How much does a repairman earn? How to Start Your Repair Business

About two years ago I had trouble with the iPhone 3GS. He kissed the floor very thoroughly, and although there were no external injuries, some multi-colored rubbish appeared on the screen instead of the usual icons. Then everything was simple: a query in the search engine "iPhone repair" followed by the selection of the most advantageous and geographically convenient offer. This is how we met Alexander, the owner of a small service center in the center of Moscow. During the repair, which took about twenty minutes, we started talking, found mutual friends, and from time to time I began to visit regularly. Sometimes - fix something from your mobile zoo, and sometimes show some new product. And then one day there was a feeling that talking about mobile phones and their repair may be of interest not only to me. After that, we sat down next to the included voice recorder and talked for several hours in a row. I offer you the first part of the transcript of our conversation today.


By the way, the age of the interlocutor came as a surprise to me - it turned out that he was only twenty years old. Now Alexander is studying at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, and before that he received a secondary specialized education in the specialty "Computers, Computers, Complexes, Systems and Networks" at the Moscow State College of Information Technology. This is what my first question was about.

Sergey Vilyanov: Was it a conscious decision that you went from school not to a university, but to a college, or did it just not work out with the institute?

Alexander: Absolutely aware. From the age of 12, I began to be very closely interested in the design of computers. The time for experiments then was very fertile - what were at least Athlons worth, for which you could increase the multiplier and raise the voltage with a couple of strokes with a simple pencil. My first own computer worked on a classic Pentium, but the motherboard there was quite cunning, supporting both Socket 7 and Slot 1. Thanks to this, having figured out how everything works there, I was able to significantly upgrade it and sell it to a classmate in a couple of years. It was this money that made up my starting capital - about 4,500 rubles, plus some small personal savings. The year was 2005, I was 14 years old. Going to college, I really hoped to get even more knowledge about computers and their repair, while using them in practice. So if everything went well with the practice and I made decent money for my age helping people with the repair and assembly of computers, then the college, frankly, disappointed. What seemed to be necessary for me was practically not taught there, and as a result, I still reached many things on my own, with my own head.

And then in my first year of college, when I was 15 years old, an important event happened - I bought my first programmer for mobile phones, Tornado UFS-3. Then - in 2005-2006 - mobile phones finally "went to the masses" and a customization boom reigned. People, sometimes not very technically savvy, sat in the forums, downloaded various firmware and patches, and, carried away, often turned phones into “bricks”. And here it was impossible to do without a programmer. It cost $200, which was quite a tangible investment for me. I note that I went to waste not only for the sake of a thirst to cash in on other people's problems (although, I will not hide, the programmer paid off many times), but also out of curiosity. Exploring a new area is always great.

The very first programmer. After several repairs, it is still in service.

We had a Taganskaya regional network -, and I began to slowly advertise there about flashing phones. Then one iteration cost from 150 to 300 rubles, and, in general, it was good money (now, by the way, they charge about a thousand for firmware). It cannot be said that a lot of people came, but the flow was constant, and some customers of that period are still applying. And the first large order was organized for me in 2006 by my older brother. The fact is that he really wanted the Nokia8910i device - the very famous "leaving" slider in a titanium case. The problem is that by that time they had already been taken out of production and it was almost impossible to buy a new copy. So my brother met a man who discovered a serious stock of 8910i somewhere in the UK. He drove them in several copies and sold them in Russia. However, if he learned to solve the problem with the localization of the keyboard (by engraving), then there were certain difficulties with the Russian firmware. My brother bought such a device, I immediately flashed it, and the result was shown to the seller: they say, if necessary, contact me. He decided not to look for good from good and all the brought 8910i, about 1000 copies, gave me for revision. The language pack for this model weighed, it's funny to remember, about a kilobyte, and the firmware procedure took exactly 20 seconds, not counting the extraction from the box and packing back. At a time, they usually brought me 30-40 devices, it took about half an hour, and even taking into account the “wholesale discount” of up to 70 rubles for the firmware of one copy per circle, it turned out well.

Modern desktop of my interlocutor

All good things come to an end, and after all the 8910s were localized, I didn't have a steady stream of orders for a while. But about a year later, the same seller returned again - the time has come for the first "iPhones", for which unlock, jailbreak and localization were required. For some time I was his constant assistant, and then I moved to the legendary company GPDA, which was the first in Moscow to fix not only software, but also hardware problems of iPhones. To be honest, by that time I had been dreaming of working there for quite a long time, because the iPhone seemed to be something very special, not like “just phones”. And if the people from the GPDA can fix it, then they are just super-professionals who have a lot to learn from! In practice, the iPhone turned out to be not so terrible, and much of what I knew about mobile phones came in handy when repairing it. Already about a week after joining the GPDA, I was repairing them - just on the road.

Sergey Vilyanov: And for what reason did they usually bring the first “iPhones” for repair?

Alexander: Most often, of course, screens were pounded - at least 10-15 people came to replace them per day. Well, other standard scenarios - "drowned", broken cases, problems with charging ... Gradually, people got into the taste of customizations like a gold frame, a black case ( remember, the firstiPhones were silver- approx. edition) and, finally, a luminous apple. It is especially pleasant to remember the last variety, because it was me who invented and implemented this mod. At first, my colleague and I were surprised - why didn’t Apple itself come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"revive" the back in such a simple way? And then I cast an apple from light-conducting plastic, replaced the standard one with it, since they were not a single whole with the case, led the LEDs along the contour, powered them from the backlight of the screen, and, in fact, that's it. Although not: to compensate for the increased load, we installed larger-capacity batteries in such iPhones. The demand for this modification was considerable.

And of course, with the release of each new version of the firmware, people poured in to us, agreeing to update it through iTunes. As we remember, first-generation Apple smartphones were not intended for our market in principle, and after installing the official firmware, they immediately lost all installed poultices, turning, at best, into an iPod Touch.

Modder cases and cases are not the basis of business, but a pleasant help

Sergey Vilyanov: By the way, I wanted to ask for a long time - do they teach us somewhere how to repair mobile phones? Or is everyone getting their own way?

Alexander: Repair courses are organized by companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade in spare parts for various mobile devices. This is how they earn extra money and expand their customer base. It is clear that it is easier and more pleasant for people to buy from those they know well. The courses are not cheap: for example, in 2006 they asked for 15,000 rubles in two weeks. And basically, of course, people start with some of their own experiences, reading forums, instructions for service centers, communicating with more experienced comrades, and so on. But, unfortunately, it also happens that “yesterday I fried shawarma, today I fry phones.”

Sergey Vilyanov: When did you start your company?

Alexander: As soon as I turned 18. I registered an LLC, found an office and began to work slowly. I met my first client... on the subway. I saw that one man had a broken HTC P3450 Touch glass, came up and said that I could fix it. The man reacted to the proposal with restraint: they say, in the service center they offered me to pay 4,500 rubles for this pleasure, and I better look like that. He offered to change for 2,500, dictated the phone, and a couple of days later the man brought the device. Interestingly, a year and a half later, he appeared again and all with the same HTC Touch, only this time there were problems with the network. And that was also fixed.

But, I will not lie, at first it was not very good with the clientele. It's one thing to renovate your home as a money-making hobby, but it's quite another to have a hefty monthly rent hanging over you like a sword of Damocles. I called all my former clients - they say, now everything is serious, come. I told everyone in college, in neighboring offices ... No, people began to come in from time to time, but there was clearly not enough flow to reach self-sufficiency. We tried handing out flyers, printed 2,000 copies, but it was of no use.

The presence of such a tricky power supply allows you to power the phone "in parts" and identify hidden defects

To be honest, at the end of the first week, I lost heart a little, but the ad posted on Yandex.Direct turned out to be completely unexpectedly useful. I gave it more out of curiosity, but suddenly the phone in the office started ringing, people started coming... words, reaching 10 or more dollars per click (for example, a click on the request "iPhone" costs $5-10). And, of course, the system takes money from you, regardless of whether the client came to you or just opened several dozen windows in the browser out of curiosity. Yet the effect was noticeable.

Sergey Vilyanov: Devices of what brand were carried to you most often? iPhones?

Alexander: Of course not. In 2008, Apple products in Russia were, perhaps, even more "status" than now, and they were usually carried to well-known service centers like GPDA for repairs. My iPhone was quite infrequent, if only friends brought it. And so they carried Nokia devices, which, in addition to popularity, were also the most maintainable. Samsung and Sony Ericsson have also been regulars.

Sergey Vilyanov: Were there any models with one hundred percent marriage?

Alexander: To be honest, I don't remember them. In the vast majority of cases, phones are brought with breakdowns that occurred during careless operation ( perhaps the point is also that people are trying to repair really defective copies under warranty in the official service.- approx. editions). Phones are dropped, drowned, and at least a third of the "drowned" people end up in the toilet...

The Nokia 8800 has a typical problem - the speaker mesh gets clogged. Literally 4-5 months, and the person stops hearing the interlocutors. Simple cleaning of the mesh does not help: dust penetrates into the speaker itself, and its cone stops moving. The problem is solved only by replacing the entire speaker. For a phone that cost from 35,000 rubles and more, the flaw, of course, is unpleasant.

Sergey Vilyanov: UVertu similar happened?

Alexander: In Vertu, I was once surprised by very fragile details. For example, cables - if you treat them the same way as with their counterparts in Nokia, you will certainly ruin them. Of course, the fact that this is Nokia is still noticeable, but Vertu at least uses modified firmware. But Mobiado, I remember, pleased: I dialed the famous combination *#0000# on the device that arrived at the service and found out that I had a Nokia 6233 with firmware version 3.10 in my hands. Given the difference in price (and that copy in Russia costs 120,000 rubles), the unwillingness of the guys from Mobiado to strain even causes slight envy.

Sergey Vilyanov: Is it true that modern devices are initially less durable than their predecessors five years or, moreover, ten years ago?

Alexander: Yes, definitely. And the reason for this is visible to the naked eye. Firstly, the electronic filling is becoming more and more integrated, and if earlier 2-3 chips were responsible for something, now their functionality is implemented in one. Accordingly, if something is wrong with him, everything fails at once. But that's half the trouble! Previously, the chips were placed on the board next to each other and at a sufficient distance, which allowed for fairly reliable soldering. Now layered designs are in vogue. Phones, of course, turn out to be more compact, but let's see how it looks on the example of Nokia 6700. Its central processing unit, where a video accelerator is also integrated, is located directly under the memory module. On the right is a single power controller. The fee is small, the contacts are much smaller than before. Conclusions are also smaller. Accordingly, the resistance to mechanical stress is low.

Nokia 6700 main board. Front view…

…and behind

And it would be nice if only one chip broke contact from the impact. For example, due to the fact that in the 6700 the memory module and the CPU are located on top of each other, contact with the motherboard is often lost upon impact and the phone stops turning on. In a company service center in such cases, they usually offer to replace the assembly board or sell the device for spare parts. But we, if the chips themselves are alive, usually restore the device to working capacity without replacing the board.

If we look at the relatively old Nokia N70 smartphone, many of which, despite their age, still work fine, we will see that it has a separate processor, a separate graphics accelerator, and even two chips are responsible for power: one serves, let's say, the main system, and other peripherals - a camera, Bluetooth, etc.

Left to right: main boardsnokia 6700,N95 andN70

Now the board is small, but takes on a lot. A small hit and that's it.

In most cases, the phone can be fully revived, with the exception of the "drowned". Even if outwardly there are no signs of oxidation or swelling on the board, no one can say what is happening inside each microcircuit? Outwardly, it may look perfect, but a month or two will pass, and the initially damaged chip may fail. Well, if the phone just stops working, it's easier to find the source of the problem. But if it is just a little "buggy", the diagnosis is complicated at times.

Sergey Vilyanov: Which of the modern "noki" is brought most often?

Alexander: As a rule, these are 6700 and other models in the price range from 7 to 15 thousand rubles.

Sergey Vilyanov: And, say, did you bring the famous flashlight phone 1100?

Alexander: Yes, there was one case. In that instance, the contact between the motherboard and the leads to the battery was broken. Repair cost 300 rubles.

I must say that in terms of the density of the layout, the iPhone 4 will give odds to anyone. For comparison, there is a Nokia C7 board nearby.

Sergey Vilyanov A: As with u qualitySamsung?

Alexander: It all depends on the model and time of manufacture. In general, as a repair person, I have always disliked the Samsung brand, because they fill the phone with a compound, an epoxy resin that protects microcircuits from mechanical damage. It protects, frankly, not always, but not everyone can dismantle the microcircuit from there. Nokia used to practice this too, and now they had the most severe compound, they did not react to heating at all, while with Samsung it soon turns into jelly. I had to actually tear off the chip, and then solder it again. And one more nuance: if the compound itself cracked from the impact, this automatically meant the death of a significant and unpredictable part of the electronic filling, “protected” by it. We, of course, undertook repairs in such cases, but it was expensive, so customers often preferred to buy something new.

The glass of the microscope could not stand working with a soldering iron. I had to replace it with thermal tape. Soldering at 40x magnification is a constant part of the job

Samsung has a very popular touch screen model S5230, which has several modifications - La Fleur, Star, TV and others. For the price, the offer is attractive. But what a misfortune: the 5230 has a plastic sensor, and it is guaranteed to fail in 15-16 months after the start of operation. Even if you are very gentle with him, it doesn't matter. And if you leave the phone in the heat, the sensor will fail even earlier - simply because of the not very well-chosen glue with which it is assembled. Therefore, if they call us and say: “Hello, the sensor on my phone does not work,” I immediately clarify whether the S5230 is in question. And people are very surprised at my insight. There was a period of one and a half months, when such devices were guaranteed to bring us 3-4 pieces a day, and this is a lot. Now the wave has subsided. Perhaps Samsung somehow localized this trouble, the elimination of which costs one and a half thousand rubles.

Sergey Vilyanov: How is the problem with spare parts solved?

Alexander: You can find what you need, but lately too many fakes have appeared. For example, in 2007, when iPhones first appeared, there was no talk of any fakes. All the parts that came to us were original. I remember that the lower cable often failed - from too violently sticking the charger or some other kind of enthusiasm. So, despite my inexperience and the rather complicated installation process, during which the cable bends five times, I always managed to do the right operation the first time. Now every second cable turns out to be defective: you put it on, everything seems to be fine, but the device does not charge with it. You put another one, charging goes on, but the microphone does not work. It's irritating, of course, scary. We eventually abandoned the "compatible" components in favor of the original ones, although this hits the margin. After all, prices for repairs have fallen: if back in 2007, replacing a display cost 7,500-8,000 rubles, now it’s 3,500-4,000, despite the “slightly” different dollar exchange rate. Therefore, the temptation to save arises for everyone. Moreover, today almost the entire iPhone can be assembled from fake components. I remember a slight shock when clients started coming to GPDA, complaining that dust was getting into the screens we installed. We looked, and this, it turns out, is such an unsuccessful fake of the screen assembly: if the original has it glued around the entire perimeter, then the Chinese saved money - they glued it only from above and below. In fact, there are many such incidents. And one day I decided that my own time and a good name are more valuable.

Stock pocket does not pull

Sergey Vilyanov: Are parts usually bought in Russia or ordered abroad?

Alexander: If the device is new, everything goes only because of the hillock. And, most likely, at first it will not be the original. In general, buying abroad is more profitable, the only question is the speed and cost of delivery. Sometimes it happens that a part is needed urgently, and there is no time for saving. Or you add up the prices of the parts and delivery, and you get almost the Moscow price. Somehow a young Chinese woman came to us and offered to read the price list in broken Russian. The initial prices in it were not very interesting, but we had a great bargain and began to cooperate. Now she has already returned to China and from time to time we take different things through her. It's nice that the Chinese are slowly moving away from the practice of "sold and ran." It used to happen that you buy something, a fake is found on the spot, and they turn on the fool and blame the delivery service. Now they began to think about the benefits of long-term cooperation.

Sergey Vilyanov: Those who deal with computer components know that the price can drop by two or three times in six months. Is it the same story with telephones?

Alexander: Let's just say similar. A hot novelty like Turbo SIM GEVEY first cost about forty dollars, but now you can find cheaper than a dozen. “Just details”, of course, become cheaper less rapidly - as the models for which they are intended go out of service.

Fake iPhone 4 screen is easy to spot - it's noticeably lighter (right)

Sergey Vilyanov: Have there been cases when a person brought a Chinese fake for repair and only then found out that for several months he did not go with the original?

Alexander: Yes, they come regularly. And it is always inconvenient for a person to explain that he was deceived. Unfortunately, we do not repair fakes ourselves and recommend that you contact markets like Gorbushka. There are specialists there.

Sergey Vilyanov: And how long does the average phone live before the first repair?

Alexander: On average, you can focus on one and a half years. After that, even if everything is in order with the electronics and the screen, the battery will start to fail, and in the case of a fashionable non-removable design, this is a repair case. Well, with each generation, as I said above, the density of the arrangement of elements inside the case increases, and even very weak, it would seem, mechanical effects can lead to breakage. For example, contacts fall off very easily on the iPhone 4. You can buy an absolutely working device from your hands, try to upload a new firmware - and get a “brick”, because, once, a couple of contacts on a modem flash drive came off from a small blow. In the service, they will offer to replace the motherboard - for a very tangible amount.

Sergey Vilyanov: Is the business profitable?

Alexander: A good master in a decent service center earns in Moscow from one and a half thousand dollars. But this is just a good one, beginners are paid less. As for your own business ... Here, as you might guess, everything depends on the ability to run a business, the flow of customers, the cost structure and the like. In a favorable scenario, you can soon reach a profit of about 5-7 thousand dollars a month. Another question is that it is wrong to simply put this money in your pocket: new equipment is required, renovation of the premises, advertising, and so on and so forth.

Owners of top smartphones with broken screens are eagerly welcomed in any service. By and large, the work is simple and short, and the profit is decent

The margin from each repair is 15-20%. But this is, of course, an average. Sometimes 15-20 people come, and at the end of the day you find that you have remained with your own people. And sometimes 2-3 orders, but the profit is decent. Frankly, I am glad when Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy S II, iPhone 4, Nokia 8800 and other expensive devices are brought in for repair, because their repairs are not cheap. But, of course, we take everything. A satisfied customer will tell three, an unhappy customer will tell ten. Reputation is very important to me.

P.S. During the conversation, Alexander dismantled the HTC Mozart and replaced the default 8 GB card with a 16 GB one. The device successfully underwent an upgrade, and now I have a unique Mozart with doubled memory. The procedure cost 500 rubles, excluding the price of the flash drive itself.

HTC Mozart in negligee

Alexander also expressed his readiness to answer readers' questions, if any.

We decided to order a repair on (as it seemed) a solid resource REPAIRMAN. RU and then regretted it very much, after a disgusting repair, even our review from the site disappeared after a couple of days along with the artist's page, therefore we cannot restore the contract number to clarify the situation with the site administration. Potential customers should know the names of these "repairmen" and in no case contact them: the General Director of the newly-founded company "FEDOTOV-GROUP" (until 2017 LLC "FEDOTOV-STROY") Stanislav Mikhailovich Fedotov, after filling out an application in January, sent us a new apartment of "professional" superintendents - subcontractors, who, as it turned out later, conclude contracts that are essentially fictitious, since they bear almost no responsibility for impudent marriage during repairs and theft of materials and equipment from the facility. Potential customers on the Internet should know these rogues, with whom several affected owners of apartments in new buildings are already suing: these are IP POMAZAN VADIM VALERIEVICH and GENERAL DIRECTOR OF RUSNAK-STROY LLC RUSNAK ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH (in fact, a protege of Fedotov, who rewrote his company deceived by deceptions to Rusnak - you can easily verify this on the Internet). and swindlers, self-confident in their impunity, acted, as it turned out, according to a well-established scheme: the so-called. craftsmen "from the street" for a minimum payment, and commodity invoices for building materials and equipment from a chain store turn out to be fictitious (after checking, it turned out that there were actually no purchases there). That is, we paid these bills in full, brought materials from the wholesale base at minimal prices, and the difference went into their pocket, part of the expensive equipment was replaced with cheaper (at times) analogues. After an obviously careless repair, very serious problems appeared in our apartment with water supply and sewerage (the threat of flooding of neighbors on the lower floors and the corresponding huge payments in the form of compensation for damage to property). Since January, instead of the promised two-month repair, we had to endure constant alterations of rough “jambs” for eight (!) months (the ceiling, walls, floor, plumbing and everything else were redone several times), and the end of the repair is not yet in sight, maybe to New Year's End! Constantly sent by the imperturbable Stanislav Fedotov, regular workers in a careless haste partially corrected the ceiling and floor, and the rest remained “jambs”: the walls were crooked, the floor creaked, vile blunders were all around (as if they wanted to spoil it), although we didn’t throw anyone and paid in full (as it turned out for wrecking! ) The only thing that the craftsmen Oleg and Roman did with sufficient quality was the doors and baseboards, and even then not to the end, although they firmly promised to finish it. It is a pity that quite a decent master Oleg also turned out to be a liar, like Fedotov. During the repair, the crooks broke everything - an electric heated towel rail (the switch was torn out by the roots), a fan in the bathroom, a wall lamp in the bedroom was broken, a dimmer was mutilated, and also spoiled: an expensive shower stall (more than 50 thousand rubles), a kitchen hood, a cover and fastening of a hanging toilet bowl, Venetian, engineering and parquet board and much more. By the way, the “repairmen” even stole a high-quality German underlay from the apartment, which we bought in advance along with this parquet board.


Answer +7 800 333-16-70 Moscow, Bratislavskaya street, 6

You have very detailed information about the masters you accuse. And on all counts, you write that this data was obtained from the Internet. That is, it turns out that you knew everything about them in advance and called them anyway? Or at first they broke everything in your apartment (HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? THEY ARE THERE ALONE WITHOUT YOU WITH THE KEYS LIVED WHAT?), and then you began to search for data on them and found a lot of negative information on the Internet? You have a very complicated history. On the one hand, either you are a goof - which you can’t even check according to the reviews of the masters. On the other hand, you describe a lengthy repair process during which you were constantly deceived - that is, suspicions arise again that you are clearly a goof in the square. Or the third option is some kind of customized review. For well, a normal, adequate person cannot be so patient, so that they deceive him for so long, but he didn’t blow his mustache ... How is that? And even if we assume that you wrote so chaotically on emotions, and later found information about the unfortunate masters on the Internet from the same victims - what prevented you from immediately checking the master from the site? The whole story is strange to me, to be honest. I am not propagandizing the repairman, I understand that the masters are the same people and can be different, but why do you need your brains? I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend. Here you read such reviews and think - the owners are directly communists, they gave money and keys to the apartment and dumped them on the sea - come in, do what you want, steal and tear and break. How did it happen?)))))))


REMONTNIK.RU employee! Do not distort, you understand everything perfectly, it is a sin to laugh at someone else's grief!


I will say as a master who has been working for a long time and for a long time. Not from a repairman. You needlessly swear at Ralina, who told you everything correctly. And she didn't sneer. I am no less surprised. So much to endure? Of course, I didn’t get into such situations, my clients are usually happy) But even if we hypothetically imagine this - HOW?))) I had a random guy working for me, so after the first tiny joint I used his filthy broom and said that he would tell me the repair did not spoil and went to study first, it is more expensive to fix it later. In general, I am for proven masters that you consider from the first minute. Your story is really weird. Excuse me.


Well, what's strange here?? All the harsh truth, it’s just that we really turned out to be SUCKERS (like many other honest customers), we were in a terrible mood and didn’t check the reviews on the Internet in time - who got to our facility, and when we found out, it was already too late! Don’t you know how such swindlers operate according to a well-established scheme: first, a shock start, then, under various pretexts, luring out additional money and suspending repairs, empty promises and sheer brazen lies right in the face, wild hassle, obvious and hidden jambs, etc. They could not expel the next Krivoruks sent, because the money for materials and advances had already been paid. The brake in the repair arose immediately after my refusal from the imposed Petrovich, they say, discounts, and Leroy is very close to us (you can see it from the window of our new building), I wrote the rest .... Well, what did you see here strange? - ordinary kidalovo! Friends in misfortune write to me, who also suffered from this gang - the picture is similar and even much worse ....


Your main mistake as suckers, yes yes, sorry, but you call yourself that - advances and not a desire to follow the process. The new time has spoiled the people. Poke your finger into the smartphone so that by magic something happens and you don’t have to make any unnecessary movements. And then we tear the hair on the ass - oh, we were deceived. So you yourself are happy to be deceived. What advances? not a single normal brigade with a reputation works like this and will not even ask for advance payments. It's your own fault, not the website. But of course it is more convenient to write off your own mistakes on your uncle. Do not scold yourself)))


A young man, but being rude to a pensioner is not nice! What smartphone? what finger? what is the reluctance to follow the process? "tear hair on the ass"? Where were you brought up? The REPAIRMAN is also to blame for our troubles, because the swindlers, in collusion with your administrator, made this nightmare for us! Fedotov actually has no brigade of 20 people (which was listed on the site)! Just a dodgy intermediary! (we fell for the positive reviews that turned out to be faked with the help of your admin, and his ostentatious efficiency and politeness). Together with accomplices, he takes most of the amount, and the masters are left with crumbs or simply deceived. These crooks usually act according to a well-established scheme (and you probably know about it!): first, a shock start, then luring money in excess of the estimate under various far-fetched pretexts (for disadvantaged craftsmen), while blatant lies right in the face, wild hassle and suspension of repairs immediately after our rejection of the imposed Petrovich (it was they who imported materials and equipment - they say, favorable discounts, which was also a lie) And Leroy is very close and cheaper - you can see from the window of our new building! When we started to transport from there, a very sophisticated mockery went on - they couldn’t really say on purpose - how much and what else was needed. They brought a lot of excess, then threw it in the trash, wasted money! Or something was constantly missing - dangling back and forth, in general, they made fun of it! WHAT UNWANTING TO FOLLOW THE PROCESS?? What's the point, I stuck around at the facility almost every day? For example, how to check the underlayment (which was stolen) if the parquet board has already been laid? (in some places they "driven" directly with a hammer from above, traces remained) How to check whether the engineer was glued or not, if it has already been laid? (Yes, and there were no thoughts about such sabotage) It was only later revealed when the creaking floors were opened. How do I check the wiring beforehand? (everything was messed up, half of the switches and sockets did not work or were broken inside). The suspended ceiling burst with a bang a month after they did it! Well, how was I to check all the fasteners? (it turned out to be a hack - the "crabs" were not fixed enough and almost the box was simply thrown away ...) And so on for all other positions: incorrect water supply, sewerage - how to check if it is already tiled ?? Then there was a leapfrog - some crooked hands who spoiled and broke, the indicated "leaders" were expelled with promises of compensation, others were sent, and the hack work continued - the passage yard and the head was spinning! But we have already paid money for materials and work! This is a "game on the nerves" worked out over the years (they say, they will get bored, they will spit and will look for a new team and pay again, but we took ours). Friends in misfortune write to me on review sites - they also suffered severely from this particular gang, which dug in on the REPAIRMAN, and also made orders from you. And we are suckers because we did not check the negative reviews in time. I have lived my life, and everything is just ahead of you: when you make a cruel mistake in life (no one is safe from this), then maybe remember how you mocked the victims of crooks and thieves!


We examined the advantages of self-repair and the average repair prices in Moscow. If the visual sums of possible savings inspired you not only to try your hand at apartment renovation, but also to do it on a professional basis, you will be interested in our new article.

From this post you will learn:

  • Options for career development for masters of finishing works;
  • How much does a repairman earn?
  • Where to learn repair and decoration in Moscow.

Prospects for work as a master finisher

To determine what level of income a repairman in Moscow can expect, you need to take into account the conditions of employment and the type of employment.

Employment options for masters in repair and finishing works:

  • in the field of housing and communal services;
  • in a repair and finishing company;
  • as part of a private team;
  • self-employment as a private craftsman.

1) In option 1, the master works on the staff of a service organization that has an agreement with a management company. Depending on the number of serviced houses, the work schedule can be standard, or divided into shifts (day and night or 2/2). Residents are provided with services both free of charge and on a paid basis, so payment usually consists of a salary and a percentage of paid services. You can’t count on a big income, but this is a good place to start a career and gain skills and experience.

2) In commercial repair organizations, the level of income is noticeably higher. The volume of orders depends on the size of the company and the effectiveness of promotion. Small companies find clients through the Internet and through recommendations, larger ones can take large orders by participating in government and commercial tenders. Another way for firms to earn money is to take contracts for rough and fine finishing from the developer in new homes.

3) Private repair teams have less order flow, since they most often do not have a legal entity and the ability to conclude contracts directly. It all depends on the ability of the manager or foreman to find clients. Crews can subcontract certain areas of work, take on temporary projects for large firms, or work with private customers and interior designers. The total income is usually less than that of official firms, but there are no operating costs, office costs and administrative staff, so the net income of an individual craftsman can be quite comparable. The main resource of the brigade is a good reputation and recommendations.

4) Approximately the same situation with private traders: with good recommendations, you can count on a sufficient number of orders. At first, you can agree to a minimum payment in order to gain experience and add successfully completed projects to your portfolio (by the way, do not forget to start it - a photo of the object in the "before and after" format has a magical effect on potential customers!). A private owner can receive repair contracts from friends and neighbors of clients who saw the result at a housewarming party. It is not uncommon for finishers to consistently receive a series of orders within the same home. Also, do not neglect the possibilities of the Internet, social networks and special sites for finding masters.

How much do finishers get paid in 2016?

According to the portal Job50, the average salary of a finishing work master in Moscow is 52,000-54,000 rubles per month.

According to the latest data from the site, the level of salaries for finishers varies within the following limits:

1. Offers of employers in vacancies:

  • average salary: 54,000 rubles
  • maximum salary: 120,000 rubles.
  • minimum salary: 25000 rub

2. Expectations of applicants in the resume:

  • average salary: 52000 rub.

The selection is made on the basis of published vacancies and resumes, so the actual market figures may differ. For example, the portal shows the average income of a builder-finisher in the Moscow region at 42,500 rubles, while in the Leningrad region it reaches 58,000 rubles.

As for private traders, it all depends on the load that you can regulate. An idea of ​​​​the amounts can be obtained based on the cost of the services of masters on classifieds sites.

Where to learn repair in Moscow

Finisher is a profession that does not require compulsory education. Some masters gain experience in practice without any training, but this path can take a long time, and in some cases, result in mistakes and reputational damage. The best option is short-term courses of finishing work with the possibility of employment. For example, in the training center "101 courses" you will receive all the necessary knowledge and practical skills in 1-1.5 months, and the cost of training will pay off already on the first order!

A locksmith is a specialist in the manual processing of metal. Specialists in this area are involved not only in industrial production, without the participation of a locksmith it is impossible to imagine the repair of water pipes or machines.

The profession of "locksmith" is in great demand in the labor market.

This profession is very popular and multifaceted. It has many directions:

  1. The Mechanic for Control and Measuring Instruments is engaged in the maintenance and minor repairs of instrumentation and automation. He installs and performs maintenance of instrumentation.
  2. A mechanical assembly fitter is engaged in the assembly and adjustment of mechanisms from parts.
  3. A car mechanic repairs cars.
  4. A plumber is engaged in the installation and maintenance of plumbing communications.
  5. A repairman is repairing production equipment.

Locksmith is a sought-after profession in different countries of the world. Specialists in this area earn very well, but their salary level depends on qualifications, rank and work experience.

The average salary in Russia has increased by 12% over the past year. Read more.

Job Responsibilities and Skills of a good specialist:

  1. Knowledge of technical drawings.
  2. Knowledge of devices.
  3. Ability to troubleshoot.
  4. Carrying out routine maintenance of mechanisms.

Salary of locksmiths in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the profession of a locksmith is also in demand, but unlike other more developed countries, it is not so well paid. The minimum wage in Ukraine is UAH 3,200. This is the salary received by locksmiths who do not have work experience. From 3 to 4 thousand hryvnias are received by specialists with the 3rd category and at least 1 year of work experience. From 4,000 to 5,000 hryvnias, locksmiths with a 5th category and work experience of 3 years or more earn. Over 5,000 hryvnias are received by locksmiths with the 5th category and work experience of 5 years or more.

What is the situation with salaries in Ukraine, see.

Table: average salary of locksmiths in Ukraine by city

Locksmith salary in Russia

The salary of a locksmith depends on many factors. First of all, the salary level is influenced by the region and the minimum wage, as well as the qualifications of the specialist. The place of employment also plays an important role. In public institutions, employees receive 1.52 times less than in private firms.

Table: the salary of locksmiths in different cities of the Russian Federation

CityAverage salary per month (expressed in Russian rubles)
Aksai19 000
Aldan75 000
Alekseevka18 200
Almetievsk7 200
Astrakhan12 000
Bodaibo59 000
Borodino60 000
Vladivostok16 000
23 000
Vorkuta30 000
17 000
Gavrilov-Yam60 000
38 000
Zhirnovsk36 000
Ivanovo24 000
Kaliningrad22 000
Kamyshin38 000
Kemerovo25 000
Kirov15 000
Kovrov42 500
Koryazhma62 000
Kotovo36 400
Kursk20 000
Lesozavodsk65 000
Magadan61 000
Magnitogorsk20 000
50 000
Nizhnevartovsk29 000
Novovoronezh37 200
New Oskol38 000
Noginsk11 000
Omsk17 000
Orenburg9 500
Pallasovka35 200
Partizansk65 000
Penza18 800
Permian21 000
Povorino35 200
Primorsk70 000
Pskov12 000
Rostov-on-Don22 000
Ryazan25 000
32 000
Serpukhov25 000
Stavropol15 000
Surgut35 500
Syktyvkar10 000
Tolyatti40 000
Tyumen20 000
Uryupinsk37 600
Ufa50 000
Uchaly59 000
Frolovo36 800
Cheboksary13 000
Chelyabinsk26 000
Shatura35 000
Ertil34 400
Yaroslavl18 500

Salary depending on specialization

Most of all earn the locksmith of KIPia.

Average salaries of locksmiths in various specializations:

  1. Electrical fitter - 52,000 rubles.
  2. MCP locksmith - 51,000 rubles.
  3. Locksmith-welder - 49,000 rubles.
  4. Fitter - 48,000 rubles.
  5. Locksmith for the assembly of metal structures - 45,000 rubles.
  6. Mechanic - 44,000 rubles.
  7. Adjuster - 43,000 rubles.
  8. Locksmith for gas equipment - 42,000 rubles.

Interesting video. Locksmith's professional secrets. Recommended for viewing.

plumber salary

The plumber specialization is most in demand in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but despite this, specialists receive the highest wages in the Kamchatka Territory. The lowest salaries are paid to plumbers in the Irkutsk region.

The average salary of a plumber in Russia is 19,500 rubles.

Table: plumber salary by region


The specialization of a repairman is most in demand in the Moscow region and the Republic of Tatarstan.

The average salary is 25,000 rubles.

Table: salaries of repairmen by regions of the Russian Federation

Average salaries of repairmen at factories in different cities of Russia