How to promote a beauty salon in a residential area. How to attract customers and promote a beauty salon from scratch Who promotes beauty salons

How to promote a beauty salon: 5 reasons why you have to do it + 15 components of successful promotion.

Owning a hairdressing salon and other services is a difficult business that can bring both a large income due to the demand for services, and be almost unprofitable due to serious competition.

Every owner of this type of business should know how to open a beauty salon, if he only gets on his feet or for some reason has ceased to bring good profit.

It is better not to delay the promotion of a business, even if there are no extra funds for this.

There are enough ways to make your brainchild more popular with consumers, and, accordingly, increase your income without spending too much money.

Why do you have to think about how to promote a beauty salon?

There are various reasons why you have to think about how to promote a beauty salon:

    It opened only recently.

    Any new business needs promotion.

    You have been on the road to starting your own business for a long time. We invested in full, gave all our efforts and resources to the project, now you want a return.

    There will be no return (especially financial) until you promote the salon and acquire it. To achieve this, you need to invest in advertising.

    You have lowered the bar.

    People came to you, because only here they could get wonderful services at affordable prices from good craftsmen.

    Relaxed by the fact that things are going well, you did not notice that the value for money was no longer balanced, which is why the outflow of customers began.

    Take immediate action, otherwise everyone will scatter.

    You have a serious competitor.

    It is very important to perceive competition not as a source of problems, but as an impetus for development.

    Competing with another salon for visitors, you can promote your brainchild.

    Lack of regular customers.

    The main profit is given not by random customers that ran past, but by regular ones.

    For a beauty salon to stand firmly on its feet, it is enough to have a hundred customers who are constantly served by you.

    Mistakes in management.

    Mistakes can be very different, but each of them is unforgivable:

    • uncomfortable atmosphere;
    • lack of discipline;
    • work according to old methods;
    • concealment of income from the staff (masters or administrators);
    • dirt in the room;
    • too high prices;
    • low-quality services, etc.

Without what it is impossible to promote a beauty salon?

Do you know what kind of business does not need promotion (well, if only at the initial stage)?

One that offers the consumer high quality goods / services at affordable prices.

If you give this to a client in your salon, then people will come to you thanks to word of mouth. In this case, there is no need for special advertising costs.

1) The presence of good specialists is a guarantee of a quick promotion of the salon.

The consumer goes to a beauty salon specifically for services: cut and color hair, get a manicure and pedicure, enjoy a massage, rejuvenate with the help of cosmetic procedures, etc.

These services are provided by craftsmen who can do their job wonderfully, leaving the client completely satisfied.

But they can also work very badly. In this case, a dissatisfied client will never come to you again.

Hire professionals.
Do not pay attention to what level of specialists work for you.
Constantly improve the skills of masters.
Allow masters to ignore exhibitions, forums, master classes that are constantly held in the beauty industry.
Treats all employees with respect.
To show that you are a king and a god, so you should be afraid. Be rude to employees. Terrorize them.
It is good to pay those who work well and are in demand among consumers.
Save on salaries for good specialists, provoking them to go to another salon with their list of clients.
that bring you the most income.
Do not encourage those who, in fact, make the cash desk of your salon.

As you can see, there are plenty of requirements for masters.

If you find great professionals who quickly build a list of regular visitors, keep them (by legal means, of course).

According to statistics, from 40% - up to 70% of clients leave the salon if their master changes jobs.

But the salon is not only the masters. This and other employees.

I'll tell you one story.

Irina Pavlovna opened a beauty salon in a small regional center 15 years ago. It was exactly a salon with a wide range of services, a pleasant atmosphere, many bonuses, etc.

For 5 years he became the best in the city. There was no end to clients, because the best specialists worked here.

And then something happened - an outflow of people from the client base began, although the masters remained the same, prices did not rise sharply, new services were introduced.

Irina Pavlovna spent a year to find out the reason.

