Selling articles on textsale. Detailed review of the TextSale article exchange

In Runet. Of course, there are several other equally worthy exchanges, but Textsale is still the leader, and most likely this content exchange will not be overtaken soon. Exchange of articles Textsale more developed than its satellites, and more functional, and, of course, on this article exchange the number of copywriters and customers exceeds the number of the same on other exchanges. The Textsale team has done a worthy job, and this article exchange deservedly takes first place. I can say that one of my referrals, not without my help, of course, I have already earned more than $12,000 on this exchange. If you can write well, then I willingly raise the initial rating for my referrals :)

Everyone knows that this exchange is the best in Runet, and it is because of this that many beginners do not dare to start working with it. They find information that this exchange has some kind of “mystical” rating and begin to fear this exchange. Someone says that it is difficult to type, get, earn (as they say), and this scares away beginners. Also, some people describe manipulations in the system as incredibly difficult, but in reality everything is not so. The site is made conscientiously and everything is very simple, any person who is familiar with the Internet will understand the system.

Those who said that the Textsale exchange is not for beginners are not entirely right. If a person is new to copywriting, this does not mean that he writes poorly, especially since anyone tries to write texts perfectly, sitting on each one for several hours. But when a beginner understands that his texts are being bought, and there is no point in him sitting on the text for so much time if the same text can be written not in 2 hours, but in 30 minutes. That's when problems can start. During this period, the texts begin to deteriorate, and the novice copywriter does not understand what is happening, and on Textsale all this affects the authority of the copywriter, and everyone will see it.

If an already formed copywriter comes to work for Textsale, he will not have the same problems that a beginner may or may not have. Accordingly, it will be easier for him to make money on this article exchange. A well-formed copywriter knows what to do at the moment and what he will do next.

Textsale - where to start?

Where to start if you are a beginner and decided to try making money on Textsale? Start by learning the system, which is not as complex as it is described. Although no, before you start earning money you need register on the stock exchange. At first glance, the exchange is not entirely beautiful and harmonious, but this is only at first glance... In fact, everything on the site is in its place and there is nothing superfluous. Once you have become familiar with the system, you will, of course, want to start writing and posting texts that will sell soon. Beginners are reluctant to buy texts, a lot depends on the rating, but still, if you set prices that are not very high (or better yet, very low), then your texts will quickly sell out, and you will be able to increase your rating in the near future. Of course, if you have a more or less high rating, you will be able to increase prices for your articles.

Textsale has one drawback that is not very suitable for a beginner. In order to gain access to orders, you need to pay $10 per month. But still, this is not an obstacle for those who want to engage in copywriting. On Textsale you can simply post articles for free sale, and then, if you want, you can access orders. In general, without selling more than one article from the free sale, it is not entirely correct to buy access to orders. It is better if you sell more than one article from free sale, but at least to pay for access to the “Orders” section.

There is no need to be afraid of this copywriting exchange, even if you are a beginner. If you start working on it correctly, then very soon you will appreciate all the advantages of this exchange. Many copywriters prefer to put their articles exclusively on free sale, and you can do the same at first, but remember that if you take orders you can earn much more.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today there will be an article about one of the most popular - Textsale (a little earlier I wrote about my experience working with and).

This article is noteworthy in that it was not written by me, but by a professional copywriter from this very exchange, which is known there under the nickname “angli4anka”. If you are wondering how much money I was not sorry to spend on this and how much you personally could get for the same work, then read (or scroll) this publication to the end.

The system unites more than 240 thousand users. Throughout the history of its existence, it has not undergone significant changes, but this did not prevent it from becoming one of the leaders of the Runet in its field.

Registering with Textsale and getting to know the exchange

Here you can find ready-made materials at the price you are interested in or order them to be written by the authors. , advertising texts, informational articles - all this is available to webmasters and optimizers. Copywriters can write on Textsale on topics that are relevant and interesting to them and put them up for free sale. In addition, here they can find a customer and write articles to order.

The portal's interface is not so simple that it can be learned in a couple of hours, but gradually, as you work, you can delve into all its intricacies. To make it easier to get acquainted with the system, in this post we will describe the key points and talk about the pitfalls that can await both copywriters and customers/buyers of content.

The registration procedure is quite simple: you go to home page in the right column, the “Registration” button, after which in the tab that opens, fill out all the necessary forms, agree to the rules of the system, click on the “Register!” button, after which an email will be sent to the specified email to activate your account.

The dollar number (WMZ) can be specified both during registration and after it by logging into your account. To do this, you can select “Profile (options)” from the right menu or click on the “Change” button on your profile page:

Before registering on Textsale We strongly recommend that you read the rules (you agree with them): they will be very useful in the future. It should be separately noted that only 1 account can exist on one IP address, otherwise a ban is possible.

Your nickname for working in the system is your business card. Try to make it easy to remember. If you are a copywriter, then your nickname can affect your future career growth. Let it, for example, reflect the topic in which you are best versed; or the direction in which you work: SEO copywriting, naming, advertising texts, etc. Nickname choice on Textsale is a very important step for the customer, too, because... the name in the system must be credible.

