Which bank is more profitable to open a current account for LLC. Where is the easiest place for an individual entrepreneur to open an account? Banks were checked by secret shoppers Open a current account in Modulbank

Analytical agency Markswebb conducted a study Business Bank Account Opening 2017. This summer, mystery shoppers in 20 Russian banks opened accounts for individual entrepreneurs, step by step recording the entire process from submitting an online application to the moment when the client had a current account opened and Internet banking connected.

What did the banks check?

The results of the Business Bank Account Opening Rank 2017 study are a detailed answer to the main questions that arise among bank employees involved in the development of online banking for small businesses: The study was conducted in June-August 2017 using the mystery shopping method. In 20 Russian banks, mystery shoppers opened accounts for individual entrepreneurs, gradually recording the entire process from submitting an online application to the moment when the client opened a current account and connected to the Internet bank.
Of the 20 participating banks, it was possible to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs in 18 banks. Rosbank approved the application, but it was not possible to open an account within a month after submitting the application.
Zapsibcombank refused to open a current account for two secret shoppers who independently submitted applications for opening an account. The best results based on a combination of factors were shown by Modulbank, Tochka, Alfa-Bank and Tinkoff Bank. All four banks offer the opportunity to open an account without visiting bank offices, but otherwise, despite similar ratings, they differ greatly in the organization of the account opening process and in certain key metrics.

IN Point The easiest process for a client to open an account, which consists of 12 “conditional actions”:

  • 6 actions at the stage of filling out an application on the website: the client enters his phone number, e-mail and TIN, uploads a scan of his passport, SNILS and income statement;
  • 3 actions during the next contact: the client answers the manager by phone to 3 questions: type of company activity, taxation system, turnover (real or expected);
  • 3 actions during a meeting with a client manager: 1 signature, confirmation of access to the Internet bank with a code from SMS, email confirmation.
Closest in ease of process Vesta Bank opens a current account after 23 “conditional actions”, and Modulbank after 28.

At the same time, Tochka among the four leaders showed the longest waiting time for a bank response - almost 68 hours, most of which was the waiting time for a meeting with a client manager, which could not be scheduled earlier than 2 days after filling out the application.

Alfa Bank showed the shortest total time for contacts with the bank during the account opening process - 31 minutes, including a meeting with the client manager.

Tinkoff Bank showed the shortest waiting time for a bank response among banks that open accounts with an on-site client manager - just under 26 hours.

Is it worth opening a current account with Tinkoff Bank? Read: conditions, tariffs and facts that few people know about User experience leaders are on average 5-10 times ahead of other banks in terms of speed of account opening, minimization of time spent and simplicity of the account opening process.

About how accounts in Modulbank began to be blocked. But what is happening now with and.

Market State

The process of opening a current account in outsider banks is dramatically different from the organization in leading banks. This is primarily expressed in the number of visits to bank offices to completely open a current account: it can vary from 1 to 4. Taking into account the time costs (on average 1 hour 10 minutes for a round trip), the need to go to a bank office increases the time it takes to open an account for 5 or more hours.

In the banks that took the last places in the rating, the client requires much more effort and time to open a current account for a small business. One of the key factors that significantly increases the complexity of the process is filling out lengthy paper or electronic questionnaires. For example, at the Asian-Pacific Bank you need to fill out 11 different documents electronically (a total of about 150 fields). At VTB24, when submitting an application at the bank’s office, you must fill out an application for opening an account and an individual entrepreneur application form in duplicate (fill in more than 30 fields by hand, including OGRNIP and TIN).

Tochka, Modulbank and Tinkoff Bank process each application according to the same scheme and automate most processes. When an application is tied to a specific bank office and a specific person is responsible for the client, there is a high probability that something will go wrong.

For example, the time stated by the bank for processing an application in fact turns out to be significantly higher: Uralsib Bank promised to verify documents in 5 days, but in fact reported a decision 15 working days after the client called the bank independently.

