Types of pasta. Types of pasta

Cellentani and manicotti, caserecce and pipe rigate, mafaldine and stelline, soba and udon, saifun and bifun, chuzma and nuasyr - for those who treat pasta “calmly”, this is just a set of foreign words. For a true lover, this is a story about what types of pasta there are in different countries.

Today, unlike in former times, a wide variety of pasta products are presented on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. The photo below shows only a small amount of pasta, varied in shape, variety and type.

Where and when did pasta appear?

No culinary historian can name the exact date when pasta appeared in people’s diets. Today, there are hypotheses about the primacy of the Etruscans, Chinese and Arabs in the matter of the invention of pasta.

Having carefully studied the bas-reliefs of the Etruscan necropolis dating back to the 4th century BC. BC, historians have come to the conclusion that they depict utensils used to make pasta.

According to another theory, modern history begins in the 13th century, when Marco Polo returned to Venice from China. However, as early as the mid-12th century, most of Sicily's exports consisted of pasta secca. That is, even half a century before the return of the great traveler from China, Italians were already making different types of pasta.

Other historians argue that the priority in the discovery of pasta, or rather this type of noodles, belongs to China, where it was prepared even before the advent of our era. Despite the fact that there is no exact information about when and where pasta appeared, people living in many different countries and belonging to different cultures and nationalities enjoy eating it.

“National” characteristics of pasta

In the cuisine of many nations there are a variety of types of pasta and dishes in which they are used in one form or another.

For Europeans, the most beloved and familiar types are pasta made from wheat flour. They can be of various widths, lengths and shapes.

Most Asians, including the Chinese, prefer pasta made from rice flour. These are mainly types of pasta such as various lengths and widths, translucent or white.

In Japan, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and some provinces of China, long noodles, which are pulled out in a special way, are very popular. In Asia it is called “chuzma” and is used to prepare lagman.

In Japan, they happily prepare a wide variety of pasta products from a variety of types of flour. Thus, it is very popular, made from a mixture of buckwheat and rice flour and used in the preparation of many dishes. A special type of noodle is prepared from the starch of legumes - saifun.

In Arab countries, such types of pasta as reshta and noisir are popular.

For a long time, culinary experts from different parts of the world have been perfecting the art of making pasta and creating new recipes. Let's look at what pasta is.

Russian classification of pasta

Pasta products can be systematized according to various criteria and, above all, depending on the raw materials used in the manufacturing process. Pasta is in most cases made from wheat flour, but can also be made from rice, rye and corn starch.

According to Russian standards, pasta products made from wheat flour, depending on the varieties of wheat, are divided into the following groups: A, B, C. In addition, the grade of flour is the basis for distinguishing three grades of pasta - premium, first and second.

Group A usually includes pasta made from flour of the highest, first and second grades of durum wheat. The raw material for pasta of group B is flour of the highest and first grades from glassy soft wheat. For group B pasta, bakery flour of the highest and first grades is used.

In Russia, according to established GOSTs, all pasta products, depending on their shape, are divided into several types:

  • curly;
  • tubular;
  • thread-like;
  • ribbon-shaped.

Within each of these types there are several species. Figured products can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Tubular pasta products include pasta itself, feathers and cones. Depending on the diameter they are divided into:

  • “straw” - with a diameter of up to 4 mm;
  • special - diameter from 4 mm to 5.5 mm;
  • ordinary - with a diameter from 5.6 mm to 7 mm;
  • amateur - with a diameter of more than 7 mm.

Thread-shaped pasta is divided into web vermicelli with a diameter of no more than 0.8 mm; thin - with a diameter of no more than 1.2 mm; ordinary - the diameter of which does not exceed 1.5 mm; amateur - with a diameter of up to 3 mm.

Ribbon pasta includes noodles, produced in various types and names. It can be with straight and wavy edges, grooved and smooth. The thickness of the noodles cannot exceed 2 mm, and any width is allowed, but not less than 3 mm.

According to Russian GOSTs, all pasta products are divided into two main groups: short, from 1.5 to 15 cm long, and long, from 15 to 50 cm. According to GOSTs, pasta can only be long, noodles and vermicelli can be either long or and short. Figured products, as well as horns and feathers, are produced only in short lengths.

