Plan of private dentistry. Dental clinic design

Former Medsi employee Ekaterina Mukhina opened a private dental office. The neighborhood with a large university provides her small company with a constant flow of customers

The owner of the dental clinic "Medek" Ekaterina Mukhina (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

1 year for license

Ekaterina Mukhina thought about creating her own clinic while still a fifth-year student at the Moscow Medical and Dental University (MGMSU named after A.I. Evdokimov). It took ten years of study and practice in public and private medical institutions to realize the dream. For example, Mukhina worked in the polyclinic of the Administration of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, which is now part of the network " Medsi. “At first I chose departmental clinics, then private ones,” the entrepreneur explains. “The former were sharpened to work hard, the latter to hit the jackpot.”

In 2013, Mukhina nevertheless set about organizing her own clinic: “I planned that there would be several professionals and interns on the staff. It was assumed that the clinic would primarily provide assistance to people from some organizations whose offices are located in the neighborhood.

One of the requirements for the premises of Mukhina was the rental price of less than 70 thousand rubles. per month “Having examined the surroundings, I stopped at the Moscow Technological University of Communications and Informatics, in its closed territory I found a 36 sq. m, five minutes from the metro, ”she recalls. The amount of rent was much lower than the set bar. “Once upon a time, there was such a practice in the Soviet Union - dental offices were located on the territory of universities, and now there is such a story at Moscow State University. I decided to follow this path in order to be sure that the walls would not be empty,” explains Mukhina. She gave the name of the dental clinic "Medek", derived from the word "medicine" and her name.

When the premises were found, Mukhina began to repair, purchase equipment and obtain a license. “It was important to think over the layout of the future office: how and where the chair will be located in it, because it needs to be connected to electricity, water and sewerage, how the doors will open so that everything meets regulatory requirements,” says Mukhina. “For example, according to the standards of the fire inspection, doors should always open outward.” Repair cost 300 thousand rubles. lasted five months - from December 2013 to April 2014.

In parallel with the repair, Mukhina launched the process of purchasing the necessary equipment, which lasted about a year:without it, it is impossible to obtain a license. “If for some reason the equipment is not available, for example, if it is not yet needed in the course of work, then it can be rented for a while,” adds entrepreneur . - The list includes many items: a complete chair, additional replacement tips, helioreflecting lamps, apex locators, radiovisiograph , sterilizer and so on. Since some equipment was bought during the decline in overall demand in 2014, in general, about 1.5 million rubles were spent. Part of the money is a bank loan, the rest is an installment plan from friends, says Mukhina.

In order for an organization to obtain a medical license to provide dental services with a therapeutic direction, its staff must have at least one employee who has a certificate, an intern and resident diploma, as well as more than five years of work experience. That is, anyone can open a clinic, but they will have to immediately hire a practicing dentist, Mukhina notes. To issue a license, a conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the permission of the Fire Inspectorate, as well as an agreement with the landlord with a special note that he allows you to open a licensed dental office on its territory is required.

“Actually obtaining a license looked like this,” says the entrepreneur. - I filled out all the necessary forms, attached the available title documents and permits, the TIN certificate, an extract from the USRN, the Unified State Register of Taxpayers, and took it all to the Moscow Department of Health. An inspector came to me from the department, who confirmed that I had all the tools in the required quantity, checked the lease agreement, examined the premises, and made sure that it was not through.” The size of the state fee for issuing a license amounted to 7.5 thousand rubles, in total it took about a year to obtain a license, sums up Mukhina.

Armchair in the center

Rospotrebnadzor has established that the area of ​​the dental clinic should be at least 30 square meters. m, including the dentist's surgery roomat least14 sq. mper chair, next to it there should be an examination room - from 7 sq. m (SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities"). The height of the ceiling in the office should be 3 m or more, the depth of the room - 6 m or less; The area of ​​the hall should be within 10 sq. m, and the bathroom - 5 sq. m. Repair is carried out on the basis of the layout: electricity, water and sewerage must be connected to the chair.

Under the portrait of Gagarin

Medeka works on average four days a week: usually Mukhina sees patients herself for three days, and a visiting doctor works in the office for another day. There are two employees: both the doctor and the assistant are registered on the terms of a civil law contract, says Mukhina.

