Funeral home business plan. How to open a funeral home

The funeral business is very unusual, and not every entrepreneur will undertake it. But if you take a philosophical approach to this issue and set yourself the goal of making money, there is every chance to start a ritual business from scratch.

Many try not to discuss the topic of death until a special occasion. When relatives, friends or acquaintances suffer such grief, they immediately turn to the right agency. For the owners of the funeral business, this procedure provides an opportunity to earn.

Before you open your agency, you need to draw up a complete funeral home business plan. It will provide an opportunity to quickly navigate the world of competition and take its place in the funeral services market.

Funeral business in Russia: market analysis, competition

After the abolition of licenses for the funeral business, competition in the Russian market has only increased. To receive your income, you need to have accurate data on the deceased. Such information is always under the strict control of competitors. It should be borne in mind that there are too many owners of the funeral business, and profitability leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many of them have to organize the production of ritual attributes.

The leaders of large structures are sure that the situation has reached a critical state. This is evidenced by the state of cemeteries, and the ritual business itself is in the shadow economy due to the lack of a proper state regulatory system and the necessary material base. Places in cemeteries are sold without hesitation, although the territory for burial is provided free of charge. Almost always, clients pay in cash, and these actions are not reflected in the financial report.

The market for similar services has long been controlled by a certain circle, and it is not happy with new opponents. There are some categories of funeral home that only sell specialty items. And it is almost impossible to calculate the difference between the purchase and sale of products.

Targets and goals

The main moral goal of this business is worthily, with all honors to see off the deceased person and take full responsibility to relatives for organizing the necessary ritual.

Business objectives include:

  • polite communication with relatives and friends of the deceased;
  • assistance in preparing for the farewell process;
  • providing the most favorable offers for burial.

coffin making

The cost of making coffins to order varies in different price categories. It depends on the chosen design and material. Therefore, each client must evaluate his ability to pay and choose a coffin in which he wants to take the deceased relative on his last journey.

  1. The coffin, upholstered with thick cotton fabric or special textiles, ritual stores offer at a price of about 3,000 - 4,000 rubles.
  2. The coffin of domestic production with a varnish coating looks solid, but it costs from 8,000 to 35,000 rubles and even higher. For separately provided Italian or French fittings, you will have to pay extra up to 6,000 rubles.
  3. Imported coffins made of noble woods have a cost from 60 000 rubles.

Ritual textiles

Many textile factories produce funeral textiles for funeral homes and agencies. The products are intended not only for upholstery of coffins, but also for sewing bedspreads, pillows and other accessories.

Also, according to individual orders, you can sew decorations in the coffin, clothes for the deceased, ritual tablecloths, and decorating elements for the hearse and the hall of farewells. A profitable franchise between manufacturers and buyers of mourning paraphernalia is the key to a successful business.

It is customary to bury a deceased person in new clothes. And if relatives did not prepare a robe for the deceased in advance for some reason, then there is not always time to go shopping and look for a suitable option.

In such cases, samples of clothing by gender, as well as ritual shoes, must be presented to the funeral home or agency. It is necessary to select clothes according to the age of the deceased, taking into account his complexion.


When preparing for the funeral process, do not forget about mourning ribbons. They are an important accessory on wreaths, baskets and flowers. Farewell words are written on the mourning ribbons, which emphasize the respectful attitude towards the deceased. The inscriptions are applied with a special paint and brush. The text of the inscription is recorded by the funeral home employee at the request of the customer or is compiled in advance.

Sale of ritual textiles wholesale

The purchase of ritual textiles by close relatives always carries a moral trauma for them. Funeral homes, taking care of the condition of their clients, pre-purchase all the necessary paraphernalia in bulk. Therefore, it is convenient to buy all the necessary kits, sets and single copies at the place of ritual services. The proposed type of marketing is very convenient between suppliers and buyers.

How to start a funeral business? Legal aspects

Future entrepreneurs always ask questions on the topic: how to organize a funeral business, where to start? So that the future owner does not have problems with the law, you need to start implementing your idea legally.

