Selection of equipment for the production of pasta. Own business: pasta production

The demand for pasta is constant, so it is quite profitable to produce this product. As with any business, settling production is a challenge. It is necessary to select the appropriate premises, purchase high-quality equipment and raw materials, and think about hiring qualified workers.

Beginners can start by opening a small single production line, purchasing domestic or foreign equipment. But when choosing, take into account the power of the units, productivity per hour, cost. It is equally important to establish markets for finished products.

Necessary equipment for making pasta

The production of pasta is not complete without an automatic line. You can prefer low-cost budget options for lines with an average capacity and production up to 150 kg / h. But even with the most simplified manufacturing process, it is impossible to organize the production of the purchase and installation of technological equipment.

Main types:

  • vacuum batcher for division into doses of the initial laid raw materials;
  • pneumatic conveyor loader for supplying products from the press machine to the conveyor dryer;
  • conveyor dryer for drying finished products by supplying high temperatures and the required humidity;
  • a timer to control the residence time of products in the unit;
  • press machine for the production of dough, equipped with a vacuum hopper to remove air bubbles from the total mass;
  • flour sifter to remove foreign particles and impurities from flour;
  • storage hopper for storage of finished products;
  • a bag holder with a packing mechanism for packing products into bags and unloading them into storage bins;
  • matrices for giving the necessary shapes to pasta, taking into account the varieties of products.

Special attention should be paid to the production room (workshop) for the placement of the line. The premises must be dry, heated and ventilated with all utilities connected. Approximate area - 150 m 2. Separate premises will be required for the storage of raw materials and finished products. For beginners, you can rent it with a monthly payment of 15,000 rubles. and making utility payments up to 10,000 rubles.

Rating of manufacturers of quality lines inexpensively

  • Makiz Ural;
  • Real past.

Soviet-made Makiz Ural with the ability to produce any technological processes. This is a fully equipped mini-line with a capacity of up to 90 km / h, consisting of:

  • express machine;
  • pneumatic conveyor;
  • cooler-stabilizer;
  • storage bin;
  • holder bag;
  • flour sifter.

BID from Russian manufacturers with the ability to process flour of any grinding, but an additional purchase of a filling machine and a matrix will be required.

Real Past from Italian manufacturers with a capacity of 500–600 km/h and the ability to produce non-standard types of pasta (lasagne, beshbarmak).

Characteristics of the production line PMI 02

To begin with, experts advise purchasing a production line of the PMI 02 type with a complete set:

  • drying cabinets (2 pcs.);
  • bunker press for kneading, shaping, cutting and drying products.

The line is suitable for working with coarse and soft flour, as well as for carrying out a phased technological process: kneading, shaping, drying products. In addition to the unit, interchangeable dies will be required with the ability to produce different forms of pasta and take into account national preferences.

The operation of the bunker press is carried out completely offline, which makes it possible to manufacture products in accordance with all the requirements of GOST. The main technical characteristics of the PMI 02 type production line include:

  • electric motor power - 4 kW;
  • operating voltage - 380 V;
  • weight - 250–270 kg;
  • eavesdropping fan power - 30 W;
  • bunker capacity - 13 kg;
  • productivity - 80 kg / hour;
  • dimensions - 1100x600x1700.

What to choose?

When purchasing equipment for the production of pasta, Russian entrepreneurs give more preference to Russian, Chinese and Italian manufacturers:

  • Italian equipment with a line capacity of 250 kg/h is expensive, but it is possible to produce elite varieties of pasta products;
  • Russian models with a capacity of 250 kg / h are reliable, inexpensive and acceptable for purchase by newcomers to the business;
  • Chinese counterparts with a capacity of 200 kg / h are low in cost and have proven their effectiveness in work.

All equipment lines are fully automated. But with a lack of budget, it is possible as an option to purchase used equipment from Russian manufacturers, promising the availability of a variety of spare parts and parts in stock in case of a breakdown of one or another unit.

Cost of equipment

According to entrepreneurs, it is enough to have a capital of 450–500 thousand rubles in order to achieve success in the pasta business by purchasing the initial equipment in a complete set and starting production.

