Business of Dmitry Potapenko: what does a fighter for the rights of entrepreneurs earn? Real biography of Dmitry Potapenko Who is Dmitry Potapenko really?

Dmitry Valerievich Potapenko— entrepreneur, public figure. Conducts business in four countries. Known for his public speeches, in which he opens the eyes of Russians about the economy in the country.

Citizenship: Russia
Date and place of birth: March 30, 1970, Moscow (Russia)
Education and academic degree: has two MBA degrees; also graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (diploma “Designer-Technologist”)

Family and Children:

  • Wife: Elena Potapenko - psychologist, family consultant, general director of the MAXIMUM Center;
  • Daughter (eldest): Masha Gracheva - studied at a public school, winner of almost all All-Russian Olympiads in physics and mathematics. I entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow State University without exams;
  • Daughter (youngest): Natalya Potapenko studies in a regular Moscow school.


  • 1987 - graduated from school No. 714 in Moscow;
  • 1987 - entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation;
  • in 1992 he founded his first retail chain with the company Natashkyang Korotia Systems - these were Tusar electronics stores;
  • 1993 - received a master's degree from MIREA with a degree in Design and Process Engineer;
  • in the 1990s, for a year and a half, Potapenko was a security guard, guarding the president of the Russian Credit bank;
  • 1995-2000 — Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Grundic GmbH in the Baltic States;
  • 1998-2001 — General Director of OJSC MEZ DSP, Vice President for Investment Development of PBC CreditImpexBank;
  • 2001-2003 — Deputy Manager of the Logos Group of Companies, General Director of Wholesale Sales Centers LLC;
  • 2003-2005 — manager of the Pyaterochka distribution network (Moscow and Moscow region);
  • 2005 - present — Managing Partner of Management Development Group Inc. (brands Gastronomchik, Prodeko, Marka);
  • 2016 - joined the federal political council of the Right Cause party.

Interests, hobbies:
loves bikes and sports cars;
professionally engaged in wrestling;
goes to the gym regularly.



“A native Muscovite in the 4th generation, of which there are no longer any left in Moscow,” he grew up in a family far from business. He calls himself “the son of two GRU colonels.” Until the 8th grade at school, I “went for some kind of medal,” then I “gave up” on studying because “I became incurious.” “Since the 3rd grade I’ve been playing with chewing gum.”

In the 80s, he went to receive technical education at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. I studied poorly. I took higher mathematics twenty-one times, programming eighteen times. But he successfully sold records.

Retelling his biography, Dmitry Potapenko says: “Sometimes I’m horrified, there are so many “all sorts of different things, green and red”... For as long as I can remember, I have always been a member of social and political organizations, I was a released secretary of a Komsomol cell, I have a lot of certificates, for example, as an instructor drumming. But at the same time, as a schoolboy, he cheated with chewing gum, and as a student, with records in Stoleshnikov.”

In addition to his first commercial experience, at an early age he also acquired psychological impenetrability: “As a person who worked in a morgue and a casino, I learned not to react.” During his institute years, Potapenko actually got a job at a morgue, after which he was not afraid of the closed gaming club of the famous businessman Otari Kvantrishvili, where he even became the director. He says that he has not tried to play himself, and explains: “I am a low-gambling person. But that’s not the point. Player systems are a myth. There is a mechanical shuffling of cards, but the dealer’s hand intervenes in the process, so you can understand the algorithm of its work and it all comes down to technology. But high concentration is required. Besides, the player's life is very sad. He is forced to adapt to a nighttime lifestyle, but I like to work during the day. That’s why I went to sell equipment at Gorbushka. Across the row from me stood Zhenya Chichvarkin with his gadgets. You can write like this: “Gorbushka” gave them a start in life. Because then it was the only place of free trade.”