Italian classification of pasta

In Italy, a slightly different classification of pasta is used than is customary in Russia. In total, there are about three hundred types of pasta in Italian cooking, but hardly anyone can name their exact number.

In Italy, all pasta is divided primarily into raw and dry. Dry pasta is stored for a long time and is sold in regular stores. In contrast, raw pasta is immediately used to prepare a particular dish.

All Italian pasta products are conventionally divided into the following subgroups:

  • long;
  • short;
  • curly;
  • fine soup paste;
  • intended for baking;
  • filled (stuffed) pasta.

Long pasta

Long pasta includes tubes with a diameter of 1.2 to 2 mm, such as capellini, vermicelli, spaghetti and spaghettini and bucatini.

Flat pasta in the form of ribbons of noodles, such as bavette, fettuccine, tagliatelle, linguine and pappardelle, vary in width, which varies from 3 to 13 mm.

A separate type of long flat pasta is mafaldine, which has wavy edges.

Short pasta

There are a great variety of short ones, the following types are the most popular.

Penne feathers are small tubes with a diameter of no more than 10 mm and a length of no more than 4 cm. The tips of such pasta are cut obliquely, which is why they resemble a sharpened feather. Their surface can be either smooth or corrugated.

Ditalini, which means “thimbles” in Italian. Small and very short tubes.

Rigatoni are short and long pasta tubes, wider than penne. Usually grooved.

Ziti are slightly curved tubes. They can be either short or long.

Horns (Elbow macaroni) are arched, small hollow tubes.

Figured pasta

Figured pasta in the Italian tradition can be very different in both shape and size. Let's name the most popular and frequently used forms of pasta.

Rotini are spirals, really small and short “springs”.

Fuzzili are spirals, longer than rotini, and also twisted into a “spring”. They can be of different types: long, thin, short and thick.

Cavatappi - very similar to fuzzilis, but only more elongated in length. They are hollow inside and corrugated outside.

Conchiglie means shells, and literally translated from Italian as “mollusk shell.” They differ in length and narrow internal cavity.

Lumake - snails. Indeed, they look very similar to the snail’s house from which it crawled out.

Farfalle - butterflies. We have adopted a less romantic and more prosaic name - “bows”.

Radiator - not a very tasty and romantic-sounding name - radiator, because of the grooves and grooves on each pasta.

Ruote is a wheel, our pasta of this shape is called “wheels”.

Orzo is a small pasta that looks more like rice.

We will not consider in more detail the types of Italian curly pasta, we will simply list a few more names: torchio, gemelli, malloredas, cesarizia, creste di Galli, quadrefiore and gigli.

Fine pasta (pasta) for soups

The following types of small pasta are used to season soups.

Anelli - small flat rings.

Alphabet - pasta in the shape of letters.

Corals are miniature small tubes that resemble coral in cross-section.

Stellete - stars, similar to our soup pasta of the same shape.

Filini - short strings.

Pasta for baking

Cannelloni - look like long, large-diameter tubes.

Manicotti are long tubes, like cannelloni, but with a smaller diameter.

Conciglione are the largest, one might say, giant shells.

Conchiglie are medium-sized shells.

Lumaconi are large snails.

Lasagna - flat and wide sheets, the edges of which can be either smooth or wavy.

Filled pasta - stuffed pasta

Ravioli are square-shaped dumplings made from pasta dough, very similar to ordinary Russian dumplings.

Tortellinni are small ring-shaped dumplings with a variety of fillings.

Gnocchi are small dumplings filled with mashed potatoes, cheese or spinach.

When asked what types of pasta there are, most of their fans aged 3 to 12 years will answer that they are colored. Indeed, it is children who love this kind of pasta the most! They are usually dyed with natural dyes. So, green pasta will be obtained by adding spinach juice, purple - by beet juice, black - by squid ink.

In Italy they love it and call it pasta nera. The size, shape and length of these pasta depend solely on the culinary imagination of the cook who decided to cook them.

We looked at the most commonly used types and varieties of pasta; in fact, the range of pasta products is much larger than we can imagine. Probably, the Italians themselves, with the exception of professional chefs, culinary historians and pasta production technologists, do not know what pasta is, so beloved in their homeland.