Text sales for copywriters - how to make money for a beginner

There are many people who work on the stock exchange: housewives, students, people with higher education and even schoolchildren. who knows how to put words into sentences, and sentences into coherent text. Of course, you cannot do without knowledge of the rules of the written Russian language. So, let's look at the work scheme.

The first thing you need to do when starting work on Textsale is to create a presentable portfolio. To get started, one article is enough. At the same time, it is not quantity that is important, but quality: put your whole soul into it, write about some scandalous problem, about what you live and breathe. It should evoke emotions and not contain dry facts.

1000-1500 characters are enough to blow up and encourage the administration to place a link to your text on the main page, which will give you a chance to find your first customer. Don’t forget about the rules of the Russian language: carefully, up and down, before placing it in your portfolio. Once published, it cannot be changed: only deleted.

So, suppose we have written the text. You need to place it in the “portfolio” category on Textsale. Please note: the article must be unique, that is, not previously published on the Internet.

It should be noted that the text on Textsale before publication will be moderated, i.e. checked for uniqueness (customers sometimes require mandatory use) and compliance with the rules of the system. This may take some time (1-2 weeks, sometimes more). Once your creation is published, you will see it by going to the Portfolio page:

If for some reason you want to delete the material, click on the appropriate button.

Now, while we wait for verification, we begin to work on filling our own store. As in life, the more buyers there will be, the greater the choice of goods for them. In this case, our product is an intellectual creation expressed in text form. So, let's start creating our own articles.

To start choose the most relevant topic on Textsale at the moment:

It should be noted that the topics in the TOP categories and in “Search queries” are quite broad, and buyers require something more specific. That is, if you like the “Beauty and Health” category, don’t write about how important it is to be beautiful: no one will buy such material.

Select the topic “manicure”, and within it - some kind of nail design (for example, French, its types, how it is done, etc.). One more point: it is advisable so that the article has structure, i.e. introduction and conclusion, subheadings, numbered lists.

So, we decided on the topic and wrote the material. Next – we place it. To do this, click "Sell article" in the right column of Textsale and fill out the form provided on the page that opens. After clicking the “Preview” button, a page will appear at the bottom of which you will need to indicate the price.

Click “Post for sale” and our material appears in the list of articles. Now we can edit it, add photos or delete it. By the way, the text itself cannot be edited after posting; you can only change the description, price and other settings.

A blue square will be drawn next to the product: this means that the article has not yet been copy-checked. Once the check is passed, it will turn green.

  1. The title should be either informative or intriguing, since it is the first thing the customer pays attention to.
  2. In the description, be sure to indicate what the material is about and its main points. If this is an SEO text, write what keywords and how many occurrences you used.
  3. Don't overprice: first you need to get a rating, so bet 0.5-1 $ per 1000 characters. Inexpensive articles sell out the fastest. By the way, a rating is awarded for each sale: +1 point for the text itself, +1 for a positive review.

    If the texts are not unique or of poor quality, the rating decreases. It is in your interests to write useful materials without errors. But don’t delay in raising prices. When you feel that you have trained enough, gained experience, studied the rules of the Russian language, gradually raise your worth.

  4. Don't write on hackneyed topics, even if they are popular. Use the search at the top of the Textsale website to find out if other copywriters already have such texts for sale. For example, the query “colic” found 278 materials. Naturally, if you write about colic in a baby and post this text, it can hang on the stock exchange for years.
  5. Post a series of articles on the same topic and indicate in the description that you have other similar texts: this way you get a chance to find a wholesale buyer.

Many beginning authors prefer to write 1-2 articles and then wait for them to sell. Believe me: the wait can last for many months. To prevent this from happening, place several of your articles a day, and the more, the better (without loss of quality, of course). Some authors have 500 or more materials available for free sale in their stores.

As your products sell, offer your services to customers: perhaps one of them will need a copywriter for long-term cooperation. To contact the person who purchased the product from you, you need to click on the link “Articles (+edited, photo, deleted)” on the left side of your Textsale profile. Next, adjust the filter as shown in the screenshot:

As a rule, materials that have not yet been sold are shown at the top of the list, and those that have already been purchased are shown at the bottom. Opposite the names of purchased goods there is a “Buyer” link, next to which there is a square with a rating for the work (it can be empty, with a “+” or “-” sign).

Basically, copywriters prefer stability and guaranteed payment for their work, and therefore are looking for regular customers. When you have at least $6 in your account, it’s best to spend it on advertising in the top block: this way, free articles will sell faster, and the customer may offer cooperation.

The effectiveness of an ad is influenced by its visibility and content. The text must be no more than 50 characters including spaces. Come up with a beautiful proposal that reflects what you can give to a potential customer.

In the message, you can indicate the result that he will receive from cooperation with you: an increase in traffic to his website, getting regular readers, the client’s willingness to buy a product/service after reading your article, etc. Do not advertise on Textsale with a low rating (up to 20) and poor supply of materials (1-10). The more “beautiful” your statistics are, the better your portfolio, the more likely it is that the order will be given to you.

Another way to get a job is to go to "new order form", the link to which is on the right side under your profile description. Click “select order” and find the task that you like, paying attention to its price.

If you don’t find anything interesting, periodically look at the “orders”: perhaps something worthwhile will turn up. If your rating is very low, then the probability of finding a job in this way is close to zero, so it is better to gain it by filling your store.