It turned out that over the years of work, huge crowns have grown among specialists. They sincerely believed that they were in charge here, so they treated the administrators, did not put the director in anything, interfered in other people's business, and even set the visitors against other members of the team.

Attempts to settle the matter by conversations yielded nothing. I had to fire the two instigators of this disgrace.

Yes, when they left, they took a number of customers with them. Yes, they fouled Irina Pavlovna and her beauty salon, but gradually the situation leveled off.

Irina Pavlovna realized that it is impossible to promote a beauty salon and keep it at a high level without:

  1. The well-coordinated work of the entire team, from the director to the cleaning lady.
  2. Separation of duties. The job of the hairdresser is to cut and color the hair, not to teach the administrator to take notes.
  3. A firm director's hand and the authority of the leader.
  4. Understanding that it is impossible to elevate and reward some, and to spread rot on others and tell them "There are no irreplaceable ones here."
  5. Concerns about the microclimate in the team, joint holidays, trainings, etc.

2) Affordable prices and other components that will help promote a beauty salon even without advertising.

Of course, not only specialists help to promote a beauty salon. There are other factors too:

  1. Your beauty salon should work in its price category.

    If you are targeting wealthy people, then the prices may be high, but the main thing is that they correspond to the quality of the services provided.

    Don't be afraid to raise prices when circumstances require it. The main thing is that the increase should not be too frequent (no more than twice a year) and sharp (no more than 15%).

    It is impossible to raise prices when you set out to promote the business.

    Do you think it is easy to promote a salon that is located outside the city, away from residential buildings? I'm sure you understand that the answer is no.

    When choosing a place to open your beauty salon, make sure that it is convenient to get to it. The best option is the city center or densely populated sleeping areas.

    If your establishment is called a beauty salon, then the widest range of services should be provided here:

    • haircuts, coloring, hair care;
    • cosmetology;
    • Mani Pedi;
    • massages and other types of body care;
    • tattoo;
    • piercing;
    • solarium, etc.

    If the client can find all the services he needs in one place, he will not go to other beauty salons.

    If he has such a need, then there is a high risk that sooner or later he will start visiting another salon, not only because of hairdressing services, but will also start doing other procedures there, leaving you.

    And I think there is no need to explain that the quality of your services must be impeccable and satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious consumer.

    Nice bonuses.

    It can be:

    • various promotions and discounts;
    • free tea and coffee;
    • Wi-Fi in unlimited access;
    • entertainment options: TV, fresh magazines, children's corner, etc.;
    • services, such as “remind me about the appointment the day before”, “take a parking space”, “help get dressed”, etc.
  2. Safety.

    There are two components of this concept, which will help promote your institution:

    First, consumer health safety. Sterilize all instruments, treat them with Bacillol or equivalent.

    If you infect at least one client with a fungus, say goodbye to your business.

    Second, reputation security. Client data must be kept confidential - do not distribute it.

    Everything that the buyer tells the master during the procedure should remain between them.

    There is no need to tell the next client what procedure the one who was in front of him did, especially if it is something intimate (removal of warts, depilation, etc.).

    Forbid masters to gossip about clients, especially in front of other visitors.

    If people don't feel safe in your salon, you'll never be able to promote it.

To promote an advertising campaign means to make your beauty salon popular.

The most optimal way to promote a beauty salon is to conduct an intelligent advertising campaign, the components of which are:

5 inexpensive ways to promote your beauty salon

Invaluable advice from the owner of a beauty salon!

How to promote your business competently, what you need to pay attention to:

Every owner of such a business should know how to open a beauty salon. And he needs to understand the importance of an integrated approach to solving the problem.

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A beauty salon is a business that will always be relevant and in demand. Girls at any time want to be beautiful and attractive. But, like any other business, a beauty salon requires a clear strategy and a well-functioning management system.

