I want to make a million dollars. How to earn a million from scratch in Russia? Stories of Russian millionaires from scratch

It is customary to think: if you want to make good money, you need to work hard and hard, giving all your time and energy to work. However, even in this case, many fail to overcome the middle level of prosperity, not to mention getting really rich: to become the owner of millions or even billions. Such earnings seem to be something unrealistic, accessible only to a narrow circle of the elite.

At the same time, we are all familiar with the stories of businessmen who managed to earn a million from scratch and in a short time. What makes these people different from everyone else? And if we discard the idea that their fortune is the result of an extremely successful, but random set of circumstances, then what ways will help the average Russian to earn so much money? This will be discussed below, and before you get acquainted with profitable strategies, get inspired.

The main qualities of millionaires

Millionaires are a very narrow group of people, their share of the total population of the planet is only 1-2 percent. At the same time, everyone would like to earn a million, although for many this remains only a pipe dream.

In most cases, people do not know how to get rich, because their financial education was focused only on saving and saving money, and not on investing and increasing capital. It is quite obvious that such an amount as a million cannot simply be accumulated by saving money - even if you lead a very modest lifestyle.

Advice: You can read about the importance of proper financial education, as well as about the fundamental difference in the attitude towards money among different segments of the population, in the useful book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

Since the topic of wealth is of interest to a large number of people, there are quite a few studies seeking to determine: can everyone become a millionaire or is this the lot of only a select few?

The popular business magazine Forbes, which annually publishes on its pages the ranking of the richest people in the world, also tried to answer this topical question in one of its issues. The journalists of the publication conducted a study whose purpose was to describe the personality traits that are strongly expressed in millionaires and billionaires.

So, according to Forbes, millionaires tend to:

  1. Constantly work. They often experience discomfort when forced to do nothing. Whatever they do, their usual position is active, enterprising and active. They are alien to the attitude to work as a duty, to which they must devote time strictly from 9:00 to 18:00, they work for the result.
  2. See perspective. Millionaires focus on the opportunities and new ideas they have, rather than focusing on fear and avoiding failure, as most entrepreneurs do. They are moving "towards", not "away from".
  3. love money. Such people have a positive attitude towards the money they earn and feel that they deserve to be rich. They are alien to the "psychology of the poor", believing that money spoils the character or that this level of income is not for them.
  4. have a plan. Millionaires always remember their goal and know how to plan their every step. At the same time, they remain flexible and can adjust plans if the situation changes.
  5. To risk. Despite a serious attitude to finances, often tight control of expenses and income, they understand that in order to increase capital, one must definitely take risks. Self-made millionaires are much more aggressive in investing their money than those who inherited their wealth.
  6. Make money on everything. They know how to make money and try to use their knowledge in any field of activity, often monetize their hobbies, turning them into additional sources of income.
  7. Assemble a team. Millionaires know the value of their time, so they are happy to delegate authority, distributing tasks between subordinates that they do not want to deal with on their own. This also applies to activities in which they are not well versed.
  8. Be confident. They are not afraid of going bankrupt, because they know that even if they lose their capital, they will not lose their ability to make money. "Being bankrupt" is temporary, while "being poor" is permanent.

Important: John Rockefeller (American entrepreneur, the first dollar billionaire in the history of mankind) said: “I don’t think there is another quality that is so necessary for success in any business as perseverance. Perseverance can overcome everything, including the laws of nature.

Research by psychologists dealing with the problem of wealth and poverty highlights several more characteristic features that are characteristic of people with a high level of wealth - successful millionaires and billionaires. Namely:

  1. Internal locus of control (a concept that characterizes the tendency of an individual to attribute their successes or failures to internal rather than external factors).
  2. Good time management skills.
  3. Habit to put .

In our country, as in the entire territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union, a certain stereotyped attitude towards wealth in general and entrepreneurial activity in particular has developed. This leaves an imprint on the peculiarities of doing business in the conditions of modern Russia.

If we talk about the main qualities of Russian millionaires, then we can distinguish several specific trends:

  • All of them are distinguished by well-developed initiative, an internal locus of control, and a low level of comfort (they know how to “swim against the current”). Without these features, it is impossible to "break through", since in our country business receives very little state support and quite a lot of social disapproval.
  • They do not attach much importance to formal education, but they value knowledge very much and know how to get it on their own. In this environment, there are quite a lot of people who did not study at the university or did not graduate from it. This trend is directly related to the not very effective system of Russian education, which is largely outdated and out of touch with reality.

How to become a millionaire from scratch - 7 best ideas

Now let's talk about how you can really earn a million without starting capital or useful contacts.

Important: the famous American millionaire Huntington Hartford said: “Millions are not earned by those who get along with the authorities and always do everything right. Such people can become highly paid employees, but they will not have enough independence to start their own business. Most millionaires are crazy people who do things their own way and don't like to obey."

Create passive income

Passive income is the profit that you regularly receive without doing anything for it. Usually the organization of such a source takes time and requires at least a small financial investment. This is a good way to build capital and use it to invest.

As a source of passive income can be:

  • bank deposits;
  • dividends from the purchase of securities;
  • leasing real estate;
  • building a network in distribution activities;
  • referrals on various Internet resources.

Organize a business

Starting your own business is the surest way to prosperity. The main thing is to choose the right niche, in which, on the one hand, there will be relatively low competition, and on the other hand, there will be good opportunities for development and earnings. So, for example, today a profitable industry is the sphere of IT-technologies.

The secret to success is to see the profitable niche that the company you created can fill. A good illustration would be the success story of Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Stepanenko. At the age of 19, as a student, he got a job in technical support for subscribers of a large Internet provider. After working for several months and studying the direction in detail, he went to the authorities, calling himself the director of an IT company (at that time he had not yet registered his company). Dmitry offered to outsource the connection of new subscribers, promising a good volume and speed of the Internet. A year later, his company already employed more than 50 people.

On a note: It is important to be able to correctly evaluate the company.

Promote products of "tomorrow"

Another strategy that allows you to make a million is to focus on the so-called "boom" products. To implement this method, you need to have a good instinct, understanding what exactly will become fashionable and in demand tomorrow, and when a thing or service is already out of fashion and you need to stop investing in it.

