Breeding turkeys as a business - profitable or not? Profitability of the business of breeding turkeys at home.

Breeding turkeys in Russia is not a very common rural business; it is believed that keeping turkeys is too troublesome, and therefore not convenient. But farmers give their arguments. For one five-month-old turkey, they receive at least 600 rubles (200 hryvnia) of net profit. Agree, not bad.

Growing turkeys is an economically profitable livestock industry that has gained popularity due to its high profitability at a low cost. The advantages of this type of business are the short term for obtaining the product and the high consumer demand for dietary meat.

Turkey meat contains a large amount of iron and protein, has a low amount of adipose tissue. It is recommended for food both for people engaged in heavy physical labor and for nursing mothers.

Anyone who thinks that a very large capital is needed to start this business is mistaken. Here are our calculations:

Most of the costs are for small turkey poults. You can buy day old chicks. They cost 90-100 rubles (35-40 hryvnias). By the age of one month, they need quite careful care: special food, round-the-clock temperature maintenance (at least +36 degrees), vaccinations also need to be done.

For the first month, almost 120 rubles (40 hryvnias) are spent on keeping a turkey poult - this is under the conditions of using high-quality feed, the best preparations for vaccination. Then it all depends on the owner: how you feed, you will get the same result.

An adult bird perfectly tolerates severe frosts, so you can breed it even in the northern regions. For 2 years, you can grow a bird weighing up to 30 kg, get eggs that are tastier and healthier than chicken ones. Turkey meat is low-fat, surprisingly tender and tasty, rich in valuable amino acids, there is always a demand for it.

Breeding turkeys and turkeys is a profitable business in all respects. Of course, it requires an initial investment, but all costs will pay off if you plan correctly.

  • On average, an adult turkey weighs about 23 kg, and an adult turkey weighs about 10 kg. Such intensive growth allows you to start a business with the purchase of young animals in the spring. During the summer, the turkeys will grow up, and some of them will be slaughtered to sell meat on the market, and some must be left to form the parent herd. If you provide turkeys and turkeys with well-protected range, then the cost of feed and veterinary care for the bird will drop dramatically. If possible, then walking should be sown with cereal grasses. In autumn, when the crops are ripe, they need to be collected in small stacks. In winter, this will provide the birds with additional food.

Best of all, turkeys and turkeys grow in the wild. Therefore, if there is a piece of land, their breeding will be successful and more profitable.

The health of turkeys is much stronger than that of a bird that is kept in captivity.

At the same time, turkeys and turkeys can regulate their diet themselves. Indeed, in addition to grains, they willingly eat insects, providing themselves with the necessary proteins and trace elements.

  • Under such conditions, turkeys increase egg production. In this case, she can produce up to 200 eggs per season. It should be borne in mind that turkeys are very caring about their offspring. They tend to incubate their eggs and care for the young on their own. So, even if there is no incubator, then at the first stage of production, you can use this property to form a herd. The incubator can also be purchased later in order to establish a conveyor production of young animals.

In any case, the purchase of an incubator must be included in the plan. Otherwise, a very serious profit may simply be missed. With conveyor production of juveniles from one turkey, you can get up to 600 kg of very valuable meat. And if there are a lot of turkeys, then you will need to build a separate room to place an incubator in it and keep the young.

  • For walking turkeys, it is preferable to use open areas where the space is clearly visible. In such areas, the bird feels much calmer and feeds more actively and gains weight.

With this method of keeping, feeding the birds should be done twice a day: in the morning, before walking, and in the evening, before sunset. Birds quickly get used to this mode of keeping and return to the room on their own in the evening.

Turkeys and turkeys are not too demanding on the conditions of detention, they easily endure frosty winters, so there is no need to build a capital heated room. So the cost of heating can not be included in the plan.

Of course, if it is not possible to organize walking, then breeding turkeys in captivity can be a way out. Such a business can also be profitable, but only if it is possible to purchase cheap and high-quality feed, if there is a room for keeping poultry, sources of electricity, water and good lighting.

Cage keeping of birds requires the construction of a capital poultry house with a system for maintaining the necessary microclimate (ventilation and heating), but it will allow you to get a larger volume of products per unit of production capacity. This method of raising birds is suitable for light and medium types of turkey breeds, and heavy types are usually reared on the floor, so adult males reach a weight of 25 kilograms, and it is quite difficult to provide them with cages of sufficient size.

Also, the cell system is good for keeping breeding young and fattening females for meat. The effectiveness of the cellular method lies in the fact that the average daily gain in live weight increases by 10-15 percent, and feed costs are reduced by 5-8 percent, and labor productivity is significantly increased. It is recommended to keep laying turkeys in cages and perform artificial insemination of birds. In addition, the solitary keeping of breeding males improves the hygiene of sperm collection.

As a poultry house, prefabricated frame hangars are used, in which the ventilation system is installed. They are much cheaper than brick buildings and are great for the needs of the poultry industry. The construction of an insulated frame-panel poultry house will cost about $40 per square meter.

Thus, the construction of a building for 500 heads will cost about 10 thousand dollars. Equipping the poultry house with lighting and a ventilation and heating system will cost another 80-100 thousand rubles.

It is recommended to keep no more than two birds in one cage. A turkey kept in cages has a high degree of anxiety. Any noise or the appearance of animals in the room can lead to severe panic and wing fractures, bruises, injuries, and so on, as the bird will strive to escape from the cage at any cost.

For the cage keeping of turkeys, cage batteries are used, as a rule, two-tier, domestic and imported. Chicken cages are often taken because they are easier to buy. The cages must be equipped with feed bins, a drinking system and a manure removal system. The cost of a cell battery for 70 heads is about 30 thousand rubles. In the absence of factory equipment, cages can be manufactured independently.

