Sale of water. New business ideas Water business is the easiest option

Water, like air, is the most necessary and important for the life of any person and for his existence. Is it possible to make a business on the water, and what is needed for this?

In the modern world, the delivery of drinking water for bottling to homes and offices has become very relevant. And most likely, over time, the need for bottled water will only increase. This is due to a number of factors. Experts say that the capacity of the Moscow market is estimated at approximately 60-65 million liters of bottled water per year.

The increased interest of the population of large cities in environmentally friendly water does not go unnoticed by its producers. They skillfully use drinking water as a kind of "fuel" necessary for everyone, providing their regular customers, both corporate and private. A properly organized water production and bottling business is very profitable. After all, if you compare the prices for 1 liter of gasoline and bottled drinking water, you will notice that they are almost the same, and sometimes water is more expensive. And this despite the fact that the production and sale of gasoline is much more difficult than the production and supply of drinking bottled water.

Approximately, each office worker consumes about 0.5 liters of bottled water per day. Approximately 10 liters per month. This suggests that the organization of the supply of drinking water to only one office with no more than 50 employees can bring an annual revenue of up to 75 thousand rubles to a company engaged in the production and delivery of water. This amount does not include cash for the rental of drinking water equipment.

So, you have decided to make money by selling drinking water for bottling. The first thing to do is, of course, draw up a business plan. There are two options for running such a business. It is important to decide what kind of water you will sell: produced by your own company from a well or "foreign" water, previously purchased by you from a supplier. Of course, the first option is more expensive, because you need special equipment to organize the extraction and bottling of water. Your company's business plan should address these issues.

While you are setting up production, you should focus on the sale of drinking water for bottling at retail, and only when the trademark of your products is recognized by the masses, you can try to establish a business for the delivery of bottled water to private and corporate clients.

Finding sources

Water production is not easy. The business plan of the organization should determine the sources of its receipt. It can be both specially equipped wells, rivers and lakes, as well as ordinary water supply.

Let's say you decide that you will extract water from a well. It is very costly, but it can bear fruit. When the well is drilled and equipped, the next step will be water analysis in a special laboratory, which will check the water for about 30 characteristics and issue a conclusion that is necessary when choosing equipment for water treatment.

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Required Permissions

Before starting the production and operation of water for commercial purposes, the organization must obtain the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station for production, as well as for the water itself. After receiving this document, a special certification is carried out according to the State Standard. And the next important step is obtaining a license for this activity. After these procedures, you can already think over a plan to enter the market.

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Consumption market

There are two ways to enter the market: organize your own drinking water delivery service or sell the goods through existing companies, the production, sale and supply of water in which has already been established. The business plan should determine which of the two methods will be most convenient for you.

If you decide to organize a personal delivery service, the plan created earlier should stipulate the moment of creating a client base and developing a marketing strategy, which, as a rule, are decided at the initial stages of organizing a business. It is possible that at first you will have to use the services of existing water delivery and bottling companies and sell your goods through these organizations until your own delivery is fully established.

If you decide that you will sell bottled water through existing companies, then you become a wholesale supplier of drinking water. The business plan should identify the brand name of your water. Whether you want to promote your own brand or use the brand suggested by the delivery man is up to you.

The company directly involved in the delivery installs a water bottling cooler for each of its consumers. All coolers are arranged in approximately the same way, so they are suitable for a variety of bottles from all manufacturers. Water cooler can be bought or rented. The cost of one cooler for bottling water ranges from 3,200 to 6,000 thousand rubles. Rent will cost approximately 350-400 rubles. per month with a deposit of 1700-1800 rubles.

Cooler models can vary in size, power, and the way the water is cooled.

The most difficult thing in serving potential customers is the organization and delivery plan itself. There is the option of delivering water on your own cars, but the option of attracting hired drivers is not excluded. It is more prestigious, of course, to create your own fleet of cars, but this option is much more expensive and costly. The average number of vehicles for the delivery of drinking water is 5-7. The business plan takes into account all these points.

If you decide to start your business in the field of production, then the idea of ​​​​selling drinking water will surely interest you. Before starting the production and sale of goods, I want to note the significant pros and cons of this way of earning.

Benefits of a bottled drinking water business

  • First, water is a commodity that belongs to the food group. No person can go without fluid for a long time. Therefore, we can conclude that this product will always be in demand and relevant, and the drinking water business will be profitable.
  • Secondly, a big plus of this type of income is the organization of a business in almost any area. People's needs for purified, drinking water are only increasing, because the quality of water pipes is only getting worse every year. In this regard, drinking water from the tap will soon be generally impossible, so the prospects for the production and sale of bottled water will only increase.
  • Thirdly, this type of business does not require relatively large financial investments, especially if your company will only sell drinking water, and not produce it.
  • Fourthly, it is a quick payback. If you can compete in the market, you will soon recoup all the expenses spent on the business and get a clean and constant profit.

