Earning money from affiliate programs and training. Earn money quickly with a CPA affiliate for Infobusiness

And again, Hello friends! Today I want to talk about such an important topic for every person as making money on the Internet.

Also, at the end of the article I will publish the names of the winners in the monthly “Most Active Readers” competition. Do you want to be in their place too? Then .

Well, let's get back to the topic. You can make money in different ways, I wrote about some of them, but now I want to discuss in detail how to make money on affiliate programs!

This way of earning money is suitable for everyone, even if you don’t have your own website! Although its presence will help organize a source of passive income for many years, thereby increasing your income many times over!

Making your own website is not difficult, read the details and go ahead! In terms of money, maintaining a website costs about 2,000 rubles. per year, that is, 166 rubles. per month, which is available to everyone!

By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to say Thanks a lot, that you read my articles and participate in the life of the blog - it’s much more interesting with you than without you! You guys are great

What are affiliate programs (affiliate programs)?

Many people are interested in what is the essence of affiliate programs and how can they make money?

Let's look at earning money from affiliate programs in more detail. For example, one person, let’s call him Petya, creates his own information product, “How to create a website from scratch,” in the form of a DVD. Petya plans to sell it via the Internet, for example, 3,000 rubles per copy.

I think that soon such a product will become popular and will be sold in large quantities. To sell his author's course, Petya launches advertising on Yandex and Google, and begins to earn money.

How many copies of his information product can Petya sell? Yes, it’s possible, but if someone else helps him, then sales will increase many times, and so will our Petya’s profit.

Therefore, our information businessman decides to. Its essence is that he invites other people to sell his product and have a good percentage of each sale, for example, 30% (although it is better to put 40-50%).

Everyone benefits from the affiliate program. And Petya himself, his income is growing inexorably, and his partners, who do not need to rack their brains over creating an information product, but just need to recommend a ready-made course, and earn 30% from each copy sold without any strain, which is 900 rubles.

Isn't it a wonderful prospect? I’ll tell you a secret that making money on affiliate programs is the most realistic and highly profitable business on the Internet, which everyone can do, but not everyone sees its potential...

Affiliate programs are very effective, and of the total number of sales, only 20% are realized by the information businessman himself, and 80% are sold by his partners. It’s good for everyone here, both the author and the partners.

How affiliate programs work!

For some reason, some people believe that making money on affiliate programs is a myth. That you can’t earn anything from them, and if you can, then very little. Actually this is not true. I’ll tell you in more detail about how much I earned from affiliate programs below. Now let's look at how affiliate programs work.

Let's say you liked a product or service and you want to recommend it and make money from it. How to find out if the author has created an affiliate program? It’s very simple =) Usually the link to register for an affiliate program is located in the footer of the site, that is, at the very bottom. If you didn’t find the link there, then you just need to write to the author and ask!

For some reason, some authors of their courses do not use such an effective tool... From time to time I come across quite high-quality and interesting materials, but they do not have an affiliate program... This is a huge disadvantage for the authors of these works! Do you agree with me?! Well, okay, let's move on...

A person who wants to become a participant in the affiliate program must register, after which he receives a personal link leading to the information businessman’s website.

Now, you need to tell your impressions, opinions, review of the course and give people a link! If someone follows your link and buys the course, you will receive a percentage of the sale. It's simple!

The next question is how can a person offer his link to other people on the Internet? It would be nice to have your own website, on the pages of which you could recommend an information product, then you will not have any problems at all.

But what to do if a person does not have his own blog or website, and he is not going to create one in the near future? There is no need to be upset, because there is a way out of this situation. We'll talk about this below.

Earn money on affiliate programs if you don’t have a website!

If you don’t have your own website, but want to make money from affiliate programs, you can create an advertisement containing your affiliate link and run advertising on Yandex or Google. Naturally, this method is paid, but also the most effective!

Firstly, you don’t need to waste your time and effort on creating and maintaining a website. And, secondly, only people interested in the information product you offer will follow your link, there will be a higher likelihood that they will make a purchase, and interest from the sale will start crediting to your account.

