Business idea - making money from renting housing. How to organize a business renting apartments? Business on daily rental of apartments - all the subtleties

Daily rental of apartments as a business is chosen by many people who are looking for easy income. It is enough to have available housing and set the right price, and there will always be clients. In big cities there are a lot of opportunities for doing business in renting out apartments for daily rent. There are also many options for organizing it.

  • How to start an apartment rental business?
  • Pros and cons of business
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose for daily renting of apartments
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • Which taxation system to choose for daily rental of apartments
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

How to start an apartment rental business?

Having living space, a person can build a serious business renting apartments. You can offer apartments for daily rent both for workers on business trips and for ordinary travelers. There are 3 ways to build a business providing apartments for rent:

  1. Having available apartments. This is the most convenient and simplest option. Many will say that it is much easier to find permanent residents. They will pay the required fees regularly. A person does not need to constantly trust his apartment to strangers and unreliable people. Such activities will take little time and generate constant income. However, daily rent will help the home owner earn much more money.
  2. Purchasing an apartment specifically. This option is suitable for those who decide to seriously make money from it. If you don’t have money to buy a home, you can take out a loan or mortgage. Then you can’t even count on making quick money: all the funds will be spent on paying off debts. But if you are patient, you can soon make a big profit from the business of renting out apartments by the day. Moreover, a person gets an apartment forever without emptying his wallet.
  3. Arranging sublease. Not everyone is ready to do this. This option is definitely suitable for people who do not have their own home, but want to receive money from rent. You just need to rent some apartments for a long time. Then they can be rented out for several days. This phenomenon is quite common in modern megacities. Having paid the owner of the apartment for a month, a person will earn the money in about 10 days of renting out housing for a day.

You need to register your business with the tax office. This will help avoid unwanted problems. In the case of subletting, it is important to conclude an agreement with the owner of the property and have it notarized. The same actions need to be carried out with clients. All this guarantees the success of the daily apartment rental business.

Pros and cons of business

People who rent out their homes do not need to think about how to make money. This business will always thrive. After all, not all people buy their own housing or pay for hotel rooms. Renting an apartment daily has the following advantages:

  1. Benefit. An active person who wants to get serious about his business can earn several times more than someone who rents out apartments for a short time.
  2. Convenience. Without signing a long-term contract, you can quickly and painlessly get out of business. What if distant relatives arrive and you need to urgently accommodate them. Daily rental housing can also be done by those who are planning to sell it. While this process lasts, there is an opportunity to earn a little money.
  3. Relevance. A room in a good hotel is usually very expensive. Not all companies can pay it to their employees. And then people come to the rescue, ready to offer housing for several days. It is cheaper and even more convenient, because individual apartments have a kitchen and many other advantages. Therefore, such a business will flourish even in times of crisis.

However, renting apartments for daily rent also has pitfalls. They must be taken into account when engaging in such activities. It has the following disadvantages:

  1. No guarantees. To be successful, you need to be very active. A person will have to constantly look for new tenants and advertise the apartment in every possible way. Otherwise, it’s better not to wait for a stable income.
  2. Trouble. After the departure of each client, the apartments must be cleaned and bed linen changed. If the guests did not want to carefully use the furniture and various devices, then the apartment will have to undergo cosmetic repairs periodically. And it is unlikely that such housing will be insured.
  3. Responsibility. The owner of the property must provide clients with complete comfort and safety. In case of malfunction of sockets or electrical appliances, he is responsible for everything. Various frauds and thefts are also possible. In such cases, you can get into serious trouble that will be associated with law enforcement agencies.

Renting apartments has not only obvious advantages, but also some pitfalls.

When starting such a business, it is worth considering all the risks and also taking care of its legality.

Earnings from daily apartment rentals can really be considerable. But it is important to remember that such a business requires constant active participation.

Renting an apartment for daily rent today is quite a profitable business.

With a properly organized process and approach, this can bring more income than renting out an apartment to permanent residents.