Pasta We appreciate the attractive price that fits into the budget of both students and retirees. We love it for its simplicity of preparation, accessible to a child, a young housewife, and a confirmed bachelor. And we love them for their versatility; you can use them to prepare a variety of side dishes, delicious main courses, hearty soups, cottage cheese and meat casseroles, sweet desserts and many national dishes.

In large supermarkets, entire sections are dedicated to pasta. The range of these products is baffling. Let's try to figure out whether there are differences between the products and what exactly they are. Today we will look at all kinds of pasta.

The opinion of an expert from the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, what is the difference between pasta and how to choose it:

Types of pasta

Flour is the basis of any pasta. Most often, wheat flour is used for their production, but sometimes you can find products made from rye, rice or buckwheat flour. Pasta made from wheat flour is usually divided according to the types of raw materials from which they are made. For production, flour of the highest, first and second grade is used.

In addition to the variety, the product group is indicated on the packaging. Be sure to pay attention to this indicator. Pasta of group A is produced from durum wheat varieties, and B and C are made from soft varieties. The greatest value is products from durum wheat. They do not boil over, retain their shape and contain more nutrients.

Can you trust the manufacturers and everything that is written on the packaging? Learn to determine the truth:

Types of pasta

Let's try to sort out the abundance of pasta that manufacturers pamper us with. In colloquial form, we often call all pasta “pasta,” but in reality this term usually refers to long tubes that are porous inside. All other products (or pasta, as they are called in their homeland) are included in other groups.

Spaghetti- a long and thin pasta, shaped like pasta, but without a hole. Spaghetti is the basis of many Italian dishes. The Italians call the thinnest vermechelins “Spaghettini”, and for the thickest products they have the term “Spaghettoni”. Among the Slavic peoples you can also find the name “Long vermicelli”.

Shaped pasta- the largest family. It includes horns, shells, bows, spirals, and the “alphabet” that are familiar from childhood. Natives of Italy are also found here: campanelle, farfallette, gemelli, cavatelli, orecchiete and other “curvy” representatives of Italian pasta.

You can include in a separate group of figured products hollow figurines intended for stuffing. The idea of ​​filling tubes and shells with minced meat came from Italy, which is why “pure-blooded Italians” represent this group: cannelloni, manicotti, conciglioni.

Vermicelli are small thin products made from dry dough. The thinnest representatives of this species are called “spider webs”; they are most often used for seasoning soups. Long noodles in the form of nests are also very popular, used for beautiful side dishes.

Noodles– flat and long strips of dough. Unlike all other types of pasta, noodles can be bought not only in dried form, but also in soft form. Eastern peoples call noodles “lagman”, Italians call them “fettuccine”, and the Chinese prefer rice noodles.

Lasagna- another Italian invention, which is dry sheets of dough. These pasta products are used to prepare a hearty and delicious hot dish filled with minced meat, mushrooms, vegetables and cheese. The finished lasagna looks like a layer cake with a delicious golden brown crust.

Produced especially for children curly pasta in the form of funny animals, birds, stars, flowers. Children are especially interested in colored products. To obtain them, manufacturers add food coloring to the dough.

Of course, these are not all types of pasta available in grocery departments. I hope that you will love pasta even more and will be more confident in picking up packs with unfamiliar names.

Products made from dried dough have always helped people survive. Pasta of our time is still the same canned dough product, which has become not only a popular everyday food product that is convenient to store and prepare, but also an essential component of a number of dishes in many national cuisines.

In this article we will look at what types of pasta are on sale, how they differ and which ones are better to choose. Let's learn to determine quality through information available to the buyer.

Types of pasta

Pasta is classified into groups (different varieties of wheat), classes or varieties (different types of flour) and types (many forms).

From a quality point of view, the buyer should pay special attention to the product group, i.e. on what wheat the product is made from.

Table - Classification of pasta by groups and varieties

It is undeniable that only durum wheat flour (durum) can produce truly high-quality pasta. Compared to soft ones, they contain more gluten and less starch and have a lower glycemic index.

The grade of flour does not reflect the quality (in the usual sense), but the degree of integrity of the grain taken for processing, i.e. the degree of grain purification from the germ and shells before grinding. After all, it is they, the germs and shells, that increase the biological value of the product. Thanks to them, the flour is rich in fiber with preserved vitamins and minerals. We can conclude that pasta made from low-grade flour obtained from durum wheat is the most healthy.

