Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise on the example. Analysis of marketing activities and development of a business plan for marketing a trading enterprise using the example of Intel

The essence of marketing analysis, the ratio of goods and prices, methods of promoting goods on the market. Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing management. Calculation of indicators characterizing the profitability of commercial activities and the competitiveness of the enterprise.

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The main subjects of the firm's microenvironment. Analysis of the marketing activity of the enterprise. The influence of political events on the marketing environment of the firm. The main factors that make up the macro environment of the enterprise. Peculiarities of goods distribution planning.

Marketing functions at the analyzed enterprise are assigned to the marketing department.

The tasks of the department are regulated by the Regulations on the Marketing Department (Appendix 2).

Sport - Goods LLC uses an artificial-technical approach to market research, in which the market is an object created and constantly created with the participation of a person, under the influence of his goals and principles. According to this approach, the market needs to be built accordingly, and then use what is built. The firm actively participates in the creation of needs and creates exactly those that it can and intends to satisfy.

Despite the fact that some managers believe that the Russian market does not need a systematic approach to marketing at an enterprise, experience shows that in all large and successful companies, marketing is not a set of disparate functions, but an integral enterprise management system.

The marketing department plays a key role in developing a holistic strategy. The business strategy of Sport - Goods LLC is based on a specific market, based on the experience of those who are familiar with it - on the marketing department, because it obviously has a better idea of ​​the needs of customers, competitors and intermediaries of the company. The marketing department is engaged not only in promotion, but in marketing itself.

At the stage of production of goods, the results of marketing research and marketing campaigns play a leading role, as they study and form the needs of the market.

Thus, when making decisions about the quality of products (including new ones) and the quantity thereof, about the need to expand production, the key decision is made on the basis of the work of the marketing department.

At the stage of assessing the economic activity of the enterprise and developing development programs as a necessary part of the functioning, the marketing department, along with the financial department, develops a plan for the development of certain areas in the company's activities. Performs profitability analysis of the company. Explores ways to maximize profits. Decisions in the acquisition of competitors' companies are made not only on the basis of financial indicators, but also on the results of research and forecasts of the marketing department.

Ultimately, the marketing departments of Sport-Tovarov LLC in different regions have the same goals. Namely:

  • - Business development of the company
  • - Increasing profits from the sale of produced goods (and ideas)
  • - Increasing the company's market share
  • - Strengthening the image of the product, the brand of the company

The marketing department has six functional parts, each department has its own head, who in turn reports to the manager of the marketing department. However, in the general structure, each of the conditional regions has its own marketing department. Such a scheme is due to the fact that the company LLC "Sport - Goods" is quite large and is represented in a large number of regions, and in these regions it is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics of this market and the consumer.

However, in addition to pluses, this scheme also has unconditional minuses, one of the most significant is the duplication of functions, and as a result, an increase in overall costs. In addition, such marketing functions as the development of video content for television advertising, the development of brand policy, product positioning on the market are carried out only by the European department, of course, not without the participation of regional departments. This structure allows you to carry a single information about the brand, product and company in all regions.

Market analysis is the first and main stage of the media planner's work before the development and launch of an advertising campaign for a new product. It includes an analysis of competitor activity, which consists of:

  • - Identification of the main competitors.
  • - Analysis of costs for each media of the main competitors.
  • - Conclusions about the current situation in the market.

The second step, based on the objectives and goals of the advertising campaign, is the analysis of the target audience:

Identification of the level of knowledge and consumption of the product among people with identified socio-demographic characteristics.

The third step at this stage is to draw conclusions from existing information. A survey of regular and new customers is carried out in order to provide their services to regular customers as fully as possible, and to obtain adequate information about new customers.

Sporting goods are delivered to LLC "Sport - Goods" in various containers, depending on the range and suppliers. After the quantitative and qualitative acceptance of goods, these products enter the warehouse.

The warehouse manager unpacks the goods, releases them from the outer shipping container, sorts them according to assortment characteristics. The seller is engaged in the placement of goods, taking into account the following requirements: optimal use of the retail space; organization of rational commodity flows.

In the warehouse for the storage of sporting goods, standard collapsible and non-collapsible racks in the form of metal frames are installed. All racks are double-sided, shelving and shelving-cellular.

The execution of all operations in warehouses is in line with the principle of achieving high results at the lowest cost. In this regard, an optimal combination of warehouse and production operations is ensured.

Of great importance for the coherence of technological processes in warehouses are the uniformity of receipt and timeliness of acceptance of incoming goods. Timely acceptance reduces the period of stay of goods in transit, accelerates the movement of goods and the turnover of working capital. The more evenly the goods will arrive at the warehouse, the more rhythmically their acceptance and subsequent processing can be organized, the higher the quality of processing, the efficiency of equipment and area use, and labor productivity will be.

The rhythm of the work of warehouses contributes to the operational planning of the receipt and release of goods. It makes it possible to correctly allocate the labor force and make fuller use of working time.

Accounting operations for the release of goods from warehouses are reflected on a computer, where at any time you can summarize and visually see the balance of raw materials in the warehouse and the number of sporting goods by type and variety.

LLC "Sport - Goods" has a computerized inventory management system.

Daily results are summed up and the total quantity of goods in warehouses and for each type separately is calculated. Based on this information, the company's management decides on additional purchases of certain types of sports goods or on lower prices for stale types of products in order to speed up sales and reduce the amount of "stationary" commodity stocks.

Organization of preparation of goods for sale.

Before being placed in the store, goods are fully prepared for sale. Preparation consists in their unpacking, sorting, cleaning, labeling. Operations to prepare for sale depend on the readiness of the product itself when it enters the store.

The warehouse manager unpacks the goods, releases them from the outer shipping container, sorts them according to assortment characteristics.

Organization of placement of goods in the trading floor.

Goods are delivered to the store by a loader using carts. The manager of the trading floor is engaged in the placement of goods, taking into account the following requirements: optimal use of the trading area; ensuring the safety of material values; organization of rational commodity flows.

Sales organization. Forms of sale of goods.

In the store, the sale of goods is carried out in the traditional way, based on the personal contact of the seller with the buyer (sale by samples). This form of sale involves laying out samples on showcases and independently (or with the help of the seller) familiarizing buyers with them.

Market Research and Target Segment Sampling Principles

Today, the global sporting goods market is considered one of the largest and emerging markets. But according to experts, its capacity is estimated at about $100 billion a year. The volume of the world market of sportswear is about $38 billion, the market of sports shoes is $20 billion, sports equipment is $40 billion.

The Russian sportswear market is now experiencing unprecedented development, being one of the most dynamic and promising markets in Russia. According to experts, the size of the Russian sports goods market in 2008 amounted to $1.7 billion, while in 2007 this figure was more than $1. billion. The average annual growth rate is at least 16.6%. Up to 80% of total sales come from sportswear. Thus, it can be assumed that the size of the sportswear market should be about $1.3 billion. Data on the dynamics of trade turnover can be seen in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Dynamics of trade turnover by months and quarters, thousand rubles

Months and quarters

Actual for 2010


% implementation of a plan


The sportswear market is also divided into the following categories:

  • - sportswear for professional athletes - expensive clothing due to the use of new technologies in the production, ergonomic qualities of the material, taking into account the specifics of each sport;
  • - sportswear for amateur athletes - no less high-quality clothing of different price segments, designed for the general user;
  • - sports style clothing - fashionable sports casual clothing for leisure, casual wear.