This is a rather risky option, which, however, can lead to quick earnings. Everyone remembers the fashion for toy hamsters, repeating everything he said in a funny voice, as well as the craze for spinners. Also, you couldn’t help but notice how many stylish coffee houses have appeared recently, as well as barbershops (specialized men’s hairdressers).

Everything related to such fashion trends is very profitable. It is logical that in the near future, for example, equipment for trimming a man's beard will increase in price. Or how do you like earning a million in lids for glasses? True, the lid is not quite ordinary, but changes color as the temperature changes. Its inventor, Nick Base, most likely did not count on such a success.

Advice: you can also organize a successful business, focusing on.

Create an asset and sell it

If you have a source of passive income, you can also sell it. Such an asset will be, for example, a website or an account in a company specializing in network marketing.

To sell an asset, when setting the price, be guided by the following formula: monthly passive income * 24 (36) months (assuming that the payback period is 2 (3) years). For example, if a source brings you 30,000 rubles a month, then its price is 720,000 (1,080,000) rubles.

Make money online

There are many ways to earn money online, for example:

  • Promotion and monetization of accounts in social networks.
  • Channel promotion on YouTube.
  • Bets in bookmakers.
  • Stock market game.
  • Creation of an Internet resource.

Important: One of the best trading platforms is OlympTrade.

Make your knowledge an asset

If you understand something or are good at performing any kind of activity, make money on it. Promote yourself as an educator, record lectures, host webinars and training courses.

Become a deal breaker

You can also earn a million as a percentage of a successful transaction. This method is suitable for those who have talents in the field of business negotiations.

There are two main ways to make money:

  • Find a major investor for a dynamically developing project.
  • Find a buyer for a property or an expensive business.

Advice: businessmen who understand how their business functions can become successful intermediaries on.

Stories of Russian millionaires from scratch

Most people have both the ability and the ability to start a business or otherwise get closer to their dream of making a million. However, their familiar environment prevents them from taking risks. It seems that working for someone for a salary is the only way to get a regular income, reliable and stable. After all, everyone does it!

To dispel this illusion, get acquainted with the stories of Russian millionaires who managed to go their own way and achieve excellent results.

Oleg Gerasimov

Oleg, being a student, visited New York, where he was able to observe the work of teenagers washing car windows at traffic lights. Returning home, he attracted his friend Arkady Khokhlov to the cause and, together with him, tried to learn from the American experience.

They began washing cars with detergent and microfiber cloths. However, it turned out that the method is unsuitable for the Russian winter. Then the young people developed and patented their own detergent composition, and then opened a company selling it - Fast & Shine. They made a million in the first year. Today, this franchise is common in many cities of the CIS countries.

Nikolai Saganenko

Nikolai is an enterprising young man who has organized more than one startup. Already at the age of 19, his photograph appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine. One of his most successful companies is the mock-up studio Layout-Master.

The idea of ​​its creation, as the businessman later admitted, was simply overheard: somehow he witnessed a conversation during which one of the interlocutors complained that there were very few companies that would create models of real estate.

Nikolai concluded that demand in this area significantly exceeds supply, and he did not miss his chance. He opened a company, hired an architect, and within a week orders poured in from all over the country. One of the most famous projects of the Layout-Master studio is a sports complex in Sochi

F. Tikhomirov and A. Koksharov

These young people are a great example of how you can make money from your hobby. Children from their youth are fond of extreme sports (in particular, rollerblading and skateboarding).

Once they made an excellent training ground with their own hands, which would allow them to hone their skills. Soon they began to receive orders for such sites. Then the young people created the company "FK-Ramps", which today brings a good income.

Vsevolod Fear

Vsevolod started his business a few years ago, when smartphones were just starting to appear on the Russian market. He took up the fact that he brought products from China - he bought the first batch of USB cables with his own savings. Today, Sotmarket, which he created, has become an online hypermarket with a turnover of more than 4 billion rubles a year.

Semyon Kibalo

Semyon, while still a student at the Polytechnic University, decided to monetize the sense of pride that students have in relation to their educational institution. He did not make any financial investments in this project: he simply created a sketch of a sweatshirt with the emblem of his university and soon received an order for the first batch of clothes. After 2 years, the UniFashion company already had an office in St. Petersburg with 24 representative offices in the regions.

Summing up

Making a million is not only the cherished dream of many people, but also a completely feasible plan for those who dare to think big and strive for more. According to the rich, the easiest way to reach this amount is to open your own business (although there are exceptions to this rule, for example, the story of Steve Ballmer, who became rich as a hired manager).

To make a million, you do not need to accumulate funds, denying yourself everything. “The poor work for money. The rich make their money work for them” – this is how Alexander Golovin, the author of books on financial independence in today’s Russia, describes the situation.

Good day, dear readers. My name is , I am a successful entrepreneur in the tourism business. Today I will talk about how to earn a million dollars in the conditions of modern Russian realities, without going beyond the legal framework and personal dignity.

As history shows, there are many ways to become a successful and wealthy person. The vast majority of which is available to most people, regardless of where they were born and what social status they originally had. So why are there so few millionaires?

For many, this question will be rhetorical. But in fact, there is an answer to it and it is damn simple - not all people can become millionaires! Since a successful person is also rich, a person must combine 7 qualities, without which success is simply impossible.

Absolutely all successful people are curious, like cats, and incredibly persistent in their curiosity. They are always eager to learn more! And having learned something new, they begin to ask questions: “What should I do with it?” or “How to implement it?”. At the same time, they always start with distrust and skepticism, sorting the information they receive into bricks to find causal relationships. And only after that they begin to act!

Successful people on a conscious or unconscious level always believe that they are 100% responsible for their actions and their consequences. For them, there is no such thing that something just happened, for them everything is always “done” either by them or by those whom they control.

Such a construction of consciousness, from the point of view of psychology, indicates that successful people perceive themselves as a subject - the one who controls, and not an object - the one who is controlled.


How to make a million without perseverance and a bulldog grip? No way! It is impossible to become rich if you retreat at the slightest resistance or overtaken by failure. You need to cling to your goal and go to it no matter what!

Self-criticism and the ability to admit their mistakes.