Types of pasta are their shapes. These are tubular (horns and feathers), thread-like (vermicelli), and ribbon-like (noodles) products of various lengths, widths, diameters, and cross-sections. These are also shaped products of a wide variety of shapes, flat and voluminous, simple and complex in configuration, and sometimes even amazing shapes, the variety of which is impressive.

You need to know that in addition to dry products, fresh ones are also made. They entered the cuisine of many peoples of the world. Noodles, dumplings, dumplings, lazanka, strapachki, gnocchi, dumplings, bakerbze, baursak - you can’t list all the types of pasta. Manufactured under production conditions, such products have a humidity of 28% and a sell-by date of 24 hours.

Pasta is made from dough, usually from wheat flour, but flour from buckwheat, beans, etc. can also be used.

Often the buyer looks only at the originality of the forms, forgetting about other important factors. What to look for when buying traditional pasta, i.e. made from dry wheat flour (with a moisture content of 12%) - you can read about this below in the “how to choose” section.

Nutritional value primarily depends on the main raw material. The use of a variety of additional raw materials and additives by manufacturers makes it possible to constantly expand the range of pasta products and at the same time further increase their nutritional value, giving them certain additional properties.

Additional raw materials and additives can serve different purposes:

Enrich products with protein (mainly protein fortifiers - egg products, dairy products, casein, wheat flour gluten, etc.), essential amino acids, and vitamin preparations.

Enrich products with minerals (for example, calcium by introducing eggshells or edible chalk).

Give the product taste, aroma and color. Vegetable and fruit juices and pastes can be used here. Most often, tomato paste or tomato powder, as well as spinach and sorrel, carrots and beets. Cuttlefish ink can be used as a dye, but artificial dyes and flavor and aroma enhancers can also be used.

Improve the quality of products by promoting better shape retention and less sticking during cooking. Of course, products made from durum wheat do not need such “improvers”. In fact, by using special substances, manufacturers are thereby trying to “save” the shape of products made from soft varieties of wheat, and this indicates the low quality of the product.

On sale you can find different types of pasta with a wide variety of additives, which should be displayed in the name of the product. These are egg products, with an increased content of eggs, or tomato, dairy, curd, fortified products, with vegetables, yeast, soy flour, fish concentrate, etc.

Be wary of yellow pasta that does not say on the packaging that it is egg-based or that natural pasta is used as an additive. An unscrupulous manufacturer hopes that the buyer will fall for the external, “egg” appearance of the product. But in fact, what you are looking at may be a counterfeit product using a chemical dye. If the water turns yellow during cooking, this indicates a low quality product, the addition of a synthetic dye, and even a possible health hazard.

Special purpose pasta:

For therapeutic nutrition of those in need of a hypoprotein diet (with renal failure, gluten intolerance), protein-free pasta can be produced using corn starch.

For dietary and therapeutic nutrition of patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis, cholelithiasis, dietary supplements are used in the form of apple and pumpkin paste, which also stimulate the heart.

Bioadditives from the peel enhance human immunity to radiation. Products with the addition of wheat germ, bran or whole grains, containing dietary fiber in significant quantities, also help improve immunity.

How to choose high-quality pasta so that it is tasty and healthy

Quality is determined primarily by the composition of the product. There must be two components: flour and water. Good-quality pasta is made only from durum wheat. The packaging of such products must bear the inscription “Group A” or “Durum Wheat.” On imported packaging - “durum”.

Sometimes the packaging loudly declares “From durum wheat”, but at the same time “Group B” or “Group C” is indicated. This means that durum wheat was only partially included in the flour, but in what proportion is usually not indicated. In any case, such products cannot fully have the properties of a high-quality product.

The appearance of pasta can be deceiving

Modern technologies and equipment can work wonders even from raw materials of inappropriate quality. Remember shop windows with beauty for the eyes, but not everything can be eaten. Therefore, excuse us for repeating ourselves - be sure to look for the composition of the product on the label.

Product coloring

The color of the product should be natural, even, golden or cream (but not unnaturally white or bright yellow poisonous). Products made from durum wheat have a slightly darker color. The added additives determine the corresponding color (for example, spinach - green color). You don’t have to be afraid of small amounts of dark spots - these are the remaining particles of grain shells, but still this does not allow the product to become a high-quality product. White inclusions indicate poor kneading of the dough and are considered unacceptable for a quality product: such products will lose their shape when cooked.