The sportswear market, as well as the clothing market in general, can be segmented by price. Finally, in the sportswear market, segmentation by point of sale is possible:

  • - multi-brand sales networks - stores that provide a wide range of products from leading manufacturers of different price and product categories; these include: Intersport, Sportmaster, Epicenter, Major League, Sport City;
  • - mono-brand stores - branded stores of well-known sportswear manufacturers such as Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Puma, etc.;
  • - specialized stores - stores that provide professional equipment and are focused on a specific sport, such as "Trial-Sport", "Vertical World", "Velomir", etc.;
  • - sport fashion boutiques - exclusive stores that contain the most fashionable and relevant goods in the world of sports fashion;
  • - gray outlets - single stores and points in the markets selling sporting goods.

Organization of the formation of the trade assortment. Factors and criteria influencing the formation of the trade assortment

Among the reasons for the growth of the sportswear market, in addition to an increase in supply and growth in incomes of the population, the main ones are the following:

  • - the desire of the population for a healthy lifestyle;
  • - Promoting an active lifestyle.

Despite the impressive current volume of the Russian sportswear market, its potential capacity is much higher, due to which it is rightfully considered one of the most promising and fastest growing in the world.

Foreign manufacturers are leaders in the Russian sportswear market - they account for about 80% of the market in terms of money.

Almost every city with a population of more than 300 thousand people has several local, as well as regional and federal networks.

In the future, the market will continue to develop according to the scenario of absorption of weak players by strong ones and redistribution of the market among a small number of companies.

At Sport - Goods LLC, great attention is paid to the formation of demand for sports goods.

Attractive showcases, beautifully designed and free entry - this is the face of the store. As soon as the buyer crossed the threshold, the acquaintance begins directly. It is the zone at the entrance that should show what the store is in terms of price and target categories of goods.

One of the rules of merchandising says that the buyer gets the first (or even the last) impression of the store from the entrance. If the store is expensive - the buyer expects high prices. But if the store is average in price category, then the buyer receives a price shock from the type of expensive goods. And he will not go further, despite the fact that there he can find goods much cheaper, say, 60% of the cost of goods at the entrance.

A sports store, like any other, is subject to all the shopping rules, one of which states that about 80% of purchases are made by women (the exception is specialized sports equipment, where the proportion of purchases made by men is higher). Therefore, it is "interesting" for a sports store to promote women for purchases. For women, colors play an important role. Therefore, you can apply the color system for displaying goods.

Sports and outdoor activities are unequivocally associated with energetic colors: red, yellow. However, women can be attracted by any other - in the event that it looks beautiful, combined with those located nearby. It is advisable to play in contrast and create smooth transitions of shades - color stretches. But in most cases, it is more reasonable to put at the forefront the speed and convenience of searching for goods, the systematization of goods by type, size grid, and so on, and use the color division as an auxiliary one. As for the range of the interior, in this case it is especially important that the background sets off, favorably shows the color scheme of the product, but at the same time does not distract from the product and does not tire the eyes.

The next display system is by brand. Sometimes the store owner succumbs to pressure from manufacturers and places products by brand.

Finally, the third system for displaying goods is navigation. In it, all goods are divided by type and purpose. For example, outerwear is divided into "male - female". Such a system "by type" is the most convenient for the buyer. The largest number of purchases when the store focuses on the mass buyer, and not on those who know. In Sport - Goods LLC, the trading floor is equipped with the so-called awareness system (price tags with a detailed description of the goods, pointers, information posters).

In conclusion, we highlight the main problems in marketing planning for this company: the imperfection of the organizational structure, planning, staffing system, enterprise information system. Solutions are suggested in the next chapter.

1 Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise 7
    1.1 The meaning and objectives of the analysis of marketing activities
    1.2 The main components of the analysis of marketing activities
2 Analysis of marketing activities on the example of OOO "Organza" 13
    2.1 Analysis of the assortment of the enterprise
    2.2 Analysis of the sales market of the enterprise
    2.3 Analysis of pricing policy and product competitiveness
List of sources used 32
In the conditions of the modern market, when the interests of the consumer come to the fore, in the face of fierce competition from both domestic manufacturers and importers, with an extremely unstable level of effective demand, a well-thought-out marketing policy of an enterprise in the field of constantly increasing the competitiveness of its products can provide both at least half of the company's success.
With the proper organization of production and financial and economic activities, the implementation of the marketing mix of an enterprise brings it financial independence and stability.
The main goal of any production enterprise is the implementation of production and economic activities in order to make a profit, which ensures the stable operation of the enterprise, timely payment of wages, repayment of a bank loan and other obligations, expansion of production, implementation of the social development plan for the enterprise team.
All of the above is impossible without the introduction of advanced technologies, new materials, equipment, the development of new types of products, and the improvement of the production of garments and knitwear. This allows the company to keep up with the times, to ensure the competitiveness of products.
For many decades in the Republic of Belarus, in conditions of high monopolization of producers, the regulator of production was not real demand, but the administrative-command mechanism of distribution, which regulated consumption, formed needs and output. Under these conditions, the problem of the competitiveness of the goods practically did not arise among manufacturers, and if it did arise, it was solved only in relation to the products that were to be sold on the foreign market. With the development of the market mechanism, this problem in the Republic of Belarus sharply escalated, and its solution required all market participants to actively search for ways and methods to increase the competitiveness of manufactured goods. In this regard, in the modern economy, the main direction of the financial, economic and production and marketing strategy of each manufacturer is to increase the competitiveness of the goods it produces in order to consolidate its position in the market in order to maximize profits. This determines the relevance of the topic of the course work.
The purpose of the course work is to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of marketing activities and pricing of an enterprise using the example of Organza LLC.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the course of the work:
      to study the theory of analysis of marketing activities;
      to study the activities of the enterprise LLC "Organza";
      to study the markets for the products of the LLC "Organza" enterprise;
      analyze the range of products, the pricing policy of the enterprise.

1 Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise

1.1 The meaning and objectives of the analysis of marketing activities

The necessary conditions for achieving self-sufficiency and self-financing of an enterprise in a market environment are the orientation of production to consumers and competitors, flexible adaptation to changing market conditions.
Each enterprise, before planning the volume of production, forming a production capacity, needs to know what products, in what volume, where, when and at what prices it will sell. To do this, you need to study the demand for products, markets for their sales, their capacity, real and potential competitors, potential buyers, the ability to organize production at a competitive price, the availability of the necessary material resources, the availability of personnel with the necessary qualifications, etc. The final financial results, the reproduction of capital, its structure and, as a result, the financial stability of the enterprise depend on this. In other words, the activity of any enterprise begins with a marketing analysis, the main tasks of which are:
- study of effective demand for products, markets for their sale and substantiation of the plan for the production and sale of products of the appropriate volume and range;
- analysis of the factors that form the elasticity of demand for products, and assessment of the degree of risk of unclaimed products;
- assessment of the competitiveness of products and the search for reserves to increase its level;
- development of a strategy, tactics, methods and means of generating demand and stimulating sales of products;
- assessment of the sustainability and efficiency of production and marketing of products.
With the help of marketing, there is a constant search for new markets, new consumers, new types of products, new areas of application of traditional products that can provide the company with the highest level of profit. Marketing acts as a tool for regulating production and sales, orienting the production activity of the enterprise, its structural policy to market demand.

