Pie business plan. How to make money by making and selling homemade pies

Pirozhkova as a business has a good chance of becoming a successful and fairly profitable enterprise. Pies have always enjoyed special love in Russia. There are many dough recipes. The pies have different fillings, shapes and sizes. Some people love pies “out of the heat, out of the heat.” Others prefer cooled baked goods. Few people can deny themselves the pleasure of eating hot pies, but not everyone has the time or desire to prepare them.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

Description of the business idea

Where to start organizing your own business? The first thing that needs to be done is to study the state of the market in the opening region and draw up a detailed business plan for the pie shop. Which will describe in detail the stages of opening, take into account all aspects and nuances, and also include financial calculations.
The main pitfall for such an enterprise is the high level of competition. Therefore, based on the data obtained on supply and demand, you should choose a direction of activity: traditional, national, homemade baked goods, cafe, kiosk, etc.

And only after this can you begin to register the enterprise, search for the most successful location, purchase equipment for the pie shop, and recruit personnel.

According to experts, a pie business pays off within 8-10 months, and in the future brings a stable income to the owner.

Enterprise registration

You can register an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The most convenient form of taxation for such establishments is UTII. To open a pie shop, you must obtain permits from the SES, firefighters, local administration and Rospotrebnadzor.

Choosing a room for a pie shop

An enterprise whose main activity will be the production of pies can be located on the outskirts of the city, where the rent for premises is lower than in the center. But in this case, it is necessary to take care of the costs associated with delivering products to points of sale.

If you plan to make and sell pies, then it is better to overpay, but rent a room in a place with good traffic. To sell fried and baked pies on the street, an entrepreneur will have to buy a special pie machine.

A separate point is the area of ​​the production workshop or trade pavilion. Different services have specific requirements for room size. It must be equipped with good ventilation, have a connection to water supply, sewerage and electricity. It is necessary to conclude a waste removal agreement with the relevant services.

Equipment selection

Pie machine AZP-800

The key to high quality products is good equipment. Having special refrigerators, dough mixers, ovens and deep fryers, an entrepreneur can count on a minimum amount of illiquid stock and write-offs. But different types of establishments will require different devices.

Buying equipment for a pie business is not difficult. The market offers a wide range of devices, the price of which depends on the manufacturer, set of functions, build quality and configuration.

You can save money by buying used machines or stoves, after checking their condition first.


A delicious production will require skilled and experienced bakers, an accountant, a salesperson, a driver and a worker. Employees are paid depending on the level of wages in the region and the wishes of the owner, but not less than the minimum wage.

Purchasing ingredients

Agreements with suppliers of products for the production workshop should be concluded in advance. It is necessary to ensure uninterrupted replenishment of butter, flour, yeast, milk and ingredients for preparing the filling.

It is important to know! Despite the fact that when purchasing a wholesale batch of goods, entrepreneurs are offered good discounts, they should remember that products tend to deteriorate quickly.

Advertising and promotion

Advertising costs should be included in any business plan. Moreover, you should not skimp on introducing potential customers to a new outlet selling delicious pies. Advertisements in the media, social networks, online forums, leaflets, business cards - there should be a lot of all this, especially at the opening stage. In the process of advertising, the company will be based on the quality of the finished product.

A detailed description of how to open a pie shop from scratch should also include financial calculations, on the basis of which the entrepreneur can draw a conclusion about the expected volume of investment at the opening stage and monthly expenses.

The bulk of the money will be spent on buying a pie oven and additional equipment, the configuration of which depends on the type of establishment. You can sell pies in a cafe or kiosk. Some entrepreneurs simply install small storefronts in large shopping centers.

Kiosk selling hot cakes

Let's try to calculate whether it is profitable to invest money in organizing a kiosk?

The kiosk can be equipped with an AZhZP-M pie machine, designed for the production of fried pies with various fillings. The advantages of such equipment are compactness, high performance, build quality and relatively low cost. You can buy a pie machine AZZP-M for 450,000 rubles. (Price with VAT).

To set up a kiosk you will also need a small mobile display case, a qualified baker and a small start-up capital.

Costs associated with opening an establishment:

  • premises rental – from RUB 20,000. per month;
  • showcase + additional equipment – ​​from RUB 200,000;
  • advertising – from 20,000 rubles;
  • wage fund - from 50,000 rubles. per month;
  • ingredients – from 60,000 rub. per month.