But the effectiveness of an advertising campaign depends on the quality of the advertisement itself! Therefore, in order not to waste money down the drain, you need to learn how to correctly use the Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords systems! Professionals earn huge amounts of money from contextual advertising; of course, I myself am far from reaching that level...

As you can see, earning money from affiliate programs is quite real and there is nothing complicated in organizing it. I just want to warn you right away that such “affiliate programs” will not always bring you good profits.

This is due to the fact that over time the number of partners increases, more and more people acquire this technique, and pirated copies begin to appear. Few people want to pay money for something that can be downloaded for free.

Earning money from affiliate programs with your own website

If you are a webmaster and have your own blog or website, on the pages of which you share your experience and valuable information with your readers, then you have many opportunities to make money on affiliate programs.

For example, your website is located on a hosting that you are quite happy with; you are satisfied with both the quality of the services provided and the price for them. In this case, you can write a useful article in which you recommend other users to use the services of this provider, and place your affiliate link in the article. With the registration of each new user, interest will be credited to your account.

The same applies to advertising and mailing services. All these services will be used by other webmasters and information businessmen. It turns out that if you write an interesting article one-time and indicate an affiliate link in it, you will receive monthly passive income, the amount of which will constantly grow.

Useful tips on choosing an affiliate program:

  • You must be confident in the quality of the recommended course, manual, e-book, etc., so I advise you to first personally verify the quality of the materials! Agree, if you recommend bullshit, then your readers will lose trust in you!
  • Try to select affiliate programs that are closely related to the theme of your site. I have seen such stupidity more than once - let’s say a website on the topic of cooking and the author publishes a review article about some software, script and other nonsense...
  • Make customers buy through your affiliate links! Don't be greedy, share your commissions with your clients or give them a great discount! I use this approach myself and it really works!
  • It’s not at all necessary to write huge reviews about what a good course Vasya is selling and how much you like it =) It’s enough just to write about your news and, in between, briefly talk about the course, express your opinion...

I hope that my advice will be useful to you, and you, too, can make good money on affiliate programs.

Examples of my income from affiliate programs:

Of course, some earn many times more, some less, but my numbers are like this... Whether it’s a lot or a little, it’s up to you to decide, personally I’m happy with everything!

Affiliates I work with:

  • Partner Alexandra Borisova
  • Azamat Ushanov Affiliate Program
  • Affiliate program of Evgeniy Popov
  • Affiliate plugin "Social Castle"
  • Affiliate program of the school "Netology"
  • I'll add more later...

Results of the competition “The most active readers”

Well, friends, another month has passed, how quickly time flies... It's time to announce the winners! Who are they, the most active and creative? And see for yourself
Whoever recognizes himself on the screen is the winner! Congratulations dear friends! Moloriki, in a word! You can find out who earned how much by visiting the page -

  • Where to start an information business

More recently, there has been a fashion for various types of training, which are sold on the Internet at almost every turn. Of course, there are good training courses and seminars, webinars, etc., but they are rare and, as a rule, they are heard by everyone. Thanks to this outcome of events, this niche can be considered practically free.

Why has the information business (infobusiness) become so popular?

Perhaps this is due to the fact that using the Internet you can start teaching people remotely. There are a large number of special platforms on the Internet where it is possible to conduct training webinars. Also, modern youth wants to work for themselves, and not for their uncle, and are thinking about how to open their own business, where to start, etc. The smarter guys figured out this topic and began to create one-pagers on the Internet - subscription pages in which they invite everyone interested to their free seminars and webinars, where they then sell various books (both their own and others’ authors), CDs with supposedly the most valuable information, brochures and other information products. This is the information business, and the people who deal with it are information businessmen.

How and what you can make money from in the information business

To successfully run an information business, you need to make sure that all courses, trainings and webinars are niche, that is, you need to teach other people what you yourself are good at. This means that you should not just know how something is done, but you should be able to do it and you should have a positive experience. Then your entrepreneurial activity in the information business will really make sense.

