The technology of growing greens in hydroponics at home. Green onion growing business using hydroponics: profit all year round! Can onions be grown hydroponically?

In order to ensure the cultivation of a quality crop of green onions, it is necessary not only to prepare the necessary tools in advance, but also to choose the right variety of bulbs for planting and organize their care.

Preparing bulbs for planting

To achieve the fastest and highest quality result, you need to purchase bulbs that were obtained during the autumn harvest. The diameter of the bulbs should be at least 2-3 cm. Most often, such varieties as Arzamassky, Bessonovsky, Soyuz, Spassky show a good result of forcing green onions in hydroponics. In order to speed up the process of root formation, it is recommended to pre-soak with blowing the bulbs.

To carry out such preliminary preparation, you should purchase tools such as:

  • clean bucket;
  • thermometer;
  • aquarium compressor for saturating water with oxygen;
  • 2 heating pads;
  • water.

You can immediately soak in a bucket up to 1 kg of bulbs. For soaking, you should take warm water, the temperature of which is about 38 ° C. After backfilling the onion and turning on the purge pump, put 2 heating pads on the sides of the bucket and cover them with a terry towel. This will reduce the rate of water cooling, so germination will proceed more intensively. Bulb heads should be germinated in this way for at least 15 hours. If there is a desire to get an ultra-fast harvest, germination can be continued for 21 hours.

After the onion is lowered into the water for its preliminary preparation, care should be taken about the necessary container, in which the green feather will actually be distilled. It is best to purchase ready-made plastic containers, the length of which is at least 80 cm. The width of such containers should be at least 40 cm and a depth of 20 cm. Special lids are also attached to such containers, in which there are special holes for placing the bulbs.

The advantage of such containers is also the fact that the roots of the bulbs in this case are completely in the dark, and between the lid and the water in the container a cushion of moist air is formed, which is extremely important and prevents the roots from drying out. There are options for containers that are equipped with special pears and even compressors that allow oxygen to saturate hydroponics, preventing rotting of the roots of the bulbs.

Planting and caring for bulbs on the windowsill

If desired, green onions can be grown hydroponically in pure water, but for longer feathers, a small amount of soluble fertilizer mixtures should be added to the water. After the water is poured into the prepared container, you can begin to "plant" the bulbs.

In most cases, pruning of the tops of the bulbs is required before planting, since this treatment of the greens does not have to break through the keratinized outer leaves. In this case, the bulbs that already have germinated roots should be placed in the existing containers so that they reach the water with the tips of the roots.

After planting the onions, blowing the roots of the bulbs should be turned on daily for at least 30-45 minutes.

This will prevent water from molding, and in addition, it will improve the growth rate of the green feather. Despite the fact that the onion is quite tolerant of the lack of bright lighting culture, you still need to take care of the lighting to get a quality feather crop. It is worth noting that when forcing green onions on a heated balcony, it is quite possible to do without additional lighting. If the duration of the natural daylight hours is clearly insufficient, you can make the backlight based on LED lamps.

Feather growth rate largely depends on the temperature of water and air. The optimal temperature for growing onion feathers hydroponically is around 25-27°C. At lower temperatures, green growth will slow down significantly. Depending on the created conditions, mature onion feathers can be obtained in the period from 15 to 21 days.

After cutting the feather, care should be taken to plant a new bulb to replace the old one. Leaving old bulbs that have already grown the maximum number of feathers is not worth it, since the risk of their decay is extremely high.

The nutrient solution is topped up 2 times a month (it can be purchased at the store). From one can of concentrate, 50 liters of solution are obtained, which is enough to grow 45-50 plants during the year.

"floating platform"

You can use the "Water culture" or "Floating platform" system. For this method, take a container into which the nutrient solution is poured and a sheet of foam plastic with holes for the pots is placed.

As a container, you can take any opaque container. They buy pots or take disposable cups, pour the substrate into them and plant the plants.