The total amount will be 350,000 rubles.

The equipment set for the kiosk includes a microwave oven and a coffee machine. If you plan to sell drinks, you need to install a refrigerator.

In order to calculate the possible profit, you need to know how many customers visit the outlet on average daily and the average check of the establishment. At a well-located kiosk, about 100 purchases are made during the day, and the average check is 70 rubles. Revenue per month will be 210,000 rubles. Monthly costs – 130,000 rubles. Net profit will be about 80,000 rubles. The initial investment will pay off in 9-12 months.

Profitability of a pie cafe

Opening a cafe will cost an entrepreneur a tidy sum. But with a well-drafted business plan and a well-chosen location, a cafe can be considered perhaps the most profitable and promising direction in this field of activity.

A pirozhkovaya cafe is a catering establishment where you can buy hot pies to take away and sit with a cup of tea or coffee. For visitors, 3-4 tables are set up in the room, and the products are baked from frozen ingredients.

Opening costs:

  • premises rental (40 m2) – from RUB 30,000;
  • repairs - from 50,000 rubles;
  • raw materials - from 80,000 rubles;
  • salary for 2 sellers and bakers – from 40,000 rubles;
  • advertising – from 20,000 rubles.

The main costs are associated with the purchase of equipment:

  • convection ovens for pie - from 120,000 rubles;
  • freezing unit - from RUB 30,000;
  • proofing cabinet – from RUB 35,000;
  • thermal display – from RUB 25,000.

The price of equipment for a cafe-style pie shop will be 210,000 rubles. But we must not forget about additional devices, without which the establishment will not be able to operate:

  • bar counter (module) – from 20,000 rubles;
  • coffee machine and kettle – from 18,000 rubles;
  • Microwave ovens – from 5,000 rubles;
  • tables and chairs (4 sets) – from 10,000 rubles;
  • refrigerator for soft drinks – from 12,000 rubles;
  • dishes and other equipment – ​​from 10,000 rubles.

Total amount: 75,000 rub.

An entrepreneur must spend about 295,000 rubles to purchase equipment. and another 70,000 for advertising and repairs. The total amount of starting investment will be 365,000 rubles.

Monthly costs – from 150,000 rubles, excluding transport costs.

On average, such establishments are visited by 120 people per day. The average check is 100 rubles. Revenue per day - 12,000 rubles, and 360,000 rubles. per month. Net profit – 210,000 rubles. per month. The investment will pay off in 2-4 months.

Franchise business

If a newcomer does not have enough money or is not confident that he can organize a successful business, then the best solution would be to open a pie shop under the franchise of a well-known brand. Having contributed a small amount and selected premises for the cafe, the entrepreneur will receive, along with his name, a full set of equipment, and will undergo a training course together with the staff. And most importantly, the newcomer will be advised on issues related to business development and will be provided with all possible support throughout the entire period of cooperation.

A business selling pies can be an excellent option for those who would like to open their own business in the catering industry. Having a clear business plan and a little finance to implement it is quite possible to achieve success.

Market analysis

Now the market is represented by a huge number of fast food establishments. Accordingly, a high level of competition is created. Therefore, it is important to study supply and demand, and then choose the format of your enterprise and the technology for preparing pies:

  • kiosk (the production of pies itself can be carried out at home);
  • mini-cafe (using semi-finished products, there are 3-4 tables in the room);
  • bakery with a sales area (it is possible to produce a wide range of types of baked goods);
  • department for selling pies in a shopping center.

Pirozhkova as a business has been known for a long time and is a fairly profitable enterprise. There are a considerable number of different dough recipes, a wide range of fillings and product shapes to suit every taste.

Registration and organization of business

To operate an enterprise selling pies, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities, which include:

  • registration of an enterprise with the legal form of LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • concluding a lease agreement for premises used for the production and sale of pies;
  • obtaining a certificate of registration of an enterprise;
  • obtaining permission to open an enterprise from the SES in compliance with all requirements;
  • checking the premises and obtaining permission from the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • concluding an agreement for waste removal with an organization engaged in this type of activity.

At enterprises that sell food and catering products, personnel must periodically undergo a medical examination and obtain a health certificate.

The premises and its location

The right location is very important when opening, and the successful location of the premises affects attendance. For successful trade, the pie shop must be located in places where consumers gather or in a transport center to ensure the sale of products in sufficient volumes.