Although this will require many times more effort and time. Next, we will look at how to start renting out an apartment by the day, how to do it correctly in order to have a regular income and not have problems with the tax authorities, and answer the question of what is more profitable to rent out yourself, or contact realtors.

Regulatory and legal framework

The relationship between the landlord and the tenant during short-term rentals is regulated by the following legislative documents and acts:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 35 Part 2 – provisions of the law regarding daily rentals.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 617 – provisions of the law regarding the drawing up and preparation of a residential lease agreement.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 672 - the provision of the law regarding the establishment of housing fees.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 683 - the provision of the law regarding the establishment of the period for renting residential premises.

Difficulties in renting out an apartment

Daily rent is associated with a number of difficulties and difficulties that you should know about in advance:

  • The constant change of residents leads to rapid damage to furniture and equipment, the need for repairs, and even the loss of individual household items and interior design. It is possible to protect yourself from such situations by concluding a rental agreement for premises.
  • Inconsistency of income from apartment rentals, since demand is strongly influenced by seasonality, the popularity of the city, the location of the area on the city map, and so on. This type of rental will be popular in cities with a population of over half a million, as well as in cities that are valuable from a historical or tourist point of view. In large cities, the demand for daily rentals increases during the period of entrance exams at universities; in addition, this service is often used by citizens who come to the city in search of work or are sent on a business trip for work. In tourist areas, demand increases during the summer holiday season or, conversely, winter if the resort is a ski resort.
  • Time is required to clean the premises after residents, to wash bedding and bathroom accessories, and to the process of checking in and checking out guests.
  • Problems with neighbors. Daily apartments are often rented to celebrate this or that holiday; residents rarely think about respecting the silence and interests of their neighbors. This behavior is fraught with problems with neighbors and sometimes with the police.
  • You need to be prepared for constant calls, including at night, and also be ready to check in guests or pick up their keys at any time of the day.

As practice shows

In the most successful months, the apartment can be rented for up to 20 days. It is not difficult to calculate the benefits of daily rent; when renting out an apartment on a daily basis, the income for 20 days can be about 30-40 thousand rubles, and when renting to permanent residents, one could earn 15-20 thousand rubles.

The average cost of living in an apartment per day ranges from 1000 – 2000 rubles, depending on the locality, the condition of the apartment and the availability of household appliances. In order to accurately determine the price of a rented apartment, it is worth monitoring the market, studying competitors’ offers on their websites, calling several of them, and finding out the conditions they offer. It is important to remember that your expenses will also be increased by the amount of utility bills, so it makes sense to immediately include them in the cost of housing.

To attract a constant flow of customers, you cannot do without solving issues related to apartment advertising. All these expenses should be immediately included in the price of the apartment. In addition, you can include the cost of apartment cleaning services and the cost of paying taxes.

IMPORTANT, from the beginning of running a business, it is worth setting aside part of your income for the occurrence of force majeure circumstances (unscheduled repairs, breakdown of furniture or equipment, flooding from neighbors, and so on).

How to start a business renting out an apartment for daily rent?

When choosing an apartment for daily living, tenants expect improved comfort. Therefore, you should take care of this at the stage of preparing the apartment for rent. The main requirement of most residents is the cleanliness of the premises, so it is worth organizing cleaning after each resident. This should not just be taking out the trash and wiping down surfaces, but also wet cleaning, changing bed linen and bath accessories.

Another important component of the comfort of residents is the presence of comfortable furniture and necessary household appliances in the room. For these purposes, it is not necessary to purchase expensive furniture and equipment; you can look for options for purchasing second-hand furniture and equipment in good condition.

A must-have kit for life

Mandatory equipment for an apartment includes:

The rental price will directly depend on the availability of household items and amenities. In addition, the price may be affected by the presence or absence of renovations, the location of the apartment, and the number of places to sleep.

