Textsale copywriting exchange. TextSail - how to start working with a copywriting exchange: I reveal the secrets of making money

Secretly, we dream of opening our own store, where the shelves are filled with our goods. And satisfied customers come back again and again. Who said that this product cannot be text? This is an intelligent product. We spend time and energy on it. So why not sell? Here the actual questions arise: “Where to do it? And who is willing to pay?

With sets of texts - a time-consuming task. You need to pay for a web designer, hosting, domain. How to check that you are competitive and do not want to write every other day?

For such purposeful, interesting personalities, an article store was invented. Anyone has it. But not everyone has such a good price bar, opportunities like TextSale.

Writing at will on your favorite topics is a copywriter's dream. Sometimes I let myself be creative and send small creations to the store. Yes, they are not sold out immediately, you have to wait.

TextSale - articles hypermarket. Already more than 50,000 ready-made texts are waiting for their buyer. Moms on maternity leave, students, and schoolchildren exhibit their work there. Advantages - an independent choice of topics, we work when and where we want, we set the price ourselves.

But with the growth of articles in the store, dumping occurs. Customers are starting to tinker so that both the quality is 100% and the price is like that of a beginner. Don't be discouraged, selling takes patience.

Some texts may go under the hammer in six months. But who said that the buyer will not buy several at once?

Where to begin

I can’t say that in the first week you will earn 2-5 thousand rubles. We'll have to wait, work, hope.

If you just want to write to the will for free sale, then treat this as a side job. I do not advise you to depend.

There are exceptions when writers turn writing articles for stores into a real business. But I’ll tell you a little secret, less than 20% of the content they write on their own, everything else is the work of beginners who work hard for a pretty penny.


Have you decided? Well done! Let's start with a simple one - registration. It will take 5 minutes.

We go to main page of the official site TextSale. In the right block you will find the link you need.

We click on it. We enter our data: login, e-mail address, tick off as copywriters. The WebMoney wallet does not have to be indicated immediately, you can add it later in the profile.

Filled out? Have you checked? Then click on the “Register!” button, move on.

We do not create a password. The system automatically sends it to e-mail. The standard view is 456001.

We return to the exchange, enter using a nickname and password.

Monitor the reputation of your profile. Get rid of the ban, negative reviews by re-registration will not work. Clone accounts are quickly calculated and blocked forever.

You can risk registering again if you know how to change the IP address.

Profile and navigation

Design, site structure - complex. It's easy to get lost. It seems like simple lists, links, but when it comes to finding the right one, horror begins. I spent 15 minutes looking for a way to log out of my account.

So that you do not get lost in the wilds, I will conduct a tour for you.

Conventionally, this copywriting exchange can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. Left. There are: search by posted texts, a block for advertising for 25 rubles / day, topics of finished articles, popular user requests, tips for authors, a TOP list of copywriters, a help section (FAQ), an affiliate program.
  2. Central. In it you can find recently published portfolios and finished articles, news.
  3. Right. This block has a link to the profile in the form of a login, information about the rating, balance, status, a section for adding, editing your texts, emergency and BS, a logout button.

To find out all the information about your account, edit it, click on your nickname at the top of the right block.

Do not leave the profile as it is after registration. To attract the attention of potential buyers, customers need to work hard.

If the user does not visit the site for a year, he is sent to the archive. A subscription fee of 15 rubles is charged for storage. per day. When the balance is reset, the account is blocked or deleted.

The text uploaded to the portfolio is checked for 1-2 weeks. It cannot be edited later, only deleted.

Beginners are interested in the question - how to start working? I opened a text editor and went writing-editing.

Do you have a lot of ideas in your head, are you ready to create non-stop? Have you saved several creative documents in folders? It's time to go and put them up for sale.

What fields need to be filled in:

  1. category. Think about what topic your text is about.
  2. Title. It should be catchy, small, without stop words.
  3. Short description. You can take subheadings from the structure as auxiliary words for sentences. Add a couple of words to them and you're done. We do not retell the text.
  4. body of the article. Copy and paste your work here.
  5. Select the type of text. Rewriting (retelling someone else's material), copywriting (written from the head), translation.

We preview. We check for grammatical errors, typos, reread. All good? Then click "Publish".

Minimum uniqueness 90%.

After posting, you can add a photo. It is not checked for uniqueness. The maximum image size is 1024 x 768, jpg or gif format.

For the article you will receive 10% less. This is the commission of the system.

Within a day after the purchase, the buyer can apply to arbitration, return the money spent if the text is of poor quality.

Do you want to choose a profitable topic for articles to sell like hot cakes? Then follow the link "Search queries" in the left block.

A list will appear in front of you. Categories with green pluses are seeing an increase in demand, while red minuses indicate a decline.

See topics from the TOP 10 with green pluses, choose those with fewer articles. Make a list of what you want to write about. Check with the search if there are similar texts on the site.

Are orders paid?

Have you seen anywhere a text exchange where you have to pay for access to orders? No? Then get acquainted - TextSail.

The average cost for 1,000 characters without spaces is 35 - 40 rubles.

How does ranking affect income?

There are two rating systems for the performer, like a pro: stars and points. With a high rating, you have a chance to get into the TOP authors.

What points are awarded for:

  • 1 - for the sale of the text,
  • 1 - for positive feedback from the customer, buyer,
  • 1 - for the purchase of the article.
  • 2 - for negative feedback,
  • 6 - for returning the article to the store by the buyer,
  • 4 - for selling the same text,
  • 1 - for 10% non-uniqueness of the work.