The surface of the product should be matte and smooth, but it may have specially pressed grooves (for good retention of sauces).

Fracture and cracking

The break of the pasta should be glassy. The manufacturer achieves this provided that the drying technology is followed. Drying too quickly leads to cracking of the product and deterioration in quality during cooking.

High-quality pasta should be weighty

The mass should be felt even with a small volume. It is these products that are not afraid of digestion. They will not stick together and will retain their shape. Be sure to test the purchased product at home.


Beware of musty or other unusual odors.

Shape - your choice

Choose the type (i.e. shape) of pasta that is needed for a particular dish or the appearance you like - whether it be spirals or horns, or products of another shape - this does not affect the quality.

Availability of additional raw materials

If the pasta contains additional raw materials, the group of pasta products indicated on the package is supplemented with the name of this additional raw material. For example, “tomato”. Eggs are usually added to products made from soft wheat varieties. The name is added to the label with the word “egg”.

After cooking, pasta will tell you a lot about its quality.

During cooking, flakes should not form, and the products themselves, having at least doubled in size, should not stick together, but should “be in the shape” corresponding to the name of the product, even after a quarter of an hour after cooking.

There must be no sediment in the drained cooking water and the water itself must be clean. Cloudy water indicates some leaching of useful substances from the product. The smell and taste should also remain pure, without foreign tastes.

Packaging must be transparent

A self-respecting manufacturer will pack pasta in a bag that should be partially transparent (then you can inspect and evaluate the appearance of the product at the point of sale), and will not be afraid to indicate its coordinates on the packaging. It’s worth learning how to navigate brands and identifying your favorite manufacturers. Study everything written on the packaging.

Flour sediment and presence of moisture

If you see flour sediment or crumbs inside the package, you should know that this is a sign of a low-quality product. Crumbness may indicate long-term storage.

Another sign of improper storage may be the presence of water droplets (condensation may appear when, for example, the bag is heated in the sun). Please be aware that increased humidity of a product makes it a product of inadequate quality and, in addition, falsifies its true weight.

Choosing a special type of pasta - products for children

Be especially responsible when choosing pasta for children:

Still, despite the higher price, prefer products made from durum wheat.

Don't buy instant pasta. Manufacturers are still working on absolutely harmless and most useful products.

If you are allergic, do not buy egg-containing pasta.

Be especially picky about colored pasta. Make sure that the dyes used are natural and healthy.

Think about what shape of pasta will be comfortable for your baby.

The main storage conditions are cleanliness and dryness. Do not store near products that have a strong specific odor. High humidity can bring mold fungus. The drier the conditions, the longer the shelf life with the guarantee of maintaining nutritional properties.

Pasta is not afraid of low temperatures, so it can be stored in unheated rooms. 30 degrees Celsius is recommended as the maximum temperature. Temperature changes during storage should be avoided.

Dry pasta is not susceptible to staleness even after long-term storage. The shelf life of pasta, if all conditions are met, can be significant - up to 2 years. For products with additives, shorter shelf life is established: with eggs, tomatoes - up to 12 months, dairy - up to 6 months, with wheat germ - up to 3 months.

Undesirable processes may occur due to improper storage. Due to oxidation, products may change color and even become grayish (this can especially affect products made from soft wheat). Due to the aging of protein gluten, microcracks can form, and then, with a change in strength, crumbs and small particles can form. Rancidity, which signals a particular health hazard, is most likely to occur in products containing dairy additives. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing pasta in the store.

Features of storing instant pasta

Special attention must be paid to the storage conditions of instant pasta. Manufacturers like to use palm oil, probably not only because it is cheap, but also because it has a longer shelf life - up to 12 months. Products using soybean oil – up to 6 months, – up to 3 months.

If the process of frying in oil was involved in the manufacture of instant products, then special attention should be paid to the absence of rancidity after storage - it is dangerous.

There is a technology that allows manufacturers to increase the safety of products: products are packaged in heat-resistant bags and irradiated with infrared rays. Therefore, pasta in such packaging should give you confidence in its quality.

It is necessary to remember that instant products are a separate type of pasta, the choice of which must be taken even more responsibly.

