Development of the marketing department of the enterprise LLC "Arsenal". Abstract: the creation of a marketing department at an enterprise using the example of an enterprise, llc company best There is no connection between the marketing department and the sales department

At the moment, the company has a department of propaganda and advertising. The main functions of this division are the development of effective advertising and the calculation of the costs associated with it, as well as the formation of a favorable image of the company (PR). These functions are performed by two people - the head of the department and his subordinate. Previously, there was also a marketer here, but he did not quite cope with his duties.

In order for the marketing functions to be fully performed, I propose to create a marketing department on the basis of the advertising and propaganda department, which will carry out and coordinate all the marketing activities of the enterprise. To do this, you need to go through several stages for the formation of a marketing service:

Develop the staff of the new service (from representatives of various structural divisions) who will be responsible for the development and implementation of activities in the field of marketing and sales (including pricing, advertising, customer service, organizing sales in the field, etc.), select a leader services.

· Then determine the requirements for employees, draw up job descriptions for each employee;

· Determine the functions and tasks of the service, develop a regulation on the department;

· Establish metrics and performance evaluation criteria.

· Determine the procedure for interaction with other units and duty stations in the process of developing and making managerial decisions.

The main functions of the marketing department will be:

1. Organization of the process of marketing research, including the following operations:

Identification of the problem associated with the sale of products;

Obtaining primary information (external and internal);

analysis of secondary information (external and internal);

· analysis of data characterizing the market of the product under consideration;

use of marketing research results;

2. Search and systematization of information about:

consumers and market segmentation;

· the main characteristics of the market for each of its segments (elasticity of prevailing prices, potential and real market capacity, its saturation);

· geographical distribution of goods, its export markets;

3. Collection of information about competitors in the following areas:

sales volumes in general and by market segments;

overall market share

goals and behavior in the market;

· self-esteem;

4. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors by:

the quality of the products sold;

· pricing policy;

promotion of goods;

· sales policy;

after-sales service;

· forms of settlements: "live" money, prepayment, in installments;

5. Compilation of optimistic, pessimistic and weighted average market development forecasts based on the results of marketing research, which determine the phases and duration of the life cycle for each type of product sold, as well as an assessment of the potential risks of the enterprise.

6. Conducting an analysis of existing distribution networks for products, which includes:

· Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing sales strategy;

· Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of various distribution channels (direct links, retail sales, exchange or auction sales, distribution and dealer sales schemes, etc.);

7. Conducting an analysis of the existing supply chain, which includes:

· Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing supply strategy;

Identification of more efficient suppliers;

8. Conducting an economic analysis of the range of products sold.

9. Conducting an analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise and the effectiveness of financial management, which includes:

analysis of costs, their structure and dynamics;

· analysis of proceeds from the sale of products, profits (including outside sales profits and losses), profitability;

analysis of the effectiveness of pricing policy;

analysis of accounts payable and receivable of the enterprise, identification of bad debts;

10. Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure of the enterprise and its compliance with the activities of the enterprise.

11. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise relative to its competitors in the following areas:

Marketing (market activity of the enterprise, pricing policy, promotion of construction projects, sales organization, level of effective demand, etc.);

· finances (capital and its structure, indicators of profitability, liquidity, sustainability, turnover, etc.), the state of settlements and payments;

· personnel structure (professional and qualification composition of the enterprise's employees, motivation for work, relationships in the team, social partnership, social benefits, allowances, etc.);

management and organization (organizational structure of the enterprise, information flows, planning and control, financial management, etc.);

12. Identification of key internal and external problems for the enterprise.

13. Development of proposals for the efficient distribution and use of all resources - material, financial, labor.

14. Development of an enterprise development strategy based on forecasts for the development of markets for manufactured products, assessment of potential risks, an analysis of the financial and economic condition and efficiency of enterprise management, as well as an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

15. Drawing up a list of activities necessary for the formation of a strategy for the behavior of the enterprise in the market.

