Sales manager speaking on the phone. Cold calling on the phone - examples of successful and failed negotiations

How a sales manager should talk, what to use in his speech and what not to use - these topics always cause great controversy and disagreement among recruiters and heads of sales departments.

Some consider competent speech to be the main criterion, some argue that the conversation of a sales manager should be polite. There is an opinion that the speech of a sales manager should be professional. My opinion - the speech of the sales manager should be "live". The correct speech of the sales manager should include the following aspects.

What is Live Speech

The client will buy the goods when he has a trusting relationship with the seller, when he trusts: either the store, or the manager, or the product.

1. Sincerity

Who can we trust? First of all, those who are sincere. You can be completely sincere, or you can learn to believe and convince yourself that you are right with the help of.

2. Natural

The client trusts a person who behaves naturally, which is also one of the manifestations of sincerity. That is why many beginners, having memorized several books on sales, stumble upon the first rake, they simply cannot be natural, burdened with a bunch of knowledge and trying to understand at what point to apply something from what they read. As experience accumulates, they become more natural and results improve just because of this factor. Naturalness relaxes a person and enables him to speak more freely and uninhibitedly, as if he were talking to his friend.

3. Conversation

A well-spoken sales manager, demanded by many, may even turn some customers off, as they will perceive a good speech as pompous and formulaic. Therefore, such phrases: “We will form the best individual offer for you in terms of price and quality” will be perceived more skeptically than such phrases as “This is really the best offer on the market right now.” Therefore, when preparing, it makes no sense to write in a pretentious, bookish language. In normal conversation, it can be difficult to pronounce what is written in this way. Having written a phrase, you need to roll it in the language. Say 2-3 dozen times, play with intonation, visualize this phrase and make it sound convincing.

4. Empathy

Emotions, sincere surprise, admiration, frustration should be present in the conversation. Then communication will be more natural. It's funny to listen to recordings of conversations when a manager takes a list of questions that he wants to ask and starts asking them in turn, without reacting in any way to the answers. It starts to look like an interrogation and very quickly bothers the interlocutor. If the interlocutor sees a response to his words, he is asked clarifying questions, asked about his attitude to events, he fully reveals himself. How to learn it? You already know how. Imagine a situation where a close friend tells a story that is meaningful to him and you. How will you listen? How will you react to his words? Will you move on to the next question without completing the picture, based on the answer you just received?

5. Simplicity

When a manager begins to understand a product or industry, he often wants to show off this knowledge and begins to pour in specific terms, professional jargon. Having got on one or two savvy clients and caught in ignorance of some concepts, he still tries to demonstrate his knowledge to other clients who do not understand what he says and refuse to further communicate. Regardless of the industry and level of clients, always speak in a way that a schoolboy would understand. Even the most experienced professionals will react normally to this, since they will not need to translate from professional into Russian, and what can we say about those who have never encountered it. Of course, there are always exceptions and there will be those who want to speak in a professional language, but this will become clear after a couple of phrases from the client.

6. Feedback

While saying any phrase, any statement or question, observe the client. You'd be surprised how much his reaction would say. Remember your student days when you answered a ticket that you didn’t really know and caught the teacher’s reaction in order to understand whether you are speaking correctly or not.

If he is only an observer and listener, this conversation will be less important to him than if the conversation is built around his situation and conditions. Engage him in conversation and he will never forget about it.

6. And now the most important feature of the sales manager's speech:

It shouldn't be much. The more the manager gives the client the opportunity to speak, the greater the likelihood of a sale. It makes no sense to get carried away with stories, because not everyone is interested in listening to someone for a long time. Although sometimes it can be difficult to stop yourself by going into a rage, it is better to give the client the opportunity to speak out.

It is impossible to learn the correct speech for a sales manager in a short time. It is only possible to be as sincere and natural as possible, to be able to listen and involve a person in a conversation. Some people have this natural gift, but the skill of effective communication can be developed. This is what we teach on ours.

One of the main ingredients of good sales is a quality script. Despite the fact that most companies work with different target audiences and sell completely different products and services, the communication rules are the same for everyone. Most companies undertake to make scripts themselves and after the managers do not make the result, they come to the conclusion that the managers or the product are bad, but, often, the point is in the script. Today we will give an example of a universal script template that fits most projects. When used correctly, the conversion can increase significantly.