Market development

The convenience of the process of opening a current account is a factor in choosing a bank for service, and also significantly affects the conversion of applications into active clients. The account opening process will develop in the following areas:
  • The online application that the customer initiates on the bank's website will seamlessly transfer the customer to online banking to upload documents and track account opening status.
  • Informing the client about the status of opening an account and the required further steps will be automated - the client will receive notifications via SMS, Email and in his personal account (Internet banking).
  • The number of fields in online applications and questionnaires will be reduced to the minimum possible - data will be automatically extracted from photographs and scans of documents and from publicly accessible registers.
  • The number of paper documents to fill out and sign will be reduced to one and eventually to zero.
  • All paper documents are prepared for the client in advance - before visiting the office and meeting with the client manager. The number of actions and service time by the client manager is reduced to 10-15 minutes.
  • The procedure for activating an electronic signature on flash drives and tokens, which requires separate actions on the part of the client and visits to the bank office, will be simplified, integrated into the process of submitting documents for opening an account, or evolved into an electronic signature via SMS.
  • The account opening process will be managed centrally and will be less dependent on the branch network.
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So, you have successfully sued and received a writ of execution to collect money from the debtor. The fastest and most convenient way to obtain money from the debtor is to present a writ of execution to his bank. In this case, the bank will forcibly debit the money from the debtor’s account to your account. However, there are countless banks. How to find out which bank your debtor has an account with?

Method 1 - raise documents for the debtor

On what basis was the debtor obliged to pay you money? Most likely, on the basis of some kind of agreement. Therefore, the first step is to bring up all the documents you have regarding interaction with this debtor.

See for yourself contract: it usually contains the last section “Parties’ details”. Bank account information is indicated there. Look invoices for services, invoices, acts of acceptance of services, delivery notes- any primary documentation. They also indicate the debtor's account. If you paid this debtor by bank transfer, look at the incoming and outgoing money orders via Internet banking.

Sometimes bank account details are indicated on the organization’s official letterhead - in a stamp or header after the name, TIN, address and other data. Therefore, it is worth looking at the correspondence with the debtor.

From my experience I can also remember another source of details - court case materials. I regularly have to get acquainted with the cases that I handle in court. In the case, the debtor can provide documents that I do not have in my hands. For example, the case may contain a payment order from the debtor to pay for a forensic examination. Or a power of attorney from the debtor’s representative on the company’s official letterhead - with details in the header.

Method 2 - website and social networks of the debtor

If your debtor is an individual entrepreneur or organization, he probably has official website on the Internet or VKontakte group. Many people indicate their bank details in the “Contacts” or “Details” sections. So, for most insurance companies you will definitely find up-to-date details on their website. Although there are exceptions - for example, the details of the Blagosostoyanie insurance company were not found even after a detailed search on the Internet using all possible methods. There were no details on the website of the Kompanion insurance company either. And the insurance company Artex ended up with them in a bank with a revoked license.

In addition, if the organization is large, the website may post standard contracts. In the last section “Details”, the current account may again be indicated. For example, on the website of a well-known tour operator, I found a standard form of agreement with travel agencies. It contained the payment details of the debtor tour operator. A large federal chain of grocery stores also posted standard supply contracts on its website.

Method 3 - Google and Yandex

Nothing was found on the debtor's website. In this case it's worth a try Internet search using Yandex or Google. Use the following query types:

  • LLC "Lenta" INN 1234567890 details;
  • CJSC "Azbuka" INN 1234567890 r/s;
  • LLC "Company" INN 1234567890 account;
  • and so on.

Often, details of, for example, insurance companies are posted on thematic forums. The debtor's details may appear on the website with tenders, trades, etc.

Method 4 - request to the tax office

You searched the entire Internet, but found nothing. Then help you Part 8 of Article 69 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”:

If there is no information about the debtor’s possession of property, then the bailiff requests this information from the tax authorities, other bodies and organizations, based on the amount of debt determined in accordance with Part 2 of this article.<…>The claimant, if he has a writ of execution with an unexpired deadline for presentation for execution, has the right to apply to the tax authority with an application for the provision of this information.

That is, you can independently write a request to the tax office and in response you will receive a list of the debtor’s current accounts. Let me remind you that according to current legislation, banks are required to report the opening of current accounts to organizations and individual entrepreneurs to the tax office. Therefore, the tax office usually has up-to-date data.