Whatever path to success you choose, you should remember three simple truths:
Mistakes are inevitable - people tend to make mistakes even in simple things.
Mistakes and failures are the price of the most valuable experience.
Admitting your failures and mistakes is a predicate of wisdom!

The ability to attract people.
Successful people are able to impose their thoughts and ideas on other people. They can collect them around themselves, or something indicated by them.

Self-discipline and willpower.
No matter how trite it may sound, but you cannot achieve anything if you have weak willpower. This is equally true for small things - getting up at 4:00 to go fishing; and for significant ones - devote 3 hours every day to mastering new information so as not to lose the level of qualification.

Do you want to know what willpower you have? Then set yourself a simple task: every day for 2 months, at eight and a half o'clock in the evening, pour water from the tap into a glass and pour it into the toilet.

Think it's easy? According to statistics, only 1 person out of 30,000 is able to complete the task without interruptions and errors (deviations) in time.

Sense of humor.
Even knowing how to make a million and following this path, you will not achieve success if you are unable to perceive troubles and failures with humor. Without this, the process of achieving the goal will become depressing and unbearable.

How to Make a Million: 6 Strategies for Future Millionaires!

So, let's say you have all the traits of a successful person and decide to earn your first million. At the same time, you want to become not a ruble millionaire, but a dollar one! Since in the first case, the task is not very difficult. In order to earn a million rubles in one year, it is enough to get a job with a salary of 150 thousand rubles and save about 84 thousand from this amount. Such salaries are not uncommon in our time.

But what if you need to earn 1,000,000 US dollars? There are seven answers to this question, or rather seven answers - six strategies that have been tested by time and success.

Strategy #1. In the footsteps of pioneers!

The first strategy that can be used to become a millionaire is to open your own business for the production and / or trade in goods. This option is perfect for those who want to not only earn a lot, but also strive for self-realization and self-development, since entrepreneurial activity requires constant improvement in many aspects:

analysis and the ability to draw correct conclusions;
ability to predict;

In fairness, it should be said that owning a business is, as a rule, a very laborious process that not everyone can handle. In addition, according to statistics, most of the new commercial organizations in Russia leave the market before they have existed for even two years, which is due to several things, the main ones are:

Low business literacy of the population;
difficult economic conditions;
lack of cheap bank loans and unnecessarily difficult access to public finance;

However, if you decide to make $1,000,000 through classic production or trading, then you need to decide on the following things:

1) understand what exactly you will do;
2) analyze the market and make a plan on how to make a million in your chosen field of activity;
3) draw up a very detailed business plan;
4) calculate how much money is needed to open your own business, to promote and develop it.

Having done the above, you can begin to implement the planned business plan. In fact, all this is relatively simple, except for the choice of the field of activity and the formation of start-up capital.

The field of activity must be chosen based on personal preferences and professional skills. For example, if you love flowers and know how to trade, then you can open one or more intermediary flower shops.

If you do not want to trade, then you can do flower decoration for special occasions or just grow flowers in greenhouses for sale. Another way to make money on flowers is the selection of new species.

In other words, find what brings you pleasure, and then choose the best way for you to monetize your preferences.

Regarding the difficulties with the formation of start-up capital, I wrote about this in an article. Read it at your leisure, and you will understand that even now it is not so difficult to get money to open your own business.

Strategy #2. Network marketing: how to climb to the top of the pyramid?

You have probably heard about the next strategy - this is trading with something with a referral profit distribution system. That is network marketing.

Network marketing is a unique concept for the sale of services and goods, which is based on a multi-level system of independent sales agents (distributors), each of which has the right not only to sell goods, but also to attract new agents.

Income in such a system is distributed in a pyramidal structure - from the bottom up.

For example, if you sell flowers as part of network marketing, then in addition to the profit from sales, you will also receive a certain percentage of the profit of the network agent that you have attracted. And the one who attracted you will receive a percentage of your income (revenue from the sale of goods + your income coming from downline network agents attracted by you).

This is called a referral income sharing system, where a referral is a network agent, part of the proceeds of which goes to the one who referred him.

Therefore, to earn a million, you need to have as many referrals as possible. You can achieve this very quickly if you follow this sequence of actions:

1. It is necessary to create by personal example the image of a successful participant in the referral system!
2. You should advertise yourself and your profits in the system - wherever possible.
3. Complete special training on attracting referrals to understand how it works.
4. Training downstream network agents on how to attract new members. If there are no skills, find someone who has them, let him teach.

In practice, everything looks like this: you are being introduced into the current structure of network marketing; you begin to advertise your product through advertising and acquaintances; and after several transactions with the client, you invite him to become a member of the system.

Do this for a long time and in six months you will be able to receive passive income from 1 to 15 thousand dollars, depending on what you trade. After that, you should start organizing courses for training downstream agents.

It should be noted that the time required to receive the first million is 95% dependent on perseverance and systematic work to attract new referrals. For someone, it can be only 1 year, and for someone it will take 10 years.

Strategy number 3. How much is your knowledge worth?

Do you want to know how to make a million without starting capital and any entrepreneurial experience? Then you should study the newfangled trend of the modern world called "Infobusiness". This is an activity based on information, or rather its trade.

The simplest example of such a business is the sale of educational audio cassettes for learning English. In this case, the information is how to speak English correctly, and the money is taken for teaching this.

To create your own infobusiness, you need to initially understand what you are an expert in and what you can teach other people. Training and expertise can be sold together or separately.

For example, you can sell information about the current state of the pharmaceutical market. And you can teach for money how to do the analysis of this market yourself. The situation is similar with the stock markets. But there, asset value forecasting is more valued than expert assessment of the current state of the market.

It is very easy to understand what from your knowledge will be useful to others. To do this, it is enough to ask your colleagues, clients and friends what they have learned from you.

In order to earn on your knowledge, you should:

1) choose a niche in which you will be engaged in the information business: economics, needlework, plumbing, alcoholism treatment, etc.;

2) create a website with a relevant theme;

3) fill the site with interesting and useful content: articles, audio recordings, videos, images, photos;

5) create an email newsletter with news and updates from your site. In parallel with this, create your information product, dividing it into two parts: the main one is free; and bonus - distributed on a paid basis.

