How to start a flower business: basics and subtleties. How to start a flower business? Flower business from scratch: owner reviews Opening a flower shop

How to start a flower business: how to open and register a flower shop, what you need to open (advertising, equipment, related costs), premises and location, assortment policy and the subtleties of purchasing goods.

This is not just a business. Over time, it becomes a way of life. Captivates, captivates, captivates. How? Constant contact with nature. A permanent feeling that you bring a particle of beauty into the world, you give joy to people. An activity filled with emotions. Who once plunged into the flower business, parted with him only due to force majeure.

However, we will focus on the mentioned correct approach, which will allow you to get the maximum possible profit from trading in such a complex product.

How to open a flower shop

Consider the question of where to start and how to properly organize the flower trade.


The registration process is perhaps the easiest thing in the flower business. Register IP in accordance with 52.48.32 OKVED " Retail sale of flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers. It is necessary to choose a taxation system (UTII or STS).

After registering an enterprise, it is necessary to purchase a cash register, as well as register a cash register with the tax office. Self-registration will take about two weeks. It is easier to use the service offered by KKM sellers. In this case, the registration process in the tax office will take a maximum of 3 days.

Mandatory Documentation

At the point of sale (regardless of its area) there must be a package of documents, and most of them must be available to buyers. This includes:

  • Permission for the right to trade (obtained in the council in accordance with N 381-FZ).
  • Conclusion of SES on compliance.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Price (optional).
  • Packing list.

The remaining documents (lease agreement, KKM registration certificate, cash register) are also preferably kept at the point of sale. Sellers and florists must have medical books, as well as badges with full name and photo.


Certification is not required, but there is a caveat. This document inspires confidence, and the business owner costs the cost of a photocopy. Most reputable suppliers undergo voluntary certification. It remains only to take a copy from them when purchasing goods.

What does it take to start a flower business?


from four sides. The box itself costs about $1,000, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The main expense is coordination in the proper instance, which can cost $10,000 (MSK). In the regions, these figures are much lower, but they cannot be ignored (a significant expense item).

Flower shop equipment

You can't open without a refrigerator. cooling chamber may be ready, but it is extremely inconvenient. It is preferable to do "by yourself". In this case, you do not need to immediately turn to the "masters of the cold." First you need to build the “room” itself (more profitable). One side of the refrigerator should be "deaf". Well, if it is a wall. The rest are plastic "windows" made according to individual measurements.

A door is required, but preferably several (depending on size). After the chamber is built, a cassette split system or a monoblock is installed in it (possibly when there is another "blind" wall). Together with all the work, the refrigerator will cost from 120 to 200 thousand rubles.

In tonars or small pavilions, a standard split system with a winter option is installed. Accordingly, this is the cost of a conventional installation of an air conditioner.

Racks for flowers are needed, as well as flowerpots. In large cells, shelves are usually equipped and glass vases are used. In tonars and small pavilions, these are special designs (about 4 thousand one) and plastic flasks (from 80 to 150 rubles each) for them.

Cash machine

The cost of a cash register varies in the range from 9 to 15 thousand rubles.

The purchase of a cut for a small pavilion will cost about 40 thousand rubles (MSK). Fully fill a large store with goods: from 300 to 400 thousand.

Related costs

Flower packaging is required. For starters, you can not get too carried away with the color scheme, get universal shades: mesh, felt, matting, sisal, ribbon. Transparent cellophane - No. 1. Always needed. This is the most popular type of packaging. In addition, you will need: gerbera wire, teip, adhesive tape, glue gun. From tools: secateurs, scissors, floristic knives, wire cutters. All together will cost about 5 thousand rubles.

Premises for a flower shop and its location

A store or outlet may be located:

  • In the tone. Small place on wheels. Essentially a car trailer.
  • In the pavilion. Small rooms, modular designs.
  • In a separate room (rare, almost unreal luck).
  • On the ground floor of a residential building (only the first line).
  • In the mall.

The lowest rent is in shopping centers. Then - tonars and pavilions.

In a separate line: online store. It should be opened with a fully established business. It cannot exist separately.

The territorial location of the flower shop (IMPORTANT!)

The "fate" of the business depends on the correct choice of the location of the premises intended for a flower shop of any level.

The proximity to the metro station is not always a big advantage. It is important where the exit from the station goes: people come home or leave home. But this is not the main thing. Main stream - highway. She gives a big flow.

If a place is chosen on the highway closer to the city center, then the most powerful traffic will be where the movement is towards the region, and vice versa: when located in residential areas, you need a direction to the center.

If the store is located near the metro, but there is no road nearby, you can not expect large daily sales. Of course, if the professionalism of the staff is at the highest level, and the assortment is always full, including rare exotic flowers and plants, sooner or later the enterprise will work at full capacity, but this will take at least three years. Plus, you will have to constantly make financial injections into advertising, pay for a highly qualified florist and maintain the range at the proper level. A similar arrangement of a flower salon is too long a ruble.

There are nuances. Not every track is guaranteed a quick start. Buying power is reduced by 50% if the store is located:

  • on highways on the sides of which parking is prohibited.
  • At the track, which has understudies.
  • Right next to a public transport stop, where parking is also not possible.

"Pitfalls" of the lease

If denied in rental holidays, should be concerned. There can be no urgency. Holidays are a standard need for any sales organization. It is necessary, at a minimum, to equip the premises, bring in equipment, goods, decorate windows. In most cases, this takes a week. If you need cosmetic repairs, some alterations, it will take a month. Refusal of the landlord in the standard requirement is the reason not to rent the premises. Most likely, either there are no rights, or there will be difficulties with taxation.

The requirement for an advance payment of two months is justified only for shopping centers. However, in recent times, even in them it is not practiced.

When drawing up a lease, it is necessary to clarify whether the monthly fee is included in the amount communal payments. Tariffs for electricity and utility services for commercial enterprises are significantly different from consumer ones. Electricity charges can reach $300 per month. Price garbage collection also significantly higher. In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether the landlord has this agreement at all. If not, then there is a risk of being left without the opportunity to get rid of packaging containers and other rubbish, which will be quite a lot.

When renting in a shopping center or a residential building, you must immediately check the availability outdoor advertising opportunities. It can easily not be. In this case, it is reasonable to abandon the premises and find another. For pavilions, this rule also exists. There are situations when the height of the premises is such that outdoor advertising cannot be placed due to a discrepancy with the architectural plan of the area.

In general, when concluding a contract, you should resort to the help of a lawyer. It is not so expensive, but it can save you from a lot of troubles, up to the fact that the landlord ends the land acquisition period. It will be extremely unpleasant if in a couple of months the building will be demolished.