As the Federal Tax Service explains in a letter, a request for information about the debtor’s accounts can be submitted to any territorial tax authority, including the Federal Tax Service of Russia (UFTS of Russia) at the location of the debtor. You can find the address of the nearest tax office on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Requirements for a request to the tax office about the debtor’s accounts

The same letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 24, 2017 No. SA-4-9/14444@ indicates that information about the debtor’s accounts is confidential information, therefore it must be requested taking into account the requirements of the “Procedure for access to confidential information of tax authorities” (order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 03.03.2003 No. BG-3-28/96), namely:

  • The request must be made in writing on the prescribed form and is sent by field communication, postal mail, couriers, courier or electronically via telecommunication channels.
  • The request must include requisites, allowing to identify the fact of a user’s application to the tax authority.
  • The signature of the official who has the right to send requests to the tax authorities is confirmed seal user's office. When sending requests via telecommunication channels, the official’s signature is confirmed electronic digital signature.
  • The request must indicate reference to the provisions of federal law, giving the right to receive confidential information, and specific goal to achieve which the information will be used.

Since at the moment there is no single approved form for requesting the tax office about the debtor’s accounts, you can use this example:

Documents for requesting data on the debtor's accounts

  • Performance list— when submitting a request in person, take with you the original writ of execution and a photocopy. The tax inspector will make sure that you have the original and return it to you. When sending by mail/courier, please attach a copy of the writ of execution. It must be certified by a notary or by the court that issued the writ of execution (requirement of the Federal Tax Service letter dated July 24, 2017 No. SA-4-9/14444@). If you are enclosing a copy of the writ of execution certified by the director of the recovering company, be prepared to present the original writ of execution upon request from the tax office. The tax office can also verify the authenticity of the writ of execution by making a request to the appropriate court.
    Please note that at the time of filing the request, the writ of execution must not have expired.
  • Power of attorney- if the request is submitted by a representative.
  • Passport- upon personal submission.
  • Request— when submitting in person, take 2 copies of the request with you.

Search for accounts. How to find a bank account/deposit?

Sometimes individuals require information about the presence of accounts/deposits opened in a bank or a certificate about open accounts and the movement of funds on them. People may have many reasons for searching for accounts or obtaining information on accounts, and the motives for searching can also be different. So, the search for accounts may be caused by the following circumstances:

  • Due to the loss of documents on the registered deposit.

  • To return funds transferred from the account (to present it to the court).

  • To check the availability of deposits from deceased relatives.

  • In order to confirm the existence of an old account (current or already closed)

  • To check the movement of money on a previously closed account.

  • A simple desire to check the availability of accounts with close relatives (husband, wife, children, parents).

  • Search for accounts of the parent who owes money to the child by item, etc.

If you are sure that the account you are looking for exists (or existed), then finding an account in the desired or even any bank is not difficult, but... subject to one condition. Information by the bank will be issued only taking into account compliance with Part 2 of Article 857 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ and Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 N 395-1, which set out the principles of compliance with “Bank Secrecy” "

The principle of banking secrecy guarantees the secrecy of transactions, accounts and deposits of bank clients. This is how it is stated in Article 26 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1:
Certificates on accounts and deposits of individuals are issued by the credit institution to them, the courts, the enforcement authorities of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials, the organization performing the functions of compulsory deposit insurance, upon the occurrence of insured events provided for by the federal law on insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation, and with the consent of the head of the investigative body - to the preliminary investigation bodies in cases under their investigation. Etc.

Certificates on accounts and deposits in the event of the death of their owners are issued by the credit organization to the persons indicated by the owner of the account or deposit in the testamentary disposition made by the credit organization, notary offices for inheritance cases in their proceedings regarding the deposits of deceased depositors, and in relation to the accounts of foreign citizens - to consular offices foreign countries

Who has the right to search for accounts/deposits?