Now consider the features of the floor system for keeping turkeys. Usually this method is used for meat rearing of poultry, it is recommended for keeping various breeds, including heavy ones.

The room should be heated, well lit, have a forced air ventilation system. The floor covering can be litter, mesh, slatted, slotted, combined. The bedding is made mainly of wood shavings, as it absorbs moisture well, insulates the birds from the cold floor, and acts as a shock absorber in stressful situations.

Breeding turkeys and turkeys should only be done if they can be provided with minimal amenities. Having your own forage base will be a good help, because the main concern of the farmer in this case is feed. If it is possible to produce your own feed, then this business will be much more profitable.

Of course, the main attention should be paid to grain crops. It is most convenient to sow oats, since its seeds are quite cheap, while it is an excellent green manure and improves the soil. But, in order for the nutrition of turkeys to be varied, you can also sow and grow a little wheat. Legumes are also excellent food. It is best to use soy for feed. Birds willingly eat not only soy grains, but also greens. And besides, germinated soybeans stimulate growth and immunity.

Birds must also receive chalk and vitamins without fail. Chalk is necessary for turkeys so that they can lay normal eggs. If the turkeys do not receive chalk, then the egg shells cannot form. Vitamins are essential for normal growth and development. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin E. It must be present in the diet of newborn chickens in the first days of life. This dramatically reduces mortality among young animals. Two weeks before slaughter, turkeys are also fed vitamin E.

If the bird received vitamin E before slaughter, then the safety of its meat increases significantly. If you feed the bird correctly, then the risks are reduced and the business brings more profit. The cost of purchasing chalk and vitamins should be foreseen in advance and included in the procurement plan.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, the following conditions must be observed:

  • prevent dampness and drafts in the room;
  • prevent soiling and wetting of the litter;
  • protect feeders and drinkers from droppings into them;
  • do not feed poor-quality feed to turkeys;
  • grow turkey poults separately from the adult herd;
  • avoid bird stress;
  • avoid contact with wild birds.

For the most efficient use of land, you need to carefully study the plan of the site and outline the areas where the paddock for turkeys will be located, where you need to sow oats, where wheat, where soybeans. It is very important to alternate these areas and even walking for the bird every year. Thus, part of the area where turkeys and turkeys walk will be fallow, that is, rest. This will increase the yield of fodder crops.

In order for the young to grow healthy, it is necessary to feed him at the same time, and for the first 30-45 days, distribute food 7 times a day after 2 hours, then 5 times, and after 2 months - 4 times. After feeding in the feeders, it is not necessary to leave food so that it does not sour, as this can cause illness and death of young animals. Drinkers and feeders should be scalded daily with boiling water.

You also need to take care of veterinary care. If the farm is small, it is best to conclude an agreement with a veterinarian or veterinary clinic. It should be remembered that all birds must be vaccinated and undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. Some vaccinations are free, so the cost of veterinary care is not that high. The cost of vaccination of one individual is about 50 rubles.

Expenses for breeding and keeping turkeys

To determine the optimal costs, you can report the following main costs (in kind and value terms) when fattening poultry. (See table 1)

For economic entities that do not have sufficient production facilities, we recommend that in the spring-summer months (March-July) the production of daily young animals is carried out. This is a profitable line of business.

Initial data for calculating the efficiency of the production of daily turkey poults. (See table 2)

The name of indicators Standard value Example per 1000 eggs
Number of purchased eggs, pieces 1000 1000 1000
Normative output of young animals, % 70 — 75
Day-old chicks hatched, goal. 700 730 750
Electricity consumption for incubation of 1 egg, kWh 0,29 684,4 684,4 684,4
Other costs for 1 egg, rub. 2,38 2380 2380 2380
Total costs, rub. 63064,4 63064,4 63064,4
Cost of 1 head of daily young stock, rub. 90,09 86,39 84,09
Profit per head, rub. 29,91 33,61 35,91
Other expenses per head, rub. 33,2 38,9 42,7

The cost of day-old young stock is determined, first of all, by the cost of hatching eggs, transportation costs for their delivery and the results of incubation: the share of costs for raw materials (hatching eggs) in the total cost structure reaches 85-90%. The cost of daily turkey poults is also determined by the cost of electricity, wages for maintenance personnel, the cost of veterinary drugs, depreciation of the equipment used and other expenses.

With a wise use of space, turkey farming turns into a very profitable business. The only difficulty in this case may be a plan for the sale of products.

Even before you start breeding turkeys, you need to develop a plan for the sale of products. This plan must include all outlets where meat, juveniles and adult live poultry are to be sold.

The turkey is considered the largest bird suitable for commercial purposes. Much has been said about the quality and benefits of the dietary product, which allows farmers to hope for a solid income from poultry farming. On the shelves of grocery chains, chicken is more common, because in the country the largest number of producers are oriented to it. Turkey is more expensive. Price affects demand, but there are sometimes more consumers than products. After analyzing the market in your region, you can draw up a business plan for breeding turkeys and assess the prospects. The project can be focused on a different farm format and bird habitat conditions. Our example assumes a family business within the framework of a mini-poultry house, organized on a territory adjacent to private ownership.


Breeding turkeys is in many ways similar to other types of poultry farming. The wards need an equipped room and a fenced area for outdoor walking. The only nuance is the weight, overall size and anxiety of turkeys. The male and female grow rapidly and cannot comfortably exist in a confined space due to high traumatism. The bones and wings of the turkey are weak, quickly break when squeezed. This happens during the mating season or when frightened, when a flock of turkeys tries to escape and less agile relatives can be trampled.