All other things being equal, an enterprise organized to provide more services has advantages and is able to generate more income. The presence of tables for visitors can significantly improve the level of service and expand the range of products offered.

More often, regular customers are schoolchildren, students and office workers who visit pirozhki during their lunch break.

Therefore, it is important that the catering establishment is located within a 5-10 minute walk from educational institutions and organizations.

Equipment and facilities

There are major costs associated with purchasing good technological equipment. The quality of manufactured products will directly depend on the correct operation of the equipment, so you should take a serious approach to its selection.

Buying equipment today is not difficult. The market has a large selection of devices, the prices of which vary and depend on the brand, configuration and functionality. You can also save money if you buy used equipment, and you should carefully check its technical condition.

The composition of the necessary units for production will depend on the chosen format of the establishment.

But the mandatory equipment of any type of enterprise for baking pies will be:

  • oven or convection oven - for the baking itself;
  • refrigerator or freezer;
  • microwave oven, kettle, coffee machine;
  • cutlery.

If you plan to open a mini-cafe or bakery, you will need additional equipment:

  • proofing cabinet;
  • cabinet for defrosting semi-finished products;
  • kitchen utensils (trays, baking trays);
  • dough mixer;
  • thermal display cases, counters;
  • tables, chairs.

It is also possible to purchase a pie machine, which allows you to automate the entire technological process - from loading dough and filling to dispensing finished baked goods. Such equipment is quite expensive and the price starts from 200 thousand rubles. But you should understand that to prepare baked goods in such a device you will need to purchase separate components that are cheaper than semi-finished products. Accordingly, the cost of purchasing raw materials will decrease, and the cost of production will decrease, which will allow you to receive additional income.

Menu and purchases

When organizing the work of a pie shop, an important role is played by the range of products sold and the list of services offered to customers. First of all, you need to decide on the type of baked goods, as well as select the filling that is in demand among consumers.

For the filling you can use various raw materials and produce pies:

  • with potatoes;
  • with cabbage;
  • with apples;
  • with meat and rice;
  • with fish;
  • with cottage cheese;
  • jam;
  • with potatoes and mushrooms.

Raw materials must be purchased in wholesale trade, ensuring conditions for storage in a warehouse, and observing temperature and humidity conditions.

To optimize the range and volume of products, a certain time is required, depending on the following factors, which will determine the success of an organized enterprise:

  • consumer demand for manufactured products;
  • level of customer service;
  • carrying out an advertising campaign.

When using full-cycle production technology, making pies requires a special room and appropriate ingredients:

  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • eggs;
  • raw materials for filling;
  • yeast;
  • milk;
  • butter;
  • salt, sugar.

To comply with production technology, a product card is developed, which indicates the output of the finished product and the volume of raw materials used to prepare one product.

A plan for the production of finished products is drawn up and a calculation is made of the necessary products for working one shift for a week or a month.

To expand the range of products offered, products from other manufacturers (various baked goods, pastries, cakes, sandwiches) and drinks (tea, coffee, juices, milkshakes) can be sold, which will allow you to receive additional income.

Price policy

The mistake of most entrepreneurs is to set high prices for products sold, using maximum markups. This, ultimately, prevents the formation of permanent groups of buyers who consume the products of fast food and retail enterprises.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to sell products with a minimum markup and gradually, after a certain time, increase the level of markups to the average.


Particular attention should be paid to the selection of qualified personnel. Specialists must be familiar with product production technology, have practical skills and work experience.

At first, an entrepreneur can perform any functions himself, but it is better to entrust the baking production process itself to a professional chef, because the status of the establishment will depend on the quality of the pies. It is clear that when starting a business you will need a minimum composition:

  • cook (baker);
  • salesman.

For a mini-cafe and bakery, loaders and a cleaner will also be needed. As sales volumes and manufactured products increase, it will be possible to increase the number of staff members and hire an administrator who will monitor the situation in the hall, the supply of products and solve other organizational issues.


For the successful operation of an enterprise, it is imperative to carry out an advertising campaign. Advertising should inform the population about the opening of a new establishment and its operating hours, attract buyers and familiarize them with the range of products produced and sold.

  • television and radio broadcasting, Internet;
  • printed materials (newspapers, magazines, booklets, leaflets);
  • advertising posters and stands;
  • advertising in public transport.