This is the easiest way to build your infobusiness from scratch with minimal investment. But there are other options: holding seminars, publishing books, selling electronic discs, or privately consulting people. Which one is best for selling your expert information is up to you!

Strategy number 4. Financial markets - they rule the world!

Do you know that in the last 15-20 years the world economy has been growing solely due to an increase in the financial value of assets, without a serious increase in real production? This is easy to see if we compare several factors that indirectly reflect the dynamics of the quantitative and material indicators of the main economies of the world with the dynamics of world GDP growth.

For example, if you look at the chart for the Baltic Dry Index, you can see that it has fallen significantly since 2010. And this indicates a decrease in the volume of trade in the world economy:

Baltic Dry Index is an index that reflects the cost of transported dry cargo (grain, coal, ore, etc.) by Panamax, Handymax and Capesize class vessels. The index is calculated daily by the Baltic Exchange.

A similar situation is observed in the dynamics of trade within the United States - a fall of 2.5% in 2015! This is even more noticeable in the indicators of imports and exports of Chinese goods, where only according to official data, there is a drop in indicators by 10-16%. And these are the bottoms of the last 8 years. The same picture can be seen if we examine the figures for electricity consumption in these countries – they are steadily declining.

A similar situation is observed in the TOP-20 world economies, which directly indicates a drop in the level of roll production in the world!

However, if you look at the graph of world GDP growth, it becomes clear that in terms of financial indicators, the world economy has almost recovered from the crisis of 2007-2009.

What does this indicate? It's simple - the money is leaving the "real" sector in the financial markets.

Therefore, if you do not know how to make a million, pay attention to trading exchanges, Forex or binary options that are gaining momentum.

Financial markets are a set of financial instruments that allow you to trade a variety of assets in very large volumes with minimal costs.

Depending on what type of asset is a commodity, financial markets are divided into:

The market for bonds, stocks and other securities;
currency market;
futures market;
money market;
exchanges of precious metals;
capital market.

In Russia, the most popular markets are Forex (currency trading) and the stock exchange. There has also been a growing interest in options lately. This is a financial trading instrument, on which a commodity (asset) is a contract for the purchase or sale of a certain asset with an exact execution date. The cost of the contract is also specified in advance. With regard to binary options, in the case of them, a real transaction of buying or selling an asset does not occur, but only a price prediction for it will rise or fall.

However, if you want to understand this type of earnings in more detail, then I advise you to read my article. It describes all the nuances of how to make a million on binary options in a few years. But let me tell you, it's not easy!

To make a profit in the financial markets and binary options in particular, you need to be thoroughly prepared. Understand how a particular market works and learn in advance effective ways to predict the movement of the value of an asset. For the latter, it may take from a few weeks to 3-5 years, depending on the level of your diligence and natural ingenuity. You also need to thoroughly study and apply the rules of money management, which I talked about in the article. However, if you study everything, choose the right strategy and follow it, then the first million dollars on your deposit may well appear within a few years! Personally, I strive for this and make excellent progress:

Strategy number 5. How to make a million in RuNet: 3 ways to wealth!

The Internet is the second most popular segment of the economy after financial markets in terms of investment attractiveness. Therefore, it is also easy to become a dollar millionaire here. Of course, if you know what to do.

Earnings on the Internet can be divided into three categories: services, speculation and advertising.

Advertising on the Internet is probably the easiest way to make money on the World Wide Web. Since even a schoolboy with a 7th grade education is able to profit from his Vkontakte account, albeit a small one.

But for serious profit, you will need to create an advertising platform that will attract five thousand unique visitors daily. And this is not so easy, because Internet surfers are very picky and are ready to regularly visit only those portals that are professionally made and filled with high-quality, interesting content.

Of course, sometimes there are exceptions if something incredibly unique, addictive or out of the ordinary appears. But even in such cases, the platform that provides this wonderful new content needs to be developed and improved. Since the novelty effect works for the first 2-3 months. And during this time you will not become a millionaire!

Conclusion, if you want to make a million on the Internet, create an attractive advertising platform and constantly update it.

The second way to make money on the Internet is mediation in trade. Such business can be divided into two groups: petty speculation and online shopping.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

In the first case, it is selling something in small quantities through your social media accounts, twitter or blog, which does not require a large investment or a lot of time. It is enough to engage in the purchase of goods once a week and from time to time look on the Internet, realizing the goods purchased earlier.

In the second case, you need to create a large business project!

Important! In capitalism there is no medium business, only large and small. Since any enterprise that goes beyond small retail is obliged to act according to the same rules and principles as big business.

As a rule, an online store is created according to the following scheme:

1) first, it is necessary to analyze the market in order to find a free or least competitive niche;

2) after that you should study who your buyer is and what his needs are;

3) then pick up tools (specific product names) to meet the needs of potential customers;

5) all financial costs are calculated, including marketing costs;

6) the business plan is put into practice.

The last way to make money online is to provide certain services. The essence of this activity is to save time, money and nerves of your client. Or do something on the Internet that the client cannot or does not want to do on their own.

For example, you can deal with the legal nuances of the interaction of people with government agencies (issuing visas, subsidies, doing accounting).

Also, freelancing can be attributed to Internet services. This is the remote execution of tasks without signing a contract for permanent cooperation. The services there include: copyright, programming, market analysis, photo services, private one-time consultations, etc.

You can also earn big money from this. There are many examples of professional copywriters who earn from 300 thousand rubles a month. And if an experienced programmer is engaged in freelancing, the specified amount can be increased by 5-10 times.

Strategy number 6. How to get money without doing anything?

The next strategy that allows you to earn big money in a relatively short time is the creation of passive income. There are several such sources of funds, but we will consider only the four most accessible and proven options.

Passive income is the receipt of money from sources that do not require constant active actions to fill them and maintain income levels.

Option number 1. You can earn passive income if you become a distributor of a well-known company and engage in network marketing in parallel with your main job. This has already been discussed above, so we will not dwell on it. I will only point out that earlier we talked about how to make money exclusively on network marketing. And in this case, we mean additional earnings without claims to dominance in the "network pyramid".

Option number 2. You can also create an information Internet portal with good attendance and receive from it 20-50 thousand rubles a month from advertising. This is a great option for those who are well versed in computers and Internet marketing.