I never tried to resell an article. I understand that points will be deducted. And it's hard to get up from the bottom.

How to catch a star in profile:

  • sell a lot of articles,
  • set a price of more than 1 $ per kilosign,
  • collect at least 85% of positive reviews,
  • avoid negative reviews, returning articles through arbitration.

I will share with you one life hack. Remember, I wrote that the rating is increased for the purchase of articles? You can buy other people's, cheap work. To get the desired 20 points with zero reputation (5 are given upon registration), you need to buy 15 texts.

I found articles for 10 rubles. for 1,000 characters without spaces. Let's say each of them is 2,000 characters = 22 rubles. (10% exchange commission), we will spend 22 * ​​15 = 330 rubles. A little, given the growth of income in the future by 10 - 20%.

5 life hacks to help attract buyers

When you put an article up for sale, you want people to buy it right away. But in reality, you have to wait weeks, or even months.

We cannot manage buyers, control their actions, but lure them completely.

Have you ever thought that the problem is in the submission of your texts? Here the quality is good, the topics are in demand, and sales are creeping.

I will give you some helpful tips. They will increase profits, the number of buyers.

What we do:

  1. We don't overprice. First, we put 0.5 - 1 $ per kilosign. When you successfully sell 10 - 15 texts, you can increase.
  2. We focus on one topic. We opened the list of categories and our eyes widen - I want to write about fashion, health, and cars. But it's better to stop at one. Why? It's easier to find a wholesale buyer, to win an audience. Write in the description, profile that you work with one topic.
  3. Post lots of articles. Writing 2-3 articles is a bad choice. They will lay around for years. As with a regular store, the wider the range, the more buyers. Post several texts daily. Top authors have 100-200 published works.
  4. Advertise. At the top of the site and at the bottom left there are blocks for advertising. It costs 25 - 50 rubles. per day, but it really helps.
  5. We write articles of 2,000 - 5,000 characters without spaces.

Feel free to communicate with buyers, offer copywriting services. Perhaps one of them will agree to a long-term cooperation.

I know how difficult it is to force yourself to write when the result is invisible. Be patient. You will get a good income in the future.

Resale as a business

Reselling articles makes sense. And the rating will increase, and you will earn extra money. Just be careful. I do not advise you to sell articles already bought on TextSail. Caught - banned. Select Text or Etxt(high demand).

Resale requires investment. To draw attention to the store, you need to put at least 50 - 100 texts. You can purchase ready-made or order from beginners at a price of 10 - 12 rubles. for 1,000 characters.

We do not set prices below 30 rubles. per kilosign. Then you can get 60 rubles. for an article of 2,000 characters. And spend - 24 - 30 rubles. Profit 50%.

All texts must be checked. There may be grammatical errors, structural problems. The author will hand over the work and leave, and you will have to deal with the consequences. Receive negative reviews, endure a downgrade.

How much can you really earn?

For six months, with an assortment of 40 - 100 works, you can sell 70 - 80%, that is, 32 - 80 pieces. If you set the price at $ 1 - 2 per kilosign, it turns out an average of $ 85 - 90 - not a lot.

Selling articles is an automated process. When you fill the store with 100 - 150 texts, they will work for you. It remains to wait for the results.

As soon as 20 - 30 articles go under the hammer, it is worth writing new ones. This is a conveyor, who understood the principle - achieved success.

Do not forget that income is affected by: the number of sales, rating, quality, demand for the topic you write about.

Have you heard of Denis Kaplunov and Sergei Troubadour? Not yet? These are copywriters whose monthly income is over $1,500. And they started with TextSale.

If you want to quickly walk up the ladder of success, I advise you to go. You will lose the fear of a blank slate, you will make sentences without complex turns. You will be noticed quickly. You can sell your work at a higher price. Would you like to try?

How to withdraw money?

Enter the amount to transfer (minimum 200 rubles), send the application by clicking “Withdraw”.

The money will come in 48 hours. The system works with Yandex Money, WebMoney.

Hello dear blog visitors. In this article, I want to tell you about using the TextSale article exchange. This type of earnings on the Internet is considered one of the most popular, so it seriously deserves to write a post about it.

Absolutely everyone can earn money on copywriting. It does not require any specific knowledge, it is necessary (preferably) to know the Russian language well and write articles without errors.

Lately, schoolchildren and teachers have been whining a lot about either being underpaid or not being able to find part-time jobs (students). Maybe they just don’t know about this way of making money on the Internet, but with the help of copywriting, on average, you can earn from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles a month, and you can withdraw your salary at least every day. This is just an ideal income option for schoolchildren, students, housewives, teachers. After all, if you have a high printing speed, knowledge of the Russian language, then for 2 - 3 hours of work a day you can earn from 300 - 1000 rubles. I took these figures not out of thin air, but according to my own past example.

Of course, this type of income has no prospects for me, since I am a blogger, I am primarily engaged in writing content for my projects. But for those who want to have additional income without a website, this is just an ideal option.

Selling articles can bring a good income?

The best option for copywriting / rewriting is to sell your articles. You can either write articles yourself on any topic, or find already written articles and state the article in your own words. And if you still learn how to write seo optimized articles, then that's just fine!

On average, copywriting can earn about 30 rubles / 1000 characters.