And water by mixing, various methods of molding and drying.

Classification and assortment

All pasta products are divided into groups A, B, C; grades (highest, first, second). The designations of pasta products made using additional raw materials are supplemented with the appropriate name, for example, premium egg noodles.

The type of product is determined by the type of flour. The standard provides for the production of premium pasta (from premium flour - semolina), first grade (from first grade flour - semi-cereal), second grade (from second grade flour - semi-cereal).

The range of pasta products is very diverse. Along with regular products, the following types of pasta are produced:

  • higher egg; higher egg with increased egg content;
  • first and highest grade tomatoes;
  • dairy products of the first and highest grades with the addition of cow's milk, whole dry skimmed cow's milk;
  • cottage cheese of the first and highest grades;
  • fortified first and highest grades;
  • fast-cooking;
  • pasta with vegetables;
  • products with dry yeast or yeast extract;
  • products with soy flour;
  • products with fish protein concentrate.

Pasta for special purposes produced, for example, for baby and diet food:

  • small (in the form of grains) products of increased biological value for baby food made from premium flour with the addition of caseite, iron glycerophosphate, vitamins B1, B2 and PP;
  • protein-free products (in the form of noodles) for medical nutrition and for children requiring a hypoprotein and gluten-free diet; produced from a mixture of corn starch with the addition of vitamins;
  • products for second courses. The formed noodles are passed through an oil bath or sprayed with oil, then dried at 70-130 °C. In such noodles, fat does not oxidize for 6 months. It has high nutritional value and does not stick together when finished;
  • products for long-term storage. Fresh products are packaged in heat-resistant bags and irradiated on both sides with infrared rays at 100-160 °C for 3-4 minutes. In this way, the products are sterilized and their shelf life increases.

In addition to varietal differences, the product classification divides pasta into types, and types into subtypes.

The entire range of pasta products is divided by regulatory documentation into four types: tubular products, thread-like, tape-shaped, curly.

Each type of pasta is divided into subtypes.

TO tubular products There are three subtypes - pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta is divided into the following types: ordinary (diameter 5.6-7 mm), ordinary corrugated (diameter 5.6-7 mm), special (diameter 4.0-5.5 mm), special corrugated (diameter 4.0-5 .5 mm), amateur (with a diameter of more than 7 mm), amateur corrugated (with a diameter of more than 7 mm), straws (with a diameter of up to 4 mm).

The length of short pasta is 15-30 cm, long pasta is more than 30 cm.

Horns are short-cut tubular products, slightly curved, the length along the outer curve is from 1.5 to 5 cm. Horns come in the following types: ordinary (5.6-7 mm in diameter), special (4.1-5.56 mm in diameter) , straws (up to 4.1 mm in diameter), for minced meat (20 ± 3 mm in diameter).

Feathers are short-cut tubular products with an oblique cut and a length from an acute angle to a blunt cut from 3 to 10 cm. They produce the following types: amateur (with a diameter of more than 7 mm), ordinary (with a diameter of 5.6-7 mm) and special (with a diameter of 4 ,1-5.56 mm).

TO thread-like products include web vermicelli (with a cross-section of no more than 0.8 mm), ordinary (with a cross-section of no more than 0.9-1.5 mm) and amateur (with a cross-section from 1.6 to 3.5 mm).

Tape-shaped products primarily include noodles that are available as smooth, corrugated, sawtooth, wavy, etc. The dimensions of the noodles are arbitrary, but the width of the tape must be at least 3 mm and the thickness no more than 2 mm. Noodles are produced narrow (up to 7.0 mm inclusive) and wide (from 7.1 to 25.0 mm).

Figured products are divided into the following types: alphabet and figures measuring 8x2x10 mm; ears and bows; shells of various sizes (diameter up to 30 mm and wall thickness no more than 1.2 mm); sprockets, gears, rings (diameter 10 mm and thickness 1.55 mm); cereals and grains of rice type (with a diameter of no more than 3 mm and a length of no more than 10 mm); squares, triangles and other shaped plates (thickness no more than 1.2 mm, side of a square, triangle no more than 12 mm); Bolognese stamping products (plate sizes from 10x10 to 50x50 mm, thickness from 0.7 to 1.5 mm).

