What makes a helicopter fly. Personal helicopter: What to buy? How to fly? Child development with remote control toys

A helicopter flies because a large main rotor is spinning on top of it. The propeller has blades. They are shaped like airplane wings. And when the blades are spinning fast on the screw, there is a force that lifts this machine into the air.

Different helicopters on the main rotor - otherwise it is called a rotor - can have a different number of blades.

A medium-sized helicopter usually has three blades.

The largest helicopters, which have four blades on the main rotor, can carry many people or large loads at the same time.
They can fly to different directions.
The pilot, controlling the helicopter, can tilt the main rotor to the left. And then his air machine will begin to move towards the left side. And it is worth tilting the main rotor to the right, and the car will move towards the right side.
If you tilt the rotor forward or backward, then the helicopter will move forward or backward - this is such an obedient machine.
Helicopters can even hover in the air. This property is very useful for various things. And it is not available to other winged vehicles.

This is interesting:
At the very top of the helicopter is a large propeller - a rotor. If the rotor is tilted from a horizontal position in one direction or another, which can be done by the pilot using the control levers, then the helicopter will begin to move precisely in the direction of the rotor tilt. Because to the lifting force of the rotating blades, the force of their translational horizontal movement is also added. Each helicopter has an additional small propeller on its tail. It is located vertically and is needed so that the helicopter does not spin during operation of the main rotor.

The lift and thrust for translational motion of the helicopter is generated by the main rotor. There are many similarities in the operation of the main rotor of a helicopter and an aircraft propeller, but there are also differences. Comparing their operation, it can be seen that with the same engine power, the thrust of the main rotor of a helicopter is always greater, due to the fact that74 the diameter of the main rotor of a helicopter is many times larger than the diameter of an aircraft propeller. The thrust of the main rotor is largely dependent on its diameter and the number of revolutions.

So, when the diameter of the propeller is doubled, its thrust increases approximately 16 times; with a doubling of the number of revolutions - about 4 times. The main rotor of a helicopter has an extremely important property - the ability to create lifting force in the mode of self-rotation (autorotation) in the event of an engine stop, which allows the helicopter to perform a safe gliding or parachuting (vertical) descent and landing. When hovering and when lifting vertically, the main rotor (rotor) of the helicopter works like propeller. During translational flight, its axis of rotation tilts forward and it operates in oblique blowing mode.

(Fig. 155)
a-oblique blowing mode, b-propeller mode

As the blades rotate, the lift force causes them to rise, while the centrifugal force prevents them from being thrown up too much, so the rotor disc takes on a conical shape. The speed of the blade relative to the air is not the same. It is smaller at the axis of rotation and larger at the end of the blade and, moreover, varies depending on the position of the blade in relation to the direction of flight. So, when the propeller rotates, the speed of the blade moving forward is the sum of the speeds from its rotation and the translational movement of the helicopter. For a blade moving backward, the speed will be determined by the difference between the speed from the rotation of the propeller and the translational movement of the entire machine. Due to the lower speed, the blade moving backward will also have less lift. To prevent this from happening, increase its angle of attack to maintain balance.

When the engine stops, the helicopter becomes a gyroplane. In this case, the rotor rotates without power supply as a result of the action of aerodynamic forces. The latter provide the necessary thrust of the rotor and support its rotation. But this transformation depends on many factors. The main one is the direction of blowing the rotor with air flow. During a motor flight, the air flow runs onto the rotor of the helicopter from above, in autorotation mode - from below. To ensure autorotation, a certain flow velocity (straight or oblique) is required, i.e. the helicopter must move relative to the flow. So, for a safe autorotating landing from the hovering mode, the device must have a headroom.

By number rotors Helicopters are usually classified into single-rotor, twin-rotor and multi-rotor. The most common single screw scheme. In addition to the carrier, a single-rotor helicopter usually has a tail rotor. The main purpose of the tail rotor is that it dampens the reactive moment, which tends to turn the helicopter in flight in the direction opposite to the rotation of the main rotor. To understand this phenomenon, imagine a person floating on a raft.

(Fig. 156)

When trying to turn the raft, he tends to turn in the direction opposite to the direction of the oar. In order for the helicopter to not rotate in flight, it is necessary to apply the same moment to it as to the main rotor, but in the opposite direction. Such a moment relative to the center of gravity of the helicopter creates a tail rotor. The moment is equal to the product of the force and the shoulder, so they try to position the tail rotor on the tail in such a way as to increase the shoulder for applying the force developed by this screw.