Based on the above circumstances, turkeys need premises or pens with an area of ​​1 sq. m for 1-2 birds. This figure is provided for birds that have reached final weight and are ready for slaughter or sale in live weight. The turkey grows quickly, so don't house more chicks initially unless there is additional space to separate larger females and males.

A high risk of injury can lead to a severe loss and affect the bottom line of profit. At the stage of preparation for the launch of the project, it is necessary to consider the method of keeping the wards and the number of animals that can simultaneously coexist in the existing territory. The best option is a mixed type of content, when different compartments or cages are provided for turkeys of different ages. It is desirable to divide even a street corral into several sectors, in which the number of animals should not exceed 150 heads.

Farm parameters

Kind of activity: agriculture, poultry farming; breeding turkeys for meat, breeding offspring.

OKVED: 01.47 "Breeding of poultry".

Form of business: KFH.

System of tax deductions: ESHN.

Location of the farm: the turkey farm will be located in a rural-type settlement, 50 km away from the regional center. The proximity will allow you to independently sell meat on the market or in a farm shop. The home ownership of a beginner poultry breeder is located on the outskirts of the village, which makes it possible to expand the land plot by agreement with the administration. The total area of ​​​​the turkey house, paddock for walking, auxiliary buildings for inventory, feed, slaughterhouse, refrigerator is 15 hectares. Most of it is reserved for keeping birds. All facilities must be built because no animals have been kept on the site until that time.

Service list

  • Growing turkeys for meat.
  • Tribal cultivation of a thoroughbred bird.
  • Breeding chicks in an incubator.
  • Sale of hatching eggs and chicks to customers.
  • Retail and small wholesale sale of meat.
  • Selling ideas and turkeys live weight.

The work schedule is irregular. The farmer's working day starts at 6 am and ends at 21-22 pm. The workload depends on the season and the way the turkeys are kept.

Material base of the project

A business plan for breeding turkeys with calculations involves estimating costs at the preparation stage, during the growing period and profitability after the sale of the goods. The main investments will go to the turkey house, internal equipment, equipment, dividing the adjacent territory into several pens. Turkeys, like other poultry, need extra light with reduced natural light and ventilation. If the climate is cold, you need to think about warming the turkey house. The list of costs and the amount of investments will be entered in the table:

expenditures Investments, rub.
Registration of the status of a peasant farm (documents, permits, approvals) 5 thousand
The project for the placement of buildings and pens on the site 10 thousand
Construction materials for the turkey house, economic sectors. Grid, poles, lintels for street corrals. Communication lines (water, electricity) 350 thousand
Equipment of buildings (drinkers, feeders, nests, heated compartments for keeping young animals, cages) 120 thousand
Incubators 50 thousand
One-day-old chicks, adult females and males to obtain a new tribe, hatching eggs to replenish the livestock after the sale of an adult bird 150 thousand
Forage, hay 150 thousand
Poultry vaccination 30 thousand
other expenses 150 thousand
Total 1 million 50 thousand

Global costs are coming precisely for the construction of buildings and communications. This is due to the fact that the farm will lead a continuous cycle of growing turkeys. It is possible to reduce costs at the initial stage of poultry farming if you start in the spring and equip turkeys with only street pens and sheds for shelter from rain and overnight. After receiving the first profit, warm hangars can be erected according to the principle of frame, panel buildings. Then the investments will be gradual, as funds come from the sale. You can save on building materials if you buy them at a time when the cost is reduced due to the end of the season.

The timing of the launch of the economy in work

Consumer demand for turkey does not depend on the season. The only moment in the poultry farm is the season for selling chicks. In early spring there is an opportunity to buy good chicks at an affordable price. Preparations for the launch of the farm can begin in the fall or winter. A long stage will be the arrangement of the territory, the construction of a turkey house. The purchase of turkey chicks can be planned if you know the hatching schedule on the farm. All stages and terms will be reflected in the table:

Procedure Period
Jan. February March, April May-September
The stage of collecting documents +
Designing a poultry house, outbuildings, communications. Purchase of materials. Search for farms selling turkey chicks + +
Start of construction work on the site. Search for feed suppliers +
Arrangement of the territory adjacent to the poultry house, purchase of equipment for feeding and caring for birds +
Carrying out veterinary procedures in the poultry house. Purchase of the first livestock of turkeys and turkeys +
Establishing contacts with customers (food chains). Beginning the poultry rearing process + +
First sale +

Turkeys quickly gain commercial weight, and the first profit from the sale of meat can be obtained in 3-4 months, if you do not wait for the maximum weight of the bird. A novice farmer can postpone the stage of building a turkey house for the fall in the absence of start-up capital.

Personnel policy in the economy

Based on the fact that the project is focused on a family business, there is no question of personnel. All family members are interested in maximizing profits and reducing costs, so they will not attract hired employees at the beginning of the journey.

To care for a bird in a small farm, 4 people are enough to provide livestock with food, water, clean the turkey house from droppings, control the process of incubation of eggs and provide comfortable conditions for hatched offspring.

An employment contract can be drawn up if it is necessary to employ one of the family members. Then you need to take into account in the business plan the costs of tax deductions and contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

The result of the activity of the economy

Experienced farmers claim that the profitability of the turkey business is very high. But a lot depends on the location of the farm, the material support of the novice entrepreneur, the choice of the method of keeping the livestock and the range of services provided. Also, the owner needs good communication skills to find profitable distribution channels for products.