Option number 3. You can also rent out your property. This is probably the easiest way to get additional passive income, provided that you have real estate. Otherwise, real estate can be purchased by taking a loan from a bank. However, this should be done under two conditions:

First, the monthly annuity must be greater than the loan payments;
secondly, you should not buy real estate on credit if its value is more than 120 monthly rental payments.

Option number 4. The last option for creating passive income is investing in assets or commercial structures. This means medium-term and long-term investment, since investing money for a short time is earnings in financial markets, as was written earlier when talking about Forex and.

12 rules of investing from Herbert Casson!

It should be noted that you can borrow money not only for buying real estate, but also for investing it. Only in this case, you should be 95% sure of the profitability and reliability of investments.

At the same time, your confidence should not be based on “faith” in a brighter future. And on the analysis, the right strategy and 12 investment rules from Herbert Casson, which serve as a "manifesto" for most entrepreneurs in the "Western" world.

Rule number 1. Investments should be invested only in what you understand!

You should not be under illusions and think that everyone wants to help you and therefore they advise you to invest in an asset unknown to you. Everyone has their own selfish goals and, as a rule, they run counter to yours.

Rule number 2. Don't invest under pressure!
If you feel that you are being persuaded or pressured, pause, retire and think it over carefully.

Rule number 3. Money should be earned on real things, not on plans!
Only very rich people, banks and states can afford to spend money investing in the words and intentions of people. An ordinary investor must be very careful, because he is obliged to invest only in reliable assets.

Rule number 4. Invest in what can be sold!
At the same time, remember that the cost of something is determined by demand, and not by media popularity or uniqueness.

Rule number 5. There is a profit - take it!
Do not forget that the purpose of investing is to generate income. Many novice investors forget about this. And after receiving the first profit, they invest it again and again until they lose all the money.

Rule number 6. Listen to the advice of bankers or economists.
Finance is an incredibly large tangle of tangled and intertwined threads that only someone who has been doing this all his life can figure out.

Rule number 7. You need to invest during a fall in value, and sell when it rises.
This is a general rule of capitalism that allows you to make money, not lose it.

Rule number 8. Money must work!
Want to know how to make a million? Then fill in the simple truth - only the movement of capital generates profit.

Rule number 9. If you take a loan, then all the funds received must be invested in the business!
You should not postpone and create a "cushion" of safety from part of the money that is borrowed. Borrowed money - use it for its intended purpose.

Rule number 10. Credit funds are needed for development, not banal boasting.
Many investors cannot distinguish one from the other. Money should be invested in something that generates profit, not something that brings fame or improves status.

Rule number 11. Investors don't lend!
If you give money, then for the sake of profit, and not empty gratitude.

Rule number 12. By investing in an asset, you are betting on an industry, not a single business.
Don't invest in the best company in the worst industry.

I note that on our website we decided to conduct an investment experiment by investing $ 5,200 in some assets through an intermediary ShareInStock. The results of our small project are displayed in .

Professions that bring millions!

The above is how to make a million in the short term. But, as for me, this will not be enough. It is also necessary to mention who you should learn from in order to earn a lot in the future.

Only from the very beginning I will indicate: the professions that I will indicate are in demand in developed economies. In addition, you may think that they cannot be learned in Russia. However, I would not advise getting hung up on the domestic education market, since there are countries that are ready to educate several thousand students from the CIS every year on a free basis (Switzerland, Canada, Italy or the UK).

Oddly enough, but representatives of this profession are becoming a rarity in our time, if you do not take into account countries such as China and India. In the EU and the USA, an ordinary engineer receives from 5 thousand dollars a month, an experienced one - from 8 thousand, and a professional in his field - from 15 thousand dollars.

Representatives of this profession receive from 3 thousand dollars even in the CIS. What can we say about the EU, the USA and Canada.

It is also an engineer, but specializing in medical equipment. They are divided into 2 groups:

Specialists who work in polyclinics with a monthly income of 7 thousand dollars ;
employees of medical device manufacturers. Their salary starts from 20 thousand dollars.

He is a healthcare professional who deals with hearing problems. Experienced specialists in this specialty earn about 600 thousand dollars a year.

These are people with the widest profile of activities and therefore the spread of their income level is quite impressive: from 1 thousand dollars a month to several million a year.

Many believe that the economic crisis destroyed this profession, but in reality it only removed most of the non-professionals from the market. While professional traders still earn fabulous money.

Even in our country, such civil servants are paid a lot of money. And this is understandable - the higher the salary of an official, the less likely that he will become a corrupt official.

These are people who automate and optimize business processes. Sometimes they are also called anti-crisis managers. The income of such specialists sometimes reaches amounts of several million dollars per contract.

I think it is quite natural that people who save lives should earn a lot.

One could also mention several such professions as actors, writers, artists, singers and TV presenters. They, theoretically, can also be the answer to the question of how to make a million dollars. However, success in these professions is 99% dependent on luck, so you should not bet on them.

How to make a million: 10 absurd ideas that brought fabulous wealth!

Do you want to know what "novice" millionaires earn on? You just don't tell anyone, but anything can bring big money. When in doubt, check out some of the absurd business ideas that have brought fabulous wealth to their owners.

Idea number 1. What do you think, is it possible to make money on revenge? It turned out that yes! This is proved by the “Revenge Stores” operating in St. Petersburg. Their essence is this; a client comes to them with an idea or idea of ​​an “act of revenge”, and the store employees embody it, if necessary, beautifully arrange “this action” and supplement it with original ideas. Of course, everything is within the framework of the current legislation.

Idea number 2. One day, an American 15-year-old guy decided that he had a brilliant idea. The essence of which is to record your "fart" and make a plug-in for browsers out of this sound. A kind of button, pressing which leads to a "fart". The guy turned his idea into reality and now he earns tens of thousands every month selling a "farting" button.

Idea number 3. Have you thought about whether there are ineffective and unnecessary advertising? As practice shows, it is not! As evidenced by the site Milliondollar, where the creator of the portal provided 1,000,000 pixels for advertising at a cost of $ 1 per piece. It could be said that no one needs it. But all the pixels were bought out, and 21-year-old Alex Tew became another millionaire.