Important: Since 2004, there has been no mandatory requirement to obtain a state license in Russia. It was from that time that ritual agencies began to develop intensively, because a novice entrepreneur only needs to notify government agencies about the provision of these services to the population.

The owner of the establishment should register his funeral home as an LLC. You can perform this procedure yourself or entrust all the work to a legal entity that will represent your interests. The cost of this legal service should be included in the plan.

You will need to write and submit an application for one of the special systems for taxation. If the entrepreneur does not do this, he will automatically be transferred to the general system, and for the initial stage this is not entirely profitable. You will have to regularly provide a full accounting report on costs and profits, pay taxes on time and adjust monthly reporting.

For a small company that does not cooperate with large enterprises, you should pay attention to the simplest options. It is advantageous to choose a simplified taxation system in which you have to pay only one tax. The percentage ratio of income and expenses is taken into account. You need to pay from income of about 5% or up to 15%, comparing the difference in expenses and profits for the month.

Payment is made quarterly, reporting is provided at the end of each year. The benefit of the simplified taxation system is that the entrepreneur will be able to save about 3% of the amount on insurance. In order to properly plan your income, after registration within a month, you need to notify the tax system about the start of your activity.

Organizational moments

Anyone can start this type of business. Vehicles, a farewell cafeteria or wake-up restaurant can be rented, and staff vacancies can be replaced by specialists from other service providers to avoid additional costs. Therefore, every future owner of similar bureaus needs to know where to start.

Where to open a funeral home?

The rented premises must be located in a point accessible by car, so that any client can quickly find the necessary object and easily get to it. The basis is a large area. In this territory are located:

  • main agency office;
  • a hall for a demonstration display of wreaths, coffins, monuments and other ritual paraphernalia;
  • morgue;
  • warehouses;
  • hearses;
  • farewell hall.

Important: Never have a farewell hall in an apartment building. His place is no closer than 100 meters from residential buildings, cultural, children's and medical institutions.

To provide services in the mortuary at the agency, additional permission will be required. The location of this room should be coordinated with the relevant authorities: the architecture committee, the city's environmental department and the state fire service. Naturally, an additional building will entail certain costs.

Furniture and equipment

Workshops will be needed for own production. For example, to create a monument, you need not only a set of necessary tools, but also concrete, a special adhesive mixture, crushed stone, and sand.

For the production of coffins, a carpentry workshop and tools are needed. In addition to chipboard and metal, a special upholstery fabric should be available. You should also take into account the material for the manufacture of crosses and other ritual paraphernalia. Profitable franchising between customers and suppliers will help to purchase the right material and equipment.

The hall of farewell must have a complete set of equipment: supports for the coffin, armchairs and chairs. The design of the hall must be sustained in mourning colors.

In the ritual salon itself, in addition to the reception desk, there are seats for waiting, a small table with a list of services provided and prices.

All furniture, equipment and tools must be placed on the area of ​​the rented premises. This also applies to vehicles that will provide the necessary service for the transportation of passengers from the place of farewell to the cemetery area.


Persons with knowledge of human psychology and with a sense of tact should be chosen as the staff of the funeral home. They have to work with clients who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown because they have lost their loved one. Bureau employees should be able to unobtrusively offer the services of their institution, advise clients in various aspects and skillfully recommend the necessary rituals to them. The latest news in the funeral business suggests that funeral agents can receive special education in educational institutions.

In addition to customer service employees, you will need drivers, wreath makers, carpenters, consultants, mortuary workers, an accountant, carpenters, turners. Based on your capabilities, you can expand or reduce the staff. A good option is to hire the right people as needed.

If the owner is a sole proprietor, you must decide which service area you will need to hire more staff from. And do not forget that the service personnel should consist of morally stable specialists.