On the Internet, for example, there are design courses in which, during a webinar, specific actions are taken together with teachers (trainers) aimed at teaching fashion and design. There is also practical training with homework and extra work. Or here’s another example, not so long ago there were seminars, or more precisely, a whole information course, more money on contextual advertising. There they really taught classes from scratch on learning and creating your own personal blog: what to write there, what topics to take, where and how to advertise it (the blog), how to attract regular readers, how to place and set up advertising more effectively, etc. All this lasted for 2 months, and the main condition was the completion of the recommended tasks. Thus, students began to create their blogs from scratch, everything was done in stages, and most importantly, those who completed the courses to the end achieved the desired results, which were stated by the authors of these courses. The majority of online income from blogs reached 20,000 rubles. per month or more. This is considered the correct information business, and this is how it should be or even better.

How to make money in the information business for a novice entrepreneur

Many successful information businessmen say that almost anyone who is focused on results can make money in the information business, because the positive aspect of this area of ​​​​business can be considered that people do not know how to do and know everything, and accordingly they are always ready to learn it, just someone prefers free, while others do not mind paying money for the services of trainers and teachers.

If you know any foreign language, then you can start; if you are a psychologist, then conduct webinars that solve any psychological problems of people. Remember that the most important thing in this matter is to be a good practitioner, not a theorist. Only in this case will people come to you more often and everyone will receive a positive result, being satisfied with your activities. And one more piece of advice - work with people until a certain result is achieved, and not just according to a template. This will be difficult to do, especially at first, but the positive results and feedback from your students will be your free advertising, which sometimes costs a lot.

Where to start an information business

First, you need to decide what you can do well, which of all this can be useful to people. The more people need your help in the form of information, the more income possible from your activities.

Next, you need to start writing your own blog, in which you can show your knowledge so that visitors can see what you really know and can do. Usually they write useful articles on the blog and post free videos or audio lessons.

Increasingly, information businessmen are starting their own and posting video lessons there. At the end of each video, leave a link that will lead to your blog, and thus you will receive traffic and communicate with potential clients already on your blog.

You can also register on thematic forums and conduct correspondence on your topic. When answering questions from your readers, at first it is better to give consultations for free. This is the only way to find out what your potential audience is interested in. Further, having developed a ready-made base of regular readers and loyal subscribers, you can conduct paid classes.

Hi all! Today there will be a topic about making quick money with a CPA affiliate. I am often asked how you can quickly make money on the Internet in order to believe in yourself and continue to move forward. There are actually many options. But today I will talk about a CPA affiliate, in which almost anyone can earn money.

Withdrawing funds from an affiliate program

In addition, I would like to say that there are no problems with withdrawing earned funds. Below I have posted screenshots with which I supplemented this article and which show the withdrawal of 720 rubles.

And below is the receipt on the wallet

In this affiliate program, after registration, there is moderation and in order to gain access to the offers, you need to fill out all the fields in your account and wait a little while the verification takes place. Immediately after moderation, you will receive a notification in your inbox.

And also, the guys sometimes organize such promotions, as shown in the screenshot. You can receive 55 rubles per subscriber!

If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments. You can also share your experience in this affiliate program in the comments. Start implementation and start earning money! Earning money quickly through CPA affiliates is possible. Good luck to you!

By the way, if you want to learn more about making money on affiliate programs and get one of the secret ways to make money, and get a list of proven affiliate programs and a training video about the “secret pitfalls” in affiliate marketing.

Best regards, Evgeniy Vergus.

In this article, I will share with you specific recommendations and “secrets” on how to choose the right profitable affiliate program in the information business, and how to make money from it. We will also look at the “behind-the-scenes secrets” of how how affiliate programs work, and how you can get seriously burned on them if you don’t know these secrets.

Affiliate programs are a popular one without your own products. I have it myself own affiliate program(link will open in a new tab) and I acted as a partner for some of my colleagues. Therefore, I managed to study this issue from both sides, and now I will share with you everything that I know myself.