Financial component of business

Let's look at the financial component of a pie shop using the example of a small bakery. To open an enterprise you will need to make investments, which consist of:

  1. One-time payments.
  2. Monthly expenses.

Cost of opening and maintaining

One-time payments include:

  • purchase of technological equipment for the production of pies;
  • purchasing equipment to equip the sales area;
  • purchase of equipment for storing raw materials and finished products;
  • costs of repairing the premises;
  • installation of alarm systems.

Costs required to purchase equipment:

  • furnaces for production - from 120,000 rubles;
  • freezer – from RUB 30,000;
  • proofing cabinet - from RUB 30,000;
  • coffee machine – from 10,000 rubles;
  • thermal display – from 20,000 rubles;
  • Microwave oven – from 5,000 rubles.

Total: from 215,000 rub.

List of one-time additional costs:

  • registration costs – from 10,000 rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 60,000 rubles;
  • furniture for the trading floor and household premises - from 30,000 rubles;
  • dishes, equipment – ​​from 25,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 15,000 rub.

Total: from 140,000 rub.

Monthly costs consist of:

  • rent - from 20,000 rubles;
  • payment of taxes and other payments - from 40,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries – from 150,000 rubles;
  • cost of purchasing raw materials – from 100,000 rubles;
  • utility bills - 20,000 rubles.

Total: from 330,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The cost of pies, depending on the filling, ranges from 30 to 50 rubles, and daily sales range from 300 to 1000 pieces. Average daily revenue with minimum sales is 40 rubles. * 300 pieces = 12,000 rubles, and the maximum is 40 rubles. * 1000 pcs. = 40,000 rub. Monthly revenue with minimum sales is 12,000*30 days = 360,000 rubles, and maximum sales is 40,000 rubles. * 30= 1,200,000 rub.

To organize a profitable pirozhki operation, it is necessary to sell an average of 400 pies per day within a month, which will be 40 rubles * 400 pcs. * 30 days = 480,000 rubles, which will allow you to have a profit of 480,000 rubles - 330,000 rubles. = 150,000 rub. Part of this profit will be used to pay off one-time costs, which will be repaid within 8 months.

Selling hot pies and other baked goods can be a very profitable business. As in any business, it is important to have initial capital and seriously approach the study of organizational issues and nuances. The desired profit will not take long to arrive, because the demand for products exists almost all year round.

Many women think that become a business lady It is possible only with large initial capital, influential acquaintances and serious experience in entrepreneurial activity. However, this is not at all true. You can make money from anything: cooking, knitting, embroidery, etc. The home-based pies business is especially popular. This idea will always be relevant, since people of all ages willingly buy fresh baked goods.

Where to begin?

So, where to start a “sweet” business selling pies? Most likely, if you are thinking about such an idea, then you are familiar with making sweets firsthand. However, even if you are sure that you are a professional in cooking, watching a couple of master classes or reading new recipes on the Internet will not hurt anyone. By the way, it should be noted that pies can be baked and fried. It’s up to you to choose what to do, but it’s best to experiment and see which product people will be more willing to buy.

If sales go fast enough, you can even purchase a special machine for making baked goods. In addition, the fillings for pies can also be very diverse. The most popular are baked goods with cherries, apples, currants, meat, cabbage and potatoes. Make these products in the largest quantities. Of course, there is no need to remind you that all goods must be made from fresh products, look appetizing and be varied.

If you want to open your own production of making pies, then you will need a separate workshop, hired employees and registration of legal activities. The costs of such a business will be much higher, but the profit will be correspondingly several times higher.

You can meetfree courses on real estate and earnings. You will be able to findideas that will help you realize yourself in business.

Sales of products

Many women who decide to start a business making pies are interested in what documents are needed for such an activity. If you want to trade on the street, then at least you need register an individual entrepreneur for your peace of mind. In addition, the seller must have a medical record. It's another matter if you plan to rent premises for trade. In this case, you will still need to obtain permits from the SES and State Fire Inspectorate.

The standard package for an entrepreneur also includes an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a letter about the assignment of statistical codes, notifications about registration with extra-budgetary funds and a notice about the transition to one of the tax regimes. Opening a bakery will require collecting:

  • texts of standards and sanitary and hygienic requirements for manufactured products (provided for by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 554);
  • technological maps for the production of each type of baked goods with justification of the shelf life;
  • production control programs (clause 2.5 of section II of SanPin;
  • notification of the opening of a bakery (form in Russian Government Decree 584).