Sales were growing. And Manhattan Ind. Corp. (manufacturer of Grundig, AKAI products, which were then sold by Potapenko) created a Moscow office. Dmitry was the only employee who got there from a distribution company. Then, at the corporation’s headquarters, they decided to leave the unstable Russian market, and Potapenko became the general director of the wood-based parts plant in Podrezkovo with a controlled territory of 40 thousand hectares, which he recalls without sentimentality: “An ordinary Soviet enterprise in a wildly neglected state. I received it in 1998 just before the crisis began. At first, we had to lay off one and a half thousand people out of two and a half thousand. But the default had a beneficial effect on the domestic industry. We have launched production of slabs. Then it was cheap and went to the West, to the United Arab Emirates. When the financial situation improved, a conflict between shareholders began.”

At that moment, the Logos holding, a Russian distributor of printed materials, appeared in his life. Potapenko headed the “Wholesale Sales Center” and describes this work this way: “There was no crisis situation there, but there was a need to open many retail outlets and standardize the existing ones - tents where old women and young people came to buy and resell publications.”

Having increased sales, he moved to the Logos management company to the position of deputy general director, after leaving which he is still worried: “Dmitry Martynov, the owner of Logos, is a wonderful comrade. His business has great prospects. I am monitoring the situation and believe that they can earn an order of magnitude more.”

Then Potapenko was lured away by the founder of Pyaterochka, Andrei Rogozin. “I can’t say that I had a desire to go somewhere. But the bazaar is a trading business. I have not seen a single person who was promised better conditions, but he did not agree. Three things motivate: power, fame, money. When you have a choice, how not to give in? Andrey suggested that I go to him seven times. I refused. The discussion lasted three months. Then we agreed. At first I managed for a year in St. Petersburg. For me it is still a suburb of Moscow, I went there on Sunday and returned on Friday. I fell asleep on the train. And now I perceive any transport as a place to sleep.”

Now Potapenko has a business in Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody, Kislovodsk, Nizhnevartovsk, in other cities and even countries, so there are more trips. It turned out to be easier to build networks in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic than in our homeland. European inspectors and officials do not shake you when you comply with established standards. Maybe this is why Dmitry wants work in retail to be reduced to technology and standards.

Quotes from Potapenko

You will be imprisoned if your business [in Russia] attracts the attention of a kid in uniform.

The [Putin] government has long been able to write on the façade of any public institution: “Yes, we are crazy, but what will you do to us?”

We [Russia] are only good at producing officials, it’s a pity that no one takes them for export.

“MARKETING is the “art” of selling something that no one fucking needs!”

“The task of accounting is to minimize taxation. She can’t have any other task.”

“Business is a lifestyle! The owner must control all processes: from washing the floors to the strategy itself.”

“Salary motivates 30%, another 70% is the fear of losing it”

“Never give anything for free. Let it cost at least a ruble. Teach people to fill out a payment form, press a button... But don’t teach them to give freebies!”

“My family of 4 people lives on 42 thousand Russian rubles. I mostly go to work by metro - I can show you my travel card. I don't like holidays because I don't know what to do there. So it all depends on the level of consumption and desires"

“Let's try to explain to some Bill Gates that he will regularly be called to the tax office and explain in a boring tone that there are industry average wages. But your wages don’t match.” August 31, 2015, commenting on the life of Russian business.

“Real estate becomes an asset only when it is exchanged for money,” everything else is concrete, scrap metal, etc. Concrete and metal are worthless - it's dirt. For example, restaurant equipment is sold at a price of 1 kg = 1 ruble. Let me explain: it’s used, it can’t be moved anywhere, communications can’t be laid - and it really costs that much.”

“The authorities will prove that they are not guilty, they need to find an enemy. Now the enemies for citizens are the world behind the scenes, the USA, Europe, and when the external enemies end, the internal one will appear - trade. Conventional retail trade is traditionally to blame for the rise in prices in our country, online or not, it doesn’t matter. All are hucksters, speculators and traders! It takes a hundred years for this to take root.”