Disadvantages of the drinking water business

  • The first significant disadvantage is a lot of competition in this area. A beginner, with only one idea and desire, without money, cannot break into such a difficult niche. Many firms have been specializing in this area for a long time and have been doing this business for many years.
  • But do not despair, you must correctly analyze the demand and the level of competition in your city. Many firms sell low-quality goods, you can stay and firmly gain a foothold in the market only by providing the consumer with a quality product at an affordable price.
  • The second minus is the constant checks by the sanitary and epidemiological service of the conditions at your production and the quality of your products.
  • Solid start-up capital. To start production, you will need an impressive amount of money. You can find partners for yourself, because it will be difficult for one to promote such a large-scale project.
  • In general, competition is the main disadvantage of this business, if you are sure that you can handle it, then I recommend that you try to bring this idea to life.

Drinking water production business plan

Experienced businessmen know that a well-written business plan is half the battle. Therefore, at the initial stage, I recommend that you do just that.

What should be displayed in a business plan?

First, it is necessary to determine the profitability of the idea. To do this, analyze the level of demand and competition in your locality.

Secondly, it is necessary to correctly distribute the available funds. To do this, you need to have clear data regarding the costs of the project. All this will be displayed in the financial section.

Thirdly, it is the payback period of the business. The plan should indicate the approximate payback period of the project, the receipt of the first profit. This is necessary in order to navigate and not deviate from a clear plan of action. Also, this item will be of interest to investors, people who will be ready to invest in your business.

Documents for opening the production of drinking water?

The first step towards opening a bottled water production facility is legal registration.
  • IP or LLC? To begin with, it is worth registering with the tax office as a private entrepreneur (in the case of a sale) or as a legal entity if you are a water producer.
  • Certificates from the fire service and SES on the compliance of the equipment with all norms and quality standards.
  • Certificate of quality used in the production of water (issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service).
  • License for the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity (rental agreement for premises, equipment, your personal data). All documents must be notarized without fail.

Also, in the future, you will need to draw up agreements with water suppliers (if you do not produce it yourself), containers and other consumables.

Premises for rent

Your next step towards the implementation of the idea for the production of water will be the selection and rental of premises.

The area must meet the requirements and standards. Everything will depend on the volume of production.

The floor space includes:

  • Place, area where water will be extracted (if it is included in the specifics of your enterprise);
  • Separate rooms for liquid cleaning and spillage;
  • Warehouse for storage of finished products
  • Room for working staff.
  • The premises must comply with all SES standards.

Location. It is best to rent a room outside the city, where rental prices are much lower, you can save a lot.

It is more profitable to open a drinking water production plant in a big city, but due to the huge competition, you can try to find a profitable place near small settlements.

Equipment for the production of drinking water

In order to start production, you will need to purchase or rent equipment:

  • For water purification (aeration system and dosing of reagents).
  • For bottling
  • Equipment for the manufacture of bottles (of course, this equipment is not necessary, you can do without it).

As an additional income, you can recycle plastic bottles by purchasing the appropriate equipment for this. Watch from which you will learn all the nuances of this type of activity.

Bottled water production

If you decide to develop a business in this direction, then you will need to purchase equipment for the manufacture of bottles, as well as for washing them, because the container will be reusable.

How this process takes place, you can see in the video:

Water production technology:

  1. Drilling of an artesian well;
  2. Purification of water using special coal or sand filters;
  3. Correction of the level of minerals;
  4. Disinfection with ultraviolet rays;
  5. Water ozonation
  6. Pouring water into containers

Sale of drinking water as a business

Supply contracts are concluded with consumers directly if you are a water producer. If your specialization is only the sale of water, then you first need to conclude agreements with manufacturers. It is best to choose several options, check the quality of the products. To do this, you need to request samples and analyze the water quality in the laboratory. A very important criterion for any businessman is the purchase price. You need to choose the most suitable option in the price range.


If your company is only engaged in the supply of drinking water to the house, then the costs will be as follows:

Room rental. You must rent a place where your products will be stored. For these purposes, any warehouse is suitable, even outside the city.

Transport. To carry out the delivery of goods, you will need to have a vehicle. For these purposes, the most suitable option would be a gazelle. It is important that the car does not consume a lot of gasoline, so you should choose an economical and roomy option.

In order not to spend money on purchasing a vehicle, you can look for a candidate for the role of a driver with your own car. Thus, you will save significantly.

How to find clients?

Your regular customers will be both residents of multi-storey buildings and private sectors. It is also beneficial to conclude a contract with a large firm with numerous staff. Such customers will regularly order large volumes of products.

People, today, care about their health more and more. And clean water is a criterion on which well-being depends to a large extent. Therefore, the business of producing and selling bottled drinking water is profitable even in times of crisis.

The drinking water market is undergoing more and more changes every year. People are increasingly refusing to drink tap water, preferring to purify water through special filters or buying bottled water. But neither one nor the other does not solve the problem with clean water. Therefore, a demand for a new type of service appeared on the market: the sale of water for bottling. Why is this happening? Is the new activity profitable? New entrepreneurs need to find answers to these and many other questions. After all, perhaps this service sector can become an important and profitable business.

Analysis of the water market today

Before you start planning a water bottling business, you need to carefully study the existing market. And the situation here is like this. The choice of drinking water is represented by only two sources: you can buy a special filter and purify water at home, you can buy bottled drinking water from drinking water production plants. There are more than enough disadvantages of such services.

Relatively cheap is the method of water purification using a filter. Conditional, because the filter itself requires constant replacement and has a fairly short service life, otherwise the water will not be purified, but on the contrary, the reverse process will occur. In addition, the best home filters do not cope with 100% water purification and fall short of the quality level.

When it comes to buying bottled water, price comes first. Such water becomes more expensive due to the fact that 90 percent of the cost of a bottle of water is the cost of packaging. Due to such overpayments, not every family can afford to buy water for drinking, and even more so for cooking or washing dishes. And again, the quality is dubious, which depends not on the water itself, which can be different, but on storage conditions, compliance with all necessary standards and deadlines for implementation. Under the wrong conditions, high temperature, direct sunlight, exceeding the expiration date, a plastic bottle begins to release toxins that poison the water, making it unusable.

As you can see, there is an acute shortage of high-quality inexpensive water on the market, which can be an excellent start to a profitable business.

How to set up a business selling water for bottling?

There are two schemes by which you can arrange the sale of water for bottling:

  1. Sell ​​water through specialized kiosks, bringing water from artesian wells. Suitable for small towns with a slight distance from the source of clean water.
  2. To sell water through vending machines that are connected to the city water supply with water purification by reverse osmosis. Suitable for all settlements, including millionaire cities such as Moscow.

The second option with vending trade is more versatile and can bring more profitability with less money and time spent on organizing a business, so a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to it.

What is vending and how does it work?

A vending machine for selling water is similar to a coffee machine familiar to everyone. It is installed in the most crowded places and is connected to the city water supply system. The functionality with which it is equipped allows you to achieve water purification up to the level of 1 category, premium class. The buyer comes with his container, inserts it into a special hole, lowers the money and gets clean water. The cost of such water is 10 kopecks. But the retail price is 2 rubles per liter and above. It is easy to calculate that the profitability of the business is more than high.

Advantages of a vending machine compared to selling water through kiosks:

  • Minimum space requirement.

To install a vending machine, you need only 1 sq. m. area, so it is convenient to place it absolutely anywhere, and the cost of rent will be minimal.

Important. The most successful places to place water vending machines are grocery stores, supermarkets, parking lots, gas stations, in the yards of residential areas.

  • There is no expense item to pay the salary of the water seller.

The machine accepts money and dispenses water itself.

  • Round-the-clock work without days off.

The device does not need breaks in work, it does not need to be closed or opened.

  • Only one engineer is needed to maintain 15 machines, which greatly reduces the cost of water.

The composition of water, which is obtained as a result of purification in a vending machine using the reverse osmosis method, practically does not differ in its characteristics from the melt water of ancient glaciers and is considered the most environmentally friendly and beneficial for the human body.

Business Financial Performance

The cost of one vending machine, which sells water for bottling, is about 250 thousand rubles.

Business setup costs:

  • purchase and installation of 10 vending machines - 2.5 million rubles.
  • Monthly expenses:
  • rent of space for automatic machines - 20 thousand rubles;
  • engineer's salary - 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills (water supply, electricity) - 2 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and other unforeseen expenses - 2 thousand rubles.

The total amount of expenses: 54 thousand rubles.

Revenue from the sale of water (400 liters per day, 12,000 liters per month, at a price of 2 rubles per 1 liter) - 24 thousand per month * 10 machines = 240 thousand rubles.

Business payback period: 1-1.5 years.

Business profitability: 200 percent.

As you can see, the business of selling water to the population is more than profitable, and not only for the entrepreneur because of the high profitability, but also for the people themselves, who get an alternative opportunity to buy high-quality water at a very low price. This business has excellent prospects for development in the coming years. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are still looking for their niche in business should quickly occupy it in the field of drinking water trade.

In the modern business market, there are numerous companies that successfully sell water. You can offer related products and useful services to this product. Wanting to attract more customers, firms often decide on significant financial investments for advertising campaigns and promotional offers. Vending machines contribute to the successful sale of water. However, what nuances are important to take into account? How to organize a business to obtain such a desired profit?

What is vending

Vending is a retail sale of various goods and services, which is carried out through modern vending machines. Nowadays, coffee machines are the most common, but entrepreneurs are not only interested in them. Water is a vital product for every person, so vending machines can successfully help in its sale. Water vending machines, no doubt, should take a leading position in the very near future. It is important to be prepared for the fact that the equipment may be offered with or without an integrated cleaning system.

Benefits of a water business

A business that involves the sale of water using vending machines has important advantages for both the buyer and the entrepreneur.

Benefits for the buyer.

  1. The buyer receives constant access to high-quality and healthy water.
  2. The water is fully purified, which is based on reverse osmosis.
  3. The buyer can use his own container, as a result of which he saves on the purchase of water.

Benefits for the owner.

  1. Business can be combined with the main work.
  1. Office rental is not required.
  2. There is no need to hire staff, as a result of which you can save on wages.
  3. There is no need for start-up capital.
  4. The business is mobile, so there is no binding to a specific territory.
  5. The level of profitability is high.

Agree, there are enough advantages in order to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

The main features of the business for the sale of water

You should try to understand how to sell water and start your own business. The vending machine for water purification and sale should be connected to the city water supply. Take care of the possibility of phased water purification. Ideally, reverse osmosis should be used for purification. In some cases, when bottling, it is customary to dose a remineralizing solution, so that the water becomes physiologically complete for people.

Water will be dispensed in doses, so buyers must use containers. However, at the same time, people get the opportunity to save significantly, because they will use their own containers and will not pay for packaging from the manufacturer, as well as pay for logistics and marketing.

If you build your business right, the number of buyers is sure to constantly increase.

How to grow a water business

Everyone knows all the standard sales methods. The market is getting more and more crowded. How can you take your own place and achieve stability? Perhaps there are methods of business promotion that are not yet known to other entrepreneurs?

So, being interested in how to sell water, it is best to go through several stages, each of which will certainly bring the achievement of the goal closer.

You can make a list of places where potential customers are always present. Remember that spontaneous desires can lead to spontaneous purchases. Find out where sporting events are held. In addition, you can put a water vending machine where the sun warms up or the water supply is turned off due to planned repairs. Focusing on such situations, it becomes clear where the demand for water can increase.

Make a list of target audience categories that may be interested in buying water. What magazines, TV shows, events are of interest to such people? How do they get used to getting to their place of work? All these people buy large amounts of water. You can cooperate with wholesalers and responsible persons of various organizations. By focusing on their interests and habits, you can craft marketing messages that are sure to resonate.

Identify the reasons why people buy water with fast delivery. In addition, you must consider where and when these causes may appear. What kind of people are affected by this factor? Is their demand currently being met?

It is equally important to consider interaction with people who influence the opinions of different representatives of the target audience regarding the purchase of water. Where and what kind of water is popular? Try to identify the reasons for the current situation. In every industry, there are groups that have a narrow focus, but are able to become regular customers. They have strong beliefs that are different from mass demand. If you can reach the market leaders, you will connect with the entire group. You need to focus on patriots, athletes, families with children, people who care about their health.

Think about the areas of production and sale that use water.

You have to work on perfect shortcomings from competitors. What can be improved regarding contacts and sales methods?

Each answer to the question posed will certainly bring you closer to achieving your goal.

In this material:

Bottling of drinking water as a business is a very promising area. After all, the quality of tap water in apartments leaves much to be desired, and it can hardly be called drinking water. It is polluted with nitrates and pesticides, causing irreparable harm to human health. These factors are causing an increasing number of people to choose to buy bottled water.

Prospects for the bottled water market

According to RBC experts, the annual growth of the drinking water market will be about 15-16%. This trend is indirectly confirmed by the growing demand for coolers. Today, they are increasingly installed not only in office space, but also at home. Today, the total number of installed coolers exceeded 3 million units. As a result, the use of PET bottles has increased 6 times in recent years.

Now bottled water already accounts for 2/3 of the non-alcoholic products market. The service direction for the delivery of water in bottles of 5 and 19 liters to an office or apartment is also developing at a faster pace. The growth of this market is 20-30%.

It is assumed that the market will slow down its growth and reach the saturation stage only by 2020, when the total number of coolers will reach the level of 10-12 million units. To fill the specified market capacity, it will be necessary to increase the production capacity of water by 3-4 times. It can be assumed that after saturation the market will develop by analogy with the European one, about 10% per year.

But when entering the drinking water bottling market, it should be taken into account that this segment is one of the highly competitive ones. Every year, thousands of start-up entrepreneurs try their hand in this area. Therefore, before starting this business, it is necessary to conduct marketing research, analyze the activities of competitors and determine your niche in the market (create a unique product offer). You need not only a well-thought-out marketing strategy, but also a business plan that will allow you to calculate upcoming costs.

Water bottling business plan

The amount of initial investment in a water bottling business will depend on the format in which it is implemented. This may be opening your own production line for bottling water, installing vending machines or kiosks selling drinking water.

Opening your own line for the purification of tap water and its further bottling is a fairly common option on the market. On the one hand, it allows you to act according to an understandable developed algorithm, but on the other hand, you will need to think over a strategy for detuning from competitors and determine your advantages over them. These can be lower prices, a wide range (for example, selling additional soda), quality service (free delivery for a certain order amount), or a flexible loyalty program.

When developing a draft business plan for opening a water bottling line, the following parameters should be considered. For the operation of a small production, a water treatment plant (or filters), water containers, water collection tanks, and bottling equipment will be required. Only filtration installations will cost about 100,000 rubles. You will have to pay another 200,000 rubles for the bottling line. In total, the initial capital investment for production equipment will amount to about 400,000 rubles. This does not include installation services and connection of the object to electricity and water supply.

We must not forget about the need to issue permits, to conduct examinations of water samples. For this you will need to pay about 10,000-15,000 rubles.

You will need to rent a small workshop with a warehouse. About 30 thousand rubles will be spent on rent every month.

At least 3 people are required to operate the production. Assuming that their salary is 20,000 rubles. per month, it will take 60,000 rubles. About 20,000 rubles more to pay for water supply and electricity. In the business plan, you need to take into account funds for advertising support: about 15,000 rubles. monthly. In total, variable costs will amount to about 150,000 rubles. per month.

When taking into account a quick start and access to monthly sales in the amount of 250,000 rubles. you can achieve a quick return on investment in production.

Funds can be returned in 6-7 months and all that remains is to make a profit. Whether an entrepreneur can achieve such results depends only on him.

Business plan for bottling water for private consumers

A kiosk that will sell water is one of the options for organizing sales. To open such a business, you need to find a place to install a kiosk (optimally - a sleeping area with a high population density), conclude a lease agreement with the administration, and also find wholesale suppliers of artesian water.

The cost of the kiosk itself with a module for bottling water, a filter and an ozonizer is about 250-400 thousand rubles. They differ in the capacity of tanks and are designed for 500-4000 liters.

An approximate business plan for opening a kiosk can be represented as follows:

  1. Initial investment: 300,000 rubles. (buying a kiosk).
  2. Monthly expenses - 28,000 rubles, of which renting a place for a kiosk - 1,000 rubles. per month; purchase of artesian water for 2 rubles. for 1 liter (subject to sales of 6000 liters per month) - 12,000 rubles; seller's salary - 15,000 rubles.
  3. Revenue: when selling 1 liter for 10 rubles. will be 60,000 rubles. At the same time, net profit (after paying tax of 6% according to the simplified tax system) is 30,080 rubles.

With this option, it will be possible to return the initial investment in 10 months, and then continue to work for profit. When opening several outlets, the monthly profit will only grow.

A business plan for selling water through a machine may have similar parameters. Its differences will lie in the fact that in this case there is no need to pay salaries to staff: sales will be carried out automatically, without human intervention. The cost of the machine itself is several times cheaper and is about 150 thousand rubles. When selling a similar amount of water, the revenue will be 60,000 rubles, and the net profit will be 44,180 rubles. The “break-even point” when selling water through the machine will be able to pass in 3 months. The calculation is very approximate, as it does not take into account the cost of electricity and advertising costs.

If laws are in place in the region of doing business to stimulate socially significant areas of work (which include water treatment), then the entrepreneur can count on receiving subsidies from the state under one of these programs.

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