Text for advertising. How to advertise your business? Examples of the best advertising texts and hidden advertising

Any product sold must be presented to the buyer. Sales performance depends on the effectiveness of advertising. Correct presentation of information that distinguishes a product from the general mass of similar products is a guarantee of success. A well-designed advertisement will ensure the sale of even items that no one needs. There are many recommendations for highlighting the value and irreplaceability of the product being sold, but the question of how to properly advertise remains relevant.

Principles of advertising

To do this, you need to choose an effective, eye-catching image, since a purchase always occurs after a visual assessment of the offer. The sale begins with the presentation of a bright, beautiful picture. The formation of an image will not be hindered by a memorable, loud slogan, the attractiveness and relevance of which is ingrained in the mind and forces the consumer to repeat it mentally with pleasure.

Even the most successful advertising may not be effective without its promotion. It is initially intended to have a viral effect on the minds of a potential buyer. However, to have an effect, it must be accessible to the target client, so it must be placed in their habitats. A universal place for publication is social networks, since you can find your client there, but for this you need to work on placing it on the right platforms.

On your own or through advertising campaign services?

However, in some situations it is more effective to order its development from advertising agencies. With the right choice of advertising campaign, the object of promotion will become known within a few days.

Where should your advertisement be located?

  • in newspapers;
  • in magazines;
  • in social networks;
  • through flyers and prospectuses;
  • through outdoor advertising elements.

Each type of product has its own effective advertising method, suitable for a specific target audience. If it is chosen correctly, potential buyers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the offer in several sources.

Today, social networks occupy a separate niche in advertising activities. Most citizens have accounts on Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Instagram. Modern capabilities of mobile phones mean that users are constantly connected. Publications in groups and on personal pages can receive an instant response to an advertising post.

Avoid spamming so as not to annoy users with constant notifications. To achieve the effect, one post a day is enough. Regular publications of various designs, holding sweepstakes, promotions and competitions will ensure popularity for the group or personal account of the seller. The more interest and attention there is, the more views of publications and the more revenue from sales.

Advertising in the media

Publishing advertisements in media such as newspapers and magazines is not always free for sellers. In most cases, they have to pay for the placement of their article on a dedicated space in a print or online resource. Today, the return on such advertising is small, since people most often familiarize themselves with advertising magazines and newspapers purposefully, when searching for a specific product to purchase.

For this reason, if a person does not need anything, then he will not acquire and read such sources of information, which eliminates the possibility of emotional purchases. However, if the subject of sale is of a specific nature, which is difficult to declare in other sources, advertising in the media will have a good effect on the results of doing business, which is important when selling movable and immovable property.

Read also: Withdrawing money from an individual entrepreneur's current account

Advertising through promoters

Handing out leaflets on the street seems like the easiest way to advertise your product. However, only five percent of the population reads the handed out prospectuses. Other people throw them safely into trash containers. To increase the number of people who read the leaflet, you need to take care of its appearance. The advertiser only has a few seconds to impress a potential client and keep his attention on his offer. Text ads are not recommended. All information must be reflected in the image.

Outdoor advertising

The category of outdoor advertising includes banners, light boxes and three-dimensional logos. Its distinctive feature is its attractiveness. Many people look at advertising elements, but not everyone reads the advertising text. Images make an impression, so they need to be chosen in such a way that the sentence is clear without words. Outdoor advertising is not cheap, so it is necessary to take a responsible approach to developing the design of the project and choosing its location. This type of advertising should only be used when planning large batches of products. It is important to consider that the advertising brochure material is easy to install and trouble-free to maintain.

Internet expanses

It does not require a large amount of investment and can be arranged by the entrepreneur independently. You should think about promoting your products through social networks in advance, because before publishing posts, you need to take care of the availability of readers. To do this, you should attract the maximum possible number of friends and subscribers to your account. The creation of a group, community and the involvement of a target audience that could potentially be interested in the product will help increase the effectiveness of promotion of the publication. To select such participants, you should use the search option with targeting by interests.

Such global preparation for an advertising campaign is not required when placing ads on specialized portals. To receive a response to a publication, it is enough to format it correctly and publish it in the section corresponding to the category. If you choose it incorrectly, the effect of advertising will be minimal. Additional paid options for promoting via the Internet are placing an ad on popular portals, the number of which exceeds the million mark, as well as raising the publication to the top positions.

No special skills are required to create a post or ad. On all portals placement is carried out according to intuitive schemes. When choosing a way to advertise your products, you need to analyze its relevance on the Internet. If the consumers of the product are citizens living in areas where the Internet is not popular or accessible, then publication on social networks will not have any effect.

Advertising on the Internet will only be effective when it appears in front of users quite often. This is ensured by reposts and publications of new advertisements, which should be designed in a new design that attracts the user’s attention so much that he has no choice but to call and order.

How to write an advertisement correctly: examples

An offer to buy or receive a service should be interesting. It should make the potential customer want to make a purchase right when viewing the ad. This effect is formed by discounts, bonuses, promotions, and gifts when making a purchase.

Probably everyone has had to write an advertisement at least once in their life, be it an advertisement in a newspaper, an advertisement on the Internet, or even an advertisement in their entrance (for residents of an apartment building).

But write the ad correctly– it’s not as simple as it seems. I constantly have to deal with completely incorrect and ineffective ads. That is why I will now share with you a few rules that you should use when writing ads. So to speak, a model to follow and strive for.

The first and most important element of an ad is its headline. It is the headline that attracts attention, and it is the headline that determines whether your ad will be read.

To COMPLETE AN AD TITLE CORRECTLY , adhere to the following recommendations:

A) The main purpose of the headline is to “hit” the target audience. Interest those people who may be interested in the content of your ad. And for this, already from the first letters of the title, readers must understand what exactly is being discussed.

Example blurry (less effective) title ads:

- Looking for something to do this weekend?(it’s not clear what exactly we’re talking about here; the header response will be worse)

Example target header:

- Quad bikes for rent - cheap!(and here everything is clear and precise, if you were looking for ATVs, you will get ATVs)

B) If an ad gets lost in the “ocean” of similar ads, urgently change its title and content! Don’t write boring ads of the same type, don’t repeat after other incompetents.

Boring template option:

- Selling Audi 2002, negotiable

An unusual and memorable option:

- An old car called Audi is looking for a new owner, cheap and cheerful!

Tip #1: Narrow niche

Attention! In some cases, using advertising for each individual product model (or type of service) may be unacceptable, so sometimes use your brain and assess the situation sensibly. You have more information, use it to get the most out of your ads.

Chip #2:

Never rely on just one ad. There must be several advertisements. If the ad is in the newspaper, then at least three of them need to be placed there! Preferably with different data (from different people) - include work colleagues, relatives, friends, etc.

Chip #3:

If you plan to place an ad on the Internet (on bulletin boards, in flea markets, catalogues), be sure to expect that you will have to compose several texts that are unique in description. Otherwise, when they encounter the same text, people will simply close your ad.

Chip #4:

If you are going to advertise in Yandex.Direct, then choose exclusively low-frequency queries and write ads for them (competition will be lower, the cost of a click will also be lower, and the click-through rate “CTR”, as well as the conversion, will be many times higher)!

How to write an advertisement for the Internet?

Conventionally, all advertisements on the Internet can be divided into:

A) advertisements on various bulletin boards, in flea markets
B) contextual ads (Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords)
B) advertisements on social networks

Chip #5:

So, for example, advertising a weight loss machine on a programmers forum will be ineffective. But advertising the same simulator on a forum dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, on the contrary, will be effective. After all, this is where people gather who monitor (want to monitor) their body and their health.

Chip #6:

The ad works best not just on thematic platforms, but on popular (highly visited) thematic platforms! The more people see your ad, the faster (more) you will sell your product (service).

You can check the traffic (attendance) of the ad site using LiveInternet statistics (click on the link to find out how to use these statistics).

Correct Ads

- How to write the right ad on social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, etc.)?

The main rule is to write an ad in existing communities that coincide with the topic of your ad. There are two options: place your ad for free, or for a fee. In the first case, you will be able to use only those groups in which posting messages on the wall is allowed for members of this community (in every second community this function is prohibited). In the second case, you need to personally negotiate with the group administration about paid advertising (not everyone will agree, but there is an option to pin the ad at the very top of the page).

Chip #7:

A good ad can always “show off” with photographs. Moreover, their number should be from 3 pieces. Even if you are selling something as small as a book or a children's toy. Not to mention advertisements for the sale of a car or an apartment, there MUST be photographs there!

It is in your best interest to take good quality photographs. It is the photo that turns out to be the decisive factor in order for a potential client to pick up the phone and dial your number. If people can see the “product in person”, then the level of trust in you and the level of interest in your product (service) will be much higher!

A good photograph increases your chances of selling by about 30%. By posting a photo, you seem to be saying “here, look everyone, this is my product, I’m not hiding anything from you and I’m not going to deceive you.”

How to write an ad to make it work?

Be sure to include your phone number in your ad!

You can additionally offer the option of writing to you in a personal message (personal message), but you must provide a phone number. It’s even better to indicate 2 numbers (from different operators), in case one of the numbers suddenly turns out to be unavailable.

You can’t even imagine how difficult it is sometimes to get in touch with the people who write advertisements. Especially when the issue needs to be resolved right now.

Just a few days ago I needed to order a portrait in pencil from a photo, and I was running out of time (6 hours). So, in an hour I managed to find 20 advertisements on the Internet, of which only three had phone numbers. Accident? No - stupidity of the ad authors!

As a result, the order was received by a person whom I was able to reach by phone.

Paradox, isn't it? To pay someone money, I had to work hard and spend a lot of time. So why create unnecessary obstacles for your potential clients?

I hope you now understand how to write an ad correctly (both for a newspaper and for the Internet). Therefore, we take a pencil in our hand, move the keyboard closer and begin to write our ad. You can post your results in the comments!

Advertising is a modern way to introduce customers to your product. She talks about the advantages of the product and encourages a person to buy it. However, there are special tools that work more effectively, because they are able to influence the human subconscious. Knowing this, manufacturers are inventing new tricks so that we eventually want to use their services or buy something we need! An example of a product advertisement: probably each of us has already simply learned by heart that Orbit chewing gum maintains Ph at the proper level. And when we are going to buy something similar, we remember this particular brand. This is the effect of promoting a product on the market.

The target audience

Before you start an advertising campaign, you need to decide what category of population your products are intended for. It is this factor that will help you understand where advertising will “work.” There are really many ways, but each person has his own priorities: if it is, for example, a medicine that is suitable for older people, you should not actively advertise it on dating sites! It will be a waste of time. But posting a board or publishing it in a reputable newspaper is the right decision. Attractive flyers, advertising brochures that can be distributed at the clinic will be much more effective and will quickly find your potential customers.

Well, for young people who are looking for sports equipment, it would be correct to post information on social networks or on popular youth sites. In addition, such audiences are attracted by videos or information on the popular radio wave.

Outdoor advertising is a powerful weapon

Many call this one particularly intrusive, but marketers say it is very effective. And it works like this: a person reads advertising brochures against his will and remembers slogans. And our subconscious processes information and draws conclusions. The result will not be long in coming: we already want to purchase this or that item or use this or that service.

  • Shields are common objects that catch our eye throughout the city. They attract attention and force the client to get more detailed information about the company or service. The working side is directed towards the flow of people, but the non-working side is not so effective, because you have to turn around to study what is written.
  • Signs are a simple form of advertising that tells people where to go to find your store or office. An example of a product advertisement: cute prints of small feet on the asphalt or in a supermarket. Such signs may be of interest and lead to the department where the desired products are displayed.
  • Streamers are stretched advertising awnings, which are most often located above highways and local roads. The driver has the opportunity to read the text and remember contact details - this option is considered more effective than shields.
  • Sandwich people are a great publicity stunt: people dress up in eye-catching costumes and interact with potential customers.
  • Advertising on public transport is not very expensive, but it works great. A huge flow of people sees her.
  • Urban designs - creating advertising images on shops, stands, kiosks.

Static advertising

  • Announcements in elevators. Despite the simplicity of presenting a call to action, this method works effectively. A person, being in a confined space, is simply forced to study material that is located right at eye level. So he will definitely remember it, and maybe even become interested.
  • Advertising in the subway and transport. The situation is similar. Only she acts even more actively - there is a lot of free time, plus there is the opportunity not only to read the material, but also to analyze it.

Internet - assistant in product promotion

And, of course, you can’t do anywhere without a global network! Advertising of any product should not only be of high quality, but also accessible to the general public. And the easiest way to achieve this is on the Internet - millions of people search for the information they need every day, and your advertising encourages them to make the right choice. In addition, it is on the network that you can use all available types of information: radio, text brochures, videos. Main types:

It is very actively used on the network and has proven itself to be excellent. Marketers claim that she can sell anything! There are two types of such events:

  • Texts and banners that are placed on pages that coincide in meaning and context with similar advertising. This method has a huge advantage - it does not irritate the reader so much and can be very useful in terms of information content.
  • Advertising placed on search engines. It works simply: you enter a query into a search engine, and as a result a window “pops up” on the right or left with an image or description of the product/service being promoted. An example of a product advertisement: “We will sell cars inexpensively,” “We will make furniture quickly and efficiently.”

Guerrilla Marketing

This type of advertising is perfect for both novice businessmen and real professionals. In addition, you have a chance to save a lot of money - there are almost no cash costs, but you will have to spend a lot of time. What is the method? Everyone knows that the popularity of social networks and various forums and blogs is only increasing, which means you have an excellent platform where you can promote your product. Write reviews, share your impressions, recommend to a wide range of forum users... As a result, people begin to perceive such recommendations as verified and reliable information. Many companies work this way, and there really is a result: in addition to promoting its products, the company also acquires a good business reputation. For example, advertising a new product requires a positive public opinion from the company. With the help of guerrilla marketing, you can constantly build it and fuel interest in your products.

Television and print advertising

This type of advertising is not cheap, but it works great. The thing is that it is able to reach a very wide audience. And everyone can find something just for themselves. So if you are ready to spend a lot of money on promoting goods and services, use the media of any level, besides, visual advertising is perfectly perceived by potential buyers.

Dear readers, all types of advertising are effective to varying degrees. There are many factors to consider so that it really helps you promote your own business. But remember: to increase your sales, you will have to invest in informing potential buyers. Good luck!

10 minutes to read. Views 73 Published 05/21/2018

Advertising, the text of which contains psychological elements, allows you to increase demand for the advertised products or services. Properly composed advertising material allows you to convey to a potential audience information about the products offered, as well as information about planned promotions. As practice shows, in order to increase the range of potential audiences, advertisers use various “tricks”. These include various holiday drawings for valuable prizes, big discounts and other promotions. In this article, we propose to consider examples of advertising texts that help increase the consumer audience.

What is selling text

In order to get the first potential customers, an entrepreneur should conduct an advertising campaign. From the day of its inception to the present day, advertising has been the most effective means of attracting customers. To determine the range of potential audiences and increase demand for the offer, entrepreneurs conduct various marketing activities. The main goal of these activities is to increase sales efficiency.

Many modern representatives of small and large businesses use various platforms on the Internet to promote their products. Using the Internet to promote a product or service on the market has a number of advantages. Firstly, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to quickly convey information about the proposed product to his target audience. Secondly, some specialized services offer the placement of advertising materials free of charge.

Examples of product advertisements with “for sale” text can be seen on social networking pages. Many social networks are one of the best marketing tools due to the ability to select the target audience to which the commercial will be shown. Also, many entrepreneurs order branded T-shirts for their employees, which display the company logo. Such a move also helps to increase public interest in the advertiser’s activities.

A distinctive feature of advertising text is to encourage the reader to perform a certain procedure. Such an action can be either registration on the advertiser’s website or purchasing the products offered. When composing a “selling” text, you should consider a list of simple rules:

  1. The title section should reflect the main idea of ​​the entire ad unit. Here you can also indicate the consumer’s benefits from cooperation with the advertiser. As practice shows, to attract the interest of a wide range of audiences, it is necessary to add intrigue to the title of the text.
  2. When composing the main part of the message, various psychological techniques are used to use certain channels of perception. Also in this section of advertisements, the advantages of the products or services offered are listed.
  3. Advertising text must be meaningful, concise and take into account the interests of the end consumer.
  4. Many advertisers use various historical facts and accurate data in advertising units in order to attract the interest of a potential client.
  5. The main component of the advertising text is minimal intrusiveness to its viewer.

The main purpose of advertising texts is to present or promote ideas, services and products on the market to increase their sales

Rules for submitting information

In order to interest potential customers, the advertiser must choose the right method of presenting information about his offer. The choice of a specific technique depends on several parameters. First of all, you should take into account the specifics of the site where the advertisement will be placed. You will also need to analyze the interests of the people who make up the main target audience.

As a rule, most advertisers indicate in this section the price category of their offer or information about planned promotions. Probably every user of the Internet and social networks has seen advertising texts with the heading: “Products cheaper than $10”, “Seasonal discounts 90%” and other similar advertisements. As a rule, such headlines motivate users to make a purchase or use the advertiser’s service.

It is important to note that “selling” texts are not always posted on thematic forums or on social networks. Such advertisements are often published in print media and placed on advertising links. You can increase the effectiveness of this marketing tool by mailing and distributing leaflets. Many readers may be interested in the question of why advertisers use various psychological techniques. The main task of such advertising is not only to motivate the client to purchase, but also to disseminate information about the advertiser’s offer to their friends and acquaintances.

It should be separately mentioned that quite often an advertiser is faced with the problem of choosing a marketing tool. Selling texts are incompatible with SEO optimization, which forces the entrepreneur to choose between these tools. An attempt to use a combination of these methods may lead to a narrowing of the circle of potential audience.

Let's look at what an example advertising message should look like. Before you start developing your material, you need to analyze the various techniques used by other employers. These actions are necessary to identify the main components that make advertising successful. Here you should take into account the specifics of your proposal. The advertisement must contain not only relevant information, but also data that may be useful to the consumer.

When creating a marketing model, you should focus on the interests of the target group. It is important to pay attention to the fact that in order to attract the interest of potential buyers, only the main quality of the products or services offered is indicated. In this regard, you will need to carefully analyze your offer in order to identify those parameters that can arouse interest in the product offered and the desire to become its owner. As practice shows, comparing your product with a well-known brand allows you to arouse interest among the audience. An example of such advertising that could be seen on TV is Nikola kvass. Talented marketers were able to draw an analogy between this product and Coca-Cola.

High-quality advertising text, first of all, must have correct and clear content

In order for the offered products to be recognizable, it is necessary to add a unique and exclusive style. Many people who see such advertising will recognize this product from a dozen “faceless” analogues. Using catchy slogans also adds uniqueness to the text. In order to achieve success in an advertising company, you will need to correctly structure your advertisement and add a high-quality media file to it.

Examples of ineffective ad units

Advertising is one of the most effective marketing tools used to increase sales. Improper use of this tool can lead to a decline in the prestige of the brand and the status of the entrepreneur. As practice shows, such materials should contain only truthful information. Irrelevant information, attempts to embellish reality and other “dirty” tricks can lead to a drop in sales. The same rule applies to intrusive advertising.

As an example, let’s take “Vulcan Casino” and similar materials. Their frequent mention, importunity and other “dirty” marketing techniques create the impression of little demand for the advertiser’s offer. The use of such tools forces us to constantly increase the advertising campaign budget in order to attract the required number of clients who will provide the planned income to the entrepreneur.

It is also impractical to try to work with the maximum range of audiences. The non-target group of consumers is guaranteed to miss the ad block. This means that the money invested in an advertising campaign will not pay for itself due to a large influx of new customers.

Based on this fact, we can conclude that working with the target audience is the main parameter for the successful activities of an advertiser. In order to identify a portrait of a potential client, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • age and gender;
  • place of residence;
  • social status.

What tricks do marketers use?

Next, we propose to examine the question of what the advertising text for any product should contain. First of all, it is necessary to select those components that can distinguish the entrepreneur’s offer from thousands of similar analogues. It is important to understand that an entrepreneur cannot say that the quality of the products exceeds the quality of the goods produced by Vasya or Petya. Indication of specific persons (companies or brands) may negatively affect the status of the advertiser.

Sometimes one short phrase is enough for advertising, which can convey all the information the consumer needs

In order to attract an audience, marketers are developing various strategies for promoting a product or service on the market. It is the development of a strategy that allows you to get maximum results from a posted ad.

As a rule, marketers use tools such as “classical sales scheme” and “unique offer”, in which representatives of the entrepreneur accompany each stage of product sales.

To begin with, we suggest analyzing the “unique selling proposition” strategy. In such advertising, it is necessary to highlight a number of product features that present it in a favorable light. Among the selection criteria, pricing policy, quality and brand awareness should be highlighted. You can increase audience interest thanks to seasonal and holiday discounts, bright packaging and seller guarantees. You can motivate a buyer to purchase a product or service using parameters such as the possibility of paying in installments or free delivery.

This method is often used in TV advertising. A sample of an ad built using the “unique proposition” method contains phrases such as “Become special”, “Take now - pay later” and “Impeccable quality - low price”. Most often, such template phrases can be seen in advertising of budget smartphones and household goods. A striking example of a unique selling proposition is advertising from M Video and Eldorado.

Next, we should move on to the classic marketing promotion scheme, which is called AIDA. Materials built according to this scheme should attract the attention of the audience, arouse interest, which will later develop into a desire to make a purchase. Using this scheme allows you to increase the volume tens of times. As a rule, this method is used to inform the target audience about an upcoming sale at a “low” price.

  1. “Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? You have a unique opportunity to solve your financial problems. Get a loan from our bank and make your dream come true.”
  2. “Do you consider yourself scary and ugly? Our company will solve your problems! Hurry up to buy fashionable and inexpensive clothes in order to outshine everyone with your appearance.”
  3. "This you have not seen before! Fashionable clothes from a famous brand! Fashion and style will allow you to conquer all the men around you.”

In order to motivate a potential client to action, advertisers use phrases such as “Come in to find out more,” “Come in and get a discount,” “Come in and change your life.”

The ad must be quite interesting in order for the buyer to hold his gaze on it and concentrate his thoughts


Many of the slogans and phrases given in this article may seem primitive. Most of them are designed in such a way as to act at the level of intuition. A person may be well aware that such ploys are used to attract public interest, but will not be able to refrain from calling for action.

Today, thanks to the development of the Internet, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to increase their sphere of influence by increasing their consumer audience. As practice shows, today most purchases are made using the Internet. Thanks to the effectiveness of online advertising, an entrepreneur not only receives new customers, but also saves his own capital.

In contact with

“It is easier to write ten correct sonnets than one good advertisement.”

Aldous Huxley (British writer)

Out of 10 new subscribers, 1 sends their sample advertising text. These are often weak examples of advertising. They are full of classic errors. In this article, I will provide guidelines for writing sales copy to avoid giving away the basics in personal responses.

This will be fundamental knowledge:

  • positioning,
  • Images,
  • headers,
  • signatures,
  • offers,
  • main text,
  • social proof,
  • call to action.
  • call the company;
  • going to the site;
  • cut out a discount coupon (magazine, newspaper);
  • save an electronic coupon (ID number, for example);
  • download the application to your phone;
  • get acquainted with the products (first touch);
  • subscribe to the community on social networks.

Rollback is often the only real goal pursued by image advertising.

All these flashes to the general public can be afforded by large companies. Expensive PR certainly CAN pay off in the long run. We will talk about advertising, which solves a more trivial problem - increasing sales with a minimum budget.

An example of advertising text from novice copywriters

There's nothing to laugh about. The person just doesn’t know how to write advertising text. It’s good that Natalya took it upon herself to submit her version. Many copywriters with 10 years of experience write something similar. Some entrepreneurs place similar advertisements on their websites.

Why does a copywriter see this ad in his feed? It would have been much better if I had seen an ad: “Copywriter: It's time to find clients through YouTube. We remove the fear of the camera in 10 days.”

What's wrong with this ad:

  • incorrect positioning according to the target audience (TA);
  • there is no direct benefit to “becoming a video producer” so what? Why do I need it?
  • why is there a car in the photo?
  • great expensive camera - I can’t find the money for it!

The idea is that a person will be tempted to attend a free webinar. I associate a free webinar with steaming.

“Homework” is the first stage of writing advertising text

Working according to the principle: “if only the customer accepts” differs sharply from solving sales problems, where “the effectiveness of advertising is determined by the company’s client.” The main differences will be in the results.

Just as a fisherman knows what to catch a specific type of fish with, so an advertiser must know who he is catching with his advertising and with what.

Who are we writing advertising text for?

We know that a person makes a decision based on rational arguments and emotions (motivation).

Women and children are more likely to make emotional choices.

He sees a handbag - click-buzz - I want it, I want it - I bought it - I forgot it. The “click-buzz” effect is described in more detail by Robert Cialdini in his book “.”

Men may be more rational when it comes to shopping, but there are exceptions. Buying a cool jeep for driving around the city is difficult to explain rationally.

As you already understand, the first thing to do is to divide the target audience (TA) by gender.

Dividing the target audience by parameters and groups is the process of segmentation.

What else do you need to know about the target audience? to segment it in as much detail as possible:

  • average age;
  • average income;
  • profession;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • How do they make purchasing decisions (emotions or logic);
  • what do they pay attention to when buying;
  • Family status;
  • why they might need the product/service;
  • what objections will the target audience have;
  • who are the potential idols of the target audience;
  • what social proofs do they take into account?

What are we advertising?

All goods, services, companies, people have advantages and disadvantages. There are bad products that can only be sold once. There are also high-quality products that the client can buy several times without touching the advertisement again.

The quality of the product is determined by the client! Therefore, everything that we learn about the subject of advertising must be considered from the point of view of the target audience.

Studying the subject of sale is as necessary as studying the target audience. This will help you work out your positioning.

Positioning – WHAT we sell and TO WHOM.

There can be many benefits. 10, 20, 30 points! Is it worth using them all? Yes, but in different advertising messages for certain segments of target audiences.

What will be important for a woman who is obsessed with clean air due to allergies when choosing a vacuum cleaner?

Clean air. This should be used in advertising for this target audience. We can assume that if a woman is interested in the cleanliness of the air, then she will be interested in the cleanliness of the carpet. Can you indicate the amount of dust that the vacuum cleaner sucks in and holds? This might work.

A man will prefer the power settings of the vacuum cleaner. More powerful - cooler.

A woman might ask, “Is it powerful enough?” It would be good if the advertisement demonstrated power. I'm sure you've seen many similar advertisements.

What information do you need to collect about the subject of the advertisement?:

  • what problems are we solving?
  • what other ways can these problems be solved, and why our method is better;
  • what is unique about the offer, product, service;
  • what stereotypes do potential clients have;
  • how much does the advertising item cost (correlate this with the target audience);
  • is it of high quality or not;
  • what are the features of the product/service;
  • product advantages and benefits from them;
  • flaws.

Everything that we collect about the product and product must be recorded as selling information. You should try to turn the disadvantages into advantages, and the advantages must be described in terms of benefits for the potential client.

I repeat once again that everything we learn about the subject of advertising must be tied to a specific segment of the target audience.

Where will we advertise this?

An article for Kommersant magazine, an advertising post on social networks, a TV spot and an advertising booklet are completely different advertising channels. However, you can prepare advertising texts for each of them if you have collected selling information.

  • likely reach of the target audience (more is better);
  • expected result (advertising channel potential);
  • the maximum amount of information that can be included;
  • the cost of creating and placing advertising;
  • additional advertising opportunities;
  • testing capabilities;
  • is it possible to place graphic information;
  • ease of operation.

For a banner, you need to prepare an image and a short message that can be understood in 3 seconds.

  1. Collect information about the target audience and the subject of advertising.
  2. Decide on an advertising channel.
  3. Come up with an advertising idea.
  4. Write advertising text.

Why did we spend so much time on the first two points? Because this work takes 80–90% of the time. How to write an advertising text without understanding the target audience and the product is a mystery that I cannot solve.

“If you have a good selling idea, your secretary can write the advertisement for you.”

Morris Height (20th century copywriter)

We write advertising text

The information you have collected will help you write your advertising copy. Classic advertising copy, as I said at the beginning, includes:

  • image,
  • title,
  • subheadings,
  • signatures,
  • offer,
  • main text of the advertisement,
  • social proof,
  • call to action.

First level signals: image, caption and title

The task of the first level signals is to break through advertising protection. We need to hook the target audience (NOT ALL, but only the target audience) in order to lure them into reading the advertising material.

As picture you can put an advertising object, a representative of the target audience + an advertising object. If a person looks at the image, they will most likely read the caption underneath. Use this knowledge.

The headlines have been legendary since the 20th century. Their writing and importance cannot be discussed in one article. Read the book Proven Advertising Methods by John Caples. It contains many examples of headlines that significantly increased the effectiveness of advertisements.

If the fight for the attention of the target audience has been won, then now you need to quickly convey advertising information.

Second level signals: subheading, main advertising text and offer

Second level signals should tell a person that this “thing” will solve his problems 100%.

“Damn, I need this,” this is how a person should react to the main advertising text.

The debate over “how long ad copy should be” is baseless. Because there is a very precise answer from the classics and founders of the advertising business.

“The text looks like a woman’s skirt. It should be long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to remain interesting.”

From the book “The Art of Marketing Messages” by Joseph Sugarman

Level 3 Signals: Social Proof and Call to Action

Social proof is confirmation that we are telling the truth. People trust people more often than companies. Although many do not believe reviews and recommendations, they still read them with pleasure, especially negative ones, because people love negativity.