In the above classification list, their shape is taken as a sign for the division of pasta. Often other characteristics are used, for example, technological characteristics, size, cross-sectional nature, etc.

Depending on the method of formation a distinction is made between pressed and stamped products. Figured products are stamped, the rest are obtained by pressing.

Depending on the length pasta is divided into long (from 20 to 40-50 cm), short and short-cut (from 1.5 to 20 cm), soup filling (in the form of thin flat and shaped slices 1-3 mm thick).

Depending on the laying method before drying pasta is divided into straight (all hang-dried products), loose (all short-cut products and soup fillings that are dried in bulk), skeins and bows (vermicelli and specially laid out noodles).

The range of pasta products is constantly expanding.

Pasta products are characterized by high nutritional value and good digestibility. They contain at least 11 - 12% protein, 70-72% carbohydrates (mainly starch), 13% moisture and 0.5-0.7% fat, the content of minerals and fiber that are not absorbed by the body is insignificant.

The nutritional value

The main consumer advantages of pasta are:

  • high nutritional value, since they are made from the best quality wheat flour with a high protein content and a minimal amount of minerals;
  • high digestibility of proteins (86%), fats (90%) and carbohydrates (98%);
  • culinary advantages - speed and ease of preparation (cooking time for small products is about 5 minutes, thick-walled ones - 15-20 minutes).

Nutritional value and consumer benefits depend on the variety and composition and the fortifiers used.

Factors shaping quality

Main raw materials For the production of pasta, special pasta flour, premium and first grade baking flour containing at least 28% gluten and water are used.

TO additional raw materials include: enrichment additives - eggs, egg products, whole and powdered milk, etc.; flavoring and aromatic additives - vegetable and fruit juices; vitamin preparations - B 1, B 2, PP; improvers - surfactants used to give pasta specific organoleptic and physicochemical properties.

Production process pasta products are currently carried out on an automatic production line and consist of the operations of preparing raw materials, kneading, dough processing (crushing and rolling), molding (shaped products are pressed, stamped, noodles are made manually), drying, resting (stabilization), sorting and packaging.

Quality of pasta largely depends on proper drying. Slow drying leads to souring and molding, fast drying leads to cracking, uneven coloring without glassy fracture and unsatisfactory cooking properties. Short-cut products are dried for 20-90 minutes at a temperature of 50-70 °C, long-cut products - for 16-40 minutes at a temperature of 30-50 °C.

Quality control pasta products are produced according to organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

Organoleptic indicators - color, surface condition, shape, taste and smell, condition after cooking and broken appearance.

The color of pasta should be uniform with a creamy or yellowish tint. A whitish or grayish color indicates defective raw materials, a violation of the pressing or drying process.

The fracture of pressed products should be glassy. A white flour break indicates defects in the raw materials or processing of the dough.

The surface should be smooth, polished or slightly matte. Roughness of products is undesirable, although it disappears during cooking.

The taste and smell of dry and cooked products should be without any peculiarities: there should be no bitterness or high acidity, musty or moldy smell or any other foreign tastes and odors.

The condition after cooking is the most important indicator of pasta. Pasta cooked for 10-20 minutes should increase in volume by at least 2 times, retain its shape well, be soft, elastic, not stick together, and not form lumps. Another important property associated with cooking is dry matter retention.

The form must be correct, corresponding to the name of the product.

Physico-chemical quality indicators - humidity, acidity, strength and scrap content (for pasta), crumb content, metal impurities, absence of barn pests. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about.

In this article:

Pasta can differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in variety - more precisely, in the raw materials from which they were produced. On the packages you can find the following inscriptions: “made from premium flour” or “durum wheat is used.” In the first case, the main component is obtained by grinding parts of the grain, and in the second, from whole wheat.

Main types of pasta

There are standards for classifying pasta, according to which they are divided into groups and varieties. Moreover, durum wheat is used to make group A pasta, and soft wheat is used for all others.

In many countries (particularly Italy), products are made exclusively from durum varieties.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the varieties:

  • group A: durum wheat (highest, first and second grade);
  • group B: soft wheat (highest and first grade);
  • group B: wheat baking flour (highest and first grade).

According to the method of preparation they distinguish egg And dry products. Pasta products are produced in different shapes, sizes and diameters.