In “Public Orders” on Textsale there are advertisements from customers looking for copywriters to perform this or that work. You can find them using the link of the same name on the left side of the site above the categories. For authors who do not have “stars” (that is, those who write at a price of up to $2 per 1000 characters or sell few articles), entry there is paid, it costs $10 per month. You can try to pay for access and try your luck: both experienced authors and beginners are periodically required.

So, to start looking for a customer through "Public orders", we will pay for access. To do this, follow the link “Profile (options)” in the menu on the right, check the box where it is necessary and click “Pay!”:

Next, we go directly to the section we paid for, and customer advertisements become available there. Click on the name of one of them and on the page that opens, write a few words about your readiness to take the order.

You can also get access to Textsale for free. After your rating reaches 20 and an opportunity arises through Copyscape, increase the price for free articles to $2 per 1000 and write a lot of quality texts. This will give you a chance to get a star.

Textsale for webmasters - how to find content

As a rule, webmasters are respected and loved here, because they are the ones who bring money into the system. Therefore, the attitude towards them is appropriate. The advantage for webmasters is that they can choose content for themselves at any price of any quality.

In addition, they can place an order for any author there. So, if you are a content buyer, you can buy ready-made text, using the search tools available on Textsale: simple and advanced, as well as searching for articles in categories.

To find suitable text for a keyword or phrase, a simple search is enough (located at the top of the site). Advanced search provides more options: materials are filtered by category, copywriter nickname, price, etc.

Simply fill in the required fields. Try entering the keyword (phrase) in both lower and upper case alternately to achieve more accurate results.

Another way to search on Textsale is by category. They are presented on the left in the site menu after “Copywriters Portfolio”. The distribution of topics here is very detailed.

Next, articles with the first 400 characters of text will appear in the search results. The quality of work, of course, is difficult to assess from such a small volume, so we will analyze other parameters. First, let’s look at the brief description: how accurate and correct it is, whether there are key phrases in the article, etc. Of course, it’s worth paying attention to the title: if there are errors in it, it’s better not to buy such an article.

Another important point is assessment of the author's rating and profile this or that article. Authors on Textsale, whose nicknames have stars, write at prices ranging from $2 per kilosign and above, and mostly with positive reviews. Their texts can be trusted, since the authors value their earned reputation. If you want to see detailed statistics on the work of a particular author, under the first 400 characters of the text, find the copywriter’s nickname and click on it. The profile page will open.

There you can see the percentage of positive and negative reviews, date of registration, quality of work, etc. Also in the profile there are other articles by the author and texts from the portfolio, the quality of which can be used to judge the professionalism of the copywriter. A portfolio will also allow you to make a choice if the author does not have stars and you need inexpensive (up to $2 per 1000 characters) texts of good quality.

Can buy articles on Textsale one at a time or in bulk. In the first case, click in the search results on the name of the material you like, check the box under it next to the words “I agree to pay and receive the goods” and click “Get!”

In the second case, you can mark the articles you like with the “Bulk purchase” checkbox, check the box next to “Make a mass payment” and (if necessary) opposite “Mark all”.

If you do not have the funds to purchase texts on Textsale yet, but plan to purchase them in the future, click the “add to cart” link located above the price. You can look into your cart on the right panel of the site by clicking on the link “Cart (selected)”. From there you can delete or buy marked products.

Make an order copywriter can use one of the following methods:

Financial transactions on the Textsale exchange

Depositing money into your account in the Textsale system is quite simple: it comes instantly. But you can withdraw them in 1-2 days, after it has been verified that they were earned honestly and you don’t owe anyone anything.

So, to conduct financial transactions (deposit, withdraw funds, purchase articles, pay for advertising and other services), you need to specify a wmz wallet (if it was not specified during registration) in the WebMoney system. There are other ways to deposit money into your account, but more on them later.

So, indicate the wallet number. In the menu on the right, follow the link “Change wallet number” and set the required combination of numbers. After that, in the same menu we find “Top up balance” and enter the required amount of wmz.

You can also deposit money into your Textsale account in other ways: through an ATM, bank transfer, using electronic payment systems, etc. These operations are handled by the Robokassa service. On Textsale you indicate the number of cu that you need, and then go to this service.

Everything is quite simple there: you choose a payment method, indicate your data (for example, plastic card number), they send you payment information by email, and within 45 minutes you need to top up your account.

To put your hard-earned money into your wallet, you must first indicate it, and then click “Withdraw money” in the menu on the right. We indicate the amount and wait: after 1-2 days the keeper will merrily ring with virtual coins.

Read the rules, don't break them, do your job diligently - and you will earn. I would like to advise webmasters not to make hasty purchases, but to carefully read the product descriptions and the ratings of their authors.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Exchange of articles is a fairly old service where a copywriter can sell finished work in a store or find customers. It’s not difficult to get here: just standard account registration is enough. It is more difficult to get a high rating in order to find many high-value clients. Read about what nuances await a copywriter on the stock exchange, and how to earn your bread and butter here.

Exchange capabilities is a content store and order exchange rolled into one. It has existed for about 10 years, but over the years little has changed in the interface. When the crisis hit and the ruble fell by half, the exchange switched from dollars to rubles, like many other services.