On average, you can earn 15 - 20 rubles / 1000 characters on rewriting

If, for example, you wrote an article (copyright) with a size of 3000 characters, then you can sell it for about 80 - 150 rubles. Personally, I write an article of 3000 characters in about 30-40 minutes, and getting about 100 rubles for half an hour sitting on the couch is just great. But of course, copywriting is hard work, so don't be fooled into thinking it's that simple.

Previously, I was engaged in the sale of articles on the ETXT exchange, but I was very dissatisfied with the speed of buying articles. But it's understandable, there are not only sellers and buyers, but also customers with performers are taking away buyers. So I got interested article exchange TextSale.


At first, I immediately wanted to run away from this content exchange, since absolutely nothing was clear. Lots of extra text. But in about half an hour, I completely studied the entire interface of the exchange and by the end of the day I was able to earn $28.97, which is basically normal

The main advantages of selling articles on TextSale:

1. Minimum payout amount is only 1wmz ($1)

2. Payment is made both to dollar and ruble wallets

3. Payment on the third day. If, for example, you ordered a payment today, then after tomorrow you will receive it at about 11 - 00 - 12 - 00 of the day, so you can know exactly when you will receive the money

4. No moderation! If you sell articles on ETXT, then you can wait a week for moderation of articles, and only after that they will appear on sale. As for the sale of articles on TextSale, everything is much simpler here, because there is absolutely no moderation. But this does not mean that you can cheat, you just need to write with high quality, and they will be sold instantly

6. You can put an affiliate commission (%) and your articles will be advertised on many sites and blogs, thus selling articles will be a quick thing for you.

Now for the cost per sale of articles. If you are a beginner and just want to try yourself as a copywriter or rewriter, then I recommend selling articles for no more than $0.80 / 1000 characters. All faster buy articles worth up to $ 2. And when you learn to be a good copywriter, you will have a high rating, then you can sell articles for $ 5 / 1000 characters.

See how much professionals earn. Approximately $8 /1000 characters! Thus, one article costs about $20 - $30. And if a copywriter writes 10 articles a day? Understand what income.

That's why, as you understand, it's just ideal to make money without leaving your home. Even if you are a schoolboy of 12 years old, you can earn 300 - 1000 rubles a day. As for the withdrawal of funds from webmoney, there are no problems. Money is credited to the card almost immediately, for example, through the service wmtocard.ru

How to sell articles on the TextSale exchange?

In order to start selling articles on this great exchange, you must first register on the textsale exchange.

With registration, I think there will be no problems. Of course, before registering, you need to create a wallet in the webmoney payment system in order to further specify a dollar wmz wallet for payments.

After you register on the exchange, you should not put your eyes on the different menu items. You only need the menu item located on the right. In the "Profile" section, you must fill in the information about yourself. If you have your own website, be sure to include it to get another fat trust link from your profile.

Now you can start selling articles. To do this, there is a menu item "sell article".

As soon as you have written a certain article, or rewritten a certain article from the Internet, it must be checked for errors and for the uniqueness of the text. If the uniqueness of the text is 100%, and the article is rewritten, then you can sell for copywriting))

Choose the topic of the article, insert the article itself, select “rewriting or copywriting”, then select “preview”, set the price in the next menu item and place it for sale. That's all!

Important aspects of working on the stock exchange:

If you are still a green copywriter, then I recommend not setting high prices for an article, they will be badly taken. If you are a beginner, then the price for 2000 is 3000 chars. an article can be sold for $1.50 - $3.00. And when you have a high rating, you can add value.

How to earn 30,000 rubles a month on copywriting? Count!

If you write 10 articles per day, each costing about $ 3, then you will write articles for $ 30 per day. If you multiply $30 x 30 days, you can earn about $900 per month. But of course, you must understand that all articles will not be accepted immediately, if you write articles for $ 1000, then you can sell for about $ 500 - $ 800, the rest can be bought in a day, maybe in a month.

Of course, if a person reads this article and has already tried to make money on copywriting, then he will think that it is very difficult to earn such money. And it is so!! Writing 10 articles a day is crazy work. But once I was able to earn 13,000 kopecks in a month, I was very happy when I received $ 435.87 to my wallet. But this is hell of a job! AAA!

But earning 7,000 - 10,000 rubles a month in the form of a side job is not difficult!

If you have any questions, I will be glad to hear them in the comments. So - I recommend subscribing to blog updates, I will write a lot on the topic of copywriting. You can subscribe to updates below (before the comments)

Textsale.ru was one of the first article exchanges that started working in Runet. This site quickly became popular, both among performers and content customers, due to its convenience and attractive conditions.

Today, more than 300 thousand users work in the system. And although the competition among performers is quite high, thanks to a large number of customers, even beginners can successfully sell their articles on the TextSail content exchange.

Consider the main items of the right menu of the site:

There are equally important links in the left menu of the site:

In order not to accidentally get into an unpleasant situation, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the system.

The "Search queries" item displays a list of the most popular phrases that users are looking for on the exchange. It is very useful to periodically review this item. This is especially necessary for copywriters who want to “sharpen” their articles for keywords.

Answers to the most common questions can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

Using the section of the left menu "Public Orders" you can offer the employer your services in fulfilling the order. This is the old form of orders. Here the customer contacts the contractor via private messages - the details of the work are discussed in private. For newcomers to the exchange, access to these orders is paid - $ 10 per month. For those copywriters who have already earned at least one star, access to public orders is open free of charge.

Skill level of performers

The main indicators of the qualification of the performer on the exchange of articles TextSail are the rating and the number of stars.