Features of affiliate programs in information business

First of all, let's look at how exactly affiliate programs for information business differ from other affiliate programs. If you are not at all aware of what affiliate programs are, then this is, roughly speaking, an MLM structure when you receive a certain percentage of the money that people who come through your link pay the seller. You advertised courses somewhere, and people bought these courses for, say, 10,000 rubles based on your advertisement. As an affiliate, you receive 20-30% of this money from the seller. Different sellers have different commission sizes, but on average it is about 30%.

Affiliate programs are now used in almost all areas of business. Information business is no exception. However, there are some differences that you need to know about if you want to make money from affiliate programs in the information business.

Firstly, when advertising a particular information business, it is preferable to advertise free products. This doesn’t exist almost anywhere - we advertise something free to earn more money. But this is quite understandable. People using your affiliate link will come to the free product page and leave their email to receive this very product. The email gets into the information businessman’s database. and he has the opportunity to “touch” the potential buyer several times to offer him his different products. Thus, sales conversion increases many times over.

Secondly, sales in the information business are almost never done head-on. After subscribing, the course author needs some time to establish contact with the new subscriber and convince him of his expertise. For some it takes one day, for others two weeks. But here you must understand the main thing - you have to pay for everything. If you want to earn more money, then you have to pay with time. The longer an information businessman “warms up” his audience before sales, the better and longer they will buy later. You can inundate new subscribers with offers to buy something immediately after subscribing. And then, believe me, they will buy quickly. But not enough. Most people will immediately unsubscribe or simply stop opening the author’s newsletter after the second letter.

If we first give people a lot of very high-quality materials, then they will trust us and continue to read our letters and buy our courses for several years!

My first advice to you is When choosing an affiliate program, first sign up for the product you are going to advertise. Look at how the author sells - hard and fast, or slow and soft. From here you can already draw approximate conclusions about how much you can earn. And let’s immediately talk in more detail about making money from affiliate programs.

There are different ways to calculate the profitability of a particular affiliate program. You can calculate in the amount of money how much you earn from one referred subscriber, you can calculate it based on the average conversion of the author and the average sales receipt. But I recommend that you count the amount of money you earn from one click that you bring to the author’s subscription pages.
As an example, I’ll give a screenshot from my affiliate program:
(click on the screenshot to enlarge)

Here I filmed the results of people who recently joined my affiliate program and have not yet managed to generate many clicks. Some earned 700 rubles, others 3000 rubles. Is this a lot or a little? Until we calculate in “rubles per click,” it will be difficult to understand. And so everything becomes clear: 25 rubles. per click, 45 rub. per click, 79 rub. per click. This income must be compared with approximately how much you will pay per click to buy it.

Let's make a reservation right away - you actually make money not from affiliate programs, but from resale of traffic. To earn a lot, you need to bring in a lot of traffic. And for this you need to buy traffic, otherwise you will not gain the necessary momentum. So the question is - how much will you pay per click, say, in contextual advertising or in VKontakte targeting, and how much will you earn from the author of information products from this click? You have only two tasks: 1 - Make the business profitable, 2 - increase turnover. Then you will earn a lot.

If you buy a click in Yandex YAN, say, for 7-9 rubles. (I’m giving fairly high numbers that will give you good places in impressions and a good volume of clicks), and if you earn 30 rubles from this click, then such a business is profitable. Set up an advertisement that gives you a stable 100 clicks per day, and 2000 rubles. passive income per day is yours. Here everything is fair. Real 100% passive income. You have found a profitable affiliate program once, set up advertising once, and you don’t need to do anything else. The author sells himself, develops products himself, conducts training himself, pays taxes himself and deals with employees and accounting. If you want more money, no question, make more traffic.

This is how, by calculating income in rubles per click, we get an almost exact idea of ​​how much you can earn from a particular affiliate program in the information business. If we go back to hard/fast sales, it’s often 20-30 rubles. per click - this is their ceiling. But you get them quickly. Today we brought traffic - today we received sales. With slow/soft funnels, your income can easily reach 80-100 rubles. per click and above. But you'll have to wait a while. Whichever is closer to you, choose according to your taste.

