What to bring to school for Halloween. Halloween script for youth "Nightmare night!"

It is important to take care of the decorations and the room. It is better to spend a holiday in the assembly hall or gym, in order to accommodate a sufficient number of students. The script is suitable for students in grades 9 and 11. If the budget allows, you can equip several photo zones, in accordance with the theme of the event. Also, do not forget about musical accompaniment, which will become a pledge Have a good mood. The scenario is suitable for both grade 1 students and for several.

What you need:
several sets of paints, brushes, prizes, colored paper, threads, paper clips, markers.

Leader and Leader, students, teachers.

Brownies, devils, witches,
Hello everyone now
At a ball so beautiful
We will dance with you!

This holiday is ours, period
We waited for him all year,
Let's fool around a bit
And let's dance!

I hear, I hear, our guests,
They want to dance for a long time
I'm starting a beautiful ball
It's time to light the candles!

(The lights turn on. The presenters are standing in suits)

You are all so interesting
Images, well, just a class,
Makeup is cool
And everyone's eyes are on fire!

Evil gathered together
The holiday celebrates
And Happy Halloween everyone
Congratulations today!

(The presenter announces the dance "Unclean". It is preliminarily agreed with the students and prepared by them)

The evil spirits can surprise
Can ignite evil spirits
I offer you urgently
Start dancing!

Halloween is a very mystical, mysterious, intriguing and exciting holiday that allows you to walk around in costumes and overeat with sweets.

And in general, receive various gifts, prizes, surprises.

Speaking of which. Dear students, I am happy to announce a competition for the most beautiful costume. The winner will be determined after the dance and will receive an intriguing present. It's easy to vote - just write the name of the owner of that very suit and put it in a special ballot box. Important, you can not write your last name! There will be several nominations, respectively, someone will be able not only to have fun, but also to go home with a small prize!

I want to clarify that there will be a separate nomination "The most creative teacher", you can vote according to the same principle, dropping your ballot into a special box.

(About the competition, you need to agree in advance with the teachers whether they want to take part in such a thing)

Good luck and good mood everyone! So, evil spirits, dancing!

(The presenter announces 10 minutes of dancing)

Everyone here, hurry up here
There is some useful info
We'll play a little
Our ball, in general, we continue!

Do you know what year it was customary to celebrate Halloween? What is this holiday dedicated to, what customs should be observed?

And now we will find out!

The hosts announce a mini-quiz.
Approximate list of questions:
1. How old is Halloween?
2. Who invented it?
3. What does evil spirits do this night?
4. Halloween symbol?
5. What country did it all start from?
6. Why does everyone wear costumes on Halloween?
7. What traditions should be observed?

(For the correct answer, you can give a candy)

I want to say,
You need to dance
Our ball continues today,
I announce white dance!

(slow dance announced)

No Halloween is complete without makeup.

Makeup is an integral part of a masquerade, and therefore now, we offer you to try yourself as a make-up artist!

Vampire Competition.
Students are divided into several teams, depending on the number of participants. Those who wish to be reincarnated as a vampire are selected. Each team is given the same sets, consisting of white, red, black gouache and a brush. The task is to depict the make-up of a vampire. The participant is given only 15 seconds. The team that completes the task best will receive a symbolic prize.

I wonder if evil spirits are synchronous?

What are you on about now?

I mean, can they move at the same time?

Let's check, because everything is possible at the ball!

Competition "Together more fun."
The students stand in front of the leaders, who show different movements, and they repeat.

What a wonderful evening we have
I propose to dance
I'm with you with me
Unclean, give freedom!

(Announced 20 minutes of dancing)

I remind you that there is not much time left until the end of our ball, hurry up to vote!

Do not forget that such a ball happens once a year, and the most creative costume deserves an award!

It is known that no Halloween is complete without a pumpkin!

Ours is no exception!

Competition "Make a pumpkin."
Participants are divided into teams. Each of the teams receives a set consisting of colored paper, paper clips, threads, a marker. The task is to collect a pumpkin from the received items. The most beautiful pumpkin will win a prize.