How to promote a beauty salon from scratch: step by step instructions

Entrepreneurs who are willing to work hard and grow are sure to succeed. But at the initial stage, beginners have many questions. For example, how to quickly promote a beauty salon? Aspiring entrepreneurs are worried about the payback of the business. How to promote a beauty salon from scratch?

In order to answer all these questions, you need to familiarize yourself with information materials on business promotion, draw up a clear business plan and identify your category of customers and their needs. In order for a beauty salon to bring a steady income, it needs regular visitors. A permanent customer base is the key to success in business.

How to promote a beauty salon in a residential area? In a residential area, women over 50 who are used to taking care of themselves, women on maternity leave and expectant mothers can become regular customers. Having designated your audience and understanding their needs, you can correctly think over the concept of salon promotion. Since the competition in the beauty industry is very strong, the new salon should have exclusive services and be different from others with its zest.

The sleeping area does not have as much traffic as in the city center or shopping centers. In a residential area, you can’t just open up and wait for customers. It is necessary to think over a competent advertising campaign specifically for a specific audience.

How to promote a beauty salon in a sleeping place, how to correctly advertise your services to local residents? In order to inform the ladies about the services of the salon, advertising should be placed in the most prominent place. It should be bright and memorable. A good way of advertising would be to distribute business cards, lay out flyers and booklets in mailboxes and personally invite residents of nearby houses, shops and various establishments.

For each group of customers, it is necessary to work out an individual concept of proposals. It is necessary to take into account the possibilities and needs of visitors. For such a category as pensioners, who are interested in the prices for services, it is necessary to think over the pricing policy and the system of discounts correctly. For women with children, it is important to organize a children's corner in order to keep the child busy while mom's haircut.

Visitor attraction methods

In order for the client to be satisfied and become a regular visitor, it is necessary to create special conditions in the beauty salon. Entrepreneurs need to remember that the right staff is an important point in a profitable business. Unprofessional, unskilled, embittered and impolite salon workers will never be able to keep a guest. Therefore, employees need to adjust the emotional connection and contact with each client individually.

An important moment in attracting regular customers of services is the interior of the premises. It is necessary to create a positive atmosphere with the help of color accents in the interior. For a friendly atmosphere, you can hang photos of regular customers with updated haircuts, styling and makeup on the walls of the room. It is necessary to remember about vases with sweets for guests.

Proper selection of staff

How to promote a beauty salon and take care of its image? To do this, the entrepreneur must understand that it is necessary not only to select the right staff, but also to train them to follow the relevant rules.

Professional employees must have appropriate certificates and diplomas. For example, only a worker with a diploma in "beauty nurse" can perform beauty services. Employees must comply with sanitary and hygienic rules while serving customers. In addition, we must not forget about medical books for staff. Even the director, when performing medical services, must have an appropriate diploma.

Most clients make a choice not between salons, but between masters. It is from the qualifications of the master that the fame of the institution will depend. Therefore, the salary of each master should depend on his professional qualities and the number of regular customers.

Internet page as an additional method of attracting customers

To attract visitors to the new salon, you need to create a web page. This is a great method for advertising and saving the company's budget. Today, many people use Internet resources for their needs, as it is very convenient and fast. The client literally without leaving home can always get acquainted with the working conditions, all the services provided and the price policy of the salon.

The web page should be light and easy to use, and should also be professionally designed. The site should contain licenses, honored certificates of the salon and working staff, as well as photographs of masters (various haircuts, dyes, manicure, pedicure design, etc.). In addition, informative articles related to style, fashion and trends should be published on the website.

How to promote a beauty salon on the Internet? For quick promotion of the site, it is necessary to place bright advertising banners on social networks, blogs and well-known forums. All this will ensure a good flow of customers.

Advertising booklets and leaflets

How to promote a beauty salon, what advertising methods can still be applied? Advertising brochures and flyers are another way to create a good impression and attract a new flow of guests. It is important to correctly and colorfully arrange sheets with advertising. If such an advertisement attracts attention, the client will dial the phone number for an appointment for a haircut, manicure or styling.