Article Store. There are dozens of categories and subcategories containing thousands of articles. Business, cars, the Internet, real estate, culture, society and many other topics are written by copywriters for free sale. Prices start from 4.40 rubles per 1000 characters and up to infinity. On average, the cost of an article varies from 50 to 100 rubles per thousand characters. There is even a section with poetry and a category where authors write about cryptocurrency, etc.

Public orders. Here customers place technical specifications, as on a regular freelance exchange. Copywriters respond to the application, and the customer chooses the one he considers a worthy performer.

Copywriter profile and rating. For each article sold, the copywriter receives +1 point, and if the buyer leaves a positive review, then +2 points. For a negative review, the author of the article loses 2 points. Also, “stars” may appear next to the copywriter’s nickname: the more stars, the higher the price he writes texts for.

How to make money on the stock exchange (step-by-step plan)

ATTENTION! Before you begin implementing these steps, you must be clear that it will take time. If you start whining after a week of work because nothing is selling, you better not read this article any further. But with willpower, you will learn how to make a living on Textsale. The Textsale exchange works for you, and this scheme has been tested through personal experience.

*When you log into your account, there will be a menu on the right. Select "Portfolio" and fill out the form that opens.

  • Step 3. Writing articles for free sale*. How to make money on Textsale freely? While the portfolio is being reviewed (about a week, maybe more), you have the opportunity to start writing articles for free sale. Write regularly, at a low cost. You need a lot of articles to start selling. The lower the price, the faster the sales, the faster your rating will increase to 20. The optimal price is 50 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces. Write 3-4 articles a day of at least 5,000 characters without spaces.

A large arsenal of articles, coupled with a competent article in your portfolio, will help you start earning money. Write on topics that are closer to you and at the same time relevant. You can view the list of current topics on the main news page of the system. The title will be “TOP -20 categories for ... (previous month)”. In the menu on the left, find “search queries” - the ranking of queries indicates what customers are currently looking for.

Yes, about literacy. Don't put punctuation marks where they are not needed. Read a book on the Russian language if you are not sure of literacy. The portfolio of many newcomers repels rather than attracts customers, precisely because of their lack of literacy.

* Look for “sell article” in the account menu on the right and fill out the form. In the “type of writing” column, select “copywriting”, if this is indeed the case, and if rewriting, then select the appropriate option. Deceiving customers is worse for yourself. They can simply slap a negative review, and your credibility will be undermined.

  • Step 4. As articles sell, write to the buyers who purchased them. Say that you can write to order. Thank you for purchasing this article.

* Purchased articles will be at the bottom of the list of your articles, which can be accessed using the link on the right in the “articles (+edit, photo, delete)” menu.

  • Step 5. After the rating on the Textsale Exchange exceeds 20, you can write articles at a higher price. Texts starting from 100 rubles per 1000 characters are checked by Copiscape, which means that the titles of your articles will appear on the main page, to the right of the list of information articles. Interesting headlines are a sure way to attract buyers. Write mixedly at 50 rubles per 1000, and 100 per 1000. This will allow your rating to grow and you will be able to advertise yourself at the same time.
  • Step 6. If you have at least 50 rubles in your account and you want to advertise yourself and start quickly making money on Textsale from scratch and attracting customers, select "account advertising", write an advertising text of no more than 50 characters with spaces and place it in the top block. The minimum period is 3 days. If you pay for 10 at once, you get a 30 percent discount.

There you can pay for access to the order category for a month for 10 bucks. The prices are different, there are more dollars per 1000, there are less. Look at the "public orders" link on the left. Orders are currently not available to you, you only see their headers. After paying for access to the Textsale exchange, you will be able to view the texts of orders and leave messages to potential employers.

Pros and cons of free selling on Textsale

The authors of the Textsale exchange sometimes face an impossible task: , which have been gathering dust in their store for months (sometimes years). The stale goods treacherously do not want to get out of there. Well, in any business there are defects or outdated goods/services, and copywriting is no exception. However, in addition to the two above reasons for the stubborn behavior of buyers, there are others.

What determines sales success?

Free selling on Textsale is the sale of texts that are posted not for a specific client, but for all potential buyers. That is, you write an article, display it in your store and wait for it to sell. Moreover, it can be purchased from you immediately, in a couple of months, in 1-2 years or more. The speed of implementation of the article depends on:

  1. price/quality ratio;
  2. the author’s reputation (his rating, presence of regular customers, etc.);
  3. relevance of the article;
  4. literacy of title, description and first 400 characters of text;
  5. the ability of the elements of paragraph 3 to intrigue the client and interest him;
  6. optimization of the article for search queries;
  7. supply/demand ratios;
  8. text optimization for Textsale* search.

*The last point assumes that the title and body of the article contains the most popular text on the article exchange Textsale ru request. You can find out what customers and buyers are currently looking for by clicking on the “search queries” link, which is located in the site menu on the left.

Pros and cons of free sale

Let's start with the pleasant moments that will surely please you.

  1. If you don't want to write, you don't write. This will not work with regular customers: strict adherence to deadlines, unpleasant or overly complex topics, thoughts like “how to insert another keyword into the SEO optimized text” - these are the delights of subordinating to the “boss”. You can do nothing for a whole day, suddenly go on vacation for a month... Beautiful!
  2. You can only write about what your heart is in. Choose a familiar topic and get creative! As a rule, what is created with love has an impressive effect. It is very easy and pleasant to write about someone you know.
  3. There is a certain excitement in free sales on the stock exchange: sometimes purchases happen unexpectedly, which is damn nice. If you have some kind of commercial spirit, then you will probably look for new ways to present goods in a beautiful wrapper, from which you will enjoy.
  4. If you have a customer, but one day he disappears (for a while or forever), there is an alternative to write for free sale: Textsale will find a buyer for you.
  5. If the buyer likes the quality of the purchased article, he may become your regular customer.

So far these are all positives. Now let’s add a fly in the ointment (where would we be without it!)

  1. You will never have a high percentage of positive reviews. When you work with a regular client, he usually doesn’t skimp on the benefits. And if we are talking about free sales, then we have to deal with completely different people. Some will be satisfied with the quality of work, while others will slap a “minus” without a twinge of conscience.
  2. A product can remain on free sale on Textsale ru for a very long time if for some miraculous reason it is not in demand. It’s always like this: you write, you suffer, you put your whole soul into it – but it doesn’t sell. To prevent this from happening, look at what sells best in the TOP categories - and write on the most popular topics.

Ten popular topics on Textsale for July

And in conclusion, I will answer the question that torments most people who are planning to conquer freedom. How often do articles sell? With a small stock (about 40 texts), I used up about one product every other day, taking into account the fact that I wrote several texts daily. Of course, the larger the store, the more often your work will go away.

How to get a star and reach the TOP of Textsale copywriters

The exchange warms hundreds of copywriters under its wings. Many of them work hard all day long, posting their articles for sale and receiving their hard-earned 100-200 dollars. But there is also an elite in its vastness, that is, TOP authors. Among these lucky ones, I am still showing off with 3 stars. What's the secret? How to climb higher on the notorious Textsale ru exchange?

Each person sets his own bar. There are a lot of writing people on the Textsale exchange who have everything in order with their brains and spelling. However, not many of them know that you can earn much more. Do you think that The gods of the exchange shine with talent, so are they natural writers? No, it's a matter of self-esteem.

The main thing is to set the bar higher for yourself if you are a truly competent person. Although, literacy is not an indicator here. Look at the portfolio of these very TOP people: you will probably see a bunch of mistakes, typos, missing punctuation marks, etc. If you don’t see it, it means it’s too early for you to reach the top: learn Russian, don’t disgrace the TOP, it’s already disgraced. Although, I don’t argue, there are very worthy articles in the portfolios of elite authors.

Who gets to the top on the Textsale exchange

I dare to suggest from conversations on forums and from personal communications with some of the top 50 authors that the road there lies for those who write:

  1. SEO articles;
  2. ordinary articles on everyday topics (beauty, cats and dogs, children, etc.), when you come across a generous customer who is ready to pay a tidy sum for the sake of quality;
  3. highly specialized texts (law, finance, etc.).

Regarding the last point, I note that it is very, very difficult for an ordinary person to delve into these topics, and often deep knowledge is required to write highly specialized articles. Simply put, a person must be an expert in his field.

How stars are assigned

Everything here is very simple, although for some the algorithm that the exchange has installed remains a mystery. In general terms: the more and more often you write, the more positive reviews you receive, the more chances you have to become TOP.

What privileges does a place in the TOP give?

  1. Customer trust. If a person has earned such a serious reputation, it means that he is already worth something, and that means he has something to lose. Some clients are willing to pay good money for quality, because they know that interesting content on their site will bring in much more money than they invest in it.
  2. Additional advertising. It will be easier for the customer to find you if he sees your nickname in the TOP. Not many people came to me, but they were there. And this, I think, is the main advantage of being among the elite authors.

Here, in general, are all the secrets of the Textsale ru exchange. Keep your head up, but don't get arrogant, and glory will come to you.

How I earned my first star on Textsale

Previously, the stars on the Textsale exchange were as far from me as the heavenly bodies. Just recently, I could not even imagine that the honorary symbol would finally go to me. It turned out that everything is very simple.

Even before receiving the star, at the very beginning of my work on the stock exchange, the first customer said that 1 dollar per 1000 was not the limit for me. However, I didn’t believe it, because all I had was literacy and the most primitive knowledge of SEO. And she continued to write for 2 years at the same price, and sometimes even at $0.5 per kilo. Yes, everything suited me then, because the increase in the scholarship was very impressive: almost 4 times more than the scholarship itself. And there wasn’t enough time for my own promotion.

Only after finishing my studies, for the first time in my life, I had a lot of free time, as if someone had discovered oxygen. Naturally, I decided to seriously engage in self-development, my own promotion, and study of what I liked so much - copywriting. And the money that I previously earned was no longer enough for a comfortable life, no matter how much I sat at the computer (by the way, this is fraught with adverse health consequences).

And here it is, free life begins!

