Contextual advertising for webmasters. Yandex.Direct contextual advertising system


Only those who do not have access to the World Wide Web have never heard of Internet business. More and more webmasters are successfully (or not so successfully) developing their projects. The main way to monetize your own web resource is advertising, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life, and the modern Internet is completely impossible.

Time has shown that the most suitable advertising for web resources is contextual advertising:

In this article we will try to look into the foreseeable future and make some predictions about the development of the contextual advertising market.

What is behind contextual advertising today?

To begin with, it should be noted that contextual advertising should be understood as advertising that thematically coincides (or is close) with the information space within which it is placed.

Search contextual advertising is also considered very effective, thanks to which the user receives in response to his request, in addition to the usual results, several links to advertisements. This goes well with the very idea of ​​searching, because often a person just needs to buy boots, and not read an article about them from Wikipedia.

The types of contextual advertising described above are a fairly conventional division. When an advertiser sets up his campaign parameters, he first determines the target audience to whom the ads will be directed. To do this, you need to mainly identify the following points:
— Thematic. By defining the words with which the advertisement will be associated, you can count on the fact that only interested people will see the advertisements.
- Targeting. Contextual advertising systems allow you to show ads at specific times and to people living in certain regions. You can also target your advertising campaign to users who have certain behavior on the Internet (the characteristics of the online activity of Internet users are tracked using cookie analysis).
Let us define the main characteristics with which we can present contextual advertising today.
— Basic systems. The main players, of course, are the search industry monsters Google, with its AdSense advertising system, and Yandex, with its Direct contextual advertising system.

In addition, Begun, and VKontakte have good results in the Russian advertising market. The above services allow you to very effectively conduct contextual advertising in such a way that it affects only the target audience.
  • Requirements for sites. The main task that an information resource should fulfill is to be useful for visitors. If people get on the site what they came for, then contextual advertising will be effective. Also, the resource must not violate the laws of the country whose residents are planning to display advertising. In addition, we should not forget about moral standards, even if they are not specified in the laws. As for traffic, on average, at least 300 people per day should visit the site;
  • Price. If you decide to advertise in the contextual advertising system, then first of all you need to take into account the competition in the chosen topic. The cost of contextual advertising can range from 1-2 rubles to 200 rubles per transition (click). If you want your ad to be at the very top of search results, you must offer the highest cost per click;
  • Efficiency. Even the golden hen can lay ordinary eggs if she is poorly fed. Contextual advertising will not bring results in inept hands, although today it really is the most powerful tool in promoting any product or service.

What will be tomorrow?

Let's move on to forecasts for 2015, and for this we will go through the points discussed above:

  • Basic contextual advertising systems. In this area, experts predict further strengthening of the positions of current leaders. The emergence of new contextual advertising systems is unlikely, since, for example, an ordinary Russian advertiser will prefer to place his ad on, Google and Yandex due to the high popularity and promotion of these services;
  • Requirements for sites. No major changes are expected in this aspect. If the site meets the requirements for information content and traffic, then it will be allowed to use contextual advertising systems without any problems;
  • Price. Contextual advertising is becoming increasingly expensive not only because of currency shocks. The main factor in increasing prices is growing competition, as more and more companies are transferring their advertising to the online area;
  • Efficiency. Some experts make bold predictions for a complete abandonment of advertising outside the World Wide Web. Buying contextual advertising on the Internet is much more effective than spending the same amount on posting advertisements around the city.

What's the best way to proceed?

For an advertising campaign to bring results, it is by no means enough to simply submit advertisements and deposit the required amount into the account. A truly professional contextual advertising specialist has the ability to analyze data and solid experience in this field. Beginners should follow some standard recommendations that will allow them to quickly get used to modern advertising systems.

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor statistics:
Assessing the situation at the beginning of an advertising campaign is only the first step. If you think that after depositing money into your account in the contextual advertising system, your work is over, then success is unlikely to come. Automation of contextual advertising is a very conditional concept, because it is necessary to constantly monitor and even after the completion of an advertising campaign, conduct a detailed analysis of the results obtained.