1) Secretary bypass block

We have a rule in the company, according to which you can instantly determine the quality of the script. If the secretary bypass block is specified in the script, the script is bad. It's simple - to get around the secretary, you can not be a "salesman". If you start explaining to the secretary all the benefits of your product, you have lost. The secretary, who receives 137 calls every day, has his own laconic script: “Thank you. All offers to the mail indicated on the site. If the management needs to buy something, the secretary looks for it himself. He absolutely does not care what benefits you bring and what benefits you promise. So just look for a way not to lie, but also not to show your intentions to sell. Break the pattern in any way, until you are sure that you are communicating with the decision maker * (decision maker).

Example: Selling our sales outsourcing services

Manager: - Hello, hello. Secretary: - Hello, Prostonyashino, how can I help you? Manager: - You have a vacancy at HeadHuntere. Position Sales Manager. With whom can I clarify the terms of employment? Secretary: - One second, I'm connecting.

Bypassed the system, cracked the password, ours are in the enemy's camp.

2) Greeting

Manager: - Good afternoon, *COMPANY NAME*, *MANAGER NAME*. How can I contact you? Possible decision maker: - Valery. Manager: - Tell me, are you responsible in the company for *insert what you need* Confirmed decision maker: - Yes, what did you want?

It is very important in the first seconds to confirm that the decision maker is the decision maker and to find out his name. Otherwise, at the end, when contact has been established and he agrees to cooperate, it will be embarrassing to ask.

3) We confirm the demand and establish the presence of a problem

It is necessary to confirm the demand, and not to convey the offer. Even before you start offering something, you need to close the person's access to the opportunity to refuse and establish primary contact with him. All this must be done exclusively by ASKING QUESTIONS. Questions should be simple, to which you know that it is possible to answer only yes. You need to confirm with the person that he needs your product that solves his problem. 2-3 questions are enough, the first of which is from Captain Obvious.

Example when selling a pen:

Manager: - Tell me, do you write with a pen? LPR: - Yes. Manager: - Do you write with a pen quite often or occasionally? LPR: - Often, what do you want to offer? Manager: - If you write with a pen, then you have it periodically ends, and you need to go and buy a new one? DMP: - Right, what did you want?

I think everything is clear here, but for those who don’t, call and we will explain)

4) Suggest a solution to the problem

Based on the questions, you smoothly move to the point of a proposal that helps solve a problem that the person has already confirmed the existence of. No one will ever admit that he lied, so your interlocutor can no longer deny the need for a solution to the problem. This means that the proposal will not face the objection "we do not need anything" and you will be listened to. The main thing to remember here is that brevity is the sister of talent. So your sentence should be as short as possible and explain exactly how it solves the problem. You can read more about how to properly prepare an offer in ours.

5) Promotion/special offer

To make an offer workable here and now, use leverage. Classical examples are well suited here: the opportunity to try the product before paying, a 50% discount that is valid for only a couple of days, etc. By creating urgency and time limits, we speed up the decision-making, otherwise it can drag on for a long time, and we really don’t want this.

A similar technique was actively used on landing pages, setting counters for the stock countdown (and someone is setting them up now), but recently this almost does not work on landing pages.

6) Reconfirmation of demand

It is necessary to remind the DM of his own words. The fact that at the beginning of the conversation he himself confirmed the existence of a problem now gives us a serious trump card. You ask the same questions over and over and get the same answers over and over again. In fact, you are forcing him to admit that he needs what you have offered him.

If in paragraph 3 we asked questions on the topic of interest in buying at a better price and we were confirmed. Then after voicing the action, we ask something like this:

"You said you were interested in better terms of purchase, right?"

Think at your leisure how you would "dodge" such a phrase and offer something of your own.

7) Dealing with objections

The last window through which the client can get out is the work with objections. Simulate all the nuances and prescribe answers to the client’s possible questions to the manager in advance. This part depends solely on the knowledge of the materiel and on whether the manager has the right arguments.

8) Manager

Even the best offer aimed at a specific target audience may not bring any results if the manager does not know how to present it correctly. If you want to kill the beast, you need a hunter, not a shepherd. One competent salesperson will bring you more profit than 10 female students working for results. You can grow a professional, but it takes effort, money and time. Or you can hire someone who is ready for outsourcing. Here you choose between what you really want - save more or earn more;)

And finally, an example of a complete script for cold calling and offering the services of our company (forgive me, those who do not like text formatting, the functionality here is far from Word):

Secretary bypass

Good afternoon I found an ad on the Internet about the vacancy of a sales manager. With whom you can communicate about the vacancy and clarify the conditions of employment.