For any enterprise engaged in the provision of services, the issue of attracting customers is the most important issue. And the beauty salon is no exception. Developing a great selling proposition won't fix things if the information doesn't reach potential visitors. There are many ways to achieve your goals. But how to attract new customers to the beauty salon?

How to promote a beauty salon

No company can exist without customers, especially a beauty salon. A great selling proposition doesn't make sense without getting the information about the opening to the potential clientele. To attract visitors to the opened salon, huge capital is not needed. An acceptable amount is quite enough to promote the enterprise.

You need to start by defining your target audience. It includes groups of clients that can become permanent. For example, among the visitors, you can select employees of the office in the building of which the salon is located.

If it is located in a residential area, then nearby pensioners will become regular visitors, especially ladies who are “a little over fifty”, accustomed to taking care of themselves. It is reasonable to consider expectant mothers as an additional group of salon visitors.

Knowing your audience, you can start developing an advertising strategy. To inform business ladies about the services of the salon, it is fashionable to place advertisements in prominent places: in the elevator of a business center, by distributing business cards. A good move is to visit the offices of the center with the distribution of business cards and to announce the opening.

To become a successful business, the salon must have a "flavor" by offering exclusive services that are not like competitors. And the competition in the beauty industry is very high.

The flyers indicate a schedule suitable for a business woman to indicate the good location of the institution. Offers, leaflets, booklets can be placed in mailboxes, distributed near the salon and even next to a nearby store.

Pensioners are interested in prices, so it is necessary to develop an appropriate pricing policy for them. When planning to include maternity workers in the regular clientele, it is necessary to organize a play area with a TV and drawing supplies or babysitting.

Customer Acquisition Methods

With unskilled, embittered and impolite personnel, no company, even if it costs a lot of money, will give the expected results. In the beauty industry, the specifics are special: an emotional personal contact is established with the client.

How to promote a beauty salon from scratch? Does the visitor who enters feel a friendly atmosphere? He may well turn into a permanent client. Color accents, an appropriately designed interior, vases with sweets for visitors and photographs of regular customers will help create a positive atmosphere.

Web site

Without professional staff it is impossible to successfully promote the salon. A successful haircut - advertising, trendy manicure, stylish piercing or effective peeling - bonus advertising on word of mouth. To activate it for a certain period of time, the campaign "Girlfriend comes for a manicure - pedicure for advertising as a gift" is launched. You can notify customers about the offer with a banner or a banner before entering.

Even a recently opened salon will be able to attract visitors without spending impressive funds. For example, using an Internet resource. This method is more efficient. The site lists all the services provided by the salon, their cost, there is information about the qualifications of the staff, the certificates and licenses received by the salon, and the available guarantees. It’s good if there are photos of employees, the results of their work: nail design samples, haircuts, tattoos.

It is useful to post informational articles on the topic of fashionable hairstyles, new dyeing technologies and other innovations in the beauty industry. The reader's interest is guaranteed.

Optimization is the main thing: it is necessary to adapt the texts to certain queries, otherwise the site's rating will remain low. The launch of viral advertising is undesirable, there is no need for mass mailings to the purchased database of addresses. It is much more effective to place bright banners on popular blogs and forums with a corporate logo and an invitation to visit the salon.


This method often turns into the main tool for creating a first impression. It is important to correctly design flyers. The customer then dials the indicated number to get detailed information about the services. However, a completely opposite reaction is not excluded with a tasteless design and excessive obsession. The client gets the impression of amateurs who have no idea about taste. There is no point in visiting such a salon a person does not see. So, it is important to organize an advertising company correctly.

It is most reasonable to entrust the development of leaflets to a specialized agency that develops the design and corporate identity of organizations. But without checking the results by the owners of the salon, getting acquainted with all the nuances, it is impossible to approve the project. It may not be possible to do without adjustment.