We will calculate the profitability of the business for the first year of operation. The first profit is possible in 4-6 months from the sale of carcasses. If the turkey breed is chosen correctly, then the female can gain weight up to 12 kg, and males up to 20 kg or more. The final weight depends on the terms of maintenance and breed. With the independent sale of meat on the market, it is possible to receive revenue from 350 rubles / kg. One carcass can bring income from 4 to 8 thousand rubles. Let's take an average of 6 thousand rubles apiece. The farm can sell up to 1 thousand heads of turkey per year. Let's add to the proceeds the sale of hatching eggs at a price of 100 rubles per piece. and chicks at a price of 300 rubles / piece. Up to 500 turkey chicks and eggs can be sold per year. This can bring up to 120 thousand rubles a year.

Let's make a table of annual income:

It takes several years for the farm to achieve the profit results shown in the table. It is necessary to take into account the nature of the bird and the high level of injuries. Turkeys easily fall ill with respiratory diseases, and the loss of livestock is higher than that of other birds. The sales plan may be lower with improper care and feeding.

Now let's calculate the net profit, taking into account the fixed costs of the economy for utilities, transport and other parameters that we indicate in the table:

Investments in the project amounted to more than 1 million rubles. It turns out that the KFH will return its investments in the first year of operation if the sales plan is implemented immediately. However, in practice, payback should be expected no earlier than the third season.


Breeding turkeys for commercial purposes can be profitable for a novice farmer if the business plan is correctly drawn up, the nuances of bird care are taken into account and there is no serious competition in the market. If there is no experience in poultry farming, it is advisable to start with a smaller number of livestock so that there are no sales problems. The older the turkey, the greater the cost of feed, but weight gain slows down and the risk of injury increases. It is better to increase the livestock gradually, with an increase in the number of customers.

Growing turkeys at home is much more expensive than the same business built on broiler chickens. But in the end, it turns out to be much more cost-effective. And all because turkey meat is valued much higher. In addition, the bird itself can reach a weight of 30 kg in two years. And during this time, you can get no less popular eggs from turkeys.

Case registration

To create a turkey farm, you can register a collective farm (KFH). A farm can be created either by one owner or by an association of people who have kinship or property in common ownership. It is assumed that the farm will be serviced by them jointly without hiring outside workers.

When registering, you must choose a taxation system: regular or simplified. At the same time, benefits are provided for (peat farms), on the basis of which such a business is exempt from taxation for five years from the date of registration. Taxes are not levied on profits received from: production, processing, sale of agricultural products.

Also, when registering, you must specify OKPD 2: 01.47 "Live agricultural poultry and eggs."

Breed selection

The next step is to choose the breed of turkeys that will be grown at home. The success of your business depends on this by 30%. When choosing, one must be guided by the tasks that the farmer sets himself. There are breeds of turkeys raised for meat that are distinguished by a large weight gain or rapid growth. There are breeds that carry more eggs. It is better to take these if the main goal of the peasant farm is eggs and turkey poults.

Today, the main problem in the market is that most of the available turkeys are the result of random crossbreeding. They ideally tolerate these living conditions, but have low rates in terms of meat quality and egg laying. For example, males do not grow more than 8 kg, and females - more than 5 kg. Therefore, with such material, the plan for the implementation of the business cannot be fulfilled.

Although novice farmers are advised to opt for light breeds of chickens. They require less scrupulous care, have a greater survival rate, so you can gain the necessary experience on them. Please note that experts do not recommend taking turkeys at poultry farms. The best option is private farms.

Popular types of turkeys

For a turkey farm, it is better to take the following breeds.

  1. White broad-breasted. It has several varieties:
  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

Males reach 25 kg, females - 10 kg, egg-laying - up to 120 per year. The advantage of the breed is that its cultivation is possible in various climatic conditions, as the bird has a good level of adaptation.

  1. Bronze broad-breasted. Males of this breed reach a weight of 15 kg, and females - 9 kg. On average, one female per year is able to bring 120 eggs, 80% of which are fertilized. Turkey poults are hatched in 75% of cases. Slaughter for meat can begin after 20 weeks. The disadvantage of the breed is that it is suitable only for keeping in cages.
  1. North Caucasian bronze. Males reach a weight of 14 kg, and females - 7 kg. The female brings about 80 eggs per year. This breed tolerates pasture cultivation very well.
  1. Cross BIG-6. This breed of turkeys is recommended for growing at home for meat. The male reaches 25 kg, and the female - 11 kg, while the net weight of the bird is 80-85%. The main difficulty in breeding the breed is that cultivation is impossible without artificial insemination, because the male is too large for this and injures the female in the process.

The breeding plan for birds can be formed based on the fact that females reach reproductive age 7-8 months after hatching, and males - 8-9. Heredity in turkeys can be traced very clearly, so it is important to always select the strongest and healthiest individuals for crossing.

The main requirements for growing:

  • It is necessary to provide a place for walking birds. To do this, they need to allocate a special place, in a field or garden, so that the birds have the opportunity to pluck fresh grass.
  • It is necessary to balance the nutrition of the bird well. Turkeys are meat birds, so they must strictly observe the balance of vitamins and minerals in the diet. Therefore, they should always be offered special supplements. It is advisable to consult a professional about the diet. You also need to have special means for the prevention of diseases.
  • Strict adherence to the regime for turkeys. They can not be overheated, supercooled, it is necessary to strictly observe the intervals of walking and feeding.

Features of growing offspring

The health and productivity of the bird in the future directly depends on how the turkeys were kept in the first month of life. The eggs mature perfectly both under the female and in the incubator, demonstrating a hatchability rate of 90%.