Features of the assortment, what colors to trade

For small areas The best option is to trade in freshly cut flowers. Potted crops and related products are extremely rare in such places. The product of this category occupies a precious place, which can and should be used in order to increase the assortment of the cut.

Assortment for tonar

The range is minimal. The area does not allow to maintain any serious level.

  • Carnation ( several colors: red, white, motley).
  • bush carnation ( several colors: white, pink, motley).
  • Chrysanthemum single-headed ( white, yellow, lilac).
  • Chrysanthemum bush ( white, yellow, variegated).
  • Rose ( burgundy, white, pink, yellow, motley).
  • Spray rose (pink, white).
  • Gerbera (mix).
  • Tulip ( February to June: white, yellow, pink).

Assortment for the pavilion

If the area of ​​the pavilion is about 10 sq.m, then the assortment practically does not differ from that in the tonar. Starting from 18 sq.m, you can already buy: orchids, anthuriums, irises + increase the number of rose varieties.

Store assortment

Starting from a 30-meter area, it already makes sense to trade potted crops, soils, pots, boxes. On a 50-meter square, the assortment will be complete:

  • All possible cut, including exotic, in a large refrigerator.
  • Artificial flowers. Dried flowers. Pot cultures, including large-sized ones.
  • Pots of all kinds: plastic, clay, ceramic.
  • Soils, fertilizers and other preparations.
  • Vases: from ordinary glass to author's works.
  • Postcards.
  • Various decor for home and garden.
  • Thematic Literature.

In a large store, you can and should organize gift wrapping. The production of author's postcards is welcome. Everything is used: dry flowers, beads, beads, ribbon, colored paper. The main thing is the florist's imagination.

How to make a purchase

The main immutable rule - never stick to one supplier even if it has a super item. Some kind of force majeure and you can be left not only without profit due to the lack of goods, but also incur unforeseen expenses related to staff salaries. In addition, rent should also be taken into account.

The ideal option is to choose three main suppliers. The following are widely represented on the market: Holland, Ecuador, Russia. So you need to choose three wholesalers. If something happens to one, two-thirds of the ordered goods will be received anyway.

Colombia is very widely represented in Russia. This product is only suitable for pavilions. It must be sold quickly. The price is relatively low. Russian flowers are definitely more expensive. Pot cultures - Holland and Russia.

For small additional purchases that will definitely be required at the beginning, the best supplier is “ 7 colors V". These are democratic prices, a wide choice, and a flexible approach. Contact the manager, and all restrictions will be lifted ( tested). This is a Dutch, international company. As for the other suppliers, you will have to choose on your own, starting from their prices and the quality of the goods supplied.

1. Basic purchase

In the process of work, the main assortment will be formed - positions and their quantity, which is sold in any case. This will be the main purchase. It will need to be pre-ordered from all suppliers in order to be guaranteed to receive the goods on certain days. It is preferable to place such an order on Wednesday. First, it will have to be re-registered several times, then the main purchase will take place automatically.

2. Additional purchase

This is a rather subtle point that requires experience. Flowers are bought here, which are supposed to be sold. It is almost impossible to form a stable list. It should be borne in mind that additional purchases are always more expensive, since discounts apply to the main purchase.

3. Holiday shopping

On February 14, a double purchase is made. Moreover, the main + additional purchase. The goods must be ordered three weeks before the holiday. Some wholesalers may require you to place an order one month before delivery. Their demand must be met.

An order for March 8 is made a month before the 1st day. This purchase is tenfold. An advance payment of at least 30% will be required. When planning the movement of funds, this aspect must be taken into account, as well as the fact that prices rise quite seriously.

Trying to negotiate with suppliers about payment after the fact can lead to their agreement and disastrous results. Risk of being out of stock on the most trading days of the year is too large. Suppliers' requirements are more than justified. They pay for flowers from their own funds, which are simply not enough for the festive volume. At auctions and plantations, flowers are not released on credit.


The standard markup is 200%. However, for a product that looks more expensive, you should set the price higher, since it periodically decreases for a fresh cut. In addition, when determining the cost of freshly cut flowers, one should start from the maximum price tag of the goods, that is, from the cost of flowers purchased at an additional purchase (it is more expensive than the main one). This is done for stability. Customers don't like jumpy pricing. Buyers tend to look for flowers in advance, a few days before the intended purchase. If the selected product suddenly becomes more expensive, a person will buy it, but will not come to this store again.

Price reduction

In the flower business, this process is mandatory and must be carried out on time. Flowers are stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, but you need to reduce the price for them not by their appearance, but by the date of purchase. Do not wait until the presentation is lost. It will happen immediately and irrevocably. If the flowers are not sold within a week, their price must be reduced without fail. The florist should put them to work first.

Seasonality and holidays

Trade in flowers is a fickle process, but very predictable. The decline is observed in the following periods:

  • The first two weeks of January because of the holidays.
  • Great post. Weak trading all 49 days, excluding March 8.
  • May holidays (holidays).
  • Last two weeks of August. This is due to the preparation of children for school.
  • September, starting from the second week. Reason: velvet season.
  • Last two weeks of December. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate the New Year.

In addition to these standard "failures", the flower market reacts to sharp changes in exchange rates and collapses on stock exchanges. The reasons are difficult to identify, but the trend can be traced. With proper business management, this does not have a significant impact on the state of affairs.

The main holiday is March 8th. Intensive trading has been observed for almost a week. The main excitement falls on March 6, 7, 8. The 4th, 5th, and 9th can be compared to lesser holidays. Then in descending order: February 14, September 1 (double main purchase), New Year, Teacher's Day, Tatyana's Day.

When the store is located in the city center, Saturday and Sunday are "quiet" days. Trade freezes. In residential areas, the opposite is true: Saturday is the busiest day of the week.


The most profitable option in all respects will be the choice of a large area located on the ground floor of the shopping center, as close as possible to the central entrance group. Of course, the location of the shopping center itself must be optimal and meet the above requirements. This will be a quick start.

A few hard rules

  • You can't feel sorry for old flowers. Illiquid product spoils the shop window and brings much greater losses than getting rid of it.
  • Money for the purchase of sold related products must be set aside immediately. If you transfer "for later", you can end up with an empty store.
  • Staff must be made directly dependent on profits. The minimum wage is set. The rest is % of revenue. The more the florist earns, the higher the store's profit. The dependence is direct and very rigid.

It is necessary to ensure that the florist is satisfied. This is creativity. Too much depends on it. However, vigilance should also not be lost. Organization of video surveillance is the best solution. You can pay a lot, but you can not allow yourself to be deceived. Unfortunately, the flower business cannot be built on trust, no matter how much you would like it. Otherwise, the store owner risks that his profit will be lower than the salary of the seller.