“In case of any confrontation with the authorities, legislators will have a salary of 400 thousand rubles and a sandwich with caviar in the State Duma for 26 rubles. At the same time, he has an Audi A8 under his ass, a driver, a secretary, an office, his salary is almost pure income. Today they can actually experiment on citizens, like they do experiments on rabbits. Absolute cynicism! I have already said this for several years now, at any government institution you can hang a banner: “Yes, we went nuts, so what? So what will you do? You won’t do anything!”

“Only one who knows how to make money on a galloping falling market can be called a businessman.”


  • often admitted that he and his wife and two children live in Moscow on 42-45 thousand rubles a month;
  • claims to be a native Muscovite in the fourth generation;
  • in Moscow he travels more often by metro than by car;
  • twice world champion in karate, multiple champion of Moscow and Russia;
  • Dmitry and his family live in Moscow at Akademika Anokhin Street, 9 (near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station);
  • In his life he managed to work in a morgue, a casino and as a salesman of equipment at Gorbushka.

Potapenko's business:

List of brands to which Dmitry Potapenko is directly related

Management Development Group Inc. European operations management company. Marketing, development and justification of the concept of shopping and entertainment complexes, architectural design, investment, construction, brokerage and subsequent trust management of the existing facility. The founder and managing partner is Dmitry Potapenko

Gastronomchik - supermarket chain in Russia

Pyaterochka is a Russian chain of discount food stores. Owned by the company. Founded in the first half of 1998.
The Logos group of companies was founded in 1991. Today it is the largest supplier of fabrics, accessories and sewing equipment in the Siberian region. The advantage of the Logos Group of Companies is a wide range of products that meet the current needs of manufacturers and trade organizations - these are materials for the production of clothing and interior items, sewing products for the home, accessories and goods for handicrafts, industrial and household sewing equipment.

Karusel is a Russian hypermarket chain owned by X5 Retail Group. As of June 2013, the network unites 68 hypermarkets in more than 20 regions of Russia.

What does Potapenko spend his earned money on (monthly estimate):


  • despite the huge number of lectures, speeches and articles in specialized publications, Potapenko has not yet published a single book

Media library

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At home

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May 22, 1993, Tokinori Tokinori confirmed 1st dan In the gym Photo before the Potapenko karate competition in the subway With a katana
In a biker suit On a bike

Dmitry Valerievich Potapenko is one of the most successful representatives of domestic retail, senior partner of Management Development Group Inc, represented in the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Belgium by more than fifteen retail chains, manufacturing enterprises and restaurants, including Gastronomchik, ProdECO, " Mark", "HozMag", "Parade of Planets", "Pizza Uno", "ArtPrague". According to experts, the annual turnover of his business reached more than three hundred million dollars.

An entrepreneur with three higher educations, an MBA certificate and a DNV GL Group, he became famous for his sharp criticism of the country’s economic policy. After his spontaneous speech in December 2015 at an economic forum held in the capital and a heated discussion with Vladimir Gutenev, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, he gained a reputation as a person who knows how to tell the truth, regardless of positions and persons. However, a number of representatives of the business community are critical of him, calling him a multi-machine operator and a cross between the “great schemer” Ostap Bender and the owner of deceptive charm, Ivan Khlestakov.

Childhood and family of Dmitry Potapenko

The future charismatic businessman was born on March 30, 1970 in Moscow and, according to him, became the son of two colonels of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

At school, he enjoyed participating in public life, was a Komsomol activist and a member of many circles. In particular, he practiced karate and even twice became a champion in this type of martial arts.

It should be noted that this fact, as well as some others, is questioned. His biography often reminds too much of an adventure novel. Recounting it in an interview, Dmitry noted that it surprised him with its intensity and incredible events.

In elementary school, he studied well, but as he matured, he allegedly lost motivation and cognitive interest in the process of acquiring knowledge. Nevertheless, having received secondary education, the young man entered a serious university - the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

From the age of 19, he began to live separately from his parents and, while a student, managed to change a number of exotic professions - he worked part-time as an orderly in a morgue and in a psychiatric hospital, managed the closed gambling establishment of the criminal authority Otari Kvantrishvili, and was the personal bodyguard of the oligarch Vitaly Malkin.