Growing Green Onions Hydroponically

Autumn forcing onion varieties are well suited for growing hydroponically. How grow herbs on the windowsill in winter can be read. To speed up the growth of leaves, several methods of preparing the bulbs are used:

  • trimming the neck of the bulb;
  • cruciform incision;
  • dissection of the bulb by a third;
  • pricking the upper part in a circle;
  • soaking in water at a temperature of 35 - 38 ° C for 12-15 hours, preferably with the addition of ash (5-6 grams per liter of water);
  • bubbling - soaking for a day in water, through which oxygen is passed using a compressor.

Forcing onions on "Agros"

For planting onions, they use Agros mats impregnated with special fertilizers. 10-12 kilograms of bulbs are placed on 1 square meter. For sprinkling, take vermiculite with a layer of 1 centimeter. Plants are planted in rows. The distance between the rows is 3-4 centimeters, and between the bulbs - 2-3 centimeters.

Mats are placed in a dark and cool room for 10-12 days (this will speed up the growth of roots). If this condition is not observed, then part of the plants will turn out to be undersized due to the underdevelopment of the roots. Then the mats are rearranged in a bright and warm place. But you need to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the plants.

For watering use heated fertilizer for hydroponics. The optimum temperature for distillation is 20-22 0 C. Under such conditions, the onion will grow in 22 days. If you keep the plants at a temperature of 25-27 ° C, then the feathers will grow back in 17 days, but they will be too thin. At 17°C, distillation will take up to 27 days, and at 10-13°C - up to 40 days.

After harvesting, the mats are planted with new plants.

Styrofoam for growing onions

You can take polystyrene foam and any light-tight container for forcing onions. Holes are made in the foam into which the bow is inserted. placed in a container filled with water. Periodically spray onions with a spray bottle.

With the help of hydroponics, it is possible to harvest strawberries all year round. To do this, you will need to acquire a hydroponic setup, containers (plastic containers lined with light-tight film, or bags), a substrate (coconut or mineral wool) and a nutrient solution.

The containers are filled with a substrate, moistened and strawberry bushes are planted in them in rows. The distance between rows is 40 centimeters, and between plants in a row is 25 centimeters. Before planting, the roots of seedlings must be thoroughly washed to avoid the development of pests.

Periodically water the strawberries with a nutrient solution, but waterlogging should not be allowed. It is necessary to maintain an eight-hour daylight hours and the appropriate temperature: 25 0 during the day and 18 0 at night.

Early varieties are great for hydroponically growing lettuce.

For seed germination, it is better to use peat tablets or coconut fiber, and for plant growth - fine expanded clay. Expanded clay is poured into special plastic pots or into plastic cups with holes. A peat tablet with seeds is placed on top of expanded clay.

The container is filled with a nutrient solution, a platform with cups is placed on top so that they are 1 centimeter immersed in the liquid. Once a week add water and add fertilizer. Lighting is required: during seed germination for 18 hours, and then - 12 hours a day.

In order for the leaves to be juicy and non-bitter, the temperature should be maintained at the level of 16-18 0 heat, and humidity - 60-80%. Hydroponics will allow you to get an excellent harvest in record time.

Growing green onions hydroponically in 15 days!

Start: Result:

onion at home

For the whole procedure we need:

  • Onions bought in a store are better for an autumn harvest (bulb diameter 3-4 cm).
  • Compressor for purge complete with atomizer.
  • Styrofoam tanks or any other light-tight containers.
  • Fluorescent lamp for additional lighting at the last stage of distillation.

We take the purchased onion, peel off the husk on it and immerse it in a tank of water. Warm water was first poured into the tank, a temperature of 25-28 degrees is quite suitable, a spray bottle was placed at the bottom. We put the prepared onion in the tank and turn it on. For burbulation of bulbs, it is better to take a larger container. More capacity - more onions are blown at a time. Do not forget that you can not overload the tanks with onions, because due to the large volume of onions there will be very little water and the air will not reach all the bulbs. The result may be brown onion soup, and not what we need. containers

Standard growing tank - length - 80 cm (0.8 m), width - 0.4 m, height - 20 cm.

The lid of this box fits snugly enough to the bottom, so that the roots are in almost complete darkness and in very comfortable conditions for growth. Please note that such a number of holes in the lid is not accidental. Do not forget that we will insert a bow into the holes, so no load will arise, and with a large number of holes, rigidity will be lost, which may not be very good in the future, since the weight will increase over time. To create holes, an ordinary sharp knife with a thin blade is used.

In order for the holes to turn out at the same distance, we use a marker and a ruler. Everything is very simple, we draw lines and put points at their intersection, we get a cell. You can choose the distance between the holes yourself by first calculating the width between the lines. The holes are cut, as mentioned above, with a sharp, thin knife. All holes are cut in the form of a cone, so almost all bulbs of approximately the same size fit into the hole + - a couple of centimeters. A very important point is the atomizer in the tank. For good growth, onion roots, in principle, like all plants, require air. Therefore, at the bottom of the tank we lay out two long, almost the entire length of the atomizer, to which we connect the compressor.

Purpose and objectives, in the green onion forcing project:

The goal is to get a good result in forcing greens in a minimum period on a small area. I will slightly underestimate the planned result for safety reasons and assume that the yield of pure greens will be 75-80% of the weight of the bulbs, we will try to achieve this result in 21 days. In fact, as a rule, the result is usually higher, time will tell how much I missed. And we will strive for 80-85% of pure greenery in 15 days. In the best case, it will be 88-90%, time will tell. In order for the onion to awaken, it is usually best to sparge it from 6 to 12 hours. If time does not endure and there is no desire to wait, less is possible, but not desirable. The less bubbling takes place, the longer the onion will think in the tank, i.e. the longer it will take time until it starts to grow. Day one This is what the bulb looks like after 4 hours of bubbling.

Growing onions at home in hydroponics: Day one

This is what the bulb looks like after 4 hours of bubbling.

Another couple of hours have passed and the results of our expectation are already visible.

In theory, we are close to the desired result, but due to the lack of time and the desire to wait, we are already putting the onion in the forcing tanks.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that since we promised to expel the bow in such a short time, we need to help him. To do this, after borbating, we cut the neck of each bulb and a slightly decapitated bulb turned out, due to such an execution, the feather begins to grow much faster.

As you have already noticed, the onion forcing tanks are completely made of foam. This is a fish tank, previously washed, cleaned and dried. After long experiments, we came to the conclusion that the optimal number of holes in such a tank is 60. There are 50 planting cells in this tank. With a strong desire, laying onions in cells takes about 50 seconds.

Growing onions at home hydroponics: day two

While everyone is busy with their work, the onion does not doze, it grows and slowly builds roots. Pay attention to the heater in the tank, thanks to it, the optimal temperature for the roots is always maintained in the tank.

After 18 hours, you can already notice that the bow has adopted and is slowly starting to grow. The sections of the necks of some of the bulbs were tightened and swollen. If you pay attention to the roots, they have already grown twice and this is in 18 hours! A well-awakened onion may well grow 2-3 cm of root in the initial stages per day.

Growing Onions Hydroponically: Day Three

At the moment, the onion is very actively growing roots, therefore, as long as there is an opportunity, I will show a photo. The time has passed about 18 hours, please note that the growth points are already swollen and ready to start, and some have already sprouted.

Pay attention to the roots, they have become even larger. The picture shows that the bulbs that are on the sides have much smaller roots than the rest - this is due to the fact that the atomizer tubes are slightly away from the edge, so there is no such violent bursting of bubbles in their area. If you notice the same disgrace in yourself, then I recommend that you simply change these bulbs in places with the central ones.

The best way to stimulate growth is a powerful purge during bubbling and cutting the bottom of the bulb. The optimum temperature is about 30-32 degrees. The more bubbles there are during bubbling, the better, so you can safely put 2-3 stones instead of one. The neck of the onion is best trimmed just before planting in the place for distillation. Thus, we stimulate the point of growth to awaken.

growing green onions

If the growth point is already swollen a little, you can cut it a little higher, it is very important not to damage the growth point itself during these procedures, but if this has already happened, then it's okay. She will heal quickly and start to grow. Next moment. As we know, the scales on the onion are not simple, it is a protective shell, from insects, diseases and cold. So, for the fastest exit from hibernation, it is better to remove them, since without them growth will begin much faster. It is better to take them off before blowing, and even after, if they disappear, then it is better to peel them off. Another nuance, in principle, not mandatory, but positively affecting growth. The photo above shows that there is an aquarium water heater in the tank with water, it is not there for nothing.

After transplanting the bulbs from the warm environment of the bubbler to distillation, it is better to heat the water in the tank to 26-28 degrees. Such warm water has a very positive effect on the further development of the roots, which continue to hatch and reach for the water. All the time, after planting the bulbs, the aerator or compressor should work, it cannot be turned off even at night. Remember, the more atomizers in the tank, the more bubbles there will be, thereby the feather will grow faster.

12-16 hours after transplanting the onion, turn off the heater. Onion roots grow very well and actively at temperatures up to 20 degrees. If you plan to use a rack structure, then at the first stages of distillation, it is best to place the tanks on the floor, it is cooler there, just what you need for active root growth. After a while, after about 3-4 days, although more by eye, we see that the root system has grown very well, we raise the water temperature to 25-26 degrees. Thus, we stimulate the growth of the pen. All of the above is purely advisory in nature, you can experiment and find your optimal interval. With an increase in temperature, the root system will continue to develop, but not as intensively as before, all the forces of the bulb will be thrown into growing the feather. All of the above reduces the distillation time.

A technically mature feather is a 30cm feather. As soon as the feather grows to this size, we stop heating the water. Another very important nuance. At a high temperature of 26-28 degrees, the feather grows quickly, but it turns out to be very thin, do not miss this moment, otherwise the feather will bend. As soon as you notice that the feather has grown to the length that you would like to see in the final result, we immediately transfer the bow to a low solution temperature and begin to illuminate. So the pen stretches to the top much better and saves electricity well. At a lower temperature and light, the feather begins to grow stronger, becomes green and more fleshy. Feather growth does not stop, although it becomes noticeably slower.

A little more about. From the moment the onion is planted in the foam holes and until the feather germinates up to 10-15 centimeters, light is absolutely not needed. For this I used a black opaque black film. Even when it reaches 15 centimeters, it is not at all necessary to illuminate it, although the hit is not so harmful. When light hits, the feather slows down a little in growth, but not significantly. If the pen is already a decent size, then it's time to light it up. Lighting can be both natural light and artificial. You can use it, with them the onion turns green in a very short time.

You can also use and, as well as the most simple and ordinary. When using these lamps, it will take a little longer to give the pen a rich green color. Using these, it takes about 4-6 days for 16 hours to give the feather a green color and fleshiness. Using DNAt will take only 2-3 days, and it is not at all necessary that the lamp be very powerful. Remember that a large amount of bright light and a long daylight hours have a negative effect, so if you illuminate with sodium lamps, then the daylight hours should not be long. Rarely, but it happens that I light up the Grolux, the bow lasts two or three days for 12 hours. It shines on the bow better from the top, since with side illumination, the likelihood of wringing the feather increases. When illuminated from above, the feather continues to grow a little more.

It is also very important that no fertilizers or other stimulants are used during forcing, all growth is carried out at the expense of the resources of the bulb. So, after much experimentation, the best solution for distillation was found - this is water. At the same time, the water does not need to be changed frequently.

You can use bright light, long days, warmth, good feeding, but it is better in limited quantities and try not to combine one with the other. Otherwise, the bow begins to act up - it releases an arrow, collapses, small onions grow. Thus, the trade dress is lost.

: Day four

The difference is visible to the naked eye.

Morning photo. This is what the roots look like on day 4

Growing Onions Hydroponically: Day Five

Tops are striving higher and higher.

And what do the roots look like?

As we can see, the roots have already grown large enough and powerful, so that you can already start building up the feather. We increase the temperature of the water in the tank to 26-28 degrees and wait for the result.

Growing Onions Hydroponically: Day Seven

onion at home

In order to better track and observe, make signatures on the bulbs. At the moment, there is already an active growth.

Some information about humidity. For onions, 60% ambient humidity is sufficient. Sometimes onions can be sprayed with a spray bottle to raise the moisture. Remember that due to insufficient moisture, the bulb may begin to grow not a feather, but scales that perform a protective function, which will lead to a complete stop in the growth of the feather. Onions grow well at a solution pH of 6.5 to 7.3. Tap water typically has a pH of around 7.0.

Growing onions hydroponically: Day eight

The photo below shows that several bulbs of the second and third row (which are indicated by the numbers 11, 12, 14.15) have already reached the ceiling of the rack. As we remember, two of them were already caught with a sprouting feather, and two more turned out to be quite fast on their own.

This is what the bow looks like ready for lighting.

We grow onions in hydroponics Day thirteen

This is what the bow looks like today. The bow is almost ready to be harvested, but if you are not in a hurry, then you can leave it for another couple of days. Then the color will be richer and the pen will come out thicker. Also, the readiness of the onion can be judged by the bulbs. If the bulb is still hard, then you can hold it, as the feather will still grow.

Growing Onions Hydroponically: Day Fourteen

Harvest is collected. This is how it turned out, a bow on the water.

And now some numbers. 15 bulbs were planted, 38 grams each (approximately average weight).

Total: 15x38=570 458 grams of greens were collected. Total percent of the pen from the turnip 458 \u003d 80.35%

In conclusion. We managed to drive out a technically mature onion in 7 days, and the length of its feather was 72 centimeters. The bow turned out to be even, elongated like a string, thick, dark green. And it turned out to achieve this result thanks to some tricks.

  • The bulbs underwent a special selection, then they were prepared for the start, they lay for several days in a warm and humid room. Then everything is as usual, cutting the bottom, bubbling until small roots (2-3 mm) appear.
  • During planting, the neck was cut, and the bulb was pierced a day later.
  • "Pricking" - a circular shallow piercing with a needle of the upper part of the bulb in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe growth point, which facilitates the access of additional air to this very point and greatly stimulates the start. Pricking is better than cutting the neck in that the "cut" juicy scales, in the future, practically do not participate in the "feeding" of the pen. A day later, the neck was incised with a cross.
  • "Dissection cr

Currently, several soilless methods of growing vegetables, berries and herbs are used at home and in greenhouses. and other cultivated plants has become popular in our country relatively recently, but has already established itself positively.

Basic equipment

The lack of soil makes it easy to keep indoors clean, and it is for this reason that hydroponics is very convenient at home, on the windowsill. The basic equipment and nutrient solution can be easily made by hand.

Hydroponics is most often used for growing green onions, as well as almost any variety of lettuce, parsley, dill, spinach, sorrel, fennel, basil and cilantro or other aromatic herbs. It is best to grow early and early maturing varieties of green crops in hydroponics.

The advantages of this method are:
  • high level of profitability in view of the low consumption of the solution and the insignificant cost of electricity;
  • the most efficient consumption of fertilizer;
  • rapid growth and development of green culture;
  • environmental friendliness of the products.

To make such a system yourself, you will need to use:

  • gutters made of plastic with an optimal cross section and holes for planting cups;
  • standard plastic cups equipped with slots;
  • a container filled with a nutrient solution;
  • water pump and timer.

How to grow green onions in hydroponics (video)

One side of the plastic gutter should be hermetically covered with a plug. It is recommended to place the plastic chute on the racks with an inclination angle of about one percent from the horizontal.

Nutrient solution for greens

High-quality nutrient solutions used in the hydroponics system, through specially made calibrated holes, enter the root system of the green crop. Properly prepared nutrient solution is a guarantee of obtaining high-quality vegetable and green products. The initial data of the water used to prepare the solution are presented:

  • general indicators of the concentration of soluble salts;
  • qualitative and quantitative content of essential nutrients;
  • hardness indicators.

  • complex fertilizer "Kemira-hydro";
  • granulated calcium nitrate;
  • monopotassium phosphate;
  • liquid magnesium nitrate;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • 58% nitric acid;
  • 77% phosphoric acid.

Water for preparing the solution should have a temperature of 18-20 ° C. The content of nutrients in the solution may vary depending on the growing season of green crops. The standard pH level of the finished solution is in the range of 5.8–6.5.

Terms of application N P
Spring 131–140 40–45 224–269 85–90 50–59 21
Summer 115–130 35–40 130–220 75–85 56–59 21
Autumn 120–175 40–43 245–350 92–95 35–57 21–32
Winter 170–180 40–50 340–360 95–100 32–40 21–32

A special food composition should be prepared for. In winter, the ratio of nutrients is as follows:

  • nitrogen - 180;
  • phosphorus - 50–70;
  • potassium − 3604
  • magnesium - 50–60;
  • calcium - 80–100.

In the summer, the nutrient solution for growing lettuce should have the following composition:

  • nitrogen - 140;
  • phosphorus - 50–70;
  • potassium - 220;
  • magnesium - 40–55;
  • calcium - 80.

Any shifts can negatively affect the growth and development of green culture, in addition, they do not allow you to get high-quality products at the end.

Features of growing technology at home

The technology involves the location of the root system of a green culture in a specially prepared one. To ensure active growth and development of the root system for plants, special artificial substrates should be used, which can be used as vermiculite, the smallest fraction of expanded clay, large washed sand or mineral wool.

Plant nutrition is provided by a special nutrient mixture based on water-soluble mineral and organic components. The fundamental point in hydroponics technology is the use of water circulation through a small pump, as well as two standard metal-plastic tubes and two container containers.

From the first container-container, a constant supply of liquid is carried out by means of a pump into the second container-container, which should be located above the first. The end of the pipe should be bent in a U-shape. Drainage is carried out according to the siphon principle. The top container should be filled with a mixture of ordinary mineral wool and vermiculite, in which home-grown green crops are planted.

It is advisable to grow seedling material in small plastic pots or special seedling cassettes filled with a loose and breathable nutrient substrate, the moisture content of which should be about 38–42%. In each pot, it is necessary to sow several seeds of green culture and carry out relatively abundant watering with water at room temperature. The optimal temperature regime for germination is about 22-24 ° C with air humidity at the level of 94%. The length of daylight hours should be approximately 14-15 hours.

After the appearance of two true leaves, microclimatic conditions should be changed. Temperature indicators need to be lowered to 15–17 ° С. At this stage, the temperature of the nutrient solution should be 18.0–18.5 °C. It is very important to maintain the same levels of air humidity in the room for growing greens using hydroponics. It is allowed to use the standard two times in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

Hydroponics: growing seeds and seedlings (video)

It should be remembered that the method of modern hydroponics is optimally suited for the cultivation of almost any variety of berries, vegetables, and green crops. The method is absolutely not suitable for growing root crops. Most often, hydroponics is used for growing cucumbers, tomatoes and various green crops, garden strawberries and indoor ornamental plants.

All over the world, a new method of growing plants without land is gaining popularity - hydroponics. The method is based on nourishing the roots with a special solution, due to which the growth of plants is accelerated, while the root system does not increase to a huge size and does not draw juices from the stems of the plant. Growing onions using hydroponics is gaining wide popularity, since two weeks after planting, you can harvest an excellent crop.

For growing onions using the hydroponic method, heads are very well suited, not very large in size and harvested in the fall.

To grow onions for greens, you first need to get rid of the dry scales that cover the bulbs. Heat the water to 30 ° C, then pour the warm liquid into the compression tank, add six tablespoons of ash, put the prepared onion in warm water and, with the compressor on, soak the prepared onion heads for about fourteen hours. After a while, the onion is taken out and the top is completely cut off so that the vegetable “wakes up”.

The linings on which the heads are planted must be impregnated with a solution. The solution in its composition has various nutrients necessary for the growth of onions. Planted plants should sit tightly enough to each other.

Onions should be covered with a small layer of a mineral - vermiculite: it absorbs moisture very well and is a wonderful heat insulator. It does not decompose, does not rot, the potassium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon and iron contained in its composition are very useful for plants.

Further, the hydroponic installation and the plants prepared in this way must be installed in a not very bright and warm place so that the root system grows. After 1.5 weeks, the garden can be moved to a lighted place.

Hydroponics at home

In order to grow onions at home, you can prepare containers yourself. To do this, it is enough to take any suitable container with a tight-fitting lid and a depth of about 20 cm. The bottom and sides of the container from the outside must be wrapped with foil or other material that does not transmit light well. This is done so that the root system is in complete darkness, in natural conditions for it.

Styrofoam can be used for lining, it is desirable that its height be at least 5 cm, since the weight of the bulbs will put pressure on its surface. To make holes for planting onions (feathers) using the hydroponics method, you need to take a sharp construction knife and a glass to draw a circle around it. The diameter of the glass should not exceed the diameter of the onion head. It is recommended to cut the holes in a conical shape so that the bulbs sit firmly in the recesses.

To make the rows even, you need to use a ruler and draw straight lines diagonally and vertically, their intersection will be the center of our circles - holes.

At the bottom of the tank, you need to put 1 or better 2 water sprayers, which will be connected to the compressor.

If you plan to breed onions for sale, then we advise you to buy a more powerful compressor in order to connect several hoses to it.

Growing technique

In order for our green onions to grow quickly in hydroponics, it must be well blown by the bubbling method, that is, blowing bubbles into the inside of the plant to wake it up. For this purpose, a container with water and a compressor is used, which should drive air for about 12 hours in warm water with the addition of ash.

Warm water is poured into the prepared container, a little short of the edge so that the bottom of the bulb does not touch the water, we only lower the roots there. Through a hose connected to the compressor, air bubbles appear on the surface, which is precisely the basis for growing a plant using the hydroponics method. The more bubbles, the better.

For the rapid growth of onions, warm water in a container is required, which will allow the root system to grow quickly at the initial stage, and fasting, with an average temperature increase of 2-3 ° C, stimulate the rapid growth of green feathers. An aquarium water heater with temperature control is best suited for this.

At the initial stage, the water temperature for the growth of the root system should be maintained at 26 ° C, after 1.5 weeks, when transferring our container to a lighted place, the temperature is brought up to 28 ° C. But you need to make sure that the water is not too hot, otherwise it will affect the grown greens. At elevated temperatures, the distillation is weakened, as a result, the leaves curl and fade.

If the height of the grown green feather suits you, you need to lower the temperature of the nutrient solution and remove the onion to a less lit place so that the forcing begins to stretch upwards and the green leaves collect juice. When illuminating a vegetable, it is desirable that the light hit vertically so that the onion feather does not begin to lean to the side, because all plants are drawn to the light.

Advantages of the method

I would like to say that growing onions using the hydroponic method does not require any additional fertilizers and dressings. The beauty of growing is that it is a completely clean planting method. You do not need land, fertilizing, loosening the soil. The plant will be clean, it is unnecessary to shake it off and clean it from the ground.

You can grow a vegetable both from sets and from seeds. Forcing is good in both cases.

In the case of growing onion feathers in hydroponics, you only need water and a little stimulant called biohumus, about 12:1.

Necessary components of the method

The main conditions for growing onion feathers in hydroponics:

  • the bulb must be an autumn harvest;
  • dark impenetrable container;
  • the bulb must be cut before planting;
  • the husk, or the upper scales of the onion, must be removed;
  • bulb processing before planting by bubbling;
  • compliance with temperature and lighting conditions.

Growing green onions hydroponically at home is easy. If you have the desire and patience, then learning a new method is not difficult. The most important thing is to find your optimal temperature regime for the room and not be afraid to work with your hands.

Benefits of Starting a Hydroponics Business

Growing green onions hydroponically is suitable for entrepreneurs who have a fairly large area for planting tens of square meters of this vegetable. This method allows you to quickly grow a green young onion both by seeds and by using onion sets for planting.

For sale, hydroponics is the ideal option. Onions grow very quickly, the leaves with this method of growing are always long, even, fleshy and tasty.

Growing forcings of green onions hydroponically, you can use multi-level racks on which pallets with a plant are placed.

No special black soil, top dressing, loosening of the earth from mold is required. The microclimate in the room is always maintained the same, which guarantees high yields. Growing green onions in hydroponics can be done year-round.

The hydroponics method is suitable for growing many crops that do not require a strong root system. Very often, aspiring entrepreneurs do their business on growing small vegetable crops, relying on this method.