Is it worth it to open a flower shop franchise?

One option for opening a flower shop is to purchase a franchise for an existing shop. With this option, you get a ready-made business model, with a detailed description of where to buy flowers, how to store them and answers to many other questions that arise during the operation of the store. But how is it necessary to pay for this information (as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap, and even then only for the second mouse).

Let's look at the example of the Mnebuket franchise offer, which gives buying a franchise in comparison with opening a store from scratch.

Comparative table of opening a franchise store and independently (according to the Mnebuket presentation)

Opening from scratch

Franchise "Mnebuket"

Experienced businessmen who have achieved some success often say that they do not care what they trade. The flower business is different in that you will have to sell a very beautiful product, while the profitability of such a business, if it is properly organized, is quite high.

At the same time, in case of violation of contractual obligations by counterparties, losses can be quite significant. At the same time, experts predict high rates of development of the flower business in Russia in the coming years. That is why for those who want to deal with flowers, it is not too late to start their activities.

How to open a flower business?

Before you seriously engage in the sale of flowers, you need to carefully consider how to organize a flower business. Of course, flowers are a sought-after commodity, but at the same time quite perishable, so its sale should be carried out as soon as possible. Otherwise, the flowers will simply wither, and it will not be possible to reanimate them.

Therefore, outlets for the sale of such goods should be located in busy places, preferably not far from the business center. The fact is that in any organization it is customary to celebrate the birthdays of employees, and these days it is customary to give flowers. If you are starting a flower business from scratch, then first you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and rent a tent in the market. Remember that registration of activities is a prerequisite, otherwise you may be fined for illegal business.

Flower business business plan

Every business starts with a business plan. It can be drawn up on paper, or maybe just in your head, but in any case, it is necessary to think over a plan for organizing a business.

When compiling it, they usually start from the costs of purchasing the main products - flowers, then it is necessary to take into account all the mandatory payments that need to be paid to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, as well as other necessary expenses (rent, wages of employees with accruals and other expenses).

At the initial stage of the business, the selling price of the goods, which will form the flower business income, must be set taking into account the prices of competitors, sometimes their level may be even lower to attract customers. However, pricing in flower shops-salons is carried out according to a slightly different principle than in kiosks and markets, since the price of the product also includes the cost of the service - which is why it must be well debugged.

To increase profits and create additional convenience for buyers, most flower shops practice taking orders via the Internet, delivering bouquets directly to the buyer, some of them have established cooperation with wedding salons.

The flower business is seasonal, and the provision of additional services makes it possible to compensate for the drop in revenue during the low season.

Business plan for a flower shop

If you have a certain capital, it is best to open a flower shop or salon. By expanding the range and selling related products, such a business will have a higher profitability. However, this will require renting or purchasing (which is quite difficult) a room with an area of ​​at least 50.0 square meters. meters.

In addition to the trading floor, there must be a storage room. The presence of a split system that maintains optimal temperature conditions is also necessary. Freshly cut flowers are best stored in a deli refrigerator. The trading floor needs to be equipped with shelving, and you should not forget about the need to purchase simple office equipment.

If you are not good at composing flower arrangements, then it is a good idea to think about the workplace of a florist. In addition, you will need a variety of packaging material for decorating bouquets.

All these costs must be covered from your own funds, since banks practically do not give loans to start a new business. As for planning activities, then, of course, you can invest in a ready-made business plan for a flower shop, but it’s not so difficult to draw it up yourself, having thought through all the details of this business.

Sample business plan for a flower shop

For clarity, we will show how to draw up a business plan for a flower shop. So, we need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50.0 square meters. meters. The minimum list of equipment required to open it includes the following:
No. Equipment name | Quantity | Price per one. (rub.) | Total price (rub.)
1. Gastronomic refrigerator 3 42500.0 127500.0
2. Shelving 20 2800.0 56000.0
3. Split system Fujitsu Genera" 2 20800.0 41600.0
4. Rack 1 5600.0 5600.0
5. Office chair 3 2900.0 8700.0
6. Ergonomic office table 2 3200.0 6400.0
7. Computer desk "Classic" 1 3050.0 3050.0
8. System unit, monitor, printer 29000.0
9. Specialized florist workplace1 12500.0 12500.0
10. Vases, specialized flower stands, consumables 25000.0
Total 315350.0

Thus, the initial minimum capital costs for the purchase of equipment for a flower shop will amount to 315.4 thousand rubles. The amount is not that big, but do not forget that the main costs will fall on the purchase of goods and operating expenses.
Suppose that 3 people work in the salon-shop (1 seller, 1 florist, 1 contract accountant). The owner of the business acts as a manager.

With a markup of 90.0% (which is an average in such a business) and an average daily revenue of 34.2 thousand rubles, the gross monthly income will be 855.0 thousand rubles.
Now let's calculate the average monthly expenses:

  • purchase of goods - 450.0 thousand rubles;
  • salary with accruals - 97.5 thousand rubles;
  • rent - 120.0 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills (including average annual heating costs) - 56.0 thousand rubles;
  • consumables for current needs - 15.0 thousand rubles;
  • taxes (UTII) - 15.0 thousand rubles.

Total costs - 753.5 thousand rubles.
The net monthly profit of the salon will be 101.5 thousand rubles. Thus, the profitability of the flower business will be 11.9%. (The calculations assumed the minimum income that an unpromoted flower shop and real expenses can receive).

flower stall business plan

A flower kiosk, unlike a store, has a smaller sales area, it does not provide for a florist, and the range of goods is less wide. If the store, in addition to flowers, may provide for the sale of related products - potted plants, souvenirs and gifts, ceramics, soil, then in a kiosk, as a rule, only the main product is sold.

The profit of a flower stall is completely dependent on the turnover. In general, drawing up a business plan for a flower kiosk is no different from drawing up a business plan for a flower shop, only the numbers will naturally differ.

With the same revenue, the profitability of the kiosk will be significantly lower due to much higher costs and rather large losses. It is also obvious that the organization of the work of a flower kiosk will require less investment.

Buying a flower business

Sometimes you can see ads of the following nature: “I will buy a ready-made flower business”, which is not surprising given its high profitability. If you are already engaged in a certain business, have experience and, most importantly, considerable capital, then you can buy a ready-made flower business.

However, in this case, you will have to evaluate it, which means finding out all suppliers, the terms of delivery of goods, average monthly income and expenses, main buyers, relationships with the tax office, creditors and debtors, and many other nuances.