Switches to LPR

Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, Seurus company. How can I contact you?*

Customer response

(It is necessary to confirm that his managers are not perfect. What could be better. At the same time, one cannot say that they are bad) Do you have sales managers? Do you think your sales managers are working to the maximum or can they be even better?

Customer response

Would you like your sales managers to work for results? OUR COMPANY is engaged in hiring remote sales managers who are already trained and experienced in various products and services. Are you satisfied with the quality of your sales managers? Do your managers work for salary or results?

Customer response

We work on a balance payment system. 35,000 rubles balance, which is spent on three areas:
FIRST: Creating a database: that is, searching for companies from the target audience on the Internet 10-20 rubles. for contact. SECOND: Creation of the project 15,000 rubles. Writing a selling script, training a manager, determining an effective target audience. THIRD: The result is a customer interested in buying. I mean, we will find out from you who the hot client is and assign a reward for him. In the future, the work goes solely for the result. No wages and living pants. Only sales. Only hardcore. If the payment is made this month, we are ready to launch your project in 2 days.

Customer response

You said yourself that you can sell better. We are ready to demonstrate it to you. Our managers are the best in their field and have vast experience in this area. Let me send you a contract and you take a closer look at the conditions. Will I call you tomorrow and answer all your questions?

Client Consent

Work with objections

We have our own managers, everything suits!

Everything is relative. Do you think that it is impossible to sell better than your managers and your company gets the maximum profit?

My managers sell perfectly and the profit is at the maximum!

Well, let your managers handle the interested clients that we bring! After all, they know your product in detail, and we will bring hot customers - ready to buy.

We have a specific product!

We sell everything from website development to diesel generators! If we have sold equipment for water utilities, then we will be able to sell your product. The main thing for you is to confirm the interest in your product. You can tell about your product without us. Our job is to get you interested!

How many calls can be made per day?

It all depends on the project! An average of 100 calls, you yourself understand that the sale of honey is different from the sale of real estate.

*If interest is confirmed, transfer the contact to the supervisor for further processing.*

In general, that's all! On the one hand - everything is simple, but on the other - not quite) Do not listen to the "couch experts", and if you are not sure whether you are doing everything right - better call Seurus! -

May the profit be with you!

One of the important components that affects the level of sales is the script. Despite the fact that the target audience is different for everyone, the style of communication is the same for everyone. Some companies develop sales scripts on their own, others buy ready-made scripts. In this article, you will learn which speech modules are used and how to write a script correctly.

Script development technology

When developing a script template, pay attention to its blocks. A high-quality script for sales managers makes it possible to influence the client more effectively. There are numerous types of sales scripts: when working on, with, with direct sales, when concluding contracts, making an appointment.

Now we will give the most common script scheme used when talking on the phone. In a personal meeting, for example, the first block is skipped, the subsequent stages can be left.

The script includes 8 blocks:

  • Secretary round.
  • Greetings.
  • Identification of problems or clarification of needs.
  • Good problem solving suggestion.
  • Offer of active shares.
  • Refinement of demand.
  • Handling objections.
  • Completion of the deal.

Now let's talk about each block in more detail and give examples of the dialogue.

Secretary bypass

Having phoned the company, in most cases you get to the secretary. Its task is to weed out unnecessary calls. It is not uncommon for the secretary to be instructed by the manager to discard all trade offers. Secretaries have their own scripts when communicating on the phone, and passing this stage can be difficult. Therefore, you need to be connected to a competent person. Consider how this can be done in your case.

Sample dialogue:

Secretary: Good afternoon. Sunshine, how can I help you?

You: Good afternoon. I am Natalia, I represent the company (name). We are partners of many companies of your profile. Here we would like to offer you cooperation. Can you connect me to the person who solves these issues?

Secretary: Okay, I'm connecting.


After connecting with the person in charge, you open the script and start a dialogue. First, it is important to find out whether this person can actually make the appropriate decisions.

The dialogue might look something like this:

You: Good afternoon. I am Natalia, a representative of the company (name). Please tell me how can I contact you?

Company representative: Valery Petrovich.

You: Valery Petrovich, tell me, do you resolve issues regarding (specify the reason for the call)?