One-room apartments are the most popular for daily rentals; a three- or four-room apartment will be much more difficult to rent out, except to a group of students or out-of-town workers. When choosing an apartment to rent, you should think about who you want as guests. If you are targeting tourists, then you should choose apartments close to attractions or transport interchanges; if you are students, then the apartment should be located next to a large university; if you are businessmen and business travelers, then you should take a closer look at apartments near large business centers.

Is it possible to rent out an apartment in a residential building?

Where else? A question may arise. All apartments are rented in residential buildings. This is true. But since 2016, the State Duma has been considering a bill that could change the situation with the daily rental business. First of all, the changes may affect hostels and mini-hotels in residential buildings, but owners of residential apartments for daily rent may also be affected. According to the planned innovations, it will be possible to dispose of one’s own property without prejudice to one’s neighbors, that is, their interests will be taken into account without fail. Since at the moment the law has not yet been adopted, there are no obstacles to renting out an apartment in a residential building. Even after the adoption of amendments to the Housing Code in this area, most likely, it will not be prohibited to occupy apartments with daily guests, if there are no objections from neighbors, and the guests will not disturb their peace.

How to rent out an apartment safely and officially?

There are three main ways to safely rent out an apartment:

  • Independently, concluding agreements with tenants and paying taxes,
  • Through a real estate agency, which will need to pay a certain percentage for searching and attracting clients,
  • Through a real estate agency, concluding a trust management agreement.

Additional ways to secure your property include:

  • Taking out insurance against fires, floods and other unforeseen situations. But not all insurance companies are ready to issue insurance for rental housing; most likely, you will be offered an increased insurance rate. But you will feel safe.
  • When moving in new residents, it is worth concluding an agreement and taking passport data, as well as drawing up an acceptance and transfer certificate, with a description of all existing property. And sign it both when handing over the apartment to the residents and when they leave. This way, you can protect yourself from theft of things from your apartment. Even in the event of an unforeseen situation, you will have the opportunity to go to court using the residents’ passport data.
  • Of even greater concern to property owners is the ability of residents to make duplicate keys and use them at any time. Such risks are justified and do exist; you can protect yourself by installing an electronic lock, the code of which can be changed an infinite number of times at your request.

How to attract clients?

The question is relevant and very important. Some property owners, in the old-fashioned way, place advertisements in newspapers, which has already lost its relevance, since this service is mostly used by visitors who do not read local newspapers.

Popular platforms

The most popular platform now is the Internet. Sites such as Avito, From Hand to Hand are suitable for posting an ad. They are free, but they also provide paid opportunities to increase the attractiveness of your ad for clients. A significant disadvantage is that they do not specialize specifically in real estate, although they are very popular among clients. Specialized sites include “”, “”, “”, “”, “” and a number of others.

Additional services

Number of views

For a fee, portals make it possible to increase the number of views of advertisements, and applications for booking an apartment are sent directly to the email of the authors of the advertisement. A significant drawback of such sites is the lack of a system of reviews of apartments and their ratings. An alternative platform where you can study reviews and ratings of offered apartments for rent can be the Arendius website.

Meeting guests in advance

In addition, on this site, landlords can get to know their guests in advance, since registration on the portal takes place through social networks. Information about apartments for rent can also be posted on social networks themselves, where there are already groups dedicated to this topic. Owners of several real estate properties can place their advertisements on international platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.

When placing advertisements, you should take care not only of a detailed description of the apartment and the furnishings in it, but also of preparing high-quality photographs. This will significantly increase customer response. To attract customers, you can announce discounts on certain days, or when concluding a rental agreement for a longer period.

How to draw up a rental agreement?

After resolving the issue of attracting guests, it is worth thinking about the issues of documenting the relationship. The text of the daily rental agreement will be slightly different from the text of the long-term rental agreement. Templates and contract forms can be found on the Internet and modified to suit you or use ready-made ones. A short-term rental agreement does not require notarization.

