How much do YouTube bloggers earn on average? How much do bloggers earn on YouTube and Instagram in Russia? How to make money as a blogger on YouTube.

How much can you earn from You Tube videos? How much does YouTube pay for views? You will be surprised, it doesn’t pay anything! Why? Read all the details in this article!

Hi all!
Today's article will be about You Tube.
YouTube is currently the most popular video hosting in the world.
In general, this is not surprising, since YouTube is owned by the global giant search engine Google.
Filming videos has become much easier than, say, 10 years ago.
Guess what). Now even mobile phones are equipped with video cameras, i.e. the first videos can be shot from the phone.
I covered this topic in detail,

It’s not surprising that there are more and more people wanting to make money on YouTube every year.
Of course, no one wants to work for free and no one will - this is logical).
The first question that comes to mind...
How much does YouTube pay for views?
You Tube does not pay anything for views of the videos you make.
It pays for people to watch ads on your channel.
In recent years, income has dropped significantly.

In general, the life of a blogger (I’m a blogger) and a video blogger are very similar, we all have the same thing. Although I know YouTube firsthand, the payments you’re expecting are not the same, your video is blocked in some countries, the background music turns out to be someone else’s...=).

(In the future in this article I will refer to video bloggers as bloggers for brevity.)

Let's look at how much You Tube pays, what you can earn from and how many views you need to earn more or less decent money, say 30 thousand rubles.

How much does YouTube pay for ad views on your channel?

Starting to make money on You Tube is not at all difficult.
To do this you need to shoot video around the clock
so that your channel has at least 10 videos.
Do not violate the rules of copyright holders (the video must be filmed by you).
Good viewability of your videos.

Everything seems simple, but another question.

Let's immediately make it clear that you can make money on you tube in essentially only 2 ways.
1. Advertising in Google AdSense (ad clicks and views).
2. Affiliate programs (you will be paid a certain % of purchases)

Yes, there are many more ways to make money on your YouTube channel, for example, you may be offered to make a video where you talk about some product or service, but for this your channel must be popular, have a large number of views, or you have a narrow topic, Let's say you're a fisherman, you're making a video about fishing, you might be offered, say, to advertise spinning.

Most often, a video is monetized (earning money from it) using Google AdSense advertising.
What is the essence of this income?
An advertisement from Google (at the beginning or end of the video) or a banner is usually inserted into the video at the bottom, right side of the video.
You will be paid for clicks on the banner, but only if the visitor follows the link and spends some time on the site, otherwise the transition will not be counted.

In addition, the theme of your channel is important; let’s say porn will collect hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, but this does not mean that you will be allowed to make money on such a channel.

The business topic is in great demand, and the cost of clicking on an advertisement is very high.
True, it will be troublesome to bring such a channel to a decent number of views.
What would be better would be an entertainment topic, say jokes or a review of videos or online games.

Guys, you will be surprised). everything sucks

How much do bloggers earn on YouTube, top average earnings

How much do views on YouTube ads cost?
In general, the cost of a click depends very much on the subject of the channel - it can be 1 cent, 10 cents or 1 dollar per 1 ad view.
In addition, it affects how many people watch ads on your channel.
For example.
You have 100 thousand views and 1000 clicks on advertising, and someone has 50 thousand views and 2000 ad views.

How much can you earn on YouTube?
I must say, I noticed that lately the earnings of bloggers on YouTube have fallen very much.
What is this connected with?
There are a lot of reasons.
Competition, crisis in the country (affects the solvency of advertisers and the amount of advertising).
In addition, the cost of clicking on advertising will be different in different countries. In Russia, the cost of clicking on advertising is quite low.
Which countries are in the top by cost per click for advertising on YouTube?
USA, Great Britain, as well as many non-rich countries.

Now many even top bloggers cannot earn a decent income.
Experienced producers stand behind young, well-promoted channels.
Nowadays it’s very difficult to get to the top.
In order for a video channel to reach the top for key queries, you need to shoot videos daily.

So, how much does 1000 views on a YouTube ad cost?
On average this is 20 cents, at the current exchange rate 66 rubles per buck = 13 rubles.
How much does 1,000,000 views on a YouTube ad cost?
200 dollars = 13 thousand rubles.
Accordingly, in order to earn 30 thousand rubles per month, your channel must be viewed by more than 2 million people per month.
These are the numbers).