“The assistant is an intern girl, she comes to me three times a week, in addition to the functions of a nurse, she helps with cleaning the office, I spend about 20 thousand rubles a month on her,” explains Mukhina. The doctor is due about 25 thousand rubles. per month for four reception days: as a rule, he earns approximately 70 thousand rubles during these days, of which 45 thousand rubles. goes to the clinic.

According to Mukhina, the flow of her own patients now is about ten people a week, most come from MTUCI, but summer is not the season for her business. Approximately half of the patients are the primary appointment, the rest are repeat visits. The average check in Medek is 4.5 thousand rubles, this is “treatment of simple caries, installation of a reflective filling and brushing of teeth.” Thus, Mukhina herself helps out 180 thousand rubles, and if we add to them a payment in the amount of 45 thousand rubles. from the second doctor, then the total monthly revenue of the clinic will be equal to 225 thousand rubles. “For more revenue, we need more doctors,” the founder dreams. “Ideally, two chairs and two doctors.”

The cost of a conventional filling in the clinic " Medek » is 2.5 thousand rubles. “The price of a filling is anesthesia, tooth treatment before treatment, elimination of bleeding,” describes Mukhina . “It takes a little material, 80% of the cost of a seal is the work of a qualified specialist, the rest is materials.” A more expensive procedure is the installation of a crown: from 30 to 50% of the cost is the work of the technician.

In every mouth

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 100% of adults suffer from caries and the majority - from 60 to 90% - of schoolchildren. Between the ages of 35 and 44, 15-20% of the population has a serious form of periodontitis. Carious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are the main causes of tooth loss, only 30% of people aged 65-74 years have natural teeth. Oral diseases are exacerbated by unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consumption and poor hygiene.

The clinic does not have too many operating expenses: they fit into 14 thousand rubles, says Mukhina. “I buy everything months in advance so I always have stock. The shelf life usually allows materials to be stored for about two years, she explains. - I order through suppliers on the Internet, they bring it the next day, there are no problems with this. If possible, I buy a lot half-finished, for example, cotton turundulas, this saves time and labor. Means for root canal treatment and burs are purchased once every two months - for about 5 thousand rubles. Once every six months, they are bought for 12 thousand rubles. consumables for orthopedics and Dodonti filling agent for 15 thousand rubles. Also from 8 thousand to 16 thousand rubles. is spent on the annual maintenance of the dentist's chair: for example, hoses are changed every two years. Once a week, a cleaner is cleaned at Medek, her services cost 3,000 rubles. per month.

“Certainly, while the clinic does not bring high income. But when I make a profit, I put it aside to pay installments to friends, a loanwe have already managed to give back for the purchase of equipment,” says Mukhina.

The main promotion channel for Medeka is word of mouth: many professors come to the office, who then tell their friends about the clinic. In addition, next to the Medek there is a university canteen, which also gives its own flow of visitors: someone just comes in to ask about prices. By agreement with MTUCI, information about the clinic should be placed on stands near the departments. “Now we are cooperating with MTUCI, we offer discounts - they are willing to come to us,” the entrepreneur notes.

According to Mukhina, she spends a total of 5,000 rubles on marketing and advertising. per month - these are business cards, booklets, website maintenance, advertising in Yandex. Direct”, positioning in the 2GIS service. “My friends helped me with the development of the site,” says Mukhina. - During the discussions, the idea arose to place all the information against the background of the building of the hotel "Ukraine". It is speaking - it is a symbol of the capital. As a reminder of the Soviet symbol of the “perfect smile”, a radiant portrait of Yuri Gagarin hangs in the Medeki lobby.​

- you can live until retirement age, then things are a little different with teeth. Only a few manage to keep a Hollywood smile until old age, while the majority of the population already from childhood knows all the “joys” of communicating with a dentist.

Yes, unfortunately, non-compliance with oral hygiene, preventive measures to prevent dental diseases that are in their infancy, malnutrition and, most importantly, the lack of really qualified dental care in small towns lead to the fact that even if people go to the dentist doctor, then only with the aim of removing an almost completely destroyed tooth.