The short-term rental agreement should include the following information:

  • Personal data of the parties, including passport details and permanent registration address according to documents,
  • Description of the property, including legal address and purpose of lease - deadline for renting the apartment,
  • Rental cost per day and total, if there is a rental for a longer period,
  • Check-in procedure. It is worth indicating the exact time of check-in of the guests and the exact time when they must vacate the premises,
  • The responsibility of each party, including the tenant’s responsibility for the integrity of the apartment and household items,
  • The rights and obligations of the parties, including the tenant’s obligation to compensate for damage caused and losses incurred, and the landlord’s obligation to provide the apartment in the condition stated in the property description.
  • Bail amount. Having a deposit is another way to protect yourself from unexpected consequences of the tenants' stay. The deposit amount is usually equal to the total payment for the entire stay.
  • Procedure for terminating the contract. The contract should indicate the conditions under which the contract can be terminated by one party or another. As a rule, this is expressed by the phrase “the transaction can be terminated if any term of this agreement is violated.”
  • Date of preparation of the document and signatures of the parties with a transcript.

Sample daily rental agreement

Download a sample daily rental agreement.

Documents for the contract

In addition to the agreement itself, it would not be superfluous to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of property located in the apartment.

The contract and the acceptance certificate are drawn up in two copies.

When concluding an agreement, be prepared to show your guests a document that confirms your rights to the apartment - an extract from the Unified State Register or a lease agreement with the right to sublease, an agreement on the basis of which ownership rights to the apartment arose (purchase - sale, donation, inheritance).

You can draw up a lease agreement yourself, but it wouldn’t hurt to spend money on the services of a professional lawyer. A professionally drawn up contract will save you from unnecessary conflicts and will allow you, if necessary, to compensate the guests for damage if it occurs.

How to rent an apartment through a real estate agency?

In large cities of Russia you can find agencies that specialize specifically in daily rental housing. To start working with the agency, it is enough to conclude a trust management agreement. Further, all issues of renting housing, finding guests, cleaning and repairing the premises, drawing up contracts, moving in and out of residents will be handled by company representatives. It is logical that a significant part of the income will go into the agency’s pocket, and the remaining part will be transferred to the owner of the apartment at a certain time. On average, such a service costs about 15-25% of the income received.

Another option for renting an apartment through an agency is to use it as an intermediary. For example, entrust him with the stage of searching for clients, preparing documents, and carry out all other stages of interaction with guests independently. Payment for agency services in this case is calculated as a percentage of each transaction, and in some cases it can be paid by the clients themselves who turned to the agency for help in finding housing.

Interacting with real estate agencies is a good and safe option in terms of saving money and preserving your home. The agency's assistance is especially relevant in cases where the owner is renting out the property for the first time. You can start with this form of work, and then move on to searching for clients on your own.

Taxes when renting out an apartment for daily rent


When legally renting out an apartment, annually before April 30, you must submit an income tax return in the form 3NDFL to the tax office at the place of registration. Income tax today is 13% of the income received, it is paid according to a receipt from the tax office until July 15 of the current year.

It is possible to reduce taxes by registering as an individual business and using a simplified taxation system; in this case, the tax may be equal to 6% of income. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will allow you to receive a cash register and officially issue rent checks. This can be a good advantage, since some tenants need documents about expenses, for example, those who come on a business trip.

This option of renting out an apartment will be 10-30% more profitable than renting out an apartment for the long term, but it will obviously lose in income if you independently organize the process of renting out an apartment (the difference in income can be 2-2.5 times lower than with independent renting).

Is it possible not to pay taxes for renting out apartments?

Practice shows that not all landlords pay taxes for renting out an apartment. This is especially true for large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to estimates, the state treasury receives millions of rubles less every year. And this is due to the fact that the state does not have real levers to regulate this business.

It is quite difficult to carry out checks and catch tenants red-handed, since an apartment is private property and you need very compelling reasons to enter it. And tenants most often side with the tenant, and, if something happens, they say that this is their friend or relative who let them live just like that. But cases are different.