If you use the Yandex search engine to search the Internet, then you are probably familiar with Direct contextual advertising, and perhaps you yourself have followed links from system advertisers more than once. This is what it looks like:

Initially, Direct placed advertisements only on the pages of its own search engine, but now it invites owners of high-quality websites to partner with them, and it is quite difficult to break through the conditions that Direct imposes on advertising platforms! Judge for yourself. In addition to the standard restrictions for all contextual advertising systems (site traffic of at least 300 unique visitors per day, paid hosting, no illegal content, high-quality, independent content), Direct requires that the advertising platform comply with the License to use the Yandex search engine. NOT ACCEPTED into the system

Unmoderated and/or non-thematic forums, blogs, message boards, chats;
- home pages;
- general subject libraries and media without thematic sections;
- dating services;
- entertainment portals (collections of jokes, MP3, etc.);
- unstructured directories (link dumps, in other words).

A caveat should be made that sites on the same free hosting can still be accepted into YAN. We are talking, of course, about Yandex hosting - Actually, Yandex already places advertising mini-blocks on sites hosted on, in accordance with the hosting terms. However, if your site meets the conditions listed above, you can apply to participate in the YAN (by registering under the same login under which your site is registered). And if your site is approved, the mini-block can be replaced with a Direct block.

If your site is approved by a moderator and accepted into the YAN system, then all its subdomains are accepted along with it - advertisements will be displayed automatically after placing the Direct code on them.

It is allowed to place advertising blocks of competing contextual advertising systems on advertising platforms, but provided that they differ in appearance from Yandex advertising blocks (that is, they are designed in a format and color scheme different from the format and color scheme of Yandex advertising). In addition, the ad display code of other classified advertising systems should not interfere with the operation of the Yandex advertising network code and should not in any way affect the ads displayed.

Two types of advertising can be placed on partner sites - contextual advertising (advertising text blocks containing several advertisements) and search advertising (a search form on the partner site). The design of advertising blocks can be customized, but only in agreement with Yandex. Contextual advertising in Yandex, accordingly, can be of two types - Yandex.Direct (links describing the services provided) and Yandex.Market (store product offerings).

Partners receive half of the profits earned by the system from clicks on advertisements. Clicks on the “All ads” and “Become a partner” links under Yandex.Direct blocks are paid to Direct partners at 0.05 USD.

What is prohibited in Yandex.Direct:

If you violate the terms of participation in the program, your account will be blocked, and you will not receive the funds earned while working in the system. Work honestly!

Work with YAN and all mutual settlements with partners are carried out in Direct through the so-called TsOPs - Partner Service Centers. Most often on the Internet you can find advertisements and laudatory reviews of the Profit-partner (formerly Profit-Project) center. This CSP is deservedly the most popular, and the secret here, perhaps, lies in the presence of a referral program, good, responsive technical support, ease of mutual settlements (Yandex.Money or Webmoney, to choose from) and a very attractive bonus system, as well as competent and very active marketing . Similar offers can be found individually in one or another Direct service center - but none of them have a combination of all these advantages. Read more about Profit-Project.

Yandex.Direct: user ratings and reviews

Total votes: 59

Your comments:


2014-07-15 01:11:46

2012-03-04 04:56:25

I don’t know, I don’t know, which one is better in return.

2011-03-19 13:44:48

To Serg
In general, from my own experience I can say that this happens every other time. I created 2 sites on the same topic, the optimization of the templates was approximately the same, the templates are naturally not public and are not similar. Same keywords, bottom line. One is in the ass, although he was in the 30th place, and the second +20 positions ended up in the 5th place.

The best way to monetize sites is this, the earnings from which can only be rivaled by income from affiliate programs. But unlike them, the effectiveness of earning money from contextual advertising is determined by only one key factor - the location of its placement.

The webmaster just needs to decide on the placement of advertising on the site, set up advertising blocks, for clicks on which income will be accrued, i.e. - for user transitions to advertiser sites. Webmasters receive passive income, as when working with affiliate programs, and the amount of earnings is influenced by two more factors: traffic and thematic niche of the site.

Some systems allow you to place contextual advertising on young sites with almost zero traffic. The income from them will, of course, be terrible, but it will, at first, allow you to cover the costs of hosting and a domain, which is not bad.