I continue our ball in a moment,
I announce dances again!

(Announced 15 minutes of dance)

Time is coming to an end
We will announce the results.

Will have to wait
We just need to count
You can dance
This evening is very friendly!

The host announces the results. As nominations, you can choose:
1. The most creative costume;
2. The most brilliant;
3. The most interesting and most textured;
4. The most accurate.

In addition, if you wish, you can hold a small fashion show, but if there is one, then you need to slightly reduce the time for dancing. In any case, about the nominations, about the show and other nuances, it will be necessary to notify the students and teachers in advance. The script can also be supplemented with several

There are quite a few ways to organize a holiday for teenage schoolchildren on a fun Halloween (October 31). Here is one possible scenario, not too "ominous", which allows you to keep many students busy at once. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by all participants and spectators.

Registration and preparation

Without careful preparation and suitable design, any, even the most well-thought-out scenario, will not become a real holiday. That is why the preparation part is so important. The celebration will take place in a large hall. It is desirable that there be at least one relatively small room next to it, which is assigned the role of a “cave of horrors”. In the second room there will be several thematic zones. However, if the hall is large enough, then all this can be arranged right in it.

Hall decoration

General style - gothic. The walls are draped with black fabric. Under the ceiling - cardboard figurines of bats. On window sills, tables and other horizontal surfaces there are large swollen candles. You can additionally use dark tulle fabrics. Lighting should be subdued.

Bar for evil spirits

This area is a real bar and serves a variety of drinks and cocktails without the use of alcohol. Their names should correspond to the theme - "Bloody Mary", "Cup of Evil" and so on.

The bartender can be real. In the process, he shows interested teenagers the art of mixing cocktails.

Edward's workshop

Here the main character is Edward Scissorhands, who knew how to carve wonderful things with his own hands. Those who wish can learn how to carve pumpkins, how to make otherworldly bouquets and compositions.

Emily's bedroom

This place is for girls. This is the so-called "boudoir" of the famous Dead Bride. Here you can add something to your makeup, tell fortunes on the cards, just gossip. This corner can be combined with a specific beauty salon, where they teach how to do. From the main room, the “bedroom” must be separated by screens on all sides.

A treat for evil spirits

In this area, which is desirable to be placed next to the bar, special snacks are served that the evil spirits love. For example, witch fingers, eye sandwiches, egg spiders and more. It's best to just have a buffet..

Cave of horrors or room of fear

Another thematic zone that needs to be told separately, since it is with it that the holiday begins. Here, black draperies are everywhere, even on the ceiling. The light is turned off, and one small flashlight for two is offered as lighting for those entering. In the corner there may be a model of a coffin, where a sleeping vampire lies, who wakes up and starts screaming terribly in the light of a flashlight. On the other side is a skeleton or its image.

Near the walls are chests and boxes with incomprehensible and unpleasant contents. You can’t open them to look in, but you can just put your hand in a special hole.

There are toys on the floor here and there that make a sound when stepped on. In the air, you need to stretch a lot of crossed threads that represent a web. Near the exit is a “crooked” mirror. In this room you can put a lot of items that are related to the holiday.


All participants in the party must be dressed in themed costumes in advance. Half an hour before the appointed time, they all gather near the hall without going inside. The host, dressed as Dracula, comes out to them. Behind him, two imps carry a special platform or pedestal.

First test

The facilitator delivers an introductory speech, greeting the children and introducing himself. The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe speech is the eternal war of good against evil. Dracula also says that it is possible to be admitted to the feast of evil spirits only by visiting the room of fear, where the essence of each is shown through fear. After that, he gives the floor to the devils. His assistants - the same devils - explain to everyone the rules for visiting the room:

Holiday start

After everyone has been in the scary room, the children are let into the main hall. The music is already there. It could be something majestic from the classics, like Mozart's Requiem. For the first few minutes, you can just let them look around. Then the presenter speaks again. He recalls the occasion on which the holiday is arranged, speaks of the rules of conduct (even representatives of evil spirits must observe them to the best of their ability). Then Dracula introduces his assistant - the leading witch. She calls everyone to silence and in a terrible voice briefly talks about the holiday itself: about. This ends the first part of the party. Further, various competitions and games are already beginning.