16. Coordination of programs of measures to reduce costs.

17. Identification of consumer needs for new types of construction services, as well as those already sold.

18. Organization of the development of a strategy for conducting advertising events in the media using outdoor, illuminated, electronic, postal advertising, advertising on transport, etc.

19. Development of proposals to improve the efficiency and quality of after-sales service for products.

Department tasks:

1. Development of marketing strategies.

2. Analysis of the position of the enterprise in the market, its financial and economic activities and the effectiveness of enterprise management.

3. Development of an enterprise development strategy.

4. Identification of key internal and external problems of the enterprise and development of optimal ways to solve them.

5. Research of existing distribution networks and supply systems.

6. Analysis of consumer properties of products sold by the enterprise and the requirements for it by buyers.

This department will be directly subordinate to the General Director of the enterprise and interact with all structural

The goals of creating a marketing department are shown in Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 .- The goal tree of the marketing department

In today's world, it is difficult to imagine even a medium-sized company without a marketing department or at least one or two specialists in this field. The realities of the market do not allow to do without an integrated approach to the process of creating a product or service and their further distribution. In the variety of brands and brands, it is very difficult to find a place for your product on the shelf in the store. Without knowledge and practical skills in this area, it will be very difficult to continue your activities.

Market activity

Marketing is any activity of a company or firm with the aim of creating products and its further marketing. The main tasks can be considered the collection and analysis of the necessary information to draw up a portrait of the target audience, the search for USP, the study of commitment and expectations of potential buyers. In addition, marketing helps to understand what place the company occupies among other companies in the industry.

Market activity begins with the development of a product and ends only after a person has purchased a product or service, tried it and was able to form an opinion. If the final product does not meet the expectations of buyers in some way, the task of specialists is to understand the cause and find ways to eliminate it.

To answer the question of what the marketing department does, you need to decide on its functions. The tasks that specialists solve can be both tactical and strategic, the correct formulation of which can affect the achievement or non-achievement of the goals. Any should have a result that can be estimated in units of measurement (company profit, quantity of goods sold, percentage growth in buyers, etc.).

Work principles

To organize a competent functioning process, several rules must be observed.

First, the structure of the marketing department should be simple. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary links from it that affect the speed of finding the necessary solutions.

Secondly, each employee should be responsible for a limited number of functions. It is categorically impossible for a large number of people to be responsible for the same area of ​​work. This will complicate and prolong the process of solving the tasks.

Thirdly, all employees must be flexible and adaptable. In a rapidly changing market environment, the key to success will be the ability to find new ways to solve problems faster than a competitor can.

The specifics of the organization of the work of the marketing department also depends on the type of activity of the company, production volumes, the number of employees, the presence of subsidiaries and branches, industry focus, the presence of competitors and their number, remoteness from end users and sales points.

Structural device

The number of specialists working in one marketing department can be different. It depends on the size of the company and the goals set. As mentioned above, each marketer should focus on their area of ​​market activity. Someone will explore competitors, someone will draw up a portrait of the buyer, someone will look for new ways and ways of marketing finished products.

Many modern firms sell their products not only offline, that is, through physical stores, but also online. The ways in which services are promoted through these channels differ significantly, so it is advisable to entrust these tasks to different specialists. In addition, marketers are required who are responsible for ongoing projects and SEO promotion of the company itself on the Internet.

The marketing department also includes logistics, designers, content editors, copywriters, photographers, videographers. It is often required to supplement the existing team with more promoters and employees for one-time projects. Each of these specialists has a number of their own unique tasks, from which, as a result, a full-scale marketing activity is formed. In most cases, departments have either a boss or a general manager who controls the work process and directs it in the right direction.

Functions of the marketing department

To achieve all the goals set, the company needs a clear tactic and strategy. Responsible for this type of work is a marketing manager, or marketer. Positive dynamics depends on his professional efforts. This may be an increase in sales or awareness, conquering new target groups, entering a new market segment, or the success of an advertising campaign to launch a new product or service.