Websites related to construction, cars, household appliances and, for example, consumer loans will always find advertisers. But, for example, about marine invertebrates - hardly. What is the cost of contextual advertising? The cost per click varies between 0.01 - 0.30 USD, on average, and the maximum cost per click, in my practice, was 1.65.

For orientation, I will give two examples: the average cost of a click is 0.02 USD, their number is 45 per day, for a site with 400 unique visitors. Another example: the cost of a click is high - 0.17 USD, but their number is only 2 (daily traffic - 150). Income is - 0.9 and 0.34 c.u. in a day. These are “inexpensive” websites.

The main contextual advertising systems are: YAN (Yandex Advertising Network), AdSense from Google, and Begun - you will read about the conditions for working with them below. Now I suggest you focus on advertising locations, on which the efficiency of earnings directly depends.

Efficiency of earning money from advertising

Advertisements can be text blocks, multimedia or graphic. The most effective way to make money will be to choose a mixed type, when the system itself changes the ad format. The size of advertising blocks also affects earnings; for example, the AdSense system suggests the most profitable sizes.

As for the click-through rate, it depends on the effectiveness of advertising placement. It's impossible to pinpoint the best ad unit placements for every site - they will vary based on page structure. However, to understand the situation, let’s consider two click-through rates from the two main advertising systems - Google and Yandex:

Let's look at a few points; it is advisable to know them before placing an advertisement - these are the results of monitoring clicks. The clickability of blocks placed in different parts of the web page is not at all the same - the difference is tens of times. The best place is at the top and left, and the worst sectors in the first diagram are indicated in white.

70% of clicks occur at the top of the page, which the user sees immediately, without scrolling. However, depending on the block structure of the page and its content, the best block may be placed immediately below the main content:

On one of my sites there is exactly this situation, this block is the most “hard-working”. The best results can be achieved experimentally. Experiments with placement of blocks and changes in the type and design of ads are encouraged by advertising networks. Read about my experiment to increase earnings, which gave a lot of “food for thought”:

The results of observations of click-through rates lead to conclusions about the dependence of the number of clicks on the color, font, its size, the type of advertising block and the number of ads in the block. For example, the most clicks come from blocks with 4 ads, then in descending order: 2, 3, 1, 7, 5 (YAN data). And the horizontal block at the top of the page is far from being the most clickable, as many people think.

There is an observation that on light-colored sites, ads that are similar in color to the page design are more effective. Colorful websites that look like a Christmas tree are poorly received. But dark sites allow the use of contrasting light ads.

If you don’t understand why this type of advertising is called “contextual”, I’ll explain: if the site is about smartphones, then the advertisements will be corresponding - about smartphones, the same applies to individual pages. Therefore, the cost of contextual advertising depends on the topic of the site: an expensive topic means a high cost per click and more earnings.

Which advertising network to choose: AdSense or YAN?

Which is better: AdSense or YAN? There is no definite answer - the amount of earnings depends on the specific site. The best option would be to use both systems - and the cost of clicks will be higher and you will have to compare what with what. In the future, you can make a choice in favor of one of them for a specific site.

Finally, I will briefly describe the requirements that they impose on participating sites. And read in detail the description of work for each advertising network separately:

1. The most difficult thing is to get into the YAN. The sites of Yandex Advertising Network partners are carefully selected; only high-quality ones are accepted. YAN requirements for participants: 300 unique visitors per day, and for at least a month. Only sites from paid hosting sites are accepted.

I’m starting a series of articles dedicated to monetizing my website. Every webmaster sooner or later faces the question of how to make money on his website? I will talk about the methods that I already use, I will test new methods of monetizing sites and share with the readers of my blog about the conclusions I have made.

Let's start with the most common method that most webmasters use, of course this is contextual advertising, which I also use on this site. Today in Russia there are three main pillars of contextual advertising: Yandex Direct, Google Adsense and Begun.

Yandex Direct is the main contextual tycoon in Russia, so he is more popular among advertisers, which in turn creates high competition. This is even good for a webmaster, because... The cost per click in Direct is the highest for contextual advertising. However, getting into YAN (Yandex advertising network) is quite difficult. Only sites with high traffic, from 300 visitors per day, are accepted, and the lion's share of search traffic should be.