Reassuring yourself that the stomach is one, but there are many teeth. In fairness, however, it is worth noting that at the moment the situation is noticeably changing for the better. People are increasingly thinking about the safety of their incisors, canines, molars and premolars, and therefore the services of a dentist are becoming more and more in demand.

And, most importantly, the population is very reluctant to go to the state polyclinic, and having saved up the necessary amount, they try to turn to a private trader if possible. And although the competition in the dental services market is quite high, it would be wrong to say that this niche is already fully occupied.

Therefore, let's talk today about how, if there is a desire, to organize your own "dental" business so that it is profitable. And we will provide you with a short dental office business plan with calculations that you can rely on when creating your own business. But first things first.

What if I'm not a dentist?

There is a very erroneous opinion that only a person with the appropriate education can have his own dental business. It's a delusion. The question of how to organize a turnkey dental office can be relevant both for a person who has a diploma in dentistry and for, say, an engineer who has decided to take the path of entrepreneurship.

Just in the first case, you will provide a workplace for yourself and be able to provide services on your own, in the second case you will rent an office, receiving your percentage of the profits. Therefore, a business plan for dentistry, or rather, a future office, must be drawn up precisely with these features in mind. After all, you see, it’s stupid to start all the red tape to open this specific business just for the sake of renting out a single workplace.

Therefore, you need to work for the future and, when making calculations, assume that your office will have not one, but several chairs. And who knows, maybe over time your small office will turn into a mini-clinic that succeeds and brings really tangible income.

So to be an office or not to be?

If you are a graduate and feel like a duck to water in this field of medicine, then it will naturally be much easier for you to draw up a competent dentistry business plan, especially with our tips. But even if you still do not have a specific education, and you like the idea in all respects, then go for it. Everything will work out. The only thing to remember is that the path to opening your own "dental" business is long and thorny.

Some SanPiNs in dentistry (the so-called set of sanitary and hygienic requirements for medical organizations) are able to discourage this type of entrepreneurial activity. After all, it is in accordance with them that you will have to look for a room, carry out its repair, and purchase equipment. But if opening a dental office is already a matter of honor, then you will go through all the stages of this difficult path and still be able to one day become the happy owner of a very profitable business.


First of all, you need to formalize your activities. If you plan to work yourself as a practicing doctor, then you can stop at the simplest thing - get IP documents. But if you are thinking of renting an office or you often dream of your own clinic at night, then you should register as a legal entity (open an LLC), because without this your dreams will never come true, and your office will not be able to work. As for the documents necessary for passing this procedure, we will not focus on them, since a list of them can always be taken from the tax office itself or on the website of this organization.

But, perhaps, the registration of entrepreneurial activity is the simplest thing to do. Because the opening of dentistry without an appropriate license is impossible. And here, of course, you have to run. Especially when you consider that both the premises and the equipment are licensed. Therefore, you need to start your business with finding a suitable place for an office, carry out repairs there, purchase and install equipment. And for this, it is desirable to have at hand a ready-made business plan for a dental office, in which all upcoming expenses should be taken into account.

Looking for a place...

There is no way to open America in this matter. There are few ways, more precisely - two: buy or rent. The first assumes the presence of a simply astronomical amount, so the second option is still the most preferable. But even here there are difficulties. Given the specifics of future activities, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the location of the future office (which, by the way, is also important), but also to its area and the availability of the necessary communications.

In our case, you will need the whole set: heating, electricity, sewerage and plumbing. Remember, you need to draw up your own dentistry business plan already taking into account how many specific jobs will function in your office. Because the licensing organization has its own very stringent requirements for each of them. And the area of ​​the dental office is specified very clearly.

Anyone who has a desire to work in this area and has a considerable start-up capital can open a dental office. To launch the project, you will need to go through a lengthy registration procedure and obtain the necessary licenses and permits.

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Is special education important?

A person who decides to open a private dental office in Russia may not have a dental education. Practice shows that a dentist who has organized his own specialized mini-clinic does not have time either to manage it qualitatively or to receive patients. Therefore, it is better when these functions are performed by two different people, each of whom is a professional in his field.

The dentist, no doubt, has the right to open his own office, but then it would be better to entrust his management to a hired manager. In this case, organizational issues will not distract him from his main professional activity. An alternative scenario could be the hiring of additional dentists. In such a situation, personal reception of patients can be reduced to a minimum or not carried out at all.