Buying a flower business in Moscow, and besides, a successful one, is a rather rare thing, therefore, without knowing the real reasons for its sale by the owner, it is not worth making a deal.

However, if you study well the state of affairs in the flower business that is offered for sale, then you can thoroughly bring down the price, and the purchase transaction can turn out to be very profitable.

Sale of flower business

The flower business is sold for completely different reasons: unprofitability, disputes between co-owners, the need to obtain funds to pay accounts payable, repayment of bank loans. Today, on the Internet, you can often see ads for the sale of a flower business in Moscow.

When making such transactions, it is very important that the property where the shops or salons are located is owned by the business owner. In this case, the transaction price increases many times over.

This happens due to the fact that the rent in the capital is unusually high and increases every year. As a result, the flower business in Moscow in some cases may even have negative profitability, which is one of the reasons for its sale.

Flower business at home

If you live in a private house with a fairly large plot of land, love flowers and understand them, then the best option would be to organize a flower business at home. Some of the most common home grown flowers are roses, dahlias and asters.

Such a business will be quite profitable, because you only bear the cost of buying seeds, tubers or seedlings, however, seeds and tubers can be obtained independently, but rose seedlings must be purchased from nurseries.

In order to engage in a flower business at home all year round, you need a greenhouse, the construction costs of which will not be so big.

True, this will increase the cost of electricity, but, as practice shows, they will more than pay off. The main thing is to find buyers: they can be flower stalls, shops, you can also sell flowers on your own.

One of my friends, growing flowers at home, changes foreign cars every year.

So think: is the flower business profitable?

Interesting video How to make money on flowers!

How to open a flower shop from scratch? This question is of interest to many entrepreneurs, because the business is promising, the profit can be many times more than investments. Judging by the forecasts of specialists, the demand for bouquets will only increase in the coming years. Therefore, it is not too late to start a business in this area.

  • How to start opening a flower shop?
  • How to choose wholesale suppliers?
  • What equipment to choose for a flower shop?
  • Conclusion
  • How much can you earn selling flowers
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a case
  • What documents are needed to open a shop/pavilion
  • What taxation system to choose for a flower shop
  • Do I need permission to open a flower business?
  • Flower trade technology

If you are just thinking about whether to start working in the flower business, open your own store, carefully study the positive and negative sides. The following advantages can be listed:

  1. Big markup. Selling goods can be much more expensive than cost. Engaging in the sale of flowers is very profitable.
  2. Entering the market is easy. In order to open a kiosk at the nearest stop or metro station, you will need a small start-up capital. $6,000 is enough to get you started, which is a lot less than if you wanted to go into another business.
  3. Getting out of business is easy. It is enough to go through the usual bureaucratic procedures prescribed by law and sell the commercial equipment.

Speaking about markups on cost and benefits, we must also mention the disadvantages of the flower business. It is worth mentioning the following points:

  1. The product deteriorates very quickly. Every hour more and more flowers become unsuitable for sale.
  2. Seasonality of demand. Most of all, color is required for the holidays. Summer is considered the "dead" season.

How to start opening a flower shop?

The right choice for setting up a kiosk. This factor is of great importance for the business, and much more than any other. In the business districts of the city, it is best to sell business bouquets. Flower stalls are classified as follows:

  1. Trade points at public transport stops, places in shopping centers and tents in the markets. The payback of the business depends on the location. There should be a lot of people around the trading place.
  2. Flower boutiques, where customers will be offered luxury-class products. It is worth opening in expensive shopping centers, near other boutiques. Products are targeted at wealthy buyers.
  3. Small shops, usually open in business districts. Ideal location - shopping center. You can expand your range with related products. These can be soft toys, potted plants, various types of packaging and souvenirs.
  4. Internet shops. There are very few such offers in rural areas, so this is a promising sales area.

How to choose wholesale suppliers?

Today, suppliers offer entrepreneurs flowers from the Netherlands, there are goods from Colombia and Ecuador. In addition, the products of local producers are in demand. Local flowers smell. Although many roses are rejected, the product still finds buyers. Roses from South America are brought in cardboard boxes. Dutch roses are considered the most beautiful, they are stored for a long time. Such flowers are brought in buckets, trucks are used for transportation.

Owners of small shops and flower shops know that most buyers want to buy not roses, but chrysanthemums, tulips and carnations. Demand depends on the season.

Supplies should be arranged, then from the sale of these flowers you will be able to pay rent, wages and taxes.

In the flower business, it is the suppliers who provide half the success of the business. On the decisive days of the year, on holidays, it is the supplier who will provide an emergency delivery of goods. Choose those partners who will not let you down, then your business will develop successfully.

What does it take to open a flower shop? A standard kiosk can be small, 8 - 10 m² is enough. The costs are minimal, for paying utilities and rent large sums will not be required. The requirements for the pavilion are also minimal, because it may not have running water, there is no need to make a sewer.

What equipment to choose for a flower shop?

If you are thinking about opening a flower shop, buy a minimum of equipment. The following can be listed:

  1. For work, you will need racks for goods, allocate about 30,000 rubles for this.
  2. Buy 3 office chairs, their total cost is 10,000 rubles. We also need an office table for employees, it is best to buy 2 tables at once. This is another 10,000 rubles.
  3. For the operation of a flower kiosk, flower vases and all kinds of stands are required. Don't forget consumables. Allocate about 25,000 rubles for this.

Summing up, we can say that to start this area you need to have 75,000 rubles. Calculate the costs immediately for 3 months. Do not forget about rent, its cost will differ depending on the city. If we accept that for 1 month you will have to pay approximately 60,000 rubles, then prepare 180,000 for 3 months.

Find qualified workers. You can be the administrator yourself, but you will need an accountant and at least 2 salespeople. Bookkeeping can be outsourced. When creating a business plan, do not forget about salaries. Personnel costs vary by region.

If we take into account that the trade margin will be at the level of 90%, then in 1 day you can sell flowers for 13,000 rubles, per month - 390,000. In the spring, the profitability of the business will be about 15.6%. In summer, the figures will be lower.

It is very good if you organize several points of sale of flowers. Networks are doing well. Try to open at least 3 kiosks, then the stability of earnings will increase. In the long run, the business becomes very profitable, so think about the strategy in advance.

If you want to open a spacious store, choose a room of 50 m². Buy floristic equipment and a refrigerated display case. In addition, you will need a climate system, a florist's table and computer equipment.

Hire staff with hands-on experience, but don't hire people who have previously worked on the street. Modern standards for the design of bouquets differ from those that were previously accepted. On the other hand, you should not completely rely on diplomas and certificates of florists. You need an experienced employee who is well versed in modern requirements for the design of bouquets.