It is possible, although there are pitfalls, in particular.
YouTube will keep half of the money you earn.
Advertising is ordered only on promoted videos, with a large number of views or on a channel with a large number of subscribers.
How much do popular YouTubers earn in Russia?
On average, about 100 thousand rubles.

Making money on your YouTube channel is real!
To do this, you need to come up with something new that doesn’t exist yet. You need to get into this trend, for example, if you had made a video about the game Pokemon a few months ago, it would have been very popular, now, I’m sure thousands of videos have already been made on this game.
Finally, a video from a popular You Tube blogger about how much he earns.
Take a look, you won't regret it).

That's all for today, good luck to everyone!

If you promote your own blog on a popular website, it can become a source of good income. Popular bloggers from Russia have already been able to prove this! Millions of users are subscribed to their channels and personal accounts - and it is they who bring money to their owners. Do you think this is unrealistic? You’re wrong – if you spend a little time promoting your blog, the profit will not be long in coming. So how much do bloggers earn on YouTube and LiveJournal?

Statistics show that a blog opened on any well-known Internet platform can bring profit. The most popular sites for making money on author's blogs are Youtube and LiveJournal. The income level of owners of popular accounts among users is impressive!

How do bloggers earn money?

Regardless of the platform on which the blog is launched, the main source of income for its owner is ubiquitous advertising. The options are:

When deciding which platform to choose for making money, analyze your capabilities - availability of free time and available funds. At the start, in order to promote your blog, you will certainly need to invest both time and money into it - be prepared for this. Practice shows that it can be easier to promote an account on LiveJournal or Instagram than your own channel on a popular video hosting site. But the income of bloggers on YouTube significantly exceeds the income of the owners of pages on social networks - advertisers are more interested in this platform for commercial purposes!

How much famous Russian bloggers earn largely depends on the topic they initially chose. Do the same - develop a topic that is interesting to users. Blogs dedicated to technology reviews, game walkthroughs, jokes and master classes are now at the peak of popularity.

How much do YouTube bloggers earn?

It is difficult to determine exactly how much YouTube video bloggers with a multimillion-dollar audience earn. There are services where you can view statistics - the number of subscribers and views of posted videos is displayed here. And based on this data, it is realistic to calculate the profit of account owners.

On average, for viewing 1000 commercial videos or clicking on links, the owner of a video blog is awarded $1-1.5. And this is not such a small amount, considering that the TOP channels have collected over 4 million loyal fans.

So, how much money do bloggers on Youtube earn who are in the TOP 5 list of all channels with a Russian-speaking audience?

  • EeOneGuy. The video blog is hosted by Ivan Rudskoy from Ukraine. On the channel you can find a wide variety of videos - walkthroughs of games, jokes, stories from the life of a young guy. The blog has already gathered a whole army of fans - about 8.9 million people. According to some estimates, Ivan’s annual income from running the channel is approximately $300,000.
  • AdamThomasMoran. Previously, the first place in the TOP belonged to this channel - this is the show “+100500” with the host Maxim Golopolosov. Number of subscribers – 7.5 million people. The annual profit from the blog is at least $250,000.
  • This is Okay. An entertainment channel founded by Vitaly Golovanov, Stas Davydov and Sergey Fedorenko. About 5.6 million people subscribe to the blog. According to rough estimates, the annual income from the channel brings its owners approximately $150,000.
  • FROST. The blog is run by Yuri Morozilka. He chose a rather popular niche on video hosting - playing games. Over 5.4 million people are subscribed to the blog. The average annual income from running a channel is $140,000.
  • TheKateClapp. This is a fashion blog run by Ekaterina Romanova. Her “brainchild” has already collected more than 4.6 million subscribers. How much do beauty bloggers earn? No less than the rest. Moreover, in addition to income from “link” advertising, they receive profit from advertising cosmetics and clothing - they review these products on their channels. Therefore, it is difficult to indicate Catherine’s exact “salary” - it is approximately $100,000 per year.

How much money does a YouTube vlogger from the English-speaking sector make? The income of millionaire bloggers abroad is impressive! For example, more than 37 million people are subscribed to the PewDiePie channel!

It's not just YouTube bloggers who make good money. Advertisers have long paid attention to social networks – in particular, LiveJournal. On the site, users open their own online diaries, on the pages of which they tell “friends” about their lives, express opinions, and post photographs.

How much do bloggers earn on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LiveJournal? The main income, in this case, also comes from advertising. The more popular the account, the more advertisers will pay for advertising. Many large companies are willing to pay TOP bloggers for a small post about themselves from 50,000 rubles, for an advertising banner - from 30,000 rubles, and for complete branding of a page - about 400,000 rubles. Naturally, owners of popular accounts do not miss the opportunity to earn money.