Based on their form, they are divided into 5 groups:

  • long pasta (Fig. 2);
  • short pasta (Fig. 3);
  • baking pasta (Fig. 4);
  • small pasta for soups (Fig. 5);
  • curly pasta (Fig. 6).

The most popular representative of long pasta is spaghetti with a characteristic round cross-section and a length of more than 15 cm. In our country they are in demand bucatini- rather thin spaghetti with holes.

Tagliatelle and fettuccine are very similar in appearance and are a type of noodle that looks like long, flat ribbons.

In turn, short and curly pasta is divided into tubular (horns, feathers), thread-like (vermicelli) and ribbon products (noodles). It is worth mentioning in this variety three-dimensional products with complex configurations (ears, shells, stars, rings and much more).

European names for pasta differ from our products in their original form. Thus, farfalle is made in the shape of butterflies, and our people simply call it bows.

Many housewives associate pasta for baking with lasagne– large sheets for preparing a popular dish.

Huge tubes - cannelloni(diameter 3 cm) can also be stuffed and baked.

High-quality pasta has taste and smell, and the absence of bitterness, mold and mustiness is a prerequisite. Their color is characterized by uniformity with a yellow tint. During the cooking process, pasta should not stick together, form lumps or lose its original shape. The shelf life of pasta is as follows: without additives - for 2 years, with egg and tomato components - 1 year; with wheat germ - only 3 months.

The assortment of pasta is improved by introducing not entirely traditional raw materials into the recipe, namely food additives, dyes and new types of flour. To improve the quality of the product and meet the growing needs of customers, vitamin and mineral supplements can be used.

Pasta with medicinal effect

Every year the range of pasta products will expand due to an increase in the content of nutrients and the creation of fundamentally new types of products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Special pasta is being developed for the dietary nutrition of people with kidney failure. Protein-free products are made from corn starch with the addition of B vitamins.

Such products have a neutral taste without a characteristic odor.

Pasta is also produced for therapeutic and prophylactic effects:

  • enriched with calcium (edible chalk or shell);
  • with a high content of bran, whole grain or wheat germ;
  • vegetable mosaic (with the addition of tomato paste, spinach and sorrel, carrots);
  • enriched with herbal additives.

The latest variety of pasta may contain grape skin supplements– they are intended to strengthen the immune system, increase the body’s defenses and improve the general condition of the person as a whole. Pumpkin or apple additives give the pasta an amber color. A diet containing them is recommended for cholelithiasis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiac activity.

In some countries it is customary to issue improved pasta, when the package contains a tablet of table salt, vegetable concentrate, monosodium glutamate, caramel, garlic, pepper, flour, soy sauce and glucose. Products made from whole-ground grains and with a variety of fillings (meat and vegetables) are also popular. Pasta seasoned with garlic or coffee is no longer a novelty, and products in the form of breakfast cereals, the so-called “pasta chips,” are useful to eat periodically.

Long-term storage pasta is quite common, when the finished product is placed in heat-resistant packaging and irradiated with infrared rays (3 minutes). Under their influence, products are sterilized, and the shelf life is significantly increased.

The main advantages and benefits of pasta

The demand for pasta is easily explained, because they are characterized by speed of preparation and affordable price. Moreover, the image of the product is gradually changing. Just 10 years ago, they were considered far from the healthiest dish and were not recommended for the category of people who followed a diet. Today they rightfully have the honorable status of a healthy product, largely due to the fashion for Italian dishes. Sales volumes of pasta increase significantly during periods of crisis, when the population stocks up on this product with a long shelf life and at an affordable price.

Currently there are special pasta diets, because a high level of absorption of essential nutrients (proteins and carbohydrates) by the body gives a feeling of fullness for a long period of time and prevents excess weight gain. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose whole grain pasta, which is especially rich in nutrients and fiber, vitamins and phytonutrients.

According to studies, a direct relationship between the presence of whole grains in the diet and the process of weight normalization has been scientifically proven. In order for whole grain pasta to bring maximum benefits to the body, it is recommended to eat it with vegetables and leafy greens.

Today there is dozens of types of pasta, many of which are served exclusively with a specific sauce or dish. Quite often, recipes contain unfamiliar names for pasta, which can easily be replaced with an analogue from the same category. The bizarre shapes and quality of the product never cease to amaze true gourmets and simple connoisseurs of delicious food.