The distribution of leaflets must also be approached wisely. Attached to the handle of the front door or threaded through the wipers of the car, the brochure causes irritation. It is more efficient to place the flyer in a stylish envelope and put it in the box to the prospective client.

The distribution of flyers and booklets is effective where the target audience is most. To distribute advertising for an elite salon, promoters can stand near large business centers, fashion boutiques and premium entertainment complexes. But next to stock stores and food tents, distribution is meaningless.

"Word of mouth"

The most popular time-tested method is able to attract customers to the salon - word of mouth. Discussing a new hairstyle or trendy manicure is a favorite topic for conversation between friends and colleagues. It is not customary to discuss such topics without mentioning the salon in which such services are provided. It turns out that such advertising is in no way inferior to modern high-tech types and quite successfully helps to promote a beauty salon in a residential area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city.

Advantages are:

  • Low cost.
  • The attracted clients are active.
  • A positive attitude is formed.
  • Desires are foreseen.

A positive attitude is formed, as clients are pre-configured for positive outcomes. Minor little things to spoil such a mood will not work. Satisfied customers share their positive expectations with colleagues and friends. The result is the acquisition of new customers with a similar social status and financial level. Service becomes more pleasant.

Incentive methods

When moving to another area of ​​the metropolis, you also have to change the salon: why not go to the other end of the city? The list of services and the price list are the most important arguments. It is more rational to find a place for cosmetic procedures near the house, especially if there are tempting offers and clear benefits. Examples of such incentive methods are

  • Sampling.
  • Bonuses, promotions.
  • Coupons.

Sampling is a free distribution of samples. The purpose of such an action is to save people from getting a "pig in a poke". The salon can offer the first procedure completely or partially free of charge.

Customer discount coupons are not just beneficial. They perfectly help to convey information about the salon to potential visitors. But there is also a tangible drawback: there is a category of visitors who are aimed only at discounted procedures. They will never become regular customers, as they travel from enterprise to enterprise, preferring only those that provide large discounts.

Stimulation is effective at all times. It is common for people to save even on inexpensive services, having received them for free. Even if the action is like “get a haircut - get a moisturizing mask as a gift”, she will find a good response.

Bonuses are bonuses for the constant use of procedures. For example, after nine visits to the solarium, the tenth is free. This method is impossible without taking into account visitors.

However, if low-quality services are provided in the salon, it will not be possible to attract customers by any means. People will continue to visit the salon, but when they get results that completely contradict their expectations, they are unlikely to want to become regular customers. Disappointed with the services, they will tell others about their impressions, finally depriving the enterprise of a positive reputation. Only with constant monitoring of the quality of service, retaining customers and attracting new visitors will be successful.

The question arises: is a beauty salon as a business profitable? Starting your own business is hard work. And it is necessary to carefully consider the scope of activity. To think through all the little things, to clearly define the plan of action - this is the only way to stay afloat outside the economic situation.

Any enterprise that provides services needs customers, including a beauty salon. It doesn't matter what services a company offers if people don't know about it. Do not neglect advertising and other methods of attracting customers, of which there are a lot in modern society. How to promote a beauty salon? Very simple. It is enough to follow certain rules.


A beauty salon cannot exist without clients, and if people do not show interest in it, then very soon this enterprise will be declared bankrupt. The director must think over the development strategy before starting work.

How to spin up from scratch? There is nothing complicated in this, and it does not require large expenses either. First you need to decide on the audience that will visit the salon. Which customers will become regular visitors.

It is also very important where the beauty salon is located. It can be a center, elite or Depending on this, it is possible to determine the further work of the enterprise.

It is desirable that the salon has a twist. His services must be original. If there are, then it is likely that customers will travel from other areas as well.