Main part

It will consist of several stages, which have rather conditional names. Thematic competitions and games will be used at almost every stage.

  • Presentation of honored guests.
  • Lottery for evil spirits.
  • Scary dances.
  • Find me.
  • The main villain.
  • Main witch.
  • Blood meal.

Scene of the presentation of honored guests

The presenters introduce guests specially invited to participate in the jury, who are famous representatives of the other world, fairy tales or terrible monsters. Their roles may be played by teachers and school administrators. Briefly, in a few sentences, you need to talk about each. The Mad Hatter, the father of the Adams family, the witch Ursula, Freddy Krueger, Beetlejuice (exorcist), Koschey the Immortal and others can be invited to the jury.

Lottery for evil spirits

The lottery is carried out by both presenters. This will require a lot of small prizes - sweets, chocolates and so on. All prizes are numbered.

Additionally, you will need two sets of cards with the same numbers, and one without a number, but with a prediction. On the first - just numbers, and on the back - the name of the prize. The second, in addition to the number, also contains a specific task. The player, having drawn the number, reads what he will receive. After that, he finds a card with a task and completes it. The tasks are simple, for example, portray a spider, shout like an owl, and so on. The player then receives a card from the third set. Predictions should be funny and scary. For example, “don’t go to the hairdresser, they cut off your ears”, “at 3.30 am in the yard on one of the benches you will find a suitcase with money” and so on.

scary dancing

This part is divided into two stages. At its core, this is dance competition, the winners of which are nominated by the jury. The first section presents individual program, and in the second steam room, where pairs are selected randomly. The decision of the jury can be challenged by the opinion of the majority. After choosing and awarding the winners, the dance group "Witches and Sorcerers" presents its performance. This is a pre-prepared group of students. During the competition, they have time to change into appropriate costumes.

find me

This is a competition game, the task of which is to find a person. To participate, you will need several participants who have red and white colors on their clothes or costumes. The presenter says that the evil spirits of the English kingdom, playing "Find Me", for some reason finds only parts of the bodies - arms, legs, and so on. And you need to collect the whole set. Several sets of such parts, drawn on cardboard, are hidden scattered throughout the hall. The winner is the one who first collects a complete set - two arms and legs, head, neck, chest, stomach and lower part.

Main villain

This is a kind of competition for boys, where they choose the best contender for the main villain of today's ball. Participants should be from five to eight. The competition consists of several stages:

  • the most terrible (you need to scare the audience);
  • the strongest (arm wrestling);
  • the fastest (to be the first to take a certain place at the other end of the hall);
  • the most dexterous (variation on the theme "egg in a spoon").

The winner is awarded a certificate confirming the received title.

Chief witch

Approximately the same competition, only in a variation for girls. The rules and rewards are the same as for the young villains. Only the content of the competitive stages differs:

  • the best dancer;
  • the best temptress (with lips painted in different colors they kiss the boys on the cheek - whose color is more, she became the winner);
  • ideal flyer (a kind of “flight” on a broomstick with obstacles that cannot be touched);
  • best comedian (do something funny).

For each stage, the jury assigns points to the participants on a five-point scale, that is, puts marks. The participant with the highest total score wins.

blood meal

This is both a "snack" and a competition.. This is where the cooked treat comes in handy. Anyone can come out and talk about how to cook any dish suitable for Halloween. Moreover, the story should be divided into two mandatory parts:

  1. In the first, the participant talks about "an option for real evil spirits." For example, to catch ten spiders, gut and cook, and so on in detail.
  2. In the second - from what normal human products, and how a substitute for this dish is prepared for people.

Each participant (and not only) receives one of the pre-prepared appetizers and a cocktail from the bartender.

Final stage

At this stage of the holiday, the guys can freely move around the hall and thematic areas, look at the art of the bartender, learn how to carve "Jack lanterns" from a pumpkin, watch the creation of professional makeup for Halloween, and so on.

You can take short breaks throughout the holiday and present one of the thematic zones in each.