Funeral home services

The dividends received are completely dependent on the services provided and the range of ritual accessories. The addition of the nomenclature entails an increase in costs. It is very important to make a correct list of such services:

  • funeral rituals (in this case, a priest is involved in the process);
  • digging graves;
  • production of coffins, crosses, monuments and other ritual paraphernalia:
  • provision of transport;
  • search for a place to bury the deceased;
  • cremation, make-up, disinfection, embalming.

Customer acquisition

Competing services in the struggle for customers reach the point of absurdity. The illegal search for information about the whereabouts of the deceased even goes so far that deliberate data leakage is in demand. If you take the legal and human methods of advertising your agency, then advertising in public places, on the radio, bulletin boards, on the Internet or in print publications, is especially effective.

Funeral services business costs and profitability

At the initial stage of work, your costs and income will fluctuate. The basis is to take the initial investment at minimal cost from $8,000 to $80,000. The cost of acquiring equipment, hiring employees and purchasing ritual accessories will entail additional waste. Renting the premises will cost approximately 80 000 rubles.

The cheapest funeral cost about 18 000 rubles. But one-time orders will not help business development. Significant profit can be received only with constant orders and proper advertising of your company.

If we take into account the average order in an average business, its amount is about 20,000 - 50,000 rubles, then you can expect a monthly profit of up to 400 000 rubles.


The funeral business cannot be called simple, newcomers to it are usually poorly oriented in search of clients, which means they face certain problems. Given the serious competition, it is customary to talk about high profitability. But if a business plan is correctly drawn up, highly qualified specialists are selected, a range of goods and services is developed, then your diligence will not go unnoticed.

One of the types of business that is considered “eternal” is funeral business, since people are mortal and will always remain in this sad quality. However, starting even such a seemingly a priori profitable business, it is necessary to draw up a clear business plan of action. It is based on the fact that the agency involved in the organization of the sad rite must conduct a tough competitive and not always ethical fight with several other organizations of a similar profile in their city.

Preparatory Steps

The funeral home is a very expensive business. At the same time, the plan for its opening and functioning should take into account the possible complete lack of profit in the early stages of formation. Therefore, before opening a funeral organization, you need to carefully consider what kind of services, in what quantity and quality, you plan to provide, creating a reputation for the company. And for this it is necessary to explore the local market in order to identify what exactly will be in demand.

The organizer of the funeral home must take into account that the relatives of the deceased, heartbroken, will not run around different companies in search of what they need, which means that they need to think over the basic list of services provided. A possible list is presented in the table:

The business plan of the funeral services agency assumes that if the bureau is engaged only in this type of activity, large initial investments will not be required. However, as the list of services develops, it simply needs to be supplemented with new ones. Ideally, you need to master the independent production of coffins, tombstones and fences and other things. The funeral agency must provide services for dressing and processing the body, so it is advisable to have your own room for “working” with the bodies.

Office opening procedure

The business plan of the funeral company includes a description of the required premises. The main requirement is an area of ​​​​at least 100 square meters. m., to be able to distinguish three departments. In addition to a room for working with customers (30 sq. m.), a trade and exhibition hall (50 sq. m.) and a mortuary (20 sq. m.) are needed. The business plan of the funeral services office prescribes that it is desirable to provide a room for the mortuary in a separate building.

The ideal location of the office is near the cemetery. But this place should have good transport accessibility. A successful business plan also takes into account the fact that today most of the cemeteries have been moved outside the city. In this case, it is rational to open a main office in the center and a small outlet near the cemetery.

Having chosen a place for a funeral services bureau, it is worth thinking about the legal form of the enterprise. For such a firm, lawyers recommend opening an LLC, and interacting with the tax office on the basis of the USN.

The nuances of recruiting

It is fundamentally wrong to think that the funeral business is "rough" enough to recruit qualified personnel. People working in the office should be able not only to help with the choice of a rather specific product, but also to be a kind of psychologists. After all, your customers will be people crushed by recent grief. In a number of large cities of the Russian Federation, schools of funeral directors began to open, so it is advisable to hire people who have been trained in such institutions.

