How to make money without doing anything: passive income and easy money. How to make money without doing anything How to make money you can do nothing

Probably each of us feels a natural need to live in abundance, but most do not have this abundance. Why is this happening? There are 9 main reasons behind all this.

Probably each of us feels a natural need to live in abundance, but most do not have this abundance. Many people live paycheck to paycheck and count every small bill in their wallet. Others can afford inexpensive pleasures and affordable recreation, but they also do not live the way they would like to live.

However, there are also some people who do not experience financial problems, who have a lot of money, who allow themselves everything their soul desires. At the same time, some constantly complain about the lack of money, others simply take it and do it and achieve their financial goals.

Why is this happening? There are 9 main reasons behind all this.

©Dariusz Klimczak

1. I don't do anything about it

Ask yourself, what am I doing to radically change my financial situation? You go to the same job every day, waiting for your salary to be increased, but it still doesn’t increase. Everything suits you and at the same time does not suit you. You seem to be at work, but not with money. So it turns out that there is a desire to change something, but at the same time you do nothing for it.

2. Lack of sufficient motivation

When there is no motivation, the meaning disappears and the question may arise: “Why should I do something if everything suits me as it is?” Very often a man is motivated to earn money by a woman, children, or illness. Lack of motivation allows a person not to leave his comfort zone. Motivation is important in order to move forward towards the desired result.

3. Ineffective actions

I do it, but nothing works. I want to earn a lot of money, but I work where there is none. As a result, everything I do does not bring me money.

4. Fears

Fear has one property - it holds back, fetters, prevents actions and various life changes. Many people have a fear of having a lot of money, because in their minds, big money means big problems. Or even worse, that if there is a lot of money, it may be taken away. So it turns out that we are afraid, which means we are not developing.

5. Limiting beliefs

"Money spoils a person." "I'll never be rich." “I get my money through hard work.” These are all limiting beliefs. They leave their mark on our actions and are a serious obstacle to our money. And there are quite a lot of such beliefs. Analyze everything you think about money and you will find a lot of different limiting beliefs.

6. Secondary benefits

Why is it beneficial for you to have what you have? Why is it beneficial for you not to have a lot of money? Why is it beneficial for you not to develop? In most cases, it is beneficial for a person to be in the situation in which he is and not change anything. Ask yourself, what is your benefit? And perhaps you will get a very unexpected answer for yourself, which will allow you to look at the situation from a different angle.

7. Generic scenarios

A person is part of his family system. His genes contain information about all the stories related to money that happened in his family. And often these are not only stories of wealth, but also stories of losing money. This is especially true for our country, when many people have gone through not only bankruptcy, but also dispossession, racketeering and other losses. And often descendants live the same stories of losing money as their ancestors. In systemic constellations this is called weaving.

8. Fate

The soul came to this life with a certain accumulated experience that it received in other time periods. Information about this experience is stored in our genes and in the depths of our psyche. Very often this experience is a serious reason that a person has neither money nor prosperity in this life. This is the law of cause and effect, which affects cash flow. You can work with all this and change your material well-being, it is only important to look in this direction.

9. Financial illiteracy

Ignorance of the laws of money and the laws of the market. You have money, but it doesn’t work: it’s kept for a rainy day or collected at home. As a result, instead of increasing your capital, it is at approximately the same level.

What to do?

1. Change your thinking and change your attitude towards money.
2. Start taking active steps.
3. Become financially literate.


Take a sheet of paper and mark it into two columns. On the left, write everything you do to change your financial situation. On the right, write down everything you don't do. Which column had more? If on the left, then ask yourself the question: “What am I doing wrong?”

If you are making a lot of efforts to change your financial situation, but there is no result, then you need to look at what limitations you have in your family and in the karmic experience of the soul. If there is more on the right, then change your strategy in relation to money and you will definitely succeed.

80% of all problems are in the person himself and only 20% have deeper ancestral and karmic causes.published

© Oleg Astapenkov

There is so much information about making money on the Internet, but even after studying useful articles, not everyone manages to become richer. Why?

Firstly, because big income requires serious effort. Secondly, many methods require starting capital. Thirdly, some people want to get rich without doing anything at all.

How to make money from nothing - we have collected the TOP 15 best ways to get rich from scratch on this page. We are sure that at least one of these options will definitely suit you.

First, we’ll look at methods of earning money that don’t require investment and allow you to quickly raise money, and then we’ll present options for the laziest.

Money from nothing is real

Many beginners believe in the common misconception that all methods of making money online require investment. This is not true, you can also start from scratch and there are many directions available.

It’s also possible to get a lot of money out of nothing, it all depends on what exactly you do and how actively you are willing to work. Among the most successful options, we highlight:

  1. Sale of intellectual property

The human brain is the best generator of smart thoughts and fresh ideas. Even they can be sold if you learn to think in the right direction.

Smart entrepreneurs and wealthy investors are ready to pay for something unique, unusual and interesting, from a business idea to a slogan for the company.