1.2 The main components of the analysis of marketing activities

Analysis of demand for products and formation of a portfolio of orders
The main goal of marketing analysis is to study the demand for products and form a portfolio of orders. The production capacity of the enterprise and the degree of its use in the process of further activities depend on the portfolio of orders. If the demand for products falls for any reason, then the portfolio of orders decreases accordingly, there is a decline in production, the cost of production increases, losses and the enterprise may become bankrupt. Therefore, the analysis of demand for the profile products of the enterprise is of great importance. This is one of the most important and responsible stages of market research.
Demand as an economic category characterizes the volume of goods that the consumer is willing and able to purchase at a certain price over a certain period of time in a certain market.
The level of demand is influenced by many factors: prices for the offered product, its quality, incomes of buyers, consumer preferences, prices for related (interchangeable) goods, consumers' expectations of changes in their income and prices for goods, market saturation, interest rates on deposits, etc. .
The degree of sensitivity of demand to price changes is measured using the price elasticity coefficient (EP):
Percent change in the quantity demanded of a good / Percent change in the price of a good
Demand is elastic if the coefficient is greater than one, and inelastic if it is less than one. When the elasticity coefficient is equal to zero, demand is absolutely inelastic: no change in price entails a change in demand for products. If the elasticity coefficient is equal to unity (unit elasticity), then this means that the rate of growth in demand is equal to the rate of price reduction. Demand is still absolutely elastic when, at a constant price or its growth, the demand for products increases to the limit of purchasing power, which most often happens in conditions of inflation.
Market Analysis
The sales volume, the average price level, the proceeds from the sale of products, the amount of profit received, etc. depend on the sales markets. First of all, it is necessary to study the dynamics of the position of each type of product in the sales markets over the past 3-5 years.
According to the results of the analysis, four categories of goods are distinguished:
- "stars", which bring the main profit to the enterprise and contribute to economic growth;
- "cash cows" - are going through a period of maturity, contribute to economic growth to a small extent, do not need investments, make a profit that is used to finance "difficult children";
- "difficult children" - these are, as a rule, new products that need advertising, promotion on the market, do not bring profit yet, but in the future they can become "stars";
- "dead weight" or "losers" - not viable, do not contribute to economic growth, do not bring profit.
At the same time, it is necessary to take into account at what stage of the life cycle each product is located in certain market segments:
a) the zero stage is characterized by the study and testing of the idea of ​​developing a new product, and then the product itself;
b) the first stage (release of goods on the market and introduction), which determines whether the product will be successful in the market. Profit at this stage is low, since significant funds are spent on depreciation of research, promotion of goods on the market;
c) the second stage (growth and development of sales), at which the product begins to make a profit, it quickly covers all costs and becomes a source of profit, although it requires even more advertising support for its promotion on the market;
d) the third stage (maturity) - the product has a stable market, is in demand and brings regular income, i.e. is in the most profitable period, as it does not require costs for promotion to the market, but only for advertising support of its “fame”;
e) the fourth stage (saturation and decline), in which at first the volume of sales does not change significantly, and then sharply decreases for predictable and unpredictable reasons: a product that does not undergo any changes bothers consumers or the need that it was designed to satisfy disappears. The art is to catch and anticipate a decline in demand for a product in time by improving it or replacing it with another.
Analysis of the pricing policy of the enterprise
One of the most significant areas of marketing analysis is the pricing policy of the enterprise in the commodity markets. Prices provide the enterprise with the planned profit, the competitiveness of products, and the demand for it. Through prices, the final commercial goals are realized, the efficiency of all parts of the production and marketing structure of the enterprise is determined.
The pricing policy consists in the fact that the company sets prices at such a level and changes them in such a way depending on the situation on the market in order to achieve short-term and long-term goals (mastering a certain market share, gaining market leadership, receiving the planned amount of profit, maximizing profit, firm survival, etc.).
In the study of pricing policy and analysis of the reasonableness of prices for the company's products, the following are important issues:
- establishing how prices reflect the level of costs;
- what is the likely reaction of buyers to price changes (demand elasticity);
- whether the policy of stimulating prices is used;
- Are the prices of the enterprise attractive in comparison with the prices of competitors;
- what is the difference between the pricing policy at this enterprise and the pricing policy of competitors;
- how the company operates when prices are changed by competing firms;
- what is the state policy in the field of pricing for similar goods.
The pricing policy of the enterprise should be adjusted taking into account the stage of the life cycle of goods. At the stage of penetration of the product on the market, a policy of "skimming cream" is usually applied. In the growth stage, pricing policy should focus on the long term. In the maturity stage, pricing tends to be short-term profit driven, while in the decline stage, discounts should be applied until a new product becomes available.
Product Competitiveness Analysis
Competitiveness is understood as a characteristic of a product that shows its difference from a competitor product both in terms of the degree of compliance with a specific social need and in terms of the cost of satisfying it.
The assessment of product competitiveness is based on a study of customer needs and market requirements. In order for a product to satisfy the needs of the buyer, it must meet certain parameters:
- technical (product properties, scope of its application and purpose);
- ergonomic (compliance of the product with the properties of the human body);
- aesthetic (appearance of the goods);
- normative (compliance of goods with current norms and standards);
- economic (the level of prices for goods, its service, the amount of funds available to the consumer to meet this need).
Analysis tasks:
- assessment and forecasting of the competitiveness of products;
- study of factors affecting its level;
- development of measures to ensure the required level of product competitiveness.
To assess competitiveness, it is necessary to compare the parameters of the analyzed product and the competitor product with the level set by the buyer's need, and compare the results obtained. For this purpose, single, group and integral indicators of product competitiveness are calculated.

2 Analysis of marketing activities and pricing on the example of Organza LLC

2.1 Analysis of the assortment of the enterprise

The Limited Liability Company LLC "Organza" was registered by the decision of the Brest Regional Executive Committee No. 5492 dated May 16, 2003 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs under No. 290303844, a certificate of registration was issued on May 27, 2003 No. 03675.
The activities of Organza LLC are carried out in accordance with the charter approved by the General Meeting of the founders of the organization by protocol No. 1 dated May 10, 2003 and registered by the decision of the Brest Regional Executive Committee dated May 16, 2003 No. 5492.
According to the charter, the main activities are:
- production of women's outerwear,
- wholesale trade in clothing and footwear,
- wholesale of knitwear and hosiery,
- wholesale trade in other non-food consumer goods,
- non-specialized wholesale trade in non-food products,
- clothing retail.
LLC "Organza" is one of the many enterprises on the Brest market that manufactures and sells women's outerwear.
The consumers of the company's products are women of the middle age group, with a low level of income from Belarus and Russia. This is due to the fact that the products of OOO "Organza" have fairly low prices with a high level of quality. If the model is successfully designed, made of high-quality fabric, corresponds to fashion trends, then it successfully competes with similar products from other, more well-known enterprises. Models of women's clothing for different age groups are being developed in the experimental laboratory. Analyzing sales for the first six months of the company's operation, employees of the marketing bureau came to the conclusion that models of the following sizes are in the greatest demand: 56th, 58th, 60th. And also products of sizes 62-70 are in stable demand, although their share in the total volume of sold products is low (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1 Number of products sold by size in 2010

This is due to the fact that competing enterprises are reluctant to develop models for obese women, explaining their position by the fact that the cost of such products is higher than that of products of medium and small sizes (consumption of fabric, applied materials, accessories, wages to workers), as well as low the speed of production on a stream, the lack of fashion models of the required sizes, the lack of the necessary experience among workers in experimental laboratories.
The product range of the enterprise is characterized by depth, breadth, richness and harmony.
The breadth of the assortment of LLC "Organza" is represented by nine assortment groups:
- women's dresses;
- women's two-piece suits;
- women's three-piece suits;
- women's coats;
- poncho;
- women's blouses;
- women's trousers;
- women skirts.
At the moment, the company manufactures garments for 52 assortment items, therefore, the saturation of the assortment is characterized by 52 goods.
In addition, each model in the assortment group can be made from different fabrics, similar in quality and structure, and in a variety of colors. This means that the depth of the offer is quite large and depends on the range of fabrics currently available from the enterprise and suppliers.

    The assortment of LLC "Organza" is constantly changing and depends on:
- changes in demand for certain types of goods;
- emergence of new models;
- removal from production of obsolete types of products;
- Changes in the product range of competing enterprises.
The life cycle of each model depends on many factors. This includes the conformity of the model itself and the fabric from which it is made to fashion trends, and the absence of errors in the design and manufacture of the product, the demand for the model depending on the season, the availability of competitors' products similar in design and fabric used, as well as the cost of the product.
Figure 2.2 shows the life cycle of model M 2.9032 - a two-piece women's suit made of linen fabric.

prod. 180

0 6 12 month
Rice. 2.2 Life cycle of model M 2.9032 (female two-piece suit made of linen fabric)

As can be seen from Figure 2.2, the life cycle of this model lasts about three months. This is mainly due to the length of the period of existence of demand for it.
Unlike model M 2.9032, the life cycle of model M 8.9015 - a poncho made of knitted fabric with faux fur trim lasts only a month, since an increased demand for this type of product is observed in October (Fig. 2.3).
Unit 120

0 5 10 month
Rice. 2.3 Life cycle of model M 8.9015 (knitted poncho with faux fur trim)

Much attention at Organza LLC is paid to the quality of its products.
Quality control of products at the enterprise includes the following stages:
- input control (carried out, as a rule, selectively at the warehouse of raw materials and materials by warehouse workers and periodically by employees of the experimental laboratory;
- control in the production process (carried out by technologists of workshops and periodically by employees of the experimental laboratory and quality controllers;
- final control (full control is carried out by the QCD employees and selective control by the experimental laboratory staff;
- the volume and type of product control at each stage, the controlled parameters and their standards are determined by the regulatory documentation (GOSTs, TU, TO) and instructions developed at the enterprise.
The requirements for the quality of purchased fabrics and applied materials are regulated by the regulatory documentation for products and are reflected in contracts (contracts concluded with suppliers).
Based on the quality data, the product grade is determined and product labels are printed. For the packaging of its products, the company uses plastic bags with its trademark.
Each product has a label that allows the buyer to identify the product and its individual properties, obtain information about its manufacturer, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the goods. When developing the label, the trademark of the company was used.
Production labeling of products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Republic of Belarus. If necessary, inserts containing brief recommendations for the care of products are used.

2.2 Analysis of the sales market of the enterprise

To sell its products, Organza LLC uses indirect distribution channels of the first and second levels (Fig. 2.4).
Rice. 2.4 Distribution channels for LLC "Organza" products

In the case when an enterprise sells its products to retailers, and they sell them to end consumers, Organza LLC uses a first-level distribution channel. When a product is sold first to wholesalers and then to retailers, this is a second-level distribution channel.
All products of the enterprise are sold from the warehouse of the enterprise for cash and non-cash payments. Stocks in the warehouse of products are constantly replenished, the range of products is updated.
The main markets for the products of Organza LLC in the period from 2007 to 2010 are the domestic market of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.
These markets are traditional, historically established, permanent and stable markets for the products of Belarusian clothing enterprises.
This situation is explained:
- large capacity of the indicated sales markets;
- significant consumer potential;
- acceptable price level for buyers.
The regional positioning of the products of LLC "Organza" is heterogeneous and is associated with local characteristics of the garment markets.
The geographical segmentation of the market is as follows:

Figure 2.5 Geographic segmentation of the product market in 2009

Figure 2.6 Geographic segmentation of the product market in 2010

Seasonality is one of the factors influencing the level of demand for the products of LLC "Organza". Let's analyze the company's sales volumes for 2010.
Table 2.1 Dynamics of sales of OOO "Organza" for 2010


  • Introduction
    • Chapter 2 Analysis of marketing activities of OOO SF "Contact Plus"
    • 2.2 Marketing analysis of the enterprise
    • Chapter 3 "Contact Plus"
    • 3.1 Organizational Marketing Improvement Project
    • 3.2 Feasibility study of the project
    • Conclusion
    • List of used sources and literature


Today, the importance of management functions, which allows the firm to survive in the competition in the long term, has increased dramatically in recent decades. Accelerating changes in the environment, the emergence of new demands and changing consumer attitudes, increasing competition for resources, the internationalization and globalization of business, the emergence of new unexpected business opportunities opened up by advances in science and technology, the development of information networks that make it possible to disseminate and receive information at lightning speed, wide the availability of modern technologies, the changing role of human resources, and a number of other reasons have led to a sharp increase in the importance of management.

At present, the direction of the trading activity of any company has become more versatile and complex in view of the huge variety of goods and the desires of the buyer. In a market economy, survive, as you know, those firms whose products, work, services are marketed. Given this circumstance, marketing activities become a guideline, the foundation on which the production process is built at the company.

The functioning of any company is an activity based on marketing. Marketing activities concern pricing, warehousing, packaging, branding, sales force management, credit, transportation, social responsibility, selection of outlet locations, customer research, trade rules, advertising, market research, etc.

Thus, the most important part of the management of the enterprise is the organization of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

In order to develop a marketing strategy for a particular company, it is necessary to analyze its internal and external environment, understand the mission of the company, formulate the main goals and objectives, and draw up a strategic plan for the marketing activities of the enterprise.

Currently, marketing planning has its place in a number of management functions. Along with formal, quantitative methods, marketing planning uses a creative, intuitive approach. Not being a universal way to achieve success in business, it at the same time creates the basis for the successful operation of the company. These circumstances confirm the relevance of the chosen topic.

The object of study in this work is the company OOO SF "Contact Plus".

The subject of the study is the process of strategic planning of the marketing activities of an enterprise.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the marketing activities of the enterprise and its improvement.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following scientific problems:

1. To study the essence and content of the organization's marketing activities.

2. Perform an analysis of the marketing activities of OOO SF "Contact Plus".

3. Determine ways to improve the marketing activities of OOO SF "Contact Plus".

The study is based on general scientific methods of cognition: generalization and systematization of theoretical data; comparison, analysis, synthesis, study and processing of empirical data; building scientific hypotheses; modeling the findings of the study, their classification.

The information and methodological base of the course work is made up of educational materials and monographs by domestic and foreign economists on marketing, strategic management, economics, strategic planning, such as I. Anof, I.A. Blank, O.S. Vikhansky, F. Kotler, R.A. Fatkhudinov, A.N. Romanov, I.V. Semenov, E.A. Utkin and others, methodological and practical information posted on Internet sites; statistical and financial materials characterizing the activities of OOO SF "Contact Plus".

The structure of the course work includes: introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, list of used sources and literature.

In the introduction, the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the subject and object of the study are defined, the goal and objectives of the work are formulated, and a brief description of the methodological and informational base is given.

The first chapter of the work analyzes the theoretical foundations of the organization's marketing strategy and ways to improve it.

In the second chapter, an analysis of the production and economic activities of OOO SF "Contact Plus" is carried out, an assessment of the financial condition of the organization is given and a marketing analysis of the enterprise is carried out.

In the third chapter, the development of a draft of practical recommendations for improving the marketing activities of the enterprise under study was carried out, an economic justification for the design recommendations was given.

In conclusion, the main results of the work done are summarized, conclusions and suggestions are formulated.

Chapter 1. The essence and content of the marketing activities of the organization

1.1 Place and role of marketing in the activities of the enterprise

The most important task of management is to establish and maintain a dynamic interaction of the organization with its environment, designed to provide it with competitive advantages, which is achieved by providing the buyer with the company's product. Marketing - "this is the whole business, presented in the form it looks like from the point of view of the final result, i.e. from the point of view of customers Boddy D. Fundamentals of Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - p. 14 ..

Thus, marketing plays a special role in strategic management, significantly beyond the function of selling products and studying demand.

The strategy under consideration will act as a goal for the marketing service, and the means of its implementation defined in the strategy will be marketing strategies.

In order to choose a strategy for marketing activities, in this particular case, the marketing service needs to conduct an appropriate market research, which should help answer the following questions:

why some customers buy the company's product, while others do not buy it, while buying the product of competitors;

how customers use the company's product, what they like and dislike about it;

what additional actions can draw attention to the company's product;

what groups of buyers do not consume this product at all and why, etc.

After answering these questions, the marketing service will be able to make a proposal for a marketing mix, which will act as a means of implementing marketing strategies.

The marketing service provides the planning service with the necessary information that forms the basis for developing goals for the internal unit. These goals are developed by the marketing service into marketing plans, which are implemented by the relevant departments of the marketing service Ansoff I. Strategic management. - M.: Economics, 2003. - p. 34. .

For the purpose of a survey to develop an enterprise marketing strategy, it is recommended to investigate the functional activities of an enterprise's marketing in the process of strategic planning.

This analysis covers all processes related to the planning of production and sales of products and includes the following: product strategy; pricing strategy; strategy for promoting the product on the market; choice of markets and distribution systems for products.

When examining marketing processes, the following objects of analysis are distinguished: market share and competitiveness of the company's products; variety of assortment and quality of products; market demographic statistics (identifying the impact of demographic changes, age or gender structure on changing needs); after-sales and pre-sales services to the population; effectiveness of sales, advertising and promotion of goods; profit from various goods and services; concentration of sales on a few products or a few customers; the effectiveness of channels for collecting information about the market; the life cycle of the company's products and the possibility of expanding sales; distribution channels: quantity, coverage, control; image and reputation of goods; pricing policy, flexibility in setting prices; the ability to serve markets that our competitors cannot serve; whether products are subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand, and to what extent.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that marketing plays a special and extremely important role in strategic management. Permeating all its processes, marketing makes it possible for the firm to be oriented to the needs of consumers and thus ensures a more flexible and adaptive inclusion of the firm in the environment. At the same time, the transition to strategic management served as a powerful impetus for the development of marketing and a change in its role in the company. It was strategic management that brought marketing to the forefront, significantly increasing its importance and qualitatively changing its role in business implementation.

1.2 The concept and essence of the marketing activities of the enterprise

Strategies activities marketing represent a set of priorities of a firm of a strategic nature, used to achieve its main goals of market activity. Thus, the choice of strategy must be approached thoughtfully, since in the future it will even limit the activities of the Boddy D. Fundamentals of Management guidelines. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - p. 174..

Marketing activities are classified according to various criteria: depending on the state of the market (new, existing) and goods (new, existing); in relation to competitors; depending on the position of the company in the market.

Let's consider each sign separately:

The choice of a specific competition strategy is carried out taking into account a number of factors, the main of which are: key conditions (factors) of success for the goods market in question; strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise and its main competitors in relation to key success factors; the strategic potential of the enterprise and the possibility of expanding resources

Strategies that determine marketing activities depending on the state of the market and product are the most general. The market is divided into 2 parts - the existing one, that is, which has already attracted a sufficient number of users and is developed in a given territory, and a new one, that is, either it does not exist in this territory, or no one knows about it yet. A product/service is divided similarly - an existing product/service, which consumers know about, a new one, which is not available or is not known about.

Anzoff matrix - a matrix that allows you to visualize the company's development strategies in terms of "product" and "market", as well as assess the likelihood of success and costs Ibid. - With. 214..

The matrix has the following form - see Figure 1.1

1. Market penetration: there is no need for much innovation, since the market is already quite developed and the product is well known to everyone, companies can choose a follower strategy. This strategy is used by new companies or firms expanding their field of activity.

Fig.1.1 Anzoff matrix

2. The market development strategy is aimed at attracting new users. This can be achieved by expanding the territory of introduction of the product (strategy geographical expansion) or attracting new consumer groups within an already developed territory (strategy creating new markets). Another variant of this strategy is to find new ways to use the product or to convince the consumer to buy the product in bulk.

3. Developing a little-known product or developing a new product is a risky strategy, but if successful, will bring huge profits, since your product will be unique in this market. It is also important that your product is fundamentally new and that consumers need it.

4. The diversification strategy is associated with the expansion of the company's activities, moreover, the most common strategy is when an organization produces or sells a new product that is fundamentally different from its previous products, and, therefore, released to a new market for it Boddy D. Fundamentals of Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - p. 216-217..

The second sign by which strategies differ is the company's attitude towards competitors.

basis competitive strategy constitute the competitive advantages of the enterprise in this product market.

The main goal of this strategy is the creation and retention of competitive advantages of the enterprise. Doyle P. Management: strategy and tactics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2001. - p. 109..

There are several ways to achieve competitive advantage, or business strategies, but the most common are: cost leadership; product differentiation; focusing (concentration);

1. A cost leadership strategy that involves reducing the total cost of producing goods or services.

2. The strategy of broad differentiation, aimed at giving products specific features that distinguish them from the products of competing firms, which helps to attract a large number of buyers

3. A cost-effective strategy that enables customers to get more value for their money through a combination of low costs and broad product differentiation. The task is to provide optimal costs and prices relative to manufacturers of products with similar features and quality.

4. A focused strategy, or a market niche strategy based on low costs, is focused on a narrow segment of buyers, where the company is ahead of its competitors due to lower production costs

5. A focused strategy, or a market niche strategy based on product differentiation, aims to provide representatives of the selected segment with goods or services that best meet their tastes and requirements. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Competitiveness: economics, strategy, management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - p. 187-189..

Thus, M. Porter identifies three key general strategies: cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Consider each of them sequentially (Fig. 1.2).

1. Cost leadership. When implementing this strategy, the task is to achieve leadership in terms of costs in their industry through a set of functional measures aimed at solving this particular problem. As a strategy, it involves tight control over costs and overheads, minimizing spending in areas such as research and development, advertising, and so on.

Low costs give an organization a good chance in its industry even if competition is fierce. A cost leadership strategy often creates a solid basis for competition in an industry where fierce competition in other forms is already established.

Fig.1.2 Basic strategy options according to M. Porter.

2. Differentiation. This strategy involves differentiating an organization's product or service from those offered by competitors in the industry. As Porter shows, the approach to differentiation can take many forms, including image, brand, technology, distinctive features, special customer service, and so on. Differentiation requires serious research and development, as well as sustainable marketing. In addition, buyers must give their liking to the product as something unique. The potential risk of this strategy is changes in the market or the launch of analogues initiated by competitors that will destroy the competitive advantage gained by the company.

3. Focus. The objective of this strategy is to focus on a specific group of consumers, market segment or geographically isolated market. The idea is to serve a specific target well, not the industry as a whole. It is assumed that the organization will thus be able to serve a narrow target group better than its competitors. This position provides protection against all competitive forces. Focusing can also be combined with cost leadership or product/service customization.

Analyzing the competitive environment and determining the organization's position in it involves determining the complexity and dynamism of the competitive environment. The universal methods of such analysis are the five forces model of M. Porter and the cost analysis of competitors.

The five forces model involves conducting a structural analysis based on determining the intensity of competition and studying the threat of potential competitors entering the market, the power of buyers, the power of suppliers, the threat from substitutes for a product or service.

Competitor cost analysis boils down to identifying the strategic factors driving cost, cost analysis itself, and competitor cost modeling.

To gain a competitive advantage, a firm can use three general competitive strategies: cost leadership (the task is to achieve cost leadership in a particular area through a set of measures to control them), individualization (it is supposed to achieve a difference between the product or service of the organization from the products or services of competitors in in this area), focusing (task - focusing on a specific group, market segment or geographic region) Formation of marketing strategies / IV Semenov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M .: Center for Marketing Research and Management, 2007. - p. 203..

First, in practice, there are much more factors that influence the choice of a company's behavior strategy: improving product quality; price drop; cost reduction; increase in the release program; improving the quality of service of goods; reduction of operating costs; development of a new market, etc.

Secondly, the choice of the company's strategy is determined not only by the orientation towards changing one factor and the choice of only one of the listed strategies, but by the dynamic combination of many factors in the formation of the strategy. Can't a firm simultaneously improve the quality of the product, reduce unit costs, improve the quality of service, develop new markets, increase the output program? All of these factors can be involved simultaneously. Everything is determined by the competitiveness of the company's personnel and the availability of funds Bowman K. Fundamentals of strategic management. Per. from English - M.: UNITI, 2003. - p. 232..

To analyze the strategic position in the market, the Shell / DPM model is used - a multifactorial model for analyzing the strategic positions of specific businesses (Fig. 1.3).

Business industry outlook

Business competitiveness 0

Fig.1.3 Shell/DPM model

The horizontal axis is a multifactorial assessment of the competitive status of a particular business. The vertical axis is an integral multifactorial measurement of the attractiveness of the industry Magomedov Sh.L. Determination of indicators of competitiveness of goods // STK.2000.№9. - With. 29-74..

The variable data of the company's strategic position in the market are analyzed (tables 1.1, 1.1):

Variables for Strategic Analysis (X-Axis)

Variables characterizing the competitiveness of the enterprise (X-axis)


Relative market share

Distributor network coverage

Technological Skills

Product Line Width and Depth

Equipment and location

Experience Curve

Productive reserves

Product quality

Economies of scale in production

After-sales service

Variables for strategic analysis (y-axis)

Variables characterizing the attractiveness of the industry


Industry Growth Rate

Relative industry rate of return

Buyer price

Buyer's commitment to the company

Importance of competitive advantage

Relative stability of the industry rate of return

Technological barriers to entry into the industry

Influence of the state in the industry

Influence of suppliers in the industry

The image of the industry in society

Depending on the position occupied by the company in the market, leaders, applicants, followers and companies operating in a niche are distinguished. In accordance with the position, the company's strategy is also chosen:

The leader owns a larger share of the market for a certain product, seeks to expand the market as a whole and its segment, find new consumers, reduce prices by reducing costs, etc.

The challenger aggressively attacks the leader and other competitors along the front using all possible and impossible strategies and attacks, wages a price war, reduces production costs, expands the product range, develops new products, improves distribution channels, improves the level of services, or launches a brilliant advertising campaign.

Followers include companies that seek to maintain their market share and avoid all the "pitfalls" while imitating a specific "foreign" strategy. However, followers can also pursue strategies aimed at maintaining and increasing the market segment. There are 4 strategies of followers: imitator, double, imitator or opportunist.

A company operating in a niche serves small segments of the market and does not compete with large firms. Their peculiarity is specialization in a particular product/service. While large firms have recently begun to pay attention to this strategy:

End user specialization. For example, a law firm specializes in criminal, civil, or industrial cases.

vertical specialization. For example, a company concentrates its efforts on the production of certain metals or products from them.

Specialization depending on the size and importance of clients. The company focuses on serving small, medium or large customers.

geographic specialization. The company sells goods/services in a particular locality or region.

Product specialization. The company produces only a certain product or its own single product line.

Specialization in individual customer service.

Specialization on a certain ratio of quality and price. The company is engaged in the production of either high-quality or cheap products.

Service specialization. The firm offers one or more unique services that are not provided by its competitors.

Specialization in distribution channels. The firm specializes in the development of a single distribution channel.

It is worth noting that by operating in two or more niches, the company increases its chances of survival in an atmosphere of fierce competition.

1.3 Principles and methods for developing marketing activities in an organization

The process of developing an enterprise marketing strategy can be viewed as a dynamic set of eight interrelated management processes that logically follow one from the other.

When developing the marketing activities of an enterprise, modern concepts consider the organization as an open system that receives resources and returns finished products and services back to the external environment. Such an organization adapts to changes in the external environment and responds to the changing opportunities, threats and challenges of this environment.

The external environment includes those elements of the economic system that, influencing the results of the organization's activities, are not related to the internal variables of this organization Moiseeva N.K., Aniskin Yu.P. Modern enterprise: competitiveness, marketing, renewal. - M: Vneshtorgizdat, 2003. - p. 42..

The SWOT method used to analyze the environment. Along with the methods of studying the threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the organization, the method of compiling its profile can be used to analyze the environment. This method is convenient to apply to compiling a profile separately of the macro-environment, the immediate environment and the internal environment. Using the environmental profiling method, it is possible to assess the relative importance for the organization of individual environmental factors.

The organization studies the environment in order to ensure its successful progress towards its goals, therefore, after the analysis of the internal and external environment is completed, the company determines the main guidelines for its activities.

As the first factor shows, each organization has its own set of critical points. It depends on the size of the organization, the nature of its activities, its chosen goals, geographical, historical and other features.

When analyzing the internal environment, it is necessary to identify what strengths and weaknesses the individual structural divisions of the company and the company as a whole have.

Thus, the analysis carried out in strategic planning is aimed at identifying threats and opportunities that may arise in the external environment in relation to the company, the strengths and weaknesses that the company has. It is to solve this problem that certain techniques for analyzing the environment have been developed, which are used in strategic planning.

Thus, the main task of the enterprise is the choice of a strategy that would provide protection from the action of competitive forces and (or) make it possible to use them for their own purposes. Of the five factors of competition in the industry, as a rule, one factor dominates, which becomes decisive in the development of the competitive strategy of the enterprise Artamonov B.V. Strategic management. - M.: UNITI, 2002 - p. 114..

The interaction of competing enterprises has the following features:

competition is carried out with more or less constant persistence for the best market position;

strategies of competing enterprises are very diverse;

each of the manufacturers tends to choose a competitive strategy that is difficult to copy or upset;

the actions of rival enterprises lead to the creation of new conditions for the supply and demand of goods.

One way to reduce the pressure of intra-industry competition is to use the comparative advantage that the firm has.

One of the variants of the comparative advantage method was proposed by the Russian economist A. Yudanov.

Opportunities for the emergence of new competitors in the industry depend on the so-called barriers to entry into the industry.

Barriers to entry into an industry are obstacles that must be overcome in order to establish a business and compete successfully in an industry. Barriers to entry into the industry may include:

customer loyalty to the brand;

the need to create a new system of distribution channels;

economies of scale in production;

transitional costs (one-time costs associated, for example, with changing

supplier, staff retraining, new product development);

government policy to protect the industry through demand;

licensing, restricting access to sources of raw materials;

substitute goods. The emergence of products that effectively satisfy the same needs, but in a slightly different way, can exacerbate competition;

economic opportunities of suppliers, which represent a real market power in the event that the goods supplied by them constitute a significant part of the costs of industry products, are critical to the production process and (or) significantly affect the quality of the industry product. Suppliers can influence the industry by taking advantage of their ability to raise prices or reduce the quality of the goods or services they provide.

The economic power of buyers is determined by their ability to impose the terms of a deal on sellers.

Buyer power depends on:

cohesion and concentration of the consumer group;

the degree of importance of products for buyers;

the range of its application;

degree of product homogeneity;

level of consumer awareness.

The value of the five forces of competition model is that it helps to determine the structure and extent of competition in a particular industry.

Thus, marketing strategic analysis is "a means of transforming the database obtained as a result of environmental analysis into the organization's marketing strategy" Lambin Jean-Jacques. Strategic Marketing. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2006. - p. 252..

Marketing strategy consists in identifying suitable products, services and markets to which they can be offered.

Chapter 2 Analysis of the marketing activities of LLC SF "Contact Plus"

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

The enterprise LLC SF "Kontakt Plus" considered in the work is engaged in capital construction of utility facilities, construction and roofing works, repair and decoration of premises, installation of housing communications systems.

The company was founded in 1998.

The activities of the enterprise, its rights and obligations are regulated by the law on entrepreneurial activity. The management of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with its Charter. The enterprise is a legal entity, enjoys the rights and fulfills the obligations associated with its activities, has an independent balance sheet, a current bank account, a stamp with its name and letterheads. In order to ensure its activities, it can open budget and settlement accounts in banks.

The tasks of the enterprise are:

provision of housing and communal services (construction, repair);

pursuing a unified policy for the integrated development of housing and communal services, its operation, current and major repairs, reconstruction, ensuring its sustainable environmentally safe functioning;

implementation of legal, organizational and methodological support for the reform in housing and communal services;

analysis of the general economic situation in the industry, the results of the work of contractors, the development and implementation of measures to improve their activities;

implementation of an optimal tariff policy in a market economy, taking into account the provision of social protection of the population in the field of housing and communal services;

control over the use, maintenance and repair of the housing stock, regardless of its ownership, in terms of ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the state;

performing the functions of the customer for the capital construction of public utility facilities.

The block diagram of the enterprise is shown in Figure 2.1:

Fig. 2.1 Management structure of OOO SF "Contact Plus"

Based on this scheme, LLC SF "Contact Plus" is headed by a general director, he manages the enterprise and organizes its activities on the principles of unity of command. The director represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, hires and dismisses employees in accordance with labor legislation, applies incentives and imposes penalties on employees of the enterprise, opens bank accounts of the enterprise.

Deputy gene. Director manages the work of the technical services of the enterprise, is responsible for the implementation of the plan, the production of high-quality products (services), the use of the latest equipment and technology. Deputy gene. director heads the production council of the enterprise, which is an advisory body. The following departments are subordinate to him:

construction and assembly;


The tasks of the construction and installation department include issues of improving construction services, developing new types of construction services, introducing the latest achievements of science and technology, mechanization and automation of processes, compliance with established technology, etc.

Also, Deputy gene. The director is also headed by the commercial department, which deals with the tasks of promoting the company's construction services in the market of the city and the region.

The chief accountant directs the work on planning and economic incentives at the enterprise, increasing labor productivity, identifying and using production reserves, improving the organization of production, labor and wages, organizing intra-company cost accounting, etc. The planning and economic department develops annual, quarterly plans for the enterprise, monitors their implementation , determines ways to eliminate shortcomings, organizes and improves planning, develops standards for the formation of economic incentive funds, and maintains operational statistical records.

Accounting carries out accounting of the enterprise's funds and business transactions with material and monetary resources, establishes the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, etc.

The company as a whole has 113 permanent employees. The staff of the organization is divided into departments. Structural analysis of divisions showed that 14 people are employed by the management of the enterprise and divisions, there are 26 specialists, the rest of the employees (73 people) are workers. The enterprise also widely uses the practice of using seasonal hiring of workers (up to 50-100 people per season, depending on the size of the facilities under construction).

The company maintains its accounting records according to the usual accounting and reporting regime. Accordingly, all accounting is maintained by the organization in compliance with all the regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to the accounting of organizations.

Let's analyze the financial condition of the enterprise for 2008 and 2007 (table 2.1 and 2.2 of the work):

Balance sheet of the enterprise for 2008 and 2007 / thousand rubles

the end of the year

the end of the year


Intangible assets

fixed assets

TOTAL for section I



raw materials, materials and other similar values

work in progress costs

finished goods and goods for resale

Future expenses

Accounts receivable (for which payments are expected within 12 months after the reporting date)

including buyers and customers

Short-term financial investments


Other current assets

TOTAL for section II

the end of the year

the end of the year


Authorized capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

TOTAL for Section III


TOTAL for Section IV


Loans and credits

Accounts payable


suppliers and contractors

debt to the staff of the organization

debt to the government. off-budget funds

debt on taxes and fees

TOTAL for section V

Profit and loss statement of the enterprise for 2008 and 2007 / thousand rubles.

Name of indicator

Income and expenses from ordinary activities

Revenue (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments)

Cost of sold goods, products, works, services

Gross profit

Selling expenses

Management expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Other income and expenses

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

< ...........

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova

Faculty of Economics

Department of Accounting and Audit

Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise on the example of Tsvetnaya LLP

Completed by: Shishkina O.

Checked by: teacher, associate professor,

Ph.D. Kurmangalieva A.K.



1. The essence of marketing analysis.

2. Marketing and its strategy

2.1 Product and price

2.2 Promotion

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing management in the enterprise

4. Calculation of indicators characterizing the profitability of commercial activities, the competitiveness of an enterprise and the effectiveness of its marketing activities on the example of Tsvetnaya LLP



One of the main tasks of the marketing department is, of course, marketing analysis.

By marketing analysis, we mean the collection of information about the activities of the enterprise, its study in several main areas (product, price, customers, promotion) and the use of the results obtained to select areas for the development of the business as a whole and its individual components.

It should be noted that such an analysis does not have to be super complex, involving a large amount of information, labor, time and other resources (it is the fear of starting such a complex business that often discourages managers from using marketing analysis). For most medium and small enterprises, the analysis tools that will be discussed in our article are quite enough. Large enterprises usually use the appropriate software, which is due to both large amounts of data collected and a wider range of tasks to be solved.

In this article, we will not describe in detail the various marketing tools, but we will talk about the most difficult moments.

What does the analysis give?

The results of marketing analysis can be used by the company for the following main purposes:

in the development of the marketing strategy of the enterprise, the decision to change or adjust it;

· when drawing up short-term plans for marketing and production activities, evaluating their implementation;

when making a decision regarding goods, product groups, prices, individual customers, etc. (within the framework of the existing marketing strategy);

in the manager's assessment of the current state of affairs of the enterprise.

The third point deserves some explanation. Unfortunately, it is he who is often the only goal of the ongoing marketing analysis. Remove the goods from production or leave; withdraw a new one or wait; raise the price or not worth it - these are the questions that are expected to be answered by the analysis. It is possible to get these answers, but, unfortunately, they will not be able to give a business much.

In our practice, there was such an example: a manager turns to a consulting company to conduct a study in order to find out what new types of sausages will be in demand. A more detailed acquaintance with the company revealed that the assortment goes off scale for one and a half hundred items, that the overall profitability is low, and several dozen positions have negative profitability. Why introduce new positions? The answer is standard: to please consumers. So what if the company is working on the verge of profitability (however, no one thought this before), the main thing is that the range of products pleases the eye.

As long as there are no common strategic guidelines for development, all momentary decisions will be like wallpapering a house, the walls of which are slowly warping. Therefore, in our case, we are only talking about determining the specific moment for making certain decisions provided for in the marketing strategy.

1. The essence of marketing analysis

Marketing analysis cannot be carried out without having the initial information about the work of the company. On the one hand, the stage of data collection is a purely technical and uncomplicated procedure, on the other hand, it is at this stage that mistakes are often made, which subsequently lead to incorrect analysis. There are two main mistakes:

the information that is not required is collected;

Information is collected in a non-optimal way.

So, what data should be obtained in order to conduct a basic marketing analysis of the enterprise? We usually ask for the following information:

data on sales volumes in physical and value terms (with a breakdown by time, assortment groups, customers, sellers), data on sales of related products and services (spare parts, after-sales service, etc.);

data on the "history" of each product (date of start of development and release to the market; cost price, price and their changes);

data on the client base (minimum information for B2B operations: company name, location, belonging to any segment, contact person, full name of the responsible manager);

similar information on marketers;

detailed information about each of the main competitors (it is desirable to keep "competitor cards", constantly supplementing them with up-to-date information);

In order for information to be useful and not require much effort to obtain it periodically, it must meet the following requirements:

· Reliability. All data used by marketers must be carefully verified, otherwise significant distortion of the output data may occur. The leaders of one of the enterprises with which we worked were sure that the profitability of their production was 10%. After recalculating the cost and taking into account all costs, it became clear that the profitability barely reaches 4%. Incorrect cost calculation (real, not accounting) is typical for our enterprises and leads to the fact that managers see a distorted picture of the company's profitability.

· Efficiency. The work on collecting information should be organized in such a way as to exclude "overstocking".

·Single shape. A common problem: the base of the sales department works in the format of one program, the base of financiers - in another, the marketing department generally calculates in Excel.

As a result, the lion's share of time is spent on bringing the data to a general form.

·Limitation. Gathering information is an exciting process. Sometimes it turns into an end in itself: "More information, good and different." The scope of the information flow should be clearly defined, and their change should be agreed with management and performers.

"Longevity". The main value of marketing information lies in the ability to see the dynamics of changes. The longer the time period "covered" by the information, the better and more reliable the conclusions will be. A few years ago, the main problem for Russian bank analysts was precisely the limited information history. In Western banks, specialists operated for decades and centuries, while ours had information for years or months. Accordingly, the quality of financial forecasts was objectively low and this affected profitability. Some companies voluntarily shorten their information path, periodically clearing computers of "outdated" information (here is the fear of the tax inspectorate, and elementary illiteracy - "to make the computer work faster", and misunderstanding of the value of information).

After collecting all the necessary information that meets the listed criteria, we can assume that half of the work is done - a competent specialist can easily conduct a marketing analysis in the main areas.


We propose to consider the possibilities of marketing analysis using the example of developing a marketing strategy. This is the most global task that requires the results of a marketing analysis, since it includes the formation of a marketing plan, an assessment by the manager of the current state of affairs, and decision-making regarding goods, prices, customers, etc. Suppose that the company did not have a marketing strategy and is being created for the first time. Where to begin?

Look at the root

The first stage of work with marketing as such has little to do with it. You should start by defining the goals of the entire enterprise and developing a company-wide development strategy.

Here we will need such analysis tools as STEP factors assessment and SWOT analysis. They are classified as both marketing and management tools. The content is well known: STEP - analysis of social, technological, economic and political factors; SWOT - analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as the opportunities and dangers of the external environment. In our practice, we combine these types of analysis in one large table (see table), which provides greater clarity and ease of use. In such a table, the columns "Opportunities", "Dangers" follow from the section "Trends", and the column "Actions" becomes the logical conclusion of this description.


Population polarization continues, stable strata are formed