The flower shop should have its own courier, so you will deliver the order on time. Consider hiring staff before opening a flower shop.


Opening a flower shop is quite simple, large investments are not required. First you need to decide who you see as buyers.

Based on this, you need to select a room, buy equipment and find a supplier. If you do everything right, you will recoup your investment fairly quickly.

How much can you earn selling flowers

Taking into account all the risks, with almost a 200% markup percentage, it is quite realistic to earn up to 500 thousand rubles in revenue per month. Provided that the daily revenue will be in the range of 15-18 thousand rubles. Then the net profit can be expected in the order of 75-85 thousand rubles a month. Although in a good place and during the festive periods, a simple pavilion can bring 35-60 thousand rubles of daily revenue, respectively, and net income will increase. With a stable demand for flowers, the payback of the business will come within a year and a half.

How much money do you need to start a business

Depending on the level of the store and the range of initial investments, it will be required: for a flower pavilion, a small stall - 6-8 thousand dollars, for a small store - 20 thousand dollars, for a boutique with a large assortment of various flower products - 20 thousand dollars.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a case

To register a business selling flowers, you need the following codes:

  • 48.32 - for the retail sale of flower products, including fertilizers and seeds;
  • 61.2 - for online retail sales via the Internet;
  • 12 - for the sale of bouquets with courier delivery to the customer.

What documents are needed to open a shop/pavilion

In order to legally arrange flower trade through points of sale, the Internet or with courier delivery, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship (IP) with the tax office. To do this, you will need: a civil passport, an application for state registration, a receipt confirming the payment of the fee, a scanned copy of the TIN certificate.

What taxation system to choose for a flower shop

The simplified taxation system is suitable for this trading business. The USNO tax is levied in the amount of 5 to 15% (of income or proceeds).

Do I need permission to open a flower business?

The sale of flower bouquets does not require licenses or special permits. But the work of the store, the operation of the premises must comply with fire, environmental and sanitary epidemiological. norms.

Flower trade technology

The profitability of a store depends on many factors: on the suppliers of products and the location of the point of sale, on the ability of sellers to arrange a bouquet, and other reasons. For the location of the flower shop, places with high traffic of people are selected, near transport interchanges and stops. For example, in pedestrian areas near supermarkets and markets, in pavilions organized for the sale of various plants. On holidays, it would be good to offer flower products for office workers, making a mutually beneficial discount for buying a large number of bouquets. Do not forget that too "flashy" packaging will overshadow the natural beauty of the flower, the design of the bouquet should be stylish and original.

Courier delivery of flowers has gained wide popularity, when someone who is very far away, simply via the Internet or by phone, organizes a congratulation for a dear person. Your website with examples of unusually designed bouquets and compositions to order will significantly increase the demand for your flower products.

For many years, the flower business has been one of the leading areas of private entrepreneurship.

This can be explained by the fact that regardless of the season, flowers as a gift will be relevant. Especially on holidays. In order for a flower shop to start generating a stable income a year after its opening, you need to draw up a competent business plan with all the calculations. A well-written business plan is already half the success of a flower business.

You can open your own flower business from scratch at home, it will consist in growing indoor potted plants at home and selling them. Special equipment is not needed for this, but the income from growing plants at home will be minimal. So entrepreneurs interested in this area should invest in a more serious flower business.

Choosing a legal form to create your flower business

To open a flower shop, it is worth giving preference to an IP (Individual Entrepreneur).

If the choice is made in favor of an individual entrepreneur, then the following documents are submitted to the tax office:

  • paid receipt of the state duty for registration of IP (800 rubles);
  • application in the form P21001 for state registration of IP. It must be certified by a notary;
  • if accounting will be kept according to the simplified taxation system, then an application is written in form No. 26.2-1 on the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • a copy of all pages of the applicant's internal passport.

Consideration of a set of documents for opening an IP will take a week. If it was not possible to pick up the documents on time, the tax office sends them by mail within 2-3 weeks.

With a positive decision to open an IP, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from the USRIP (single register of IP);
  • notification of registration with the tax authority of an individual;
  • notification of registration in the territorial PFS of an individual (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat - notification of the assignment of statistics codes.

After registering as an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to make a seal (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 1 thousand rubles).

OKVED code 52.48.32 "Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers".

After registering an individual entrepreneur, the next step will be the purchase of a cash register and its registration and subsequent registration with the tax authority. This process will take about two weeks. In stores where cash registers are sold, services are often provided for expedited registration with the tax office. If you use the services of this organization, then all documents will be ready in a maximum of 3 days.

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Required documents to set up your flower business

Regardless of the area of ​​the trading premises, it must contain such documents as:

  • permission for trading activities received from the district administration (according to No. 381-Ф3);
  • conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service on the compliance of the trading premises with all sanitary standards;
  • book of complaints and suggestions of buyers;
  • consignment note for the goods provided;
  • price list for the goods being sold (this item is optional).

All these documents at the first request will have to be provided to the buyer. Documents such as a lease agreement for premises, a document confirming the registration of a cash register, a register of cash transactions, documents for equipment, etc., should also be kept in the trading room, so that if the inspection company arrives, they can be immediately provided. All staff must have valid medical books and cards, which will indicate the name of the employee and his photograph.

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Choosing a location to open a flower shop

For the outlet, you can choose places:

  • in one of the shopping centers of the city. There are many of them in Moscow;
  • on the ground floor of the first line of residential buildings;
  • in a separate building. It is almost impossible to find such a retail space in Moscow;
  • to rent a small room in the trade pavilion of a modular design;
  • in the tone. This room on wheels is small area, you can also call it a car trailer;
  • in the online store. Flower business experts recommend opening an online store with an already established outlet business. An online flower shop cannot exist separately. It's easy to explain. After all, flowers are a perishable commodity.

The most important thing in choosing the location of a retail space is not to make a mistake. The most profitable place for the sale of flowers is a retail outlet, which is located in close proximity to the highway. Even if the flower shop is located near the metro station, but there is no road nearby, you can not expect big profits from it.

When concluding a lease, it is necessary to clarify whether utility bills and garbage collection are included in the rent. If the area is rented in a shopping center or in a residential building, you should immediately clarify the availability of such an opportunity as outdoor advertising. Often it simply does not exist. In this case, it is better to refuse this room.

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Equipment for organizing a flower business

The most important equipment in a flower shop is a refrigerator. It is unacceptable to open a store without it. If you make a refrigeration unit on an individual order, then the cost of equipment will be about 150 thousand rubles.

For toners and small pavilions, standard split systems with winter options are installed. At a cost, this equipment will cost the same as installing a conventional air conditioner.