If you have a website with little traffic, but more than 300, then it will be more convenient to work with YAN TsOPs (TsOP - partner service center), such as Profit-Partner, E-customer, Adself and the Mixmarket affiliate network (the very first YAN TsOP). You won’t lose anything financially, but you will gain 24x7 technical support and various bonuses awarded by the COPs regularly.

As for personal experience, I cooperate with Profit-Partner, the reviews are only positive. Good CTR and timely payments, I really don’t participate in promotions, I don’t have enough time. The only disadvantage of working with Yandex Direct is the moderation of each site separately; if your site is rejected during moderation, then you will be able to re-apply only after three months. The minimum payment threshold is only 100 rubles, payments 2 times a month.

Rightfully occupies second place Google Adsense, although for sites with less than 300 visitors per day, this is perhaps the only way to monetize the site through contextual advertising, because Google accepts sites with more than 50 visitors per day. Google doesn’t have COPs, but there is a very good point. To create an account, you need a website with at least 50 visitors and meeting all Google Adsense requirements. The rest of the sites do not require moderation and you can connect them to the program yourself through your main account.

However, moderation will be carried out sooner or later, and if the site does not meet the requirements of the affiliate program, or other violations on your part are detected, the entire account will be blocked. Repeated registration is prohibited. Those. you will lose the ability to work with Google forever.

The most convenient way to withdraw funds is through the Rapid payment system. In this case, the money will come to your home address by simple postal order. The only inconvenience is that you will receive the money with a delay of a month, i.e. You will receive your salary for January at the beginning of March. The minimum payment threshold is $100; if you do not reach this amount, the balance is transferred to another month.

The third place is taken Runner. There are conflicting reviews about this system. However, according to the earnings statistics of the system itself in Russia, it has surpassed both Yandex Direct and Google Adsense. This says something.

Begun has a DPP (dealer of affiliate programs), an analogue of TsOPov in YAN, these are Zorka and Sputnik. As for the minimum wage, in Begun itself it is 1200 rubles, in DPP from 100 rubles, payments 2 times a month. Ads are often not relevant to the context of the page, however, in some industries, revenue from Begun exceeds Direct and Adsense, due to high competition.

Which system to choose is up to you. On my own behalf, I can advise you to test each contextual advertising system on each individual site of yours in order to choose the most profitable one. You can also combine at least all three contextual advertising systems on one site, because the rules of all systems do not prohibit this. Swap the blocks and empirically choose the best traffic envelope.

Today I want to talk about ways to monetize a site, i.e. consider not all possible options for making money on the Internet (I have already written about them), but rather talk about making money on the site. And this question is, perhaps, no less important than the issues of creating and promoting the site itself (you can find out how to promote a site for free).

After all, you invested in the organization and promotion of the project, wrote articles, cherished it in every possible way, and now, finally, the time has come to think about giving back (any work must be paid). Namely, you will need to think about how to convert the number of visitors and subscribers into hard cash or, in other words, start making money on your website (monetize your resource).

And guess what? There are a lot of nuances here, and your future income will largely depend on them. Of course, I don’t know everything, but I will share everything that is available to me. There are no trifles in things that relate to earnings, and therefore we will consider and discuss everything in detail, so that even beginners can understand the “road map” of the path to financial well-being. Otherwise, everything will depend on your approach to the matter.

Website monetization

In general, making money on the Internet has a number of advantages over a similar action offline (although, probably, not everyone will agree with me, because all people are different and you can read about this in the article about). Much more opportunities will be open to you, development prospects will be almost limitless, and you will face much fewer obstacles than when doing business offline.

From my personal experience, I can definitely say (and my wife will confirm this) that deriving tangible benefits from your own project is a reality; you will only need to devote yourself to this for a while (a couple of years) (in the sense of working on the website , and not waiting for manna from heaven) and the result will not be long in coming. But in the early stages of a site’s existence, it would be better to forget about its monetization, so as, firstly, not to be distracted from the main thing, and, secondly, so as not to be upset about the pennies that you can earn on a completely “green” site.

However, over time, for some popular bloggers and webmasters this will become main and only source of income, allowing them to support not only themselves, but also their family with this money. Moreover, the longer your project exists (and most importantly, develops), the more money you can squeeze out of it. Unless, of course, you overdo it (like I did in my time) with optimization and not . In this case, it will take a long and painful time to get out from under these filters (it took me six months of work to completely restore it, and the same amount of time to take into account the changes I made with search engines).

There are a number of schemes and directions for monetizing sites on almost any subject that are used by RuNet webmasters. You can determine the priority methods for yourself only after you have tried everything that will allow you to earn at least a small penny. Almost any website can be made to generate income regardless of its topic, but, naturally, resources on topics where clicks in the context are expensive will, with the same traffic, bring more income than sites with cheap clicks. However, a lot, as I already said, depends on the nuances of monetization.

Of course, there are the most profitable topics in which income will be very high, but competition in these topics will also be very high. Therefore, you should not choose the topic of your project only based on the possibility of high earnings. It is often much more difficult to gain traffic in expensive topics than in not very profitable ones.

Moreover, earnings for a site can increase simply by increasing the number of visitors passing through it. And this, in turn, will be possible only if the chosen topic of the project is close and interesting to you. Writing about a topic that doesn't interest you in a way that will interest readers will be very difficult (at least for a number of years). There is an option to hire copywriters, but here a lot of problems immediately arise - from finding the right person to the need to pay for his work when you have not yet earned a penny from the site.

To summarize, we can say that there would be visitors, and there would be a way to extract hard cash from all this. There is money on the Internet, you just need to be able to take it by successfully monetizing your site. By the way, receiving income from your own resources is also interesting because you you can do without any special investment at all, except for serious costs.

The project can be created on any, for example, on or. And even website promotion can be done with virtually no financial costs. You say it can't be? But it can. My blog is an example of successful search engine free (90 percent) promotion. Of course, in a commercial context it will be almost impossible to repeat such a “feat”, but this article is about making money specifically on information sites and similar ones, and not about online stores and service sites that are created for a specific business, and there is no question about their monetization.

If it worked for me, it can work for you too (although I myself am not sure that if I started all over again, the result would be the same - there is a large share of luck here). True, making money on your websites will still require complete dedication from you, especially at first (when, due to low traffic, you won’t even have to think about monetization).

And also, at the initial stage of development of your project, you will have to overcome the desire to give up everything, because... As a rule, it is not possible to achieve rapid progress and an acceptable level of income. There are also possible cases of regression (filters, etc. things), as I was able to verify a little later. In general, there are thousands of reasons why hundreds of promising projects are blown away. However, let's not talk about sad things...

So, What are the opportunities to make money on the site? for now? Let's list them:

  1. Banner advertising (RotaBan, advertising networks, direct advertisers, RTB advertising)
  2. Contextual advertising (YAN, Google Adsense and Runner, who is more dead than alive)
  3. Mobile advertising (Tapclick)
  4. Affiliate programs (Etxt, , WorkZilla, etc.)
  5. Selling links (link exchanges GoGetLinksa, GetGoodLinks)
  6. Posting articles with links (article exchanges MiraLinks, WebArtex)
  7. Advertising reviews, postal (for blogs - RotaPost and Blogun)
  8. Teaser advertising (read). Lately, search engines (Yandex for sure) have been punishing for the presence of shock advertising on their resources, which teasers were often guilty of in the past.
  9. Popup, popunder, frame, etc. (pop-ups, etc. are very risky, but when there is nothing left to lose...)
  10. Due to the growth of mobile traffic on the RuNet, you can use certain methods of monetizing it (starting from the capabilities of Adsense and ending with any known methods of “draining” mobile traffic and receiving hard cash for it).
  11. Any other forms of direct cooperation with advertisers - placement of PR links, buttons, forms and other things up to site branding (modification of the header, background and other elements of the site design to match the advertised brand, which you agree on with the advertiser).

Now let's talk about the main types of earnings separately.

Banner advertising is the most time-tested method

This is probably the oldest type of advertising and type of income for website owners. — placement of any graphic, animation, video banner in certain places on the website. If your project has high traffic, income from placing banners can be very significant, but again, everything will depend on the topic and how interesting your site will be to advertisers.

The fact is that the context for the vast majority of sites is the main source of income and its share in the total cash flow is very large (or will be such when you deign to configure, debug and optimize everything correctly). Having lost such a “jackpot”, it will be very difficult to fully replace it with something else (teasers, affiliate programs, banners, etc.). Therefore, “take care of your honor from a young age.” It’s just that later the context providers may “not let you back in,” even if you repent.

However, let’s continue and look at each of the three leading context providers in a little more detail, and also touch on the issue of the relevance of monetizing your site with them.

YAN - earnings for sites with traffic over 300 people per day

Google AdSense has a very strict policy in the fight against clicking, and indeed against all sorts of violations. If you receive a letter from this provider stating that you are getting bad clicks, or that you are violating the rules of the system, or that you are violating copyright, then it is better to immediately log into your account and read the message by clicking on the bell icon (which opens existing alerts) in the right top corner. Correct everything immediately and confirm (I just don’t remember the confirmation method - either a button or a checkbox).

Well, let me remind you again - very carefully read Rules for posting ads or watch the webinar (?) “How to place ads without breaking the rules.”

Runner is an almost dead context system not suitable for making money

Anyone who meets the rules for working with Begun can monetize their site using this context provider. If your project is on a paid hosting, has Russian-language content and does not have adult content, then in order to get into Begun, you only need to have two unique visitors per day.

If your hosting is free, then the minimum number of visitors increases to 300. Such a soft policy is actually not definitely good. But there is one “BUT” that cancels everything out. Lately, the system has simply been clamping down on payments, and therefore I don’t recommend contacting them, even if your site was not accepted into the two previous context systems.

Affiliate programs - additional monetization of sites and blogs

What do you need first of all to successfully make money on affiliate programs? Right. You need thematic traffic or, in other words, a flow of visitors who may be interested in the offers of this affiliate program. Where can I get it? Yes, anywhere - contextual advertising (Direct or AdWords), teaser networks (who do you think advertises there?), doorways and any other white and not so methods of generating traffic (if the affiliate program accepts them).

In one word or two, this is called traffic arbitrage (buying a stream of targeted visitors anywhere and then “draining” it onto an affiliate program in the hope that the costs will be less than the income received - in general, ordinary speculation). And he rules, but only under one condition - you must have a lot of experience in this matter, and beginners, as a rule, “fly by” quickly.

However, there is another way to work with affiliate programs - using your own website to make money from them, blog or forum. In this case, you will no longer need to buy traffic (you already have it if the resource is more or less visited). The only thing left to do is to choose profitable affiliate programs that will help you benefit from the site. This problem is not always solved simply or trivially, but if you suffer for a very long time, something will work out. Personally, I have been “suffering” with the search for “golden” affiliate programs for many years, and this process is never-ending. IMHO.

Affiliate programs for monetizing websites for webmastering and SEO

For example, at the initial stage of the formation of this blog (site), I actively made money on Popov's partner(I sold his video courses on the topic of webmastering and related topics). It didn’t turn out bad at that time, or so it seemed to me, because I practically didn’t use other methods of monetization at that time. Now, of course, this is a “drop in the ocean” (either Popov is not the same, or I no longer take this seriously). Nevertheless, we managed to “pick up” something:

Then I slowly became interested in other affiliate programs, mainly on SEO and topics related to webmastering. This is how my collaboration began with:

  1. GoGetLinks is a popular exchange of so-called “eternal links”, where someone makes money and someone promotes sites. We will make money from both categories of users.

  2. MiraLinks- another popular exchange, but in the field of “article promotion”. You can earn a lot, especially now, because they have started paying some fixed bonuses for attracting referrals.

  3. GetGoodLinks- a branch from the above-mentioned Gogetlinks, on which you can also warm your hands very well:

  4. MegaIndex is a popular online resource for website promotion. The screen of earned money has not changed for the last couple of years (something is stuck there, apparently), but I think that a hundred or two can still be mentally added there:

  5. RotaPost- a popular exchange of “eternal links from blogs”. Actually, the affiliate program is also very profitable:

  6. Etxt- probably the best of the copywriting exchanges, at least in terms of site monetization on topics close to webmastering and earning money.