  • plus 1 point for a completed order or article sold;
  • plus 1 point positive feedback;
  • minus 2 points for a negative review;
  • minus 6 points if the article is returned by the customer;
  • minus 10 points for refusing to perform work;
  • minus 1 point for every 10% non-unique text.

The quality of the copywriter's work is characterized by the presence of stars. Their number depends on the following indicators:

  • prices of articles sold (per 1000 characters);
  • the number of sales;
  • the number of article returns;
  • the number of positive and negative reviews.

When looking for an artist on the TextSail article exchange, employers first of all pay attention to the number of stars. After all, they reflect the quality of the author's texts and the satisfaction of customers with his work. Rating, although it shows the level of experience of the performer, plays a secondary role. A similar situation can be observed on other content exchanges, such as ContentMonster or Etxt.ru.

Upon receiving the first star, the copywriter's income begins to grow. Access to public orders is opened, the trust of customers is increasing, therefore, new employers appear and the number of orders grows.

Secrets of making money on TextSale

The intensity of work on the exchange of articles, and indeed in copywriting, everyone chooses for himself.

Writing articles can be a good addition to your salary or your main source of income. It is reasonable that every beginner has a question: “Is it possible to make decent money on the TextSale article exchange if more than 150 thousand performers are already registered on it? After all, 150,000 competitors are no joke!”

It turns out that the competition is much lower! And that's why:

  • Most of the performers just registered accounts - they did not complete a single order (at best they completed 1-2) and have not visited the exchange website for a long time;
  • "Active performers", i.e. those who actually work on the stock exchange are less than 10%;
  • Only 20% of active performers earn more than $ 100 per month, the rest fulfill orders (sell articles) very little. Let's designate these 20% of people as "working performers";
  • In turn, only 10% of working performers receive more than $500 monthly on the exchange.

Thus, only 300 performers can be considered serious competitors on the TextSail content exchange. It is about three hundred people who make decent money on this exchange. Why so few, because there are more than 150 thousand performers on the exchange? Yes, because only these 300 copywriters do not know laziness, observe the regime of work and rest, use all the functionality of the exchange by 90-100%.

Now let's move on to the most important thing: how to earn decent money on TextSail?

If everything is in order with you, you are not lazy, work hard, study daily and gain experience, try to always do the work efficiently and on time, then you can easily earn more than $ 500 per month on Textsale.ru.

But in order to achieve such results, in addition, you need to competently promote your account and use the capabilities of the exchange to the fullest. For this you need:

  • Add two or three works to your portfolio. Adding a large number of works is pointless, because. customers view only the first few. The texts in the portfolio should be of excellent quality: literacy, information content, readability, style - everything should be at the highest level. Not bad if the portfolio contains an article on the topic "Why I will fulfill your order better than others." In it you need to describe your strengths as an author, mention achievements, if any.
  • Add a couple of works to the "informational articles" section. Such articles are not paid, but they will be visible on the main page of the site. This will be additional advertising - customers view this section of the site from time to time. Do not forget that the title of the article should attract attention. Informational articles can be displayed on the main page of the site for quite a long time, since few copywriters write them.
  • Add multiple works to the article store. There should always be at least 10 articles in free sale (many webmasters buy ready-made texts). It is not worth setting high prices for such articles. For a newcomer to the exchange, the logical price will be as follows: rewriting - $ 0.5 per 1000 characters, copywriting - $ 1. As articles sell, the price can be increased - by 5-10 cents. And when, over time, the price of articles will be $ 2 or more, they will be checked for uniqueness in the Copyscape system, and this, in turn, will be additional advertising for you.
  • View a list of customers who have already bought articles from you - the "Favorites" link. The attention of such customers can and should be attracted by offering their services and, if possible, making discounts.
  • Write informative articles of "medium" volume. Short texts (1000-1500 characters), as well as too long texts (more than 5000 characters) sell worse. Try to find a middle ground.
  • View the TOP of the most popular topics. He will tell you which articles are most in demand.
  • Periodically view a list of the most popular requests. This will help you to correctly select keywords for the article, which will increase the level of sales of your texts. At the same time, we must not forget about competition. The right column of the “articles found” list will help you navigate the number of competing articles - the larger the number, the higher the competition.
  • To perform the work with the highest quality, striving to get the first star. Then you need to try to get into the TOP 50 performers in order to get additional advertising for your account.
  • Order advertising account - buy for $ 2 per day a place in the header of the site. But you need to do this only if you have about 50 articles or more in free sale, then, with proper advertising, the costs will be justified and tangible profits will appear.

Exchange articles Textsale.ru- a rather old service where a copywriter can sell finished work in a store or find customers. It’s easy to get here: a standard account registration is enough. It is more difficult to get a high ranking in order to find a lot of expensive clients. About what nuances await a copywriter on the stock exchange, and how to earn bread and butter here - read in today's material.

Exchange features

Textsale.ru is a content store and an order exchange in one bottle. It exists for about 10 years, but little has changed in the interface over the years. When the crisis hit and the ruble collapsed 2 times, the exchange switched from dollars to rubles, like many other services.

Article Store. Dozens of categories and subcategories are concentrated here, in which there are thousands of articles. Business, auto, Internet, real estate, culture, society and many other topics are written by copywriters for free sale. Prices - from 4.40 rubles per 1000 characters and up to infinity. On average, the cost of an article varies from 50 to 100 rubles per thousand characters. There is even a section with poems and a category where authors write about cryptocurrency, etc.

public orders. Here, customers place TK, as on a regular freelance exchange. Copywriters respond to the application, and the customer chooses the one he considers a worthy performer.

