5. Manure collector (30 sq.m).
  6. Passages for the passage of minitractors.


The use of sheds saves time on maintenance and building materials. We install two tiers of cages. On the back walls, make windows 20 * 100 cm.

  • length 20 m;
  • height 2 m 40 cm;
  • passage width 1 m 40 cm.


Cells according to the sizes below are then divided for males, females and young animals.

  • length 1m 30 cm;
  • width 70 cm;
  • front wall height 55 cm;
  • rear wall height 40 cm.

The slope of the roof is made for the convenience of cleaning manure. Such pallets to do for all tiers.

In the manufacture of cages, use a galvanized mesh with a mesh size of 18*18, 20*20, 16*48 mm.

Between the cells, a mesh nursery for hay is installed. Drinking bowls and feeders are installed under the manger. For females, the cells are divided into nesting and feeding compartments.

There are 60 cells in such a shed. During the year it is possible to grow 400 or more heads of young animals.

feed shop

On the farm, you will need a feed shop. Compound feed, grain and a grain crusher are stored in this room. You can also put a granulator and.

Separately put a shed for storing equipment and building materials.

Slaughterhouse and refrigerators

Mass slaughter is more convenient to do in special rooms. Therefore, put a slaughterhouse at the farm. It is better if you attach it to a room with refrigerators. The slaughterhouse must be equipped with a blood drawer and a furnace. The oven will be required to burn waste (paws, heads, entrails and unnecessary skins). Thus, there is a continuous process: slaughter, cutting, packaging and freezing. read in a separate article.

manure collector

We should not forget about manure. Equip a pit on the farm to collect manure. It should be in the farthest corner. As far away from rabbits and slaughter as possible. The walls of the pit should be concreted. The depth of the pit is not less than 3 m. The length is arbitrary.

Flandra and Soviet chinchilla were crossed. With sufficient care of the female, rabbits at the age of one month had a mass of 1-1.2 kg of live weight.

And now consider the full business - the process of breeding rabbits.

Since we breed rabbits for meat, we also choose breeds of meat direction. Not bad, and even successfully bred and paid off are such breeds: white giant, gray giant, silver or black-brown, flanders, Soviet chinchilla, Californian, butterfly, ram and there are several other breeds.

With proper care, by 3-4 months, the weight of the carcass is from 2-3 kg. Early maturing and prolific breeds. Soviet chinchillas are excellent mothers. The character is calm and able to accept other people's rabbits.

Two female Soviet chinchillas once fed 40 rabbits, by the way they were of different ages. It was in winter.

When buying young animals, they must be vaccinated against infectious diseases. Since rabbits are stressful animals, in order for their transportation to go smoothly, they need to be given antidepressants or drip vitamin B6 when drinking, which acts as an antidepressant.

Newly bred young should be planted separately from the rest. They must be quarantined for a month. If everything is fine with the animals, you can connect with the rest.

How to organize feeding on the farm?

If someone thinks that it is possible to feed rabbits with hay and grass alone, they are deeply mistaken. To be successful in business, they need a complete feed, and without feeding with grain-meal feed, nothing will work.

Rabbit diet, daily dose in grams:

Main livestock:

  1. Meadow grass - 1500;
  2. Legumes - 1200;
  3. Branches - 600;
  4. Beet tops 200;
  5. Cabbage leaves (should be given with caution) 600;
  6. Carrot 600;
  7. Fodder beet 200;
  8. Sugar beet 600;
  9. Turnip 400;
  10. Boiled potatoes 400;
  11. Raw potatoes 150;
  12. Silo 300;
  13. Hay 300;
  14. Cereal grain 150;
  15. Bean grain 50;
  16. Oilseed grain 20;
  17. Bran 100;
  18. Cakes 100;
  19. Meat and bone meal 15;
  20. Salt 2.5;
  21. Chalk 2.

Try to follow these rules. Animals should not be overfed.

To make it easier to navigate how much feed is needed per year, see the following figures, kg.

For females and males during the dormant period:

  1. concentrates 3.50;
  2. hay 1.20;
  3. root crops 3.25;
  4. green fodder 4.50.

For females and males in the breeding season:

  1. concentrates 4.20;
  2. hay 1.50;
  3. root crops 3.8;
  4. green fodder 5.6.

Female motherfucker:

  1. concentrates 17;
  2. hay 6;
  3. root crops 16;
  4. green fodder 23.

Lactating female:

  1. concentrates 62;
  2. hay 21;
  3. root crops 57;
  4. green fodder 83.

Young growth 45-120:

  1. concentrates 10;
  2. hay 3.20;
  3. root vegetables 12.

In the morning, the animals are given juicy and green food. In the afternoon and evening - concentrates. Drinking, fresh water should be constantly.

Reproduction of rabbits is an important process in rabbit breeding. Run it through the diagram. In sheds, the upper tier is occupied by females and one male. Young growth is seated in the remaining cells.

Each rabbit gives about 3: in spring, summer and autumn. It turns out about 25 babies. The rabbits sit under the female until the age of two months. In total, 300 goals are planted for fattening. Keep in mind that waste is inevitable for one reason or another. They are freely placed on the rest of the cells.