Business Relevance

The relevance of the dental business is due to the following:

  1. High demand for dental services among the population. Since everyone has teeth, the vast majority of people are forced to regularly visit a dentist. According to statistics, 97 percent of the Russian population suffers from diseases of the hard tissues of the teeth. The average person visits the dentist twice a year, even when nothing hurts. In such a situation, the dentist can notice the disease at an early stage and prevent its development.
  2. High business profitability. The average check in a provincial town is three to four thousand rubles, and in the capital - seven to eight. Standard appointment time is 30 minutes. An office with a good reputation keeps a record of clients for two to four weeks in advance.
  3. The ability to provide a wide range of services using various technologies and materials, which distinguishes dental offices from each other.

Options for organizing a dental business

An entrepreneur can open a dental office or clinic.

Dental office

The organization of a small office provides for moderate capital investments, since one or two workplaces are usually equipped, allowing you to see several patients at the same time.

Most often, people turn to such institutions for standard dental services:

  • counseling;
  • basic dental treatment;
  • teeth whitening;
  • removal of tartar.

You can start a business with the organization of a dental office. Having earned money on it, they can be invested in the development of the business and gradually expand it to the format of a private dental hospital.

dental clinic

Compared to a small office, the organization of the clinic will require significant financial investments. Since the range of services provided is usually very wide, it will be necessary to equip several workplaces, purchase expensive equipment and hire staff. The possibility of obtaining versatile services attracts a large number of customers. Private clinics often have contracts with insurance companies, which, in turn, send people to provide them with various kinds of services.

The range of basic services of the dental clinic:

  • counseling and diagnostics;
  • various therapeutic services (including treatment of medium, deep and complicated caries);
  • surgical dental operations (including tooth extraction, cysts);
  • dental cosmetology (including removal of plaque and stone, whitening, installation of braces, bite correction);
  • dental prosthetics;
  • implantology;
  • children's dentistry;
  • periodontology;
  • x-ray;
  • emergency help.

Market analysis and target audience

Characteristics of the Russian dental market:

  • the market capacity of paid dental services for 2017 was more than half a billion rubles, or about 254,000,000 appointments;
  • high competition;
  • the modern dental market is predominantly represented by private clinics (25% of the total) and dental offices;
  • during the years of economic crises, a sharp drop in demand is not observed;
  • dental services are perceived by the population as a product of prime necessity;
  • there is a trend of growth in demand for paid medical services of dentistry;
  • the increase in prices for dental services is mainly due to an increase in rent for premises, an increase in prices for drugs and equipment, and an increase in wages;
  • according to 2014 data, in Russia, the largest number of private dentistry was recorded in Krasnoyarsk, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod (22-29 units / 100 thousand people);
  • development of lending for dental services;
  • for 2018-2022, an increase in the capacity of the Russian dental market is predicted;
  • Today, the most promising segment of the dental market is implantology and the provision of dental services focused on children.

Participants of the dental market:

  1. State dentistry. They mainly provide free services to the population, but also provide services for money. Less and less people resort to their service, since such clinics often have outdated equipment. In addition, inexperienced specialists work in them, and patients have to sit in long queues. Also, high-quality materials are not always used in public dentistry.
  2. Private dentistry. They are divided into institutions focused on people with high income, medium and low. Private dentistry is classified into network and non-network clinics, as well as private offices.

Target audience of a private dental office:

  • men, women and children;
  • age: from 7 to 60 years;
  • wealth level: medium and low.

Step by Step Guide to Starting a Dental Business

The following step-by-step instructions will help you open a dental office:

  1. Development of a business plan from scratch or ordering a finished one.
  2. Company registration.
  3. Selection of premises and conclusion of a lease agreement.
  4. Design and renovation of the premises.
  5. Search for suppliers of equipment and consumables.
  6. Purchase and installation of equipment.
  7. Purchase of consumables.
  8. Issuance of permits.
  9. Selection of qualified personnel.
  10. Marketing events.