The production of pasta requires the purchase of exclusively special equipment. To open a small mini-workshop, an inexpensive line with a capacity of up to 150 kg of products per hour will be appropriate. The cost is $800,000.

If you need more powerful units, they will cost more - up to $ 24,000. Separately, and taking into account the range of products, you need to purchase matrices - $ 50-70 per 1 pc. Taking into account rapid wear and the need for replacement, it is enough to have 5–6 varieties of matrix shapes. It is advisable to have the forms in stock and purchase 2-3 identical forms at once in addition.

When purchasing a whole line for the production of pasta in the form of a plant with the inclusion of almost all technological processes, the price will be approximately $ 27-28 thousand.

  • Matiz line - 300,000 rubles;
  • Italian equipment with output up to 250 kg/h - $80,100 thousand;
  • used units from Russian manufacturers - $ 83,000-120,000, from Chinese manufacturers - $ 180-200 thousand.

The cost of individual production units

Approximate prices for certain types of equipment:

  • drying cabinet - 32000 rubles;
  • pasta press - 160-180 thousand rubles;
  • flour sifter - 8000 rubles;
  • dough kneading - 25,000 rubles;
  • pasta press - 160,000 rubles;
  • packing machine - 60–70 thousand rubles

On average, the cost of a fully equipped line with a capacity of up to 100 kg / h will be required in the amount of 300-500 thousand rubles. with the possibility of producing more than 500 items (shells, spirals, spaghetti).

Today, domestic and foreign manufacturers offer equipment with the ability to perform almost any operation in a complex.

Unlike imported equipment, domestic analogues can be purchased 2–3 times cheaper. Moreover, the provided assortment involves choosing units that are acceptable in price, performance and quality.

You can always pick up spare parts for Russian equipment and make repairs as soon as possible or buy a used line from Russian manufacturers.

mini line price

If you want to open a small cafe or restaurant, you can purchase inexpensive models in the form of pasta making machines at home. These are compact, inexpensive models with a dough mixer for dough formation and are appropriate for starting a home business. It is enough to purchase 1 professional apparatus for forming a dough worth $ 30,000. To prepare delicious dough and use the best recipes in the production of pasta, it is imperative to have nozzles of different shapes and sizes in stock.

The production process requires a competent and organized approach. Having invested money once, the payback is 1 year. The profitability is quite high. But the minus of pasta production is a lot of competition that will have to be overcome at the initial stage. It is important to decide on the sale of finished products at the stage of planning the development of your business and developing a business plan.

A few years ago, pasta was considered a cheap product for preparing simple and affordable daily meals. At the same time, their usefulness was called into question by supporters of healthy and dietary nutrition. The myth about the dangers of pasta for the figure seemed quite a natural and obvious fact, and therefore those who followed their forms tried to include them in their menu less often.

In recent years, the attitude towards this product has changed dramatically, including due to a closer acquaintance of our citizens with European cuisine. It turned out that pasta can become the basis of truly healthy, delicious and even low-calorie dishes. Today, this product is in demand by all categories of citizens, and the new segment of the "premium" class that has appeared makes it possible to make the production of pasta a rather interesting and profitable business. The competition in the elite segment is lower, and the demand for the products of this group is quite high and is growing every year. That is why now is the perfect time to jump in and start your own high quality pasta business.

The content of the business plan: the main organizational points

Pasta is consumed by everything from children who are served it for lunch in kindergartens and schools, and ending with business people who dine with this dish in restaurants. In this regard, a well-built production will definitely find its niche and will be provided with demand in the food market.

Anyone who has decided to connect their activities with pasta and make it a profitable business needs to decide on a number of important issues. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan for pasta production, and this article is designed to help with this. Key points to decide:

  1. Consumers and distribution channels for finished products.
  2. Types and technology of pasta production.
  3. The need for resources, including raw materials, to organize the production process.
  4. Equipment for the production workshop.
  5. Feasibility study of the pasta business, including investment, profitability and profitability.

The production of pasta as a business today is quite an attractive occupation that can provide a good profit to the owner. Having solved the main issues related to opening your own production enterprise, you can proceed directly to its actual implementation. Let's start studying them by identifying the main consumer of future pasta products.