Affiliate programs for making money on a wider site audience

But after some time, I came to the conclusion that the affiliate programs described above are still narrowly niche. Yes, I have a target audience for them on my blog, but it’s not that big. Therefore, to fully monetize all traffic, you need some “wide-format” affiliate programs for everyone. Are there any? It turns out that yes, and some of them have proven themselves very well. Another question is how and where to look for them? The answer came to my mind somehow unexpectedly (it seemed like I was looking there all the time, but didn’t see the essence).

Do you know what I personally feel right now? helps you find worthwhile affiliate programs, which, after checking and screening, begin to generate decent income? You will not believe! SPAMM! Yes, yes, just banal spam in the comments. Because automatic spam is successfully cut off for me, then to search for “wheat in a heap of chaff” I use the spam that is added to my blog manually, and it can be very interesting, because people probably waste their time for a reason, but with desire to earn money (get a return by trying to push referral links in the comments).

The site has an “Earn” item in the top menu, which leads to an article on the relevant topic. So, 90 percent of spam comes from her comments. Because I have all of them go through moderation, so, naturally, nothing gets into the “real world,” but I look through these comments and “wind up my mind.” Of course, there is a lot of rubbish there that does not suit my topic (such as making money from games, etc.). But there are things that I check, and some of them are now working quite successfully and generating income (monetizes this blog and is very, very successful). Honestly...

For example, this way I discovered such profitable affiliate programs(in them, the income of each attracted user is not too large, but the services are suitable for many, and therefore together they turn out to be “ice”):

To summarize, we can say that “let him who seeks find.” Naturally, you can’t cover everything, and something very “tasty” may remain unused. There are a lot of niche referrals - for example, even if they completely disagree with my topic, “My business. Read Maul’s comments (a review from it, by the way, is worth almost a thousand for now) when he publishes an advertising post. However, not everything is so sad.

It is quite possible to come to an agreement with your conscience and at a fairly reasonable price (for me it is 15 thousand rubles). And if you also try to make advertising articles interesting (and sometimes useful), then your conscience generally falls silent and smiles tenderly, standing on the sidelines and not interfering. True, I did not start trading my conscience right away, but only four years after creating the blog and had some kind of foundation for the “honest life of a webmaster.” But that's not the point. You have to deal with your conscience yourself somehow.

However, this type of earning money on your website often has a rather interesting effect. Firstly, as I already mentioned, sometimes interesting articles come out (I wouldn’t have been honored to write about this myself), even though they are custom-made (judging by the number of unsubscribes from the news feed according to Feedberner). Secondly, writing for money is no less interesting than writing for free. Sometimes it’s even more interesting, because you have to dodge and fidget in order to please both readers and advertisers.

Well, thirdly, there is a place to be side effect and very pleasant. Some advertisers (I accidentally discovered this while studying the link mass and mentions) do not deny themselves the pleasure of posting a link to my reviews (like, “they write about us”). And this is good news anyway, because their sites, as a rule, are bold and thematic (otherwise why would you order a review from me). And in general, custom articles also enjoy (not always, but often) popularity and generate “activity” around them on the Internet (links or just mentions). Have I tempted you? Well, at least he shook his steadfastness?

As you develop your project, you will receive a lot of offers. from direct advertisers or advertising agencies/networks(I don’t really like the latter, because they brazenly demand a discount in order to receive their intermediary percentage - fuck them). Proposals most often consist of standard placement of banners, writing reviews, announcements or placing links (I am often offered PR options, when the link is placed closed from indexing, but in the articles they need and in the right place - also, by the way, this is not very I accept). But there may also be unusual offers. For example, I have been successfully implementing one of them for more than two years and even the advertiser has changed, but “his business is alive.”

In general, from experience, I advise you to be skeptical of any overly active comrades - these are most often intermediaries seeking to earn money (let them go through the woods, although I still cooperate with one good intermediary, but there it is a completely different matter - everything is based on mutual trust). Direct advertisements are not intrusive, sometimes it is not even clear what they want, but you need to be patient and work hard with them. Recently, I almost “sent” someone who subsequently paid me more than one and a half thousand still green. Be more tolerant and most importantly polite (thank you will not bog you down, but will win the person over). And, of course, they are honest, because trust is difficult to earn, but very easy to lose.