The responsibilities of marketers, or marketing managers, include the following activities:

  • Analysis of the market situation and future trends.
  • Analysis of the behavior of potential buyers and consumers.
  • Definition of the target market.
  • Identification of competitive advantages.
  • Drawing up programs for the implementation of benefits in the company's activities.
  • Development of strategy and tactics for product promotion.
  • Tactical management of the company's product range.
  • Increasing customer loyalty.
  • Analysis, control and calculation of the results of ongoing work.

Studying market needs and trends

The marketing manager should begin his activity with a complete analysis of the market: from its trend and competitors to the expectations of buyers and intermediaries (for a B2B company). Often specialized analytical and statistical agencies are involved for higher quality research. Small and medium-sized businesses with a limited budget usually do not need this.

Upon completion of marketing research, the specialist draws up relevant reports and draws conclusions regarding a particular strategy for the development and promotion of the product. If he receives third-party data, then he will still have to adapt the information received, taking into account the goals and objectives.

After a complete and thorough study of market niches and segments, assessing the attractiveness of each segment and the potential viability of the company in the chosen category, the marketer can determine the prospects for business development and the direction in which to move.

Studying the target audience

The marketing manager must have the necessary knowledge to identify the desires and expectations of the end user. It is they who will ultimately help create a product that is in demand on the market, correctly determine its price and distribution methods.

This complex chain of processes begins with a detailed analysis of the potential buyer. Marketers conduct surveys, work with representative groups, collect research conducted before them. Based on this data, it is already possible to determine the needs and biases of the audience. The marketing manager must not only know all the positive aspects that customers would like to find in the proposed product, but also all their concerns about it.

The main task of the product is to solve a specific problem of the buyer. At the same time, he must meet his expectations. There are also certain motivational stimuli behind the act of buying. The task of the marketer is to identify them, then the consumer will buy the product more often and more willingly. For example, a cellulite cream can be sold, in terms of the fact that attractiveness and harmony will help women maintain family relationships or simply attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The mood of the audience can change due to various external reasons (appearance of cheaper competitive analogues, cooling of interest, and others), so the marketer must always monitor the behavior and attitude of customers towards the product in order to determine the moment when the product or service needs to be modified.

Target market selection

There are two ways to develop a product or service:

  1. Conduct a study of the target audience and identify their expectations, on the basis of which the product is created in the future.
  2. Conduct an analysis of the technical and resource capabilities of the company and create a product based on them, and then look for the audience that will be interested in the existing product.

Thorough market research allows marketers to identify the most promising group of buyers that will bring maximum profit and will be distinguished by loyalty. It also helps to determine the target market and the segment in which the company would be most profitable to be represented. Knowledge of consumer preferences helps to identify the weaknesses of competitors and the shortcomings of their products.

Creating a competitive advantage

An attractive appearance can be considered one of the keys to the success of the product. The task of marketers in this case is to give the product the necessary external characteristics and distinguish it from a number of similar products. In addition, you can create a unique selling proposition (USP) that will make the product even more attractive in the eyes of potential buyers.

The competitiveness of a product is considered one of its key characteristics. With the same functional set of two products, for example pots, the client will choose the one that he likes best or suits the price. For some categories of goods, the price is no longer a determining factor (essential goods, luxury products). In this case, everything depends only on the appearance and the availability of additional services that come with the product. Knowing the weaknesses of a competitor's products allows you to take a better position in the market.

Development of a long-term strategy

Without the participation of the marketing department at the enterprise, planning in the future is impossible. Firstly, its employees are familiar with all market trends and customer expectations. Secondly, they will quickly find a profitable segment for product placement. Thirdly, they will be able not only to develop a strategy aimed at emphasizing the strengths of the advertised product, but also take into account potential dangers, reduce the risk of losses and develop a plan for marketing research and activities that will help achieve their goals faster.

Company product management

The marketing manager always knows the product in detail. He will be able to highlight the strengths and hide not the most attractive ones. In addition, a marketing manager will always be able to talk about the product and stimulate both the interest of the buyer and induce him to the final action.