Adolescence is the most specific. These are no longer children, however, it is too early to consider them adults. In full accordance with this statement, the reactions and perceptions of adolescents are very different from all other ages, because they think of themselves as independent adults. That is why in the design of the festive Halloween party and in the preparation of the script, elements and points are used that are suitable for older people.

The Halloween holiday in our country is most often just a costume party in a hall decorated in the appropriate style, where guests don’t really think about the true traditions of celebrating this day and, oh, they are happy to pretend to be various “evil spirits”. Therefore, it is more correct to speak not about the scenario of this holiday, but about Halloween party for young people called " Nightmare night».

We offer an option game program evening, which can be arranged at the very beginning of the holiday before dancing and a buffet table. The organization of such a program can be entrusted to professionals who will include several beautiful themed concert numbers in it or cook it on their own. (dance and musical number may well be prepared by their own talented youth) Musical arrangement of the game program is attached(thanks to the authors and performers)

Halloween party script.

The evening begins with a mysterious and beautiful dance, symbolizing the opening of the ball of evil spirits.

Sounds 1 Composition Holiday Halloween

Presenter: Greetings, gentlemen and ladies! From your outfits and eyes burning in the dark, I see that this evening does not promise to be languid. (turns to the hall). Everyone is ready to spend in this terrible hall and in this strange company nightmare night? I can't hear you, are you ready? Not? Well, as they say, the faint of heart, please leave the premises.

Music number. A parody of F. Kirkorov (one of the guys to the soundtrack and in a suit, as in the video) depicts the singer.

Sounds like 2. Kirkorov. Mouse.

Presenter: Thanks, of course, for the advice to the king of pop, but no one is going to sleep here, right? And in order to shake off all sorts of drowsiness and tune in to the drive of our party, we will hold a small noise-maker game. Now I will pronounce the first two poetic lines, in the third line there will definitely be some kind of verb: we tickle, trample, cackle, etc., what these verbs mean, we quickly do it ourselves or with the help of our nearest neighbors, especially since we pinch and it is more pleasant to tickle a neighbor than oneself. And then I say: “and we wish ...”, and you all answer me in chorus: “Nightmare night!” and so several times.

Noise Maker for Halloween "Nightmare Night!"

We're having a hard party, not a siesta

Hypocrites and squishy people have no place here!

We tickle each other's nerves (tickle neighbors)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

If an evil spirit comes to us here,

And he will beckon us into the dark world,

We will cackle loudly in her face in chorus (everyone cackle)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

We will walk until the third cocks,

We will defeat the vampires and the witchers!

To the music together we all flood (stomp feet)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

And if someone beats us in competitions,

Or our humor he suddenly will not understand!

We just want to laugh at this (laughing horribly)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

presenter: Well done! Now you are definitely ready and we are moving our symbolic hours to midnight and starting to have fun not like a child!

Sounds like 3. Mole. The battle between good and evil

(The lights are dimmed in the hall, perhaps candles are lit)

Auction "Unclean Force"

Sounds 4. Scream of horror

A sound of horror is heard, the host's assistants walk around the hall and suddenly scare everyone.

Presenter: Scary? I must say that most of all we are afraid of something unknown, incomprehensible and invisible, so let's face our fear and call the evil spirit by name. This is an auction, whoever comes up with the last one, not in a figurative sense, but the one on whom your imagination runs out, receives an amulet as a gift.

(The game is over. The guests call: “Satan”, “ghouls”, etc. The winner is awarded a prize - an amulet)

Party Contest "Collect the Bones"

Presenter: Today, evil spirits have a great day, a day of celebration, today each of us can lose everything or gain magical power. Everyone who wants to become stronger is invited to participate in the "Collect the Bones" contest. As soon as the first sounds of music sound, go in search of the bones scattered in the hall, whoever collects the most will receive amulets and a boost of strength, and a chance to dominate enemies for the whole next year. With the last sound of music, the search stops.