In general, I decided that I would write for $2 per 1000 for free sale. I wrote a few articles (1-2 a day) and from the heart, and I didn’t break ties with my regular clients (who I wrote for $1 per kilogram) (who knows what tomorrow will be like). Texts left freedom at least 3 times a week, or even every day. One lucky day, I offered to collaborate with a person who bought one of my articles. To my surprise, he gave a positive answer and placed orders once a week. Free texts were gradually sold, and the customer did not offend.

One fine day I go to my profile, and there – lo and behold! – a cherished star on Textsale. Then I placed an advertisement in the top block, and more customers appeared. By the way, the star had a great influence on the prices that were offered to me, as well as on the activity of buyers. Of course: a lot of positive reviews, a star, a rating of over 300...

How to earn a star on the Textsale exchange from scratch? The action plan is:

  1. We develop a rating by writing articles freely at low prices, up to at least 20 points, better - more (do not cut the quality at the expense of articles, try, because we need pluses for the works sold).
  2. We are learning the basics of writing articles for the main page. Why do we need all this? It’s simple: even if you earn a star without such useful knowledge, you will quickly lose it, because everything above $2 per 1k very often needs the above knowledge.
  3. We raise the price for our work to $2 per 1000 both freely and for customers (when you find one).
  4. We advertise ourselves in the top block (it’s better to advertise for 10 days, because there is a 30 percent discount). It’s not worth taking access to the orders category, since orders with decent prices rarely appear there, and even those are quickly snapped up by masters of the pen and word.
  5. We continue to fill the space with new articles, including SEO, at a price of $2 per 1000 (no more, no less!).

5 ways to advertise for free on the Textsale exchange

Beginning writers on the Textsale exchange have difficulty figuring out how to start making money here. Customers are silent, texts are not for sale. This is where the enthusiasm of most newcomers ends, and only ownerless nicknames remain somewhere at the bottom of the exchange for years. But like any business, copywriting requires perseverance and knowledge, or rather, knowledge of how to advertise your brand and articles on the Textsale exchange. There are quite a few advertising methods here, let’s look at them.

Affiliate program

Textsale pays 25% of the commission from sold or purchased articles of any user you attract.

  1. It doesn't matter who you attracted: a buyer or a copywriter. In any case, the affiliate program will bring profit from the user registered through your link.
  2. If you have a regular customer of articles or a regular fulfiller of your orders, invite him to the exchange using a referral link, and you will be happy in the form of additional earnings!
  • on your own blog/website (if you have one),
  • on forums (if they allow),
  • in social networks,
  • social bookmarks,
  • directories of links or articles.

And then write a few words about the Textsale exchange, how it works and what kind of income it brings.

My review and conclusions about the exchange

Textsale is the exchange I started with, and then it brought me good additional income during my student years. Now there are more modern ones and copywriting in particular, so don’t stop only at this option. In my opinion, Textsale is dying today, as it is almost not developing. The cost of texts is falling, articles in the store hang like dead weight, although the authors continue to write. My review is this: look for yourself on different copywriting exchanges, since the demand for good authors is now huge.

Beginning authors find it difficult to write texts without any errors and to achieve high uniqueness. Therefore, it is better to start with services that do not have strict requirements. Textsale is an article exchange for beginners, they don’t find fault with shortcomings, but the prices are not the highest, at least you will definitely be able to gain experience.

Copywriting exchange Textsale

The project cannot be compared with popularity, but thousands of people also use it. The main way to earn money is by selling articles, as well as writing custom articles. Wallpaper methods help you promote yourself and get ratings to attract the attention of employers.

Every month we publish statistics on the topics of articles that are purchased more often. This helps beginners decide what is best to write texts about. The last TOP turned out like this:

If you decide to sell articles, it is better to choose one of these areas. You can advertise your text store. Unlike many other exchanges, paid account advertising services are available here. The cost of advertising depends on the placement location:

Does it make sense to spend money on this? This really helps with promotion, but it is better to place the main emphasis on the quality of articles and their quantity. The more texts you sell, the higher your rating rises.

Just don’t try to take advantage of the low quality requirements for articles. Although they are accepted for sale, if it is outright junk (a meaningless set of letters), the buyer will definitely file a complaint. Based on just one complaint, the profile can be blocked, but if the rules have not been seriously violated, the account will be unfrozen.

How to put an article up for sale in Textsale?

Working with the exchange is convenient, but they need to improve the menu. There are a lot of items in one place, it takes a long time to find where to click for this or that action. There is also the “Sell article” item, and after clicking on it, a form opens for adding text to the store:

The author needs to come up with a bright title, write at least a few words about the content of the material and indicate the type of writing. The full text is added to the body of the article, and when the form is completed, you need to go to the preview. The page will also have a title, text, description, but at the bottom there will be a form for entering the price:

None of the newbies know what price to set. Until you get promoted, it’s better to bet 25 rubles per 1000 characters. This will help you gain ratings as quickly as possible and attract the attention of buyers. After completing all the described steps, the text is added for sale, but you need to wait until it passes moderation (the gray square in front of the name will turn green):

If someone buys articles, a notification is received and money immediately appears on the balance. I sold a lot of texts with this exchange, don’t hesitate to ask to leave a review if there is no plus sign next to “Buyer”:

Working with the exchange should not cause any problems, everything is extremely simple. It is much more difficult to write large, high-quality articles and interest buyers. If you decide to do this, then look at 20 ways to interest a client as a copywriter. Visit the orders section more often, they offer profitable work.