For a turkey family, it is necessary to equip a nest of 40x40 cm from straw. One bird can incubate up to 17 eggs for 28 days. It is necessary to select eggs for brood after two weeks from the start of oviposition. This increases their fertility rate. They should be stored for no more than 10 days at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Hatched turkey poults are very susceptible to colds. They also need to provide round-the-clock coverage, which is gradually reduced by half an hour every day and by the 20th day is 15 hours. To do this, the offspring are kept in cages for at least 20 days with unlimited access to water and food. Bedding should always be clean and dry.

Turkey poults need to be given green tea with sugar for the first three days, and only after this time can raw water be given. Growing birds at home, you need to know that the chicks are intensively gaining weight for the first three months. Therefore, it is recommended to feed them with special food with the addition of vitamin complexes, minerals and amino acids. After a month of life, chicks can be gradually introduced into cheap feed mixtures and other additives.

Growth of turkeys

The advantage of turkeys over chickens is that, thanks to their calm nature and sedentary lifestyle, they quickly gain weight. For a day, an adult at home adds 40-80 grams. depending on the breed. That is, in six months, males reach a weight of about 19 kg, and females - 12 kg. This is the perfect time to be slaughtered for meat. If you organize hatching in the spring, then by December you can make good money, since this particular period is characterized by a high demand for turkey meat.

In order for the bird to gain as much weight as possible, it is important to follow the feeding regimen. You can follow the following rules:

Bird age (days) Feed per day (gr. per head)
1. 1-5 10
2. 6-10 20
3. 11-30 40-60
4. 31-50 80-110
5. 51-70 125-160
6. 71-90 180-220
7. 91-110 250-260
8. 111-150 270-280
9. 151-210 300
10. adults300-500

Business implementation options

A poultry farm organization plan can focus on more than just raising poultry for meat. Another line of business is selling eggs and/or chicks to other turkey farms.

To do this, you need to purchase an incubator for about a thousand eggs, which costs about 25 thousand rubles. Turkey poults hatch 28 days after the eggs are placed in the incubator. Such eggs cost from 100 rubles. for one piece.

To calculate how much the chicks cost, you need to take into account the time they were kept. So, if you sell them within a day, then their cost will be from 150 rubles. a piece. The price goes up with each passing day. In order to sell the chicks on time, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for their hatching, with which to acquaint potential buyers.

The financial part of the arrangement of the poultry house

First of all, special equipment is included in the expenditure plan. As a rule, one company offers for sale all the necessary set of equipment. How much it will cost depends on the manufacturer, material of manufacture, configuration. On average, a drinker for 20-25 heads costs 300-400 rubles, a feeder - 400-500 rubles.

In addition, the equipment purchase plan should include nests where females will lay eggs and perches. The last is wooden bars, which are installed about a meter from the ground.

How much compound feed is needed is easy to calculate from the above table. You can buy it at specialized factories in packages of 20 kg. One such package costs 600 rubles.

Include in your investment plan the purchase of a cargo van, which will bring food, transport chicks and eggs.

Income calculations

The income plan can be calculated based on the fact that one turkey costs from 500 rubles. A kilogram of turkey meat is sold for about 116 rubles. That is, it is quite realistic to form a farm payback plan from two to five years. As practice shows, the profitability of the venture is 98%, but much depends on the climate of the area where the farm is located, the availability of own land, growing conditions, and the experience of the farmer.

You can increase the profitability of a farm if you include the construction of a slaughterhouse in the development plan and carry out deep processing of meat on it. The consumer can be offered not only whole or cut carcasses, but also semi-finished products, sausages, schnitzels, sausages and more.

Some breeds of turkeys are very whimsical, so the farmer constantly needs to study the features of breeding and raising these birds. To get started, you can be guided by the following basic recommendations for content:

  • Carefully prepare a place for keeping a bird. For example, it is better to wrap the cage with polyethylene to avoid drafts. Place the feeder and drinker in the coolest part of it. The bedding needs to be changed every day.
  • It is advisable for chicks to add milk powder, oatmeal, cornmeal to the feed. The water in the drinker should be at room temperature. A separate container for fine gravel should be provided.
  • The farmer should always have on hand the necessary medicines for urgent care of the birds.
  • Do not buy turkeys at poultry farms.
  • Do not start a business with heavy breeds.
  • Raise turkeys separately from other bird species.
  • Equip perches low.
  • Always select only active and healthy birds for breeding.
  • Maintain maximum cleanliness.

If everything is done correctly, then the bird practically does not get sick, has a high percentage of the ratio of slaughter weight to live weight, every week it gains weight according to the schedule characteristic of the breed.

Turkey meat is highly valued, so breeding them can be a great idea for starting your own business. How exactly to organize the breeding of turkeys according to the business model can be found in this article.

Historical background as a way for a business idea

Since ancient times, people have bred turkeys. According to historical sources, even the Mayan Indians were engaged in breeding turkeys to get high-quality meat for food. It is worth considering the fact that at that time, apart from the dog, not a single animal was tamed. In the 16th century, it was from Mexico that turkeys were brought to European countries.

Since that moment, turkey breeding has begun to gain popularity around the world, including as a business industry for the supply of meat and eggs. Nowadays, many people devote their time to breeding birds. Some do it only for themselves in order to obtain eggs, meat and feathers. In such cases, a small number of individuals are kept, which does not require large costs and troubles.

If your business goal is to raise livestock to generate income from the sale of eggs, meat or young animals, then the herd needs to be increased, and with this the number of problems may increase, so you need to think over an action plan in advance. Such a farm would already be considered a small farm.