Idea number 4. In 2001, Byron Reese decided it would be nice if parents could find out what their kids wanted for Christmas. And even better if you can make money on it! On reflection, our hero decided to open the North Pole mailbox in Alaska, in the name of Santa Claus. And he suggested that parents send letters from children to Santa on his "Pole", after which they will return back, but as Santa's answer. Such mediation costs only $10 per letter.

Idea number 5. There is a perfume company in Ukraine that makes money on “pleasant gases”. It produces candies that the company says improve the flavor of "fart". They cost only $3.25 per bottle. The range includes fragrances from Sensation, Calvin Klein, Clara and many more. Including scents of lavender, hay and pine forest.

Idea number 6. Travel agency for our pets - I think that says it all. Although no, it is worth mentioning the British company Chien Bleu, which invented this service and made it a reality.

Idea number 7. Notarial registration of predictions. This service is provided by a notary office in the city of Saint Paul (USA). Whether this is good or bad is unknown. But it is known that the business serving the "Nostradamus" brings a lot of money.

Idea number 8. The clergy of the Cistercian abbey named after the Holy Virgin Mary decided to follow the spirit of the times and created their website LaserMonks for this, where they offer their users the services of consecrating cartridges and discs. Financial reports say that since 2005, people have paid over $2.5 million to save their devices from corruption. Hallelujah!

Idea number 9. In the west, there are many places selling Emergency Underpants, which in Russian will sound like “rescue” or “spare” disposable underpants. They are packaged and sold in the same way as disposable wipes are packaged and sold. According to the creators of this product, disposable briefs are in constant demand and brought them a lot of money.

Idea number 10. One of our compatriots decided that it would be nice to say goodbye to some things with "pomp!". And now anyone can part with their beloved, but cracked mug to the applause of a dozen spectators and fireworks explosions.

Let's say you made your first million. So, what is next? Most likely, you will lose it, spend it or go broke - this is what the statistics and experience of most entrepreneurs say.

However, this can be avoided if you heed the advice of those who have earned more than one million dollars and managed to save their fortune.

Council number 1. There are only three things that don't decrease in value over time: gold, gems, and US bonds.

Council number 2. Don't trust women! Their understanding of the words "profitable" and "save" in most cases is identical to the word "I want."

Council number 3. If you have earned one million in production, invest half in development and you will receive three million.

Council number 4. Stock markets are good for making profits, but they are not good for holding money.

Council number 5. If you don't know what to invest in, invest in yourself!

Council number 6. Peace and quiet is the slow depreciation of capital. Money loves movement!

Council number 7. There are no permanent partners in business, there are only permanent business interests.

Council number 8. Spend money wisely! Do not buy fame or status - invest in resources and financial instruments.

Council number 9. Forget about the interests of those business partners who care about your interests.

Tip number 10. Lost your first million - what prevents you from earning another one, or two?

In conclusion!

Summing up, I will note an important detail: there is no exact instruction where it would be written exactly how to earn a million, but there are proven tools in the form of concepts and strategies. Their correct use will allow you to achieve commercial success in the shortest possible time. Follow them and you will definitely get rich!

Achieving a net worth of one million dollars is an idea that people don't always share. This is probably because they don't know where to make the first million dollars. Nevertheless, having such an amount, you automatically receive the title of "millionaire". In theory, one million dollars is more money than most of us will ever have. This amount does not mean that you can travel the world and spend them. But you will have enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for the whole family. However, how to make a million dollars from scratch, in 5 years or without investment?

Making $1,000,000 a year requires you to earn $83,333 a month. That is, it turns out 20,830 dollars a week. Based on an average 40-hour work week, that means you need to earn $480.00 an hour.

But we're looking at a five-year plan. So the amount you have to earn per hour is now $96:

  1. Let's say you're not actively working to make a million dollars, but you're doing it through passive income streams.
  2. So 1,000,000 / 8,760 hours per year / 5 years gives you an hourly income requirement of $22. at one o'clock.

Find out how to earn $22. per hour at the expense of , not so difficult. First of all, you need to develop a business plan for making a million dollars a day.

Creating an idea

So, where to earn a million dollars without investment? Too many people are completely obsessed with this idea. And while some do manage to do it, it's not the smartest way to solve the financial challenge you've set for yourself.

Instead of looking for that big, elusive million dollar idea, why not look for an idea that will make $10 in profit? And then repeat this process 100,000 times.

The point is that earning large sums of money is often more about perspective and planning. In fact, it's much easier to come up with . Also a product or service that you can sell for $10 to tens of thousands of people. Than come up with one big idea that you can sell to an investment company.

profit ladder

So, when it comes to making a million dollars, let's look at scale. For example, you come up with a business idea that makes $10 in profit every time you sell it. In the first year, you sell that product or service to 1,000 people for a $10,000 profit.

During the second year, as you accept $10,000. For example, create a $100 product and then sell it to the next 1,000 true fans. You now have $100,000 in profit.

As your business grows and matures in three to four years, you realize that you have a high quality product or service to offer to customers. This new product costs $1,000, but you've built an amazing reputation in your industry. Because you know you can find 1000 real fans to buy it from you.

By a five-year period, you have made a profit of $1,000,000. And yet you couldn't find more than 1,000 people to buy what you're selling. By the way, this projection does not include all the real fans who are still buying your $10 and $100.

Internet marketers have used different . Also the aforementioned "profit ladder" to get people to buy their brand at a very low price. Moreover, after many years, create new premium products or services for their impatient audience.


You may not like to hear this, but what usually separates wealthy and successful people from those who just pop up is that rich people have learned to recognize opportunities. When they see the financial potential of something, they refine their process and execute on their business plan.

People who saw the potential invested very early in the life of this currency, deposited their money and moved on to the next opportunity. They were not like everyone who tried to invest when bitcoin hit $5,000 or $10,000. Instead, they bought bitcoin when it was worth next to nothing. Believing that it can become valuable within a few years, but also based on thorough market research. Moreover, individuals who followed this process became multimillionaires, including several billionaires.

Cost control

The stereotypical image of a millionaire is someone with their own yacht that takes charter flights to exotic locations and has several luxury cars lined up outside their palatial home.

However, some millionaires have been stingy. But the truth is that they really understand the value of money. They know that tiny lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on their financial future.