Tip #2 - Calculate the profitability of the affiliate program not by conversions and average checks, but by the number of rubles that you can earn from each click you make. This is how you turn on business thinking. The next question is where to find the best affiliate programs in the information business?

Perhaps the fastest way to access a large selection of infobusiness affiliate programs is to go to the JustClick directory. According to my calculations, at the moment there are about 200 affiliate programs of various types. In addition, for all affiliate programs a certain rating and approximate financial indicators are indicated. Now we will learn how to work correctly with this catalogue, because “rating” is a very relative concept, and I will tell you how it is approximately calculated. Of course, the formula for rating affiliate programs is a “closed secret” and no one except the leading JustClick programmer knows exactly how this rating is calculated (that’s what the support told me), but we’ll still try to “hack the system” =)

Click on the screenshot to enlarge

For example, for today's leader of the affiliate program we have the following indicators: Conversion 0.86% (this indicates the conversion from clicks to sales, not from emails to sales).

Sales income: 1224 rub. (this is your affiliate commission from the sale, not the average check).

In total, using a calculator and knowledge of high school level mathematics, we get:

(100 clicks * 0.86% * 1224 rub.)/100 clicks = 10.5 rub. per click

This is approximately how much you will receive for each click: 10.5 rubles. The calculation formula can be simplified by removing multiplication and division by 100 clicks. The result will be the same, you can check it yourself on a calculator.

The most interesting thing is that in third place is an affiliate program with 0.62% conversion rates and 2970 rubles. sales income. And this gives us 18.4 rubles. revenue per click. Question: why is the affiliate program with such higher results only in third place? By what principle are “leaders” selected? If you scroll through the catalog below, you will find affiliate programs with even higher sales results on 3-5 pages. Just like that...

It’s good that you and I learned how to correctly determine the profitability of affiliate programs in the previous section of the article, otherwise we would have fallen for the “rating”. In fact, there is no “secret secret” in the rating formula. Applying simple logic (and knowledge of analogues in the Western market =), we come to the conclusion that there are only two more indicators that can one way or another influence the position in the ranking. The first indicator is the number of partners of this affiliate program. The second indicator is the ratio of “active” partners to the total number of partners.

“Active” affiliates are those affiliates that make clicks and sales. Their number is also indicated. But we don’t know the total number of partners (we knew before, but now Justclick has changed the entire catalog).

In order not to torment you with mathematical calculations, I’ll tell you the result right away: the first places in the ratings are those affiliate programs that have the highest percentage of active partners out of the total number of partners. This means that, firstly, the leaders of the rating are very active in motivating and recruiting new partners. Secondly, partners make quick sales. It just so happens that most people don’t want to wait. They want to quickly get sales from their traffic. If there is a delay of a week, or even three, then the partner ceases to be “active”. Look at the entire top ten leaders of the catalog, and you will see that all (!) of these affiliate programs have income fluctuating around 6-8 rubles. per click. The only exception is Oleg Goryacho’s affiliate program from 40 rubles. revenue per click. But still, he is Oleg Hot, and the owner of Justclick itself =)

If you delve into the distant pages of the rating, you can find individual “pearls” that bring partners 20-30-50 rubles. per click. The main thing is not to be fooled by the rating, but think with your head and consider the indicators. By the way, do you know why the leaders of such ratings do not slide down after their partners leave, seeing low incomes? Because such affiliate programs use the “black hole” effect. They are at the top of the ranking, and attract more and more new partners (98% of people who have not read this article will fit into the leading affiliate in the ranking). The more new partners, the greater the number of active ones. The greater the number of active ones, the higher the rating. The higher the rating, the more new partners... This is such a closed system.

Yes, and if you mention my affiliate program, at the time of writing this article it is in the “sandbox” of the directory. I only recently registered it, and therefore the system will “observe” it for some time in order to then set certain indicators.