ATTENTION! The development of internal documents does not relieve the bakery owner from the need to actually analyze the finished product. During the inspection, SES representatives request sample evaluation protocols.

How to open a pie shop without getting burned: detailed instructions

Valid for all types of activities listed in paragraph No. 2 of Article 246.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The amount depends on the basic income and current coefficients, federal and regional.

OSNO is more profitable, but more troublesome than USN. Patent system Available only for individual entrepreneurs. Allows you to purchase for a certain amount the right to conduct commercial activities for a period of 1 month to 1 year.

Exempts from filing declarations with the Federal Tax Service. Practice shows that it is most convenient to work with the simplified tax system. A simplified system allows you to seriously save on tax payments and get rid of unnecessary paperwork.

However, everyone is free to choose for themselves. Registration and preparation of documents
  1. To open a pie shop, you will first need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Pie business plan

In general, for all manufacturers there is a small list of the most interesting information about the supplier and his product:

  1. Product prices.
  2. Possibility of free delivery.
  3. Product quality.
  4. The time frame within which the goods will be delivered.
  5. Conditions for storing goods.
  6. Possibility of installments.

Remember that it is you who bake and sell dishes from these raw materials, so it would be useful to check the availability and authenticity of documents for this purchased product from the supplier every time. Also, you shouldn’t stick to just one person; new businesses are constantly opening with more favorable conditions and offers.

Buying the necessary equipment Standard preparation of pies and related baked goods at home does not require many special equipment and devices.

Business selling pies: how to open

Business ideas - Food Contents

  • Features of starting a business
    • Documentation
    • Location of the point of sale of pies
    • Advertising and equipment
    • Recruitment
    • Requirements for the purchase of raw materials
  • Calculation of expenses and profits

collapse Pies are in demand all year round. Different shapes, fillings, and doughs beckon you to try them. Not everyone has the time or desire to cook, so a pies business can become a successful business.

How to open a pie shop from scratch with minimal investment and still get high profits? Features of starting a business First, find out the state of the market and draw up a business plan. Write down all the stages, aspects of opening, finances. Be aware of high competition.

You can seek advice from an established businessman.

Street vending (hot cakes)


So how much money do you need to invest to open a home baking business? Firstly, you should take care of production certification. To do this, you need to obtain a special certificate for the production of certain products and specialized equipment.

After receiving all the papers, you can think about the assortment. It’s better if there are several different types of baked goods: pies with several types of fillings, muffins, gingerbreads and something else.

Where to sell homemade pies You need to take care of the place where you sell your products. One of the most important factors is the weather. For example, if there is no stationary point of sale, you will have to sell the products on your own feet, and on a rainy day this is not entirely convenient.
Another important factor is assortment. In order to have a sufficient number of customers, it is necessary to offer a variety of types of baked goods so that everyone can find something to their liking.

Business idea: selling homemade pies

We purchase raw materials for production Undoubtedly, the production of pies is a fairly easy matter, and the list of ingredients necessary for preparing this dish is not a special secret to anyone; it is much more important to find out where it is best to purchase the necessary raw materials. Mass production in any case involves communication and cooperation with wholesale suppliers, and this raises the issue of profit and trust. When trying to find a good supplier, be sure to look at the reviews of others on their services. Of course, in some cases it is better to choose an offer from a little-known company, but with pleasant and favorable conditions.

Business idea No. 125: Is it difficult to open a pie shop from scratch?

You can make money on everything, cash flows are all around us, you just need to think, calculate and make an effort - and the money will flow to you. One of my friends bakes gingerbread, paints them and sells them. And who would have thought - in December she collected orders for these same gingerbread cookies + participated in the New Year's fair, and her income amounted to 120,000 rubles. Very, very good. So go for it, everything can work out with pies too, the main thing is desire and a creative approach! the author of the question chose this answer as the best. Many people make money this way.

For example, one woman often comes to us who sells pies; this is the only way her pies are sold; you can also go to organizations and sell pies. If you have your own potatoes and cabbage from your own garden, then selling pies will be profitable.

Is it possible to make money by baking and selling pies?

This includes:

  • stoves - $2,000;
  • freezers - $400;
  • proofing cabinet - $500;
  • coffee machine, kettle - $300;
  • thermal showcase - $300-400;
  • Microwave oven - $70;

In addition, you will also have to incur the following expenses:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur (LLC) - $700–800;
  • rental of premises for production - $1,000;
  • raw materials - $2,000;
  • repair - $700;
  • advertising - $300–400;
  • furniture (tables, chairs) - $120;
  • dishes, other equipment - $100-120.