If you want to make a million dollars, use more common sense when it comes to spending. Moreover, you avoid expensive financial deals on cars, frequent vacations in luxurious restaurants, and so on.

Do something better

You don't have to reinvent the wheel, fire, or home computer to become a millionaire. You can try, but why swim upstream when there is an easier way to make more money with less effort.

The other way - and one of the least resistance - is to take an idea that has already been put into practice and then improve on it.

Becoming a millionaire is the cherished dream of many, especially aspiring entrepreneurs. Some subordinate this goal all their time and make every effort to get the desired amount. A number of people in pursuit of a million may even break the law, believing that it is impossible to get such an amount of money in an honest way. However, it is much more pleasant to earn a million doing what you love and doing everything within the law. Such methods will be discussed below.

I want to make a million - a goal or a pipe whim

Raising a million is quite real. The only question is timing. You can quickly get such an amount only if there is an already working and sustainable business, talent or some kind of asset. So, having a business, you can get a part of the profits and, thus, earn a million. The situation is similar for athletes or singers who receive fees measured in millions of rubles. Selling a vacant apartment or an expensive car can also allow you to get the amount you are looking for.

If there are no such resources, then in order to get money, you will have to work hard. First of all, set yourself a goal - to earn the desired amount, and then determine the activities that should be carried out to achieve the goal. Moreover, a set of measures will have to be performed. You will need to learn how to save in order to reduce costs and live within your means, the accumulated funds must be wisely invested (you may also have to learn), and besides this, you should definitely think about how to increase income - this can be creating your own business, setting up a higher paying or extra work and so on. Once the plan is formed, you can begin to implement it.

To earn the desired income in social networks, it is important to be popular. There are several ways to achieve popularity on a social network. The first is to gain followers. To do this, constantly publish interesting content on the page. It is desirable that the content be interesting not only to the one who writes the messages, but also to the entire audience. Groups are popular for entertainment, discussion of audio recordings, fresh films, and so on. Also of interest are publications with advice on appearance, fashion, cooking, and so on.

In addition to interesting material, it is also necessary to present it qualitatively. To do this, you will have to master the art of writing text, photography, shooting video, and so on. However, all this time spent will pay off handsomely. After all, the rates for advertising on popular pages reach 5-10 thousand rubles per day. If you multiply 5 thousand per day by 365 days a year, you get the desired income, even 1,825,000 rubles.

A similar scheme of earning operates in the organization of communities. Properly administering the community, you can also receive a significant income (its value directly depends on the number of group members).

Build a profitable business

This method also requires a significant amount of time. First, you need to come up with an original business idea. Secondly, it must be implemented. Having come up with an idea, you should test it. To do this, it is recommended to interview your closest friends and acquaintances. If they like the idea, and they are ready to purchase a product or use a service, you can safely start, the first customers eat. Next, you should gradually increase the number of customers and, thus, go towards the goal of getting a million.

In the process of building a business, an entrepreneur is spurred on by many problems, therefore, before starting such an activity, it is recommended to get a special education or familiarize yourself with materials on entrepreneurship. You will have to master the skills of financial management, planning, personnel management and so on. To experience a minimum of problems in these areas, special knowledge is required.

Create, promote and profitably sell an Internet site, program or application

The most important thing to consider when implementing such an idea is that the program, website or application must be in demand. If the product has not gained popularity, then it will be extremely difficult to raise the coveted amount on it. But the beauty of the IT industry is that if one product fails, you can easily and quickly develop a new one. Thus, over time, it will be possible to create an interesting application and become rich with its help.

There are two ways to monetize a website, program or application. The first is to sell in-app ads or the app itself. The second is to sell a ready-made business. If a resource or program is of interest, there are likely to be larger stakeholders who want to purchase it. According to this scheme, most American startups (entrepreneurs in the high-tech sphere) become millionaires.

Create a useful and unique information product (book, training, video course)

There are quite a large number of platforms for placing and promoting information products. They help structure the course, attract users, and so on. If you managed to create an interesting information product, it can also be purchased by various educational institutions, which will allow you to get a good income. After selling the course, you can start creating a new one, and if successful, increase your income at times.

Make a successful marriage

A common, but not always acceptable, way is marriage of convenience. It can be condemned, but as a way to achieve the goal, it exists. Of course, for this you need to have certain external data and be able to present yourself correctly. You will also need knowledge in the field of psychology, the ability to behave and so on. An important factor is the opportunity to get into circles where wealthy people and their children communicate in order to choose a goal for marriage and start courtship. However, investments in appearance, the ability to present oneself and knowledge of psychology will also pay off after gaining access to the desired amount.

It is also important to take into account the fact that after marriage, in order not to lose the state, you will have to limit yourself in some things and, possibly, play some role. After all, if relatives have the feeling that they married their daughter only because of money, they can restrict access to money or even initiate a divorce.

How and where to raise a million in a week


If there is free money, and a person is ready to risk it, then any investment projects can be financed. As a rule, there is a formula in the economy - high risk accompanies high profitability. Of course, you can lose everything, but you can also get rich significantly.

Before investing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself and gain special knowledge. You can do this on your own by reading the relevant literature or watching various videos on investing, but you can also take free courses offered by various financial and investment companies. They, first of all, teach how to work in the stock market, how to assess risk and choose the direction for investing - the same as in the private investment market.

When investing your own funds in promising projects, it is important to trust those who implement these projects. It is important to understand that such business people work for profit growth, but are not immune from mistakes. Therefore, first of all, make sure that the project team has the necessary experience and competence in this matter.


The opportunity to make money quickly is betting. Anyone can come to a betting company and bet on the outcome of a sporting event. If the bet wins, there is an opportunity to get a significant win. However, in such activities, the factor of luck and access to inside information plays a significant role. It's no secret that there are fixed matches when a stronger team loses on purpose so that those who bet on its loss can earn significant profits.

Recently, it has become easier to make money in this way, since each betting company provides its own assessment of the probability of an event occurring. It is calculated on the basis of various factors, but primarily on the basis of already existing competition results. Following the recommendations of experts, you can be guaranteed to secure a certain income. But if you act contrary to the recommendations, then a person has a chance to get the desired million faster, but there is also a chance of losing everything. Thus, it is better to make money with bets either for those who are often lucky in life, or for those who have well-developed intuition.

stock markets

To raise money in the stock market, you need to have certain knowledge. You can get them for free if you contact investment companies. They regularly conduct courses to improve financial literacy and the ability to work in the stock market. Such training will be quite enough to make decisions which securities to buy and which to sell.