Promotion of a beauty salon via the Internet

How to promote a new one via the Internet? Very simple. To get started, just use social networks and launch an action. For example, advertising on a page in some network will offer a haircut at a big discount or a manicure for half the price. This method works great only at the initial stage and practically does not require any costs.

The next stage will already require small financial investments. Opening your own website will help to quickly promote a beauty salon. It is necessary to place detailed information about the services provided, it is also desirable to post a price list, photos of the masters and their work. A very effective method is the photo report "before" and "after".

It is worth noting that when developing a site, it is advisable to use the services of professionals who already know what a certain group of visitors wants to see.

The importance of flyers

How to promote a beauty salon in a residential area with simple leaflets? This method of advertising is inexpensive and very effective, but only if it is in a certain place.

When ordering flyers, special attention should be paid to their design. It is important that they are very bright, colorful and interesting. Flyers that are boring and tasteless can backfire and discourage potential customers from visiting a beauty salon.

It is best to order the development and production of leaflets from a printing house. Specialists will competently develop a design, coordinate it, and only after that they will put it into print.

Ready-made flyers are best distributed in places where there is a very large crowd of people. It can be shopping centers or large entertainment complexes. You can also arrange them in mailboxes, but you should not make this type of advertising too intrusive.

Don't forget word of mouth

Recently, word of mouth has become the most popular way of promotion. How to promote a beauty salon in a crisis? This method of advertising will help, because it:

  • practically free;
  • attracts only active customers;
  • positively affects the reputation of the institution.

These are just the main advantages of "word of mouth".

This type of advertising spreads very quickly from a satisfied customer to a potential one. This means that, having come to the salon, a new client is already preparing for a positive result in advance, and if his expectations are justified, he will in any case advise him to his friends and acquaintances.

It is on the basis of "word of mouth" that most of the regular is formed. Visitors always come in a good mood, and this has a very good effect on the reputation and atmosphere in the beauty salon.

Customer Incentives

How to promote a beauty salon in a business center? Stimulating a potential customer base will help a lot with this.

If such an enterprise is located in some center, then you can organize the so-called sampling, that is, part of the procedure is free of charge, and if the client likes it, then he will have to pay extra for the rest.

Also incentive methods include bonuses, promotions and coupons. Especially for a business center, coupons are good, upon presentation of which some kind of discount is provided. The coupon not only serves as a source of a profitable offer, but also informs potential customers about the procedures carried out in the salon. Bonuses can be offered in the form of free treatments subject to regular attendance.

It should be noted that the salon in the business center almost never has a permanent base, but there are always a lot of random visitors. Therefore, attracting customers at this location should occur constantly. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of procedures. It is important that the specialists working in the salon are true professionals.

The main mistakes that are made when opening a beauty salon

It is not enough just to answer the question of how to promote a beauty salon. It is also important to analyze the main mistakes that are made when opening an enterprise, as well as take measures to prevent them. So, there are only seven main mistakes, namely:

  • mistakes in business planning;
  • mistakes at the initial stages of work;
  • errors in management that arise due to the inexperience or lack of education of the director;
  • advertising errors (lack of flow of new customers);
  • errors when working with an existing client base;
  • mistakes in hiring new employees that spoil the reputation of the salon;
  • business development mistakes. Constant change of strategy and plans.

Any "miss" must be corrected. Before answering the question of how to promote a beauty salon, you need to think about possible mistakes that can lead to bankruptcy at any stage.

The Importance of Marketing Research

Marketing research is a very important stage in the life of any enterprise that earns on the provision of services. However, well-conducted research is usually very expensive and sometimes it is simply not justified for a small business.

How to promote a beauty salon and at the same time spend a minimum of money? Is it possible to save on marketing research? Here are some questions that aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in.

Of course, you can save money, but only the director of the salon should remember the responsibility and the risk of possible ruin. Most often, entrepreneurs choose one of two options:

  1. Marketing research is not carried out at all. Business is going with the flow. It's completely free, and some salons succeed anyway.
  2. Marketing research is replaced by peer review. A good expert can easily point out to an entrepreneur the strengths and weaknesses of his business. Of course, this is not a full-fledged study, but in the absence of extra funds, peer review can also help.