There are plenty of precedents for bringing to court and imposing large fines on homeowners who evaded paying taxes in Russian judicial practice. If the level of unpaid tax exceeds the amount of 100,000 - 500,000 rubles, criminal liability may result with imprisonment from six months to three years. Tax authorities can conduct an audit, for example, based on a complaint from a neighbor, and if they receive the original lease agreement, it will be quite easy to prove illegal business activity.

If we talk about daily rentals, then in order to prove illegal business activities, it is necessary to obtain several rental agreements. However, getting them is quite easy. Service employees can pretend to be tourists and rent an apartment for a few days.

Renting out an apartment is quite profitable, provided that the business is properly organized, there is an established flow of clients and compliance with the law. Now you have detailed instructions on how to properly rent out an apartment for daily rent.

If you have living space and it is simply idle, you should think about an apartment rental business. Choose the type of apartment rental and earn money!

♦ Capital investments: from 20,000 rubles. (if there is an apartment).
♦ Payback: 8-12% profitability per year (in general – from 10 years).

If you have your own living space or are considering the option of purchasing with a mortgage, it is worth considering apartment rental business.

This will allow you to recoup the purchase costs, as well as earn extra money.

There are two rental options – short-term (daily) and long-term.

Each of them has its own advantages and pitfalls.

It is impossible to say clearly which option is preferable.

You will have to make the choice yourself, after evaluating all the arguments.

Daily or long-term rental: what to choose?

The idea of ​​a long-term rental housing business is as old as the world.

In addition, square meters can be rented out not only for residence, but also for offices.

Short-term rentals are also only gaining momentum. First of all, due to high prices in hotels.

In some situations, living in seemingly cheap hostels still costs more than a rented apartment.

But at the same time, a person gets the opportunity to independently manage his space, his own schedule, and prepare his usual food in the kitchen. And, in general, you can feel at home.

Positive aspects of business

Negative aspects of business

How to start a business renting apartments?

If you have analyzed all the arguments and decided that renting apartments long-term or daily is your business option, you should check the housing for compliance with the requirements.

  1. The cost of an apartment is influenced, first of all, by its location.
    The closer you are to metro stations, the center, and main transport hubs, the more you can ask for it.
  2. The location on the ground floor is considered a disadvantage when renting out meters for living.
    But for offices this is the main advantage.
  3. The set that you need to equip an apartment for daily rent is extensive.
    This includes towels, a basic set of dishes, a hairdryer, microwave, iron, and washing machine are welcome equipment.
    If people stay for a long time, it is assumed that they will arrange comfort for themselves.
  4. An apartment for short-term rental must be under your control at all times.
    You are responsible for maintaining cleanliness, putting things in order before each check-in, regularly washing textiles, and replenishing consumables (bagged tea, sugar, garbage bags, toilet paper).
  5. Renting for offices often assumes that you need the absolute minimum - walls, windows, a door and plumbing and sewerage.

Analysis of potential clients

Interesting fact:
Playing music for more than two hours a day is unacceptable to neighboring tenants and amounts to noise - these are the laws governing rental housing in Germany.

For long-term rentals, the range of potential business clients is quite wide. In general terms, it can be represented as solvent people 18-30 years old.

As for renting square meters for offices, the demographics here are also broad.

Actually, the gender and age of the renters in this case will not matter much. The main thing is their occupation – entrepreneurial activity.

But as for the daily rental business, we can distinguish four main categories:

What are the pitfalls of business apartments for daily rent?