Remember to pay utility bills and pay salaries to staff. The profitability of such an enterprise is up to 50%.

Having successfully chosen a place, it is quite possible to sell more than 300 pies per day. The markup is 30%. The pie business will pay off in one and a half to two years.


You will also have to purchase furniture: the list of calculations should include either chairs, tables, a counter and various shelving with cabinets for a cafe, or small tables, if possible, for a kiosk. It's definitely worth putting up trash cans. In addition, not only pies will be sold in the establishment, therefore, as a normal business project in this area, a pie shop will require the purchase of a coffee machine and a kettle for preparing warm drinks.

Separate display refrigerators should be installed for ready-made drinks in bottles and cans. Video: business plan for the production of pies. We calculate the profitability of the project In order to open a pie shop from scratch, of course, you need some money. But are the costs worth the benefits? To understand how profitable an idea a project for trading pies is, it is worth considering its costs and income.

What documents and permits are needed for selling pies?

Then drain the juice, we don't need it. 2 Roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 0.3 centimeters and cut into rectangles. Place a cherry on each rectangle. Sprinkle starch on top of the cherries (0.5 spoon). Make a pie. 3 Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the pies. Place in the oven for twenty minutes. Bake until golden brown at 180 degrees.

Please note: This amount of ingredients will make eight pies. Instead of cherries, you can take any other berry if you wish.

Berries can be either frozen or fresh. Pies are one of the oldest dishes in Russian cuisine, which has been treated to dear guests since time immemorial. Today they are also popular, because such a treat is useful in any situation, be it a family breakfast, a simple snack or an outing.

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
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Your own business: hot pies to go

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The grocery delivery market has only recently begun to actively develop in our country. Many pizza and sushi manufacturers offer their customers to purchase a portion of their favorite food without leaving their home or office. In terms of the number of offerings, bakeries are still inferior to manufacturers of Japanese and Italian dishes, but meanwhile, who doesn’t love aromatic hot pies?

There are several reasons for starting your own business making and delivering pies. Firstly, competition in this segment in the regions is still small. Residents of the capital have already learned the beauty of pies delivered to their homes, and the provinces are just beginning to provide such a service. Secondly, the popularity of the product among the population. Few housewives find the time and energy to bake a pie, especially from yeast dough, and almost no one will refuse to eat a pie. Hot pie is ordered for a family feast, for a party, for a corporate event, and just for an ordinary everyday meal. Thirdly, food delivery, according to experts, will become an increasingly popular service in the near future, because a modern city dweller will soon not have enough time not only to prepare food, but also to buy it in the store. Instead of wasting several hours on the road, standing in traffic jams, queues in stores, it is easier to make a choice on the website or from an advertising brochure, call and wait for the order.

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The first step to starting a cake business is opening your own bakery. The premises should be located in such a place that it is convenient to get to any point in the city. If you rent a room in the center, then, on the one hand, the rent will be higher, on the other hand, people who feel sorry for spending money on delivery will come for pies. There should be parking near the premises so as not to carry boxes of pies over long distances. The bakery premises should not be located in the basement. It is advisable to open production in a non-residential building. The bakery does not need a large area; 30 square meters will be enough. In the south of Russia and in the middle zone, rent will range from 500 to 1000 rubles per square meter.

To open a food production facility, you must obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which is given based on the design of the premises. For the creation of a production facility project, design organizations ask on average about 2 thousand rubles per square meter. The services of a legal company to help obtain a permit will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. It is necessary to submit to Rospotrebnadzor a voluminous package of documents, including a lease agreement for the premises, a technological design for the facility or a copy of the design conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, a certificate of state registration of the enterprise, a certificate of registration with the tax authority, an extract from the unified register of legal entities, an information letter on statistics codes , a copy of the BTI plan with explication, an assortment list of manufactured products, a project for the redevelopment of the premises, agreed upon with Rospotrebnadzor (if the redevelopment was carried out), a production control plan, copies of contracts for disinfestation and deratization, a copy of the contract for the removal of solid waste, a copy of the contract with the medical center for medical examinations of employees, personal medical records of employees, passports for ventilation and air conditioning systems, copies of contracts for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems, a log of disinfectants.