In the modern world, there are a fairly large number of bird farms, and turkey farms are far from the last among them. Turkeys are fairly large birds, one bird will give up to 20 kg of dietary meat. Turkey meat is highly valued, and gourmets give it their preference. It is at such moments that the decision may arise to develop a business plan for breeding turkeys.

In general, turkey breeding as a business is characterized by a high level of profitability - 60-80%. Production pays off in 1-3 years of work.

In this article, you can learn about what needs to be done in order to breed turkeys and raise turkey poults. One of their most important features is that turkeys have a large mass. Such raw materials are very valuable, as it can be used to produce sausages, ham and smoked meats of the highest quality.

Turkeys are very resistant to almost any temperature conditions. In just 2 years, the bird grows to a large size and weighs about thirty kilograms. With all this, she constantly carries tasty and very healthy eggs for the human body. Turkey meat is very tender and contains amino acids, which are also very beneficial for humans.

The article was written with the aim of generating an idea for a backyard family business. There are also calculations of the organization of industrial breeding.

Requirements for keeping turkeys

Breeding turkeys requires specific knowledge and skills. Little turkeys require special attention, because. turkeys are considered one of the most capricious birds, the breeding of which can take place at home. It is required to keep turkey poults warm, the ambient air temperature in the first days after they hatch from eggs should be at least 35-37 ° C.

It is necessary to change the water in the drinkers several times a day (the water should be at room temperature), pick up nutritious and high-quality food, and do not forget to change the bedding. Within three weeks, it is necessary to carefully monitor the individuals. After this time, it will be possible to gradually release the turkeys for walking, lower the temperature and replace the feed.

For an adult turkey, it is also necessary to create certain conditions. The house should be comfortable, warm and dry. Of course, turkeys can tolerate frosts down to -15 ° C, but at this time their well-being is noticeably worse and the number of eggs in the clutch is reduced, which will negatively affect the previously developed plan.

The minimum recommended temperature for the poultry house should not fall below +5°C. they have a detrimental effect on the health of individuals, which, accordingly, can negatively affect the entire business.

Photo review. Home poultry house for turkeys

Turkey business. The most difficult thing in this type of small business is to grow turkeys at home. However, knowing some basic technologies and tricks, you will certainly be able to put the young on their feet and earn a considerable profit on them in the future.

So, first of all, you need to know that young turkey poults must be kept in a dry and bright room. In addition, a walking area should be equipped. If you do not want your farm to scatter in different directions, it is worth enclosing it with a fairly high net.

If you have a small plot outside the city, in the village, then you can start breeding turkeys there. But it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to keep many turkeys in a small poultry house, this can lead to aggression in birds and a deterioration in egg production. It is necessary to allocate at least 1 m² of floor in the poultry house for keeping 1 bird. The perch in the poultry house is created at the rate of 50 cm of space for one bird.

To avoid injury, you can trim the spurs and claws on the paws of individuals. Turkeys are prone to developing body fat. That is why walking during cultivation for these birds is vital.

The poultry house in which the breeding of individuals will take place must be built comfortable and large. On the floor of the house, it is necessary to lay a deep bedding, for greater comfort, put the feeders and plan the places for the nests of the hens. When the poultry house is fully prepared, you can make a plan for the site on which the individuals will walk.

The size of the site should be planned depending on the number of birds in the flock. The site must be fenced off and installed on its territory, feeders and drinkers. When compiling a business plan, estimate the amounts that will be spent monthly on feed. Also, do not forget to add additional costs for minerals and vitamins to the plan, which will be added to the feed for turkeys.

In a separate column, it is necessary to enter the probable costs that may be needed for treatment, because. the likelihood of diseases in these birds is very high.

Profitable or not industrial breeding of turkeys?

Financial calculations for industrial breeding

To grow a herd of 2000 heads, an area of ​​​​about 8 hectares will be required.

Table 1: Financial calculations for the organization of a farm with a number of 2000 heads:

Table 2: Cost Items:

The financial business plan does not include the cost of setting up a farm. They depend on the scale, the way the birds are kept, the level of technology and new equipment, and the choice of breed.

In general, industrial breeding of turkeys as a business is characterized by a high level of profitability - 60-80%. Production pays off in 1-3 years of work.

In addition to breeding turkeys for meat, you can diversify activities - the incubation of eggs and the sale of young animals. The cost of one egg for incubation varies between 80-100 rubles. You can buy an incubator for 1000 eggs for 25-40 thousand rubles. The price for a daily chick starts from 150-170 rubles. They are getting more expensive every day. Most farms indicate the time of hatching and potential buyers know when to contact.
FOR CALCULATION: a few words about turkey egg production
  • The turkey begins to rush from 7 to 9 months - maturity comes
  • Large individuals at 32 - 36 weeks of life
  • Small birds at 28 - 30 weeks
  • Egg weight 70 - 80 grams
  • The egg production of turkeys depends on many factors, one of them is the presence of 1 male per 10 females.
  • If you have created proper conditions for turkeys in your farm, birds bring 120-150 eggs per year

Purchase and first care of turkeys

After you have just purchased turkeys, keep them in cages for twenty days of rearing. They must have constant access to food and water. After this time, grown turkey poults can already be transferred to a ventilated room with dry bedding. In the mornings and in the evenings they need to be released to the walking area.

As for nutrition, one turkey, as a rule, should go forty grams of feed per day. In adulthood, they will need four hundred grams. The idea of ​​​​breeding turkeys is risky, but having studied all the points, the profitability of the business will please you with a solid profit.

Photo: what a turkey looks like

If you correctly draw up a plan for proper care and feeding, then 2 years after hatching turkeys from eggs and subsequent proper fattening, you can get individuals reaching a weight of 30 kg. The turkey is a massive bird. Turkeys lay eggs, which are superior in taste and nutritional qualities to chickens, which gives significant advantages to their breeding. When slaughtered, you can get tasty, tender meat, which contains a large amount of valuable amino acids.

If your homestead is located in a village, then it is recommended to buy turkey poults for breeding in private farms. Practice shows that the bulk of turkeys grown and purchased at poultry farms die, which can cause significant losses to the business.

After purchase and newly hatched poults, it is recommended to keep them in a cage for two months. After the end of this period of care, turkey poults can be moved to the poultry house. The best feed for growing turkeys when feeding can be feed intended for broilers. If this is not the case, then you can use and give any other compound feed, which contains:

  • Cereals;
  • Corn grits;
  • Meat and bone or fish meal;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Supplements from a variety of vitamins and minerals;
  • The total proportion of additives should be no more than 2-3% of the total mass of feed.

From the beginning of feeding on the third day, turkeys can add chopped grass to the feed, after 7 days - fish and meat are turned on, after 3 weeks - cottage cheese and boiled eggs are added.

How to expand the diet of feeding chicks

In addition to traditional feed, turkeys can also be fed with food waste. To prepare the mixture, you should use the remains of root crops, boiled vegetables and dairy products. In early spring and summer, the bird is given greenery and plants throughout the day. All these components can be introduced into the diet as part of wet mash with water.

An example of the diet of turkeys, age from 10 days. Properly developed chicks reach a mass of 125 grams.

  • ground oats - 30%;
  • corn flour - 30%
  • small wheat bran - 20%;
  • fresh cottage cheese - 16%;
  • bone meal and chalk - 1-2%;
  • table salt - 0.5%

Table 3: feeding babies for proper development, in detail

Feed / age, days, weight grams1-10 11-20 21-30 21-60 61-80 91-120
boiled egg3 - - - - -
Millet5 10 - - - -
Wheat bran3 5 10 20 20 20
Cereal mix6 11 15 35 80 110
crushed wheat- - 20 35 45 50
Flour pulp1 3 7 14 20 20
curdled milk30 20 25 40 50 50
Cottage cheese7 10 5 - - -
fresh greens10 30 50 50 100 150
Salt- - - 2 3 5
Shell and chalk- 1 1 2 3 5

Fattening adult turkeys for weight gain

For fast fattening of turkeys, take the time to prepare feed. Proper nutrition for chicks and chicks will speed up weight gain. Industrial compound feeds contain the necessary vitamins and minerals, have the presence of useful and nutritious substances. It is quite within the power of making full-fledged food with your own hands in household plots.

If the farm is large, then harvesting and subsequent preparation is time consuming. which may not be cost effective. This can be compensated by the cheapness of blanks. For example: straw, green fodder harvesting, potatoes, vegetables, grain crops.

Adult turkeys are fed three times a day in winter, and 4 to 5 times a day in summer and spring. An adult bird should drink about 100 milliliters of water per day - as a result, 1 liter of water per 10 birds. For males, the norm is 90 ml, and for females - 60 ml. On large farms, special drinkers are used. Calculate according to the number of individuals.

The main feeds include:

  • Cereals and legumes (for example, buckwheat, oats, other grains) are a valuable source of protein and healthy fats;
  • Meal and cake contains many amino acids and is used as a substitute for animal feed;
  • Green fodder and root vegetables serve as a source of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • Straw and hay improve the digestion process: high fiber content.
  • Also, feed of animal origin, vegetable oil and nuts are introduced into the diet of turkeys: they improve the quality of turkey meat.

TIPS: In order to support a turkey farming business plan, some rules must be followed:

  • 1. Regularly change the water in the drinkers in the poultry house and on the site, the water should be at room temperature;
  • 2. Have on hand all the necessary medicines in case of a sudden illness of turkeys;
  • 3. Turkey poults are kept separately from other birds;
  • 4. It is not recommended to use birds of this breed as hens;
  • 5. Do not place high perches inside the poultry house;
  • 6. Only active and healthy birds must remain in the flock to maintain the population on the farm;
  • 7. Cleanliness is required in the poultry house.

If you have developed a plan for how you will run this business, then remember that the initial costs will not exceed the amount of 3,000 rubles. You will be provided with poultry meat and eggs, and at the same time you will earn good money when selling them. Turkey meat is very valuable in the US and Europe. At present, our meat processors have accepted this meat as the most valuable and high-tech raw material used in the manufacture of ham, smoked meats, sausages, sausages.

PAY ATTENTION: what do turkeys get sick with? I. Infectious diseases: 1. Smallpox. 2. Respiratory mycoplasmosis. 3. Worms. 4. Histomonosis. 5. Newcastle disease. 6. Tuberculosis. 7. Pasteurellosis. II. Non-infectious: 1. Hypovitaminosis. 2. Hard goiter. 3. Rickets.

In conclusion: turkeys produce fluff and feathers, which are used for various decorations.

The turkey is a live incubator. In order to have fresh eggs all winter, you need to plant a hen in February in order to get chickens already in the first days of March. In early maturing breeds, such as: Faverolle, Viondota, Kohikhina, Langshan and Brama, if the chickens were born in early April, they begin to wear already at the age of 4.5 months.

The biggest difficulty in such cases is to get an early hen, since usually hens require planting only after a long wear, approximately in April or May, in this case it is possible to replace chickens with turkeys. They are easy to train to incubate at any time of the year with success and as many times as needed, except when they are molting or laying. A turkey for incubation in the nest is taken for 2-4 years, 25-30 chicken eggs are laid.

When they want the turkey to start incubating, they put it in a convenient box lined with hay or straw at the bottom and put test eggs under it, and put some kind of board or basket on top of it and keep it in the dark for a day without food. A day later, the turkey is released for 1/2 hour to walk and eat, and then put back into the nest.

On the 3rd day, the turkey begins to sit. Then test eggs are replaced with fresh ones. Anyone who tries to test a turkey as a hen will be completely satisfied, since the turkey not only covers almost double the number of eggs compared to the chicken, but also hatches the chickens better, because they are better warmed by the turkey and suffer less from changes in the weather. Under farm conditions, chicks are "hatched" by the incubation method, since this process requires large batches of brood.

What are the best breeds to breed?

  • bronze turkeys
  • Bronze wide-breasted turkeys
  • Breed North Caucasian bronze turkeys
  • Moscow bronze turkeys
  • White broad-breasted turkeys
  • North Caucasian white turkeys

Read a detailed description of the breeds on our website in a special article in the "poultry" section

Breeding turkeys as a business. Feedback and comments from our readers.

What does it take to breed turkeys? Many experts and farm owners who have experience and knowledge in this field argue that raising turkeys and running this kind of business is very risky and dangerous. In order to protect yourself from a variety of risks, you need to carefully study a lot of literature that can give practical recommendations. The main thing is to keep clean, select only healthy and active birds. In this case, you will definitely not have problems with the sale of finished meat.

The question arises: how profitable is the breeding of turkeys in the household in terms of business and profit? How do you say "turkey" or "turkey"? Leave your feedback and recommendations for beginners.

Growing a turkey as a business is one of the most popular types of business in the countryside. It is similar to breeding chickens, but unlike poultry, which is familiar in Russia, a turkey grows up to 40 kg. Accordingly, from the sale of one Mexican bird, you can get a much larger amount than from a chicken. For more rural business ideas, read the article:

Growing a Turkey as a Business - Corral Costs

You can start such a business with 30 goals. For such a quantity, a paddock of 25m2 will be enough. You can build it according to the scheme of a conventional barn from boards. This will require about 50 thousand rubles. It is possible to insulate part of the building for adults with polyethylene. Chickens will need a heated brooder. This will require about 10 thousand rubles.
In the corral, there must be nests on a hill at the rate of 1 nest for 5-6 layers. In addition, cages for small chickens are obligatory: one cage 40x40x60 is enough for 25 heads. So in our case we need 2 cells.
Adults are unpretentious, but for young turkeys you need to create the most comfortable conditions. To do this, it is important to protect them from frost, dampness and drafts.

Buying chicks and layers

It is advised to buy chickens on farms where they are professionally bred and raised. When buying in private hands, you run the risk of acquiring weak or sick individuals. Such birds, even if they survive, still bring a lot of trouble. Many of their chicks may die or infect others, and this is a big financial loss for you. The average cost of one turkey chicken is 250 rubles. The purchase of 30 goals will take 7,500 rubles.
An adult at the age of 6 months costs 11,500 rubles, two individuals of both sexes are enough to get eggs. After 4-6 months, about 30 eggs can be obtained from them.

fixed costs

A monthly expense in a business like raising a turkey is the cost of feeding and maintaining a comfortable environment. The turkey is usually fed with grain crops, but this is not enough.
Add bone meal to your bird's diet to help turkeys replenish their calcium balance during the winter. And the addition of lard and vegetable oil to poultry feed will make its meat more juicy and tender. The average cost of feeding 32 heads is 7,000 rubles.
Raising the chicks will require heat, which requires electricity. Uninterrupted heating of two cages for chicks will result in about 1000 rubles per month.

Sale of turkey meat

As mentioned earlier, turkey breeding is beneficial due to its large weight. So, the average weight of a male is 30 kg, and pure meat from this weight is about 23 kg. The female, on the other hand, has smaller dimensions: up to 10 kg on average, and pure meat - 6 kg.
For 5.5 months, the male grows completely, and at this time it can already be slaughtered. The female can bring you profit after 4 months. It is better to acquire chicks at two weeks of age. It turns out that the first profit from females can be expected after 3.5 months, and from males - after 5 months.
We offer to divide all the purchased livestock of chicks into two parts: 28 males for sale, 1 female and male for reproduction. By the way, the females of this bird rush only after one year of age. For 4 months, it is possible to get about 70 eggs from one female.
With an average price of 250 rubles per 1 kg, after 5 months you will receive the first profit - about 161,000 rubles.

Ratio of income and expenses

To set up a turkey breeding business, you will need:
Construction of a paddock - 50 thousand rubles
Warming - 10 thousand rubles
Purchase of 30 heads - 7,500 rubles
Purchase of adults - 23,000
Feed for the first 5 months - 35,000 rubles
Electricity for the first 5 months - 5,000 rubles
Total: 130,500 rubles

Since the first five months you will need to raise the acquired chickens, you need to be prepared for constant investment. That is, you will immediately have to spend 72,000 for construction, insulation, purchase of chicks and food for 1 month. After that, it will be necessary to spend 8 thousand rubles a month to pay for utilities and buy food. But after these 5-6 months, the first profit will cover all initial expenses - 161,000 rubles.
In a month you will have a new stock on the way, which in 4-6 months will bring about 150,000 more (depending on the sex of the hatched individual). It turns out that by purchasing 30 chicks and 2 adults, you get about 150,000 rubles in six months.
The costs for this period will amount to 48,000 rubles (for food and heating), i.e. profit - 102,000 rubles. Further, it is only a matter of breeding - by constantly increasing the number of turkeys, you will also increase your profits.

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