You will need more racks for flowers and flowerpots. In tonars and small pavilions, simpler equipment is usually installed: special designs and plastic flasks for them. Large refrigerators use shelves and glass flower vases.

Consider how much it costs to open a flower shop. The cost of the necessary retail equipment in Moscow:

  • air conditioning - 20 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator - 40 thousand rubles;
  • thermal curtain - 15 thousand rubles;
  • florist's table - 7 thousand rubles;
  • inventory and accessories for a flower shop - 28 thousand rubles.

The total equipment will cost 110 thousand rubles.

The Internet will help you find out the exact cost of the necessary equipment in each city.

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flower shop staff

The working staff should include 1 administrator, 2 florists, 1 accountant. You can not hire an accountant, but use the services of a third-party company for legal and accounting services for the company. And if the store also has a sales channel through the website, then you will need another person who will take orders via the Internet and fulfill them, but at the beginning of a business, opening an online flower shop is simply a waste of money. You can think about opening a distribution channel via the Internet when the work of the main point of sale is well established. When opening a business in a flower shop, you need to hire competent sellers. Only positive customer reviews depend on them.

Staff salaries will be:

  • administrator - 30 thousand rubles;
  • seller-florist (2 people) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • accounting and legal support of the company - 10 thousand rubles.

Total 90 thousand rubles.

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The range and its features

If the sales area is small, then the ideal option would be to sell fresh cut flowers. Potted houseplants and related products are not what buyers are looking for in such places. In addition, this category of goods takes up too much space. It will be much more profitable to use this sales area to expand the range of cut flowers.

For tonar, due to the small area, it is worth preferring an assortment of carnations (ordinary and spray), chrysanthemums (single-headed and spray), roses (regular and spray), gerberas and tulips. Color range: white, yellow, red and motley.

For a pavilion with an area of ​​10 sq. m range will be the same as for the tonar. If the area is from 20 sq. m and more, then it will be possible to add orchids, irises and anthuriums to the assortment. The number of varieties of roses can also be increased.

For a store with a sales area of ​​30 sq. m, the range can include indoor potted plants, soils, fertilizers, pots and other accessories. If the area of ​​the store is from 50 sq. m and more, then the range can be expanded to the maximum. It will be possible to include exotic plants, large-sized potted plants, and various types of soil, etc. For stores with a large sales area, it is necessary to organize the packaging of products and gifts, or, for example, the production of author's postcards from fresh flowers.

A businessman is a freer person. We all know this, sometimes the word “slavery” even flashes in the press, which today's businessmen and ex-employees call their previous system of work. It is logical that the most ambitious of us decide to open a personal business.

Business specifics: what you need to know in advance

One of the main features is that the flower business very often becomes a family business. Firstly, because of the constant need to include a man in work in connection with transportation, technical issues - everything that requires physical strength. Secondly, creativity is very often inherited, and children learn from their parents, and then become successors of the work. Somehow I even heard about florists: “mafia”. Family, yes, without it, nothing will work here. If she shares your values ​​​​and interest in this direction.

So, what is the characteristic of the path of a business florist?

There are many positive aspects in the flower business:

  • these are often admiring eyes of buyers;
  • many thanks for good compositions;
  • additional profit on each of the holidays;
  • many opportunities to realize creativity in the process of work;
  • high margins - up to 300%, depending on the volume of purchases, market prices, your abilities in the floristry itself and the “ability to present” the composition, as well as the solvency of your coverage audience - territorial and target.

However, there are a number of difficulties associated with the risk of losing money or reputation. Let's bring them.

  • The fragility of the product, which leads sellers to a dilemma: sell a "tired" flower or throw it - and in fact the money given for it - into the trash.
  • The need to organize special conditions for storing a flower: a refrigerator, air conditioning - which at the initial stage is inevitably associated with quite capacious costs.
  • The conditions for the transportation of this living product must also be observed, especially in the cold and hot seasons, as well as over long distances, which is mandatory both when purchasing goods at a point and when delivering compositions to customers.
  • Unfixed prices: as a flower ages, its cost must be reduced, otherwise it will not be sold - and it is extremely difficult to predict the financial result under this condition.
  • Difficulties in accounting, accepted in any trade as a measure of control, due to the "floating prices" of the product, not to mention accounting for the packaging of the flower, produced in rolls.
  • The need on the part of the buyer to properly care for the purchased flowers, if he wants good durability or a long beautiful life from them, as far as indoor flowers are concerned. Here there is a possibility of unfounded claims from those who are trying to attribute their own oversight to the supposedly poor quality of the flower - regardless of its real freshness.
  • Periodic irregular working hours, especially on the eve of holidays, when there are a lot of orders.

You need to be ready for such moments if you want to become a businessman in the flower direction.

What knowledge do you need to have?

All my colleagues and acquaintances who work at a civilized level say with one voice: you need to learn floristry and, of course, sales. In addition, it takes practice. Conducting a business without realizing all its nuances from your own experience is simply unrealistic. For example, without talking with customers and not getting an idea about their basic requirements for the service. These basic requirements, by the way, boil down to:

  • see at the point of sale a sufficient assortment of flowers and ready-made compositions and its sufficient freshness;
  • communicate when buying with polite, respectful of customers and professional florists;
  • receive the composition by the appointed time when ordering;
  • to see that she is beautiful enough - and this is often a subjective concept;
  • pay a fair or the lowest possible price - in each case, this may be delivery, additional discounts, an especially attentive and patient approach of the seller, or something else.

The current level of competition will not allow working with the clientele of the middle class and the more prosperous - the most budget-forming and the most capricious - without professional skills.

At a minimum, in all major cities there are floristry courses, where they can provide the necessary base, on the basis of which in the future your compositions will be much more attractive and more correctly built, because floristry has its own laws, techniques and conventions. This is the correct sequence of the composition, the meaning of each color and the rules for their combination, the rules for the location of greenery, the practice of making frames for exquisite compositions, and much more.

Such moments are intuitively always tracked by customers, and the degree of ownership of them, by you and your employees, will significantly affect the popularity of your store. At the same time, a small percentage of sales does not motivate sellers to work actively in the interests of your store as much as your future profits and, ideally, the process itself, so the more you devote both time and soul to it, the greater the positive effect you will feel.

If you have not dealt with floristry before, before you “dive into this sea”, it makes sense to get acquainted with the features of such a trade live. It is advisable to start with the examples of acquaintances working in this field, or simply by observing in any salons, shops, kiosks - depending on what format of your future flower business you are inclined to.