Business registration

Features of the dental office registration process:

  1. Choice of organizational-legal form. A small office in which a businessman personally provides dental services is registered as an individual entrepreneur. When opening a clinic / office, when a businessman is not a dentist or is, but does not plan to serve clients, the LLC form will do.
  2. If an entrepreneur plans to work independently as a dentist (without hiring other doctors) and creates an individual entrepreneur, then he will need a personal license. When organizing an LLC, a personal license must be obtained for each dentist. Licensing takes place in accordance with Federal Law No. 99 (dated May 4, 2011) “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”. In addition to this law, Decree No. 291 (dated April 16, 2012) “On Licensing Medical Activities” is in force.
  3. The activity code 86.23 “Dental practice” is suitable for the type of business under consideration. It includes work in the field of dentistry (general/specialist), orthodontics and dental operations.
  4. The most effective taxation system is the STS according to the “income minus expenses” scheme, since this is a very cost-effective type of activity.
  5. Registration of the company in funds and statistical bodies.
  6. After registering a company, you should take care of ordering a print and opening a bank account.
  7. To accept cash from customers for the services provided, the entrepreneur must buy and register cash register equipment with the tax office.
  8. The launch of a dental office is possible only after obtaining permits established by applicable law. You will need an expert opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, the Fire Inspectorate and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

The following documents are submitted to Rospotrebnadzor:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • company registration certificate;
  • TIN certificate;
  • extract from the USRN;
  • BTI plan;
  • explication;
  • agreements with companies on deratization, disinfestation and disinfection;
  • contracts with the company for waste disposal;
  • an agreement with a laundry company;
  • examination of air, water, washings for sterility;
  • certificate of the level of lighting and microclimate.

The Fire Department will require the following documents:

  • TIN certificate;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a document confirming the ownership of it by the entrepreneur;
  • a document certifying the fact of passing fire safety courses;
  • fire safety order;
  • fire evacuation plan and instructions;
  • documents confirming the installation of a fire alarm;
  • documents confirming the presence of fire extinguishers;
  • insulation resistance measurement protocol.

To pass the SES check, you need to familiarize yourself with the relevant standards for the placement of the office, its interior decoration, the equipment used, the microclimate, etc.

Key regulations:

  1. SanPiN It contains the sanitary and epidemiological requirements that a medical institution must comply with.
  2. SanPiN 2956a-83. This document describes the rules for the use of dental equipment, personal hygiene of personnel and labor protection.

In some regions, there are internal regulations, which can be found in the regional SES.

Room and location

Requirements for the premises by Rospotrebnadzor:

  • in the case of equipping one workplace, one dental unit must have an area of ​​at least 14 square meters;
  • if there are two or more installations, then the minimum area for each of them is 7 square meters;
  • if three or more dental chairs are installed, then a sterilization room (from 6 square meters) must be equipped without fail.

Requirements for the choice of premises and its location:

  • for a small office, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b30 square meters is enough;
  • high ceilings (at least three meters);
  • one-sided daylight;
  • the depth of the room is not more than six square meters;
  • availability of communications: electricity, water, sewerage, heating;
  • good access roads and approaches;
  • availability of parking;
  • proximity to potential customers;
  • proximity to metro stations and / or stops of other public transport;
  • distance from direct competitors.

The area of ​​a small dental office should be divided into the following zones:

  • a room for receiving patients with an installed dental chair (or several chairs);
  • hall;
  • bathroom.

When creating a dental clinic, the following zones are added:

  • sterilization room;
  • x-ray room;
  • processing room;
  • orthodontist's office;
  • orthopedic office;
  • children's room;
  • office of implantology;
  • administrative premises;
  • utility room;
  • reception;
  • dressing room for patients.

Office space can be:

  • buy in credit;
  • purchase with your own money;
  • buy on lease;
  • take on a long-term lease (from five years).

The first three options are the most preferred. Ownership allows you to redevelop the premises at your discretion, without fear that the landlord will refuse to renew the lease.

The premises can be:

  • apartment on the ground floor (transfer of the premises to non-residential will be required);
  • non-residential premises, such as an office building or the basement of an apartment building.

Necessary equipment

A modern dental office should be equipped with special high-tech equipment from reliable manufacturers. It must have certificates of conformity and meet current sanitary standards.

The table below shows how much it costs to equip a dental office for two chairs.