It is impossible to determine the exact earnings of bloggers on the Internet from LJ blogs. It all depends on the following factors:

  • magazine traffic,
  • number of comments left by users,
  • cost per link click,
  • the cost of placing an advertising post or banner.

The main mistake of newcomers who come to sites like LiveJournal to make money is that they immediately turn their blog into an “advertising newspaper”, posting many links and custom posts. Not all users like this - many immediately unsubscribe from the blog, which affects the overall statistics of its popularity. But TOP bloggers, in this regard, have nothing to fear - they are read by millions, and they can afford both full branding of their page and periodic placement of advertising banners.

You might think that the owners of diaries in LiveJournal receive much less than what video bloggers earn. This is not true - advertisers are now no less interested in advertising on such platforms than in advertising on YouTube. There are many reasons for this - here you can conduct surveys among subscribers and engage them in direct dialogue, mark exact locations on the map and post more complete information about the company. Moreover, the cost of direct advertising on LiveJournal is growing year by year.

If you look at the statistics on the popularity of bloggers in LiveJournal, you will notice that there is frequent rotation here - even today, the TOP author becomes less popular the next day. But the blogs of Artemy Lebedev (Tema), Rustem Adagamov (Drugoi), and Vladimir Goryaev (Teh_nomad) have not left the podium for many years. All famous bloggers on LiveJournal have one important quality in common - they are all professionals in their field and they have something to tell their subscribers. All their publications are extraordinary and vibrant - this is what made their blogs so read.

From the author: Hi all! Today we will talk about how much bloggers earn on YouTube and, in general, whether bloggers earn money on YouTube in general. Many users are quite skeptical about the possibility of making money on video resources. It seems to them that reviewers of computer games, funny videos or their own travels are simply fooling around and doing this “just for fun”, without making significant efforts. They just like to feel the center of attention and be popular. Let's not pretend, doubts about their earnings are quite appropriate. But still, not everything is so simple.

Where would we be without theory?

Firstly, the impression that bloggers don't put any effort into creating their videos is wrong. But it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the viewer does not notice that great effort was put into creating the video.
Initially, this was an unspoken responsibility of musicians, artists, writers and other cultural figures. Since bloggers can also be fully classified as creative people, this rule will certainly apply to them.

Secondly, regarding doubts about earnings. If you think a little, everything becomes clear here: if maintaining your own intensity on YouTube did not generate income, then, accordingly, there would not be so many users putting considerable (if possible unnoticeable) efforts into creating their videos.

In this regard, a completely pertinent question arises: how do bloggers make money on YouTube? The mechanism here is quite simple. You gain a large number of subscribers and, accordingly, views. By the way, you can learn more about how bloggers make money on YouTube, as well as how to gain recognition from your real and potential subscribers, by reading the book, which covers this topic more extensively, from a slightly different perspective.

But naturally, they won’t pay you just because you are so interesting and popular. Many people wonder how much YouTube bloggers earn per views. But no one will pay for views. You will be paid for advertising products that directly or indirectly relate to the topic discussed in your video.

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In some cases, you can advertise this product personally, directly on video. If cleverly composed, an ad insert can make a video even more interesting. There are often cases when bloggers advertise other channels in their videos, naturally, by agreement on mutually beneficial terms. After all, the Internet is also a kind of territory of trade relations.

Let's move on to the practical part

How do bloggers make money on YouTube? The step-by-step instructions here are quite simple: firstly, you promote your channel on YouTube without violating copyrights (read more about this on YouTube itself), secondly, you resist the temptation to “increase” your views, because YouTube developers do the same they understand something in this life =), thirdly, . And one more thing: you must live in the territory of the state where YouTube’s “partner” operates.

It is impossible to say exactly how much YouTube bloggers earn per month, because earnings are constantly changing. The first month may bring an unprecedented number of views and clicks on advertising links from your videos, and in the next month you may not see even 50% of the previous success. Whether this is good or not, these are the statistics.

How much bloggers earn on YouTube depends on how high-quality their content is, as well as how often they delight their subscribers with new material. Some English-language YouTube channels earn $15,000,000 in ninety days. Things are also going pretty well in the Russian-speaking sector. The earnings of some observers are no less than $550,000. But why count other people's money if you can earn your own.

After you promote your channel on YouTube, you have a sufficient number of subscribers (from 100,000) and the number of views of your videos grows in proportion to the number of subscribers, you will safely offer your services to companies in need of advertising.

Under more favorable circumstances, these companies themselves will find you and offer cooperation. When you become popular enough, you shouldn’t ignore offers to advertise less popular channels. This will not only serve as a plus to your karma, but will also allow you to earn a good reputation while making a profit.

What topic should I create a channel on?

They sometimes say about unsuccessful works of art: “there is little miracle here, since there is little work here.” But if the component of your content is only labor, then this is not enough. If a lot of work is put into the process of creating something without inspiration, then it is not creativity. This is a craft.

In pottery or tailoring, this will be enough, but not when creating video content for YouTube. In order to create a channel that is truly interesting to viewers, you should touch on topics that viewers would enjoy watching. This is the only way to gain popularity in a competitive environment.

Watch videos of other popular YouTubers and analyze their approach to the viewer. Think about what you would like to add to their video and what you would take away from it. No one limits you in choosing a topic for your channel. These could be reviews of various videos, computer games, films, political events or fashion trends that are gaining popularity in society.

As a topic for your content, you can also choose training videos on the topic of web design or, if, of course, you understand this. There are quite a few popular channels on such topics, so the chances of gaining popularity here increase.

In addition, it will be educational for the audience and useful for you, because knowledge is the baggage that is not carried on your shoulders. If you decide to create a channel on a similar topic, we recommend using a training video course, thanks to which you may decide to become not only a YouTuber, but also a web designer. Don’t forget that video material should be presented in the format of lively and interesting communication with the viewer, and not in the form of a dry presentation of information.

When you master this technique, you will find the same “ease” with which, as you previously thought, other popular bloggers present their material. Then popularity will not take long to arrive.

That's all for today. Would you like even more useful information on how to master one of the most popular and prestigious Internet professions? Then subscribe to our blog and don’t forget to share valuable information with your friends. Bye!

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The Internet plays an important role in the life of a modern person. After all, this is not just a way to have an interesting pastime and search for various information, but also a way to make good money without leaving home. Ample opportunities open up for users: they can create their own website or blog, open an online store, promote pages on social networks, etc. However, the most popular tool for making money today is video content in general, and the platform for posting it is YouTube - in particular.

Anyone can become a blogger. All you need is a place and equipment for shooting, as well as interesting ideas. As a result, he receives subscribers, views and the opportunity to monetize his creativity. Making money for a blogger on YouTube (if he has a promoted blog) is quite easy, since most users prefer to receive information, be it news or entertainment material, in the form of short videos with a host, rather than regular text. This situation makes it possible for the authors of channels on video hosting to receive monthly wages from the affiliate program and advertisers: the more popular the blog in terms of views and subscriptions, the higher the income.

How to make money as a YouTube blogger: popular monetization methods

The main source of income here is views. In this context, they are not interesting in themselves. The fact is that money is awarded to the author only for those views where viewers were shown advertising that advertisers bought from the service itself. However, this is not the only way bloggers make money. To monetize a blog, a person can use several tools at once:

  1. Promoting your own goods or services. This method is suitable for those who have any project: an online store, a fitness center, trainings, etc. This is done to increase the number of clients and, accordingly, sales. The most popular way to achieve success is to make training videos, reviews of products or services and publish them on a YouTube channel. In this way, you can not only gain subscribers and views, but also provide your third-party project with traffic and increase conversion.
  2. Integration of direct offers from advertisers. This is the most effective and profitable way to monetize videos. It consists in taking a specific product and offering it to viewers at the beginning or end of the video using direct or hidden advertising. For example, popular bloggers with hundreds of thousands of subscribers can make paid reviews of new versions of mobile phones, laptops and other equipment. There are no restrictions beyond the standard requirements of the site.
  3. Contextual advertising service Like video hosting, this site belongs to Google. Therefore, it is beneficial for a blogger who receives a salary on YouTube to use an integrated application. Typically, the main benefit lies in the high CTR of the displayed advertisement. If the number of views under a video exceeds ten thousand, the author can apply for monetization in AdSense. However, in addition to this service, there are a huge number of affiliate programs on the Internet that offer similar services. Some of them are much more convenient in functionality than Adsense. For example, with their help you can withdraw earned money not once a month, but weekly; there may also be no limit on the amount withdrawn and many more withdrawal methods may be offered (to a bank card, e-wallet, account).