In general, the recruitment plan should include the following specialists:

Since this business requires the maximum application of time and effort, the place of the director of the funeral agency is taken by the founder of the LLC. In addition to these specialists, there may be a need for the services of others (for example, drivers). But since they will not be in demand every day, it makes sense to establish links and conclude agreements with third-party specialized enterprises (car fleets, etc.).

Methods of finding clients and working with them

Let's make a reservation right away that most of them are quite expensive. Firstly, this is the conclusion of contracts with ambulance stations and hospitals. Secondly, work with the registry office. You can try to place on the information desks of hospitals or stick up near the cemeteries and "regular" announcements. Clients will be referred to you by employees of organizations recording the fact of death. Such a search for clients will save your company from the reputation of an “intrusive office”, and your agents from ethical qualms when they are forced to walk around apartments on their own and offer citizens to “buy” funeral services.

Of course, a good profit can be obtained only if a number of conditions are met, the most important of which is the constant expansion of the range of goods and services offered. It is worth paying attention to such a direction as funeral paraphernalia. Making it yourself is quite expensive, but do not forget that 70% of your customers will want to buy everything they need for a turnkey funeral in one place. Therefore, the profit, if you can provide such services to the client, will increase several times.

High-margin activities

These in the funeral business include the manufacture of coffins and ritual textiles. Both require the presence of specialists in the state and are quite expensive. But given that, in fact, the main funeral attributes are produced, expansion in this direction is quite justified.

The coffin maker first prepares the base (fastens the planed boards), then decorates the surfaces with a fabric of red, blue or gold colors, after which he decorates the product. The cost of a coffin is largely determined by the type of wood, so the owner of the funeral home needs to find reliable suppliers of the right types of wood in advance.

A significant part of the price of the coffin is its decoration with cotton, silk or satin fittings. It makes sense to hire one professional designer to “finish” coffins, as well as to make mourning ribbons, wreaths, and flower baskets.

Ritual textiles are primarily understood as the clothes of the deceased. A specialist engaged in this area of ​​the ritual business must know the peculiarities of culture and ritual traditions in order to fulfill the will of the relatives of the deceased as clearly as possible.

As noted above, the costs of entering a funeral business are quite high. Together with the registration of an LLC and the introduction of authorized capital, they can reach 1 million rubles. When providing a minimum set of services and, accordingly, a small estimated number of clients, the ratio of monthly expenses and income may look like this:

Expenses Amount, rub. Income Amount, rub.
1. Rent of the head office and industrial premises + utilities 70000 1. Performance of funeral services by the staff of the organization 190000
2. Salary to the team, including bonuses and contributions to the Pension Fund 155000 2. Performance of ritual services by outside organizations (mediation) 75000
3. Taxes 26700 3. Sale of ritual supplies and accessories 180000
4. Purchase of equipment 60000
5. Purchase of materials 70000
6. Unforeseen expenses 8000

Thus, the net profit will be just over 55 thousand rubles per month. Accordingly, the payback period of the enterprise under the most favorable conditions will be one and a half years. On average, a funeral home pays for itself in 2-3 years.

Summing up, we note that not everyone can start a funeral business. In addition to a solid start-up investment and the need to overcome serious competition, it carries many ethical and aesthetic points that not every businessman can adequately respond to. Those who, having calculated their strength, began to act in this area, a good income, subject to investing the maximum of their strength, is guaranteed.

Funeral services are always in demand, especially in large settlements. The funeral business is distinguished not only by stability, but also by an extensive field of activity, the ability to start work with relatively little capital and good profitability. However, with a careless approach, entrepreneurs face significant difficulties, so it is important to develop a detailed plan for the implementation of the project and take into account what has to be dealt with in the process of organization and development. About the features of the funeral services system and how to start a funeral business, later in the article.

The specifics of the funeral business

Before you open a funeral services office, you need to familiarize yourself with the important features of this field of activity. Since in the process of work the organizer will have to deal not only with the dead, but also with relatives and friends who, for obvious reasons, may be in a state of shock, experience grief, it is always necessary to remember delicacy and not exert pressure.