Target consumers and ways to sell pasta

It is very important to clearly define for whom the products of your workshop or factory will be produced. Consumers can be found in any segment, however, the premium segment is the most profitable and cost-effective. With a sufficiently low cost of products (including the highest class), the cost of finished products is several times higher than the price of economy and middle class pasta. The stake here is not on quantity, but on quality, which allows you to increase profits by setting higher prices.

At the same time, in the elite segment (as in all others) there are several options for selling products:

  • direct sales to supermarket chains and grocery stores;
  • wholesale to large distributors;
  • delivery to restaurants, cafes (HoReCa sector);
  • delivery to the municipal sector, i.e. budgetary organizations (suitable for economy and middle class products).

An analysis of consumer demand in your region, as well as competitors already playing in this market, will help you decide on the choice of segment and distribution channels.

Making pasta: types

There is a fairly wide range of pasta varieties that can be produced within any chosen segment. They differ in the type of flour (first, category "B", and the highest - for category "A"), in shape and length. In addition, the variety of pasta depends on the composition and nutritional value. There are types of pasta:

  • filamentous (cobweb, thin or ordinary vermicelli);
  • ribbon-like (smooth, corrugated noodles, with wavy edges);
  • tubular (feathers, horns, etc.);
  • curly (different shapes).

There are also pasta with various flavors and natural dyes, nests and skeins, toppings for first courses, instant noodles. To obtain such a variety of types of pasta allows the use of different production technologies. Recently, one of the most popular, especially in the premium segment, is vacuum technology. It allows you to improve the consumer properties of pasta and get a more transparent finished product (glassy), which does not stick together and does not boil soft during cooking.

Raw materials for the production of pasta: basic and additional

Depending on the type of pasta, raw materials of different quality are used, as well as additional ingredients. Premium flour is the main raw material for the production of pasta in the middle and elite segments. It must meet certain characteristics:

Secondary products for production

In addition, for the production of some types of products, additional ingredients are used: eggs and egg powder, dairy and vegetable products (in particular, natural juices), food colors (beta-carotene, tartrazine, etc.).

Also, surfactants are used in the production, which allow maintaining the quality and external properties of pasta for a long time, preventing them from sticking together and overcooking. These nuances must be taken into account when organizing your own pasta production.

It is important to determine the channels for the supply of raw materials, especially flour, in order to receive it in a timely manner and of proper quality. Today, there are grain holdings of large producers, created to optimize raw material supplies, including the control of logistics processes and the prevention of failures. Joining them can increase the profitability of production and provide production with affordable high-quality raw materials.

Pasta production process: technology and equipment

The specific technology for the production of pasta depends on the type and recipe of the products produced. And the equipment is purchased taking into account the planned production volumes and assortment.

Stages of the production process

However, the main steps are reduced to the following processes:

  • preparation of raw materials (sifting flour and heating, mixing different batches in order to improve quality indicators);
  • dough preparation (loading flour with drinking water into a dough mixer, adding other components according to the recipe, kneading, vacuuming);
  • screw compaction and shaping;
  • blowing with a built-in fan, cutting and laying out products on a tray;
  • preliminary (on the table of a press machine) and final (in a drying cabinet) drying to a moisture content of 19%;
  • exposure of pasta in a cardboard container until a moisture content of 13% is reached;
  • examination of pasta (for the presence of condition, humidity, strength, boilability, etc.);
  • packaging using packaging machines.

In addition, there are various nuances in the technological process. So, for example, storage of flour can be carried out in a container and bulk way (pouring into a bunker). The second one is preferred as it minimizes the loss of flour during the packing process, minimizes the cost of sewing bags and reduces the use of manual labor.

Various methods of drying products before packaging are also used. The use of hydrothermal technology can significantly shorten this process: due to special equipment, the finished product is quickly cooled, after which the pasta is directly packaged and packaged.

Equipment for the organization of pasta production

The main costs of organizing a pasta business are associated with the purchase of special equipment. The production of pasta implies the mandatory presence of the following items:

  • semi-automatic or automatic line for the production of pasta (their productivity is approximately 100 kg and 500 kg per hour);
  • matrices of forms (their set depends on the range of pasta);
  • packing machine.

The entire set of equipment required for production includes a flour sifter, a press, a drying line, conveyors, stabilizing bins (they are usually supplied complete with high-performance lines).

The choice of specific types and models of equipment depends on the volume of production and the available budget. So, for packaging, you can purchase both automatic and semi-automatic equipment, and if necessary, a whole line. The same applies to matrices and other devices. Among other things, you will need carts for transporting raw materials, racks for storing finished products, knife sharpening devices, and more.

Main economic indicators related to the organization of the pasta business

Pasta production can be both profitable and unprofitable. In the latter case, this is due to the acquisition of expensive equipment for the manufacture of products that are either of low cost or not in great demand. That is why, before starting the organization of production, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis of this industry in your region, assess demand and competition in a particular segment, calculate costs, expected profits and profitability.

The cost of organizing the production of pasta

The minimum starting capital in order to start a pasta business is approximately 800 thousand - 1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  • the cost of purchasing a complete set of production equipment (main item), as well as its delivery and installation, commissioning;
  • rent of industrial and warehouse premises, utility bills;
  • purchase of the necessary raw materials - depends on the volume of production;
  • personnel costs (wages, training);
  • the cost of registering an enterprise and opening a current account;
  • other expenses.

Of these, monthly include rent, the cost of purchasing raw materials and staff salaries, transportation costs, taxes and some others.

Profitability of production

At the same time, the production of pasta pays off within at least 15-18 months with the successful organization of the supply of raw materials and the marketing of finished products. Of course, this largely depends on the profit received from the sale. In the premium segment, it will be much higher than the average. At the same time, although the costs are higher, they do not differ very significantly with the competent organization of the production process and the establishment of relationships with reliable suppliers.

Sales revenue and net income

If the production of pasta is carried out on equipment with a capacity of 150 kg / hour, then with a 50% load and a 12-hour shift (30 days a month), you can get about 27 thousand kilograms of finished products. Determine the planned price (wholesale) of each kilogram and get the approximate revenue per month.

On average, it will amount to 600-800 thousand rubles, of which more than half will go to cover monthly expenses: the purchase of raw materials, wages for employees, rent and utility bills, tax deductions, transportation costs, etc. On average, the net profitability of such an enterprise varies in the range 100-300 thousand rubles.


In this article, we examined the main issues related to such a type of business as the production of pasta. We have covered the moments concerning the choice of the segment and types of manufactured products, the definition of technology, raw materials and the equipment necessary for organizing the production process.

In conclusion, approximate data were given on the required initial investment and monthly expenses, profitability and profitability of this type of production. We hope this information will be useful for you and will help you to approach each stage of organizing your own pasta business correctly.

There will always be a demand for pasta. And this means that your own business for the production and sale of cereals will bring consistently high profits. The main thing is to draw up a clear plan of action. By the way, there is nothing complicated in opening and running such a business, the pasta production technology is quite simple. The payback period is short, and the level of profitability is very decent - about 30-35 percent in normal times, and up to 75-80 percent in "difficult times". Demand is largely influenced by the time of year (in summer, demand is lower, in winter, respectively, much higher).

Features of the pasta market

Before you draw up a business plan and think about the production and sale of cereals, you should learn about the main price segments of the pasta market:

  • economy, which offers B-category weight products. They account for more than one third of production and sales (approximately 350 thousand tons);
  • mid-price, which also contains B-category pasta, but already in the package. The volume is about 25 percent or 200,000 tons. Package weight 400-900 grams and 1 kilo;
  • "medium plus", which offers pasta products of category A, made from durum cereals (wheat). The volume is 35 percent or 300,000 tons. It is this product that is mainly packaged in polypropylene bags and offered in regular ones. You can buy such a product for 40-45 rubles;
  • premium, where you can see A-category products, usually made in Italy. Or domestic, but "disguised" with the help of the name and design of the packaging as such. The volume is about 5 percent or 45 tons. The market price of a package of 0.5 kilos is from 60 rubles.

When starting your mini-business, you should consider that about 70-80 percent of buyers prefer a product of the middle price category. It is also important that such consumers do not have clearly expressed preferences regarding the brand-manufacturer. But if the price and quality of cereals seem appropriate to them, then buyers move into the category of "permanent", continuing to choose the product they like further.

In a "hard time" buyers refuse products of the mid-price and premium segments. Nevertheless, the A-category pasta business, according to entrepreneurs, is the most promising. For it is necessary to use imported equipment for the production of pasta. You can not do without high-quality cereals. Why is this happening? The fact is that competition among enterprises in the medium and lower price segment is too great for a beginner's mini-business to bring the desired profit. But in the field of manufacturing goods of the A-category, the competition is not great, mainly there is a Western manufacturer, which it is quite possible to “overtake” by offering quality products, but at a more favorable cost. When compiling a business plan, be sure to consider this point.

If we consider the entire domestic pasta business, and not just the features of mini-productions, it turns out that most of the goods are packages at a price of 40-130 rubles. The development of the industry is significantly influenced by the situation in the market. After all, the main component in the manufacture of pasta is flour. In order to increase the profitability of production, large producing companies are often combined into holdings. But such a step is not available for medium and mini industries, and therefore the competition here is the highest. According to analysts, only 5-6 largest manufacturers will soon be present on the country's market. Today, however, the cereal business in Russia is booming. According to statistics, every Russian eats more than 7 kilos of pasta a year. And about 8 kilos of vermicelli/instant noodles. When compiling a business plan, think about the production of which products may interest you the most.

Equipment for the production of pasta

In order to organize the production of pasta, not only a plan is required, but also the purchase of special lines. You can buy semi-automatic equipment, the capacity of which will be approximately 100 kg/hour. The price of pleasure is about 500-700 thousand rubles. The automatic line produces about 500 kilos of pasta per hour, and costs from 375 thousand euros. You can’t do without a press, a drying line and a flour sifter in production.

A line with a large capacity usually has a conveyor and a stabilizer hopper. The presses are offered complete with matrices, the equipment is selected depending on the desired type of pasta. The cost of one matrix capable of producing one type of pasta is 3-5 thousand rubles. Service life - 700-2000 hours of operation. Do not forget that finished products will need to be distributed into packages - and this also requires special equipment. You can purchase semi-automatic or automatic equipment. Or become the owner of a whole line, if you are counting on large volumes of production of goods. Before you start packing finished products, they need to be kept for a couple of hours in a cardboard container. You can significantly reduce the duration of this stage by purchasing special equipment that works according to the hydrothermal pasta production technology. The equipment can cool the product and immediately begin the process of its packaging. In addition to equipment, you will need to purchase racks in which you will store matrices and finished products. It is necessary to purchase a sink, an apparatus for sharpening matrix knives and trolleys for the delivery of production products.

If you want to produce medium or low price pasta, you will need at least 1000-1100 thousand rubles. In this figure, we included the cost of purchasing production equipment, the cost of registering a business and renting premises for a warehouse and production. The payback period in the case of the presence of points of sale of goods is no more than one and a half years. Remember that the demand for pasta is seasonal. In the summer months, buyers are reluctant to purchase products, preferring fresh vegetables and fruits. But in the winter season, you can safely count on the fact that the demand for goods will increase many times over, which means that your income will go up.

Pasta production technology

Even a person who is far from the production of cereals knows that pasta is essentially a dried unleavened dough that was obtained from water and wheat flour. The shape of the products is different - tubes, threads, ribbons, etc. The residual moisture content of the product is 13 percent. However, some pasta has a low moisture content, and therefore they can be stored for about a year without the risk of losing their high consumer properties. The variety of products is determined by its nutritional value, calorie content and, of course, composition. There are an incredible number of types and subspecies of pasta. A separate category is instant pasta. They have a porous structure and are enriched with various additives. Because of this, they do not require cooking.

The optimal raw material for making pasta is durum, that is, durum wheat flour. Also great for:

  • krupka - premium flour, which is selected during baking grinding;
  • wheat bread flour;
  • flour from soft vitreous wheat;
  • flour of the highest grade of increased dispersion from durum wheat.

In the production of cereals, it is very important to ensure that the flour does not have metal mini impurities. In addition, it should be enriched with heat-resistant water-soluble vitamins PP, B1, B2. The maximum moisture content of flour is 15.5 percent. Pasta made with premium baking flour usually has a light cream color. Grade 1 is characterized by a gray tint and a dark cream color. In the manufacture of cereals, great attention is paid to the quality of the drinking water used.