Where to get traffic for affiliate programs in the information business?

If you want to seriously make money on affiliate programs, then the best way, of course, is to collect your subscription base. You take some broad topic (Beauty/health, how to start your own business, personal growth, etc.) and begin to collect traffic to your database. You are not selling them anything, but simply sending them the highest quality materials every week on the topic that interests them. From time to time you find a good affiliate program and invite your subscribers to buy certain products from this author. The advantages of this method are obvious - you can earn income from the same person from different affiliate programs, and for a very long time. The return on your investment increases hundreds of times.

But this is a long-term job. It will take time until you gain a sufficient number of subscribers, but you need to eat today. Therefore, I recommend that you simultaneously engage in the classic affiliate business - find high-quality affiliate programs and drive traffic to them directly - and at the same time accumulate your subscription base. A classic info business affiliate program assumes that you drive traffic to subscription pages from Direct, YAN, Display Network, Target, your pages on social networks, etc.

There are several “tricks” to working with affiliate traffic. And we will talk about one of these tricks in the next section. By the way, this “trick” may well turn an ordinary affiliate program into a real financial pyramid, with all that it implies...

Secrets, behind-the-scenes secrets, financial pyramids, scams and scams in information business affiliate programs

Here I will not tell you that some affiliate programs do not pay affiliate commissions, etc. I think you yourself understand perfectly well that you should only contact reliable partners. Let's talk to you about more subtle matters.

The trick I want to tell you about is actually not such a trick either. At least it’s definitely not a “secret” anymore. This method of driving traffic is that you start posting articles or videos with the title “such and such an author - review.” Most people, before buying this or that information product, will want to go to Google and look for what people write about this particular author. And if you put enough effort into promoting your article or video on YouTube, then a person will look at your review, and then click on the affiliate link in your article and make a purchase using it, even if the first click was “signed up” for another partner .

And this is where the fun begins. Some information businessmen base all their training courses on how to generate exactly this kind of traffic. It turns out the following system: a person takes a course in which he is told - leave a review, bring people, earn money from them. Which affiliate should I take these people to? Of course, to the affiliate program of the course author. Another person sees a positive review, buys the course, and must, in turn, bring new customers in order to earn money under this scheme. Do you know what it's called? Financial Pyramide. The author of the course receives a sea of ​​fake praise, which floods the entire Internet + a whole sea of ​​new partners. In addition, some authors begin to use very dirty tricks.

For example, the author of the course may well organize such a “competition” among the course participants - who will quickly achieve the best results in my training, I will promote the reviews of those people in all my sources. What's so bad about this? Nothing, it’s just that the course participants naturally begin to “get results” one better than the other. Someone will earn 100 thousand in an evening, and someone, lo and behold, already a million in an hour. He just listened to one introductory cast, and immediately his “brain exploded”, and he understood everything what and how to do. And here is the result - a million in one evening. The author of the course favorably accepts these reviews and begins to honestly promote them (I admit the idea that over time he himself begins to believe that he is a demigod).

Why do course participants need this? It’s simple - a lot of people will buy the author’s course precisely through their affiliate links, which are under their reviews. This is such a vicious system. And it’s completely impossible for people from the outside to figure out whether the author is giving something useful, or all his reviews are fake, and he himself can only make money if he brings a bunch more of the same gullible buyers into the author’s funnel.

It is impossible to protect yourself 100% from such pyramids, but I would recommend that, first of all, you be very suspicious of those courses that are promoted by a large number of partners through “reviews”, and under the reviews there are affiliate links. Also suspicious will be affiliate programs that sell courses through affiliate programs (but they will not necessarily be pyramids - the whole question is in the means of promotion).

In my opinion, the justclick directory, with all its shortcomings, is so far the best way to at least somehow objectively evaluate the affiliate program. You can also recall the catalog of affiliate programs of Dmitry Pecherkin and the catalog info-hit.ru. I encourage you to use the knowledge gained from this article to choose quality affiliate programs.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov