Business for men after 50. Starting a business after forty: six great success stories

Basic rules for making money after 50 years: how to find a job and other nuances

Elderly people are not at all obliged to be content with only the pension benefit that the state has determined for them.

Additional income is quite realistic for people over 50 years of age.

There are several fundamental rules for realizing the intention of earning money while already in retirement:

Experience is the basis

Professionalism does not become outdated at all.

The skills acquired with age can only improve and ultimately turn into solid experience that can only help.

Habitual actions are not always necessary

You shouldn’t necessarily follow the well-trodden professional path. It's worth listening to yourself.

Perhaps, with age, the attitude towards work has already changed somewhat and the pleasure from performing familiar duties has faded slightly. These factors must be taken into account.

Status is a very conditional thing

Feeling needed and in demand for something is much more important than having a high social status.

Priorities in action

Money is far from the most important thing in work.

It's more important to enjoy it.

Ambition or freedom?

You need to realize that freedom of action and quality of life are much more important than ambition and careerism.

Idleness is not synonymous with rest

A healthy break from work is good. But total idleness is the path to complete degradation, both professionally and personally.

On the contrary, the best rest is a change of activity.

Novelty is good

Don't get hung up on age. You need to set yourself completely unusual tasks and gain new impressions.

This revitalizes the brain and makes it work with renewed vigor. And again, solving these problems should be a joy, which in turn will have a positive effect on the physical condition of the body.

New opportunities

You should not look for a job with a salary. It's time to think about your own business. Let it be small, but at least its own.

And it is not at all necessary that it generate a lot of financial income.

The main thing is a feeling of freedom and relevance, regardless of age and other people’s stereotypes. It is enough to convince yourself that it is possible.


To enjoy the fruits of your labors to the greatest extent, you need to do your own thing.

There is no need to hire anyone or be hired to work for someone.

It's never too late to learn

Your own convenient schedule and freedom of action provide enormous opportunities for learning.

So the statement that learning becomes more difficult with age is highly controversial.

The best job is a hobby that gets paid

You need to listen to yourself and find what you like, and then think about how you can make money from it.

The end result will be your dream job.

From pleasant to useful

It is important to be able to turn your own passion into a business that generates income.

It is necessary to determine the form in which it will become in demand for others. It may be difficult, but it is quite possible.

Be realistic

A far flight of fancy will not bring any benefit.

Imaginary opportunities cannot be taken advantage of. It is necessary to take into account real possibilities and operate with them.

Age is not a barrier

Retirement age is not a limit to learning a new profession.

The main thing is desire and interest.

Limitations are not physical

Age does not limit a person physically.

Limitations are created only by ideas about age itself.

Time to make a childhood dream come true

It's not too late to try to realize your childhood dream.

It may not be productive, but the excitement and emotions gained on the way to achieving this goal will be unforgettable!

No need to despair

There may be a moment when one may give up and the prospects will cease to be visible.

It is important to believe that this is only a temporary obstacle and it is absolutely surmountable.


Free labor is more useful than complete inaction.

Experience is more valuable than time

To avoid wasting time, you need to actively use your experience.

Here and now

It is important to firmly believe that anything is possible. And not hypothetically, but quite realistically.

Video: How to look for a job after 50 years

If you think it's too late for you to start something that you lack brains, health, money and something else in order to start a new life - then this article is for you! In it, I collected dozens of success stories of people who are over 50, 60 or more years old, and who have achieved great results in life, in business, in art and sports, science, etc. These people are from big cities and small villages, from other countries and our compatriots, contemporaries and people who no longer exist.

« If you think that you are capable of something, or you think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases! - Henry Ford. (It’s all in our head, friends! :)

With the development of the Internet, the number of opportunities has increased astronomically. Never before in the history of mankind has it been so easy and cheap to start something new. All that is required of a person is to do what he loves and believe in himself!

😎 Hello everyone! Timur Mazaev is with you, akaMoneyPapa - Family finance expert.

Personal story

My personal heroes are my parents! Simple Soviet engineers who started life from scratch several times, changing countries and cultures, but never giving up. Having a higher education, experience as a manager, the title of inventor of the USSR, my father did not shy away from work in difficult times and worked as a loader, taxi driver, market seller, etc. Mom, at the age of 45, changed her profession and turned from an engineer to an accountant.

Parents moved to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, with $5,000 in my pocket and no home. For $1,500 they bought me a computer, which “fed” me for many years (I wrote and sold accounting programs throughout my student years). There was a time when their only source of income was the little money that I, a student, managed to earn. There was a time when they ate mushrooms found in the nearest forest belt))). They've been through a lot.

And they never, never, never lost heart, They didn’t blame anyone for anything, they always held on to each other and their children, they were (and are) always positive, they always smiled and found great happiness in small trifles and joys. They were not afraid to start life over again. And now, closer to 70, they are ready for serious changes on all fronts that are happening in our family. God bless you, my dear ones!

Quotes on the topic

“People who fail to motivate themselves will settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.” – Andrew Carnegie

Everyone knows the story of Colonel Sanders, who created the KFC brand after 60 years

Hollywood is not a dream, but a reality

Sylvia has gone through a difficult path, which included a few orders from friends and a serious illness - however, all this is left behind, and now 82-year-old Sylvia is the main supplier of cakes for world-class celebrities, loves her job and creates without days off; Each cake is decorated with her signature logo - an image of her round glasses with black frames.

Always on the top

Rock the dance floor? Easily!

"Tornado in a Turban"

Beat cancer by dancing

Michelangelo began work on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel when he was already 61 years old (work on the Sistine Chapel lasted five years). He became the chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral at the age of 71.

"Diana and Actaeon"


It's never too late to change your life and start from scratch! However, success does not fall on your head and may require several years of work, and strength and health after 50-60-70 may be significantly less than at a young age! Therefore, it is so important to do what you love so as not to notice physical and moral fatigue. All the people from this article are the same people as us, made from the same “stuff”, no smarter and no more stupid than us. This means that anything is possible! The main thing is not to rush (despite your age) and move at your own pace, breaking big goals into small, “edible” steps!

Call to action

2. Download the Goal Setting Matrix, which I use - and try to come up with and write down your (new and old) goals into steps that can be completed. Read articles about goal setting.

3. For those who want to find a new job— download for free Sample Resume + Cheat Sheet “10 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions with Examples of (Correct) Answers.”

It will be useful!


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👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa - an expert on family finances.

How to make money for active women after 55-60 years old? A question that worries many. This is especially relevant in our time, when it can be difficult to live on a small pension. But this is exactly the age when you can apply your accumulated experience, skills, talent, reveal your unrealized potential, and learn a new specialty.

How to make money for a woman over 55 - this is what our article is about.

Depending on the level of computer skills, health status, or simply in order not to go crazy from idleness, every woman after 50 can choose a business to her liking that will bring her good profits and give her feminine happiness.

Let's turn our hobby into an idea for earning money, open our own business and start receiving a stable income!


Many of you know how to cook well, make delicious and beautiful pastries. So why not take orders to prepare a gorgeous cake, be it a family celebration, birthday, banquet or other event. Doing what you love can bring good money if you want to create a mini-bakery at home, prepare and sell baked goods, semi-finished products, set lunches for the office (catering).


If you taught at school or are deeply versed in this area, have a special approach to the child, then you can safely transfer basic knowledge of the subject to the student, be it Russian or English, history, chemistry, physics. Creative activities with children, as well as writing coursework, essays and dissertations to order can also become a source of income.


Embroidery, sewing, knitting and crocheting, making your own jewelry, scrapbooking, soap making and much more appealed to creative people. You can give free rein to your imagination, create, create unique things. Handmade crafts are now in high price, hand-made items are sold out quickly, bringing profit to mature women.

Nanny job

Women over 50 who cannot find work in an institution due to their age can work as a nanny, which is very popular now. This is a great way to earn money, since adults are trusted more and have vast experience in dealing with children and grandchildren. That is why pensioners are initially considered for the position of nanny, teacher or nurse.

Land plot

Dacha privilege is trending among people of retirement age. If you have a personal plot, start making money by growing juicy fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs, flowers and seedlings for later planting. Many people enjoy gardening, spend long hours in the garden, and prepare pickles. This is not only an idea for earning money, but also useful exercise for health and fresh air.


Owners of their own home and small farm can make money by breeding rabbits, chickens, geese, pigs, sheep, goats, and cattle. This is a very profitable business, since natural products - milk, eggs, meat and wool are always in demand. This type of income is suitable for those who are physically healthy, have some experience and are engaged in farming for the family.

Earning money on the Internet

Real ways to make money on the Internet and generate income involve running your own blog on Youtube with adding videos on preparing delicious dishes; copywriting - writing custom articles or event scripts; performing simple tasks - following links, surveys, translating texts, writing reviews, completing tests, viewing advertisements.

Network marketing

You can become a distributor for the distribution of perfumes, cosmetics, children's products, special clothing or food. Many people become “networkers” after 50; there are no age restrictions. All you need is activity, communication with interesting people and the ability to convince the client of the need to purchase the product. Pensioners can make good money from advertising or selling courses to earn money.

Own business

Why not start your own business, there are a lot of opportunities available to you. If you have initial capital, you can open a grocery store, a beauty salon, a private kindergarten, a small cafe or a sauna. The grandchildren will definitely think over a business plan, help with registering an individual entrepreneur and will start purchasing the necessary goods. The main thing is to get down to business with enthusiasm, promote the business you have started and earn income.

How to become successful, what should a woman do after 50 to earn money? Believe me, there are really many opportunities for additional income:

  • real estate services;
    cleaning service;
    assembly of goods at home;
    call center manager;
    cloakroom attendant.

Remember, retirement is not a death sentence for active work. You can earn money in any way, the main thing is to understand what you are doing and enjoy the result of the work done. A good income for a woman over 50 is quite possible!

Have you read the article - How to make money for a woman over 55? Thank you for your attention

14.09.2016 13:00

Startups are not always the work of young people. You can become a businessman earning millions of dollars after forty, after fifty, and even at sixty. Moreover optional for thisreinventing Facebook: sometimes taking a photo of your favorite dog is enough.

Robin Chase
co-founded Zipcar at age 42

If you see two mothers on the playground animatedly discussing something, don’t rush to conclusions. Do you think they're arguing about Japanese diapers and the benefits of breastfeeding? Not at all necessary. Maybe they are discussing the details of a future startup. This is how Zipcar, a short-term car rental service, was born in 2000. Bored housewife Robin Chase meets environmentally-conscious Harvard professor Antje Danielson. The latter had an idea about car sharing as a way to reduce the number of cars on the roads, and Chase boasted a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's business school. She took on the main job of promoting the startup.

A good idea, plus an understanding of business processes, plus the irrepressible energy of a woman who was tired of sitting at home, became the key to Zipcar’s future success. It is now one of the world's leading car rental companies, with 950,000 customers and 12,000 cars. In 2013, it was bought by Avis Budget Group for $500 million.

Dietrich Mateschitz,
co-founded Red Bull at age 40

The son of two teachers from the Austrian province was missing stars from the sky. It took him ten years to graduate from university. After receiving a degree in marketing, he got a job at Unilever, where he promoted detergents and toothpaste. During one of his trips to Thailand, he tried a popular energy drink in Asia and found that it was great for coping with jet lag and generally invigorating and inspiring.

Mateschitz got the idea to launch a similar product on the European market and in 1984 he founded the Red Bull company with his partner Chaleo Juvidya. It took three years to adapt the drink for Western consumers and develop a marketing campaign. If in Thailand energy drinks were considered a pleasure for ordinary hard workers, then for Europe a different strategy was chosen: Red Bull is a drink for energetic, successful people. Before launching a new product, Mateschitz ordered market research. The result was disastrous: marketers predicted a complete collapse, since neither the taste, nor the logo, nor the brand name itself were catchy. Mateschitz ignored the conclusions of experts and released the energy drink on the Austrian market. Almost thirty years have passed since then, Red Bull has become the best-selling energy drink in the world, and Dietrich Mateschitz's fortune is estimated at $14.8 billion.

Carol Gardner
founded Zelda Wisdom at age 52

If you are over fifty and suddenly left without a husband, savings and a reliable source of income, then there is something to despair about. A divorce lawyer sympathetically advised Carol Gardner: “Honey, get yourself a therapist or a dog.” There was only enough money for a dog, and a bulldog named Zelda appeared in Gardner’s life. To feed the voracious dog, the new dog owner decided to take part in a competition organized by a local pet store. It was necessary to take a photo of the pet, come up with a signature and arrange all this art in the form of a postcard. Carol won the grand prize (free dog food for a year), and then it dawned on her: you can make money from this!

In the greeting card industry, it would seem that everything possible had been invented long before her, but Gardner managed to find her niche. She photographed Zelda in various funny outfits, came up with the first set of 24 postcards, printed them on credit, and created the Zelda Wisdom company. Armed with the mantra “be smart, be brave, be different,” Carol Gardner sold a million cards in her first six months. Eighteen years later, the company earns $50 million a year and sells calendars, books, clothing and jewelry. Despite her advanced age, Gardner is full of enthusiasm: “If I can achieve success just by dressing my dog ​​in a stupid suit, imagine what you can achieve!”

Wally Bloom
founded Denali Flavors at age 57

Wally Bloom always dreamed of being an entrepreneur, but he didn't have the money to start his own business. As a result, he followed a path typical of many entrepreneurs: first he worked as an employee in a large company, studied the industry from the inside, and then started his own business.

The difference is that Blum opened the business at an age when it is customary to think about retirement. In 1995, his brainchild was born - the ice cream company Denali Flavors. She made a breakthrough when she introduced a new variety to the market, Moose Tracks (don't even ask what moose has to do with it). The unusual mixture of vanilla ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter and sherbet has won a huge following and made Denali Flavors one of the most popular ice cream brands in the United States.

Craig Newmark
Founded Craigslist at age 42

Before creating a popular online classifieds site in America, Craig Newmark worked as a programmer at IBM. In 1995, when the Internet was just beginning to conquer the world, the idea of ​​an “Internet commune” where you could exchange information for free was still fresh. At first, Newmark simply compiled a list of the most interesting events in San Francisco and sent it to his friends. Then, at the request of the recipients, he included advertisements for vacancies and job searches in the mailing list. More and more acquaintances, strangers, and even strangers began to ask to be added to “Craig’s list.” This is how Craigslist was born, and the mailing list turned into a free classifieds site.

Craig Newmark did not pursue super profits and, for example, vetoed the idea of ​​​​placing banner ads. When the question of monetizing the site arose, he directly asked visitors what they thought about it. Users advised him to take money from those who would otherwise spend it on advertising, and as a result, advertisements for vacancies and real estate sales became paid. Craigslist is now the 14th most visited website in America, and Newmark's fortune is estimated at $400 million.

James Simons
founded Renaissance Technologies Corporation at age 44

The success story of James Simons is a great illustration of the saying that learning is light. And not only light, but also $15.5 billion in personal wealth. At 23, Simons became a doctor of mathematical sciences and taught at Harvard and MIT. He was seriously involved in science - his diplomas, certificates and awards would be enough for a mathematical museum named after himself.

At forty-four, Simons makes a drastic change in his life, leaves academia and founds the investment firm Renaissance Technologies. Famous mathematicians, physicists, and statisticians work there. They use mathematical models to analyze and predict trends in the stock market. Simons has led his company's hedge funds to be among the most successful in the world. Last year, its assets under management were valued at $65 billion.

He who knows humanity is not deprived of intelligence,
He who knows himself is doubly smarter.
He who defeats another is strong,
Whoever defeated himself is a hundred times stronger .

Scientists have made an amazing discovery: 75% of people do not have time to adapt to changes in the world. Is it good or bad? Is this an unsolvable problem or is it an ongoing call for development?

Development is the basic law of the Universe, because the Universe itself is constantly changing. Every person needs the development of intellect, body, soul, consciousness. What does personal development mean in general?

As adults, many people stop developing. They stop the learning process after learning and starting work. Perhaps this happens because they do not do what they are passionate about, but do what they pay money for and do not have to work hard. Also, the environment greatly contributes to the degradation of personality: chewing gum from TV series and shows, negative news, depressive movies, the cult of mega-malls and Chinese flea markets, shopping on the couch, corporate culture that suppresses personality, mediocre education, club life, drunkenness, All Inclusive vacation or, on the contrary, hopeless poverty and much more.

The other, progressive, thinking part of people either does not hibernate, or wakes up and realizes an irresistible craving for improvement, development and knowledge. Such people are forever young, inquisitive, generous and themselves interesting to others. They never grow old in soul and for a long time in body.
Successful people who belong to the conscious part of the population name the causes of poverty, illness, failure and misfortune of the gray majority. Most people seem to live in a matrix. They are driven by social attitudes and herd feelings given in childhood. They don't understand the difference between cause and effect.

Such people often hang out in smoking rooms, on home phones and in corporate cafeterias. They constantly complain to each other about the lack of money, bad people, bad laws, and constantly blame someone: the government, bosses, relatives, the country and modernity. They often get sick and complain about the level of medicine, while they constantly waste money on it, regardless of the success of the treatment. A successful career, happiness, wealth, luck and health, as they believe, are not for them; all this goes to the lucky and cunning. In fact, the reason for their unfulfillment, pain and sadness is not external factors, as they think.

The reason for their failures in life is their thoughts. They don't know their real capabilities. Nobody told them about this. They have not learned to develop their fortitude, positive energy, wisdom; no one taught them this. They do not understand the real laws of the Universe, they do not know that thought is material, therefore they do not control them. They do not know that first they need to learn to be happy, and after this will come wealth and success. Unfortunately, the system does not provide such knowledge, since the system needs cogs, not thinking units.

It is easier to exploit unconscious people and profit from them.
At the same time, scientists have proven that people have superpowers.

1. Our brain consists of 100 billion neurons, which have from 10,000 to 200,000 connections among themselves. The number of new brain states is potentially greater than the number of atoms in the entire universe!
2. The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors and shades.
3. The length of all human DNA is approximately 16 billion kilometers - 2 distances to Pluto.
4. The brain produces enough energy to light a light bulb.
5. The brain is like muscles: the more you train it, the more it develops.
6. Neurons grow throughout life.

It is a person’s discovery of his superpowers that is the reason for real success. It is a person’s ability to control his thoughts, feelings, energy, and mood that is the magic key to a new life, to wealth, happiness, love and harmony.
Here are examples of famous people who, from scratch at the age of over 40, achieved great success, changed their lives for the better and became an example for millions of followers

Anna Maria Robertson (Grandma Moses)

famous American artist

She was born into a very poor family of farmers. From the age of 12 she worked as a laborer for wealthy neighbors. She was uneducated. At the age of 37, she married a poor man and lived all her life on a small farm.

At the age of 75, her daughter gave her paints, and Moses began to paint. The paintings were naive, primitive, but very attractive. A passing amateur collector bought 3 of her paintings for next to nothing.

And after a few years, her paintings became in demand and were given to presidents. She gained wealth and fame, but continued to live a simple and frugal life on the farm. Grandma Moses lived to be 102 years old, leaving behind more than 1,500 drawings and paintings. She loved to repeat: “Life is what we make it!”

creator of KFC restaurants

Until the age of 65, this man was an absolute loser. He was born into a poor family and grew up without a father. As a child, Sanders had to raise his younger sister while his mother worked. With great difficulty he became a lawyer. But at the very first trial he got into a fight with his client, and he was forever expelled from the bar.

He opened business after business (restaurant, gas station), but failed and went bankrupt. At 65, he received a pension of only $91. Left alone and without money, he asked himself the question: “What do I have that I can offer people, for which they will pay me money?” Without coming up with anything special, he remembered a delicious recipe for fried chicken with 11 spices. He came up with an idea - to offer this recipe to restaurant owners, they would pay him money for using it. But no one was ready to sign an agreement with this elderly loser.

Our hero did not give up. Real luck finally smiled on him after a thousand refusals. And he became very rich and famous thanks to his belief in his success and perseverance.

Ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher and founder of the Pythagorean school

Pythagoras created his famous school when he was already 70 years old. Before this he had been fatally unlucky. He even experienced slavery. Having created his school, the then unknown philosopher Pythagoras faced enormous competition from famous philosophers and schools. Nobody came to him to study. Then he used an unconventional move. He offered to his first student that he would pay him money if he studied with him. He agreed. Time passed, and Pythagoras was forced to ask the student to study for free, because... Pythagoras had no more money to pay the student. The student agreed again.

Time passed and the teacher put forward new conditions: now the student needs to pay, because... his teacher now has nothing to eat. And the student began to pay Pythagoras for training. Thus was born a great school.

Founder of McDonald's

Until the age of 52, Ray was an unsuccessful and sick man, and went bankrupt several times.
Having met the McDonald brothers in 1954, he wanted to buy the McDonald's distribution license, but was unable to get a $15,000 loan from the bank. Then he had to mortgage the house. He was 52 years old at the time, suffering from diabetes and arthritis, without a gallbladder or part of his thyroid gland. He also had hearing problems. But he believed in the future!
Having started his business at the age of 52, Ray Kroc lived another 30 years and became one of the most famous and richest people in the world!

Founder of Kinko

Dyslexic, Paul Orfala never learned to write. Half of the city schools expelled him for poor performance.
One day, while working part-time at his aunt’s dry cleaners, he served a client because at that moment none of the staff was nearby. For this, his aunt scolded him: “Don’t even think about communicating with visitors, you’re underdeveloped, you’ll scare everyone away. Despite this serious illness, Paul created the Kinko chain of copy shops, which he later sold for $3.4 billion.
Today he teaches at Stanford University.

Founder of Panasonic

When Matsushita was 9 years old, his parents went bankrupt. They sent the boy to work in a workshop in another city. For the first ten nights he cried into his pillow.
Little Matsushita then worked as a laborer for a wealthy family and polished rice cookers until his hands became blisters. At 18, in poor health, he got a job as an electrician for a state-owned company. He couldn't read or write at all. He couldn't even finish night school. He spent two to three months a year in the hospital. But this did not stop him from later becoming the richest man on Earth, realizing his calling to deal with electrical appliances. Matsushita's motto: "All my life I have considered it my duty to learn from smart people."

Previously, the Presidents of these countries were harsh dictators,

and now smiling ladies rule there.

So being a woman is not at all an obstacle to success.

Everyone has the opportunity to become successful, rich and famous!
76% of the world's richest people created their wealth from scratch. It is quite possible to become successful from scratch and in old age if you find your purpose, come up with a super idea that serves the benefit of people and persistently implement the idea. And to succeed, you need to constantly train your mind and wisdom and become a brighter person.

Most people who dream of wealth, success and fame are prevented from getting started in life by common misconceptions: “Where to start? Where can I get ideas, start-up capital, connections?”

It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you live, what others think of you, even if you yourself have lost faith in yourself - set yourself the task of achieving success, undergo training, constantly develop and promote your idea. The main thing is not to give up and move forward. If you really want to reach a new level of understanding of yourself and the world around you, I recommend the Academy of Winners, where I myself study.