A variety of products act as additional components to flour and water. We can talk about chicken eggs, egg melange, egg powder, dairy products (whole dry or skimmed cow's milk), vegetable products (concentrated tomato juices and pastes, natural juices with beet pulp). Food colors are certified natural and synthetic ingredients (for example, beta-carotene or tartazine, respectively). They are what give pasta its yellow tint. Both large and mini pasta factories use surfactants. They improve the quality of the product, preventing it from losing its shape during cooking.

There are 4 main types of pasta products depending on the shape:

  • ribbon-like;
  • tubular;
  • curly;
  • filiform.

In each species there is also a subspecies - and here pasta is divided by width, diameter and length (horns, feathers, pasta). The latter can be both long and short (15-30 cm) - these are long tubes with a straight cut. In addition, pasta is divided into amateur, ordinary, special and straws, depending on the size of the diameter. If pasta has an oblique cut, then these are feathers. Length - 3-10 cm. Horns have a straight cut and are produced in the form of short curved tubes, 1.5-10 cm long. Horns are divided into amateur, ordinary, special and straw. Thread-like products - vermicelli of various cross-sectional shapes (round, square, and so on), is divided into amateur, ordinary, thin and gossamer. Ribbon-shaped pasta - noodles, length 2-20 cm, corrugated or smooth shape. Curly products - gears, ribbons, stars, letters and so on. Before you approve your plan for a mini cereal production, think about what kind of pasta you want to offer to customers.

The composition of the dough for pasta depends on the quality of the flour to be used and the type of product to be obtained. The method of drying and many other factors matter. When drawing up a recipe plan, indicate the volume and temperature of water and flour, the presence / absence of additives, temperature and moisture indicators of the dough.

Pasta making technology has its own peculiarities. For example, there are several options for storing flour in the warehouse of a manufacturing enterprise:

  • container, when flour is stored in bags;
  • bulk, when the flour is poured into a silo bunker.

The latter method is more preferable. It allows you to reduce labor costs and avoid additional losses of flour, which are associated with its residue in the container and spraying. In addition, the bulk method allows to reduce the cost of manufacturing packaging bags.

Before sending the flour to production, it must be well sieved, separating metal-magnetic mini impurities, and warming up to 10 degrees. To improve consumer and taste characteristics, manufacturers mix samples from different batches. Next, a predetermined portion of flour enters the dough mixer, drinking water is carefully introduced (sometimes, additional components are added to it in advance).

Video how pasta is made:

The dough kneading lasts about 10 minutes, the screw feeds the composition to the matrix and pushes it. The pasta coming out through the holes of the matrix blows the air of the built-in fans. Automatically, the products are cut into certain segments, laid out in trays, which then enters the table of the press machine and undergoes pre-drying. Final drying is carried out in a dryer with a capacity of 30 trays. The maximum load of each tray is up to 2 kilos of pasta. Products are dried to achieve a moisture content of 18 percent for 55-60 minutes (precisely determined depending on the type of product). Further, the goods are packaged in cardboard boxes and dried naturally in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 25 degrees. After a minimum of 4 hours, when the pasta reaches a moisture content of 13 percent, they are sent for packaging. However, earlier the final product is examined, its aroma, taste and appearance are examined. Expert inspectors examine pasta for the absence/presence of metal impurities, barn pests and substandard (broken and deformed products), crumbs, strength, boilability, acidity, humidity, etc. are evaluated. Products from batches that successfully pass peer review are packaged in polypropylene bags using special filling and packaging machines.

The production of pasta consists of the following stages: preparation of raw materials, dough preparation, shaping, drying and packaging.

Raw material for pasta production, wheat flour of the highest or 1st grade is used, obtained by milling pasta from durum wheat (durum) or from soft high-vitreous wheat. Pasta flour should contain a significant amount of gluten (30% or more). It is allowed to manufacture products from baking wheat flour, in which the amount of gluten of the appropriate quality must be at least 28%.

In world practice, pasta flour is divided into semolina (refined medium fractions of durum wheat grinding) and farina (refined medium fractions of soft wheat grinding).

Pasta flour differs significantly from baking flour: it has a grainy structure, a high content of gluten, good elasticity, not sticky, not short-tearing, which affects the elastic-plastic and strength properties of the dough.

Additional raw materials are various additives that enrich products (egg, dairy, vitamins) or affect their taste and color (vegetable, fruit).

Cooking pasta dough. This is the simplest dough, which is made from flour and water, does not undergo fermentation or artificial leavening. During dough kneading, there is a gradual swelling of starch grains and flour proteins, as well as a uniform distribution of moisture throughout the dough mass. Then it is subjected to intensive mechanical processing in the screw chamber of the press, where it turns into a non-porous, elastic-plastic mass. In the production of long products, to give them greater plasticity, soft (32-34% moisture) or medium (29-31% moisture) kneading is used. And in the production of short - medium or hard (27-28% moisture) batch to prevent sticking of products during drying.

Product molding carried out in two ways: pressing and stamping. This operation determines the appearance of the product (roughness), density and cooking properties.

Pressing is carried out in screw presses ending with a matrix. The shape of the products depends on the configuration of the cross section of the forming holes of the matrix. The holes of the matrix can be with liners - tubular products are obtained, solid round - thread-like, solid slit-like - tape-like and figured. Various figured products are obtained by stamping from a thin dough shaped like a ribbon, and noodles are obtained by cutting into pieces of a dough ribbon.

Drying- the most important stage in the production of pasta. The duration of this operation depends on the type of product, the type of dryers and the drying mode used: 30 minutes - for noodles and vermicelli at a temperature of 50-70 "C; 16-40 hours for long tubular products at a temperature of 30-50 ° C. Drying is carried out to moisture finished products 12-13%.As the dough dehydrates, it loses its original properties, passing from the plastic state through the zone of elastic properties to the state of a brittle body.During drying, the products shrink, i.e., their size decreases.For uniform shrinkage and reduction of cracking and curvature drying is carried out gradually, alternating with hardening.

After drying, the finished product is cooled and sent to packaging. Before packaging, sorting is carried out and products that are not dried, cracked, severely deformed, with high acidity, moldy are removed.

Package. Pasta is produced packaged and by weight. Products are packaged with a net weight of not more than 1 kg in cardboard boxes, paper bags, bags made of cellophane or polymer film, which are then packed in a shipping container. Bulk products are packed only in shipping containers (wooden, plank, plywood, corrugated cardboard boxes) lined with clean wrapping paper. The products are packed tightly in boxes, the gaps inside are filled with paper.

New technologies for the production of pasta. Due to the insufficient amount of high-quality raw materials (pasta flour from durum wheat), new technologies are being developed that allow the production of high-quality products from medium- and low-quality raw materials. This is, for example, the use of high and ultra-high temperature drying regimes (SHT). The production time is reduced and the possibility of using non-traditional raw materials - flour from soft wheat varieties, from rice and corn or mixed flour is created. Drying is carried out at a drying air temperature of 85 °C and higher in several stages, most often in two: preliminary - to a moisture content of products of 20% at a minimum temperature of 60 °C (the limit of complete pasteurization of pasta); final - to the final moisture content of the product at a temperature of 90 "C, when the likelihood of the Maillard reaction occurs. The best results are obtained when using modes bordering on the beginning of the Maillard reaction in the dried products, i.e. leading to its very beginning. As a result, pasta have a brighter color compared to products dried under milder conditions.Products are of good quality, as they retain their shape after cooking.SHT modes allow you to get a highly developed coagulated lattice, which contains starch grains that have not had time to swell.In conditions of moisture deficiency products acquire a secondary structure as a result of the so-called starch modification (partial gelatinization), which allows changing the physical properties of the dough and the quality of the final product.

The production of instant pasta can also be attributed to new technologies. There are several options for their production: traditional pressing followed by steaming and drying (quick cooking products); cold pressing with a cooking step (instead of steaming) followed by drying; thermal molding (short-term high-temperature extrusion) followed by drying (products that do not require cooking). It is possible to make instant products from extruded flour, as well as processing it with IR radiation.