Skillful product management is just as important as developing a competent strategy and media plan for an advertising campaign. Without understanding the expectations of consumers in relation to a particular product, it will be impossible to correctly determine the price, size, number of units of a product in a package.

Building relationships with clients

Since the marketing and advertising department is responsible for growing the client base and establishing feedback with consumers, their responsibilities also include the development and implementation of activities to attract more attention to the product, service or organization. Specialists must attract new ones, maintain relationships with existing ones and try to win back lost customers.

In the realities of the modern market, it is the expansion of the client base and the establishment of relationships with them that becomes the key task of marketers. This is primarily due to the simplification of other processes thanks to the Internet. In addition, it has been proven that loyal customers can provide a more stable income in the long run.

Control and analysis

As a rule, the chief marketing officer sets short-term and long-term goals for the entire team. In the future, he also has to control the process of achieving them. He will need to develop "corrective actions" if any of the tasks set cannot be successfully implemented. The management and control of resources is also included in the list of his direct responsibilities.

From idea to sale

By itself, the marketer is both a manager and a coordinator, and often an executor. The further fate of not only one taken product, but the entire organization as a whole depends on his knowledge and actions. When answering the question of what the marketing department does, it is important to remember its multifunctionality. He not only manages existing products and services and conducts research, but also develops and implements new ones, helping the company move forward, increasing its customer base and annual turnover. Therefore, the presence of a competent marketer is important for maintaining the life of the company in the long term.

Based on the analysis carried out in the second chapter of this work, we came to the conclusion that for the further development of the company, it is necessary to strengthen marketing, in particular, in order to raise the prestige of the brand and increase market share in order to increase sales.

The competencies of the marketing service are as follows: - long-term strategic planning;

Operational marketing planning;

Implementation of marketing plans, brand management.

Since Domovoy LLC is not a large enterprise, it is not advisable to create a strategic planning department on it. Therefore, these functions also fall on the marketing service.

Operational marketing planning is the most important marketing function for a company that is interested in winning the competition. If strategic planning is about creating a qualitative advantage over competitors, then operational planning is an activity to achieve set short-term goals designed to ensure the implementation of a long-term strategic plan and solve current business problems in the field of marketing and sales.

The implementation of marketing plans and brand management are activities for the implementation of planned activities.

The presence of planning in the list of responsibilities somewhat changes the usual picture of the organization of the marketing service. Since it was decided in this organization to delegate planning functions to the marketing service, it must be accepted that the usual structure of the marketing service does not meet these tasks.

The marketing department in modern enterprises is most often understood as the advertising department or sales department. In our case, it will perform the functions of the advertising department, since the company already has a sales department. This is a department that reports to the commercial director and represents the sales network. But in addition to the advertising department, as such, the company needs to perform other marketing functions that we listed above.

Given this digression, let's imagine the structure of the marketing service in Figure 4.

Figure 4. The structure of the marketing service.

Let us consider in more detail the functions that the marketing service will perform.

Marketing department

This department is supposed to be created initially in the person of one person - a marketer. His responsibilities will include developing a long-term strategic plan for the development of the company, coordinating the activities of all other structural divisions in this area, adjusting long-term strategic plans after discussion with the CEO and heads of other departments. The job description of a marketer is presented in Appendix 1.

Also, the tasks of this staff unit include the creation of a business plan, which is understood as a strategic plan for business development. This document is created in collaboration with the financial service of the enterprise, which must provide data on budgeting and cost planning, as well as other necessary financial data. But it is the marketer who should draw up a general business development plan, taking into account the peculiarities of the market development and how the company sees itself in this market.

Another function of this department is operational marketing planning. This is the development and, if necessary, adjustment of short-term marketing plans for a period, as a rule, not more than 1 year. As discussed earlier, operational marketing plans are stages in the implementation of a long-term strategic plan. Operational marketing plans are marketing milestones. Other structural divisions independently develop their own short-term plans for the implementation of a long-term strategy within their field of activity.

It is assumed that during the year this department will be expanded to three staff positions - the head of the marketing department and two of his subordinates - marketers who will share the tasks listed above.

Department of Analysis, Forecasting and Marketing Research

This structural unit is the analytical center of the company. Its employees, the so-called analysts or marketing analysts, take on the most important functions of analyzing the market and intra-company situation on the basis of data accumulated within the company (sales department data, accounting, production load and efficiency data, goods movement data and raw materials in stock, etc.), and obtained in the course of specially conducted marketing research.

These specialists provide the marketers of the marketing department with the necessary analytical calculations and forecasts. In addition to marketing analysts, this structural unit also includes market researchers, whose tasks include conducting external market research by coordinating the activities of contractors specially involved for this purpose - research agencies.

In Figure 5, we will present how the functions of marketers, marketers-analysts and marketers-researchers are divided among themselves.

Figure 5. Correlation between the functions of a marketer, a marketer-analyst and a marketer-researcher

Such a division is due not only to the organizational expediency of creating an effective workflow, but also to the very process of thinking inherent in these specialists. A more detailed distribution of functions between these specialists can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Correlation between the functions of a marketer, a marketer-analyst and a marketer-researcher

A marketer, as a specialist responsible for creating plans-strategies, must have strategic thinking: he must see the "big behind the small." As a rule, such specialists can hardly cope with numbers and are organically incapable of painstaking work with a digital data matrix.

A marketing analyst is a specialist in analysis and forecasting, who is fluent in dealing with the corresponding mathematical models. Excellent in understanding the details, such workers, with rare exceptions, do not like to engage in strategic planning, leaving this concern to others. Excellent marketing analysts are obtained from graduates of the departments of mathematics and departments of economic cybernetics. Therefore, it is the presence of a good mathematical base that must be taken into account when hiring this employee. Even a higher marketing education for marketing analysts is not necessary, general knowledge of marketing is enough. The key issue here is the correct formulation of the problem by marketers.

Marketing researchers as their main function perform the organization and conduct of external marketing research and must have knowledge in this area. Research is carried out on behalf of marketers in order to provide them with data on the market volume and shares of major players, market trends and consumer characteristics, the mechanism for making a purchase decision, etc. The analysis, forecasting and marketing research department will consist of three people - the head of the department , marketer-analyst and marketer-researcher. In the future, if necessary, this department can be expanded by attracting the necessary specialists.

Marketing Communications Department

Marketing communications perform the function of advertising and PR, although the classical definition of marketing communications is, of course, broader. The responsibility of the marketing communications department is to carry out marketing activities set out in operational marketing plans, in particular, the organization and conduct of advertising and PR campaigns. These are the people who bring to life the brilliant plans of the marketing department. They also carry out the real management of the brands that belong to the company, that is, they are entrusted with the functions of brand management.

This department will include two PR and advertising specialists who will report directly to the marketing director. This decision was made based on the fact that their activities are completely built on the basis of the activities of the other two departments of the marketing service.

Thus, the planned increase in staff through the creation of a marketing service will be 7 people: Marketing Director, Marketing Specialist (responsible for strategic planning), Head of Forecasting and Planning Department, Marketing Analyst, Marketing Researcher, PR Specialist, Advertising Specialist.

Creating a marketing department makes sense when the work of all departments of the enterprise is subordinated to the interests of potential buyers. Without the support of the General Director, it is impossible to build the work of the enterprise in accordance with the wishes of the market. First of all, the CEO must accept as an axiom that only enterprises with well-established marketing activities, who have comprehensive in-depth information about the market for their products, about their consumers and competitors and are able to make rational management decisions based on the correct conclusions from this information, will be able to achieve success in the free market. It is advisable for a director who understands this to take the following steps to support marketing in his enterprise:

1. Appoint the head of the marketing department. Set him a task and give him broad powers. Consider it as one of the main participants in the production and marketing activities of the enterprise.

2. Develop a system of incentives for employees of the enterprise performing functions aimed at meeting the demand for the company's products.

3. Hire qualified professionals. These people are expensive, but the company gets a great return from them.

4. Provide the marketing department with sufficient resources. If this department works with the expected return from it, then the return from the entire enterprise will increase.

What will the CEO and the enterprise as a whole gain from the creation of a marketing department?

Studying the desires of consumers will create the product they need. The more accurate and in-depth information about the market and consumers an enterprise has, the more chances it has to outperform its competitors. The information provided by the marketing department is used in all major areas of the company's activities.

The choice of the optimal production program is impossible without knowing the demand for specific types of goods and services. The price of products is dictated by the market. Therefore, the demand for a specific product (the maximum sales volume of this product in a given place for a certain period of time at a certain price) is a constraint that is largely dictated by the external environment and which must be taken into account when developing business plans.

The nature of the perception of the product by target buyers determines its correct positioning, which includes several elements: product; price; sales; product promotion (communications). It is important to evaluate the potential profitability of the chosen position. One of the simplest and most flexible ways to determine your position in the market is pricing.

Promotion of goods characterizes the activity of the enterprise in the formation of demand for the offered goods. Enterprises that are well placed in regular marketing, as a rule, create marketing databases in which various information is collected and systematized. The task of organizing and processing information is greatly facilitated by various software tools.

Realizing that the accuracy of demand forecasting depends on the information used for analysis and on the methods of its processing, many Russian enterprises are trying to obtain basic information about consumers and the market not only through the marketing department, but also through sales structures. Sometimes, depending on the organizational structure of the enterprise, financial services also contact customers regarding payment issues. As a rule, the task of the marketing department is to analyze consumers and competitors and develop a marketing strategy for the enterprise, while the sales department is engaged in direct sales and collecting first-hand information. Sales personnel usually have an accurate idea of ​​the sales potential that their customers provide. Expert judgment, intuition and experience of marketing and sales staff, as well as consumers, can form the basis for a subjective assessment of demand.

Using various methods of processing the received market data, the marketing department prepares proposals that affect the work of other departments and the entire enterprise.

When implementing the marketing department, it is necessary to transfer, hire employees who will be engaged in the marketing activities of the enterprise. 2 people will be involved in the marketing department. One person working in the financial department, who was engaged in marketing activities, will be transferred to the marketing department and take the position of head of the marketing department. The leading specialist of the marketing department will be subordinate to the head of the marketing department.

The head of the marketing department oversees the entire department. He coordinates the activities of each employee, checks the calculations on applications, communicates with buyers, looks for the best ways of transportation, and also recruits employees as needed.

The leading specialist of the marketing department will look for all kinds of markets for the products. It will also consider competitions that exist and draw up documents for participation in them. He also calculates the products that are declared in competitions; will be engaged in the development of advertising.

At the enterprise LLC "NMZ" there is also a sales department, which is closely connected with the marketing department. The sales manager accepts applications, commercial offers, and also calculates the cost of the desired products.

The Marketing Department will include the following tasks:

  • - study of demand for the company's products and development of medium-term and short-term forecasts of the need for manufactured products;
  • - study of consumer properties of products and the requirements imposed on it by manufacturers;
  • - orientation of developers and production to meet the requirements of consumers for manufactured products;
  • - organization of advertising and promotion of sales of products.

To accomplish these tasks, the following functions will be performed:

  • - analysis of commercial and economic factors, including the financial situation of potential buyers;
  • - study of the supply volumes, technical level and quality of competing products, its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the products of this enterprise;
  • - the presence of new markets and new consumers of products manufactured by the enterprise;
  • - organization of advertising with the help of mass media (newspapers, television, radio, etc.). Organization and preparation of articles and information for magazines, newspapers, radio. Preparation of source materials for scripts for commercials.

The list of activities that will be assigned to the marketing department in the coming year:

  • - opening of new distribution channels;
  • - finalization of the organization's website, if necessary, with the involvement of outside firms;
  • - distribution of advertising in the media;
  • - study of consumers (analysis of what they want to see from this organization);
  • - development of new packaging, offering it as the main one.

The measures proposed above to improve the marketing department at the LLC NMZ enterprise may lead to some financial, logistical, production and other improvements.