The bakery premises must have hot and cold water, sewerage, ventilation, raw material storage, and a toilet. It is recommended to cover the walls with tiles.

An electric oven, which can accommodate 6-8 pies, costs from 40 thousand rubles. A small dough mixing machine with a capacity of 20 liters will cost 20 thousand rubles. An oven for frying the filling costs 5-10 thousand rubles. Refrigerator – from 30 thousand rubles. Libra - from 7 thousand rubles.

Furniture for a bakery will cost another 30-40 thousand rubles. It wouldn’t hurt to install a counter, as it would be more convenient for some customers not to spend money on delivery fees, but to pick up the order themselves.

For transport, it is better to use a car with minimal fuel consumption. The courier must be provided with a pair of thermal bags costing from 800 rubles each.

Clients must bring a receipt. Firstly, this is required by law. Secondly, selling food products without documents causes distrust among the buyer, since if the food turns out to be of poor quality, the buyer will not be able to make a claim. Purchasing and registering a cash register will cost 10 thousand rubles. The fine for a one-time failure to provide a cash receipt is 4 thousand rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

Having decided on the list of products, you need to take care of creating a convenient website for customers. The website should contain high-quality photographs of pies, information about the ingredients, weight, size, price, delivery cost (150-200 rubles), the minimum amount at which the products are delivered free of charge (600-800 rubles), order fulfillment time. Orders are usually taken over the phone, but you can allow customers to order through a website, in which case someone must constantly monitor the availability of orders. The creation of a website can be entrusted to a web studio (30-40 thousand rubles) or a freelance programmer (20-30 thousand rubles).

To work in a mini-bakery at the initial stage, two cooks replacing each other are enough. If the bakery will also sell products over the counter (which is desirable because it can significantly increase revenue), then a salesperson is needed. The salary of a cook in the regions is 15-20 thousand rubles. The salesperson's salary is 12-15 thousand.

If a business opens in a city where a similar service is not provided, this is, of course, a plus, since there is no competition. On the other hand, people there are used to ordering pizza and simply do not know that home delivery of hot pies is an excellent alternative to boring pizza.

Ready ideas for your business

To attract customers, you need to answer a simple question: why should a person choose a pie over pizza and buy it from you and not from some other place? There are many possible answers, you can present them in promotional materials: pie is an original Russian dish, our pies are baked according to old Russian recipes, our pies are healthy, our pies are dietary, our pies contain real juicy berries, our pies have a lot of tasty meat, our pies cheaper and tastier than pizza, our pies will decorate any holiday, etc. The buyer needs to be convinced that by ordering pie delivery from you, he is making a good deal and receiving an unusually tasty, satisfying, healthy product. Since more and more vegetarians are appearing in Russia, you can include a vegetarian pie in the assortment. It will be ordered quite often during Lent.

Don’t immediately rush to advertise your business in every possible way. It's best to try one and then track its effectiveness by asking customers how they heard about the bakery. For example, register an account on social networks and add residents of your city as friends. On the page you can post photos of products, information about promotions and discounts, and offer some recipes from baked dough. The traditional way is to hand out leaflets in crowded places or deliver them to the mailboxes of multi-storey buildings. Printing color leaflets is not cheap. 500 copies – 5000 rubles, 1000 copies – 6000 rubles. Leaflet design – 1.5-2 thousand rubles. The advantage of this method of advertising is that a person will have a list of products offered and your phone number at home. Another interesting advertising idea is advertisements in the elevators of business centers. Office workers often order food for the team during their lunch break or for a party after work.

For packaging pies, you can order cardboard boxes from cardboard product manufacturers; they can even have your logo printed on them. The cost of one box will be cheaper, the larger the order volume (from 15 to 50 rubles).

To decide what price your pies will sell for, check out the prices of regular bakeries. On average, the markup per kilogram of products is 40-60 percent. The cost of producing one kilogram of cabbage pie is approximately 150 rubles. Its average retail price is 250 rubles per kilogram. Owners of mini-bakeries that sell products through a delivery service note that daily revenue is 15-20 thousand rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

You need to be prepared for the fact that the first few months of profit will be barely enough to pay rent and wages. It is best to open a business in the fall, since pies are most often bought during the cold season; in the summer the number of orders decreases. Although in the summer it is possible to cater for wedding celebrations. To receive orders for cakes for wedding banquets, you can place advertisements in wedding salons or bridal magazines.

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