  • As a rule, when signing a lease agreement, the tenants are asked to provide their passport information - they are asked to make a photocopy or they simply photograph the pages (for short-term rentals).
    But the law states that this is prohibited.
    And if you accept another, less important document, the risk of being deceived or having damaged property increases even more.
  • To earn a good reputation and have a regular flow of clients, you constantly need to invest.
    In cleaning, washing, improving living conditions and solving various problems.
    This must be taken into account when deciding to rent out square meters.
  • It is difficult to control how decently the residents will behave.
    A noisy party can result in problems with neighbors and additional costs for cleaning and even repairs.
    In general, residents of old houses are usually quite critical of apartments in which new people constantly appear.
    This is especially dangerous if you are renting out your home under less than legal circumstances.
  • If you decide not to use the services of an intermediary agency, the likelihood of your apartment being idle increases.
    But even a realtor, to whom you will pay an average 20% commission, is not a guarantee of a regular influx of tenants.
    Additionally, you will have to advertise, and this is another expense item.
  • The biggest pitfall is the risk of fraud.
    Of course, it exists in any field.
    But when renting out housing, it is especially high.
    However, you should not focus on the worst situations.
    It is enough to remain vigilant and careful.

If you are just going to buy an apartment to rent it out and make money from it,

for a successful and profitable purchase:

  1. You need to know business from the inside.
    If you have never rented an apartment, it will be difficult to understand how to effectively rent out yours.
    You can rent a house for a day or two in your own city and play the role of a “mystery shopper”.
    Assess what the average prices are and how landlords behave.
  2. If you are planning to take out a mortgage on an apartment specifically to rent it out to tenants, it is better to abandon this idea now. The current conditions of economic instability can play a cruel joke on you.
    In addition, the overpayment turns out to be too large.
  3. There is no point in starting any business without apartment insurance.
    This is especially true for short-term rental space.
  4. If the loading of the apartment has become regular, it makes sense to delegate the washing to the laundry or.
    This is an additional expense, but a big time saver.
  5. Do not hesitate to ask questions to potential residents, talk to them, take a closer look.
    It is difficult to understand from several conversations what kind of person is in front of you.
    But it is often possible to weed out the most suspicious and inappropriate ones.
  6. Set yourself up for the fact that calls at “indecent” times will become the norm for you.
    And there is a chance that you will have to call the tenants more than once to solve some problem.
    If you are not ready for this, place the responsibilities “on the shoulders” of the agency.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the specific business apartment rental– this is not a “golden” ticket.

In any case, you will have to constantly invest your efforts in its development. Then the earnings will be more or less solid.

Or delegate the solution of all issues to a real estate agency.

In this case, you will have to forget about high earnings, because you will have to pay a rather large commission.

But if there are square meters and for some reason you don’t need them, it makes more sense to rent them out for housing or offices, rather than just leaving them idle.

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To achieve success and financial well-being, it is not enough to work hard in an office or factory. This type of income, by definition, cannot bring much income, since it will simply be unprofitable for the owner. People who understand this principle are trying to find a way out of the current situation, but at the same time they are afraid of losing their jobs.

In such cases, you can pay attention to passive ways of generating income. For those who have free living space (room, apartment, house), the option of renting it out daily is suitable. You can also invest your savings in real estate, because the banking system does not inspire much trust.

Analysis of the housing market situation

In Soviet times, the income generated by renting residential premises was called unearned and was diligently suppressed. Today the situation has changed radically. Even old grandmothers are ready to make room for a stable addition to their small pension.

What kind of profit can such a business bring? Daily rental of apartments can be a very profitable business. This has been proven in practice by people who liked this business idea.

Daily rental of elite class apartments in big cities can bring enormous income. Business class residential premises will bring less profit to their owner, but on a more stable basis, as they are more popular. Finally, renting out a room in a dorm or apartment seems to be the most appropriate activity at the initial stage.

The benefit brought by renting residential premises for a day directly depends on the availability of hotels in the locality, the cost of rooms, as well as the tourist flow of people. An example is the seaside resorts of Russia. Tourists often come there on holiday as “savages”, that is, without a tourist package. They are forced to find a place to live on their own. During the holiday period, every local resident becomes a rentier.

At the same time, many business people who are accustomed to comfort and luxury come to Moscow and other big cities. They prefer to stay in luxury apartments and, accordingly, are willing to pay well for it.

Lack of full competition

In our country, especially in small cities and towns, the hotel business is very poorly developed. Enterprising people take advantage of this advantage by renting out residential premises.

Indeed, if you compare the number of hotels in Russia and in the countries of Western Europe and the USA, you will find that we have 2.5 times fewer of them. However, most large hotels are concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

At the same time, the lack of competition always spurs business. Daily rental of apartments is becoming a truly popular means of generating additional income.

Advertisements about vacant residential spaces ready to accept guests can be found in almost every newspaper, at public transport stops and on the walls of houses.

Due to such a large number of offers, a false impression is created that renting out an apartment is very difficult. In fact, the niche is only 50-70% occupied, and the pace of construction of new housing and hotels has slowed down significantly. Therefore, anyone can do this business.

The first steps of a rentier

To receive income from real estate, you must have it. Therefore, the first thing a novice entrepreneur needs to do is invest in the purchase of an apartment, room or mansion. The size of the living space and its arrangement will depend only on financial capabilities.

In some cases, it is possible to build a business differently. Daily rental of apartments inherited from deceased relatives is one of the most common ways to generate additional income. Indeed, it is not advisable to sell a home if there are children in the family. They will soon grow up (as well as real estate prices) and will want to separate. At the same time, maintaining an empty apartment is very expensive. That's why many people decide to take it.

People who are less wealthy and do not have rich testators can be advised to start by renting out a room in their apartment. This method of earning money has many inconveniences, but it allows you to further develop your rental business. Where to start, everyone must decide for themselves. In this case, you need to focus on your material and volitional capabilities.

Profit and expenses

Making a profit is the goal pursued by any business. Daily rental of apartments is no exception. The income that the owner of the premises will receive can vary from 100 to 100,000 dollars monthly. As noted earlier, the numbers will depend on the class of housing being rented, its area and furnishings.

Daily rentals are always more expensive than long-term rentals, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the average rental time will not exceed 2-3 days. An apartment owner should always work for the future and constantly attract new clients.

At the same time, you should not forget about the expenses that the rental business implies. Where to start the calculations? Firstly, furnishing the premises with furniture and household appliances. Secondly, purchasing personal hygiene products: toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, toilet paper. Thirdly, paying taxes and rent. Expenses may also include advertising in newspapers and magazines.


In the case when your own apartment is rented out, there is no point in talking about payback, since the business begins to generate income almost immediately. But you can make money in another way. Some resourceful people use a scheme where they rent out premises they have on a long-term lease for a day.

The payback period will be different in each specific case. So, with an average monthly rent payment, costs for furniture, household appliances and personal hygiene products, you will have to invest about 100,000 rubles for one apartment at the initial stage. You can receive up to 2,000 rubles per day from business class residential premises. Thus, a successful businessman will be able to receive income for 2 months.

Business profitability greatly depends on the region. In some cities, competition in daily rentals is very high; large players can manage up to 50 apartments and, through advertising, crowd out small entrepreneurs.

The main clients are business travelers and tourists. They are also considered the most “non-problematic”. Another thing is local residents, young people and cheerful groups who rent an apartment not for good purposes. Such clients should be avoided, or the payment should be increased significantly.

The main season is spring and autumn. The decline is observed in the summer. This rule does not apply, perhaps, only to resort towns, where the main season for daily rentals is the warm season.

Conditions for occupancy of apartments by clients

In order to avoid problems and disputes with clients regarding check-in and check-out times, so-called hotel days are established. This is when the client checks in after 13:00 and checks out before 12:00 the next day. An additional fee must be charged for early check-in, taking into account the fact that the apartment is vacant. Late check-out - maximum until 18:00 with payment from 12:00 noon. Further, if the client does not leave, payment should be made for the whole day. That is, even if the client arrived at 22:00, then the day is counted until 12 o'clock the next day. There is no other way to restore order.

Step-by-step plan for opening daily rental apartments

A normal business begins when the entrepreneur has at least 5 apartments at his disposal. Moreover, there are different classes - economy, business and luxury apartments. In order not to miss a single client if possible.