A huge number of resources have been created on the foreign Internet where people sell their intellectual property. Runet lags behind in this regard, but even here it makes sense to offer your options in order to hope for a generous reward.

You can try to find buyers through forums, but it is better to use special services:

Unfortunately, there are no sites where you pay for every thought or idea. To get money, you will have to be creative and offer a lot of options, in the hope that at least one of them will interest customers.

Services in this regard ensure honesty, since in order to add an order, you must first transfer the reward amount.

  1. Sale of goods of own production

Come up with a fresh idea to create zero-cost products. Many people managed to get rich using this scheme. Naturally, they traveled at the expense of their own creativity.

A striking example was demonstrated by the owner of a website who launched a one-page website and offered to buy each pixel for $1. His idea turned out to be successful; within a few months the project gained enormous popularity and brought the developer a million.

Some entrepreneurs make money out of thin air by selling oxygen in bags and cans.

Some people talk about its healing properties, some collect gas from the Alpine mountains, and some manage to sell air from star concerts. The idea seems absurd, but this is precisely its peculiarity.

Think about what kind of souvenirs you could create at virtually no cost. Use auctions more actively, they value exclusives more. It's funny, but even the gum that Britney Spears chewed went under the hammer for several thousand dollars.

  1. Mediation

Why search for products, create them or buy them, when you can conduct transactions between sellers and buyers, earning a commission.

Such a business has been popular at all times and remains profitable even in real life. For example, realtors take a percentage of the transaction, without personally participating in it.

It is much easier to become an intermediary via the Internet, since many affiliate programs have been launched and it is more convenient to find buyers. To receive normal royalties, you need to choose niches where large sums are circulating:

  • insurance;
  • loans;
  • financial exchanges;
  • wholesale;
  • transport services;
  • medical mediator;
  • tourism.

Decide for yourself how you will advertise. To make a normal markup, you will have to find a really profitable offer. And then make every effort to ensure that people contact you, and not directly to the manufacturer or company.

  1. Resale of any valuables

It is clear that the most popular scheme for making money out of nothing is to sell something from your property. If you have something valuable, you can start a whole business with it and receive a stable income.

What is it about? It all depends on how much starting capital you can provide yourself.

The idea is painfully simple: you need to sell something, then buy something similar at an attractive price, sell it again and continue these actions, taking part of the money for yourself. The most important thing is to always leave an amount for turnover.

This is exactly what car dealers do. They buy one car and immediately sell it for more. They take part of the money for their living, and the rest is again invested in the purchase of the next vehicle.

Choose products that you are well versed in, otherwise you will not be able to correctly assess their real value. Anything is suitable for this type of business: coins, paintings, mobile devices, laptops and even real estate.

  1. Computer online games

Millions of people spend time on this popular entertainment. Few people think about how much money can be made from such a hobby. Moreover, it is not necessary to be open to the gameplay.

On New Year's Eve 2018, a billion is being drawn in the Russian lotto. A lot of tickets have already been sold, the chances of winning are small, but if you win, you get money literally out of thin air.

Here's how to make a lot of money without doing anything. Yes, some simple steps will still need to be completed, but purchasing a lottery ticket or concluding an agreement to rent out real estate can be ignored, because the goal will still be achieved.

Who does nothing at work and receives a salary. At first glance, it’s a dream job, but in reality, not everything is so sweet.

Dmitry Sharov

Collect debts

“Last month I put 150 R on my colleague’s phone - now it’s inconvenient to remind him about small things. Max owes 400 R for a cocktail at a bar - someday he will pay for me too. My wife’s sister borrowed 10,000 RUR - she is in a difficult situation now, it’s better not to rush.”

Relationships are spoiled not by reasonable questions, but by understatement: you can be offended by a person because of a debt, but he simply does not remember what he borrowed.


Bank deposits protect savings from inflation and spontaneous purchases. You can open an account not only with a large sum: banks offer replenishable deposits with an initial investment of 1000 RUR.


When bank deposits have been used up and there is an amount close to RUR 50,000 in the account, you can move on to the next level. Experienced people invest in stocks, bonds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Shares give the right to a share of the company and its income. Security holders receive dividends from the company's profits. If shares grow, they sell them at an attractive price.

ETFs are collective investments. The management company pools investors' money and creates a common portfolio. At the end of the period, investors receive a profit.


The main resource we sell is time. This is the main ceiling we hit when trying to earn more. You can solve the problem with the help of hired employees: they will do the work that you cannot do and receive a portion of the fee.

Rent out real estate

This is not only for the lucky owners of a free apartment. You can rent a separate room. In this case, choose your roommate carefully: the inconvenience is not worth the rental income.

A barn or garage can generate passive income if you clear it of junk and find a client. In megacities, even garden beds are rented out for farming. Such a project in Moscow is called “Public Garden”. You can make money on anything if you are smart.

Sell ​​what you don't need

“To sell something you don’t need, you first need to buy something you don’t need.” If you have already purchased what you don’t need, then get rid of the junk. This category includes everything that you do not use during the year. It’s difficult to part with a camera and a tea set, but be honest - you don’t need it and the children are unlikely to need it.

It would be cool to get a job where you don’t have to do anything. By the way, this dream is not as utopian as it might seem. But if you are too lazy to even Google, we have compiled a list of jobs for the lazy here especially for you.

Bill Gates once said that he would hire someone lazier to do a difficult job because he would find the easiest way to do it. But he somehow got excited, a truly lazy person will not take on such work at all, because he is lazy.

And we are more than sure that when you are surrounded by deadlines on all sides, clients are tearing you into many pieces, and suppliers are attacking you with calls and emails, you just dream of a job where all this will not happen. And there will be only peace and quiet, and the list of your job responsibilities will fluctuate somewhere between the bare minimum and absolute nothing. By the way, did anyone tell you that nothing is impossible? True true. Here is a list of jobs for the lazy as proof.

1. Computer game tester

Here it is, the ideal job for those who are forced to find time and hide from the boss in order to complete the next level of their favorite game right in the office. That's it, you can no longer hide, but turn your hobby (which at your current job is called idleness) into a profession. A game tester should simply go through them from beginning to end, record all the problems that arise and (attention, the most time-consuming part!) write a report. That is, in addition to a passion for games, you also need to have the ability to express yourself more or less clearly.

2. Announcer at exhibitions

Here success is hidden behind the backs of visitors. If they are careless onlookers, then every three minutes you will have to make announcements about lost wallets, phones and children. Well, don’t choose too many entertainment events - you’ll talk nonsense. And if you find the right exhibition, then everything will be limited to reading 5-10 advertisements; you can devote the rest of the time to yourself or to the exhibits of the exhibition. Knowing English will significantly increase your chances of getting this job. Well, yes, clear speech is required.

We're not sure you'll be hired for this position unless you're a white-haired grandma. But you can, if necessary, disguise yourself. Choose a quieter museum, where people don’t go in crowds and where they don’t try to steal the Mona Lisa - this will ensure you have the most lazy time possible. It will be necessary to maintain order and ensure that no one steals the masterpieces or pours some nasty stuff on them. And occasionally yap at loud-talking art lovers. Considering that most of them have already been well trained by your predecessors so that they will not allow themselves anything extra, the work does not promise any special worries.

4. Viewer in the studio

There are not too many people left who want to portray the audience in some TV show and fall under the hot hand of Elena Malysheva’s medical experiments for nothing. And the hall needs to be filled with someone, otherwise what is a talk show without a hooting audience? Therefore, TV channels are ready to splurge a little on modest fees for viewers. So, put your feet up, put on a nicer suit (after all, you’re planning on television), and run to filming. By the way, career growth is also provided for - you can then become a participant in television games. Just keep in mind that after 20 minutes under the spotlights, your face begins to burn like a pancake in a frying pan, and you begin to drench yourself in impressive amounts of sweat.

5. Professional sleeper

There are plenty of options to sleep for money in the most literal and innocent sense, that is, without devoting yourself to an ancient profession. You can, for example, get a job as a tester of beds or pajamas in some store or factory. From time to time, art galleries post vacancies for living art objects to sleep in public for a reasonable fee. Well, if you are too lazy to bother with searching, just get a job as a concierge in some quiet entrance, you can also doze off from time to time (most of the time, to be honest).

6. Expert

For most of your life, you probably kept your desire to do nothing in check, and kept yourself under tight control, and, stepping on the throat of your own laziness, forced yourself to work. If everything was exactly there, congratulations! Now is the time to relax and get pleasure and money for advice in the area in which you have gained knowledge and solid experience.

7. Surf instructor

If of all your body parts the brain is the most lazy, why don’t you dedicate yourself to this profession? Well, yes, for this you will first have to surf yourself. But it may even be pleasant. Once you master it, you can start teaching seal-shaped office workers the basics of surfing. By the way, the instructor doesn’t have to physically strain himself, just go knee-deep into the water and yell at your students to your heart’s content. So that after work you can completely indulge in laziness both in soul and body, it is better to apply to be an instructor in some warm country.

8. Model

You sit and they paint you, you stand and they paint you, you lie down and they paint you again. The main thing is not to move. Isn't this happiness for someone who doesn't want to do anything? By the way, if you decide to pose naked, your income will increase significantly. And if your laziness already exceeds the size of the globe, pose only while lying down.

Somehow overcoming the laziness that overwhelms you, you read all of the above and realized that this is not for you. You will still have to make some bodily movements... Then just lie down by the door, prop it up with your mortal body and hold it open, you will be a lying butler. There are speed bumps. And at night, roll over to the other side and press down the door so that it does not open, and now you are a guard. Listen, you are now a multifunctional worker, you need to demand twice as much money. All that remains is to hire a special person to find someone who will pay you for such work and hope that the person you hire will be less lazy than you.

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