The second function of the tail rotor is directional control of the helicopter. This is achieved by changing the installation angles of the tail rotor blades, driven from the cockpit using foot pedals. With a change in installation angles, the tail rotor thrust changes and the balance of the reactive moment and the tail rotor thrust moment acting on the helicopter is disturbed, which allows you to turn the machine in the right direction. Twin-rotor helicopters are divided into several subgroups. These include coaxial helicopters

(Fig. 157, a)

In which two rotors are located one above the other on the same axis, rotating in opposite directions; helicopters of the longitudinal scheme (Fig. 157, b) with the location of the rotors at the ends of the fuselage; cross-sectional helicopters (Fig. 157, c) with two rotors located on the sides of the fuselage. With a twin-rotor helicopter, the reactive moments of identical rotors are mutually balanced, because the screws rotate in opposite directions at the same speed (therefore, there are no tail rotors on such helicopters) . Multi-rotor helicopters can have three, four or more rotors.

They have a large carrying capacity. However, such helicopters are built very rarely due to the complexity of the control system and transmission device. Level flight is the main mode of helicopter flight, as it usually takes up most of the flight time. The necessary thrust for the translational horizontal or oblique movement of the helicopter is created by tilting the plane of rotation of the propeller. In this case, the resultant of the aerodynamic forces R on the screw also tilts accordingly. In level flight, the vertical component of the force R gives the lift force Y, which balances the gravity G, and the horizontal component gives the thrust P for horizontal movement, which balances the drag X of the helicopter

(Fig. 158)
A - the plane of rotation of the propeller during hovering, B - during horizontal flight

A radio-controlled helicopter is not just a children's toy, but a real miracle modern technology. Launching this mechanism up is a pleasure for both kids and adults. Such a gift as a toy helicopter is suitable for children over 8 years old. Manufacturers offer customers a wide range of goods: a variety of models are presented on store shelves. How to choose such a toy? Recommendations are in our material.

What are they like?

Flying toy helicopters are produced in a variety of ways. They can be classified according to the following main technical parameters:

  • to size;
  • engine type;
  • by management method;
  • by the number of control channels;
  • by type of screws, etc.

When to buy the first helicopter?

A remote-controlled helicopter is technically quite a complex design, which also has a high cost. Therefore, if such a gift is made ahead of time, the child simply will not be able to cope with the management, which can lead not only to the breakdown of such a gift, but also to the chagrin of the baby.

Types of radio-controlled helicopters by engine type

In order to choose a toy helicopter, first of all, you should clearly define its purpose. So, if the mechanism is purchased for a child for the purpose of spending leisure time, then you should opt for battery models. Helicopters with this type of engine can operate continuously for up to 30 minutes, after which charging will be required. But a significant advantage of this model compared to other types is an affordable price.

If such a toy is purchased for the purpose of participating in specialized competitions, then it is better to choose a toy helicopter with an engine that runs on fuel. This model is characterized by high speed and the possibility of continuous operation for a long time. But this type of helicopter can hardly be called a child's toy - it is a technically complex and, accordingly, expensive device. Additionally, they are divided into classes such, depending on the volume of the fuel engine, starting from the thirties, forties, etc.

control mechanism

There are two types of control mechanism:

  • toy radio-controlled helicopter;
  • frequency (controlled by infrared rays).

The latter is susceptible to sunlight, so this control is most often suitable for helicopters that are launched indoors.

What are toy helicopter control channels?

When choosing a gift such as a toy helicopter, you should pay attention to the number of control channels for a particular model. What is it and what is it for? Control channels are those technical features that a specific helicopter model is equipped with and that can be controlled using the remote control. The smaller they are, the easier it is to manage the device. But at the same time, two- and three-channel models do not differ in maneuverability.

Let us consider in more detail what technical capabilities helicopters with a different number of control channels have:

  1. A two-channel toy can fly up and down, around its own axis and in a circle. Models with this characteristic are not able to develop high speed. Children 8-10 years old will cope with the control of such a device. Therefore, if you plan to purchase such a toy for a child for the first time, then it is recommended to opt for a two-channel helicopter.
  2. Three-channel models differ from the previous ones only by an increase in the flight path: they can fly back and forth.
  3. A beginner may not be able to cope with the four-channel control of a helicopter on the remote control. This model has the ability to turn left and right. This option is suitable if the child has already mastered the control of a three-channel helicopter.
  4. For sports competitions, six-channel models are purchased - these are helicopters for professionals. They have such additional features, like a gyroscope (the ability to "hover" in the air), adjusting the flight speed.

Additional features

Some models of toy helicopters, in addition to the above, are equipped with additional options. For example, the Silverit model has a built-in video camera. Such a helicopter is more suitable for those who are fond of photography, and not piloting radio-controlled models. This device is capable of capturing photo and video material of a small volume, but cannot be in flight for a long time.

Many children's helicopters fire water or plastic "rockets".

Since toy controlled helicopters are relatively expensive, and accidents and breakdowns often occur during learning to fly them, manufacturers have offered consumers such a novelty as virtual simulators. Most often these virtual games devices with four or more control channels are completed.

How to control a toy helicopter: instructions

The complexity of controlling the described device depends on the technical characteristics of a particular model (weight, size, engine type and number of channels). Where to begin? Here exemplary instruction for operation of radio-controlled helicopter:

  1. Open the compartment on the rear panel of the remote control and insert the required number of batteries according to the poles, or a rechargeable battery (fully charged). Then close the lid.
  2. Screw the antenna to the remote control.
  3. Turn on the remote control and the helicopter itself using a special button.
  4. Place the toy on a flat, horizontal surface.
  5. Some models require activation of the joystick by moving the lever once from the highest position to the lowest position. After that, the indicator lights up, which informs about the readiness of the device for action.

How to learn to manage? First of all, it is recommended to master the technique of takeoff and landing. Only having worked out such skills, one can proceed to a straight flight, and then carry out other possible maneuvers.

In order to prevent accidents and breakdowns, professionals advise adhering to the following simple rules:

  1. It is necessary to use the helicopter in accordance with its purpose specified in the instructions. So, if the toy is designed for flying indoors, you do not need to play with it on the street - this will quickly disable such a mechanism. Repairing toy helicopters is not cheap, and sometimes hopeless.
  2. Before playing, you need to fully charge the battery (this will take from twenty minutes to one and a half hours). Do not allow the battery to completely discharge - this will significantly shorten its life. It is also not recommended to charge the battery longer than the time specified in the instructions.
  3. Do not charge the battery immediately after playing. Allow 10-15 minutes for the battery to cool down.
  4. It is necessary to avoid contact of the rotating screws of the mechanism with fingers, hair, clothing and jewelry. It is especially important that adults supervise children playing with the helicopter. The ingress of foreign bodies into the blades of a toy helicopter is extremely traumatic both for the person who controls the device and for others. Therefore, you can not run the toy in crowded places of people or animals.
  5. Manufacturers do not recommend using spare parts for the device that are not included in the original kit.
  6. Before starting a radio controlled helicopter, make sure that no one is using the same frequency. When operating the same frequency channel, the mechanisms may fail and become uncontrollable.

Overview of popular models

There are many manufacturers of toy radio-controlled helicopters. Let's review the most common models with different technical characteristics:

  1. Differs in simplicity, but at the same time versatility model for children Angry Birds. The helicopter is made in the form of birds. The mechanism has a three-channel control method, that is, the device can fly up-down, forward-backward, right-left. The diameter of the remote control is 15 meters. Such a toy helicopter has an affordable cost - the price is about 600-800 rubles.
  2. For beginners, such easy-to-fly helicopters as MJX T38, SYMA S32G, HappyCow are suitable. These devices have three to four control channels. Differ in stylish design, illumination. They have good technical characteristics, cost about 1500 rubles.
  3. Models with additional features can be recommended as follows: WL Toys V319 (shoots with water), the device of the same manufacturer V398 shoots “rockets”, MJX Heli Thunderbird T53C has a video camera. You can also offer Walkera brand helicopters - their difference is that they have an automatic balance stabilization system, so they fly well even in windy weather. The Air Hogs helicopter has additional protection against breakage during accidents - it is surrounded by a metal cage, which does not allow parts of the toy to be damaged in a collision.
  4. Professionals in piloting RC helicopters should opt for brands such as Art-Tech and E-sky.

Thus, by analyzing the above information about technical specifications different models, you should choose a helicopter on the remote control according to the following criteria:

  1. weight of the toy. The smaller it is, the more difficult it will be to control such a helicopter on the street.
  2. The material of the case affects the durability of the device.
  3. Number of control channels. The functionality of the mechanism depends on this indicator.
  4. The speed depends on the power of the engine.
  5. The capacity of the battery determines the duration of the flight. Most often, a toy helicopter does not take off due to insufficient battery charging.
  6. Remote control coverage area diameter. The larger it is, the farther and higher the helicopter can fly.

Reader Recipes 21.06.2017

A few decades ago, it was hard to imagine helicopters or quadcopters flying around the room. Modern models have a built-in gyroscope that does not allow them to roll over. The equipment is able to "fight" with the wind, the blades are made of durable materials, and additional spare parts can be found in the product kit.

Helicopters on the remote control - a miracle of modern technology

For children, radio-controlled helicopters and airplanes are presented in the form of bright, colorful and original models, analogues of which fly all over the world. On the shelves of toy stores you can find designs of different sizes, from tiny to large. With two or four blades on the main rotor.

Flying products are classified according to the following technical parameters:

  • size;
  • engine type;
  • management method;
  • type of screws.

As well as the number of control channels. This is a complex mechanism that is designed for children after 8 years. After all, it is necessary to properly launch the structure in order to avoid its premature failure and upset the child.

Main characteristics of the product

Helicopters on the control panel are divided into several types - room mechanisms, which are small in size and easy to control, will suit even beginners. Mechanisms in a collision do not harm walls and furniture. In calm weather, you can launch helicopters outside.

To get the first skills in managing street structures, you can use computer simulators so as not to break the toy in a few minutes. Depending on the maneuverability of the helicopter, there are several control channels:

  • three channels - rise / descent, forward / backward and turn clockwise / counterclockwise;
  • four channels - additional direction right / left;
  • five channels - for large structures, blade pitch control;
  • six channels - adjust the sensitivity of the gyroscope.

There are also several communication channels. Infrared is characterized by a short range, the radio interface is characterized by a significant distance at which the mechanism is able to function.

If we talk about control using gadgets, then Wi-Fi technology is used, which eliminates the risk of interference. Such models are expensive and suitable for children after 12 years.

Additional features

Some models are equipped with additional options. For example, the Silverit design has a built-in camera, more used for taking snapshots rather than piloting for fun.

Children's models may have water tanks or plastic rockets for group combat. More complex designs are completed with virtual simulators for a high-quality launch of the product.

Strobs learn how to control a flying mechanism, you need to master the technique of takeoff and landing, only after that you can proceed to straight flight or other more complex maneuvers.

Child development with remote control toys

RC helicopters and airplanes are not only fun toys. Such models will help the baby when communicating with peers, because such games are designed for collective battles.

Such a thing trains reaction, coordination of movement, muscle skills and speed of thinking. It can become one of the long-lasting fun for children. With proper management, the design can serve for years.

Models on the remote control make the guys think logically, fantasize, think through their actions a few steps ahead. Using the mechanism for launching the technique, the child trains fine motor skills, which is useful for blood circulation and the development of the speech apparatus.

Such toys are beneficial for vision, prevent myopia, control the sharpness and direction of the gaze. Helicopters and planes on the control panel make the children fantasize, imagine themselves as real conquerors of the air.

Buying an aircraft

You can buy a radio-controlled quadrocopter in the online store, where a wide selection of such products is presented. What criteria should be taken into account so that the purchase will meet all the wildest expectations?

  1. The weight of the structure - the smaller, the more difficult it is to control the mechanism on the street, especially in windy weather.
  2. Case material - determines the durability of the device.
  3. The number of control channels is the functionality of the mechanism.
  4. Engine power - the speed of the unit.
  5. Battery capacity - flight duration.
  6. The diameter of the capture zone of the radio-controlled mechanism - determines how far and above the helicopter can fly.

In order for the child to like the purchase, it is important to pay attention to the design of the structure. Most models are made of durable plastic that can survive any fall. It is important not to save on a toy, so as not to upset the baby with a quick breakdown of the product.

It should be borne in mind that the standard flight time is about 10 minutes, and therefore it is necessary to stock up on additional batteries in order to avoid force majeure. For a child, it is best to choose a coaxial control scheme so that the toy does not drift to the side.

Such a gift for a baby will be an indescribable joy that will allow the whole family to spend time outdoors. For teenagers, there is an opportunity to choose more advanced models in order to conquer the expanses of heaven. A radio-controlled helicopter is a kind of simulator that allows you to get acquainted with the control mechanisms from an early age.

Attention! For lovers of quadcopters - aircraft with four screws on the control panel, it will be possible not only to pilot complex structures, but also to create your own unit (Lego construction kits), with improved internal content.

Make your dream come true and make your leisure time not only exciting, but also healthy! Happy shopping!