Taking possession of several apartments is not an easy task. Many people wonder why not take out a mortgage for this business. This idea is not entirely suitable from a business point of view. First of all, getting a mortgage is not that easy. A down payment and a person to whom the mortgage will be issued are required. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a certificate of official income - 2NDFL, which should be significantly higher (50% or more) than the interest on the loan. Secondly, the bank will have to pay a high interest rate on the mortgage. Taking into account taxes and other expenses, the income from daily rentals will turn out to be completely ridiculous. And thirdly, the owner of such an apartment will be the person for whom the loan is issued, and it’s good if this is a close relative. Otherwise, relations with the property owner in the future may be completely unpredictable.

Therefore, the best option in the absence of property is sublease of housing. Finding people willing to enter into such an agreement is not easy. For those who are not experienced, this is a practically impossible task. It is important to interest the apartment owner not only financially. The first thing that worries the owner is the safety of his property, since many believe that daily rent greatly harms the condition of the apartment. And here it is important to convince the owner that major repairs will be made to the housing, that it will be carefully maintained on a daily basis, and that there will be only decent visitors. Supplementing my dialogue with the fact that long-term rent is no better, since permanent residents are also different - they monitor the condition of the apartment to a lesser extent.

Serious business, as a rule, cannot do without state registration. If you can still somehow manage to work “on the black” with one or two apartments, then with the consolidation of the business, registration is required. Moreover, the legal status is convenient for many clients who pay by bank transfer. Registration of both an ordinary individual entrepreneurship and registration of an LLC (legal entity) is suitable here. Which is better - read the article: Individual Entrepreneur or LLC.

Which tax system to choose

Now about taxes. Since 2012, an entrepreneur is free to choose which system to work in: simplified tax system, UTII or buy a patent. The most optimal taxation system for “daily business” is the patent system. This is when an entrepreneur makes a one-time tax payment (buys a patent) and works quietly for 365 days. However, each specific region may have its own prices and conditions. You can consider the option of choosing a simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of the organization’s profit. UTII, according to entrepreneurs, is not entirely profitable for business in the daily rental of apartments.

If an entrepreneur decides to work “white”, then in addition to the main taxation system, it is necessary to pay the income tax of the apartment owner (NDFL) - 13% of income per month. If, of course, the businessman is a subtenant and this is agreed upon in an agreement with the owner. Otherwise, the owner himself must pay this tax.

Financial calculation

Let's give an example. Let’s say the monthly income from renting out an apartment was 30 thousand rubles. We apply the simplified tax system of 6% of revenue, which means the tax will be 1800 rubles. We pay the owner 5 thousand rubles for renting an apartment, hence the personal income tax (13%) will be 650 rubles. The total amount of taxes will be: 1800+650 = 2450 rubles.

The costs don't stop there. There are also extra-budgetary funds - the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, where an entrepreneur pays insurance for the year - a little more than 17 thousand rubles (2014), if his annual income does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. If the income exceeds 300 thousand rubles, then to 17 thousand you need to add 1% of the income exceeding 300 thousand rubles. The total amount of insurance, however, cannot exceed 129,916.80 rubles per year.

According to practitioners, this business has many difficulties. Moreover, they start from the very start. The very first difficulty is choosing apartments. Here, a novice businessman can expect to communicate with unprofessional real estate agencies, with apartment owners who are afraid of daily rent, or who increase the rental price by 50-60%. And even if you manage to get an apartment, other problems appear, such as dissatisfied neighbors, inadequate HOA chairmen who do not want to see a “hotel” in their house and other individuals. The biggest headache is the client. Here you will find people haggling over 100 rubles, not fulfilling accommodation conditions, making reservations and then “throwing them away”, etc. So, despite all its profitability, this cannot be called easy bread. On the other hand, everywhere you need a competent approach and a desire to work - and the devil will not be as terrible as they say.