Open the newspaper that you need. How to create a newspaper: the best ideas

Hello, my name is Osadchy Artem, I'm from the city of Vladivostok. Four years ago, he created the online newspaper "Ax", dedicated to topical issues in the economy and business. The main subscribers are entrepreneurs, economists, accountants and just interested people.

To date, the business newspaper has the following parameters:

  • the total number of subscribers is more than 5,000 people;
  • initial investment - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • monthly income from advertising - from 200 thousand rubles;
  • monthly expenses for authors - from 70 thousand rubles.

Are there any prospects for the “newspaper business”?

The popularity of print newspapers is falling all the time, giving the “palm” to online publications. Agree, it is much more convenient to go to the e-mail box and open a new issue of the newspaper.

There are many benefits here:

  • you don't have to go anywhere. A fresh issue arrives on time and, most importantly, at a clearly defined time;
  • there is no need to spend money (or the costs will be minimal). Any online publication - be it an online newspaper about show business, pregnancy or accounting, as a rule, is free.
    Payment may be charged for additional information, reports, any important data, and so on. The ideal option is a free and paid version;
  • information is always there. An electronic newspaper will never be lost, it cannot be thrown into the trash. All that is needed for reading is access to a computer, smartphone, laptop and other devices with Internet access.

Almost everyone has the Internet. Your task is to give him information.

Where to begin?

Before you create your own newspaper and fill it with information, decide on a topic. Analyze what is most interesting at the moment, what publications will interest people the most.

Try not to repeat yourself. If you duplicate existing newspapers, it will be difficult to compete with competitors. Despite the apparent simplicity of the business, draw up a business plan, determine the costs and potential profits.

What would be the most profitable example of a newspaper business plan?

There are two ways:

  • you deal with everything yourself, create a newspaper, typeset it, write articles or hire freelancers. In this case, the costs will be minimal - from 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • you hire specialists (designers, photographers, journalists and layout designers) who quickly and professionally do the work. In this case, the costs will be as follows:
  • design creation - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • newspaper layout - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • filling with articles - from 10 thousand rubles (one number);
  • newspaper advertising - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment for photos - from 10 thousand rubles.

Total costs - from 60 thousand rubles. At the same time, a lot depends on the content, the number of pages, the frequency of release, and so on.

What should be the frequency?

Decide how often the newspaper will be published.

If you are new to this field, then 1-2 times a month is enough.

After a while, the release can be made weekly or provide an output twice a week.

But high periodicity means high costs for ordering articles, the need to constantly search for fresh information, non-stop work on filling and updating the journal.

Is registration required?

Before you create an electronic newspaper, resolve the issue of registration.

There are two options:

  • you do not register a newspaper, you work and fight for your subscribers. But this type of business will not allow you to develop and gain access to important events in the field in which you work. Registered competitors will have access everywhere (sometimes even abroad). In such a situation, you can not count on big profits and active growth;
  • the second option - you register a new newspaper with Roskomsvyaznadzor, register as an individual entrepreneur (another option is possible - as a legal entity). No desire to run through the authorities on your own? - Issue a power of attorney to a specialist in this field, and he will do everything himself.
    The average cost of such services is from 20 thousand rubles.

What to do with the staff?

The issue of staff for an online newspaper is one of the most problematic.

There are two options:

  • hire a permanent staff. Take on "dependant" 2-3 copywriters, designer, photographer, layout designer. This is convenient - you can always entrust the work to your employees and not worry about finding additional people. On the other hand, they will have to pay wages. If you keep 5-7 people, then the cost of wages will be from 150 thousand rubles (this significantly “beats” your pocket);
  • only work with freelancers. The point is that you select a “staff” of remote employees and update the staff as necessary. If your publication will be published 1-2 times a month, then this option is suitable. You save money on salaries and solve your problems. In the case when the magazine is created 1-2 times a week, it is better to have a staff of permanent employees on hand (it is more reliable this way).

When hiring permanent workers, it will be necessary to conclude written contracts with people, to stipulate terms of payment, wages, vacations, and so on.

Everything must be official. Take your time with the choice. Your staff should employ real professionals who love their job and will do it well.

Do you need an office?

When hiring staff and frequently publishing a newspaper, you cannot do without your own office. But nothing special is needed here - you can rent an apartment on the ground floor (a residential building is a great option).

The main thing is the availability of the Internet, telephone and other amenities (water, heat). Workplaces of specialists must be equipped with a computer, printer, and the same telephone.

The average cost of renting a room is from 20 thousand rubles a month.

Table number 1. The Potential of Newspaper Consumers in Russia

How to create your own newspaper from scratch and quickly promote it?

Creating an online newspaper is only half the battle. You must correctly promote your product, convey it to a potential subscriber, and interest it.

Various methods can be used here:

  • outside the Internet - outdoor advertising (for example, ads in public transport), distribution of business cards, leaflets, ads in newspapers and magazines, radio advertising;
  • in the Internet. Here the scope is much wider. You can use verified Yandex advertisers. Direct, Google. Advodrs. A good effect is the promotion through special promotion services -,,, (this is one of the most popular options). To enhance the effect, you can use the services of sites,,, and others.

Get a Twitter account and a Vkontakte group (this is a must). Even with a small attendance of the newspaper, you can have regular readers. If the material is presented with high quality, then the number of subscribers will only grow.

There is always an option with LiveJournal. This service is considered one of the best for blogging. The only negative is that it makes no sense to write short posts here, like on Twitter.

On the other hand, for promotion, you can always order a publication for money. A quality article describing your magazine can significantly increase visitors.

Another option is to leave a message on the pages of Twitter users. You can do this on the website All that is required of you is to create good news, buy a publication in one of the accounts (the more stars, the better) and receive retweets (tweets).

As a result, a constant influx of new readers is ensured. As an addition, you can make publications on the site It will also attract additional traffic and new visitors. The main thing is to publish the hottest and most important topics in a timely manner.

How to earn?

Whatever the direction, you must earn on your product. Moreover, the sooner this happens, the sooner you will return to normal operation and be able to release news more often.

There are plenty of earning options:

  • placement of advertisements on the pages of your newspaper (the more visitors, the higher the prices);
  • providing paid access to some of the materials (we have already talked about this);
  • charging a subscription fee. It all depends on your decision and the theme of the product. For example, if you open an advertising newspaper, then it should be provided free of charge. In this case, the advertiser pays. Your main income is from accommodation.

Table number 2. Growth of Newspaper Market Participants in Russia

Is it possible to earn income from an online e-business newspaper about a business?

My example showed that this type of activity is very promising. The main thing is to draw up a business plan and strictly follow it.

Finally, let's summarize income and expenses:


  • for renting premises - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • for the design of a new online newspaper - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • for the layout of new issues (payment for a layout designer) - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • to order articles and fill them in the newspaper (copywriters' payment) - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • for the promotion of the newspaper (including outdoor advertising) - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • to pay for the work of a photographer - from 10 thousand rubles.

Monthly income:
If the subscribers of the newspaper will be from 1000 people, you can already count on a stable influx of capital in the amount of 80 thousand rubles a month.

Thus, the creation of an online newspaper is a profitable direction. The main thing is to correctly determine the topic and constantly work on the promotion of your new offspring.

In the field of mass media, newspapers are given one of the places of honor. Now print publications have been actively replaced by news sites.

However, there are still many people who prefer to hold the latest issue of their favorite newspaper in their hands.

That is why now you can observe the growth and prosperity of such publications. People who often read newspapers are usually considered in society as intellectuals who value useful information and their own time.

It is the availability of up-to-date information that makes these publications successful. Compared to news sites, newspapers cannot afford to have a lot of unnecessary information due to limited space.

Independent business

So, if you are interested in how to create a newspaper, then you should consider this question. First you need to register your business. After that, you should think about a suitable room. If we talk about what is needed to open a newspaper, then only large areas should be considered. For starters, you can limit yourself to a three-room apartment, which will be easy to convert into an office.

The lowest budget newspaper will require at least three rooms. The appearance of the premises should be quite presentable, because over time, advertisers will come to the editorial office, as well as citizens who simply want to place an ad in the newspaper. The best place for localization can be something that is located near a bus stop.

No staff anywhere

If you are seriously thinking about how to create a newspaper, you must understand that for its full functioning requires a considerable number of people. You will need one accountant to start with (but this number may well change as the cash flow increases), computer typists, whose task will be to directly type articles and announcements.

You can't do without a professional designer. His responsibilities will include creating advertising layouts if the advertiser does not provide the necessary material. Depending on the periodization with which the newspaper you create will come out, you will need at least one layout designer, that is, a person whose task is to create a newspaper layout. In addition, you need to hire two advertising agents.

Speaking about how to create a newspaper, it should be noted that employees do not have to be in the office all the time, as their main task is to make calls and arrange meetings with clients to publish advertisements in your publication. Naturally, the most important workers in this case will be journalists. Creating a weekly will require you to hire at least three professionals in this field.

Newspaper content

If we talk about how to create a newspaper, then it is worth noting that a regular publication in a small town, as a rule, comes out no more than twice a week. This allows journalists to prepare high-quality material for publication. Almost every newspaper can be conditionally divided into three parts: an information block, an announcement and a TV program. It is important to understand that the significance of a publication is determined by its content. If a reader purchases a newspaper once and does not find any interesting material in it, then he will not buy it again.

You need to prepare for the fact that the first time you will place ads in the newspaper for free, which will allow you to create her body. Until people find out that some publication exists, they will not submit ads to it.

If we talk about information pages, then most of the information can be obtained without any special effort. Structures such as tax services, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others provide information completely free of charge, since it is beneficial for them that the newspaper talks about their activities. In most publications, information from various government services makes up 60 percent of the content or more.


If you already have ideas for newspapers, then you should think about the name and logo of the future edition. It is these attributes that will take root in the minds of readers. If it is unsuccessful to choose a name, then this can simply ruin the newspaper, even if the materials in it are of very high quality. You should also think about the image of the publication. You can very quickly get a yellow press label from most people if you post low-quality or fictional material. Exceptionally high quality content can lead to success.


If you are thinking about how to create your own newspaper, then first you need to decide on the main idea and format. Studies have shown that currently 35% of readers prefer regional business publications. However, you should also take into account the real alignment of media forces in the city where you organize a business.

If we consider the issue of how to publish a newspaper, then it is worth saying that, if necessary, it is possible to issue specialized publications on certain specific topics (finance, construction, etc.). If the reader's market is already overloaded with serious projects, then you can try to start publishing an entertainment format newspaper. Here it is important to remember about profitability, since a business publication can pay off in 7-12 months, and an entertainment one, quite possibly, will require three years for this.

The publication should be in demand among potential readers, as well as become attractive to advertisers. Successful competition and development require considerable financial investments, a lot of effort and time. All this will pay off only if you take the matter seriously. That is why it is important to create a newspaper advertising business plan.

First steps

So, you have decided to create a business regional periodical. Managers and businessmen can become your main potential readers. It is required to determine the volume of publication, the circulation of issues and the frequency of publication, and then decide whether any supplements will be published, after which you can proceed to the design of the newspaper.

Starting a business in a small town is always difficult. Many reasons contribute to this. The main snag is a small, usually not very rich population, as a result of which it is quite difficult to find consumers for their goods or services. However, there are directions, which, today, are beneficial to develop in small towns.

For them, the obvious disadvantages of the province turn into pluses. Let's look at one such idea. We are talking about launching an advertising and informational newspaper. Why can a newspaper become a profitable business in a small town?

Let's start with the fact that we live in the age of the Internet, which every year is increasingly crowding out the usual sources of information and advertising media from the market. This is especially noticeable in large cities. In small towns, the same processes occur, only much more slowly.

This is affected by:

a) the general high cost of the Internet in the province;
b) in some small towns it simply does not exist at all;

This is due to the fact that large providers tend to first of all “spud” big cities, while the province remains out of their lot.
From this we can conclude that the Internet, as a source of information and advertising, is ineffective in small towns.

Under these conditions, the classic print media dominate. I think now it is clear to you why it is worth opening a newspaper.

So, let's begin.

First of all, it is necessary to study the market, paying special attention to competitors. If there are a lot of newspapers in your city, and you do not have large funds, then I do not recommend you to get into this market. And vice versa, if there are few competitors, one or two, then you can safely start with 100 - 200 thousand rubles on hand.

The next step is to decide on the concept of the publication, which means, it is necessary to decide what kind of newspaper will be: paid or free, how many pages (pages) will be in it, what headings. Paid or free? Look at the situation in your locality, if there is no free newspaper, you make a free edition, if there is both paid and free, analyze which one is more successful.

Also keep in mind that free editions live on money from advertising, paid editions from circulation sales, respectively, and their content is somewhat different. By default, I still recommend leaning towards the free option, since for a small city this is still the best option.

Further, all recommendations will concern the free format. What to fill the newspaper with? The most popular heading in the free newspaper is private ads. They will always read it, even if they don’t want to buy anything, just out of interest. Therefore, announcements must be present without fail, this is the core around which the rest of the material will be built.

If you can afford to keep a journalist on staff, which is very doubtful at first, or if you have time to prepare the material yourself, you can print city news and events. If there is no time or desire, then give up this venture. Again, this is not an axiom, and in each case everything is individual, for example, if there is no newspaper with local news in the city at all, then it is necessary to make one.

A standard set of free newspapers: articles about business, cars, gardening, legal advice, construction. Useful information for your city: public transport schedule, phone numbers and opening hours of government agencies, weather forecast. Well, let's not forget about the entertainment part: jokes, a horoscope, a crossword puzzle.

I deliberately did not mention the TV program, there are different opinions about it now, some people think that it should be inserted without fail, others say that it is not necessary. In this matter, make decisions yourself, starting from the specifics of your area.

Well, we have created the image of the future newspaper, it's time to bring it to life.

First you need to officially register our publication. By law, a newspaper can be published without registration if its circulation does not exceed 999 copies. Our circulation will be larger, so be sure to register.

By the way, a little about the number of newspapers in circulation, the standard rule for determining circulation volumes is as follows: we divide the population by three, that is, if 30,000 people live in your city, then the circulation of the newspaper should be 10,000 copies (30.0000/3).

When registering, you will need to choose the format of the publication, socio-political newspaper, advertising, electronic and decide on the territoriality: an all-Russian newspaper or a regional one.

The best option for us is the registration of an advertising newspaper.

I'll explain why.

Public political publications have restrictions on advertising placement (40% of the total area), advertising newspapers do not have such restrictions.

The cost of registration is 10,000 rubles.

Having submitted all the necessary documents, we are waiting for a response within a month. At this time, we are not sitting idly by, but we are starting to go round, calling all the city's entrepreneurs and offering to place advertisements in our newspapers.

If you are not lazy, then by the time you receive the registration documents, you will already have a database of advertisers who are ready to place their ads in the first issue.

At the same time, we are looking for staff.

Initially, it is enough to have two employees, some get by with one, and especially fanatical ones generally do everything themselves.

Who do you need?

A layout designer, a person who will create the face of your publication, depends on him whether your newspaper will look like a tabloid sheet or a serious media.

If you could not find a layout designer in your city, you can use the Internet and hire a freelancer. Advertising manager, the person who will promote your newspaper among advertisers.

With a certain skill, knowledge and talent, its functions can be performed by yourself.

How to print a newspaper?

We find everything, underline all the printing houses in our region, request a price list and choose acceptable prices.

Why is it necessary to bypass all printing houses?

As a rule, the price in different printing houses fluctuate greatly, by contacting the first one that comes across, you run the risk of overpaying. Well, that's all, now you have an idea how to open your own newspaper.

Finally, I would like to say that the newspaper is still a creative business, so do not be afraid to experiment and implement your ideas.

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Many talented journalists and bloggers may be seriously interested in their own business - a newspaper.

To achieve maximum success in this matter, you must follow two basic rules - to make your publication as interesting as possible, as well as to organize the entire workflow very competently and responsibly.

Opening of the editorial office of the printed edition. Where should you start?

The success of your business is largely influenced by the correct choice of the subject of the future printed edition.

Keep in mind that today advertising and information newspapers and advertisement newspapers are in great demand, but social and political publications are of much less interest.

To open a newspaper editorial office, you must:

  • determine the topic and audience;
  • choose the appropriate format;
  • choose a characteristic title that can maximally interest and intrigue future readers;
  • decide in what language your newspaper will be published (or it will be bilingual);
  • register your private publication with government agencies.

Registration of a private editorial

Novice businessmen who want to open their own editorial office of a printed publication can register individual entrepreneurship.

However, in the event that the newspaper will be published by several founders, such forms as CJSC or LLC will become more preferable options.

It should be borne in mind that if you are interested in a business plan for a small-circulation free newspaper, the circulation of which will be no more than 999 copies, there is no need for state registration.

True, in this case there are certain drawbacks - due to the fact that a small number of advertisers will agree to cooperate with a small-circulation publication, the profit that such a business will bring will be minimal.

Also keep in mind that every major Russian newspaper must be registered with the Federal Communications Service.

Stages of creating a successful edition

For your newspaper publishing business to be as successful as possible, you need to go through several important stages.

  1. Thinking through the concept of your future publication should be taken with great responsibility. The brighter and more interesting the idea of ​​your newspaper, the more potential customers it will be able to attract. Therefore, even before the first release, think carefully about what your target audience should be.
  2. After carefully studying the interests and needs of the audience, choose the most appropriate direction and nature of the future edition.
  3. It is very important to correctly determine the format of the future edition - most often there are such formats as A4 and A3, but you can choose others.
  4. Circulation volume also plays an important role here. If you are interested in making a good profit, it is recommended to start from about five thousand printed copies.
  5. Next, determine how you plan the future edition - color or black and white.
  6. The next step is to determine what will be the distribution method of the newspaper - it can be distribution by subscription, traditional sale in newsstands and stalls, as well as free distribution.


At first, the staff of your editorial office may consist of a minimum number of employees:

  • journalist
  • photographer
  • proofreader;
  • typesetter.

Moreover, at the very beginning, all these functions can be performed by one person - the one who is the owner of the business.

But in the future, it is desirable to hire different specialists - this will optimize the workflow in the best possible way.

Printing the first issue and choosing a printing house

The next step is to consider how your newspaper will be prepared and published.
Novice entrepreneurs can prepare a newspaper for publication even at home, using one or two personal computers for this purpose. At least, such equipment is quite enough to prepare materials for the first issue.

In the future, you will have to acquire your own office - this is necessary for constant meetings with advertisers, readers, and business partners.

The choice of printing house for cooperation should be taken very responsibly.

To find the best option, you should pay attention to the current price list, as well as technical capabilities.

Take care of the effective methods of distribution of the printed edition - the faster a fresh issue sells, the more advertisers you can attract. This, in turn, guarantees high real profits.

Approximate costs and expenses

In order to create your own newspaper business, you will need start-up capital, the amount of which depends on a number of parameters - staff, frequency of release, format, color, circulation of the publication, and others.

But some types of costs are mandatory and the same in any case, so consider an example with calculations:

  1. the size of the state duty for the issue of a printed publication may be approximately 20,000-25,000 Russian rubles;
  2. about 1,000 rubles must be paid for registration with the tax authorities;
  3. the purchase of computer equipment will cost about 25,000-35,000 rubles;
  4. for the purchase of equipment for the editorial office - laptops, cameras, voice recorders, etc. - you will have to spend about another 100,000 rubles;
  5. printing the first five thousand copies can cost approximately 20,000-25,000 rubles.

When planning your own newspaper business, analyze all real opportunities and prospects. Treat this activity responsibly - and then significant success will be provided to you.

In contact with

The question of how to open a newspaper is asked by many people - these are professional journalists and advertisers, entrepreneurs and public figures. Whichever category you belong to, keep in mind: although the organization of the publishing process itself is quite simple, further “pitfalls” begin that can pull down even the most brilliant idea. Moreover, you will definitely not be able to “hook” one hundred percent of the target audience, as it could be ten or twenty years ago, because today some people do not read paper newspapers at all, preferring online publications.

Publishing your own newspaper: a short plan of action

According to Russian law, you can print any newspaper product with a circulation of up to 999 copies inclusive and distribute it without registration. But we will consider serious volumes, that is, from a thousand copies and more. You will need to do the following:

  1. Study the target audience, agree with experts on the work on materials and start developing.
  2. Contact the regional office of Rospechat and apply for registration of a new printed publication.
  3. Prepare the first issue (or better, several at once), managing the process of creating and selecting materials in accordance with the structure of the newspaper. You can develop your own unique content, as well as use materials that are allowed for reprint (do not forget to indicate the author and source).
  4. Finish editing and layout of materials to get a layout ready for printing. The layout of the first release can later be used as a template for subsequent releases.
  5. Give materials to print and get a circulation on hand. At this point, you should already have a scheme for the implementation of the newspaper.
  6. Distribute the circulation to the planned outlets in accordance with the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

It should be noted that the specifics of each item of the work strongly depends on the subject. For example, if you are thinking about how to open an advertising newspaper, then to collect material you will have to cooperate not with journalists, but with advertisers.

Possible difficulties

Most publications, with the exception of purely informational ones, create certain difficulties that will be faced already at the initial stage. Consider the possible "pitfalls" in more detail.

Payback, demand and advertising

Practice shows that publishing your own newspaper without advertising is a non-profit and most often unprofitable business. Firstly, the circulation is almost never sold out entirely. Secondly, if you include the cost of each issue in its wholesale price even before retail sale, then the final price will be too high, and no one will buy the newspaper. Advertising is the only way out, which is not difficult to guess by flipping through any newspaper: almost no one can do without advertising.

This means that you will need to negotiate with advertisers and maintain cooperation with them, while competing with other publications and tracking three processes at once:

  • so that advertisers perceive your newspaper as a good dissemination tool and are willing to pay you;
  • so that there are not too many advertisements in the newspaper and that it does not lose its attractiveness for readers;
  • so that the subject of advertising materials corresponds to the general theme and "hit" the target audience.

Separately, you should work out feedback and collect statistics so that you can prove to the advertiser that he is not wasting his money in vain. If you are thinking about how to open a free newspaper (for whatever purpose), then you need advertising like air, because the alleged monetization of this or that information campaign is too random a process to be taken seriously. Without financial support in the form of payments from advertisers, the publication of a newspaper becomes unprofitable.

Information competition: way out of the vicious circle

The hardest thing is for a newspaper that has just appeared in the information field: advertisers do not consider it seriously, readers know little about it, and as a result, revenues are reduced to a minimum. The only way to overcome this is to launch your own advertising campaign to promote the paper and make it known.

For a newspaper to appeal to readers, it must be useful. If you want to occupy a solid niche in the information space, ensure that the material that is as unique and in demand as possible is generated. For example, think about how to open your own classifieds newspaper. This is far from what professional journalists usually represent under the publication of a newspaper, but it is really relevant for people.

But first you will have to be puzzled by two other problems: the study of information trends (what is most interesting to people and what is the least "explored" by other publications) and the collection of information (for example, the organization of an electronic or telephone service for receiving announcements). This will allow you to create your own regularly updated database for printing a newspaper with ads.

Media in politics, economics and social activities

If you still want your publication to have a specific topic related to events that are relevant to people, be prepared for great difficulties:

  1. You should enter this area only after drawing up a business plan, since the first few weeks or even months the project will require investments, almost certainly not making a profit. Make sure you can afford it.
  2. Get ready to participate in "information wars" even if you don't want to. Remember that any slightly resonant material can cause someone's dissatisfaction, and it is difficult to predict in what form it will be expressed.
  3. Make sure you always have fresh materials. To do this, you will need not only to register the media, but also to establish a legal entity with a permanent staff.

It is important to combine professional efforts with marketing calculations, since a thematic publication is a complex information and market product that must be in demand and sold at the same time. Remember that reader reactions are always only partially predictable, and the calculation error here is much higher than when selling "real" goods.

Use for personal interests

If your financial and personal capabilities allow you to invest in the mass distribution of any materials, then evaluate the feasibility of opening your own newspaper - primarily from the point of view of real efficiency, and not prestige. There are two more rational ways:

  1. Pay for the placement of the materials you need in an existing publication.
  2. If you really need it and if finances allow, buy an already existing edition.

Remember that prestige in the information space is short-lived, and finances must be managed wisely, even if your opportunities are really great.

Establishment of a legal entity and recruitment

Organizing a legal entity for publishing a newspaper is not a very difficult task, especially if you have the support of a qualified lawyer who will tell you how to avoid bureaucratic delays. Use a simplified taxation scheme based on the difference between income and expenses - this way you will protect yourself from having to pay taxes on unprofitable print runs.

If you are thinking not about how to open a free classifieds newspaper, but about a full-fledged information publication, then you will need:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • editor;
  • layout designer;
  • journalists - from two or more;
  • photographers;
  • newspaper couriers.

If successful, you can expand the publication and add new headings - then new editors and journalists will be needed, especially if you are going to do reports and interviews. If your newspaper will contain promotional materials and announcements, then you will not need journalists, editors and photographers. In addition, the best step is to involve a professional manager on a full-time basis or on an outsourcing basis for marketing optimization of the project and development of materials.

Perspective and estimated payback

The cost of a copy when printing in a professional printing house can be an average of 5–10 rubles with a relatively small volume. The cost increases as the number of pages increases and decreases as the circulation increases. The average cost of a thousand copies of a newspaper will thus be from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Travel costs vary considerably, and the included staff salary costs are divided by the number of times the newspaper is printed per month. Statistically, a weekly newspaper includes from 15,000 rubles of additional expenses. Thus, the publication of one thousandth circulation per week will cost from 20,000 rubles.

The wholesale sale of a circulation at a price of 15–20 rubles will bring you, respectively, 15,000–20,000 rubles. To get a profit, you will need to either increase the selling price or contact advertisers. Publishing an average of one ad unit for every two pages will allow you to double your income and get from 15,000 rubles of net profit from each circulation, that is, from 60,000 rubles per month. Of course, these are only approximate calculations based on statistical data.

Thus, the publication of a newspaper can be recommended as a business only to those who are ready to work on the project, optimizing it from a marketing point of view and maintaining contact with advertisers. Otherwise, it will be possible to count on the maximum coverage of expenses by income with a zero, if not a minus. To create a successful media, a full-fledged study of the project is required - just the desire to publish a newspaper is clearly not enough.