Profile and rating of a copywriter. For each article sold, the copywriter gets +1 point, and if the buyer puts a positive review, then +2 points. For a negative review, the author of the article loses 2 points. Also, “stars” may appear near the nickname of the copywriter: the more stars, the higher the price he writes texts.

How to make money on the stock exchange (step by step plan)

ATTENTION! Before you begin to implement these steps, you should clearly understand that it will take time. If you start whining after a week of work because nothing is selling, you better not read this article any further. But by showing willpower, you will learn how to make money on Textsale for a living. The Textsale exchange works for you, and this scheme has been tested on personal experience.

*When you log into your account, there will be a menu on the right. Select "Portfolio" and fill out the form that opens.

  • Step 3. Writing articles for free sale*. How to make money on Textsale in freedom? While the portfolio is being reviewed (about a week, maybe more), you have the opportunity to start writing articles for free sale. Write regularly, for a small price. It takes a lot of articles to start selling. The lower the price, the faster the sales, the faster your rating will grow to 20. The optimal price is 50 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces. Write 3-4 articles a day with a volume of 5000 characters or more without spaces.

A large arsenal of articles, coupled with a competent article in the portfolio, will help you start earning. Write on topics that are close to you and relevant at the same time. You can see the list of current topics on the main page in the system news. The name will be "TOP -20 categories for ... (previous month)". In the menu on the left, find "search queries" - the rating of queries indicates what customers are currently looking for.

Yes, about literacy. Do not sculpt punctuation marks where they are not needed. Read a book on the Russian language if you are not sure of literacy. The portfolio of many newcomers rather repels than attracts customers, precisely because of illiteracy.

* Search on the right in the account menu "sell article" and fill out the form. In the “writing type” column, select “copywriting”, if this is true, and if rewriting, then select the appropriate option. Deceiving customers is worse for yourself. They can simply slap a negative review, and your credibility will be undermined.

  • Step 4. As the articles sell, write to the buyers who bought them. Say you can write to order. Thank you for purchasing the article.

* Purchased articles will be at the bottom of the list of your articles, which can be accessed by clicking on the link on the right in the “articles (+edit, photo, delete)” menu.

  • Step 5. After the rating on the Textsale Exchange exceeds 20, you can write articles at a higher price. Texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters are checked by Copyscape, which means that the titles of your articles will show off on the main page, to the right of the list of informational articles. Interesting headlines are a sure way to attract a buyer. Write mixed and 50 rubles for 1000, and 100 for 1000. This will allow your rating to grow and you will be able to advertise yourself at the same time.
  • Step 6. If you have at least 50 rubles in your account and want to advertise yourself and start making money quickly on Textsale with freebies and attract customers, select "advertising account", write an advertising text of no more than 50 characters with spaces and place it in the top block. The minimum period is 3 days. If you pay for 10 at once - a 30 percent discount.

There you can also pay for access to the category of orders for a month for 10 bucks. The prices are different, there are more than a dollar for 1000, there are less. Look at the link "public orders" on the left. Now orders are not available to you, you can only see their titles. After paying for access to the Textsale exchange, you will be able to view the texts of orders and leave messages to potential employers.

Pros and cons of free selling on Textsale

The authors of the Textsail exchange are sometimes faced with an unsolvable task: which gather dust in their shop for months (sometimes years). Stale goods treacherously do not want to get out of there. Well, in any business there is a marriage or an outdated product / service, and copywriting is by no means an exception here. However, in addition to the above two reasons for the stubborn behavior of buyers, there are others.

What does sales success depend on?

Free sale on Textsale - sale of texts that are placed not for a specific client, but for all potential buyers. That is, you write an article, put it in your store and wait for it to sell. At the same time, it can be purchased from you immediately, in a couple of months, in 1-2 years or more. The speed of the article implementation depends on:

  1. price/quality ratio;
  2. the reputation of the author (his rating, the presence of regular customers, etc.);
  3. the relevance of the article;
  4. literacy of the title, description and the first 400 characters of the text;
  5. the ability of the elements of paragraph 3 to intrigue the client, to interest him;
  6. optimization of the article for search queries;
  7. supply/demand ratios;
  8. optimization of the text for search Textsale *.

*The last paragraph assumes the presence in the title and body of the article of the most popular Textsale articles on the stock exchange en request. You can find out what customers and buyers are currently looking for by clicking on the “search queries” link, which is located in the site menu on the left.

Pros and Cons of Free Selling

Let's start with pleasant moments that will surely please you.

  1. If you don't want to write, you don't write. This will not work with regular customers: strict adherence to deadlines, unpleasant or overly complex topics, thoughts like “how to enter another keyword in seo optimized text” - these are the delights of submitting to the “boss”. You can even do nothing all day long, suddenly break into a vacation for a month ... Beauty!
  2. You can write only about what the soul lies to. Choose a familiar topic - and create! As a rule, what is created with love has an impressive effect. It is very easy and pleasant to write about a friend.
  3. There is a certain excitement in free sale on the stock exchange: sometimes purchases occur unexpectedly, which is damn nice. If you have a certain commercial streak, then you will surely look for new ways to present the product in a beautiful wrapper, which you will enjoy.
  4. If you have a customer, but one day he disappears (for some time or forever), there is an alternative to write for free sale: Textsale will find a buyer for you.
  5. If the buyer likes the quality of the purchased article, he can become your regular customer.

