Guide to making paving slabs at home. Paving slab business: quick payback with minimal investment

The first stage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is to study the situation in your city and region in terms of demand for these products and competition. By bringing together the results of research into a single table, you can decide which type of tile you should focus on. Today the market offers clinker tiles made by vibrocasting and vibropressing.

Clinker production requires special types of clay and expensive firing equipment. This tile is of high quality, durability and many other advantages. Minus - high cost. A beginner with a small starting capital and lack of experience should not choose this direction. If you are a specialist in the production of clinker tiles and decide to start your own business, you have reliable information about the demand for these products, you have access to cheap and high-quality raw materials, draw up a business plan, attract investments and start organizing.

The technology of manufacturing paving stones by vibrocasting is characterized by comparative simplicity and the lowest cost. A reasonable compromise between durability and price makes this type of tile the most sought after.

The manufacturing technology by vibrocompression is more complex, which increases the cost of tiles.

Main risks

The main drawback of the direction is a serious dependence on the season. In autumn and winter, the number of orders is sharply reduced, since the laying of paving slabs is possible only under certain weather conditions. Consider making interior tiles during these periods.

There is an opinion that the technology of making paving stones is very simple and does not require special knowledge. Nuances known only to professionals are present in any production. If you are not an experienced specialist, be sure to invite such a person to work. The slightest deviations in the choice of raw materials or inaccuracies in the observance of technology will lead to a decrease in the quality of paving stones. Marriage may not be noticeable at first sight, but it will certainly affect the durability of paving slabs, its ability not to collapse under the influence of low temperatures.


It is advisable to start the search for premises from areas and industrial zones in which cheap raw material bases operate. This will save on the delivery of raw materials. The second landmark is a convenient transport interchange.

Free industrial or warehouse premises are suitable for the production of paving slabs. For small production (up to 100 m² per shift), the minimum area is about 80 m². The space requirements are as follows:

The technology of manufacturing tiles requires a special temperature regime (+40 ... +45 ° С constantly) for rooms equal in area to a workshop, for drying chambers and a warehouse. To do this, it should be possible to organize good heating and warm floors, insulate the walls. In the workshop, heating is also desirable, since here the air temperature should not fall below +15 °C.
- For uninterrupted operation of the equipment, a three-phase power supply that can withstand a voltage of 380 watts is required.
- Be sure to have cold water or the possibility of its supply and sewage, the presence of hot is also desirable.
- It is desirable to organize the area for a warehouse with a significant margin. In the event of an increase in production volumes or the presence of remnants of unsold products, you will not face the problem of finding a place to store finished tiles.
- Take into account the possible factor of manual loading and unloading of raw materials and finished paving stones. Try to organize the space in such a way that these processes take place with the least amount of time and effort.


Consider a set of mandatory equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs by vibrocasting.

  1. 2 concrete mixers. The price of one is 8-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Forms for filling. Polyurethane withstand 100 cycles, plastic - about 250, rubber - 500. The minimum price of molds for the manufacture of 1 m² is 250 rubles. Forms for the manufacture of gutters and borders, the minimum price for 1 m² is 200 rubles.
  3. vibrating table. The price is about 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Demoulding table. The price is about 17 thousand rubles.
  5. Racks for drying tiles in molds can be made independently from metal.
  6. Reinforced PVC film for covering moulds. The minimum price is 50 rubles per linear meter.
  7. Hydraulic rokla. The minimum price is 7 thousand rubles.
  8. Packing device. The minimum price is 4 thousand rubles.
  9. Pallets (pallets). The price is about 500 rubles. You can do it yourself.

The technology of vibrocompression is based on the method of compacting semi-dry concrete mixture with a low content of water and cement using vibration. For the manufacture of paving slabs using this method, the following equipment is required:

  • vibropress. The price is 25 thousand-4 million rubles.
  • Technological pallets for vibrocompression. Price - 2-6 thousand rubles.

For the manufacture of clinker paving slabs, the following equipment is required:

  • extruder
  • Forming press. It is better to buy models of different types (tape, rotary, lever, vacuum).
  • Pre-drying chamber.
  • Tunnel kiln.

It is better to order a line for the production of clinker paving stones from manufacturers. In free sale, this equipment is extremely rare and very expensive. In the manufacture of a line to order, the price depends entirely on the characteristics of a particular production.

It is advisable to organize the delivery of paving stones to customers on their own. It is unprofitable to rent a vehicle for this purpose. It is better to buy your own truck. This will allow us to provide customers with the best service and not depend on possible transport problems of raw material suppliers.


The most important employee in the production of paving slabs is an experienced craftsman who is fluent in manufacturing technology. The number of auxiliary workers depends on the volume of production. For the production of up to 100 m² per shift, a team of 4-5 people is enough.

Keeping the financial records of a small firm can be entrusted to an experienced part-time accountant.

Manufacturers of paving slabs that provide comprehensive services get a huge advantage over competitors. You can hire several employees to lay out paving stones at the client's site. This not only increases the chances of attracting more customers, but also minimizes losses in the event of downtime due to tile manufacturing techniques or lack of orders.

Documents and licenses

To open a workshop for the production of paving slabs, it is not necessary to obtain any licenses or certificates. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, issue permits in the fire department and the pension fund (if there are employees).

If you plan to work with large customers and expand the company, it is better to form an LLC. More complex tax calculations and the registration process pay off with high opportunities to attract investments, orders from legal entities, and reduced risks of losing personal property or funds in the event of bankruptcy.

It is also desirable to pass the voluntary certification procedure. The cost of the examination ranges from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. For buyers, the availability of documents confirming the compliance of tiles with state standards and its high quality often becomes a decisive factor in choosing a manufacturer.


Expensive advertising in the media is not affordable for a novice entrepreneur, and it does not bring much effect. Ordinary advertisements with information about the production and laying of paving stones will ensure a good flow of the first private customers. The best places for posting ads are cottage and holiday villages, railway stations, bus stops, shops.

Be sure to use the Internet. Place information about your company on local or regional advertising and information sites. This method of advertising allows you to cover the maximum audience of potential customers with minimal costs. Be sure to post photos of completed orders, tell us about the technology of making tiles, the advantages of your products. Visualization and specificity will provide a lot of customers. Do not forget about the reviews of grateful customers. Only their presence can tip the scales in your favor when choosing between similar products and cost.

To conclude contracts with large construction companies or other legal entities, the owner of the company must personally visit the leaders and provide a commercial offer. Quality certificates, high-quality booklets with photos of product samples, favorable prices and a description of production facilities - everything will work to increase the chances of getting a large order.

Learn new technologies and implement them in production. If you master the manufacture of polymer, luminous, rubber or 3d tiles, an endless stream of customers will be provided.


The minimum starting capital for entering the business of manufacturing paving slabs is about 500 thousand rubles (equipment + repair of premises + raw materials). You should have about 200 thousand rubles in reserve for current expenses in the first period before reaching normal profits.

The average cost of manufacturing 1 m² of paving stones by vibrocasting is 200-220 rubles. The selling price is 330-350 rubles per 1 m². it can be concluded that the profitability of the business is 50%. In the absence of downtime, payback can be achieved in a few months.

The essence of the vile joke is that our world is a continuous show business, and we live in it (Musin Almat Zhumabekovich)

Paving slabs give a well-groomed and presentable appearance to a path or path near a house or office, so very often people prefer paving slabs for exterior decoration of an external territory. Among building materials, the demand for it not only does not fall, but also increases. Therefore, competition among manufacturers is quite high. However, this does not mean that production should not be opened.
This business is very popular and profitable, so be smart about drawing up a business plan for the production of paving slabs and open your own business.

Business payback

Many qualified experts note that the manufacture of paving slabs is a profitable business, as the payback is more than one hundred percent. Even defective products can be used, for example, in construction.

Business registration

The process of registering a business is quite simple, without certification. You just need to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you want to produce a certified product and have confirmation of its quality, then you can issue a certificate in a special certification service. The service will check your product for various qualities, such as frost resistance, durability, strength. You will easily receive a certificate if your products pass these tests.