Sounds 5. Composition Good night

Auction "Magic amulets"

Presenter: We have already mentioned the most universal remedy for evil spirits - the magic circle today, but what other ways of defense and protection against them do you know? The most active gets a prize. But in this competition there is also a bonus, an additional prize, it is received by the one who named the remedy encrypted in this envelope. (The envelope is solemnly opened, in it the phrase "Aspen stake" is read out, the one who named it also receives a charm)

Dance entertainment "Aspen stake".

Presenter: Our night is in full swing, it's time to try yourself in the role of fighters against evil spirits. (Helpers take out a well-polished, so that no one gets hurt, stick or pole). I have an “aspen stake” in my hands, now we will pass it to each other like a baton, it is forbidden to refuse to take it. So, while the music is playing, we quickly convey who the stop of the music finds with a "stake" in their hands, we come out to me.

The game passes, the music stops 5 times, so participants are recruited for dance entertainment.

Sounds 7. Musical composition (with stops)

Each of the participants draws out a card with a situation that he will need to play with the corresponding musical passage, using the "aspen stake" as a prop. The improvisations of the participants take turns, first they read out their task, then they play, dance - as fantasy tells, but always with a stick.

Situations for participants:

1. "Baba Yaga on a broomstick on a holiday" (Fairy tales)

Sounds 8. excerpt "Chatushki Babok-Ezhek"

2. "The hero on horseback rides to fight with Koshchei" (Fairy tales)

Sounds 9. Flame. Heroic strength

3. "A fighter against evil with a magic sword"(movie Night Watch)

Sounds 10..Umaturman."Struggle between good and evil"

4. "Chasing a ghost with a propulsive emitter" (film Ghostbusters)

Sounds 11. song from the movie "Ghostbusters"

5. "The Seduction of the Beloved by the Vampire Edgar" (Twilight movie)

Sounds 12. excerpt from the movie "Twilight"

(All participants receive amulets and applause)

Optional: If it is justified, then you can

also arrange a defile of the best costumes and award the winners.

Sounds 13. Sounds of nature. Roosters

“Third roosters” sound. At this moment, there is full light in the hall.

Presenter: So the third roosters sang, this does not at all mean the finale of our evening, they only announced that from now on nothing threatens you, and you can have fun and dance freely and with pleasure. We just wanted to say that our program was just a game, for which, we hope, neither the forces of good nor the forces of evil will take offense at us. We wish everyone for today, let's once again in chorus: “Nightmare night” and forever bright days, remember the forces of good and evil are fighting in us and for us, but the choice is still ours! Be happy, kind and loved! And we'll start dance program with a beautiful slow composition.

The light can be dimmed again

Sounds 14. S. Surganova. Gray angel.

The evening continues with dancing and a light buffet.

Description: The evening begins with a host who talks about some of the traditions of the holiday. During the event, individual representatives of evil spirits appear, who hold games and contests, an “unclean” quiz. The last to appear is the Devil, who wants to take the souls, but with the first cock cries, he has to leave without sipping salty.

Target: acquaintance with the history and some traditions of the holiday, creating a good mood and increasing team cohesion.

Registration: Decorate the hall with images of a pumpkin - Jack, signs of evil spirits - a witch's cauldron, horns and hooves of the devil, a sheet with a scary face, put on a balloon, the bats. Paper bones are pasted all over the hall.

Required attributes:

  • on the back of each chair are pasted images of a broom, a pumpkin, a fish tail, bones, and white leaves;
  • brooms and objects - obstacles;
  • orange air balloons, threads, black markers;
  • ropes;
  • scull;
  • drawing of a tailless donkey and tail;
  • bones and skeleton image.


  • Leading
  • Witch
  • Mermaid
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Ghost
  • Mummy
  • Heck

Event progress


Terrible evening guys! What is happening on the street today: witches, ghosts and other evil spirits roam freely! You don't know what happened?

They say it's Halloween


Exactly! How could I forget, because this is one of the old holidays that is celebrated in English-speaking countries. By the way, can you remind me which countries started celebrating Saints' Eve - is that what Halloween is called?

Ireland, France and England, where the Celtic tribes lived.


True, the ancient Celts believed that a hundred years consists only of winter and summer. Summer ends October 31st. The onset of winter was considered the beginning of a new year, and it was on the night of November 1, when the seasons changed, that the gates between the worlds of the living and the dead were opened.

At this time, the souls of the dead sought to find a body that they would own for the next year.

In order not to be captured by evil spirits, people put on costumes and masks, thus trying to go unnoticed.

And that is why we dressed up in costumes and masks today to deceive those who came from the spirit world to take over our body.


It was on this evening that all the witches flocked to the Sabbath. Many dreamed of seeing a real witch and indulged in various tricks to get their way. It used to be believed that if you go for a walk in clothes turned inside out, you will definitely meet this bright representative of evil spirits on your way. Let's also turn some piece of clothing inside out and put it on - maybe we will also meet a witch.

Carry out the task.

To the music on a broomstick pops up Witch.


Have a terrible evening, mermaids and goblin, and all other evil spirits! Do you know where Witch Mountain is located? She flew to the Sabbath, but got a little lost - Leshy must be joking.


Hello Witch. We don't know where the mountain is. Haven't heard of this one.


(suspiciously): Are you exactly who you say you are?

Something I do not believe in your unclean affiliation.


If you don't believe me, check it out. We are ready to prove it.


Okay. If you are really the worst and most disgusting, then you should be able to fly on a broomstick.

This is what I will check now.


Guys, look who has a broom sticked on the back of the chair - go on stage.


Well, well, I believe that you are not lying. Then I'll fly on. My companions, the witches, have probably already been waiting for me. Hello Damn if you see!


Oof, it's gone!

Guys, let's quickly turn things on the front side, so as not to meet such a miracle again.

Turning clothes back.


On this night, you can protect yourself from evil spirits not only with a suit. The main attribute of the holiday is ... what?

That's right, a pumpkin with a face carved into it. She is a symbol of an evil spirit that scares away the fire located inside.

Let's create a masterpiece like this. Guys, who has a drawing of a pumpkin on the back of the chair, go on stage.


Well, now we are doubly protected from evil spirits, which on this night calmly pass through the gates guarded by mermaids.

Do you know what mermaids are?

Included Mermaid.


Hello guys. I came to you with a request: I lost a girlfriend in your world. Now I'm looking for her.

She's not among you, by any chance? Right?

She can pretend to be human, but that's impossible. The night will end, and she will stay, will not have time to return.


I don't think she is here. But it can be verified!

Those who have a fish tail on a chair rise to the stage.

Conducts mermaid tail game. Each participant's legs are tied, forming a tail. The task of the participants is to jump to right place and vice versa. It can be held in the form of a relay race - a competition between two teams.


Look, our participants coped with this task with ease!

If they were mermaids, they would not even be able to move, because a real tail does not allow you to move on the ground.


I see that it is not. Thanks for the help. I'll go looking further.


Not only mermaids and witches walk the world of the living in this dangerous time.

You can meet other evil spirits.

Enter Mummy, Koschey the Immortal and Ghost.


Hello everyone, hello, hello! How is the mood at today's party?


Terrible, as it should be. We are incredibly scared.


Well, that's how it should be. After all, today is our holiday!

Want to freak out a little?


Of course, with great anticipation.

  • Koschey holds a quiz on the theme of the holiday:
  1. What kind of bloodsucker lives in a terrible castle? (Dracula)
  2. Who could be saddled by the blacksmith Vakula? (dash)
  3. Old woman with a bone leg (Baba Yaga)
  4. The most popular vegetable on All Saints Day among Americans (pumpkin)
  5. To whom do snakes replace hair? (Medusa Gorgon)
  6. Who can seep through walls? (ghosts)
  • Mummy conducts the game "Skull":

Everyone who wants to stand in a circle. The skull is passed to each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the one holding the skull lets out a terrifying scream and sits down. The rest continue to play until one person remains, who will be the winner.

  • The ghost holds a competition for the best howl.

Participants come out with a white piece of paper glued to the back of the chair.


Well done! They were not afraid of the howls, and yet so many ghosts had just performed. Well, let's go further to scare people.

coming out Heck.