It is important to understand that you can win high profits in the stock market only if you constantly monitor the situation. As soon as information appears suggesting a change in the situation, it is necessary to make a decision how to deal with securities - to sell or buy. The faster the reaction, the more likely it is to make a profit, and the greater its value. Thus, simply investing free cash and waiting for the growth in the value of securities will not allow you to get a significant profit, you need to do this as your main job. In this case, there is a chance to quickly get the desired money.

Network marketing

It is also quite possible to earn income through network marketing. You just need to love and be able to communicate. The essence of earning in this area is to create your own network of agents for the distribution of products. The larger this network, the greater the volume of product sales, which means the more bonuses a person has.

The big pluses of network marketing are ready-made technologies and unique product advantages. Often in this way a quality product is really sold, because people must trust the one who offers any means, moreover, he needs to use the product himself and be confident in its quality. The presence of high quality, even at a high price, greatly facilitates the process of selling, and therefore the process of earning a million. With regard to technology, network companies constantly conduct various trainings that help to effectively sell goods. It is enough to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and success is guaranteed.

Financial pyramids

This method can allow you to receive a large amount only if the person took his money on time or is at the top of the pyramid - that is, he will be the first to receive funds if the pyramid starts to collapse.

The essence of the financial pyramid is that the collection of funds from the population is announced to invest in successful and effective projects. The yield offered is very high. The source of payment of the first interest is the deposits of those who invested the funds later. The pyramid is stable until there is a critical mass of people who demand their funds back with interest. As long as the number of such people is small, the financial pyramid is able to pay them income and, thus, you can earn a significant profit. But when the pyramid begins to collapse, almost everyone loses their savings. Therefore, when investing in a financial pyramid, you need to carefully monitor its financial condition.

How to make a million dollars in a year

profitable work

Of course, many people dream of working in the structure of Gazprom so that dreams come true, as they say in advertising. However, you can earn a million in other structures. The main thing in this case is to be able to earn a decent income. The easiest way to do this is by making sales. Many companies pay substantial bonuses to their sales force to motivate them to sell as much as possible. Working in this area, you can achieve impressive success due to personal effectiveness and earn the desired income of a million rubles.

A common practice is the payment of annual bonuses to various categories of employees. They are provided, as a rule, in case of profit by the company. Working in a company with such a system of motivation, you can also receive a significant annual bonus due to your personal contribution to the result of the organization.

There is also the practice of paying significant bonuses in case of effective implementation of projects or the introduction of any initiative. Therefore, while doing your work, you should be active, look for opportunities to do it better, better, make suggestions to management. As a result, for the achievement and implementation of their own initiatives, you can get the desired bonus of one million dollars (if the organization earns significantly more, of course).

Savings and profitable investments

Most people make unnecessary spending. Someone spends too much on entertainment or alcohol, someone smokes, someone cannot resist and consumes a lot of sweets or buys a lot of clothes. If you start taking into account expenses and control them (set limits on certain expenses), then you can gradually begin to form reserves. These savings can be effectively invested. Directions for investments, you can choose those that have already been mentioned above - investment projects, playing on the stock market, betting on sporting events, and so on.

The main thing when you start saving is not to stop and not stop controlling your expenses. If you give yourself the opportunity to relax, then you can quickly spend all your savings and not get what you want. When making a decision in the process of accumulating money, you should constantly ask yourself the question: do I need this or that thing, can I live without it. Such control of consumption allows you to optimize your costs and spend money only on what you really need.

Deposit at interest in a bank

This method is very complex. The fact is that banks, as a rule, set the interest rate on deposits at a level below inflation, so as not to bear additional risks. In addition, in order to accumulate a million dollars in a year due to interest on a deposit, a significant initial contribution is required.

In addition, when deciding which bank to place a deposit in, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • bank reliability. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with various ratings of banks, look at financial statements (it is available on the bank's website - this is a requirement of the Central Bank), consult with experienced friends or those who have special knowledge in the banking sector.
  • Finding a bank in the deposit insurance system. This system implies the return of funds to the depositor from a special insurance fund, if the bank's license is suddenly revoked. If the bank is not a member of this system, then if it has problems, the depositor most likely will not receive his funds back.
  • Interest rate level. The interest rate should not be significantly higher than the market average (its level can be viewed on the website of the Central Bank). If there is a significant excess, then it is likely that this is not a bank, but a financial pyramid.

Set a goal and go for it

The most important recommendation to make a million dollars in a year is to have a goal. Decide for yourself that this year will be devoted to obtaining the desired amount, and subordinate all your actions to this goal. Then there is a high chance of success.

Also, it's important not to give up. If you did not succeed in making a profit in one way, do not despair, you can take on another. And thus, step by step, you can gradually achieve the goal and get the desired amount.

It is also recommended to have more than one plan to achieve the goal, but several, in order to be prepared for the fact that circumstances tend to change and you will have to respond to them. And in order to quickly adapt to the external environment, you should constantly analyze how the plan is being implemented. It should be a living document, not a piece of paper written once and kept in a filing cabinet. It is necessary to constantly update it and think about what else can be done to achieve the goal.

Advice from Successful Millionaires Who Succeeded Through Self-belief and Hard Work

Those who have been successful give very diverse advice. For example, John Rockefeller recommends constantly saving. It is a known historical fact that he never left a tip, but worked at a very old table. This is what helped him become a wealthy man.

Michael Focht, who is the president of the largest medical company in the world, recommends paying attention to the people around you. Everyone should do their own thing, and do it well - this is his main advice.

Lin Wu, one of the most successful startups, advises never to sit, to be constantly on the move, to be interested in the affairs of the company. He is never bored, he is always looking for something interesting to do. His advice is not to waste time, everything should be subordinated to the achievement of the goal.

Thus, making a million is not difficult, you just have to set a goal and systematically move towards it. Only those who do not give up and are looking for new ways are conquered by the task and success accompanies.