So, based on the above excerpt from the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, it becomes clear that the search for accounts/deposits can only be carried out by the following individuals:

  • account/account holders or deposit/deposit holders;

  • an authorized representative of the account/deposit owner (if there is a power of attorney);

  • legal representative of the account/deposit owner (parent, guardian of a minor account/deposit owner; representative by court decision, etc.);

  • heir of the account/deposit owner (only in relation to accounts formalized by a will);

  • an authorized representative of the heir of the account/deposit owner (in relation to bequeathed accounts);

  • legal representative of the heir of the account/deposit owner.

In other cases, to find a bank account you will need a court decision or a notary's opinion. After the appropriate decision is made, the following structures are engaged in searching for accounts and sending requests:

  • Notary – if a deceased relative, whose inheritance you have the right to claim by law, has unclaimed bank accounts.

  • Bailiffs - if during a divorce one of the spouses claims half of the money of the second, which is stored in bank accounts/deposits.

  • Bailiffs - if the due child support is not paid on time, and the husband avoids transferring it, constantly changing his place of work and accounts to which the salary is transferred. Etc.

How do you search for bank accounts/deposits?

To search for bank accounts/deposits, in most cases the client will need:

  1. Visit the bank branch where the account is (presumably) opened.

  2. Present your passport and explain to the operator the essence of the problem.

  3. Write an application or fill out a standard request form addressed to the head of the bank or branch of the bank where the account was allegedly opened.

  4. If the search is carried out on behalf of the account owner, the owner’s power of attorney for the right to search the deposit/account on his behalf is presented (a copy is attached to the request)

  5. If the search is carried out by the heir on the basis of a will, the will and the death certificate of the account owner are attached.

Searching for bank accounts is usually free of charge. The period for providing a certificate of open accounts should be up to 30 calendar days, but sometimes for good reasons it can take a longer period.

The prepared account statement is transmitted to the client in the following ways:

  1. In person when visiting the bank (the call may come from the bank’s Call Center).

  2. By registered mail via Russian Post.

  3. To the client's personal email address.

If accounts are found and you are due to receive funds from them, then the bank will definitely carry out an additional double-check of all the documents presented, and only then will the issue be issued.

Hello! In this article we will tell you where to quickly open a current account, whether it is possible to open an account free of charge for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, what documentation is needed for this, and which banking organizations offer prompt reservation and opening of a current account.

Why do you need a current account?

The task of opening a current account will sooner or later face any person who does business. And it doesn’t matter whether you are in Moscow or in a region remote from the center.

Opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is a pressing issue, and even more so with the advent of online cash registers. If individual entrepreneurs are not limited by strict limits (they can), then legal entities. persons are required by law to do this.

Having a PC will allow you to:

  • Make payments without visiting a banking institution;
  • Store your company's funds without fear for them;
  • Control the movement of funds;
  • Work by bank transfer with clients and business partners.

Options for quickly opening a current account

There are several of them. They are designed to help the business owner and speed up the opening process.

In online mode

A very convenient way. You don't even have to leave your office or apartment. On the website of the banking organization you have chosen, you need to leave an application, attach several documents with your signature and wait for the manager’s call. In some cases it takes thirty minutes, in others a little more.

Via phone call

Also a convenient option. You call a specialist, provide some of your information, make an appointment and open an account. Moreover, there are banking organizations whose specialists will come to you to open an account.

How to choose a bank

When choosing a banking organization, experts recommend focusing on the following parameters:

  • How quickly an account is opened and Internet banking is connected;
  • Is there Internet banking and applications for various devices?
  • How profitable are the terms offered?
  • Is interest calculated on the account balance?

Therefore, you should contact a bank whose conditions will completely suit you, or whose advantages will completely compensate for the presence of small disadvantages.

Which banks open a current account quickly and free of charge?

Now we propose to consider those banking organizations where you can quickly and free of charge open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons

In all the banks presented below, your money is insured by the state. And this speaks of their reliability.

Bank "Tochka"

It operates on the basis of the well-known Otkritie Bank, which is one of the ten systemically important banks in Russia. This speaks volumes about the reliability of Tochka. The bank offers excellent conditions for opening a current account and cash settlement services in general.

Among its obvious advantages:

  • an account is opened for free and reserved in 5 minutes;
  • account servicing tariff - from 0 rubles per month;
  • You can make up to 100 payments per month for free.

To open an account, you just need to fill out a special form on the bank’s website, leave your phone number and email address.

To reserve an account, you need to attach screenshots of several documents. They will be considered as quickly as possible, of which you will be notified by phone call or email.

For IP you need to attach:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • copy of TIN and OGRNIP.

For LLC:

  • photocopy of the manager’s passport;
  • copy of TIN and OGRN.

When you meet with a specialist in person, give him the rest of the documentation and sign the contract.

As for the tariffs, they look very attractive. For example, a full package of services for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system costs from 3,500 rubles per year.


The bank is very progressive and very attractive to clients. Perhaps the only downside is the lack of its ATMs; this forces you to use ATMs of other institutions. But Tinkoff has provided for this too: withdrawing cash from partners - WITHOUT commission.

As for the advantages:

  • the account opens quickly;
  • the set of documentation for opening is minimal;
  • account details are issued immediately;
  • accrues up to 8% on the account balance;
  • if your individual entrepreneur is less than six months old, you receive free bank service for six months.

To open an account online, an individual entrepreneur just needs to provide:

  • copy of passport;
  • copy of TIN.

For LLC (plus the above documents):

  • constituent documentation;
  • Charter

The account can be used immediately, it opens in a few minutes.

The bank also has three types of tariffs, services for which start from 490 rubles per month.

A big plus is that there is a tariff with free service!

Specializes in cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses. A current account opens within a few minutes; all you need to do is register on the official website and fill out the form. After this, you receive all the details of your account and can use it.

To sign the contract, the account manager will come to your office.

There are three T arifa to choose from: from completely free to 4900 rubles per month. A suitable tariff is also selected and connected online.

If you choose a paid plan, % will be charged on your account balance. Moreover, it is calculated according to the average balance per day, and not according to the minimum amount for the month.

As for the documentation for opening an account, the package is as follows:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • OGRN/OGRNIP certificate;
  • for LLC - Charter and order on the appointment of a manager.

Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia, which allows us to have no doubt about its reliability. And thanks to the new line of tariffs, doing business becomes as convenient as possible.

Among the obvious advantages of the bank are the following:

  • you can open an account online;
  • Convenient Internet banking frees you from waiting in queues;
  • a large number of 24-hour ATMs;
  • a dedicated telephone line for business representatives, which means that you do not have to wait several minutes for an operator to respond.

To open an individual entrepreneur account you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • card with employee signatures;

LLC needs to prepare such a package of documents:

  • Charter;
  • data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • passports of persons having access to the account.

The bank has in its arsenal a free package of services for beginning entrepreneurs. The maximum cost of service per month is 3,100 rubles.


Loko-Bank specializes in servicing small and medium-sized businesses. The advantages of maintaining an account with this bank include the following:

  • account opening is carried out in a matter of minutes online;
  • You can monitor the status of your accounts in your personal account 24/7;
  • account replenishment is available anywhere in the Russian Federation;
  • funds are credited to the account on the day of transfer.

In order for the bank to open an account, the LLC needs to prepare:

  • Charter;
  • list of participants;
  • manager's passport.

IP must be transferred to the bank:

  • passport;
  • card with signatures of authorized persons.

The bank offers three service tariffs from 0 to 4990 rubles per month. Any tariff includes free payments within the bank, and also accrues interest on the account balance.

Expert Bank

Expert Bank's tariffs are quite attractive for small businesses. And the credit institution is becoming more and more accessible to its clients, opening new branches in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Among the advantages of servicing at the bank:

  • instant account reservation on the website;
  • preferential lending even for new clients;
  • accrual of interest on the current account balance;
  • free cash withdrawal up to 700,000 rubles.

To open an LLC account, you need to collect a document s:

  • Charter;
  • passports of persons having access to the account;
  • a document confirming the right to the occupied premises.

To become a bank client, individual entrepreneur You will only need to transfer to the bank your passport and documents for the persons who have the right to manage the account.

Opening a bank account is free for all clients. For its maintenance it is necessary to pay from 0 to 4790 rubles per month. By connecting to any package of services at Expert Bank, you will not be limited in the number and volume of payments.

Vesta Bank is aimed at working with entrepreneurs, and individual terms of service are available to each client. At the same time, the quality of the services provided remains high, and the bank itself continues to occupy high positions in banking ratings.

The advantages of maintaining an account with Vesta Bank are obvious:

  • simple and fast account opening procedure;
  • All tariffs include free connection and use of Internet banking;
  • low commissions for transfers;
  • crediting payments “day to day”.

The package of documents for opening an account in Vesta Bank is minimal:

  • businessman's passport;
  • TIN number;
  • Charter - for LLC.

The bank offers a free tariff for beginning entrepreneurs. For those whose business is confidently climbing the mountain, the maximum service per month will be 3,000 rubles.

Vostochny Bank works with all business representatives and offers very attractive service rates. Maximum attention is paid to beginning entrepreneurs and those who are accustomed to working with non-cash payments.

We present to your attention the main advantages of opening an account with Vostochny Bank:

  • you don't have to pay to open an account;
  • free certification of documents for new clients;
  • there are no additional payment fees;
  • For regular customers, the bank holds promotions and offers discounts on services.

To open an account you will need:

  • passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • signature card;
  • financial statements;
  • Charter - for LLC.

The bank has two new tariffs costing 490 and 8990 rubles per month. They are suitable for clients wishing to make a small number of payments via online banking.

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development is one of the most reliable banks in the Russian Federation. And high-quality service and ease of connecting services make it an indispensable assistant for many entrepreneurs.

Advantages of servicing at the bank:

  • free opening of a current account for all clients;
  • You don’t need to go to the bank to transfer documents; a personal manager will come to your office;
  • free installation and configuration of Internet banking;
  • extended working hours, allowing you to send payments at a convenient time.

New bank clients need to prepare documents to open an account:

  • Charter - for LLC;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • passports of persons who will manage the account.

A bank account can be opened as a legal entity. individuals and individual entrepreneurs. A division of Tochka Bank, which we wrote about above, operates on the basis of this banking organization specifically to work with entrepreneurs. Therefore, when considering Otkritie Bank, open an account immediately at Tochka.

The advantages of opening an account here are as follows:

  • the first two months the account is serviced free of charge;
  • You can reserve an account number immediately online.

The range of tariffs includes service packages starting from 0 rubles per month.

If you will be opening an account in the office, collect a package of documentation.

So, if you are an individual entrepreneur:

  • statement;
  • USRIP certificate;
  • Your passport;
  • license (if necessary).

For LLC:

  • statement;
  • constituent documents;
  • applicant's passport;
  • passports of all persons authorized to sign;
  • information about the financial viability of your company.

Please contact the office where the account will be opened with these documents.

Bank comparison table

Banking organization Ability to quickly open and reserve an account number Office opening date Service tariffs
Dot There is about 20 minutes (visit to the client) 0 - 7500 rubles + accrual of % on the balance
Tinkoff There is about 30 minutes (visit to the client) 490 - 4900 rubles + accrual of % on the balance
There is about 30 minutes (visit to the client, sometimes to the bank office) 0 - 4500 rubles + accrual of % on the balance
There is about 30 minutes 0 – 9600 rubles
Loko-Bank There is 30 minutes (visit to the client) 0 - 4990 rubles + interest on the balance
Expert Bank There is 30 minutes (meeting with the courier at a convenient location) 0 - 3990 rubles + interest on the balance
There is 30 minutes (the manager will arrive at the client’s office) 0 - 3000 rubles
There is 40 minutes (at a bank branch) 490 – 8990 rubles
No 30 minutes (travel to the client’s office) 0 - 2200 rubles
Opening There is about 40 minutes 0 - 7990 rubles

Where to open a current account urgently

Various situations may arise when doing business, and sometimes a current account needs to be opened urgently. This opportunity is provided by Modulbank, Tochka, Tinkoff, SKB-Bank. Moreover, both for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Despite the fact that opening takes several hours, you can use it immediately as soon as you reserve on the site.

In principle, you can contact any of the banks listed in the table and use your current account as soon as you reserve it.

Go to the bank’s official website, fill out the required form and start using your current account in a few minutes!