Business plan for a mini rabbit farm with calculations. Rabbit farm: estimate for the profitability of breeding rabbits

The topic of rabbit breeding is revealed by a successful Russian entrepreneur who has been professionally engaged in various areas in agribusiness for more than 15 years. Participated in the creation and development of both his own and third-party projects. He has extensive knowledge in many areas of agricultural production. The article contains a brief but very capacious business plan for breeding rabbits (up to 1000 heads per year) with specific figures for income and expenses.

You probably know the saying: The surest way to throw money away is to invest in agriculture". Well, the time has come to completely refute this saying and forget about it once and for all. After all, we will talk about one of the most stable and profitable areas - rabbit breeding as a business. Namely, about creating your own rabbit mini-farm, which will provide you with a constant source of income all year round.

Firstly, rabbit meat has exceptional dietary properties. In addition to the fact that rabbit meat contains all the essential amino acids, it is absorbed by the human body by 90% (pork, beef and lamb by only 60%) and helps regulate metabolism. And these properties of rabbit meat can be played well. Agree that there are more than enough people who are on a diet for one reason or another.

Secondly, the market for rabbit meat is practically not busy, and it will not be difficult to wedge into it. This is primarily due to the fact that no one can compete with rabbit meat: neither poultry farms, nor pig farms, nor livestock complexes, that is, this niche is actually empty. Yes, and ask yourself, how often do you see an abundance of domestic-made rabbit carcasses on the shelves of supermarkets?

Organizational and legal aspects of running a rabbit business

Before opening a mini-farm, we will consider the two most acceptable forms of doing business: peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs.

KFH (peasant farming).

In fact, the activity of a peasant farm is the same as an individual entrepreneur, but with only one difference: it can include citizens who jointly own the property of an enterprise and have the right to carry out any economic activity. At the same time, the KFH does not have its own statutory documents, a memorandum of association and its own name. By registering a KFH in your own name, you become its head, or more precisely, an ordinary individual entrepreneur.

But whether it is worth accepting new equity holders into it or not depends on the situation, but I would answer this - no. Since in case of success, problems with partners (shareholders) will inevitably arise, which can lead to the complete liquidation of the enterprise. In addition, according to the law, you have the right to manage the peasant farm in one person. The advantage of a peasant farm is that it can count on state support in the form of all kinds of subsidies and tax benefits.

IP (individual entrepreneur).

To be honest, in my opinion, this is the most acceptable form of business organization for a rabbit mini-farm. The fact is that the legal field of KFH has no clear boundaries, and constant disputes have been going on around this for a whole decade. And the so-called advantage of peasant farms in obtaining state benefits and subsidies is completely broken against a bureaucratic wall.

For example, to get a preferential loan for agricultural producers, you need to apply to the local district administration. As part of the commission considering such applications, there will be good uncles and aunts who are vitally interested in obtaining these same loans. Now guess who will win the soft loan tender?

Form of taxation for rabbit breeding

As a taxation system for this type of activity, it is worth choosing from two forms of taxation: Simplified tax regime, income minus expenses or the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Code of type of economic activity

OKVED with encoding - A.01.25.2 is suitable for you. What does it mean: breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm. This group has restrictions prohibiting the production of skins and skins of animals obtained as a result of hunting and catching them.

Organization of the material and technical base

In order to mechanize the entire process of growing and keeping rabbits as much as possible, it is best to use a shed system. A shed is a wood or metal framed shed that combines cages with rabbits under one roof.

Place for a mini-farm

No special permission is required to build a mini-farm. All you need is to have a piece of land outside the city, owned or leased. The only catch is the allowable distance of the mini-farm from residential buildings. Such things are regulated by local governments, so ask in advance where you can put a farm, and where it is unacceptable.

The place for the farm itself should be on a hill or on a plot of land with a slight slope.

Try to avoid lowlands, as rabbits do not tolerate high humidity. Ideally, the entire area under the farm should be asphalted, concreted or covered with gravel, as well as arrange storm sewers and a water drainage system.

So, the mini-farm project will allow you to get 700-1000 rabbit carcasses per year, and the farm area will be about 800-1000 m² of land.

  • Sheds - 3 pcs. Total area - 360 m².
  • Feeding shop and car access to it - 200 m².
  • Room for inventory and spare building materials - 40-50 m².
  • Slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment - 40-50 m².
  • Manure collector - 30 m².
  • The rest of the area is passages and driveways for a mini-tractor.


Sheds for rabbit breeding

Due to the fact that cages in sheds are located in one place, this significantly saves building materials and time for their maintenance. Cages in sheds are set in two tiers, on both sides of the covered passage. In order to get more light and fresh air into the cages with rabbits, windows of 20x100 cm in size are made on their back walls, with removable hinged planks. The length of the shed can be arbitrary (in our case, it is 20 m), height - 240 cm, width of the passage - 120-140 cm. The floor in the passage is concreted or asphalted with a slope towards the cages.

Rabbit cages

The cage for the main herd has a length of 100-130 cm, a width of 60-70 cm, with a front wall height of 55 cm, a rear wall of 35-40 cm. upper layer cells. A similar pallet should be for the cells of the lower tier.

All cells are best made from galvanized welded mesh(cell size 18X18, 20X20, 16X48 mm).

Cages in sheds are divided into two compartments - feed and nest, and a mesh nursery is placed between them (cell size 35X35 or 25X50 mm), but feeders and drinkers are placed under the nursery, which significantly saves space. Thus, one shed contains 60 cages, in which up to 400 young animals can be grown per year.

feed shop

A feed shop is a room where an impressive stock of concentrated feed (compound feed, grain) will be stored, which should be enough for 2-3 months. If desired, the feed shop can be equipped with a professional grain crusher (production of at least 500 kg / h) and a granulator in order to independently produce compound feed and save on this cost item.

Also on the territory of the mini-farm there should be a room for spare equipment (feeders, drinkers, etc.) and building materials (netting, boards, fasteners, etc.).

Slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment

With the mass slaughter of rabbits, it is necessary to build a separate room, or rather an extension to the building where the refrigeration equipment will be located. In the slaughterhouse, a separate place for slaughter is allocated, which is equipped with a blood drainer and special. an oven for burning offal (heads, paws, entrails, illiquid skins, etc.). This approach allows you to create a continuous process for processing rabbit carcasses. That is, they scored, butchered, immediately packed and froze.

manure collector

The manure collector is an ordinary pit with concrete walls and an open roof (canopy). The depth of the pit is not less than 3 meters, the width and length are arbitrary. The manure collector is located in the farthest corner of the farm and as far as possible from the sheds, feed shop and refrigeration equipment.

Business process: rearing and feeding rabbits.

Consider business processes for raising rabbits for meat.

What breed of rabbits is profitable to breed?

Since the main product of a rabbit-breeding mini-farm is meat, the breeds of rabbits must be meat, respectively. There should not be any downy, meat-skin, and even more so crossbred rabbits. At first glance, there is no difference in weight between adult rabbits of meat and skin breeds, however, by the age of 3 months, the latter reach a live weight of up to 3.5 kg. There are only three of them: New Zealand red, New Zealand white and Californian.

  • New Zealand red. Adult rabbits reach a live weight of 4.5-5 kg. They are distinguished by high energy of growth, especially at an early age.
  • New Zealand White. These rabbits are also distinguished by high growth vigor, fleshiness and precocity. The live weight of young animals already at the age of three months is 2.7-3.5 kg.
  • California. The average daily growth of young animals of this breed is 40-45 gr. per day until the age of two months, as a result of which these broiler rabbits reach a weight of 4.5 kg by 5 months.

My advice to you: do not buy breeding stock in bird markets. The best place to buy is specialized agricultural. Exhibitions. Here you can find good suppliers of pedigree rabbits, evaluate their products on the spot and compare the offered rabbits with breed standards.

Organization of feeding

I very often heard the opinion that rabbits are herbivores and on grass alone you can get tons of rabbit meat. Believe me, but it's not.

Juicy and grassy feeds (grass, hay, straw, etc.) in the diet of rabbits make up only 15-20% in terms of nutritional value, the rest is grain meal. At the same time, there is a huge number of rations for feeding rabbits, as well as the characteristics of the feed given to them. In order not to confuse you in all sorts of comparisons, below I will give a table of the combined type of feeding. Be aware that the succulent and grassy foods in this table are interchangeable.

Table No. 1: Maximum daily allowances of basic feed for rabbits in grams.

Sternadult rabbitsJuveniles aged, months
1 to 33 to 6
Grass of natural meadows 1500 200-500 500-900
legume grass 1200 150-400 400-700
Green hardwood branches 600 50-200 200-400
beet tops 200 50 50-100
fodder cabbage 600 100-150 250-400
cabbage leaf 300 100 100-200
Carrot 600 100-250 250-400
fodder beet 200 100 100-200
Sugar beet 600 100-250 250-400
Turnip, swede, turnip 400 50-100 100-200
boiled potatoes 400 50-150 150-300
Raw potatoes 150 50 50-250
Silage 300 20-80 80-200
Hay 300 100 100-200
Cereal grain 150 30-60 60-100
legume grain 50 10-20 20-30
Shrovetide grain 20 5-10 10-15
Bran 100 5-20 20-80
Cakes and meals 100 5-20 20-80
Meat and bone meal 15 5-10 10
Salt 2.5 0.5-1 1
Chalk 2 0.5-1 1

But the following table will help you understand not only the annual feed rate for each category of rabbits, but also calculate the need for feed up to each day.

Table No. 2: Annual feed requirement for rabbits with a combined type of feeding.

Physiological stateAnnual count feed dayFeed in kg.
concentrateshayrootsgreen stern
Rabbit and male in a non-roaming period 33 3.46 1.19 3.23 4.48
Rabbit and male during breeding season 32 4.16 1.44 3.84 5.6
Baby rabbit 120 16,8 6 15,6 23,1
Rabbit lactating 180 62,4 21,1 57.2 83,35
For one head of young animals from 45 to 120 days 75 10,14 3,14 - 11.97
Total for 24 heads of young animals - 243,36 75,36 - 287,28
Annual need for replacement young animals 42 5,25 1,89 5,67 8,19
The annual requirement of the male 365 47,50 16,40 44 64
Share of male per female rabbit - 5,93 2,05 5,5 8
For one rabbit with offspring (24 heads up to 4 months of age) - 341,36 109 91 420

In the morning, rabbits are given juicy food and greens, and in the afternoon and evening - concentrates (compound feed, grain). At the same time, rabbits must be provided with clean drinking water around the clock.

rabbit breeding

In breeding rabbits, I use the following scheme. At 60 cells, the upper tier of cells is occupied by females (14 cells) plus one male (1 cell). The remaining 45 cells are used to raise young animals. From each rabbit I get 3 births: spring, summer and autumn. I keep rabbits with a female together up to 2 months of age, and sometimes more (in the late autumn period). About 25 rabbits come out of one female per year, which in total amount to 300-350 units of young animals (14 females multiply 25 rabbits).

It is impossible to determine the exact number of young animals, since a waste among rabbits is inevitable, so we will take a minimum of 300 pieces. This number of young animals is freely placed on the remaining tiers with cages (7-8 pieces per cage). As a result, we have the following data: 3 sheds are multiplied by 300 pieces. rabbits and at the output we get 900 rabbit carcasses per year.

But I would not advise you to keep a separate herd for purebred breeding. If we recalculate the maintenance of such a herd for the time and money spent on feed, then it will be easier to buy breeding replacement young animals every two years.

How to save on feed

As you understand, the main expense item in rabbit breeding as a business is feed. It is very expensive to feed rabbits with purchased compound feeds, it is impossible to grow cereals on your own, it is also impossible to reduce the norms for giving feed, as this will lead to a sharp decrease in productivity. Therefore, the only way to reduce this item of expenditure is engage in the production of feed.

All you need is a powerful corn crusher and a feed pelletizer, as rabbits are reluctant to eat ground grain. And, of course, raw materials in the form of grain and grain waste. This is precisely the essence of savings, because grain waste is half the price of mixed fodder.

Below I will give 3 concentrate feed recipes for rabbits of all ages.

1) Recipe No. K-92-1 mixed feed concentrate for adult rabbits.

2) Recipe No. K-91-1 mixed feed concentrate for young animals.

3) Recipe for compound feed concentrate for rabbits of all ages.

Do not try to prepare for the winter such juicy food as silage and root crops. It's one thing when you keep 20-30 rabbits, and quite another thing when their livestock exceeds 1000 pieces. Harvesting and growing such feed will not only take a lot of time, but will also require impressive investments to pay hired workers. The only exception is hay, since it is rather difficult to buy well-leafed and vitamin hay.

Try as much as possible mechanize all manual labor. A good option in this case is a mini-tractor, on which you can bring feed to the sheds and take out manure. Also take care of the automatic water supply for rabbits.

Ways of implementation

So we come to the main component of our rabbit business - the sale of meat. And here you need to consider all possible ways.

Own customer base

Building your own customer base can be a good start. That is, acquaintances, relatives, acquaintances of acquaintances, and so on. This category of people should not be underestimated. There were times when almost the entire regular batch of rabbits left me right from the yard. Someone took live, someone finished carcasses, but something else is important, how to create this database quickly and efficiently?

With friends and relatives, everything is clear, they called, came, bought, but strangers are attracted through advertising. Use any advertising: ads in newspapers, on the street, etc. The main thing is an acceptable pricing policy. You should not raise the price of meat to the sky, make it affordable for all categories of buyers, and those who want to taste tender, homemade rabbit meat will not be long in coming.

You can sell meat directly from the farm without any permits. An exception is resellers who need the usual certificate from the veterinarian that you have a livestock of rabbits.

Sale of rabbit carcasses through restaurants

The sale of rabbit carcasses through restaurants seems very attractive at first glance. However, be prepared for the fact that almost every restaurant will refuse you. And all because most restaurants do not have rabbit dishes on the menu.

Therefore, you should not directly contact the administration of such establishments with an offer to buy rabbit meat. It is better to contact the chef, and with a proposal not to buy meat, but simply cook it and present him with 2-3 rabbit carcasses. For many, this approach will seem ridiculous, but believe me, it works great. Of course, not all restaurants will become your customers and at first you will lose some profit, but those who agree will become a stable distribution channel.

However, here, unlike selling meat from the yard, you a veterinary certificate form No. 2 is required. In addition to the local veterinary administration, be sure to contact the local SES, the regional center for standardization and metrology. The fact is that all kinds of norms governing the sale of meat are constantly changing, so you should get advice in the above instances.

The shops

Wholesale depots, shops and supermarkets within our project are not an option. It's just that everything depends on the volume of meat produced, and our volumes are small - 2 tons of meat per year, which are made up of the following indicators: 1 rabbit carcass - 2 kg, 1000 carcasses - 2000 kg. It's all about the certification of the farm itself, the slaughterhouse, the processing shop, etc. The annual execution and confirmation of all these documents will eat up the bulk of the profits. But if you decide to use this option, then I advise you to contact the points of sale directly and resolve such issues on an individual basis.

Trying to sell rabbit meat through retail chains, you will encounter large wholesale suppliers, and these are extremely low prices for your product. And they are low to such an extent that they can completely ruin your enterprise. Such a way of realization is appropriate only if the produced volumes exceed 5-6 tons of meat per year and additional sources of income will be added to this.

Additional sources of income

Consider how to use by-products to generate additional income.

rabbit skins

For the majority of the population, rabbits are not only tasty and dietary meat, but also fur. However, the situation with the sale of skins is terrible, but not a dead end.

When slaughtering rabbits, be sure to preserve the skins, and it doesn’t matter what they are, summer or winter, as there is a buyer for each product. It's just that the price for them is quite low, somewhere around 30-40 rubles. a piece. They are purchased mainly by large enterprises for the manufacture of leather and fur products. Therefore, in your free time, be sure to look for those in your area. Of course, on this income item you won’t earn much, but at least pay back part of the same feed.


Natural organic fertilizers have always been and will be in price, but you can’t raise a lot of money on manure, due to small volumes. Biohumus is another matter. Biohumus is a liquid, highly concentrated fertilizer obtained as a result of manure fermentation in special, biogas plants. Surely you have heard about this, when natural gas methane is obtained from animal waste, but biohumus is a by-product of processing. I saw a similar fertilizer bottled in plastic bottles in stores for summer residents, and they were willing to buy it. So no one bothers you to do such a business, besides, biohumus has a long shelf life.


Bunker feeders, rabbit watering systems and battery cages are always in demand. Many owners of country houses prefer to grow small animals for their own needs in the warm season. For example, a 3-cell cell battery made of galvanized mesh and metal. profile, as well as equipped with feeders and drinkers, the market costs about 5-8 thousand rubles.

Income and expenses of a business for raising rabbits

initial investment.

And here, dear rabbit breeders, I can’t give exact figures for the initial investment with all my desire. And I won’t take them from the ceiling to draw a beautiful picture (as it is done everywhere), looking at which one gets the impression of easy and multimillion-dollar earnings. After all, it all depends on the specific situation.

Firstly, the prices for building materials in each region are different. Secondly, someone already has the necessary equipment, supplies of building materials, the same mini-tractor, etc., while someone will have to start from scratch. Therefore, I will simply give a list of the necessary equipment and building materials, based on which you can easily calculate the initial costs for yourself.

  • Building materials - metal profile, galvanized mesh, roofing and lumber.
  • Registration of documents for the land. Owning is expensive, renting is almost free.
  • Improvement of a mini-farm - storm sewer, water drainage, asphalt, concrete or crushed stone.
  • The cost of building a farm - wages to hired workers or own labor costs.
  • Equipment - mini-tractor, freezers, grain crusher, feed granulator.
  • Breeding rabbits - at least 50 pieces at the age of 3-4 months.
  • Possible costs - the purchase of inventory (I do not advise, it's better to do it yourself).

Income per month and per year

Annual expenses.

  • Feed consumption per 1 unit of production - 340 kg multiplied by 5 rubles. per kg, we get 1700 rubles. and add to this amount 300 rubles. for other expenses: paperwork, fuel, etc. As a result, one unit of production costs us 2 thousand rubles. in year.
  • In a mini-farm of 3 sheds, we have 42 production units (14 females in each of the sheds), 42 units are multiplied by 2000 rubles, and the annual expense will be 84 thousand rubles. But, as you know, everything is beautiful on paper, but in reality it’s different, so let’s add a couple of force majeure to this figure and round it up to 100 thousand rubles. in year.

Annual income.

  • One production unit is 50 kg of rabbit meat (25 carcasses of 2 kg each). Let's be realistic, as most of your customers will not pay any attention to the nutritional and health benefits of rabbit meat. For them, the main thing is the price of the product, so we will set it within 200 rubles. per kg. And we get such a figure - 10 thousand rubles. from one production unit.
  • Further, everything is simple, from 10 thousand rubles. we subtract our expenses - 2000 rubles. and we get a net profit - 8 thousand rubles, which we multiply by 42 production units - 336 thousand rubles. in year. This is about 30 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, these are not petrodollars, but not a meager salary at some municipal enterprise either. Such an income will fully correspond to your labor costs on a mini-farm, which will amount to 3-4 hours a day.

Last argument: no one bothers you to expand production over time. As soon as the system works and justifies itself, and you realize that you are capable of more, then boldly go forward, mastering more and more new markets.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Product Description
  • marketing plan
  • Calendar plan
  • What equipment to choose
  • Do I need permission to open

We propose to consider a sample business plan for the construction of a rabbit farm in a village with a population of 20,000 people.

Project Description

The purpose of the business plan is to justify the feasibility of creating a meat rabbit farm.

General information:

    • The population of the village: 20 thousand people;
  • Land area: 0.16ha;
  • Number of jobs: 4 people;
  • Organizational and legal form: KFH, number of members - 3 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 400 thousand rubles, borrowed funds (bank loan) - 1.21 million rubles;
  • The total cost of the project: 1.61 million rubles.

Indicators of economic efficiency of the project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year: 859,824 rubles;
  • Bar profitability = 63.6%;
  • Payback of the project = 25 months.

The total investment for opening a farm will amount to 1.61 million rubles.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of the farm will be peasant farming(KFH). Ivanov I.I. will be the head of the KFH.

What taxation system to choose for this business

As tax systems the single agricultural tax (UAT) will be applied. The tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. The registration of a peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service was carried out;
  2. A land plot of 16 acres was purchased for the construction of a rabbit farm. At the moment, the procedure for transferring the land plot to the appropriate type of permitted use is underway.
  3. The search for an organization supplying and installing a shed system for keeping rabbits has been completed;
  4. There is an agreement with a large farm for the purchase of 250 adult breeding rabbits from them.

The farm will include 3 members, including the head of the peasant farm. All of them have a family relationship, in accordance with the legislation on the formation of peasant farms. In addition to members of the peasant farm, hired labor in the amount of 4 people will also be involved.

Product Description

Since the farm will be meat-oriented, it will contain the popular California breed of rabbits. The average weight of an adult male reaches 5 kg. The rabbits of this breed are very prolific and feed up to 8 rabbits for 1 round. The young growth of this breed is distinguished by its growth energy and by the age of 2 months it is gaining weight of 1.8 kg, and by the age of 3 months the weight of the rabbit is 3 kg and it can be slaughtered for meat. The Californian rabbit has a white body coat, and the tips of the paws, ears and tail are dark brown.

For a year, one rabbit brings up to 30 rabbits (3.5 births). The age of the rabbit up to 2 is considered optimal for the reproduction of offspring. For the full life cycle of a rabbit, about 14 kg of compound feed and 7 kg of hay are needed, or about 100 rubles of costs.

In order to sell 500 kg of marketable meat every month, about 250 rabbits must be slaughtered, and the same number of animals must be born. Plus, part of the born livestock should be released for reproduction. This productivity of our farm will be provided by 207 females and 8 males.

In addition to meat, skins, liver, fluff and other by-products will also be sold.

Download rabbit breeding business plan,

marketing plan

The main channels for the sale of manufactured products include:

  1. City markets and outlets;
  2. Wholesale dealers who pick up meat by self-delivery;
  3. Processing plants, factories, restaurants.

To promote our products, the following events will be held:

  1. Advertising in the media, newspapers, magazines;
  2. Placement of information on the Internet on bulletin boards;
  3. Establishing personal contacts with large enterprises;
  4. Advertising on billboards located on a federal highway with high traffic;
  5. Create your own business card website.

For the delivery of products to the points of sale, a personal vehicle of the economy (GAZelle) will be used. Part of the production will be sold to wholesale dealers directly from the farm. The sale of meat will comply with all food safety standards and be accompanied by veterinary certificates.

In the future, it is planned to increase production up to 1 ton of marketable rabbit meat per month.

Farm income structure.

It will be possible to reach the planned revenue indicators only after 120 days, when the first offspring will grow.

Rabbit breeding technology

Our farm will use a shed management system. This system is a modern way of keeping rabbits. Shed is a canopy with bunk cages grouped under it. Such a system allows you to save the area of ​​​​the rabbitry and protect the rabbits from undesirable natural processes, such as overheating (heat), wind, rain.

There are 72 cages in the shed, of which 32 are reserved for females with rabbits, and the remaining 40 cages for males and young animals for rearing.

By installing a shed system on our farm, such processes as feeding and watering animals, manure cleaning, hay supply to the litter will be mechanized.

Inside the shed, a suspended road will be created for the distribution of feed with a carrying capacity of up to 120 kg. Ventilation in the shed will be carried out through shafts in the manure channels. The cages will be equipped with bunker feeders and automatic drinkers.

For the winter keeping of animals in sheds, a heating system and heating of nest boxes will be installed.

To slaughter the livestock on the farm, it is planned to build a slaughterhouse that will comply with all SES standards.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 4 people:

The duties of laborers will include caring for the rabbits, including feeding and watering, cleaning manure, transferring rabbits, males and females from one cage to another, and other household tasks.

The slaughterer's duties will include the process of slaughtering adult stock and cutting the carcass. On the day, the slaughterer will butcher up to 15 goals.

Feed supply, meat sales, bookkeeping and other administrative issues will be decided by members of the peasant farm.

Calendar plan

The list of events and their cost for opening a farm are presented in the form of a calendar plan:

In total, the opening of the farm will take 85 days and 1.61 million rubles will be spent.

How much money is needed to build a rabbit farm

The organization of the farm will require investments in the amount of 1.61 million rubles. Of these, 400 thousand rubles are own funds and 1.21 million rubles are borrowed funds (bank credit).

The main expenses of the farm will be the payment of wages to the farm workers. The farm will pay wages in the amount of 44,000 rubles a month. The second largest item of monthly expenses will be the cost of feed and bedding - 17.5 thousand rubles per month.

Insurance contributions will be paid for 7 people, that is, not only for employees, but also for 3 members of the farm in a fixed amount - 36 thousand rubles per person per year.

How much can you earn from breeding rabbits

The calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of the farm is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of rabbit products will amount to 859,824 rubles.

The profitability of a rabbit breeding farm, according to business plan calculations, is 63.6%. The payback of the project with such indicators will come after 25 months of operation of the farm.

Recommended download rabbit breeding business plan, with our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

First of all, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the enterprise. In the case of rabbit breeding, you can issue an individual entrepreneur or private household plot. After that, you should deal with organizational, production and financial plans, which prescribe:

  • Conduct cost-benefit analysis and analyze competitors.
  • Rent a plot of land (in the event that you do not have your own summer house or housing in the village).
  • Build several rabbit huts, equipped with cages and sheds, as well as places for jigging young individuals.
  • Equip a feed warehouse for storing grain and hay, as well as rooms with the necessary equipment for caring for animals.
  • Build a rabbit slaughterhouse.
  • Buy animals of meat breed.
  • Establish work with the sales market.

What equipment to choose

For industrial breeding of rabbits, it is better to use a shed system. To do this, you need to build cells in several tiers, one on top of the other in a row.

Please note that these animals do not like dampness, so you need to purchase waterproofing, heaters may also be required. Also needed are feeders, manure cleaners and pumps that provide uninterrupted water supply to the animals.

OKVED business for breeding rabbits

When submitting an application for registration, you should specify the special OKVED code 01.25.2 "Breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm."

What documents are needed to open

You can officially register your activity at the tax office, where you will be issued a certificate of PSRN, TIN. It is better to choose private household plots as a legal form, in this case the entrepreneur is exempt from taxes that he pays to the state treasury. On the other hand, the registration of an individual entrepreneur provides more opportunities for working with suppliers and marketing products. You will need: a passport, a copy of the IND code, a receipt for payment of the state fee and a notarized application for registration.

Have you decided to start a rabbit breeding business, but don't know where to start? Read this article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this business, how to maximize profits, write a business plan and become a successful entrepreneur.

Deciding to become a rabbit breeding businessman, do not rush. Evaluate all the pros and cons, think about whether you can handle the rabbit farm. Having finally decided, you should not rush to buy everything you need, draw up a business plan and turn to the state for help. Now agriculture is, if not in a deplorable state, then in a neglected state, so the state allocates grants and subsidies for its development. You can find out more about this in the employment service of the territorial subject. Even a little money will not be superfluous.

Is it possible to open? It is quite possible if you follow our advice.

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Rabbit breeding is an attractive business. Rabbit meat has dietary properties and is in high demand, while this niche has not yet been filled. This business plan provides the information you need to start a mini rabbit farm.

Objective of the project: making a profit by breeding and selling rabbits.

The main benefits of rabbit breeding are:

  1. Good fertility of rabbits;
  2. High profit;
  3. Low investment;
  4. Low maintenance costs, especially in summer;
  5. Low tax, or none.

The amount of initial investment is 1,580,000 rubles.

Break-even point for 3 months of work.

Payback period - 21 months.

Average monthly profit - 85,600 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Creating your own rabbit mini-farm is a profitable direction. This type of business will provide you with a constant source of income all year round. Rabbit breeding is a business that can be started with a small investment and then scaled up as the business progresses.

Starting a mini rabbit farm is a business that does not require a lot of investment. If the land and facilities are owned, the launch of the project can become even more profitable.

For keeping rabbits, the most optimal is the use of a shed system. Shed is two cell batteries united under one roof. Due to the fact that cages in sheds are located in one place, this significantly saves building materials and time for their maintenance. Cages in sheds are set in two tiers, on both sides of the covered passage. In order to get more light and fresh air into the cages with rabbits, windows of 20 × 100 cm in size are made on their back walls, with removable hinged planks. The length of the shed can be arbitrary, height - 240 cm, width of the passage - 120-140 cm. The floor in the passage is concreted or asphalted with a slope towards the cages.

Standard cage dimensions:

  • length - 1 m.,
  • width - 50 cm,
  • the size of the walking compartment - 50x70 cm,
  • the size of the nest compartment is 30X50 cm.

The main commodity for sale is rabbit meat. Thus, one of the most important points is the choice of the breed of young animals. We recommend considering the main breeds:

  • New Zealand red. Adult rabbits reach a live weight of 4.5-5 kg, are characterized by high growth energy, especially at an early age.
  • New Zealand White. These rabbits are also distinguished by high growth vigor, fleshiness and precocity. The live weight of young animals already at the age of three months is 2.7-3.5 kg.
  • California. The average daily growth of young animals of this breed is 40-45 gr. per day until the age of two months, as a result of which these broiler rabbits reach a weight of 4.5 kg by 5 months.

To maximize profits, you can use additional sources of income:

  • Sale of rabbit skins;
  • Sale of manure as a fertilizer (vermicompost);
  • Sale of rabbits as breeding material.

3. Description of the market

According to Rosstat, over the past 10 years, the total number of rabbits has more than doubled. The average annual growth rate is 8%. The growth dynamics of the rabbit population is presented below.

These indicators indicate the growth of the rabbit breeding niche. Even during the crisis years, there is a positive trend. For the most successful entry into this market, you need to understand your target audience, as well as develop the most effective ways to promote products.

The target audience

Take care of the sales market in advance, conclude an agreement with shops, individual entrepreneurs who sell meat products.
In order not to be left with surpluses, a marketing plan must be thought out and calculated even before starting a business. The main buyers of rabbit meat are markets, supermarkets, private traders. Skins are often bought by fur ateliers and private fashion designers. An important factor in the success of sales is the proximity of megacities.

4. Sales and Marketing

At the first stage, friends and acquaintances can become your customers. Word of mouth will have an important effect here. If product quality and prices are competitive, then the number of customers will increase exponentially.

To ensure uninterrupted sales, it is necessary to establish relationships with wholesale depots, shops, and restaurants.

To conclude a mutually beneficial long-term cooperation agreement, you need to deliver a trial batch of products, and then, if everything suits both parties, it is worth discussing further actions. Establish yourself as a reliable supplier by providing products on time under the contract with all the necessary sanitary documents.

Rabbit skins are more profitable to sell to fur factories and ateliers. However, you may also have acquaintances who can make rabbit fur products and sell them in clothing stores.

As for manure, natural organic fertilizers have always been and will be in price, but you won’t earn much money on manure due to small volumes. Biohumus is another matter. Biohumus is a liquid, highly concentrated fertilizer obtained as a result of manure fermentation in special, biogas plants. Such fertilizer, bottled in plastic bottles, is sold to shops and markets for summer residents.

The sale of rabbits as breeding material is possible after reaching their own optimal volume. To sell young animals, you can participate in exhibitions and also use word of mouth.

5. Production plan

The main goal of the project is to create a mini-farm and maximize its profits.

Overview of the real estate market for the selection of the optimal suburban area.

Site requirements:

  • According to the law, a rabbit breeding site should be located at a decent distance from residential buildings, for example, in a suburban area;
  • Plot area - 700-800 m2;
  • The place for the farm should be on a hill or on a piece of land with a slight slope;
  • Ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

Construction of the necessary structures:

  • Shed system construction (rabbit cages);
  • Construction of a utility room;
  • Construction of a slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment.

Legal registration of business:

  • IP is the most acceptable form of business organization for a rabbit mini-farm.
  • As a taxation system for this type of activity, it is recommended to choose a simplified taxation regime (revenues minus expenses).
  • Suitable code for the type of economic activity (OKVED) with coding - A.01.25.2. What does it mean: breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm.

6. Organizational structure

fixed costs Salary The number of employees Sum Average salary per month per employee
Supervisor25 000 1 25 000 43 010
farm worker20 000 3 60 000 28 405
Vet30 000 1 30 000 30 000
Insurance premiums

34 500
Total payroll

149 500

However, for permanent employment, it will be necessary to hire a farmer. Better if it was the person who lives next door. He must have minimal knowledge of rabbit breeding and be responsible for his work.

The profitability of rabbit breeding in our time is quite high. Many farmers know the secret of successful rabbit breeding, understand the specifics of the business, safely make a profit and have been doing this for many years. The question of whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not is relevant only for inexperienced farmers.

Breeding rabbits: positive and negative points

Many are repelled at the initial stage by the difficulties associated with the sensitivity of rabbits to certain diseases, which often lead to the total death of the entire herd.

And the third frightening moment in breeding rabbits as a business is a large initial investment.

In fact, rabbit breeding is a fairly quick payback enterprise that does not require any extra knowledge and effort to achieve a stable profit. Many rabbit breeders easily cope with the task, and there are much more positive factors here.

At the initial stage, it is important to choose a good breed of animals that give high growth, quickly gain weight, and are resistant to disease.

Why you should not be afraid of negative moments:

  • timely vaccination of the entire livestock will eliminate the death of animals;
  • many butcher shops, shops, market stalls accept and make orders for dietary rabbit meat;
  • neighbors and relatives are always provided with rabbit meat and are happy to purchase a useful product (it has been proven by more than one rabbit breeder);
  • rabbit fur is valued as a natural, warm and beautiful material, making it easy to find regular buyers for the skins by advertising;
  • the ability to frequent fertilization, year-round offspring (one female brings about 60 rabbits per year), allows you to expand production without the cost of purchasing individuals;
  • the rapid growth of rabbits contributes to uninterrupted production and stable incomes.

In addition, rabbits love green fodder, which is plentiful in the summer-autumn period in every rural area, which also saves costs.

Secrets and Basics of Successful Rabbit Breeding

Positive moments will be visible from the very beginning, if you correctly draw up and apply a business plan for breeding rabbits. You will have to build on the possible and intended scale for which the enterprise is designed.

Where to begin:

  • determine the method of raising livestock;
  • decide on the allocated territory for paddocks, sheds (special buildings), cages, aviaries;
  • prepare the place of "residence" of rabbits;
  • think over and prepare a workplace for slaughter, freezing and storage of the product;
  • purchase specialized feed;
  • choose the breed of rabbits;
  • buy young.

You can start your own rabbit mini-farm business with one pair of animals, choosing a purebred mating method or crossing.

It is best to purchase young animals from experienced farmers. Rabbits for sale are guaranteed to be vaccinated and adapted to similar conditions.

On the market, you can buy unhealthy and unvaccinated individuals. And also make a mistake with the breed, especially if there are no skills. There are meat and fur rabbits.

Recommendations for the care and maintenance of rabbits are not so complicated. The main thing is to provide them with a comfortable place where there will be enough light and space. Observe the feeding regime, monitor the cleanliness of the cells and a sufficient amount of clean water.

There are different ways of keeping animals, by studying which you can find out whether breeding rabbits as a business is profitable or not.

Methods and principles of breeding rabbits for business

The main ways to successfully breed rabbits is to keep animals in cages, aviaries or pits. Each method has its justified pluses and small minuses.

This version of the rabbit farm is most suitable for crossing and breeding special breeds.

More free maintenance of rabbits, first of all, allows you to save space, equipment material.

The most affordable and easiest way is to breed rabbits in a pit. But it is necessary to choose the right place where groundwater will not reach. The floor is equipped with a fine metal mesh and covered with sawdust or sand for better drainage and easy cleaning of manure.

Just in case, a good roof should always be prepared, which will be the main protection from the weather.

Rabbits kept in the pit are happy to dig minks, where they then hide their offspring. They move freely, actively breed and do not require frequent feeding, as the area allows you to set food and drink for the whole day in sufficient quantities.

A rabbit aviary is probably the most convenient option for both the farmer and the animals themselves. But first, enclosures must be equipped with protective fences from bad weather and possible enemies. Enclosures can be located under sheds or attached to the utility room.

Rabbits in aviaries receive food and water at the same time thanks to long trays and drinkers along the walls. They feel great “free”, grow and develop better.

The aviary or pit should contain rabbits of approximately the same age. Introducing a new batch should be done carefully, as adult males tend to be aggressive towards unfamiliar or younger individuals. Spreading (scattering) fresh, fragrant grass on the bottom or floor, you can kill the smell of newly minted male residents.

All methods will be a successful start of a profitable business with proper observance of sanitary and hygienic standards.

In addition, rabbits are afraid of drafts, frost and moisture. A dry, warm room in winter and a clean, ventilated room in summer is the main condition for keeping animals.

By calculating the total cost of the future enterprise and calculating the approximate annual profit, we can conclude whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not.

Rabbits have practically waste-free production: meat, fur, entrails, manure - all this makes a profit. Individuals quickly reach sexual age. In addition, live thoroughbred rabbits can be sold in the future.

Rabbit breeding business technology - video