Career of Dmitry Potapenko

He gained his first commercial experience as a teenager, reselling chewing gum to his peers. During his student years, he already sold various audio, video and computer equipment at Gorbushka, and in 1989 he founded Black Leopard CJSC.

In 1992, in partnership with Natashkyang Korotia Systems, one of the first companies importing electronics to Russia, he brought to life his first project - the Tusar chain of electronics stores. In 1993, Dmitry defended his engineering degree and from 1995, for five years, he worked for the Grundig company that appeared on the domestic market, first holding the position of leading manager, and later - deputy president.

In the period 1998-2001. the young man was the general director of a wood-based particle board plant in the Podrezkovo microdistrict, which geographically controls 40 thousand hectares, and established the production and export of competitive chipboards. At the same time, he held the post of deputy head for investment cooperation at CB Kreditimpex Bank.

In 2001, Dmitry Valerievich became deputy head of the Logos companies operating in the periodicals distribution market, and also became the head of the Wholesale Sales Centers company. In 2003-2005, after repeated invitations from one of the founders of Pyaterochka, Andrei Rogachev, he headed the St. Petersburg and capital offices of the retail chain.

In 2005, the entrepreneur took one of the most important positions in the Management Development Group company, which determines the overall business success - managing partner. He carried out the development of retail trade networks, planning, organizing and stimulating work with assessing the results obtained and identifying current trends.

Personal life of Dmitry Potapenko

The successful retail practitioner is married. His wife Elena worked as a lawyer for ten years, dealing with bankruptcy issues of companies. In order to improve her professional competence, she also received an economic education, and after marriage, she also received a diploma in psychology, making her childhood dream come true. As a result, she became the general director of the MAXIMUM training center, offering personal development programs that improve the quality and standard of living. In addition, she is the creator of the discussion club “Perevzglyad”.

The married couple raised two daughters. The eldest of them, Maria Gracheva, according to her father, was a winner of almost all physics and mathematics Olympiads in the country. After graduating from school, she was accepted into the physics department of Moscow State University without exams. To create comfortable starting conditions, her parents gave her an apartment. The youngest, Natasha Potapenko, studied at the Lyceum of Information Technologies.

The businessman leads a relatively modest lifestyle, loves spending free time with his family, loves his wife’s signature dish - duck, regularly visits the gym and says that he has a matter-of-fact attitude towards expensive things, although he has an impressive fleet of vehicles: Gelandewagen SUV, Lexus, Mitsubishi Pajero, Kia Rio , and a Nissan Juke crossover owned by Elena.

Dmitry Potapenko today

The main part of the business of the domestic consulting guru at the moment are grocery stores and cheap restaurants. He combines his main management functions with conducting master classes and consultations on effective management, hosts a number of original radio programs, and is a frequent guest on television.

Soap bubble Dmitry Potapenko. Impenetrable soap bubble. December 15th, 2015

A couple of years ago, having once again noticed this impudent slob on one of the talk shows, appreciating his boorish pressure, he said to his relatives: “Our oppositionists still haven’t grabbed hold of him? It’s in vain. He’s like a bulldozer. He’ll take over the city with his arrogance and blatant lies.”

I waited. For a week now, liberal resources have been busy promoting Mr. Potapenko. Refer tovideo clip , they incomprehensibly exclaim, “Beautiful! He’s cutting down the truth!” They go to search engines and, writing with joy, replicate the biographical information scattered on the Internet of an unprecedentedly successful businessman and two-time world champion in karate.

Let's start with something minor, but striking. With karate.
" Twice world champion in karate. Multiple champion of Moscow and Russia".
Zero specifics. What championships, what countries, what years? People who know first-hand about karate shrug their shoulders. Haven't heard the name "Potapenko".
Yes, even " wrestled professionally"Also a multiple champion, probably?
I almost forgot - a great golfer. " I started playing golf and in my first year I received a medal as « Olympic hope » "

"The first company « Black leopard » I built it from scratch at 18 years old".
Okay, let's skip it.

Obvious inconsistencies in various biographical information and interviews in the early 90s. During the same year, Mr. Potapenko "studied at MIREA", " founded his first retail chain - Tusar electronics stores", " was the director of the Otari Kvantrishvili gambling club", and " worked as a security guard"(immediately after creating your own retail network, or immediately after getting a job with the most influential thief in law?).

In 1995, a twenty-five-year-old security guard with electronic gambling experience became "Vice President Sales and Marketing Grundic GmbH". One bio at a time" in the Baltic countries". According to others" in the CIS and Baltic countries". Again, zero confirmation.
" CEO « JSC MEZ DSP » "(Moscow experimental particle board plant in Podrezkovo).
" Vice President for Investment Development of PBC« CreditImpexBank» " (formerly "Kreditimpex Bank" on the old Arbat?).
" Deputy Group Manager « Logos » ".
" General Director of LLC « Wholesale centers » ".
"General Director and Chief Accountant of CJSC « RemtransAVTO » ".

Such a busy schedule did not interfere with the studies of the multi-machine genius. "MBA, California Heyward State University, Economic option"(correct - California State University, Hayward)." MBA, Economics, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade".

Previously, the media (in his words) repeatedly presented Potapenko as "founder and manager of the network « Pyaterochka » ". Often recorded in "owners", "general directors". Upon closer examination, it turned out that he came to a working network (created by Andrei Rogachev and Alexander Girda), so he could not possibly be the founder. Now only"sales network manager « Pyaterochka "(2003-05) "

He has been working for the last 10 years"Managing partner of the European operational management company Management Development Group Inc.". Russia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Belgium, all the way to China.
Here you should definitely look into the respected cargomax :
Questions, questions.

Among the heaps of data he voiced, there is no doubt that Potapenko was 45 years old, that he studied at Kuntsevo school 714, that he studied in the karate section in the area, was a farce, submitted documents to MIREA, traded at Gorbushka, hung around with bandits and much more. years ago I was involved with Pyaterochka.

A cross between Khlestakov and Bender, comes from a criminal background? With the organic makings of a self-promoter, in the armor-piercing style of “lying without blinking an eye”? Or a truly talented, mega-creative businessman operating fabulous millions in six (at least) countries?

As an adult, I lean towards the first option. That is, to Ostap Ibragimovich Khlestakov. A salesperson (lectures, seminars, forums, TV - all based on a fabulous biography) and monetizing the results of this dust-free work.

Potapenko repeats from interview to interview: " I am the son of two GRU colonels". Not far from the lieutenant's son...

An amazing candidate for the position of new Navalny. Plus new Nemtsov, new Kasparov and new Kasyanov combined. It breaks better and holds a blow better. He will be able to portray his closeness to the people in a less lame manner. Speaks simple, understandable language, sometimes obscene. A quick reaction coupled with the aforementioned boorish pressure and attack.

Remember the pre-election photos of the Navalny family, taken in an American, deliberately benevolent format? The Potapenko family also does not disappoint. Watchable wife-psychologist Elena, two daughters (the eldest of whom, according to their father, "winner of almost all Russian Olympiads in physics and mathematics").

There are an abundance of soap bubbles in politics. The promise and danger of Potapenko lies in his thick-skinned impenetrability. A kind of impenetrable soap bubble.

Four quotes from the future opposition leader

"We, of course, have a very high opinion of ourselves (the country, the people). We supposedly know a lot, but in fact we really are Mongolia, just with a gas baton"

"We are the last redneck, we can’t do anything other than get drunk and sing songs. The main thing for us to say is “We are from Russia!” Let us already understand that the world is moving along the path of globalization. Russia depends on buyers abroad and it’s time to start talking politely there and stop being rude"

"Are you for the country?
- No you're wrong. I'm for myself"

"What's good about Russia? We have a great client: we spit on him, but he adores us"

For many days now, the Internet has been discussing the emotional speech of entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko at the Moscow Economic Forum and his discussion with Vladimir Gutenev.
If anyone hasn't watched it yet, here's the video

Mr. Potapenko speaks brightly, denounces officials, gives examples of blatant unprofessionalism, and refers to his experience in doing business. We won’t analyze the whole speech, there are more emotions than specifics, we’ll touch on the logistical point, on the topic of the blog, so to speak.
Dmitry Valerievich twice points to triple taxation of carriers, questions the statement of Vladimir Gutenev that such fees, coupled with transport tax and part of the excise tax on fuel, are a common world practice - Three times? Three times? Potapenko asks the deputy.

Honestly, it’s surprising that an entrepreneur who has been running a business in Europe for 9 years does not know how things are with taxes and fees there, but let’s say he might not have paid attention to the scale of his own business, it happens...
We won’t go far, let’s take the Czech Republic, where the company Management Development Group Inc., founded by Dmitry Potapenko, is registered.

So, road tax or also called tax on vehicle owners, if an entrepreneur is the owner of a vehicle, he is required to register as a road tax payer. The amount of tax depends on the specific weight of the car and engine size. It doesn’t matter what kind it is - a car or a truck, if you own a car and carry out commercial activities - pay this tax. You can calculate the amount of tax using the link, the site is in Czech, but it’s not difficult to figure it out.

In addition to all of the above, the Czech Republic has had an electronic toll collection system since 2007, which applies to all motor vehicles or vehicles with trailers with a maximum authorized weight of 12 tonnes or more, including buses.

The amount of toll for freight vehicles and buses depends only on the environmental parameters of the vehicle and the number of axles. The same system as “Platon”, with company registration, receipt of an on-board device, details can be found, the site is informative, there is a version in Russian.
But what does this mean? The Czech government takes money from carriers - THREE TIMES! THREE TIMES!

In other countries of central Europe the situation is the same, only the methods of control and payment may differ.
Dmitry Valerievich also mentioned some registrars, which also required installation and because of which logistics costs increased, apparently by registrars he meant tachographs. I’ve always liked the way retailers try to justify any price increase by increasing the logistics component; we’ll look at this issue in detail another time. So, what does Mr. Potapenko do, what kind of business does he run? if it has recorded an increase in logistics costs, although carriers claim that rates have not increased since 2009. In the introduction to his speech he introduces himself “I am an entrepreneur, engaged in retail, food production, so-called DIY, and catering, doing business in Russia and in 4 foreign countries”.

UPD3 In comments, allowerdy suggested that companies Tverskoy product, orange, 4 seasons, economy - group of companies Rhythm - 2000 belongs to Tver Indian Chhatwal Harminder Singh. An interesting interview with him, Dmitry Valerievich is not mentioned as a co-owner.

Dmitry Valeryevich Potapenko became famous thanks to his criticism of the authorities and recommendations on doing business. He has extensive experience in retail; he currently runs a company specializing in the management of chain retail facilities, writes books, hosts original radio programs, and posts videos on YouTube.

  • FULL NAME: Potapenko Dmitry Valerievich.
  • Date of Birth: March 30, 1970 (48 years old).
  • Education: Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.
  • Date of start of business/age: 1992 /22 years.
  • Job title: Managing Partner of Management Development Group Inc.
  • Social networks:

Mr. Potapenko is a figure who attracts attention and does so quite consciously. He does not miss the opportunity to criticize the existing government, the laws of the Russian Federation and the entire system of the modern Russian economy, in which the place of private business is, to put it mildly, unenviable. At the same time, Dmitry Valerievich promises to teach how to create a business in such unprofitable realities. From this we can conclude that, contrary to his loud and often contradictory statements, Dmitry Potapenko’s business is, among other things, also business consulting.

Biography facts

As Dmitry Valerievich himself states, he is a native Muscovite in the fourth generation. Indeed, he was born into an ordinary Moscow family. After school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, where, upon completion of his studies in 1993, he received a diploma in industrial engineering.

During his student years, he developed a vigorous trading activity - he sold musical and other equipment at the famous Moscow “Gorbushka”. This was his first entrepreneurial experience. Some sources mention the first business he organized in 1992, that is, while still a student. And it was, apparently, a large-scale project - a retail chain of Tusar stores specializing in the sale of electronic equipment. However, there is no mention of this activity on Dmitry Potapenko’s official website.

Entrepreneurial path

In general, to know for certain the entire entrepreneurial path of this figure seems to be a very difficult task. Reliable information in open sources is negligible. Dmitry Valerievich himself, in interviews from different periods, refers to his rich experience in business, but without specifics.

Potapenko’s entrepreneurial path can be structurally described in this way:

The entrepreneur is actively developing in the retail industry, first specializing in technology, and then moving to grocery chains.

From 1995 to 2000, Potapenko made a career at the famous German household appliances company Grundig, in 5 years growing from senior manager to vice president of marketing in the Baltic countries.

Then Dmitry had a short banking episode in the early 2000s, when he tried himself as vice president for investment development at CreditImpexBank.

And in 2003, the businessman returned to retail again, but this time in grocery, becoming the head of the Pyaterochka distribution network in the Moscow region. He worked there for 2 years, gaining considerable experience.

Finally, in 2005, Potapenko became the managing partner of the European company Management Development Group Inc., whose activities, however, appear to be very vague. The official website refers to the main brands of this group of companies, but does not contain any links or even brief information about the type of their activities. According to the entrepreneur himself, understanding the theory and practice of sales, he deals exclusively with network projects with a specialization that is well known to him.

These are grocery chains in the format of an inexpensive neighborhood store, eateries and cafes designed for the undemanding client, the production of semi-finished food products, as well as building materials.

Political career

Dmitry Potapenko's wide popularity as an ardent critic of the authorities, not afraid of loud accusatory statements, began with the Moscow Economic Forum in 2015. Then he entered into open confrontation with State Duma deputy Vladimir Gutenev and criticized a number of economic decisions on the part of the country's government.

Many bloggers still like to quote his now famous statement:

“The dialogue between business and government has been happening for the last 20 years like a dialogue between a butcher and a cow, looking tenderly into the eyes and holding a knife under the throat with the question: what do we have today - beef or milk?”

After this, the businessman continued to shock the public and journalists with statements in his direct and ingenuous manner. People are already afraid to invite him to serious and large-scale forums, but in the regions they are delighted with this speaker. Representatives of small businesses willingly purchase tickets to his master classes, where he teaches how to set up retail networks, create client bases, how to build working systems in business and much more.

Seeing the wide resonance of his statements in the public environment, Dmitry Potapenko decided to go into politics.

In his own words, this step became a challenge and an opportunity for him to figure out whether it was possible to change anything at all in the country’s political system.

“To talk about the worthlessness of the authorities without trying to change something yourself would be stupid. My life experience is practice and result; I don’t know how to work differently.”

The newly-minted politician spoke of confidence that he would get into the Duma, because he has everything for this: a wealth of knowledge, skills and the support of people. His goal was to get into the system and change its operating principles.

In 2016, the businessman ran for the State Duma from the Kaliningrad electoral district as a member of the Growth Party. The results of these elections did not allow Potapenko to change the political system, since he did not overcome the percentage to pass the barrier.

Journalistic activity

But Dmitry Valerievich’s journalistic and consulting activities took off after the historic December forum. Many journalists seized the opportunity to irritate the authorities and began vying to call Potapenko for interviews, which he gives willingly and rarely minces his expressions.

This practice even resulted in an original program on the Ekho Moskvy radio. It is called “Potapenko Course”. The businessman has also become quite familiar with the Internet media and enjoys commenting on news from the business environment in his own column for Slon Magazine, a media holding company also known from the Dozhd TV channel.

All this activity inspired Potapenko to write books, which are largely based on his speeches and master classes for aspiring entrepreneurs. In 2016, “An honest book about how to do business in Russia” was published. A year later, Dmitry Potapenko presented a new creation to the readers - “Business is verbs and nouns that end in numbers.”

One of the videos of the program “In fact,” in which Dmitry participates