Earn money in VKontakte without investments. Earnings in VK - fast and free ways to earn money

Most people registered on VK spend time watching the news, not thinking about the fact that spending just a few hours a day on this site, you can earn good money. Vkontakte earnings can be received in different ways, differing in labor intensity.

Due to the huge number of registered users, there are many advertisers on the site who are willing to pay for useful advertising. Therefore, anyone without much difficulty will choose for themselves a suitable option that will bring additional finance.

From this article you will learn:

Earnings in VK - what you need to work and how much you can earn

Earnings on Vkontakte directly depend on how much time you are willing to spend on specific actions and what goal to achieve. Can you make big money here? The range of income in VK is quite wide and theoretically not limited by anything - you can receive from 10-20 rubles a day to 1-5 thousand dollars a month.

In fact, three main ways to make money on VKontakte. You:

You can find a suitable strategy for yourself and start making money through Vkontakte at any time, so you should not wait until all the best niches are fully occupied.

How to make money on your own page or Vkontakte group

First of all, consider the options if you have gathered a sufficient number of subscribers. To start, you need to have at least a couple of thousand of them, you can talk about serious earnings when an audience of 30-100 thousand or more is covered.

There are four most profitable options for how to make money in VK:

  • Selling your own services or products.
  • Sale of goods of third parties.
  • Earnings on advertising posts.
  • Participation in affiliate programs.

Provision and advertising of their services and projects

Many VK users today promote pages and groups in order to advertise and sell their own services. This option will be relevant for those who have certain hobbies that can make a profit or are versed in a particular area and are ready to help others for money.

Examples of who is suitable for such earnings on the Internet:

  • Programmers and web designers who can make quality projects.
  • Photographers, videographers, organizers of holidays.
  • Seamstresses, people who are fond of handmade.
  • Translators, tutors.

An example of a VKontakte community with the provision of services

If you have succeeded in some business, then you can make anything to order - toys, gadget accessories, clothes, shoes, jewelry, gifts, bouquets and much more.

NOTE. Since the main audience of VK is still schoolchildren and students, goods that are of low cost, which any resident of our country with an average income can afford, are in the greatest demand.

Sale of goods

You can make money on VKontakte by offering users various products by creating a full-fledged online store on your profile. Most often they are ordered on sites such as AliExpress, after which they are put up with a certain margin.

But it is not necessary to purchase products in advance. This is one of the ways by which you can earn money without investments with the withdrawal of about 20-30 thousand per month, first finding a buyer and taking an advance payment from him. At this cost, you make a purchase, wait for its delivery, and then transfer it to the buyers, taking the remaining amount for the service. Thus, you can sell goods at 2 times the price, some manage to raise the price by 5-7 times.

An example of a VKontakte selling page

What exactly to sell - everyone decides for himself, after comparing the demand and competition in each niche.

The most demanded today are:

  • Children's and adult clothes, accessories.
  • Goods for sports.
  • Cosmetics and household chemicals of foreign production.
  • Elite alcohol and high-quality foreign products.
  • Household appliances, including second-hand.

As practice shows, on these topics you can earn the most.

NOTE. The functionality of the VK site allows you to post products in the group header with the price indicated, so that visitors can quickly find the products they need and place an order.

The owner of an online store who wants to make money in VK needs to carefully consider many organizational issues:

  • determine the assortment;
  • methods of payment and delivery;
  • provide for the possibility of a return;
  • organize seasonal promotions and sales, etc.

The better the service in VK is developed, the more likely it is to find regular customers and attract new ones, and, accordingly, earn more.

Earn money by posting advertisements

The cost of the service varies greatly, depending on the subject and the number of subscribers.

Group monetization through affiliate programs

Many today are interested in the question - how to make money on VKontakte on affiliate programs? After all, this area is one of the most profitable even for those who have just begun to be interested in monetizing publics in VK.

The essence of the affiliate program is that you get a certain percentage of the profit if the visitor went to the site via a link placed in your group and purchased a product or service.

From time to time we are faced with the fact that we recommend our friends or relatives to purchase a certain thing, or contact a specific specialist. And in this case, for such recommendations in VK to strangers, you can earn about 10-15% of the money they spent, and in some cases this figure reaches 70-100%.

To start working with affiliate programs, you need to take care of the following factors:

  • Choose the services or products that are in demand and have an adequate price and good quality.
  • Post links similar in topic to your group in VK, which will interest the maximum number of potential customers.

IMPORTANT. Please note that this option will be beneficial only if most of the public's subscribers are real people who are really interested in the topic, and not fake bots and fake pages.

After you have decided on the choice of an affiliate program and registered in it, find referral links in your personal account and place them on your group page. Sales and revenue are also monitored in the VK profile information.

Remote work in VK

It should be clarified that these methods take a little time and do not require any investments, but the significant income described in the previous methods can not always be obtained from them. Therefore, such options are more suitable for students who want to earn extra money in their free hours.

Working as a group administrator or moderator

Most owners of business projects on the Internet have several dozen groups on social networks, and one person will not physically have time to monitor their timely filling. Therefore, they hire administrators who are responsible for maintaining public attendance.

They usually do the following:

  • They post relevant content - news, photos, audio and video files, contests, etc.
  • Create discussions and answer subscribers' questions.
  • They follow the rules.
  • Attract new members.

Such work is suitable only for those who spend several hours at the computer every day, since it is necessary to follow a large group in VK daily.

Writing posts in groups for money

In addition to moderators, many VKontakte groups are looking for copywriters who will write interesting and competent posts.

You are suitable for this job if:

  • You know how to write well.
  • They are able to determine the target audience and interest readers with an interesting style.
  • Know the principles of marketing and sales psychology.

Before you start working, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of competitive publics in order to understand what exactly is required of you.

The level of income depends on the number of written texts, some groups need 2-3 publications per week, others need several every day.

Design of communities and posts in groups

Having creative abilities and understanding the work of graphic editors, you can make good money by doing branding posts and designing groups - creating an original header, avatar, graphic menu.

Today, many VK publics, as well as regular sites on the Internet, are the face of organizations and companies, and the owners are willing to pay for their attractive appearance.

An example of the design of the group header in VK

Earnings will depend on your professional skills. For example, you can draw such a hat in an hour and.

Advertising Specialist

Quite in demand in VK is the position of a specialist in targeting advertising. The main task is to show ads to a certain circle of users who are most interested in receiving such information and are potential customers.

This method of promoting goods and services has become especially popular in social networks, including VKontakte, since here you can collect the most complete information about users.

The task of a specialist is to have a good understanding of the criteria for selecting the target audience and adjust the materials, choosing the most promising areas. Of all the options for remote work in VK, this method is considered the most profitable if you have certain knowledge in the field of marketing.

Websites and services for making money VKontakte

How to make money on your VKontakte page if you have a certain number of friends and posts on the wall? Very simple - using specialized services that pay for various completed actions - reposts, likes, advertising posts. To do this, you need to register on the site and select the tasks that you want to complete.

The most popular services that allow you to earn money in VK are:

  • VKtarget - you can join communities, like and share posts with friends, post videos, add as friends, and much more. Pay is one of the highest on the internet. Funds are credited instantly, the minimum amount for withdrawal is only 25 rubles.
  • VKserfing - about 300 new tasks are available on the service daily, which are also performed using the VK page. There is a generous referral program. Withdrawal of funds from 50 rubles is available.
  • V-like - there are fewer tasks than on previous sites, but they are paid relatively high. Withdrawal from 15 rubles, referral system - 5-10%.
  • SMMOK - has certain requirements for a page in VK, which should not be fake, but also pays quite high for actions. Dozens of new tasks appear every day, on which you can earn not so little.
  • Sociate is a serious service that allows the owners of groups and communities to profit from advertising, including using automatic options.
  • Socialtools - by completing simple tasks, you can earn money in VK and other social networks. Among the shortcomings is a relatively long withdrawal of funds compared to other described resources.
  1. To understand how to make good money in VK, it is advisable to try various options and figure out which one will be optimal for you. And perhaps it will be possible to apply several of the described ones at once, which will significantly increase profitability.
  2. For a better understanding of your capabilities, watch free video tutorials, which are presented in large numbers by bloggers with experience in making money in VK.
  3. If you decide to get your first money on earning services, register for two or three at once, complete several tasks on each and determine which one is the most profitable and convenient. In addition, it is quite possible that you will realize your potential and find new ways to monetize that will bring in a lot of income.
  4. And also think about where you will withdraw the money you earn - be sure to register electronic wallets, or rather several, in different systems, since different services can work with different systems.

IMPORTANT. You should not expect that large sums will come in the first weeks of work - usually months, and sometimes more than a year, pass before the first large profit is received. But this is not a reason to quit what you started halfway through - if you develop and find new ideas, sooner or later you will be satisfied with the result.

Vkontakte is one of the most popular networks in today's information society. The site's visitor rating is impressive. This is not surprising, because it has all the conditions for an interesting pastime.

Account owners can make new acquaintances and keep old ones even at a great distance, get a lot of new information and thus broaden their horizons, have fun thanks to an extensive list of applications.

These functions of the social network are quite attractive, but there is an equally important function that allows you to get a good income. At the same time, you do not need to make any special efforts, the methods are simple and accessible to every user who has a page on a social network.

This type of earnings is becoming increasingly relevant among users due to its versatility. Having familiarized yourself with the real ways to make a profit on VKontakte, you will see that it is easy and profitable.

Projects for making money in VK

The sphere of earnings in social networks is quite developed today. In this regard, on the network you can find a considerable number of projects that are ready to help make money through VK. A wide range of such sites raises questions from potential employees. First of all, which one contributes to a more productive income.

Based on the feedback from those users who have already received a cash reward, thanks to the fulfillment of certain conditions using their VKontakte accounts, a rating of the most attractive projects was compiled:

Thus, the presented services offer users identical ways to earn money on slightly different conditions. You can give preference to one of them, but it is more rational to use several projects at the same time, which will help increase your income.

Our progressive time has given people many ways to earn extra income without leaving home.

And for some, such amusement has become the main one, bringing a very solid profit.

Perhaps this option how to make money in vk, will not become your gold mine and a worthy replacement for regular work.

But isn't it cool to get paid for what you used to do for free?

There are many ways to make money.

But among them you can easily stumble upon those that will not bring income at all, but will only take your time.

Therefore, this article has collected 6 really working methods with which you can improve your financial situation.

1. How will social exchanges help you make money on VK?

The essence of earning with the help of special social exchanges is very simple: you do everything the same as usual, but at the same time you can earn!

The list of tasks includes:

Customers place such tasks in order to artificially increase the attendance of groups, imitate activity on the pages.

Little pay for work.

But isn't that better than not getting paid at all?

To make money using this method, you will need to have a VK page, register an electronic wallet (WebMoney is best) and, of course, go to one or more exchanges.

Popular exchanges that allow you to earn money in VK

Service Description Minimal salary (rub.) Payment systems
Smmok Consistently included in the top social exchanges. It has been around for a long time, it pays regularly, the reviews are mostly positive. Prices are the same as on similar resources. However, the frequency of the appearance of tasks pleases - dozens of tasks arrive every day. 50 WebMoney
VKTarget Another popular resource that cannot be ignored. In addition to VK, it offers part-time jobs to account holders on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Odnoklassniki. In the list of significant pluses: higher prices compared to other exchanges and the ability to earn income on a group in VK. 50 WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi
V-Like With good average prices, it did not deserve such popularity as the previous two exchanges due to the fact that fewer tasks are offered. However, a nice bonus - the minimum amount of money for withdrawal is also much lower. 15 WebMoney, to mobile account, Yandex.Money
VKSerfing A social exchange with a pleasant interface also attracted many people who want to earn money and customers. There is only one way to withdraw money and a rather large “minimum” of 50 rubles. However, there are a huge number of tasks and there are more of them every day. 50 WebMoney

Those wishing to make money in VK on exchanges should consider the following tips:

  • For such earnings, it is better to create a second page in VK (fake).
  • Take breaks between tasks, otherwise you will quickly go to the ban.
  • It is worth registering on several resources at once in order to earn more money.

2. How to make money on your VK page?

On such tasks, you can earn more money if you work on specialized sites.

The assignments are checked manually.

It takes more time, but it also brings more impressive income.

Service Description Minimum wage Payment systems
SEOsprint If you have ever been interested in making money on axle boxes, you have definitely heard about this site. But among other things, it has a section "Social networks". It is here that tasks are hidden, with the help of which you can earn extra money on your page in VK. Payment for tasks is average, while the minimum withdrawal amount is very small. 2 rub. WebMoney, Yandex.MoneyPayeer, Perfect Money, Payza
Advego One of the most popular sites to make money online. First of all, copywriters know and love him. But it’s also real to make money in VK here. Tasks are not difficult to complete, the main thing is to carefully read the conditions and check the answer before sending. The resource offers relatively high prices for tasks, and the number of them is pleasantly pleasing. 5$ WebMoney

It is also real to earn money on the page if you become an opinion leader.

This is a media person whose opinion users trust.

Example: a personal fitness trainer or a mother of three who has made great strides in yoga.

If you have knowledge or experience, you can "promote" your page.

For example, a copywriter can publish useful posts on the topic of writing texts. It is difficult to advertise yourself, but it is real.

Opinion leaders can earn money on various thematic affiliate programs and advertising products.

3. How to make money in VK using a public?

One of the popular ways how to make money in vk, - usage .

You can earn income from this in several ways:

  1. Sell ​​products through a group.
  2. Direct visitors to the site.
  3. Place ads by contacting advertisers directly, through external exchanges or a special exchange in VK.

Whatever method you choose, first you need to create a group, fill it and promote it.

How to create a public for making money?

It makes no sense to describe in detail the process of creating a public, because it is intuitively simple.

For the dumb, there are YouTube videos with detailed instructions.

Any VK user can create a page.

It is much more difficult to choose a topic if you are going to make money by selling advertising space.

The public should attract attention with a topic.

But in these niches there is high competition, therefore it is difficult to break through.

A big plus if you order a freelancer to design menus and avatars.

Fill the public with unique and interesting material that will make visitors subscribe.

How to promote a public in VK?

Creating and designing a group is only the first step.

As with a serious large business, such a project will have to be actively worked on so that it can bring money.

How to get that many?

  1. First you need to publish at least 20-30 posts so that visitors are not met by an empty group.
  2. The first people who subscribe to the page may be your friends.
    Ask them to join, like and share something particularly interesting.
  3. Among the first ways to make money on VK, we mentioned social exchanges.
    Some recommend using them to “wind up” the first thousand subscribers.
    Do it or not - decide for yourself.
    Remember that for such actions it is very easy to get a ban from the administration.
  4. You can promote a group faster and safer, but for money.
    To do this, buy advertising publications in other groups.
    When you cross the mark of several thousand, you will be able to participate in mutual PR.
    It no longer requires money.
    The main thing is that your topics should be similar.
  5. You can promote a group using spam in other groups or on other people's pages.
    The method is no less risky than promotion through social exchanges.
  6. You can also create and upload several thematic videos on it.
    In the description, leave a link to the group in VK.
  7. The best and most effective way to promote is to publish really interesting and unique material.
    So the number of subscribers will grow naturally.

4. How to make money in VK by creating applications?

This way to make money is not suitable for anyone.

But if you are good at programming, you have a chance to earn money by creating various applications for this.

On the other hand, it is not always necessary to have the relevant knowledge.

Perhaps you have an original idea that other users will definitely like.

Then you can contact a freelance programmer and order him to create it.

In this case, it will be on your shoulders to manage the process and further promote the application.

And, of course, the fruits of this labor, if the application is really popular.

There is a significant drawback to this way of earning - a high level of competition.

Considering that there is no restriction for the authors of the application, everyone can try their hand.

So you need to offer something really in demand, original and high quality.

  • if you advertise the application enough, you can rent out advertising spaces;
  • save the “financial pillow”, because you may have to invest in the development of the application;
  • analyze the possible risks (one of the main ones is a violation of the rules of VK);
  • the best applications bring owners up to several !

5. How to make money on goods in VK?

The above ways to make money in VK assume that you have nothing but desire and free time.

The situation is different for those who can offer users some kind of product.

It can be:

  • Handmade goods.
    Most often it is jewelry and household goods, but there are clothes and even shoes.
  • Used things.
    Some look for things in second-hand stores, put them in order and resell them on VK.
  • Products ordered on Aliexpress or similar marketplaces.
  • The fruits of intellectual labor (books, manuals, video tutorials).

You can sell these products using groups and publics in VK, advertising the product using contextual advertising of this social network or simply through a personal page.

6. How to make money in VK by getting a job?

You may be looking for an answer how to make money in vk not to sit at home and do nothing.

Undoubtedly, wages and conditions they can offer at the highest level.

So why don't you try your hand?

How to make money on a group in VK, you will also learn from the video:

To view vacancies, go to the appropriate tab at the bottom of the site.

In contact with is one of the most popular social networks in Russia, which allows you to earn on it 30,000 - 50,000 rubles, practical to anyone who makes a little effort.

But where does this profit come from? Let's take a closer look at how to make money on Vkontakte and what ways to earn money exist.

It is worth starting with the fact that conditionally there are only 5 types of earnings on Vkontakte:

Of course, there are more types of earnings, for example: hacking or wholesale resale of accounts, but this is already black business.

It is easiest to complete Vkontakte tasks for money because it only requires an account and a few hours of free time to complete hundreds of tasks.

True, earnings from this method will be 200-400 rubles per day, provided that the tasks are performed from one account. And if you have a dozen accounts and a lot of free time, then this is 2,000 - 4,000 rubles.

Job exchanges Vkontakte

ExchangesEarning per day
1 500 rub.
2 450 rub.
3 350 rub.
4 300 rub.
5 150 rub.

Hint: the Vkontakte page should be open to everyone, you still need to put your hometown in Moscow and it is desirable to have more than 200 friends - this will increase earnings by 2 times!

Few people know that the Vkontakte group earns 40,000 - 80,000 rubles However, to achieve such results, you need to work hard.

Some are reselling groups, others are paid promotion, and the most popular way is to run ads in a promoted group.

Buying/selling groups

There is such a segment as the resale of groups in social networks. Groups of 100,000 people buy for 15,000 - 20,000 thousand rubles and resell for 40,000 rubles.

And you can buy a group on the exchange Trade-groups.ru, where there are a lot of profitable offers. But it is recommended to sell on various forums about social networks.

Earnings on advertising in the group

If you have a group with 500 thousand people, then you can easily earn 500-900 rubles per 1 advertising post, depending on the activity of your subscribers.

However, the problem is that ready-made groups of such a plan cost from 150 thousand rubles, and if you promote it yourself, you will have to invest all 200,000 rubles.

Vkontakte advertising exchanges

There are only a few good exchanges that are used by 90% of all owners of Vkontakte groups. This is because most of the customers are located there.

A good online store with 100,000 thousand subscribers has from 2 to 10 orders per day, which brings a net profit of 450,000 rubles per month, perhaps there is no better way to make money on Vkontakte.

Of course, you can start creating games for a social network, but this is a long and laborious process that requires a lot of investment. We are interested in simpler earnings.

One of the games that allows you to earn votes is "Tyuryaga". The player needs to enter the image of a prisoner and achieve the appropriate rating.

This is necessary in order for the rest to want to become your prisoner friends. And for adding them as friends, you can ask for 5-7 votes (35-49 rubles).

Another way to make money on Vkontakte games is tied purely to votes and competitions. For example, a casino, betting or a game for development, such as "Hunting".

Many users of the World Wide Web seek to register on social networks. Here you can communicate with friends and distant relatives, share your news with them. But not everyone knows that you can also earn money on the Internet. The VKontakte website allows even schoolchildren to receive a stable income.

How to earn income?

The World Wide Web is one of the possibilities for the development of advertising. Many today seek to receive services or purchase goods without leaving their offices and apartments. Anyone who understands this knows how to make money in Contact. There are special services that pay money for likes and reposts. In this way, information about a particular company, online store or product is distributed.

In order to start earning, you just have to start a page on VKontakte and make friends. Many register with false data so as not to clog their profile with unnecessary reposts. But such a page can be blocked by the site administration. You won't be able to make money for a long time.

Individual services offer different wages for labor. But trusting sites that pay 2-3 rubles for one like is not worth it. It is unprofitable for an advertiser to pay such an amount to everyone who wants to earn extra money. The average cost of such a service is 0.3 rubles. Those who spend enough time on VKontakte will be able to receive, albeit a small, but stable income. Below are the most popular services for making money.


An excellent service for making money in a social network. Before you earn money in Contact, you will have to go through a short registration procedure. The service has no age restrictions. Even a student can earn income in his spare time from lessons. Every day, a huge number of actions are added to the site, for which payment will be charged. The average cost of one action is 20 kopecks.

Money on the service is credited to a virtual wallet. To withdraw the money earned, you must have a WebMoney or Yandex.Money wallet. Real money can be received only by the owners of a plastic card. The SMMOK service allows you to earn on advertising in "Contact" on average per month.


Another good service that has been around for years. Thanks to it, members can receive and advertisers increase the number of visitors to their site. Every day VPrka offers to perform many paid actions, the average price of which is 20 kopecks. There is no limit on the number of tasks that can be performed. Those who work more manage to earn more.

The minimum amount for withdrawal to VPrka is 50 rubles. You can earn that kind of money in public in "Contact" in just a few days. Payments are made within a day upon request. You only have to spend a few hours a day to get a steady income.


A good service that allows you to earn a little more than the previous ones. Every day, a participant can perform an unlimited number of actions for the price of 40 kopecks. It is possible to earn money by placing ads on your own page. The price of this action is 10 rubles. The advantage of PROSPERO is that there is no minimum withdrawal amount. Even if you earn a small amount on clicks, you can withdraw it at any convenient time.


A very serious service that works not only with pages on social networks, but also with groups and even individual blogs. The project allows you to earn impressive amounts, but the conditions for generating income here are more serious. A simple student will not be able to register here. Age matters. But an adult user with an active page or group on VKontakte will be able to earn good money.

The minimum withdrawal amount for the Blogun project is 1000 rubles. But here you can earn about 5,000 rubles a month. This is a good addition to the budget. Users will be able to earn on clicks and advertising on their own pages. The pay for each action is worthy.

How to earn rubles in "Contact" using a group?

You can earn much more for the owners of your own group on a social network. Advertisers pay well for placing information about themselves where there are a huge number of visitors every day. But a simple user of a social network will not be able to earn much from the very first days. Initially, you need to create a group that will arouse interest among others, and then promote it.

Many are interested in how much you can earn in "Contact" on your own network, it can become the main one if you approach earnings wisely and invest all your strength in the development of the group. A simple student will not do this. If you set a goal and create a group that will include more than 200 thousand subscribers, you can earn more than 20 thousand rubles on advertising per month.

Create a group in "Contact"

Anyone can create a group on a social network absolutely free of charge. Those who are interested in how you can make money in Contact should think about the topic of the future group. After all, only owners of groups with more than 100 thousand subscribers will be able to receive a stable and good income. You need to count on a wide audience. A group dedicated to beauty and body care will be able to gather a lot of subscribers. But the one, the theme of which will be Siamese cats, will be of interest only to a narrow circle.

Groups with beautiful photos and statements of celebrities are very popular among many. Every second member of the social network strives to stand out thanks to the original avatar or a beautiful status. A lot of subscribers will also be able to collect a group dedicated to the life of celebrities. But it will take a lot of work on such a group. After all, you have to add news and posts to the wall daily. Everything must be done so that the number of subscribers increases, and the old members of the group do not disperse.

How to unwind?

Creating a quality group takes a lot of effort. But this is only half the way. Is it possible to make money in "Contact" if the group is not yet promoted? The income will be meagre. It is necessary to invite as many visitors as possible to the group. First of all, invitations are sent to friends. Many of them are not statute to refuse to participate in the group out of courtesy. News will begin to appear on pages in social networks. If the information in the group is really interesting, the number of subscribers will grow. But in this way, the promotion will be too slow.

Before you ask how much they earn in Contact, you will have to spend a little yourself. There are special services that promote blogs and groups on social networks for a fee. In addition, the group can be advertised in other groups by paying the creators a small fee. Things will go much faster from the moment more than 10 thousand subscribers appear in the group.

Posting ads on the group wall

As soon as the group in "Contact" has more than 100 thousand subscribers, you can start making good money. You can start by placing ads on the wall. All subscribers will be able to see it, and some of them will definitely want to follow the link. The cost of advertising on the wall of a promoted group is on average 200-300 rubles. The question of whether it is possible to make money in "Contact" disappears by itself. After all, there are many people who want to advertise in a visited place.

At the initial stage, you should not set too high a price for posting information on the group's pages. It is worth attracting employers. Before you earn money in Contact, you need to win a worthy place in the advertising services market. The cost of advertising placement can be raised gradually. 100 rubles per day at the initial stage will be enough.

Earnings on the stock exchange

Many create groups on social networks for their own entertainment. But as soon as the number of subscribers increases to 100 thousand, you can think about how to make money in Contact. Not everyone manages to find advertisers the first time. To start getting faster, you can add your group to one of the specialized exchanges. These are services that help advertisers and group owners find each other. The mediator will have to pay a small fee.

One of the most popular exchanges among social media users is Plibber. Everyone has the opportunity to post information about their group and set a single price for advertising on the wall. Advertisers will apply. The owner of the group will only have to choose the most interesting offers for him. With the help of exchanges, you can not only make great money, but also promote your own blog or group.

Earnings on VKontakte on sales

Gives a unique opportunity to earn income without leaving home. Everyone should know how to make money in "Contact" without winding up subscribers and communicating with advertisers. With the help of their page or group, everyone can sell a product or offer specific services. Every day, the owners of online stores pay huge amounts for renting domains. But a page on a social network can be no worse than a virtual store. The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

You can also earn income without investment. There are a huge number of virtual stores that offer to purchase products in bulk. A member of the VKontakte social network can become an organizer of joint purchases. This is the purchase of goods for a certain amount from a single wholesale supplier. To make good money, you have to devote a lot of time to your page. It will be necessary to create several albums with goods and update the captions under the photos in a timely manner. Prices must always be current. The organizational fee for joint purchases usually does not exceed 15% of the wholesale cost of the goods. The more joint purchases will be organized, the higher the income will be.