In practice, “at the beginning of the journey” or with a small scale of business without the presence of the owner at the flower point, it will not last long: florists may have too many temptations for flaws, inappropriate flirting or rudeness when communicating with customers, “sipping” money from the cash register or goods , and the like.

“Creative people depend on their mood much more than others,” I heard a phrase not so long ago from my good friend, who runs one of the best flower salons in our city and is also a professional florist. Accordingly, there should be not only and not so much tight control over employees as a personal example, a friendly responsible approach to work - this is possible if the owner of the outlet and his subordinates have good human qualities: honesty, goodwill, creative talents.

Conclusion: in order to make decent money in the flower business and enjoy it, you need to learn floristry and develop the seller's talent, which implies a warm, caring, tactful and elegant approach to customers.

If at the beginning of work, especially taking into account inexperience and risks, there is no opportunity to learn skills in good and very expensive courses, there is an option to meet, chat with florists, watch their work or, even better, get a job as an intern with friends in the salon. So you hone all the necessary skills and check yourself again: is this your direction. Realize how much you will like the contact with the flower and people, inevitable at any stage and at any scale of the flower business. After all, as you know, we are best and most successful in implementing ourselves in the direction that we frankly like.

Flower point formats

In the planning process, a businessman needs to understand in more detail what to focus on, so we will consider different types of floristic outlets and their features.

Pavilion (flower stall). The advantage of this implementation method is a very high visual appeal. From the street, the kiosk itself is clearly visible - especially if it is made bright in terms of color, pattern - and the compositions made, since the number and size of "windows" are maximum. It is also very good that once you buy a pavilion, then you will only pay for the lease of land, and if necessary, it can be moved after all communications have been completed.

Flower department in the mall. The flow of people that passes in this large center every day is very convenient for work. Put up a bright sign - and the first tangible wave of customers will appear without additional advertising on the territory. What follows is a more serious approach.

Shop - these are stand-alone flower and accessory sales points located in residential areas, the most common format. There are two main types of target audience:

  • a store for a general consumer works by maximizing the assortment and is designed for the majority;

  • the salon is focused both on the assortment and on the prestige of the goods offered, that is, on the more solvent majority. For him, a more “luxury design” is logical. It is aimed at people with an above-average income.

Even if you have considerable amounts at your disposal, and you are ready to invest them in the business tomorrow, it is worth recalling how risky the flower business is. Remembering the many cases of “burnout” of those familiar with their ambitions in flowers, I strongly advise you to first choose the option of a small flower department, so that later, having gained experience and skills both in floristry itself and in competent personnel management, on which everything rests, develop work up to high revolutions and area/areas. If money is at the forefront for you, and you strive to maximize profits, and only, floristry is generally not the best choice - there are many much more profitable industries - such as construction, banking, some areas of remote work on the Web. Floristry is a business, first of all, for born flower growers.

Choosing a place for business

When researching the areas of your locality where you would like to start a business, it is important to take into account some points.

  1. The presence of an abundance of potential customers nearby. That is, residential buildings, business centers, shops, markets, federal highways, schools, universities, palaces of culture, creativity, large enterprises. For the store, all their visitors, employees, students, people who come from other cities for a few days are potential customers, holding corporate parties, congratulating each other on holidays, greeting "stars" in the palaces of culture, and so on.
  2. Number of competitors. The demand for flowers is largely territorial, especially in winter, and is not endless. The income from sales should be sufficient to cover all costs and give a decent profit, and among the mass of competitors, a beginner can not so much develop a business as become a kind of dog in the manger. He will not receive a sensible income from his work himself and will reduce it to his neighbors. At the same time, the stressful nature of such a “business” will make it completely unprofitable, given both moral and opportunity costs. There are many districts, it is better to focus on promising ones. The only option to join the competition environment is to rely on crowding out or absorption, but this is not for beginners.
  3. Possibility to use the paved area next to the store, where it would be possible to exhibit flowers during the holidays or on an ongoing basis. With a good flow of people, this is the best advertisement, which significantly justifies itself in practice. The larger and brighter the range in sight, the closer and more conveniently located, the more people will be attracted to purchase. As a rule, the territory at a distance of 5 meters from the store is an exclusion zone, it can be used.
  4. Proximity of the outlet to the warehouse. The vast majority of flower growers will organize an additional refrigerator to store a stock of flowers, which are usually located in the basements of private houses or sometimes in apartments if the area allows. For a network of flower shops, entire rooms are allocated for such stores, equipped with insulating thermal materials and cooling compressors. And if all other conditions are approximately equal, it will always be more convenient to “deliver” a flower from a refrigerator nearby.

So, we have considered where to place the store and what to analyze at the same time, then we will talk about what will be needed in the work.

Required inventory

For any flower point is very useful:

  • cooling chamber;
  • vases of different sizes for different colors;
  • shelves for packaging, accessories and any accompanying goods;
  • hinged "beams" for rolls of tapes, on which they could be strung - it is much easier to work this way;
  • a table and not even one - especially when organizing several points of sale;
  • for trading on the street - tents are desirable in terms of the number of planned additional outlets;
  • several chairs - one per trading place;
  • scissors and secateurs;
  • stud removers, tape separators,
  • staplers, adhesive tape, calculators;
  • glue gun for packaging;
  • aspak or piaflor - a green floral "loose sponge" for compositions in baskets, hat boxes, on vases and others;
  • aprons - greens tend to stain clothes.

Basic range and what can be added

At the very minimum, there should be the following groups of goods:

  • Cut flowers. Several types of roses, chrysanthemums - the most classic, without frills - carnations and tulips, alstroemerias, lilies - the most popular flowers. Plus greens: date leaves (robellin), asparagus, fern (it is also jokingly called parsley - it looks like a giant), gypsophila, pistachio, salal. The names are quite exotic, and there are many more than those listed, but experts know them all.
  • It is important to decide whether you are ready to work with indoor flowers- this is not the most "clean" work, and involves an additional assortment of fertilizers, pots, supports and the like.
  • Of course, there should be package: transparent film, rice paper, craft paper, nets, felt are very fashionable today. Felt, jute mesh - this is also a fashion statement, in addition to other "papers".
  • Ribbons and wire. Satin ones are more pleasant, but you need to have on hand both ordinary ribbons and floral ones: transparent and green, jute twine, which is good for tying compositions on piaflora and green film around it. Wires will also be needed for the manufacture of frames for bouquets. For example, a circle is cut out of cardboard with a hole for a bouquet on top, pasted over with floral paper and bark, planted on a green wire frame, a bouquet of 3-5 matching large exotic flowers is formed in its center - and here you have an exquisite composition.
  • Accessories. Various hearts, ladybugs, birds, butterflies, wood inscriptions, feathers, beads, rhinestones - on a support, clothespin or adhesive. Everything to decorate bouquets.
  • Handmade. These are wall panels made by you or florists, flowers made of mastic or paper, some other products that will simultaneously become a commodity as soon as you hang a price tag on them.
  • Postcards. Bought as a bouquet, and separately from them.
  • Stuffed Toys. The most popular addition to the bouquet. Especially the bears.
  • Souvenirs. Various candles and candlesticks, decorations of compositions and mobile phones, backpacks - romantic couples and young people who love to give their friends cute mini-gifts will be grateful and bring extra money.
  • Balloons. Typically filled with helium. A rare flower shop today does not sell various balloons, foil and latex. Aerodesign is also popular - the creation of figures from balls to order.
  • Vases, flower pots- here the more diverse, the better.
  • In rural areas, you can add seeds to the general assortment , fertilizers and pesticides for horticultural work– this will only increase the popularity of the store.
  • Gift wrapping. If the number of employees allows, then you can also do this. Here skill and speed are paid basically.