Ha ha ha! Here we got it! Thought you'd hide from me behind the suits?

Now I’ll call everyone here, we’ll take all your innocent souls!


What happened? Why do you want to harm us?


Out of harm! I'm made that way.

I just want to hurt somebody!


But we didn't do any harm.

By the way, the Witch said hello to you.


And this one is already here. Well, well, you can take the trials to try and save your souls.

Only, if you can’t do it, then you won’t see freedom, like your own ears!

  • Conducts games and competitions:
  1. « Attach the donkey's tail"- Participation is accepted by those who wish.
  2. "Collect the Skeleton"- collect all the paper bones located on the walls of the hall and stick them on the image of the skeleton, finding the right place for each bone. Participation is taken by those who have a picture of a bone glued on their chair.


Well done guys, you got the job done.

But I'll still take your souls, I really need them!


You won't take it!


Why is this?


Because the morning has come. Guys, when does all the hell end?

When the roosters crow.

Let's show the Devil that it's time to return to your world. Ready?

Halloween in Russian style

Clusters of rowan and linden outfit,

The leaves were suddenly blown away by the winds.

Song "Red Autumn 7a"


Song "Autumn" 9a

Voice behind the scene:
Rather give us a candle
Rather, give light!
The night of the witch is coming
And so far is the dawn.
And if you don't have light,
That fear will drive you away.
After all, in this quiet late hour
The Night of the Witch is coming!

The light comes on.

Buffoons run out:
First buffoon :
Hey, you brothers, gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?
Don't pass by us!

Second buffoon :
Kings or barbers
Run to us quickly!
Hey servant or master
Everyone here for Halloween!

They run away.

Dance class 11 from the excursion.

The Witch appears

Leading Runs:
(leader flirting:


"Carols" Grade 8 Kalyabina L.A.

And which one?
And what works well?



Scene "Funny girlfriends" 9b

Dracula and the Devil Appear.

How many people!

Dracula (bows):

Yes, we all know you.

The holiday began to be celebrated.

Witch, Devil and Dracula



Scene "I want to Halloween" 5b


Leading: song "Artist autumn»


Witch :

Baba Yaga game.


The evil spirit flees.

Leading :
I'm with you again, gentlemen!
And the evil spirits perished, there,
Where is darkness and gray gloom,
Swamp, slush... It will be so!.

The jury sums up.


Halloween in Russian style

Clusters of rowan and linden outfit,
They only talk about beauty!
Autumn - a wonderful time has come,
The leaves were suddenly blown away by the winds.
And a gentle, slow waltz sounded ...
The ball opens at the school for you!

Suddenly the light goes out. The leader runs away. Introducing the jury.

Song "Red Autumn 7a"

It's autumn outside now. We call it in different ways: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad… but be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year! I invite girls from grade 9a to the stage.

Song "Autumn" 9a

Voice behind the scene:
Rather give us a candle
Rather, give light!
The night of the witch is coming
And so far is the dawn.
And if you don't have light,
That fear will drive you away.
After all, in this quiet late hour
The Night of the Witch is coming!

The light comes on.

Buffoons run out:
First buffoon :
Hey, you brothers, gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?
Don't pass by us!
Hurry up for the holiday!

Second buffoon :
Kings or barbers
Run to us quickly!
Hey servant or master
Everyone here for Halloween!

They run away.

Dance class 11 from the excursion.

The Witch appears
Hey! I am a witch. And it is no coincidence that I appeared here today, soon - October 31, the Great Feast of Horrors. Tremble, he's coming! Solemn and terrible eve of All Saints Day! Or, as it is also called, autumn holiday evil spirits - Halloween.
Leading Runs:
Who has taken my place as Leader, who is ahead of me? Who is going to hold today's event without such a cool Host like me?
It's me, the Witch! (Waving a broom in greeting.)
Ah, Witch! Of course, who else could look at our light first on All Saints Day. After all, this holiday came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of peculiar traditions.
Yes, for example, in Scotland there is still a belief that on the last night of October, a young Witch(flirty ), wants to become a real feisty sorceress. And after that, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broom.
Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom? ..
No, I'm local. So I came to see how you will celebrate a foreign holiday in your school - Halloween, the eve of All Saints Day. By the way, do you know when he appeared?
The guys from the 7th grade will tell us about this.

Presentation of 7ab ditties from Babok-Yozhek miniature theater

Students of the 8th grade want to show us another tradition of this holiday.

"Carols" Grade 8 Kalyabina L.A.

In England according to the old calendar New Year came November 1st. Therefore, on the eve of October 31, it was necessary to drive away all the evil spirits that came out into the world that night.
The girls were engaged in fortune-telling that night, throwing pebbles, nuts, apples into the fire. And then, by the peel of a burnt apple, they determined the first letter of the name of their betrothed.
Halloween is also known as the Night of the Floating Apples. Apples are thrown into the river and the players must pull them out with their teeth. The symbol of this holiday is a pumpkin with carved eyes and a lit candle inside. When the Americans adopted this holiday, they supplemented it with their innovations. They, for example, came up with another tricky thing to protect themselves from evil spirits.
And which one?
And you just need to take the people themselves and change into some kind of scarecrow. Then the evil spirits will take for their own and will not be touched.
And what works well?
Witch, look at our guys! They all came in such wonderful "terrible" costumes! They know that today it is not fear and nightmares that await them, but something supernatural. Funny horror stories and unusual jokes. Let horrors and evil spirits come to the holiday, but there will be plenty of fun.


Aren't you afraid that real evil spirits will come to the holiday? They will come, they will come….
Eh, Witch! You are a retarded girl! After all, in Russia all the holidays are fun. No wonder Russian people are people with a sense of humor. We always have fun with on a large scale. And All Saints Day with us is something like the autumn first of April, only with a certain “gloomy” theme.
The topic is not at all gloomy, but interesting, let's see the scene of grade 9b.

Scene "Funny girlfriends" 9b

Dracula and the Devil Appear. They move menacingly at the audience and clap crackers. They stop a couple of meters from the audience.

How many people!
These are not real monsters! These are disguised people.
Baa! Who's come! This is the king of vampires himself - Mr. Dracula.
Dracula (bows):
Yes it's me. But let me introduce you to my faithful assistant.
Yes, we all know you.
Hey Witch! What are you doing here?
The holiday began to be celebrated.
What a holiday, what a holiday without my lord and master!
The holiday is called All Saints Day. Yes, only in truth it is a holiday of all evil spirits.
This is just for us! Let's scare the people!
Witch, Devil and Draculashouting: “Look, your hall is full of mice!” - throw themselves at the feet of the audience. There is panic in the hall. Dracula, the Witch and the Devil rub their palms happily.

Look, well, the guests have come to visit us! Haven't arrived yet, but they're already starting to mess up! All Saints' Day is a human holiday. And no one is afraid of you here!
Look! More guests are coming to our party! We invite guys from 5b to the stage.

Scene "I want to Halloween" 5b

Yes, Halloween is something like Russian carols. Baba Yaga hurries to our holiday. Meet 6th graders!

Scene "Meeting with Baba Yaga" 6 abv

Autumn - a festive mess Yesterday's summer out of spite And the leaves, like shreds of notebooks, And the smell is like incense, but sweet, Everything is important and colorful and light. Meet 5a with
song "Artist autumn»


Witch :
We need to show cunning, Surprise everyone with dirty tricks! We need to collect all the evil spirits here! Surprise from the parent committee.

Baba Yaga game.

Do not be sad, Yaga, we are running away, bye! Have fun while the people, We will come to you in a year!.

The evil spirit flees.

Leading :
I'm with you again, gentlemen!
And the evil spirits perished, there,
Where is darkness and gray gloom,
Swamp, slush... It will be so!.

Everything was quiet, calm and quiet around. Do you hear? The white tablecloth of purity covered all the darkness! The evil spirits have disappeared forever, let everything in your life be as beautiful as a paradise in flowers. Meet Pelykh Oksana with the song "Lilac Paradise".

The song "Lilac Paradise". 11 cells

The jury sums up.