3 sheds of 60 cells result in 3*300=900 heads per year.

Feed savings

Fattening rabbits with purchased food, as you know, is expensive. It is impossible to grow grain. It is impossible to reduce the feeding rate. Therefore, it is better to produce compound feed on your own.

To do this, you will need a grain crusher and a granulator. Granules are eaten by rabbits willingly.

Several pellet recipes. Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 30;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • wheat bran 12;
  • cake 12;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for youngsters:

  • oats, wheat 40;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • cake 8;
  • meat and bone meal 6;
  • fishmeal 6;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 31;
  • barley, corn 32;
  • wheat bran 15;
  • cake 15;
  • meat and bone meal 3;
  • fishmeal 3;
  • hydrolysis yeast 2;
  • bone meal 1;
  • salt 1.

Hay harvesting also brings great savings. But silage and growing root crops is unrealistic. Therefore, it is better to buy them.

Try to mechanize manual labor. Buying a mini tractor will greatly facilitate manual labor. On it you can bring food to the Swedes, as well as take out manure. Set up automatic water supply.

Rabbit conditions and vaccination

To avoid various diseases, rabbits need to be provided with good conditions.

Cages must be clean and dry. If the cells are wooden, whitewashing with lime every six months is desirable. Before entering the shed, make a square depression and pour lime into it too, so that those who come in pass through this lime. Thus, the disinfection of shoes will take place.

To avoid mass extinction of livestock from infectious diseases, vaccination is required. At present, a complex vaccination against VGBK and myxomatosis has been developed. Such a vaccination is given in the spring to adults, and young animals are vaccinated every three months.

Implementation of homemade rabbit meat

Of course, everyone is interested in the sale of meat. To begin with, treat and offer rabbit meat to your friends, acquaintances and relatives. If they like it, be sure some of the rabbit meat will go with a bang. Delicious shish kebab from rabbit meat and baked rabbit with champignons are delicious. This creates its own client base.

Selling meat from the yard does not require permits. But if you hand over to resellers, then you need a veterinary certificate.

You can try to offer restaurants. But since rabbit meat is not cooked in Russian restaurants, they will most likely refuse you. Then you can do this, offer the chef to cook a rabbit dish and give him a couple of pieces. If it works, then you will have an established distribution channel. But, then you need a few permits.

You can open your own outlet or offer your product to shops, wholesalers or supermarkets. But the fact is that 1000 heads a year or 2000 kg of meat is a small amount. Annual issuance of documents will eat up most of the profits.

To resolve this issue, contact the point of sale directly and solve it on an individual basis. Large suppliers in such points sell their products at extremely low prices.. But they are huge. And you can end up broke.

New foods should be introduced in small portions and gradually. When acquiring rabbits, be sure to ask what they were fed. A sudden change in feed adversely affects the health of animals.

Business profitability with a business plan

The amount of the initial investment will be different for everyone. Because the cost of building materials in all regions is different. And then, perhaps you already have, say, a tractor, or some kind of equipment. And someone will start from scratch.

The list of necessary for breeding rabbits:

  1. Building materials:

- galvanized profile;

- galvanized mesh;

- roofing materials;

- lumber.

  1. Land plot:

It's better to rent, it's cheaper.

  1. Improvement:

- storm sewer;

- water drainage;

- asphalt or concrete;

  1. Construction cost:

- construction team;

  1. Necessary equipment:

- mini tractor;

- grain crusher;

- granulator;

- refrigerators.

  1. Rabbits:

- at least 50 goals.

  1. Inventory:

- feeders;

- drinkers.

The annual cost of raising a rabbit on a mini-farm

Multiply the amount of compound feed consumed per year by one production unit by the cost of the compound feed. To this amount, add the amount of other expenses: paperwork, fuel, etc. We get the annual cost per unit of production.

There are 42 production units on a farm of 3 sheds. That is, 14 females in each shed. Now multiply 42 by the amount of the annual expense (let's say 2000 rubles). The annual expense in this way will be 84,000 rubles. But as you know, there is no such thing as no additional costs, so let's add a little to this amount. We will receive 100,000 rubles.

little rabbit

Income calculation

The production unit is 50 kg of meat (25 grown rabbits * 2 kg). For most people, it is not the taste of the product that is important, but its cost, so we will put it for about 200 rubles. Now 200 * 50 = 10,000 rubles. This is from one production unit.

Now 10,000 needs to be subtracted from 2000 and we get a net profit. That is, 8,000 rubles. This amount must be multiplied by 42 and you get 336,000 rubles of net profit per year. We divide by 12 months and we get that every month for 30,000 rubles. Judge for yourself - a good salary.

You can receive such a salary by devoting only 4-5 hours of time to a mini-farm. Agree to profitably keep rabbits and create a farm from scratch is not so difficult. Moreover, if you want more, you just need to increase the livestock. When the system gets up to speed, you can think about industrial production.

As you can see, the rabbit breeding business is quite profitable. Raising rabbits is fast and all costs pay off in a year.