However, it is important to combine a good assortment with moderation in purchase volumes in order to avoid large write-offs due to aging, expiration of goods and unnecessary "freezing" of working capital.

Approximate initial investment

The most expensive item at the beginning of the flower business, unless you rent some kind of "golden" area - this is a good flower camera. Its price today is about 100 thousand rubles. However, she's worth it. If there is no such money, you can get by with a refrigerator at a price of 30 thousand rubles, if you take a used one in good condition - until the first reasonably organized March 8 with the right profit. The refrigerator is too cramped - you will fit in it 30% of the correct assortment and 1-2 bouquets - this is not a trade, but a childish prank. After good profitable holidays, it is still desirable to save money and “go broke” on camera. She justifies herself more than once.

Rental expenses usually amount to 15-20 thousand rubles, but you can find smaller amounts - from 10 thousand rubles, or make a risky but worthwhile knight's move: rent several areas and sublease all of them, except for your own for a slightly higher price. This will significantly reduce your costs, but will add the responsibility of collecting rent from subtenants.

Shelves, equipment, inventory, depending on the degree of luxury you require - this is another 30-70 thousand rubles. It can be reduced if you use old furniture and carpentry skills, making the shelves wooden with varnish, but this is only a temporary option.

First batch of goods- from 10,000 rubles. At the minimum.

We don’t take into account the salaries of employees yet - it’s better to start on your own so that you have the opportunity to hone your skills in relation to your specifics, territory and other things. It is desirable to be able to involve relatives who are sufficiently capable of selling to help in sales.

So, we consider the minimum costs: 30 + 10 + 20 + 10 = 70 thousand rubles, and half of the organized will have to be re-equipped at the first appearance of money - the sooner the better.

Or, if finances allow: 100 + 20 + 70 + 30 = 220 thousand rubles, you can easily enter into this amount both a promotion to enter the market and make yourself known - and you have a good store that will give a good effect. In the case of buying a pavilion, to the amount of rent for the land is no longer for a month, but for half a year for the same money, you will need to add about 500 thousand rubles more, but this is for the most wealthy or gambling flower startups.

Where to look for suppliers?

At the beginning of work, given that you most likely will not have an equipped refrigerator for “warehouse storage” of a large amount of a flower, and turnover is unlikely to allow you to buy a flower in large quantities, you can use the services of local wholesalers. Such companies mediate between large wholesalers of flowers located in large cities and placing rather large orders, at least necessary for cooperation, and retail. The prices in their offers are usually higher, there is practically no minimum order: you can buy a flower at any time - the main thing is that it is in stock. This approach will save you from excess balances and write-offs. The vast majority of retail flower outlets operate this way without changing their approach.

Some work directly with large wholesalers, storing the flower "dry" at a temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius, without putting it in water - and sell it as needed to replenish the assortment in the window. This is more risky, since the flower lies in this way for no more than a week in good quality, or two, reaching already a very average quality, and can easily disappear if it is not in demand.

Where can I find addresses and phone numbers? Everything is extremely simple here: on the Internet and with friends. Communicate more and gain useful knowledge and contacts, help each other, especially if you are not separated by territorial competition.

Measures and ways to control employees

The most popular ways to control florists are security cameras and accounting. However, it is important to remember how relative these control measures are, especially when there is a large assortment. Therefore, I will give the most effective ways to avoid problems with employees:

Most of these "difficult moments" were discussed earlier, but we will consider them in more detail and constructively.

How to attract customers and profit

Promotion. So much in this sound...

It is good to distribute information about promotions both on the Web and on leaflets, plus you can write on “old-school” school boards put up on the street in the form of a pillar or attached to the entrance to the store. This find is very popular in coffee shops, but modern flower shops are actively adopting it.

At the same time, part of such a board can be sealed with permanent advertising, and a little space at the top can be left for a promotion, which, in case of a break, can be replaced with a beautifully written status of the day like:

The flower-child opens her cup and exclaims:

"Oh dear world, please don't fade!"

So, almost all the practical aspects are considered, it remains only to discuss the design and possible profit.

Business registration

When choosing a legal form, almost everyone tends to IE - an individual entrepreneur. As a rule, on UTII - a single tax on imputed income, tied to retail space. Such a decision can be easily explained: accounting is simpler, and potential sanctions for any violations with this approach to business are more forgiving. Even small wholesale flower companies work as individual entrepreneurs, why should “retailers” claim more?

The most popular OKVED business florists are:

  • 76 - "retail sale of flowers and other plants, seeds, fertilizers, domestic animals and pet food in specialized stores";
  • 78.3 - "retail trade in souvenirs, folk art crafts, cult and religious items, funeral accessories";
  • 20.3 - "courier activities";
  • 10 - "activities specialized in the field of design";
  • 92 - “packaging activities”, and two more.
  • 91 – « retail trade by mail or via the Internet information and communication network. Acceptance of prepayment on Yandex.Wallet, for example, will already apply to this OKVED.
  • 84 - "provision of other services". This will include tending plants for clients, and work as a graphic artist if you or your relatives decide to do wedding decoration, which also happens quite often.

How much can you earn?

With properly organized and conscientious work, the average annual profit from one salon will be from 30 thousand rubles a month at the beginning of work, when you have not yet “covered” and attracted everyone you could, up to 100-200 thousand rubles. along with the operation of the online store.

For a network of outlets, these figures may be higher. Profit depends on the quality and activity of your work as a manager, the professionalism of your employees, as well as the level of competition and market size in the territory where your store is located.

If you feel that the flower business is for you, then you need to go for it. And my practical experience outlined in the article should come in handy here. Good luck!