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Dental units1 200 000
Chairs for dental unit11 000
Light curing lamp6 000
Shadowless lamp75 000
Autoclave150 000
Tip set100 000
Tools50 000
Endomotor30 000
Pre-sterilization cleaning40 000
Hall and office furniture60 000
Plumbing for the bathroom10 000
Cash machine13 000
Other equipment and inventory65 000
Total:1 800 000

Dental unit - 630,000 rubles Chair for a dental unit - 5,500 rubles Endodontic handpiece - 20,000 rubles Light curing lamp - 6,000 rubles Shadowless lamp - 75,000 rubles Autoclave - 170,000 rubles

The video tells in an accessible language how to equip a dental office. Filmed by the channel: "Dentist's Notes".


Serious requirements are imposed on the specialists of the dental office, since a separate license is required for each of them.

List of requirements:

  • a diploma confirming the receipt of a complete professional education;
  • work experience (from five years);
  • certificate for a specific profile of activity;
  • availability of medical records.

Requirements for junior medical staff:

  • a diploma confirming the receipt of secondary medical vocational education;
  • the certificate "Preventive dentistry" or "Nurse in dentistry";
  • neat and tidy appearance;
  • availability of medical records.

The staff of a small dental office (for two chairs) will include:

  • dentists (two people);
  • nurses (two people);
  • cleaning woman;
  • administrator.

Promotion and advertising

Ways to promote the dental office:

  • ordering a bright sign with the logo of the clinic;
  • development of a corporate website with the possibility of online appointment;
  • maintaining pages in popular social networks;
  • entering information about the office in the network on regional resources;
  • development of a loyalty program (including a bonus system, providing discounts to regular customers).
  • advertisements in local newspapers;
  • announcements on local radio;
  • advertising posters, banners and streamers in the city;
  • banners and contextual advertising on the Internet (on thematic forums and websites, in social networks);
  • distribution of flyers.

One way to promote sales is to provide customers with the opportunity to make an appointment by phone. At the same time, patients with acute pain should be admitted without prior appointment.

Financial plan

Further planning of business costs is based on the opening of a small private dental office:

  • number of jobs - two chairs;
  • premises - one-room apartment (it is planned to buy it);
  • room area - 40 square meters;
  • location - in a residential area of ​​a provincial town;
  • staff - 6 people.

Initial investment

Starting capital for the implementation of the dental office business idea.

ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles
Registration of a legal entity and obtaining permits60 000
The cost of the premises1 800 000
Remodeling and renovation of the apartment200 000
Procurement and installation of equipment1 850 000
Marketing Campaign50 000
Consumables20 000
other expenses50 000
Total4 030 000

Recurring expenses

Monthly business investment.


Private office revenue is calculated based on the following parameters:

  • two doctors are receiving at the same time;
  • each works six days a week for six hours;
  • time of reception of one patient - 30 minutes;
  • the average check is 1,500 rubles.

Thus, the mini-clinic will earn (at full capacity) 36,000 rubles a day, and 1,008,000 rubles a month. The monthly profit of the company will reach 658 thousand rubles. The profitability of the business is about 300 percent.

Calendar plan

Calendar plan for opening a dental office.

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month5 month
Business project development+
Preparation of documents for registration of a legal entity+
Company registration+ +
Premises selection+ +
Purchase of premises +
Remodeling and renovation of premises + +
Selection of equipment suppliers+ +
Purchase of equipment + +
Transfer of the status of residential premises to non-residential + +
Equipment installation + +
Obtaining permissions from supervisory services + +
Recruitment + +
Obtaining licenses + +
Marketing Campaign + +
Start of work +

Risks and payback

Dental business risks:

  1. Low demand. This state of affairs may be the result of an incorrect marketing program, an unsuccessful office location, etc.
  2. High competition. Other market participants adhere to an active marketing policy.
  3. Low qualification of senior and junior medical staff, and, as a result, the satisfactory quality of services provided. This negatively affects the reputation of the company and its image.
  4. An increase in the cost of smoking consumables due to an increase in the exchange rate.
  5. Loss of license for any reason. For example, due to incorrect documentation.
  6. The closure of the office due to its non-compliance with the current standards of supervisory services.

The payback of the business will take very little time, 9-12 months.

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