How much can you earn on Textsale?

Everyone who is interested in copywriting is tormented by the same question. How much money can you really make from this? There is no exact data, because everything depends on the rating, demand, subject matter, volume of characters and other factors. So that you at least have an idea, statistics from one of the authors were taken. He sells 15 articles per month (0.5 per day) and charges 193.5 rubles for 1000 characters:

All articles in his store are 4-6 thousand characters long (on average). The author writes about construction, children and website promotion, an interesting range. Taking into account all the data, his daily income is 387-580.5 rubles. For just one article he receives an average of 774-1161 rubles. This turns out to be an average monthly income of 11,610-17,415 rubles.

You can definitely earn from 10 to 20 thousand rubles a month from copywriting. The author from the selected example writes 1 article every 2 days, but what if you write 3-4 texts daily? Just imagine the money that copywriters who consistently work in this niche receive. Real professionals get much more than 50,000 rubles.

Withdrawing money from Textsale

Not so long ago, the exchange switched to rubles (previously the balance was kept in dollars). Payments are available from 200 rubles and only to Webmoney payment system. I have repeatedly received payments from this site, money comes quickly.

In addition to selling articles, I make money through this system from referrals. Regardless of the type of transaction, a commission is deducted from it. The partner receives 25% of this money, you can also invite authors and customers for passive income.

Even though the Textsale exchange is not the most popular, it also has its advantages. Thousands of copywriters consistently put their work up for sale here, which means it makes sense. The most important thing is that the system is honest, money comes in without problems, and the number of buyers is gradually increasing.

How to start your freewriting career? I usually advise beginners this way: make a list of topics that you want to write about, then write a text on one of these topics that you yourself would like. It is the writing of such text that can be considered a start in copywriting.

Where to put it once it’s written?

This is where stores for selling articles come to the rescue. Such as Textsale.

I myself started working for Textsale at the very beginning of my career. The idea that my texts could be turned into money, and for this you don’t even need to look for customers, but just post articles in this store, warmed me up very much.

In the end, only after you manage to make money from your texts will you feel like a real copywriter!

How to register on TextSale

There should be no difficulties with registration. Follow the link and register. After we have done this, you may wonder how to work for Textsale.

Click to enlarge

Note: You won’t be able to re-register on Textsale from a different account..

To do this, you need to change your IP, and if you don’t know how to do this, you will get your only account. For this reason, it is advisable to be very careful about your rating and reputation. Most likely, it was for these purposes that the resource administration blocked repeated registrations.

What do we see when we enter the stock exchange?

1) Upper block, where you can advertise your services for money. I did this several times, but I wouldn’t call this advertising effective.

2) Left block. In it you can see articles on various topics. This block is mainly for content buyers. It will be useful for the copywriter to be able to see examples of articles if he has no idea how to format them, as well as popular topics if he cannot choose what to write about.

3) central part screen displays the most recently added articles to the site. Also for customers.

4) For a copywriter, the greatest interest is right part, where we see:

  • our nickname
  • our balance
  • our rating
  • our status
  • our articles already posted for sale
  • article sell button
  • withdrawal button

These functions are enough for a novice copywriter to figure out how to make money on Textsale.

Click to enlarge

I will briefly talk about the most important parameters listed above.

Balance: how to withdraw money from Textsale

Balance is our money on Textsale

Previously, they were calculated in dollars, now everything is in rubles, and this is much simpler. As soon as the customer buys our article, the money will be credited to our balance.

You can withdraw them, of course, through “money withdrawal”.

Withdrawal of money from TextSale is carried out exclusively on WebMoney

Who doesn’t know, this year WebMoney had and now has not yet completed a difficult period of checking the system by the Central Bank, in connection with this, withdrawing money from the TextSale system to a card is very difficult. But it is possible.

All the money that goes to your WebMoney wallet, you can cash out, but only with a large commission of about 8-10%. When everything worked stably and the withdrawal was made to the attached card, the commission did not exceed 5%.

If the buyer doesn’t like your article, he will complain to the administration, and the article will be returned to you with some ridiculous note like “Poor text quality”

This can be said about any text without explaining anything. This just means that the customer has something subjectively did not like.

In my last article, I already wrote that trying to “achieve the truth” in the administration of low-level exchanges is for a copywriter impossible. But let’s not be too upset: you can simply sell the article that was returned to you to a more adequate buyer.

If at the time the article was returned you had zero on your balance (you withdrew the money you received), then you will go into the red. It will have to be compensated with the money that will come to you in the future.

Rating on TextSale

The rating is calculated very simply: for a sold article +1, for a good customer rating another +1, for a bad rating -2. There are no other tools for changing the rating, so TextSale is the most understandable and transparent.

I honestly admit: when I first came to this exchange, I didn’t figure out how to work on Textsale, and tried to sell my article again. My rating has gone negative. It's a sad situation because You cannot sell with a negative rating.

To correct the situation, I had to temporarily retrain as a buyer and purchase a couple of articles from other authors: a rating is also awarded for the purchase.

Of course, I later successfully resold the purchased articles. I suspect that you can not write anything at all, but just buy articles on exchanges and sell them at a higher price. But I didn’t do that, because I came to write myself.