So far, these are all positives. And now let's add a fly in the ointment (where without it!)

  1. You will never have a high percentage of positive reviews. When you work with a regular client, he usually does not skimp on the “pluses”. And if we are talking about free sale, then we have to deal with completely different people. Someone will be satisfied with the quality of work, and someone will slap a “minus” without a twinge of conscience.
  2. In free sale on Textsail.ru, a product can lie for a very long time if for some miraculous reason it is not in demand. It's always like this: you write, you suffer, you put your whole soul into it - but it doesn't sell. To prevent this from happening, look at what sells best in the TOP categories - and write on the most popular topics.

Ten popular topics on Textsail in July

And in conclusion, I will answer the question that torments most people who are going to conquer freedom. How often are articles sold? With a small supply (about 40 texts), I spent about one product every other day, taking into account the fact that I wrote several texts daily. Of course, the larger the store, the more often your work will leave.

How to get a star and become one of the TOP textsail copywriters

Exchange Textsale.ru warms hundreds of copywriters under its wings. Many of them work hard all day putting their articles up for sale and earning their hard-earned $100-$200. But there is also an elite in its open spaces, that is, TOP authors. Among these lucky ones, I'm still showing off with 3 stars. What's the secret? How to climb higher on the notorious Textsale ru exchange?

Each person sets the bar for himself. There are a lot of writing people on the Textsail exchange who have everything in order with their brains and spelling. However, not many of them know that you can earn much more. Do you think that The gods of the textsale.ru exchange shine with talents, that they are writers by nature? No, it's about self-esteem.

The main thing is to set the bar higher for yourself if you are a really literate person. Although, literacy is not an indicator here. Look at the portfolios of these very TOPs: you will surely see a bunch of errors, typos, missing punctuation marks, etc. there. If you don’t see it, it means that it’s still too early for you to reach the top: learn Russian, don’t disgrace the TOP, it’s already discredited. Although, I do not argue, there are very worthy articles in the portfolio of elite authors.

Who gets to the very top on the Textsale exchange

I dare to assume from conversations on the forums and from personal communication with some of the top 50 authors that the road lies there for those who write:

  1. SEO articles;
  2. ordinary articles on everyday topics (beauty, cats and dogs, children, etc.), when a generous customer comes across who is ready to shell out a tidy sum for the sake of quality;
  3. highly specialized texts (jurisprudence, finance, etc.).

Regarding the last point, I note that it is very, very difficult for an ordinary person to delve into these topics, and often deep knowledge is required to write highly specialized articles. Simply put, a person must be an expert in his field.

How stars are assigned

Everything is very simple here, although for some the algorithm that the textsale.ru exchange has installed remains a mystery. In general terms: the more and more often you write, the more positive reviews you get, the more chances you have to become TOP.

What privileges gives a place in the TOP

  1. Customer trust. If a person has earned such a serious reputation, it means that he is already worth something, which means that he has something to lose. Some clients are willing to pay good money for quality, because they know that interesting content on their site will bring much more money than they invest in it.
  2. Additional advertising. It will be easier for the customer to find you if he sees your nickname in the TOP. Few people came to me, but they were there. And this, I think, is the main plus of being in the ranks of elite authors.

Here, in general, are all the secrets of the Textsale ru exchange. Keep your head up, but don't be arrogant, and glory will come to you.

How I earned my first star on Textsale

Previously, the stars on the Textsale exchange were as far from me as the heavenly bodies. Until quite recently, I could not even imagine that the honorary symbol would finally get to me. It turned out that everything is very simple.

Even before receiving the star, at the very beginning of my work on the exchange, the first customer said that $ 1 for 1000 was not the limit for me. However, I did not believe it, because all I knew was literacy and the most primitive knowledge of SEO. And she continued to write for the same price for 2 years, and sometimes even for $0.5 per kilosign. Yes, everything suited me then, because the increase in the scholarship was very impressive: almost 4 times more than the scholarship itself. Yes, and there was not enough time for their own promotion.

It wasn't until I graduated that I had a lot of free time for the first time in my life, like someone had discovered oxygen. Naturally, I decided to come to grips with self-development, my own promotion, the study of what I liked so much - copywriting. And the money that I previously earned was no longer enough for a comfortable life, no matter how much I sat at the computer (by the way, this is fraught with adverse health consequences).

And here it is, a free life has rushed!

In general, I decided that I would write at $ 2 per 1000 for free sale. I wrote a few articles (1-2 a day) and from the bottom of my heart, and I didn’t break ties with my regular clients (whom I wrote for $ 1 per kilo sign) (who knows what tomorrow will be like). Texts left freedom at least 3 times a week, and even every day. One happy day, I offered cooperation to a person who bought one of my articles. To my surprise, he gave a positive answer and made orders once a week. The texts from freedom were gradually sold, and the customer did not offend.

One fine day I go to my profile, and there - lo and behold! - the cherished star on Textsail. Then I placed an ad in the top block, and there were more customers. By the way, the star had a great influence on the prices that were offered to me, as well as on the activity of buyers. Still: a lot of positive reviews, a star, a rating of 300 ...