Company representative: Yes, you wanted to offer something?

Finding out the problems

Once contact is established, we move on to the next step. The main thing here is to identify demand and not give a person the opportunity to immediately say “no”. This can be done with the help of correctly posed questions, to which the client will unequivocally answer “yes”. Let's take an example. Let's say you offer stationery, the dialogue might look like this:

You: Do you write with a pen?

Company Representative: Yes.

You: And do you regularly run out of them?

Company Representative: Naturally.

You: Then you need to buy new ones.

Company representative: Yes, what do you want to offer?

The main thing is to identify demand and not give a person the opportunity to immediately say “no”.

Competent proposal for problem solving

Now, after the client is ready to listen to your proposal, you can voice it. After all, the interlocutor has already confirmed his need for your services. The proposal should be brief and interest the representative of the company, for this you can use various levers.

You: We are ready to offer you high quality stationery at low prices.

Offer of active shares

In order to enhance the effect of the offer, tell the client about the promotions that you currently have that you can offer when concluding a contract on a long-term basis.

You: By the way, I would like to note that we have special benefits for regular customers (please state them).

By offering a share, you can push the client to conclude an agreement in the near future. This is a very efficient method.

For example:

You: And even today we have a promotion - when buying goods in the amount of 20,000 rubles, we provide an additional 10% discount.

Refinement of demand

In the third stage, you have already received confirmation of demand from the client, and when you ask him the same questions again, naturally, you will receive positive answers. But now you have offered him quite favorable terms, and this should be emphasized.

For example:

You: You said that you are interested in more favorable conditions, and so we offer you this, right?

Working through objections

This is the penultimate stage, and the client may slip away with claims that you will not be ready for. Therefore, think over in advance the questions that a representative of the company can ask you, and prepare the right answers. In this case, a competent script technique will help you conclude many profitable contracts. Questions may concern not only the cost of the goods, but also its delivery, quality, and the activities of competitors. Here is an example of how you can answer the objection.

Company representative: We already have a good stationery supplier.

You: But everything is known in comparison, you did not work with us and cannot evaluate our services and the quality of our goods. Let's try to conclude a medium-term contract, and you can compare.

Questions may concern not only the cost of the goods, but also its delivery, quality, and the activities of competitors.

Completion of the deal

At this stage, a competent manager receives a positive decision from a representative of the company and begins to draw up a contract and all relevant forms.

The sales department most often uses such scripts to effectively promote their product. The value of a well-designed script lies in the fact that even a beginner will be able to correctly respond to certain situations and successfully sell a product.

In order for you to have working scripts, try them out in action several times, evaluate their effectiveness, supplement and make changes if necessary. Analyze speech, intonation, sequence of questions.

We have given an example of a script that is advisable to use when selling a product. But after all, a script can be written not only for sales, but also for scheduling meetings, concluding contracts, and many other actions. To do this, you need to choose the right questions and distribute them into blocks.

And today, cold calls remain one of the most common methods of promoting a company. The reason is obvious - in comparison with personal meetings for the same period of time, you can talk with a large number of potential customers, optimize sales.

Spam is easy to block, a sent email may never be read, and commercials often go unnoticed. Everyone answers personal calls. Will it be possible to interest the buyer in this way? This is another aspect. But the manager needs to try.

Critics of cold calls talk about the high labor costs of the method and low efficiency. According to the survey, the result of a cold call (the number of successful transactions, sales) varies between 3-10%.

What are cold calls?

Cold calls are phone calls to strangers in order to offer them certain goods or services. The reason for low efficiency is most often the lack of training of the manager, bad examples, wrong scripts and wrong sales tactics. As a result - a negative reaction of a potential buyer.

Many managers claim that their main goal is to call as many people as possible. The more attempts, the more likely it is that someone will agree to the deal.

This is the reason for the low efficiency of sales. It is necessary to strive to interest the interlocutor, to make the conversation useful and exciting, to leave positive emotions. It's no secret that most often cold calls cause irritation. To change this point of view, the sales manager needs to “hook” the interlocutor, arouse his interest, then present the product, neutralizing doubts about the purchase, and sell the product.

Successful cold calling tools

When a manager makes a cold call, his potential buyer hears only a voice without seeing the interlocutor. Such a client treats what he heard with distrust, and he does not always want to waste time on an empty conversation. Therefore, the technique of making cold calls should be carefully worked out and thought out.

Shell and base composition

The basis of successful work is a complete up-to-date database. It doesn't matter what you do or sell cosmetics. To replenish the client base, the sales manager needs to implement paid information programs that are formed from reliable sources. Examples of such operating bases are Interfax, Fira Pro. Various paid and free programs can be used to store and process data.

Negotiation experience and talent

Sales managers who talk about the low effectiveness of cold calls cannot properly organize them. To increase sales, you need to immerse the manager in a comfortable environment. An uncertain trembling voice, a feeling of discomfort, a monotonous voice timbre will not give the expected results, and a cold call will fail. If the manager doubts the product being sold, the potential client will definitely not buy it.

Negotiating experience is also important. Experienced managers know in advance what their interlocutor will ask or how their interlocutor will answer, which allows them to work calmly according to the developed scenario, using scripts and examples. That is why a new employee needs to undergo preliminary training and training. There is a small exception to this statement - there are people with an innate talent to persuade. They quickly establish contact with a potential buyer, pointing out the advantages and benefits of the purchase. Such an employee is very valuable, but there are very few such "nuggets", while the rest need to learn a lot about the method of cold calls.

The most important skill is to manage your emotions and get the buyer to respond to them. If the operator is liberated, can easily conduct a dialogue, the interlocutor will be interested in communicating with him.

First impression

You will never have a second chance to make a first impression. This stage is the most “fateful”. When a person receives a call from a sales manager, he usually imagines a tired person with a stone face, a microphone and a headset connected, who does not care who he communicates with. There is no desire to continue the conversation with such a person, therefore, in 99.9% of cases, a cold call is already doomed to failure.

The key task of the operator is to become interesting to the interlocutor from the very first seconds. You need to understand the course of his thoughts, be “on the same wavelength” with him, make him think, evoke response emotions (sometimes even negative ones). Asking a provocative question is enough to get that kind of cold-calling reaction. Alternatively, ask if the interlocutor is authorized to make a decision, or compare his company with a competing organization. As a result, as a rule, he begins to enter into a discussion, which, with proper management, can lead to a constructive result. But the sales manager should not abuse negative emotions, pleasant communication is much more effective.

Customer choice must be respected. Often the interlocutor already has a supplier, is used to buying the offered products in another place or in another way. No need to point to an offer that he "can't refuse." It is better to communicate, find out what he likes and what does not fit, what the client prefers when making a purchase. Include this block in the script and sample dialog. After that, offer an alternative, indicating all the benefits of your company.

Cold call script for selling services

The term "script" means a pre-thought-out algorithm of actions, a pre-compiled template. A well-chosen script is a reliable tool for successful sales. The use of scripts is especially relevant if the sales manager is making a call for the first time.

On the other side of the line is a person who knows nothing about you. In this case, it is necessary to build the most fruitful foundation for cooperation and further cold calls, or to understand that a person does not need the services of our company, that you do not need to spend your precious time on him. Then there are repeated cold calls along a pre-planned path that are aimed at the result.

Script Creation Algorithm

In the work of a manager, it is important to gradually collect cold call scripts, gradually improve sales techniques. From this moment the dialogue begins. The more important goals are set, the more professional managers are needed.

The main points in determining the purpose of a cold call:

  • updating the database, determining the target audience;
  • providing useful information to the interlocutor;
  • offering something interesting and free (buffet at the end of a certain event, providing a trial product);
  • receiving a response from the interlocutor about the company's offer.

Goal examples:

  1. invitation of freelancers to a training on the topic "";
  2. informing the furniture manufacturer about new equipment for the production of upholstered furniture.

Customer base diagnostics

You can chat with the interlocutor for a long time, but if you misjudge their potential, you can waste time and make a cold call useless. Therefore, at the time of negotiation, the manager needs to find out whether a person needs this service, how many units of production he needs, whether he is ready to spend money on a purchase. But you need to do it unobtrusively.

Client diagnostic example:

  1. Do you plan to expand the network next year?
  2. Can your equipment handle the volume of orders? Are you planning to upgrade it?

Presentation and response analytics

The presentation should be bright, interesting, concise and structured. To do this, the manager must create sales scripts.

Advice: present only the action that you want to achieve from the listener (invitation to a meeting, information about the product). You should not present the whole company and distract the interlocutor with unnecessary information. At any time, a person can simply hang up.

Examples of a targeted cold call presentation to consider when writing a script:

  1. At our training, you can not only learn about, but also evaluate the activities of competitors, find out what tools and methods they use, and communicate with potential employers. Agree, for your self-development and growth, this will be a great example and help.
  2. At the presentation of new equipment for the production of furniture, you will be able to evaluate the latest developments and achievements, analyze the effectiveness of various business processes that are used to manufacture furniture. This will enable you to better assess your real potential for growth.

Call handling and closing

Since the probability of rejection during a cold call is very high, there is no need to be afraid of receiving a negative answer. When you hear an objection, you need to focus on the purpose of the call, not the objection. You need to try to get around the barrier that prevents you from achieving the desired result of a cold call.

If the listener constantly says different objections, turn them into advantages by promising to resolve all issues. The script will not be successful if you fail to interest the potential buyer in the need to implement the task set for you.

Example #1:

I already have enough orders, and I do not need the trainings offered.
- At our training, cardinally new opportunities will sound, you will learn about how to improve your skills and double your earnings. Our event will open new horizons for you, the scale of which you have not even thought about before.

Example #2:

I don't have free time for your presentation.
- At our event, issues will be considered that will save time on solving various secondary issues. In just two hours, you'll understand why you're constantly monitoring the production floor instead of focusing on strategic moments that would move the company forward.

If the client agreed (or refused), the cold call to the sales manager needs to be properly closed. Show the importance of the client for your organization, agree on further cooperation. Even if you were refused, leave positive emotions about yourself, try to be remembered as a competent employee with whom you can work in the future.

Advice: scripts should not be standardized. When compiling them, you need to take into account the specifics of the service or product being sold, the purpose of the cold call. A potential buyer could have heard the standard script many times already: “Hello! We are a dynamically developing company, 200 years on the market, etc.” To interest him, you need to stand out among the same type of uninteresting offers. To do this, take the time to create a unique script that will arouse the interest of the listener.

Cold call: dialogue example

There is no person who does not want to buy a certain product, there is a seller who cannot sell it correctly. Purposefulness, tact, result orientation - these and other qualities will be needed by a sales manager to achieve his goal. Consider an example of a cold call:

Good afternoon
- Hello!
- Limited Enterprise Company, manager Angela. Could you put me in touch with the CEO.
- He's not in now.
- When can I talk to him?
- Never, as he is very busy and cannot give you time. I am his deputy, all questions ask me.
- Great, tell me, please, what is your name?
- Maksim.
- Maxim, very nice. We are organizing a new business training on the topic "How to attract new customers and increase sales?". Are your managers looking for new customers?
- Looking for. But, unfortunately, neither I nor the CEO will have time to attend your training.
- Would you like to improve your work efficiency so that the lack of time does not bother you anymore?
- You know, while everything is in order with me, everything suits me, I consider the schemes of doing business successful anyway. Thank you.
- I understand correctly - all your sales managers are 100% loaded?
- Yes, for all 100 and even more.
- It's good that we contacted you in time. The purpose of our training is to redistribute the load on managers with higher efficiency. Just imagine - one of your managers will be able to lead 2-3 times more clients. The training will cover the topic of sales optimization and. Sign you up for it?
Thanks, but I can't find time for that.
- Well, then I will inform you about the date of the next training, so that you can reallocate your time and attend it.
- It is not necessary. I'm telling you - we are successfully doing business, all the schemes have been worked out.
- You are doing so well, but there is not enough time for development. That doesn't happen.
- It seems to me that when there is no time, it is very good. Everyone is busy, working, the company is thriving.
- That is, you have reached the pinnacle of your success and do not want to develop more. But for some reason, when your area is mentioned, a completely different company comes first. Are they your competitors?
- It is very difficult to argue with you. When and where will your training take place?

After that, the parties change contacts and agree on a meeting.

Phone sales examples

In order for cold calls to lead to the expected result and give high efficiency, the sales manager needs to get acquainted with a variety of examples, create scripts.

The first example is a ledge, used in case of a negative answer as a fulcrum and a basis for further dialogue. Consider this technology in an example (after the introduction and acquaintance with the manager).

Hello, I am the manager of Consulting Ltd, we conduct trainings for management personnel. How to improve sales efficiency, use internal resources of the organization more rationally, increase turnover. Are you interested in this topic?
- Yes, I am periodically interested in courses for self-development.

I'm sorry, but such an event is too expensive for me and my firm. You ask a lot for your services.
- So says everyone who has not attended our trainings. Many of the people we work with on a regular basis reacted the same way at first. But after the first lesson, they changed their minds, because they managed to save many times more by increasing their turnover.
- Okay, we can discuss this.

Another example of dialogue:

Andrei Vladimirovich, good afternoon.
- Hello.
- My name is Anatoliy. I'm calling you from Constanta.
- On what question?
- We sell waste recycling accelerators. They are made according to new technology, provide an opportunity to save resources compared to the equipment that is used today.
- Sorry, but I'm not interested in your offer.
- Is it possible, before you hang up, to find out - do you use accelerators on gasoline or gas?
- We at the enterprise do not use them at all.
How do you dispose of waste then?
- No way.
- But it is fraught with large fines. Especially after the changes in the law. How timely we turned to you! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with ours. Our prices are better than our competitors, and we can provide a discount. How do you look to meet and discuss terms?
- All right, come to our office.

When communicating with a potential client, immediately include him in the dialogue. That's how you pique his interest. Leave all the details of the presentation for a personal meeting, the main thing is to show the relevance of the proposed product.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Cold calling is an actual method of sales optimization that many companies use. In order to make them effective, do not be afraid to express yourself, communicate with the client as with a kind, respected comrade. Be confident in your words. To be successful, you need to work hard on yourself. And most importantly - be able to accept failures, as there will be a large number of them. Do not be upset, take into account the mistakes, develop new sales scripts for yourself.

In contact with

Greetings: Good afternoon, Elena Konstantinovna, is it convenient for you to talk?

(answer yes - continue, answer - no, specify when you can call back)

My name is Svetlana, company "N", we are engaged in sales of ceramic products and home utensils, working in the market of the city "P" for more than 5 years.

If the person you are calling is already your client, be sure to thank him for working with your organization, and present the offer as loyalty and concern for the company about its customers, in this way:

The beginning is the same as in the first version: we say hello, we introduce ourselves, and instead of a brief presentation we say: “We want to thank you for choosing a company, we really appreciate our cooperation and therefore we offer you ....”
Presentation: We have a very favorable offer for you, you can get acquainted with our products (we specify where this can be done) and purchase any product you like with a five percent discount within a week, while paying attention, no one except us has similar offers …

Work with objections:(for example, one is chosen, but the one that can most often be heard from a client in telephone sales)

Client: “Thank you, I’m not interested in this ...” Manager: It’s a pity, because the dishes very often break and become unusable or lose their appearance, and any housewife understands that dishes, like the interior, perfectly decorate the house, filling it with harmony, so your purchase will never be redundant! Moreover, thanks to the discount provided, you will not only be able to make your home more comfortable and eating more enjoyable, but also save a significant amount of money. If we see that the client is not interested in beauty, we can replace it with something like this: we have excellent French glass sets that practically do not scratch or break, but will serve their owner for a long time and reliably.

There can be many options for objections, as well as options for answering them, you can read more about this in the article:. It is desirable after the first hundred calls to analyze the most common doubts and objections of the client and think about how best to overcome them.

Sale (if the purpose of the sale is by phone): As I already wrote, selling in telemarketing is a very conditional concept, however, when all the stages have been completed, we try to complete the deal, for which we can use phrases like: “Do you plan to pay by cash or bank transfer ...”, “Did you like this service, I also recommend purchasing a coffee maker from us so that you can always enjoy fresh coffee, for what date and time do you want to place an order? etc.

We agree on a meeting (if the goal is to agree on a meeting, for further negotiation) I have previously familiarized you with our offer, when can we meet to discuss the details and find the best solution for you?

The cold calling script in the article is a good example of a phone sales template for readers, but I would not recommend completely copying it for work. Because each product, like any service sector, has its own narrow specifics and it is impossible to combine all areas even in a dozen speech texts. Also, it will be much more useful and experience for you if you come up with your own script and think it over yourself, and you can use my template as a basis. And remember, the purpose of a pre-prepared and thoughtful template is to make your work easier! Preparing various offers for the client and answers to possible doubts and objections will help you save time when talking with the buyer and convey more necessary information to the potential client. However, it should also be remembered that deviations from templates are also allowed during the dialogue, because There are no identical people and it is impossible to think through all the options.