If the business is at risk

Sometimes, to save a fading beauty salon, it is not enough just to conduct marketing research or an advertising campaign. Sometimes the director decides to completely change the concept.

When one concept is replaced by another, it will be a completely new beauty salon. Sometimes it is useful to make repairs and even change the name and sign. Such actions will greatly help if the beauty salon has not a very good reputation, for example, due to unskilled employees.

Also, if the situation is not too neglected, it is good to gradually introduce new services, setting an attractive price for them. In this way, you can improve the situation and stand out from other competitors.

Business, regardless of the field of activity, works with people. This means that he needs constant advertising, which will bring even more customers. In the case when an entrepreneur opens a business in a residential area, even more advertising is needed, because the number of casual visitors decreases several times. in a residential area - a detailed overview of the methods, as well as popular errors in the article.

Obviously, the promotion of the salon is necessary if there is a shortage or absence of customers. There can be many reasons for this, but the only important thing is that such a business without customers cannot exist for a long time.

An exception can only be the case when a second salon opens under the same brand name, but in a different area. Here it is necessary to do advertising in advance so that the client base is ready for the opening. This will allow you to declare yourself and not go at a loss in the first days of opening.

How to attract visitors

It should be noted right away that the promotion of the salon in a residential area should be accurate. This means that you need to collect one or more images of the ideal visitor: young mothers, older women, housewives, etc. It is necessary to know this information, if only because the sleeping area is not the center - there cannot be high traffic and casual visitors here. Careful consideration of all factors will allow you to create a competent advertising campaign and accurately define the concept of the salon, which implies both its general philosophy and design.

Well-chosen staff

Good relationships are an important element of any business venture. They should be not only for management and staff, but also for salon employees and clients. It's no secret that first of all they choose not a salon, but masters.

However, having only one staff-customer relationship will not help the salon become popular. It is also necessary to confirm professionalism - certificates. Thus, cosmetic services should be performed only by an employee who has a diploma of completion of the relevant courses, and no one else.

In addition to professional skills, attention must be paid to compliance with sanitary standards, adequate wages and good working conditions - this is the only way to attract really good employees. And it is precisely the well-chosen staff that will make people want to return to the salon again.

Salon website

Using the Internet for advertising is a standard and effective method that has stood the test of time and can guarantee a certain return. The salon can have its own website or a group on a social network - it all depends on the business strategy.

So, if this is a site, then it should be easy. This applies to both design and content. Just the bare essentials, including: a basic price list, helpful style articles, a short bio about the staff and the founder. It will also not be superfluous to place all certificates in a separate tab. This tactic is very captivating customers and gives them confidence that the services provided are really high quality.

If it is , feedback should go to the first level. All information that could be on the site should either move to the social network, or be regularly, but briefly, mentioned in it.

Regarding advertising, it is also worth noting that competent targeting and cooperation with bloggers who live in a residential area where the salon is located is necessary. In the first case, there will be a clear hit in the target audience, and in the second, a wider coverage, which will affect the quality of the audience, but in exchange for this, trust will appear. In addition, through bloggers, you can encourage potential customers to visit by providing a discount if they learned about the service from the one they subscribed to.

Flyer advertising

Flyers are generally considered to be a cheap and ineffective method of advertising. This assessment is only half true - leaflets are cheap. As for their effectiveness, it completely depends on the presentation and design.

The first thing to remember is that the leaflet should attract attention. It is worth noting that attracting attention does not mean the presence of bright colors and flashy inscriptions about discounts and percentages, although this does have a certain effect. Individuality is always primary, thanks to which passers-by mark your leaflet with advertising against the background of the rest. Given their cost, hiring a competent designer would be a rational decision.