Production equipment

For the manufacture of paving slabs use:

  • vibrocasting technology;
  • vibrocompression technology.

To make tiles using vibropressing technology, you need to purchase specialized equipment:

  • vibropress (twenty thousand dollars);
  • concrete mixer (six thousand dollars);
  • punch (three thousand dollars).

Making tiles using vibrocasting technology will cost much less, since not so expensive equipment is needed:

  • vibrating table (four thousand dollars);
  • different types of forms (depending on the form from one to eighteen thousand dollars apiece);
  • concrete mixer (six hundred dollars).


In order to understand these processes, it is necessary to become more familiar with the production technology of paving slabs. To begin with, consider the technology of vibrocompression. The same technology is used in the manufacture of stones for walls and partitions, curbs.

vibrocompression technology

Concrete preparation

A concrete mixer is used to prepare the concrete mix. In order to understand how many concrete mixers you will need, you need to know how many layers your product will have. So, if the product has two layers, then you need two concrete mixers. Then the finished mixture for the form is transferred to the vibropress matrix.

Form formation

After moving the forming mass into the matrix, the punch with vibrators begins its work. The result of such work is vibroimpulses, from which the mixture begins to thicken. This whole process takes five seconds. After that, the formed product goes to drying. Drying is carried out in one pallet, and for a new batch of goods, another pallet will be needed.

Drying tiles

In order for the tile to have a finished look, it is necessary to apply heat-moist drying. Steam can be successfully used for this purpose. If the funds do not allow the use of a heat-moist method for drying tiles, then it is quite possible to dry almost finished products in the room itself. To focus on the time required for drying, let's give an example: for concrete with a density of up to two MPa, it takes from five to eight hours.

Vibrocasting technology

  1. production of concrete mix;
  2. laying concrete on a vibrating table in special forms;
  3. laying out finished forms on a pallet;
  4. exposure of the resulting mixture in natural conditions for two days;
  5. heating the hardened form up to two minutes to a temperature of seventy degrees, knocking out the finished product.

Room selection

There are no special requirements or restrictions on the location of production facilities. An essential requirement for selecting a production facility is the square footage of the facility, as it is necessary to place all the equipment.

It is desirable that the room be more than seventy square meters in size. The voltage in the network should be three hundred and sixty volts. And it will be necessary to equip a special room for the placement of the drying chamber, set the temperature there to forty-five degrees.

Production area

In order to accommodate all the necessary specialized equipment and allocate space for storing the necessary materials and products, you need a room of one hundred square meters. At the same time, the warehouse can be taken out separately, but one hundred square meters will also be needed for its construction.

In this case, it is possible to do without heating the workshop, since the heat will come from the production process itself. The finished material is first left in the workshop, and only then transferred to the warehouse.


In order to produce 50 square meters of paving slabs per day, it will be enough for you to pick up three people.

Each person's responsibilities will include:

  • concrete preparation process
  • press feed,
  • sending the product to dry.

After the manufacture of paving slabs, the question of its implementation becomes. Naturally, you want to have a wide base of regular customers, so you need to provide them with a wide range of paving slabs produced by you. And for this, it is necessary, even during the development of a business plan, to provide for the manufacture of tiles of different sizes and colors, with various shapes.

It is recommended at the beginning of a business to focus on individuals or small entrepreneurs who purchase paving slabs for their needs. Large orders should be taken later, when you secure your position in the first segment.

Production costs

Cost of initial investment in the paving slab business:

  • start-up and adjustment of production - 100,000 rubles;
  • melting and heating unit - 550,000 rubles;
  • press (for example, D2430) - 468,000 rubles;
  • concrete mixer (for example, SBR-500) - 70,000 rubles;
  • press (for example, PP TR) - 210,000 rubles;
  • scales (for example, MK-15.2) - 4,100 rubles.

Total: 1,403,000.00 rubles


For production, it will be enough to hire three people and assign them to the following positions with the following salary:

  • manager (24 thousand rubles),
  • operator of the melting and heating unit (24 thousand rubles)
  • worker (22 thousand rubles)

Based on this amount of wages, the payroll costs will amount to 70,000 rubles (if employees work in one shift) and, accordingly, 140,000 rubles (if employees work in two shifts).

When calculating the cost of one square meter of finished products, the cost of payroll will amount to 33.34 rubles.

It is also necessary to include in the cost of one square meter of finished products the size of the unified social tax, which is 26%. Thus, he gives 8.7 rubles.

You can calculate the cost of rent: if one square meter costs one hundred rubles, then renting the entire premises will cost 10,000 rubles. At the same time, the rent for calculating the cost of one square meter of finished products will be 2.40 rubles.

The cost of the necessary material and energy carriers

For the manufacture of products you will need the following material:

  • polymer;
  • construction sand;
  • coloring pigment.

The composition of the mixture of polymer and sand:

  • polymer - 24, 60%;
  • sand-75%;
  • pigments - 0.40%.

We take into account the average price of materials:

  • sand - 0.33 rubles per kilogram;
  • pigment - 50 rubles per kilogram;
  • polymer - 13.60 rubles per kilogram.

Thus, one ton of the above material will amount to 3795 rubles.

At the same time, to calculate the cost of one square meter of finished products, the cost of raw materials will be 136.60 rubles.

The equipment uses electricity per shift:

  • press - 22 kW; melting and heating unit - 100 kW;
  • light bulbs - 12 kW;
  • concrete mixer - 1.5 kW.

Total: 135.5 kW is used per shift.

Taking into account the fee of 4.03 rubles per 1 kW / h, the cost of electricity per square meter of finished products will be 7.8 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of one square meter of paving slabs:

Final calculations:


This type of business is one of the fastest growing businesses. Anyone can organize this business, since there are no particular difficulties in the manufacture of paving slabs. The indisputable advantage is the quick payback of the business. The disadvantages include the seasonality of work and the monotony of the process itself.

  • What equipment to choose
  • Sales Technology
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A sample business plan for the production of paving slabs on a mini-enterprise scale. Paving slabs are a popular material that is widely used in paving streets and territories. Paving slabs have several advantages over asphalt pavement.

Sample business plan for the production of paving slabs on the scale of a mini-enterprise

Paving slabs are a popular material that is widely used in paving streets and territories. Paving slabs have several advantages over asphalt pavement:

  • Longer period of use (up to 30 years);
  • Environmental friendliness, since only safe components are used in the production of tiles;
  • Durability, the material is not damaged by temperature and humidity changes, and also withstands heavy loads;
  • Colorful appearance and unique design.

Today there is a large selection of equipment for the production of paving slabs from manual to automatic lines. The production itself can be organized in almost any room with an area of ​​80 m2. With the production of 1000 m2 of paving slabs per month, two workers can handle it.

Do I need permission to open this business

To organize the production of paving slabs, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship. As tax systems the best option is the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.

We will calculate the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the production of paving slabs by the vibrocasting method.

Introductory information:

  • Production area: 90m2;
  • Type of ownership: rent (25 thousand rubles/month);
  • Number of shifts: 1 shift;
  • Productivity per shift: 50 m2 tiles or 1100 m2 per month;
  • Number of working days in a month: 22 days.

How much money do you need to start a paving slab business

Capital costs for starting a business for the production of paving slabs will amount to 358,500 rubles.

Download business plan for the production of paving slabs

The cost of materials for the production of 1 m2 of paving slabs is 169.36 rubles.

Salary costs will amount to 32,000 rubles per month.

The cost of production of 1 m2 of paving slabs is 252.8 rubles. The total expenses per month are 278,036 rubles.

How much can you earn in the production of paving slabs

Conclusion: The net profit of the enterprise for the production of paving slabs will amount to 137.6 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of production with such indicators is 49.5%, and the payback period for capital investments is only 2.6 months. It is worth considering that such indicators are possible subject to 100% sales of all manufactured products, which is 1100 m2 of paving slabs per month.

Recommended download business plan for the production of paving slabs with our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

A significant advantage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is the absence of the need to obtain special licenses and mandatory certification.

In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a business plan taking into account the following factors:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the volume of sales and production.
  • Selection of premises for production.
  • Purchase and installation of the necessary equipment.
  • Selection and training of personnel.
  • Adjusting the sale of products to the sales market, setting up agreements for deliveries with sales representatives.

What equipment to choose

It is possible to establish mass production of paving slabs only if high-quality equipment is available. You will need to purchase:

  • Forming and unforming vibrating tables.
  • Plastic molds to create the desired tile sizes.
  • Special additives of minerals to the composition of concrete, strengthening its structure and giving the desired parameters.
  • Various dyes.

Do not forget to organize the purchase of raw materials for production - cement, sand and crushed stone.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code 2. 23.6: production of products from concrete, cement and gypsum.

What documents are needed to open

Registration of a business will require registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the first case, a businessman must submit a notarized application for business registration indicating the OKVED code, a photocopy of the passport and IND code, as well as a receipt for payment of the state fee. If you want to additionally obtain a quality certificate, then you need to contact the appropriate organization, which will conduct an analysis for compliance with GOST, identifying indicators of humidity, frost resistance, mechanical strength, etc.

Which taxation system to choose

In most cases, entrepreneurs register a business by choosing a single tax on imputed income. A simplified taxation system would also work.

Production of paving slabs: business plan step by step + 5 types of tiles + 3 production methods + detailed investment calculations.

Capital investment: 968 800 rubles.
Payback period: 3 months.

Production of paving slabs- a profitable business with a long-term development perspective.

The infrastructure of modern cities requires constant replenishment of reserves of building materials, including paving slabs.

Why paving slabs? Because this is a business that is always relevant. Think about how many sidewalks are tiled in your city. The building materials market is always in demand + the pace of infrastructure development is increasing, which implies an increase in the need for consumables.

Own production of tiles is an expensive business, because the cost of quality equipment starts at $5,000. The main positive side is the profitability of over 100%.

Do you have the money and desire to open your own production of paving slabs? Let's start building now!

Production of paving slabs - let's start with marketing

To begin with, you should answer a few basic questions about promoting any product:

  1. What to sell?
  2. To whom to sell?
  3. What price to set?

The right answers to these questions can form the perfect marketing sales plan. Start from the first.

What to sell?

Pavement tiles? This is not the answer that will give you a competitive advantage.

You need to decide on a specific product. Initially, you will have a small production line - you should not spray it.

Consider the main types of tiles, and choose the option that suits you:

Viewa brief description of
Sidewalk paving stones

The surface of the tile is hard and frost-resistant, the composition includes granite chips. Rectangular, or chipped shape, the lower and side faces are smooth, the color scheme is mostly strict.

Reusable, resistant to mechanical damage is possible.

crumb rubber tiles

The composition includes rubber crumb + polyurethane adhesive. The shape and size may vary depending on the scope of use.

It is used for children's and sports grounds, places with an increased risk of injury.


High strength tiles. Inside there is a wire mesh, which can significantly increase the mechanical resistance of the product.

It is produced only by vibrocasting. It is frost-resistant, observes a strict design, is used for laying parking lots, entrances to factory buildings.

Polymer sand

Consists of polymer, sand and pigment. Lightweight and frost-resistant, it is used for laying pedestrian areas. The only negative is the low strength.

The production method is distinguished by the use of high pressure to increase the homogeneity of the mixture.

3D design

Paving slabs with 3D print. The peculiarity lies in the resistance of the print to mechanical damage and all kinds of weather conditions.

In terms of its physical qualities, it does not differ in any way from the most ordinary paving slabs.

So, the production of paving stones for sidewalks is the best solution for a novice entrepreneur.

Paving stones are easy to manufacture, popular both in the city and in the private sector. Simplicity sells well. Simple forms appeal to most potential buyers.

To whom to sell?

The market for paving slabs is limited by the scope of application.

Think about where you could find tiles? Obviously on the sidewalks! Do you understand that it is advisable to use paving slabs only for laying city roadsides, or to use private sector areas for decoration?

We determine the list of possible customers:

  • State utility structures that are engaged in ennoblement of the city.
  • Construction companies.
  • Owners of private houses.

Which of them to focus on?

Of course, the best customer is government agencies. They will provide you with constant sales volumes.

But, as a beginner, you do not have the necessary status and the opportunity to immediately get into the ranks of the leaders.
The target audience for the project that will be considered in this guide is the private sector.

Owners of private buildings buy considerable volumes of tiles. It gives a certain status to the "estate" and contributes to comfortable movement in the yard in any weather.

What price to set?

Vibratory pressing. This way will allow the entrepreneur to increase the volume of goods. But at the same time, you will have to pay a fairly substantial amount for equipment for the production of paving slabs.

Financial issue: equipment for the production of paving slabs

Equipment for the production of paving slabs is the main expense item in opening this business.

Buying a new vibropress or finding a used one is a pressing issue for a novice entrepreneur.

Compare prices for all major equipment and draw the appropriate conclusions:

EquipmentCost, rub.)Purpose
~ 500 000 Production of paving slabs. Depending on the shape of the matrix, it can be used to produce blocks and other building materials from concrete mortar. Due to the vibration and influence of the punch, the solution is converted into a dense structure.
450 000 Allows you to form tiles using high hydraulic pressure, thereby compacting the mixture to the desired hardness.
vibrating table
30 000 The solution in the matrix solidifies due to prolonged exposure to vibration. At the output, we get a tile that needs to undergo a long drying.
100 Formation of a product of the specified parameters. Forms are made of plastic, which ensures durability and functionality + resistance to the influence of the solution.
2 750 Size: 2000x300x1000 mm. Used to place the tiles in the drying process. The basis - steel. The rack must be able to withstand the appropriate load.
concrete mixer
14 000 With the help of a concrete mixer, the mortar acquires a uniform consistency, which avoids the difference in the composition of the finished tile.

A complete production line costs from 50,000 to 800,000 r. Equipment for the production of paving slabs using a vibropress will cost 520 000 rubles.

1) Forms for the production of paving slabs.

Forms for the production of paving slabs deserve special attention. They differ in their design, resistance to mechanical damage, composition.

Consider a comparative table that will give you an idea of ​​​​the main varieties of forms, depending on the composition:


Sturdy, simple design. If you have experience with welding and metal, you can try to make a mold yourself.

Problem: The constant influence of water on the metal leads to rapid corrosion. It is important to use stainless steel.


Affordable cost, you can easily assemble yourself using plywood and wooden slats. Easy to modify.

Problem: The wood becomes saturated with moisture and swells, making it difficult to remove the tile. Polyethylene bedding can be used to avoid direct contact of the mortar with the wood.


Forms are light, strong enough, but short-lived, since plastic does not have the best strength indicators


It is impossible to make a mold on your own - working with liquid plastic is very difficult.


Flexible molds capable of withstanding 50 to 100 cycles of use.

High-quality silicone allows you to create tiles of any shape, which is a huge plus.

Before each tile manufacturer, the question arises - is it possible to make a mold yourself?

The standard mold is used 50 (plastic) to 200 (metal) times.

To avoid big expenses, you can make forms yourself. The best material is metal or wood. Savings - 50%. But if you are not confident in your abilities as a designer, the best way out is to buy a ready-made form.

Independent production of molds makes sense only if a vibrating table is used as the main production method. Assembling a matrix for a brick making machine yourself is not a good idea, because you will not be able to follow the process from start to finish.

2) Machine for the production of paving slabs.

The cost of a vibropress ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles. Not the best price for a novice entrepreneur! Is it possible to find an alternative to a new tile making machine?

A used machine costs 40-50% less than a new one. But it is important to understand that such savings in the early stages of production will lead to future expenses for repairs + may result in a complete stoppage of work.

Does a machine for the production of paving slabs with such an appearance inspire confidence in you?

Is risk a noble cause?

This is up to you to decide. Remember that the idle operation of the mini-factory will lead to a decrease in efficiency. The best solution is not to save money and buy a new press that will ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise.

How do you decide on a space?

Dealt with the equipment. Now it's time to think about where to place all the production equipment.

What should be considered when choosing a room?

    Remember, you need to consider the location of the warehouse and workshop in the same room. For these purposes, you need 100-120 square meters. m.

    Obviously, the production of paving slabs at home is nonsense.

  1. Ceiling height >3 m.
  2. Water supply.

    Water is essential both for concrete molding and for hygienic purposes.

  3. Electricity - 3 phases.
  4. The presence of space zoning.

    It is necessary to separate the workshop area with a warehouse and a hygienic corner.

    Convenient access to the warehouse.

    You are engaged in the production of tiles, the transportation of which is not an easy task. Take care of your customers - organize a comfortable entrance.

Rental price 1 sq. m. warehouse - 150 rubles. Respectively, room of 100 sq. m. will cost 15,000 rubles / month.

Paving slab making staff

How many people are needed to service the shop? To begin with, it is worth understanding the volumes of tiles that you are ready to produce per day.

For the work of the workshop, which produces 50 square meters. m. of tiles per day using a vibropress, you need to hire 3 employees:

The work of a sales manager and an accountant will fall on your shoulders. When the company begins to generate a stable income, you can hire specialists for these positions.

Beginners in the production of paving slabs

often make many mistakes due to ignorance of technology.

Important secrets from the manufacturer in this video will help you avoid them!

Production of paving slabs: equipment, personnel, premises - financial calculations

    968,800 rubles - starting capital for opening a tile production. And how much money do you need to lay out for monthly infusions?

Monthly investment in tile production

Every month, production will take 383,000 rubles from you.

Profitability calculation

  • 50 sq. m. of tiles per day - 1,500 sq. m. per month;
  • 1 sq. m. costs 550 rubles;
  • "dirty" income will be - 825,000 rubles;
  • "clean" - 442,000 rubles;
  • payback - 3 months.

The profitability is very high, which allows you to achieve payback in 3 months and then work to expand production. This is the most obvious plus of this business idea.

You have learned the basics of organizing production of paving slabs. Business plan- this is only a small part of the practical implementation of the project. Study the technological process, the legislative component and start working on your business today.

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It is not easy to make a tile, it is even more difficult to sell it. The market is filled with all sorts of offers. There have been a lot of tile manufacturers in recent years. When opening a business, you must solve the problem: to whom and how to sell tiles. This is very important, because after hiring labor and buying equipment, you will have more serious problems. And even worse, if at this time you will not have product distribution channels.

“The production of paving slabs is a business with a low entry threshold. I bought a concrete mixer, a couple of molds, some raw materials, hired workers - that's the whole business. Such mini-productions are opened even in garage conditions, ”says Alexandra Leonidova, deputy. Development Director of ZAO Irkutskzolotoprodukt.

“Competition in our business is so intense that, despite the 30% increase in cement prices, we are forced not to raise prices for tiles,” says Mikhail, one of the tile manufacturers.

In addition, most products are far from ideal in quality. Saving at the start, manufacturers buy cheap equipment and use a simple vibrocasting production technology. As a result, their products are much inferior in quality to those produced by companies that have expensive and technologically advanced equipment.

Therefore, the only correct way today is to produce high-quality tiles at an affordable price (not higher than the average market price). This is the only way to ensure that your products will be in demand.

It is also worth considering the fact that the production of paving slabs is a seasonal activity. It is produced when the construction market comes to life, that is, in the spring. At other times of the year, it will not be possible to sell tiles, especially if production is open in the northern regions. For this reason, for many enterprises, this is more of an additional profile of activity, and not the main direction.

How much can you earn?

Income from the production of paving slabs, even with the same selling price for two different manufacturers, can differ dramatically. And the reason for this is the cost. The cost of producing paving slabs is highly dependent on technology and raw materials. For example, the vibrocasting method, where more manual labor is traditionally spent, will increase labor costs, hence the cost of finished products will also increase.

Much depends on the type of raw materials used. For the production of a quality product that will have increased frost resistance, it is necessary to use washed sand. But such raw materials are several times more expensive than ordinary sand. This again increases the cost of production. It is undesirable to save on components: due to poor-quality raw materials, your tiles will crumble in 2-3 years, which will hit the company's reputation. There is only one thing left - to optimize production processes and survive due to the volume of products produced.

The average cost of paving slabs produced by vibrocompression is 270 rubles/sq.m. The selling price is about 350 rubles/sq.m. Profit from one square meter - only 80 rubles. It turns out that in order to earn 80 thousand rubles a month, you need to sell 1000 sq.m. finished products. This is from 15 to 20 customers per month.

Equipment and technology

The cost of purchasing equipment depends entirely on the technology used. To date, two main technologies for the production of paving slabs are known: the vibrocasting method and the vibrocompression method.

The first option is more often used by novice entrepreneurs who do not have large investments. To start a business using vibrocasting technology, you will need to purchase a minimum set of equipment: a concrete mixer, a vibrating table, a set of molds, as well as handy tools: mittens, shovels, buckets. The cost of the entire set, including the purchase of raw materials, will not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

For the production of one square meter of tiles, 40 to 50 molds will be required. The mixture poured into molds is kept for about 2 days. Thus, for continuous production, at least two sets of molds are required. This technology allows you to organize a business actually at home, and to connect family members and relatives to the labor process.

Experienced market players point out several disadvantages of this technology:

1. Very poor performance. One square meter will dry out for two days, but what if an urgent order for 100 square meters is received? To do such work, you will have to purchase an incredible number of forms (several thousand), as well as have a large staff of workers. Many note this method and considerable loss of cement. Hence the high cost of production.

2. Low quality of the received products. The tile produced by this technology has low frost resistance, and its service life is no more than 4 years.

“The production of paving slabs using the vibrocasting method cannot be called a serious business,” the entrepreneurs say.

Video of the production process of paving slabs by vibrocasting:

Another technology - the vibrocompression method - is designed to eradicate all the shortcomings of the above method. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that the tile is produced by vibro-compacting the mixture with a small amount of water. As equipment, special installations (mini-factories) are used - vibropresses. The concrete obtained by vibrocompression has a low ratio of cement and water. This means that it reduces the consumption and loss of cement, increases the strength and frost resistance of finished products. The main advantage is line performance. With the help of even a small Russian-made vibropress, you can get from 20 to 30 sq.m. tiles per hour. Accordingly, for an eight-hour work shift, 160 - 240 sq.m. tiles. At the same time, only 3-4 people are enough to service the installation. With such opportunities, you can not be afraid of even the most urgent orders.

The method has only one drawback - investment in starting a business. The purchase of a new installation - the line will cost from 850 thousand rubles, depending on the line capacity and types of products. For example, a Rifey Udar brick making machine (Zavod Stroytekhnika LLC) will cost about 1.7 million rubles:

Expensive, but the machine is universal and can produce not only paving slabs, but also lawn gratings, curbs, pillars, wall and facing stones. Thus, it is possible to expand the list of products and significantly increase the capabilities of the enterprise.

Production of paving slabs at Condor plants

Who is the client and how to sell tiles

Buyers at paving slabs are different. It is bought by the owners of small summer cottages, and pensioners who take 2-3 square meters. m. Shop owners buy from 20 to 40 square meters. m., and the owners of cottages - 60-70 square meters.

Selling products is a whole science, and each manufacturer has its own methods in this regard. You can offer goods to wholesale dealers, but they ask for goods at a discount. It is also possible to supply tiles to retailers, construction markets and retail chains specializing in the sale of building materials.

For smaller, artisanal producers, the classic way of selling products may be appropriate. You can stand by the road, lay out several product options and hang a sign "Paving slabs". If the road has a large flow of cars and there are large cottage settlements nearby, then the influx of buyers is guaranteed.

A more expensive, but the most effective project is the creation of your own online store selling paving slabs and other building materials. Internet - trade is gaining momentum today, which can be a promising channel for the sale of products. It will take up to 150 thousand rubles to create and promote an online store. Also, the service will require hiring a certain number of sales managers and a web resource administrator.

Business development options

Some entrepreneurs combine the production and laying of paving slabs to increase profitability. The price of one square meter of tiles averages 350 rubles, and its laying costs the customer 400 rubles per square meter. It turns out that having your own brigade of stackers, you can earn another 40 - 60% of the profit. But this is more often done by small producers, large players are not interested in this process.