The most profitable will be a business that includes the organization of a funeral in a complex. In other words, clients applying to a funeral home must receive the full range of services, and the company must offer not only the relevant goods, but also transport for the transportation of the coffin and body, legal support, organization of the process of funeral, burial, commemoration and other services.

Funeral services are an area in which competition is well developed, therefore, in order to occupy your niche in business, it makes sense to offer not only standard, but also original services: from making unusually shaped urns to organizing ritual burials for pets.

The biggest profits in this business are made by companies that take care of reputation in the first place.

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Registration of activities

To get started, you need to register funeral services as a business with the tax service. A suitable legal form for enterprises carrying out such activities is an individual entrepreneur (IE) or a limited liability company (LLC). Good to read about.

According to the latest edition of the OKVED classifier, the code suitable for the provision of funeral services is 96.03 - "Organization of funerals and the provision of related services." It is he who needs to be entered in the column of the registration application, intended for the code of the type of the main activity of the enterprise (see).

In addition to registering an enterprise and choosing a method of paying taxes, you will need to obtain permits (conclusions on the compliance of working conditions with sanitary and fire safety requirements) from local authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service. This will be enough to start entrepreneurial activity.


Among the services that a funeral agency can provide, the most popular are the following:

  • complex organization of the funeral process, from the preparation of the deceased to the installation of monuments and tombstones;
  • selection and design of a place for burial;
  • earthworks (digging a grave, burying after burial, preparing the soil for the installation of a fence and a monument);
  • production or purchase and subsequent sale of goods for the organization of the funeral. This includes coffins (see), monuments, fences, steles, crosses, wreaths, candles and other products;
  • organization of transportation of the deceased and transportation of mourners and relatives to visit the church, cemetery, place of organization of commemoration;
  • preparation of the deceased (make-up, choice of funeral clothes, sanitization and other services).

An important point in organizing a business of funeral services is the search for customers. It will be necessary to organize a competent advertising campaign so that the emergence of a new company becomes known on the market: both printed media (flyers, banners, leaflets, etc.) and online sources (development of a corporate website, announcements on relevant forums, page maintenance) in social networks). It is desirable that customers can get acquainted with product samples if the bureau specializes in the production of coffins, monuments, wreaths and other products.

Other ways to find clients: "word of mouth", in which clients recommend the company's services to their friends or relatives, and cooperation with representatives of organizations that are directly related to the accompaniment and registration of the deceased (employees of internal affairs, morgues).

Plan of work of the bureau of funeral services

Organization of the work of the enterprise is carried out in several stages. Before you open a funeral business, you should draw up a commercial plan. It is necessary to take into account the amount of one-time and subsequent costs, the amount of work and other factors. The smallest start-up capital will be required if the agency will be engaged in the sale of finished products and the provision of services: in this case, it will be necessary to take into account the cost of purchased goods. If the bureau itself begins to produce goods for the funeral, it will be necessary to calculate the price, taking into account the costs of materials, labor, equipment wear and tear.

Premises and equipment

The next stage is the search for premises and the purchase of equipment. Minimum requirements for the premises: an area of ​​40-60 square meters, good traffic, preferably the predominance of dark tones in the interior and the absence of unnecessary details. It is optimal if the premises are located in a house with an adjoining free area, where it will be possible to place advertising or several types of goods (for example, wreaths) for greater visibility.

As for the equipment, you will need to purchase the main set: furniture, office equipment, as well as special equipment for the presented goods (showcases, coffin stands, hangers for funeral clothes, fixtures for artificial flowers). On average, it takes 50-80 thousand rubles a month to rent a room in Moscow or 20-40 thousand rubles in the regions, and the purchase of equipment will cost 250-400 thousand rubles, depending on whether it is new or used.

Personnel issue

An important stage in the organization of work is hiring employees. You should choose people who do not experience fear or prejudice about what is associated with death and the dead, are highly stress-resistant, delicate and tactful. They will have to deal with heartbroken relatives and friends. The reputation of the company largely depends on how employees can establish contact with customers.

It is desirable to organize the work of the agency in two shifts, since its services may be required at any time, and to hire two salesmen and two secretaries. At first, it is better to take on the functions of an administrator and an accountant; in the future, the last duty can be outsourced.

In order to save money, it is better to hire a cleaning lady who will come twice a week. It is worth signing contracts with hearse drivers, orchestra musicians and other specialized specialists as their services are needed, so as not to overpay for staff units. Monthly payments to employees amount to 80-150 thousand rubles, depending on the region.

Advertising activity

To achieve success in such a business, as in any other, you need to pay attention to promoting the company, finding customers. Advertising in print and electronic form will have to spend from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. It is advisable to combine several types of promotion so that the project starts to make a profit faster.

Another way to raise capital is to find a partner. Useful to read. The pros and cons of direct investment, the search for a partner and the procedure for processing a transaction.

The topic of death has always been extremely sensitive and requiring a delicate approach. Usually, conversations on such topics come “out of necessity”. A profession connected with the intricacies of a ritual procession is not dreamed of in childhood and is not studied anywhere. In our area, it is not very common to be on the short side with such topics, because they usually run away from them like fire. Only certain people have always been especially close to the topic of death - people who choose to send a person on his last journey as their main profession.

To engage in such a business, you must have a truly cold mind, be a harmonious and balanced personality, be able to manage your own emotions and be the bearer of a stable nervous system. Because people who turn to ritual agencies are people who have suffered irreversible losses, with which many of them cannot cope, because it takes time to “settle” such emotions, and they turn to you “after the fact of what happened”. So, how to build a business in the field of funeral services in the mind?

Opening procedure and planning

Before starting, it is necessary, of course, to develop detailed business plan, evaluate your competitiveness, the approximate amount of necessary investments and payback periods. Competition in this segment of the market is quite high, so you need to take care of the presence of some distinctive features, for example, some element of the service that no one else has, which will make your agency special. With a high level of competition, this is important. If you find this “something” and put emphasis on it as a result of fruitful thinking, make it the highlight of your agency, this idea will soon work in your favor, because in this industry, as in some others, the path “heard from a neighbor that They have something that others don't have."

Problems and changes in the funeral area are discussed in the following video:

Room search

Requires special care and choice locations. Make sure it is as cost effective as possible. The location will already advertise to you. When renting a space, think about which of the proposed options will provide you with passive advertising. If you are suddenly attracted by the lower price of a room in the outback, immediately remember the rather narrow advertising spectrum and, choosing a more expensive room, reassure yourself by investing in passive advertising.

If you plan to deal not only with the segment of basic services, but also with additional ones, then when choosing a room, it will need to be divided into at least four independent working areas:

  1. office for working staff and reception of clients;
  2. store of necessary paraphernalia (wreaths, coffins, ribbons, icon lamps, candles, funeral urns, etc.);
  3. morgue;
  4. room for relatives.

When providing a standard package of services, the last two items are excluded).

The issue of competition and market analysis

If you already roughly understand what you will take as a basis, the next item will be the creation and development advertising campaign which will require you to be concise and unobtrusive. Given the specificity of the chosen work, you must understand that the installation of banners or the distribution of leaflets will go against the moral and ethical principles.

Advertising should be targeted, but it is completely unacceptable for it to “fly out” due to every turn. There is an option to establish a hidden contact with the police and clinic workers. An employee of the mortuary or law enforcement agencies reports the address to the agents of funeral services, or they simply take the agent with them to the place where the death of a person took place.

Also don't forget about Internet resources. In the age of high technology, if not all, then 90% of goods and services are sold via the Internet. If people don't "have something on hand", then they will be preoccupied with searching for services on the Internet. Your concern is to painstakingly work on the leadership of your site in the search rankings.