The second is submission. It is very important that those who hand out flyers do it right. So, for example, if you periodically talk about a discount on a haircut for blondes with a leaflet, then you will hit the target audience. You can substitute anything under it, up to a manicure.

Otherwise, they begin to treat it as spam, and after that, on a subconscious level, people begin to form negative associations with the name of the salon. This not only completely eliminates the effectiveness of advertising, but also gives the salon a bad reputation, which - in a residential area - is highly discouraged.

word of mouth

This method worked always and everywhere, thanks to which it became the oldest of all that are used now. This method has three key advantages over the others:

A client who comes to the salon, having previously learned about it from friends, is initially set for a positive result. The task of the staff in this case is always the same - to meet expectations.

It is worth delving into not so much the essence of the method as how to use it and what forms it. People always talk about what they have in mind. This means that using social media and collaborating with bloggers will automatically launch word of mouth within multiple audiences. Also, if the salon in any way cooperates with public figures from design studios, despite being in a residential area, potential customers will already have a greater degree of trust in advance. The salon that the blogger, public stylist and friends are talking about will make anyone visit it at least once.

However, there is always a fine line here. At the rate at which a good reputation grows, it falls at the same rate. Using word of mouth requires experience and knowledge. Otherwise, you can earn a bad reputation, which will lead to the closure of the salon.

Useful video about promoting the salon business:

Competitive prices

The second most important promotion method - after word of mouth - is presented at competitive prices. Why second? Because people are ready to pay a lot and often for good services, but no one is ready to pay for the unknown.

That is why it is initially worth setting prices in such a way that they attract. This does not mean that they should be lower - in this vein, potential customers will think about the low quality of the services provided. The price should always be at the level of competitors. This method makes a competent combination with leaflets, upon presentation of which a discount can be offered for the first haircut.

Using such a bundle will allow you to attract new customers, leaving the price at the level of competitors, but bypassing them in quantity. There is only one drawback to this method: if the salon does not meet the client's expectations, he will never return.

The competitiveness of the price is ensured not only by its decrease, but also by its increase. However, in this case, the client needs to provide a detailed explanation of what the overpayment is for. He must clearly understand why and for what he pays more money here than in his own salon. Otherwise, an unjustified increase in price will scare away the client.

How to stimulate visitors

Stimulation of the client flow works at all stages of the business - both at the initial and later stages. Here it is important to take into account only that this should not be at a loss. The main goal of a business is to make a profit, and therefore consider what the classic stimulation scheme is (table 1).

Method name



This provision of part of the procedure is free of charge. Of course, this cannot work with haircuts, but if the salon does not only do hair, then this method is most effective. If the client is dissatisfied - he leaves without paying anything; on the contrary - pays half of the main cost for the next part of the service.


Usually they are presented in the salon in exchange for a discount or a specific service. It is very effective if they have a limited shelf life and do not cause a loss. You can issue such coupons for a certain number of visits or provide them as individual discounts.

Stimulation of customers is an important stage, since it is on it that loyalty to the salon is formed. However, you should not assume that visitors will not develop an appropriate relationship without them - stimulation is only an addition.

How to avoid mistakes, look at the video:

The main mistakes of entrepreneurs

However, showing and telling about how to do it is not enough; to complete the whole picture, you also need to demonstrate how not to do it. This will avoid the survivor's mistake and also provide basic guidance for changing the business plan.

So, the main mistakes that entrepreneurs make when opening a salon:

All this only drowns the business. If an entrepreneur does not have sufficient skills to avoid these mistakes, it is necessary to hire and delegate authority to those people who have this experience.

Now that information has been collected about all the most popular methods, as well as the mistakes of entrepreneurs, it will not be difficult to launch an advertising campaign for a salon on a modest budget. However, you should always remember that the main guideline when choosing advertising is the residents of the sleeping area. If their way of life, worldview and perception are known, then everything will definitely work out.