How to earn a star on the Textsale exchange from scratch? The action plan is:

  1. We earn ratings by writing articles for free at low prices, at least up to 20 points, better - more (do not cut the quality due to articles, try, because we need pluses to the sold works).
  2. We study the basics of writing, articles on the main page. Why do we need all this? It's simple: even if you earn a star without such useful knowledge, it will quickly disappear from you, because everything that is higher than $ 2 for 1k very often needs the above knowledge.
  3. We raise the price for our work to $ 2 per 1000 both in free time and for customers (when you find it).
  4. We advertise ourselves in the upper block (it is better to advertise for 10 days, because there is a 30% discount). Access to the category of orders is not worth taking, since orders with decent prices rarely appear there, and even those are quickly snapped up by the masters of the pen and the word.
  5. We continue to fill the freedom with new articles, including seo, at a price of $ 2 per 1000 (no more, no less!).

5 ways of free advertising on the Textsail exchange

Novice writers on the Textsail exchange experience difficulties in how to start making money here. Customers are silent, the texts are not for sale. This is where the enthusiasm of most newcomers ends, and only ownerless nicknames remain somewhere at the bottom of the exchange for years. But like any business, copywriting requires perseverance and knowledge, or rather, knowledge of how to advertise your brand and articles on the Textsail exchange. There are not so few ways of advertising here, let's analyze them.

Affiliate program

Textsail pays 25% of the commission from the sold or bought articles of any user you referred.

  1. It doesn't matter who you have attracted: a buyer or a copywriter. In any case, the affiliate program will make a profit from the user registered using your link.
  2. If you have a regular customer of articles or a regular executor of your orders, invite him to the exchange via a referral link, and you will be happy in the form of additional income!
  • on your own blog/website (if any),
  • on the forums (if they allow),
  • in social networks,
  • social bookmarking,
  • directories of links or articles.

And then write a few words about the Textsail exchange, how it works and what income it brings.

My review and conclusions about the exchange

Textsale is the exchange that I started with, and then it brought me a good additional income during my student years. Now there are more modern and copywriting in particular, so do not stop only at this option. In my opinion, Textsail is dying today, as it hardly develops. The cost of texts is falling, articles in the store are hanging dead weight, although the authors continue to write. My review is this: look for yourself on different copywriting exchanges, since the demand for good authors is now huge.

How to start your career in freewriting? My usual advice to beginners is to make a list of topics you want to write about, then write about one of those topics that you yourself would like to write about. It is the writing of such a text that can be considered a start in copywriting.

Where to put it when it is written?

This is where article stores come in handy. Such as Textsale.

I myself started working for Textsale at the very beginning of my career. The idea that my texts can be turned into money, and for this you don’t even need to look for customers, but just post articles in this store, warmed me very much.

In the end, only after you manage to make money on your texts, you will feel like a real copywriter!

How to register on TextSale

Registration should not be difficult. Follow the link and register. After we've done that, you might be wondering how to work on Textsail.

Click to enlarge

Note: re-registration on Textsale from another account will not work.

To do this, you need to change your IP, and if you do not know how to do this, you will get your only account. For this reason, it is advisable to monitor your rating and reputation very much. Most likely, it was for these purposes that the administration of the resource blocked repeated registrations.

What do we see when we enter the stock exchange?

1) Upper block where you can advertise your services for money. I have done this several times, but this ad will not be called effective.

2) Left block. It contains articles on various topics. Basically this block is for content buyers. It will be useful for a copywriter here that he can see examples of articles if he does not know how to format them, as well as popular topics if he cannot choose what to write about.

3) central part screen reflects the articles most recently added to the site. Also for customers.

4) For a copywriter, the greatest interest is right part where we see:

  • our nickname
  • our balance
  • our rating
  • our status
  • our articles already posted for sale
  • article sale button
  • money withdrawal button

These functions are enough for a novice copywriter to figure out how to make money on Textsale.

Click to enlarge

I will briefly talk about the most important parameters listed above.

Balance: how to withdraw money from Textsail

Balance is our money for Textsail

Previously, they were calculated in dollars, now everything is in rubles, and this is much easier. As soon as the customer buys our article, the money will be credited to our balance.

You can withdraw them, of course, through the "withdrawal of money."

Withdrawal of money from TextSale is carried out exclusively on WebMoney

Who does not know, this year WebMoney had and now has not yet completed a difficult period of checking the system by the Central Bank, in connection with this, withdrawing money from the TextSail system to the card is very difficult. But it is possible.

All the money that will go to your WebMoney wallet, you can cash out, only with a large commission of about 8-10%. When everything worked stably and the withdrawal was made to the attached card, the commission did not exceed 5%.

If the buyer does not like your article, he will complain to the administration, and the article will be returned to you with some ridiculous note like “Low quality text”

This can be said about any text without explaining anything. It only means that the customer needs something subjectively did not like.

In my last article, I already wrote that trying to “get the truth” in the administration of low-level exchanges for a copywriter impossible. But let's not get too upset: you can simply sell the article that was returned to you to a more adequate buyer.

If at the time of returning the article you had a zero balance (you withdrew the money received), then you will go “in the red”. It will have to be compensated with the money that you will receive in the future.

Rating on TextSail

The rating is calculated very simply: +1 for a sold article, +1 for a good customer rating, and -2 for a bad rating. There are no other tools for changing the rating, so on TextSail it is the most understandable and transparent.

To be honest, when I first came to this exchange, I did not figure out how to work on Textsale, and tried to sell my article again. My rating has gone down. It's a sad situation because with a minus rating can not be sold.