If you sell actively and at a high price (it is especially important that at a high price), then they will add a star or several stars next to your nickname. Stars allow you to access public orders (orders as such) for free and stroke the author’s vanity. At one time I had two or three stars, but now, when I work with customers without any, thank God, exchanges, the stars, of course, have been taken away from me.

Where to start on TextSale

You need to start by writing an article of 2-2.5 thousand characters. From experience I can say that this is the most optimal volume for selling on exchanges.

It is very advisable to immediately set reasonable prices and choose topics that interest you, since there is a high probability that a customer who bought one article from you will order you another block of similar ones. The theme and price will likely remain the same.

Today there is no point in setting a price of more than 100 rubles for 1000 characters when trading on this exchange. But I don’t recommend less than 75: You don't want to write for pennies, and you will never get a star from the exchange by trading cheap articles. Initially set prices within these limits.

Of course, nothing prevents you from experimenting with prices and following trends.

How to make money on TextSale?

To do this you need the following:

1) Ability to write quickly and extensively.

2) Faith in the result. If you post one article on TextSale, they will not buy it from you in the foreseeable future, unless you are very lucky.

How to make money on Textsale?

For this It’s best to write constantly, post at least 3-5 articles daily for sale. If you do this, then in about a week or two the store will start selling, and you can count on selling up to 10 articles per week. But as soon as you stop writing and posting, sales will fade again.

It is very difficult to force yourself to work in the first weeks when you do not see results.

I am proud that I passed this test in my time and achieved active work in the store when I was still a beginner and did not know how to do anything.

3) Working with Themes. Before writing texts, you can analyze the situation and find out which topics are most in demand right now. For this purpose, TextSale even offers a newsletter: once a month you receive a message about texts sold in the system on a different topic. I started writing on any Topics that came to my mind:

  • how to roller skate
  • how to grow watermelon in the country
  • how to write a book
  • how to trade forex
  • how to get a mortgage

All this was gleaned from personal experience.

By laying out all this, I naturally analyzed the result.

The article about Forex was taken away immediately.

I wrote three more on this topic. The buyer bought them too, then they bought a mortgage. The videos, book and watermelon were on sale for a long time (although they eventually went away), and from the second week I wrote large blocks of texts about forex and mortgages. This gave me regular customers on these topics, and I still cooperate with some of them, although, of course, no longer through the exchange.

That is, first we write about anything, and then we write only on those topics that are popular with customers. A simple strategy that can, however, bring income and ratings.

How much do you earn on Textsale?

This means that for the entire time it was sold at least 1750 articles with a good rating, or 3500 without any rating. (It’s impossible to calculate exactly, but it’s probably about 2500).

If you multiply 2500 by the average price of an article of 200 rubles, it turns out that in the 3 years while I worked there, half a million rubles. Agree, not bad. And I started, like everyone else, with a rating of +5. You, too, will be able to sell your texts through TextSale, and you will succeed if you want.

Just don’t get carried away with making money on stock exchanges. Make a name for yourself online so that customers come to you - and you will get a lot more money, and especially pleasure from work.

One of the main advantages of this exchange is that you can sell at any price you want to set.

If you are just thinking about how to start working on Textsale, then it is possible to set a minimum price just to start sales. If you are an advanced author who believes in the quality of your work or creates materials on rare topics, then there is nothing stopping you from applying high rates. Everything is in your hands here!

How to post an article for sale

So, what do you need to post your work for sale on the TextSale exchange?

It's simple.

Go to the “Sell Article” section(one of the main sections in the right block). We see this form:

Click on “Preview”, we see everything the same, but the “price” field appears below. We set the price for 1000 characters in rubles, the cost of the entire article is determined automatically by the system.

If all fields are filled in, put up for sale by clicking the button at the very bottom.

Click to enlarge

After this, the article will appear in the “Articles” section. The green icon on the left means that it has been checked for plagiarism and is visible to customers. Red – has not been verified and is not visible. Then it must either be edited or deleted.

Click to enlarge

Before purchasing, the customer sees only the first 400 characters of your text.

What follows from this? Correct: exactly We pay 90% of our attention to these 400 characters!

About the development prospects for TextSale

For a beginner, probably the most important thing is how to make money on and how to withdraw money. But the further the author writes, the more he is concerned about other issues that are no longer related to money: what prospects exist, how to build a career and get more.

You can endlessly write and sell articles on this site, but this is not the path to fame and a happy life, but only an opportunity to earn money. However, TextSale can be useful.

Firstly, you will learn to write and you will be able to get money from articles, if you have not had such experience.

Secondly, get familiar with topics that interest you.

Third, find customers who buy materials on your topics. Prepare for the fact that, as already mentioned, they will work with you at the same rates at which you sold them your first article. Subsequently, it will be possible to work with these same customers outside the exchange.

How much you can earn on Textsale depends only on your enthusiasm, talent and the time you are willing to devote to writing articles. If you are a persistent person, ready to create a lot and productively, then you will succeed.

Do you have questions about TextSale? Write, I will try to help you get comfortable on this exchange!

And if you have already worked on it, tell us your impressions: did you manage to turn it into a source of income?

Take the first step in your copywriting career