Keeping a blog on YouTube is quite an easy and, most importantly, accessible way of creative self-expression for everyone, when a person creates content on a topic that interests him, develops in a specific direction or genre, and at the same time can receive money from his favorite activity. It requires absolutely no financial investment other than purchasing a camera. But it is not always required, since many popular bloggers still continue to shoot videos on a smartphone. That is why every person who wants to become popular and make money from content can try their hand at this direction.

How much do bloggers earn on YouTube?

It is impossible to name the exact figure that the channel author can receive from the affiliate program. This depends on many factors that are almost impossible to influence: the activity of subscribers, whether or not they have an additional extension installed to block downloads and display ads, the number of transitions, etc. However, there are factors that depend on the blogger himself: the method of monetization and topics blog.

The most average rate for content makers from Russia and the CIS countries is one dollar for every thousand views of advertising inserts. This metric doesn't vary much when using media network services or AdSense. It is much more important for a person to choose the topic within which he will conduct his activities on the video platform. This is due to the fact that contextual advertising can bring in more or less money depending on the genre. Rates per thousand advertising impressions in different topics, on the basis of which you can roughly calculate how much bloggers earn on YouTube, are as follows:

  • Automotive topics (reviews of cars and motorcycles, test drives, repairs, etc.) – from 1 to 5 dollars. Since the audience of such blogs is, as a rule, adult men who have a regular income and are regarded as potential buyers, advertising in this topic is one of the most expensive.
  • Financial topics (review of financial markets, exchanges, current news, analytics, etc.). Despite the fact that such channels rarely exceed a hundred thousand subscribers, advertising here also brings in quite a lot of money - up to $4 per thousand views.
  • News and reviews of technology and electronics, real estate, construction technologies, etc. Here the rate is more modest - from 0.8 to 2 dollars.
  • Beauty and self-care. This genre of videos always attracts the attention of the audience, namely the female part. That is why authors can earn good amounts of money, despite the rather modest rate - from 0.25 to three dollars.
  • Reviews of computer games, posting and commenting on gameplay. The topic is not capable of bringing in a lot of money from the affiliate program, however, if you take current news or games to play through, you can receive from 0.5 to two dollars per 1 thousand views.

Naturally, how much YouTube bloggers earn in Russia is very different from the income of channel authors from the USA or Europe. This is due to the fact that the English-speaking audience greatly predominates, and the largest advertisers prefer to invest in this category of users.

How to find out how much YouTube bloggers earn

Knowing the profitability of channels of popular content makers can not only satisfy curiosity, but also motivate you to create your own show on video hosting. Naturally, most YouTubers do not disclose such information, but users can check these numbers themselves using special services on the Internet.

One of the most popular web resources for analyzing video channel statistics and calculating total income for a certain period of time is the WhatStat profit calculator. Its work is based on data from the official SocialBlade partner network, with the exception that WhatStat is focused primarily on Russian-speaking authors. Here you can see the popularity of channels, sort them by the number of subscribers, views and downloaded videos; select channel categories or special selections (TOP 100, TOP 250 and TOP 500 channels on YouTube).

In addition, you can independently find a channel and find out how much specific YouTube bloggers earn by looking at the “Estimated Income” section, which displays estimated amounts for all time in American currency.

On SocialBlade, you can find out all the basic information by the channel name: the number of subscribers, the total number of views, the approximate income level and the network used to monetize video content.

These online services contain all the information in the public domain, so anyone can independently find out the approximate amount of earnings of a particular blogger for a certain period of time.

How bloggers make money on YouTube: step-by-step instructions

As already noted, there are quite a few ways to monetize a channel: the Google AdSense affiliate program, which pays users for clicking on advertising embedded in a video; media networks that work on the Adsense principle, but also have fundamental differences; direct advertising, when the blogger independently finds advertisers and negotiates with them on the conditions and cost of placing ads in the video; promotion of your own projects, brands, products.

To become a full-fledged blogger and make money on YouTube, you need to:

  1. Choose a suitable topic, having previously studied the market in general and the target audience in particular.
  2. Next, you should start designing the channel: come up with a name, description, avatar, cover, indicate contacts with links to other social networks (you can’t do this yourself, but by turning to specialists).
  3. The most important thing is the content and quality of the video. In particular, it must have a good script, competent filming and appropriate design: title, description, keywords.
  4. An important role in the earnings of bloggers on YouTube is played by the frequency of publishing new content - the more often videos are added, the more views and, accordingly, income from the affiliate program and advertising integrations.