To remedy the situation, I had to temporarily retrain as a buyer and purchase a couple of articles from other authors: a rating is also charged for the purchase.

Of course, I later successfully resold the purchased articles. I suspect that you can write nothing at all, but only buy articles on exchanges and sell them for more. But I didn't do it, because I came to write myself.

If you sell actively and expensively (it is especially important that it is expensive), then you will add a star or several stars next to your nickname. Stars allow you to access public orders (orders as such) for free and amuse the author's pride. At one time I had two or three stars, but now, when I work with customers without any, thank God, exchanges, the stars have, of course, been taken away from me.

How to start on TextSail

You need to start by writing an article of 2-2.5 thousand characters. From experience I can say that this is the most optimal volume for selling on exchanges.

It is highly desirable to immediately set reasonable prices and choose topics that are interesting to you, since it is likely that the customer who bought one article from you will order you another block of similar ones. The theme and price will most likely remain the same.

Today it makes no sense to set a price of more than 100 rubles for 1000 characters when trading on this exchange. But I do not recommend less than 75: You don't want to write for pennies, and you will never get a star from the exchange by trading cheap articles. Initially, set prices within these limits.

Of course, nothing prevents you from experimenting with the price and following the trends.

How to make money on TextSail?

For this you need the following:

1) Ability to write quickly and a lot.

2) Faith in the result. If you put one article on TextSail, it will not be bought from you in the foreseeable future, unless you are very lucky.

How to make money on Textsail?

For this it is best to write constantly, put up for sale at least 3-5 articles daily. If you do this, then in about a week or two the store will start selling, and you can expect to sell up to 10 articles a week. But as soon as you stop writing and posting, sales will die out again.

It is very difficult to force yourself to work the first weeks when you do not see results.

I am proud that I passed this test in my time and achieved the active operation of the store when I was still a beginner and did not know how to do anything.

3) Working with themes. Before writing texts, you can analyze the situation and find out which topics are most in demand right now. To do this, TextSail even offers a newsletter: once a month you receive a message about texts sold in the system on a different topic. I started writing to any Topics that came to my mind:

  • how to roller skate
  • how to grow watermelon in the garden
  • how to write a book
  • how to trade forex
  • how to get a mortgage

All this was learned from personal experience.

Spreading all this, I, of course, analyzed the result.

The article about Forex was taken away immediately.

I wrote three more on this topic. The buyer bought them too, then bought them with a mortgage. The videos, the book and the watermelon hung on sale for a long time (although they eventually left), and from the second week I was scribbling texts about forex and mortgages in large blocks. This gave me regular customers on these topics, and I still work with some of them, although, of course, not through the exchange anymore.

That is, first we write about anything, and then we write only on those topics that are popular with buyers. A simple strategy that can, however, bring income and rating.

How much do they earn on Textsale

This means that for all time it was sold at least 1750 articles with a good rating, or 3500 without any rating. (I can’t count exactly, but it’s probably about 2500).

If we multiply 2500 by the average price of an article of 200 rubles, it turns out that in the 3 years that I worked there, half a million rubles. Agree, not bad. And I started, like everyone else, with a rating of +5. You, too, can sell your texts through TextSell, and you will succeed if you want to.

Just do not get carried away after all earnings on the exchanges. Make a name for yourself online so that customers come to you themselves - and you will get a lot more money, and especially pleasure from work.

One of the main advantages of this exchange is that you can sell at any price you want to set.

If you are just thinking about how to start working on Textsale, then there is an opportunity to set a minimum price, just to start selling. If you're an advanced writer who believes in the quality of your writing or creates content on rare topics, then there's nothing stopping you from applying high stakes. Here everything is in your hands!

How to post an article for sale

So, what do you need to place your work for sale on the TextSail exchange?

Everything is simple.

Go to the "Sell Article" section(one of the main sections in the right block). We see this form:

Click on "Preview", we see everything the same, but the “price” field appears below. We set the price for 1000 characters in rubles, the system automatically determines the cost of the entire article.

If all fields are filled, put up for sale by pressing the button at the very bottom.

Click to enlarge

After that, the article will fall into the "Articles" section. The green icon on the left means that it has been checked for plagiarism and is visible to customers. Red - Failed validation and is not visible. Then it must either be edited or deleted.

Click to enlarge

Before buying, the customer sees only the first 400 characters of your text.

And what follows from this? Correct: Exactly we pay 90% of attention to these 400 signs!

About development prospects on TextSail

For a beginner, probably the most important thing is how to make money on Textsale.ru and how to withdraw money. But the further the author writes, the more he is concerned about other issues that are no longer related to money: what are the prospects, how to build a career and get more.

You can endlessly write and sell articles on this site, but this is not the path to fame and a happy life, but only an opportunity to earn money. However, TextSail can be useful.

Firstly, you will learn how to write and be able to earn money from articles if you haven't had this experience.

Secondly, get comfortable with topics that interest you.

Third, find customers who buy materials on your topics. Prepare for the fact that, as already mentioned, they will work with you at the rates at which you sold your first article to them. Subsequently, it will be possible to work with the same customers outside the exchange.

How much you can earn on Textsale depends only on your enthusiasm, talent and the time you are willing to devote to writing articles. If you are a persistent person, ready to create a lot and productively, then you will succeed.

Have questions about TextSail? Write, I will try to help you get comfortable on this exchange!

And if you have already worked on it, tell us your impressions: did you manage to turn it into a source of income?

Take the first step in your copywriting career