The sphere of ritual services, due to the fact that it is endowed with a special social significance, enjoys the attention and support of the state. Basically, this business is not directly dependent on the economic situation in the country. The range of funeral paraphernalia is quite rich and varied. Moreover, usually, firms are distributors, not manufacturers. For this reason, it is almost impossible to take into account the difference between the producer price and the selling price. About 70% of the turnover is the sale of funeral ritual items. Receiving money from clients, funeral services redistribute funds between the links of this infrastructure, leaving themselves the so-called commission.

You can also practice independent production coffins and monuments.

Type of coffin:

  1. Wood.
    The technologies and tools in the manufacture of such a coffin are the same as in the manufacture of furniture. Often the master for their manufacture is an assembler who assembles a finished wooden coffin from individual components (body, bedding, handles, accessories).
  2. Metal.
    “Blanks” are made from metal sheets, which are fed to a stamp to give the structure the necessary shape. Then these parts are welded and the bed is added.
    To transport the coffin, sheets of wrapping paper are used, and special seals are applied to the corners, which protect against scratches and destructive effects.

The production technology can be found in the following video:

Business registration

As for registration, the first thing that is needed is a legal confirmation of the legality of the services provided. Previously, when opening such a business, a license was required, but today such a requirement is excluded and is not mandatory.

It is necessary to register a business as it can be done independently and, having protected yourself from the intricacies of creating a package of documents, with the help of a lawyer. If a private entrepreneur is registered at the place of registration, then LLC - at the location of the executive body.

If you take in rent segment of the residential premises and rebuild it into an office, then take care in the future of re-registration of this property to non-residential.

If you want to provide additional services, such as a mortuary, you need to obtain a package of documents that confirm the building permit, namely:

  • write a petition to the body responsible for urban planning;
  • receive documents approving all the technical conditions of work and construction, also agreed with the State Fire Supervision, SES and Environmental Protection.

The project must include:

  • architectural structures;
  • construction (KZh, KM - reinforced concrete / metal structures);
  • electrical system;
  • water supply / drainage system.


The selection of staff in a funeral home must be treated with awareness of the full degree of importance.

Since the profession has a rather difficult specificity, you should rely on the following qualities in candidates:

  • tact in communication;
  • knowledge of psychology and rhetoric;
  • good orientation in the field of management and sales;
  • external and internal presentability, the ability to present.

The so-called undertaker(for such a profession today there is a special education), which, directly, will negotiate with clients.

In addition, you will need: an administrator, an accountant, consultants, mortuary workers, drivers, salesmen, carpenters, turners and a balmist. If necessary, at first, you can recruit a minimum staff and hire other specialists who can provide you with their services.

Given the fact of the nervous tension of employees and the complex specifics, certain work schedules are created for the staff: the work is arranged in such a way that sellers and agents work either every other day, or have a week off every month.

Financial plan

Setting up a funeral home will require you to pay a certain amount starting investments. This amount varies from ten to one hundred thousand dollars, it depends on the promotion plan, on how wide a niche you want to occupy and on your vision of prospects and goals, as well as on the availability of premises.

If the premises are rented, then about 100 thousand rubles a month will go to it.

With the established staff of 25-35 people, more than 700 thousand rubles will be spent monthly on the salary of employees.

It is also worth considering that about five thousand dollars will be spent on equipment maintenance.

These costs vary depending on the size of the business being created.

A funeral hearse will cost about 2 million rubles, and its maintenance should also be taken into account.

If your plans are extensive, and you will have the services of a mortuary department, refrigerators will cost you from 25 to 55 thousand rubles, and if you plan to create your own workshop, then in general all equipment will cost in the range from 60 to 90 thousand dollars.

The most democratic funeral prices will cost customers 13-17 thousand rubles. But if you want high profits, you need to reach average orders of 30-60 thousand rubles. If over time the bureau reaches this level, then the planned profit will be from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Features of the funeral business in Russia are described in the following video: