New business ideas. Apples in caramel - a delicious business for beginners Chocolate figurines

Business for future billionaires

Investments: from 40,000 rubles.

Payback: from 3 months

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Bright, shiny fruits attract special attention. Abroad, this will not surprise anyone, but in the Russian expanses, fruits in caramel and chocolate appeared not so long ago. They are rarely seen in parks, cinemas, etc. therefore, this idea can be safely turned into your brainchild.

The target audience of such a product is very wide, because everyone loves fruits. Fruits in chocolate or caramel will appeal even to those who follow the diet, because they contain a lot of vitamins, and a small layer of chocolate or caramel will not harm the body.

When starting a business, the first thing to consider is the place of sale. It must be multi-faceted. Parks, circuses, cinemas are ideal. Having picked up a point of sale, you can safely draw up all the documentation and purchase the necessary equipment:

  • rack;
  • showcase;
  • caramizer;
  • food warmer for heating chocolate;
  • umbrella or tent in case of street trading;
  • sternder;
  • chair for the seller;
  • seller form.

In addition to the basic equipment, other items will be required: a calculator, skewers, knives, containers for selling and storing products. And, accordingly, raw materials: fruits, chocolate, punitive glaze, powders, etc.

The cost of one fruit comes out to 20 rubles. The recommended retail price is 80 rubles (apple) and 100 rubles (banana).

During mass celebrations, 350-500 servings of fruit can be sold per day.

To increase revenue, you can resort to trips to events, holding master classes, selling products via the Internet. In the case of trading via the Internet or traveling to events, it is important to consider advertising. Initially, it is enough to develop a community or a page on social networks, spreading information among friends, advertising publics, organizing free drawings, etc.

Fast food is now more common than ever. This is due to the general employment of the population, which wants to get everything as soon as possible, literally "on the run." The owners of fast food outlets are happy to help them with this - they try to offer something new, to interest potential customers. These are hot dogs, and corn dogs, and cone pizza, and falafel, and shawarma ... However, in most cases, the emphasis is on unsweetened, rather heavy and high-calorie food. How to be with children? It is they who in most cases serve as the "engine" of trade - parents are ready to indulge in the name of their contentment and their peace of mind.

For such cases, trays with loose ice cream are provided, but is this enough for a spoiled public? In addition, the composition of ice cream is not always pleasing - parents tend to refuse a child if they consider the treat harmful to his health.

In the Russian market, a new direction is just beginning to gain popularity - caramel apples. Surely everyone has seen this dessert more than once in American films. The appearance and composition of this dessert is able to attract both children and adults, plus, this type of product looks very fresh against the background of boring fast food.

A bit of history

Caramel apples appeared in the Far East due to practicality - fruits needed an increase in shelf life. Otherwise, there would simply be nothing to trade - the product would not survive the long delivery time. As everyone knows, sugar is a preservative, it allows you to keep food longer. From the East, apples migrated to Europe, and from there to America, becoming a cult dish.

Over time, the recipe has changed - the caramel has become softer and less crunchy, which has simplified the process of eating. Today, these apples are no less spectacular than donuts, thanks to the decor and presentation.

Outlook and Features

By and large, caramel apples (photo) consist of whole fruits of the correct form on a wooden stick, sugar, sugar syrup and water. Well, sprinkles. Moreover, there is very little sugar itself, since the syrup envelops the apple with a thin layer, simply giving taste.

The apple itself is practically not subjected to heat treatment. By purchasing treats, people end up eating just fresh fruit. Hence, no heaviness in the stomach, minimal contraindications and even benefits.

The advantage is that these apples are now nowhere to be found - entrepreneurs underestimate their potential, because the production is too simple, as well as the finished product. Also, the benefit is that caramel apples will be as popular as possible in street trading conditions. This means that you don’t have to pay a lot of money for renting a room.

However, this is a double-edged sword - sales on the street are seasonal, that is, apples can be sold only in the warm season.

The cost of one such apple is a maximum of 10-12 rubles, while the retail price is at least 50 rubles. If you get your hand in cooking and provide customers with a high-quality, tasty and beautiful product, then the initial costs will pay off very quickly.


In order to cook apples, it is enough to purchase the following list of equipment:

China or not China?

In the process of choosing equipment, everyone is guided by the same principle - cheaper, but better quality. The most "close to the people" in terms of price are the positions of Chinese production. Further, on the rise - Russia and the USA. How to be? Consider the pros and cons.

  • China. Inexpensive, but a cat in a poke. This equipment can work for years or start to give out problems in a couple of months. Subject to repair and service. According to general statistics, it can withstand the season without problems.
  • Russia. More expensive by 15-20% on average. Warranties and spare parts. On average, it lasts 1-2 years.
  • USA. At least 50% more expensive than Chinese equipment. Average term of operation - 5 years.

Principle of operation

How to cook caramel apples? A business based on them does not require any special knowledge and chefs, since the cooking process is outrageously simple. We will describe as fully as possible.

Reviews and market place

Of course, it is scary to start something new, not particularly known to the general public, but the Caramel Apples business has very positive reviews. This is due both to the unusualness of the treats on the Russian market, and to the general love of people for food and entertainment.

According to entrepreneurs, fruits are in demand in places where idle people gather. These are all kinds of squares, fairs, festivals and parks. They are especially good because there are always a lot of children there. And what parent can resist a request to buy not chips, not a hot dog, but such a healthy and tasty apple, albeit with a little sugar on top?

The product is also in demand in catering. This word refers to catering events, or rather the provision of food. Mobile caramel apples are a business for not very rich, but promising and sociable people.

Caramel apples at home

What if you want to please your family with apples? Do not buy a set of equipment for this, right? You can also manage on your own. To make this treat at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • apples (preferably sweet and sour for contrast) - 3 pieces;
  • white sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 25 grams;
  • corn syrup (or glucose syrup) - 70 grams;
  • wooden sticks for barbecue - 3 pcs.;
  • optional - sprinkles, food coloring (for more shocking).

Process description

Making caramel apples starts with the apples themselves. Rinse and dry them, chop on sticks. Postpone.

Combine sugar, syrup, water, and food coloring in a heavy-bottomed saucepan (a couple of drops will suffice if you add it). Cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

Increase the heat to high and, without stirring, bring the caramel to 130 degrees. Remove from stove as it will start to burn. Immediately dip the apples into the caramel one at a time, turning on a stick along its axis until an even, smooth caramel coating is achieved. Make sure the caramel is not too thick. Otherwise, it will be difficult to eat. While the caramel is soft, you can roll it over the topping. To do this, it is better to take something appetizingly crunchy, such as toasted nuts. Let it cool completely and here they are - caramel apples! Reviews and delights from loved ones will let you know that you have not lost.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

Anna Kukshtel, head of the Frutto Bouquets company, shared with the readers of the site project her practical experience in creating such a rare business in Russia as the sale of fruit bouquets.

- Anna, tell us a little about your company.

The Frutto Bouquets company is engaged in the production of fruit compositions, and we also make fruits in chocolate, fruit bouquets according to individual design. We use only fresh, tasty and beautiful fruits and berries. All design of bouquets is thought up by the people working in our team. We were the first to open an online store for fruit bouquets in St. Petersburg, and to this day we remain the No. 1 company in the St. Petersburg market.

Many people think about starting their own business, but not everyone ends up opening it. Was it easy for you to decide to become an entrepreneur?

Yes, this decision was easy, I just didn’t think about the difficulties, I treated business like a game. But at the same time, she worked hard, and it paid off.

How did you come up with the idea to start this particular business? How was the idea born?

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I always wanted to do something that would bring joy to people, and my business is just what you need - gifts that bring positive emotions. And we spied on the very idea of ​​fruit bouquets while traveling around America, and then adapted it to our country.

- How long did it take to implement the idea?

After the idea was approved, the business plan was written, and a person was found who could help me in my affairs, we created a schedule. In this list, the tasks of each were scheduled, and the deadline for completing this task. After 2 months, we already had an equipped production, a logo and a working online store.

- How exactly did you embody the idea from its idea to the final implementation?

As I said, the business plan was written first. After that, a person was found who would help. The next task was to come up with a name for the company.

I'll tell you a little story. During the brainstorming, the idea was born to create a corporate character who would tell the legend and bring an interesting story to the project. Thus, we were already closer to the client at the very beginning of our journey. This is how our beloved Senor Frutto appeared, who lives in Italy and has been growing fruits all his life.

After the name was approved, we gave everything to the designer to come up with a logo, and to an illustrator who would draw our hero. The next step - the most important, in my opinion, was the development of the site. Since initially I did not set a goal to open a point of sale with fruit bouquets, the online store was supposed to be the main source of sales and, so to speak, the face of our company.

A detailed TOR was written, according to our target audience, goals and objectives that the site should solve. At the same time, I was looking for a room for production. We needed a special room where we could store fruits and collect bouquets from them.

- How much did it cost you to start?

The start of the project cost about 1 million rubles. This money went to the purchase of equipment, rent of premises, salaries to employees, website development and, of course, advertising.

Are there any additional or administrative requirements for the office, equipment, experience of employees?

The premises for production must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards and, in addition, be convenient in size and internal arrangement. Of course, a fruit bouquet can also be collected in the kitchen, and, believe me, many firms that exist in St. Petersburg do this, but if you make about 20-30 bouquets a day, then you need a large room in which it would be convenient and pleasant to work . I trained my employees myself. The main thing in this business is that a person be creative and positive.

What can you save on and what should you not save on?

Ready-made ideas for your business

You should not save on anything - you must have the best components to get the best product, you must have the best people working for you and getting decent pay. We need to constantly improve and reduce costs.

For example, by increasing production volumes, you can ask for discounts from suppliers, so you can get the same quality product, but cheaper. Again, with the right amount, you can change the payment scheme for production and delivery, with proper time planning, people will work the same amount and receive the same amount, but they will do more.

- What difficulties did you encounter at the initial stages of doing business? How were problems solved?

The main difficulty was that people did not know at all what a fruit bouquet is, how it looks, what it consists of. Instead of promoting our brand, we ended up promoting the product itself.

Customers have a million questions. Therefore, we tried to describe our bouquets to the maximum, answer all questions, and be closer to the buyer. The task was to convey to people that a fruit bouquet is much cooler than a flower one. That this is a truly original, unusual and beautiful gift for the recipient. In fact, we sell beauty along with emotions. Because, as a rule, people have no idea what they were given. And after the aroma of fruits appears, everyone immediately understands that they have a fresh fruity bouquet in front of them.

Who are the staff members of your company? How did you select key employees? What payment scheme do you practice?

I was very lucky with the Frutto team. Now we have 8 permanent employees, three of them are administrative resources, and the rest are production and delivery, as well as about 15 people whom we involve in work depending on the number of orders. To date, the team is fully formed.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are key employees and also there are assistants. It so happened that in most cases people found me themselves, these are either my old acquaintances or acquaintances of acquaintances. And only in the last six months I turned to Internet resources to search for employees.

People who work on the production and delivery of bouquets receive piecework, those who take orders, plan, promote receive a fixed salary. I can say with confidence that without a well-organized and responsible team, business may not work. For me, my people are everything.

Throughout our history, many sources of advertising have been tried: from print media to specialized exhibitions. At the moment we are focused on online promotion. This is Yandex.Direct, advertising on Google.

We also have a well-functioning group on Vkontakte, Facebook, and even Twitter. We have completely abandoned print media, and I don’t know if we will ever return to this advertising format. We also sold coupons on the Biglion and Groupon websites - the initial sales are not very effective, but a multi-million audience will know about you. This is also a kind of advertising, because. there were many cases when a person did not have time to buy a coupon, but filled us in and then called and ordered.

It is important for us that any client returns to us again, as there are always enough reasons for a holiday, and also tell all his friends and acquaintances about our company. Therefore, we collect bouquets flawlessly, and we try to control and improve our service at all stages.

- How quickly did you recoup your initial investment?

The project paid off in 2 years.

- Is there seasonality in your business? How do you solve the problem of low seasons?

I don't think there is such a thing as seasonality. In summer, autumn, winter or spring - the demand is the same. There is no low season. There is a concept of an increase in demand when the holidays come: December 31, February 14 and March 8. Chaos begins these days before the holidays. The number of bouquets increases 10 times compared to ordinary days. But, as I said, we have a good team that is always ready to process the order, collect, pack and deliver the bouquet on time!

-What can you say about the competition in this business?

Ready-made ideas for your business

The first six months we worked without competitors. After that, Vkontakte groups began to appear, which stole our photos, sometimes even the names of our bouquets, and opened their own companies. We fought against anyone who violated our rights. Most often, we wrote competent letters, compiled by our lawyer, with articles cited that were violated by our competitors, or we called directly and talked. Someone closed after that, and someone changed the photo and created a website. I can say that now there is no big competition.

- What other pitfalls does this business have?

Very clear planning of production and delivery is necessary, because the shelf life of the bouquet is very short, and it must always arrive at the client fresh and beautiful. There are situations when a client refuses a bouquet, and it is already assembled - then you have to write it off as a marriage, you can’t even leave it the next day.

- How to solve such problems?

You can try to resell the bouquet the same day to another client, or to your friends. If it does not work out, then we write off this bouquet as a marriage.

- How do you see the prospects for further development of your business?

Now the task is to open a point of sale where we could sell our bouquets. I think we will definitely be able to do it! I would also like to sell a franchise. For 2 years, we have received many proposals for the purchase of a franchise. We are not in a hurry with this issue yet. To begin with, we have registered our trademark, and we are also collecting the entire package of documents, and in about a year we will be ready to discuss this.

- What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just planning to open their own business?

There is no need to be afraid of anything, so that possible problems, which may or may not be, do not stop you at the very start. You need to plan and have clear goals, then the ways to achieve them will be waiting for you at every corner!

8 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 145010 times.

A catering business can be built in completely different formats. One of these areas is catering - that is, providing meals on the road, at the place specified by the customer.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

70 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

62 500 ₽

Net profit per month

150 ₽

Selling price of the product

12 500 ₽

Monthly expenses

Even a beginner can start a business selling caramelized fruits. Caramelized fruits are an attractive product, simple recipe, minimal investment and high profitability.

It is possible to open a business from scratch and quickly make it profitable if you implement the idea with caramelized fruits. Original desserts in fast food format are a win-win option. High demand, attractive product that will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. Low cost allows you to set a price that is affordable for any consumer. Business expenses are minimal and can pay off within 2-3 months.

Increasing sales without investment!

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The street food market is saturated and it would seem that it is already difficult to surprise the consumer. But this was succeeded by an unusual dessert - caramelized fruit. In fact, this dessert is fresh fruit on a wooden stick, which is topped with a sweet caramel icing.

For the first time such a dessert appeared in the East. In those ancient times, caramel syrup was used not as an ingredient for dessert, but as a preservative for the long-term storage of fruits. When the Europeans tried caramelized fruits, they liked them. Presumably, this delicacy appeared in Europe in the 18th century, and became widespread in the 19th century. Then the dessert was specially cooled so that the caramel icing turned out to be hard and crispy. In the 20th century, a recipe for soft caramel appeared, the taste of which is now known to everyone.

This delicacy is still popular today. In many countries, not a single holiday can do without caramel apples. For example, in America, a caramel apple on a wooden stick has become a traditional Halloween treat, and in Germany it is considered one of the national delicacies. Why not implement the idea with caramel fruits in our country?

  1. Low level of competition. Despite the prevalence of this delicacy in the world, caramelized fruits can not be found in every Russian city. There may not be direct competitors in your city at all. At the same time, the low price of the dessert will make it possible to successfully implement the project even in a small town.

  2. Unusual taste of usual things. A healthy dessert, consisting of ordinary fruits (apples, pineapples, strawberries) and caramel icing, will appeal not only to those with a sweet tooth, but also to people who watch their diet.

    Attractive looking product. Fruits in caramel and even on a wooden stick look very impressive. They glisten in the sun, have rich light and exude a wonderful aroma that awakens the appetite. It is very difficult to pass by a cart selling caramelized fruits. Given the passion of modern people to post their food on Instagram, such sweetness will definitely not go unnoticed.

    Business availability. It is quite simple to implement this idea: small investments, light technology, minimal set of equipment. With a small start-up capital, you can build a business that pays off in a couple of months and will bring a decent income all year round. This does not require large retail space, sophisticated equipment and staff training. This business can be run independently, without having special skills.

    No seasonality. Unlike most fast food treats, caramelized fruits will be popular all year round. In any season, this dessert is relevant: in the autumn months, caramel apples will be in demand, a bright dessert is perfect for the New Year holidays, and in the summer, strawberries in caramel will be relevant. For each season, you can come up with your own trick: change the color of caramel, fruits, toppings.

Difficulties that can be encountered in this business:

  1. Short shelf life of raw materials. Fresh fruit is a perishable product, so the storage system should be taken seriously to prevent food spoilage. You also need to correctly calculate the volume of purchases in order to avoid surpluses. Caramel can also cause a lot of trouble - in hot weather, it can melt in a couple of hours after cooking.

  2. Work with providers. Delicious, fresh fruits are the basis of this delicacy. Therefore, before starting a business, it is recommended to select good suppliers and organize the purchase of fruits.

Which place is suitable for selling caramelized fruits

Where to start a business? From the selection of a place for trade. The best format for selling caramel fruits is a non-stationary outlet. Bright cart-racks with caramel fruits look very attractive on the streets. Today the market offers ready-made solutions - special trolleys for the production and sale of caramelized fruits. The cost of such a kit starts from 13 thousand rubles. If you want to save money, you can find a suitable second-hand option.

Difficulties may arise at the stage of choosing a retail space. If you decide to trade on the street in the summer, you will have to fight "for a place in the sun." After all, it is not always possible to find a place in parks and other places of recreation for citizens. As well as negotiate the lease with the local authorities. It is much easier to find a suitable option in shopping centers, cinemas and other commercial real estate.

The main requirements for a point of sale where it is planned to sell caramel fruits: high traffic of visitors, accumulation of an active target audience (youth and parents with children), an area of ​​​​2 sq.m. It is recommended to rent a retail space in a shopping center, next to a food court or an escalator (there is the highest traffic). The cost of renting such a trading platform will be 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

In addition to shopping centers, markets, fairs, city squares, parks, embankments, etc. are perfect for selling caramelized fruits. The mobility of commercial equipment will allow you to move from one point to another and look for the most profitable place.

How to cook caramelized fruits

The most common variety of caramelized fruits are apples. The production of caramel apples is available to anyone. For this, a little practice and theory is enough.

Algorithm for making caramelized fruits:

  • wash fresh apples thoroughly;

  • prepare frosting. To do this, water, granulated sugar and caramel mixture are mixed in a caramelizer. Everything is heated to a certain temperature, mixed thoroughly and caramel is obtained;

    string the apples on sticks and dip into the glaze for caramelization. Then remove them from the caramel: let the excess syrup drain, and the caramel dry or harden (some recipes provide for further cooling);

    grease a baking sheet with oil and put apples in caramel on it;

    decorate the dessert with topping: coconut flakes, multi-colored dragees or chopped nuts.

As you can see from this guide, you can’t do without special equipment in the preparation of caramelized fruits. You will need to purchase:

    Caramelizer - 20,000 rubles. The average productivity of such equipment is 80 apples per hour;

    A device for planting apples on a stick - 5000 rubles. At first glance, this is a completely useless device, because the process can be done manually. But with this device, you can produce 60-80 apples per hour, which increases productivity and saves a lot of time.

    Other auxiliary tools that will be required in the work. A baking sheet where ready-made desserts will be laid out, disposable gloves, wooden skewers, napkins, food storage containers, a mini-fridge, etc. Another 5,000 rubles should be pledged for this.

In total, you will have to spend 30,000 rubles on equipment + 20,000 rubles on a shopping cart. By simple arithmetic calculations, we get the amount of initial investments: 50,000 rubles for equipment, 15,000 rubles for the first month of renting a retail space and 5,000 rubles for the purchase of ingredients. Total 70,000 rubles.

What consumables are needed to trade caramelized fruits

    Ingredients for the production of fruits in caramel. That is, you need fresh fruit, a special mixture for making caramel icing, granulated sugar, water and various toppings to decorate the dessert. The most common type of fruit in caramel is apples. It is very important to choose the right fruit in order to simplify the task of purchasing, storing, and also taking care of the taste of the dessert. Most suitable for this role are sweet and sour and sweet varieties - Granny Smith, Jonna Gold, Idared, etc. It is better to choose autumn and winter varieties of apples; summer varieties are not recommended due to their short shelf life.

    Packaging materials. In what form the delicacy will be sold is up to you. Some use paper bags, others use cardboard boxes. It is worth paying special attention to packaging, as its convenience and aesthetic appearance can play into your hands, and otherwise scare away customers.

    Wooden skewers and napkins. All this will solve the issue with the convenience for buyers.

    Consumables for drinks. Fourthly, you can diversify the range of drinks, as they are often bought for dessert. You can also earn money on this. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide consumables for drinks: straws, cups, etc.

The cost of production includes the price of ingredients and other consumables. The average cost of making one caramel apple is 25 rubles. If you plan to use other fruits, then their cost may be higher. In order to calculate the cost, you need to find out what is the consumption of ingredients for making a batch of dessert. For example, to prepare 40 caramel apples, you will need 5 kg of fresh apples (400 rubles), 250 g of caramel mixture (150 rubles), 2.3 kg of sugar (161 rubles) and 250 ml of water (12 rubles). In total, for a batch of 40 caramel apples, you will have to spend 723 rubles worth of ingredients. Then the cost of manufacturing 1 caramel apple is 18 rubles. Add to this the cost of skewers, napkins, packaging and get these 25 rubles for 1 caramel apple.

It is easier to determine the price - just look at what the market offers. And prices vary between 100-300 rubles. It all depends on the city, the size of the apples, additional ingredients like nuts and sprinkles, serving and pricing. The recommended price for such products is 150 rubles - this is not too expensive for a dessert, but includes a good margin that will ensure profit.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Now let's calculate how much you can earn on caramel fruits. For the first month of operation, the outlet can sell about 500 pieces of caramel apples. To do this, it is enough to sell only 17 pieces per day. In this case, the monthly revenue will be 75,000 rubles, and the cost of ingredients - 12,500 rubles. Then the net profit will be 62,500 rubles. Subtract from this the cost of rent and get our 50,000 rubles - a good result for the first months of work. And this is without taking into account the profit from the sale of related products. In the future, it is quite realistic to sell up to 40 apples per day - in this case, the monthly revenue will be 180,000 rubles.

You can go to the trick and increase the price if you invite visitors to personally choose the toppings for dessert. By setting an insignificant price for adding coconut flakes, nuts or sprinkles, you can add 3-4 thousand rubles to the profit in total.

Thus, the project can be paid back already in the second month of work. While working independently. In the future, when the business becomes profitable and sales increase, you can hire a salesperson.

Caramelized fruit is an inexpensive commodity, so high profits can only be expected in case of a large number of sales. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

    do not miss the chance to earn money at various events. For example, during city holidays on the streets (squares, parks, embankments) there is a huge number of potential customers. You can also consider the service of travel to events. A cart with freshly prepared desserts will be in demand at children's parties, at corporate events, and even at weddings as a replacement for the traditional candy bar. There are many opportunities, the main thing is to use them.

    do not spare money on advertising. It seems that the caramel fruit cart is the best advertisement for the product. However, do not neglect other methods of promotion: start with a bright cart design, a memorable name, social networks - you can arrange a raffle there, promotions in honor of the opening, etc. You can participate in some event as a sponsor and give free treats to children. They will get to know you, they will remember you and, perhaps, they will return to you later to buy their favorite dessert.

How to set up a business

To implement the plan, the best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur and choose UTII as taxation. In this case, the tax amount will be fixed and calculated depending on the sales area, region and specifics of the activity. The advantages of this technique are as follows:

    complete lack of accounting

    simple form of financial reporting

    exemption from certain taxes (VAT, personal income tax and others).

In addition, you will need to obtain a trade permit. To do this, it is necessary to provide a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion when trading food products, as well as a list of products agreed with the SES.

Possible activity codes according to OKVED-2, which can be specified:

    47.99 - Other retail trade outside shops, stalls, markets

    56.10.2 - Activities of preparing and/or selling food ready for direct consumption on the spot)

    47.81 - Retail sale in non-stationary trade facilities and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products

Obviously, the production and sale of caramelized fruits is a profitable business that has prospects for development in the domestic market. Even a novice in entrepreneurship can implement this business idea. However, it is worth remembering that any project should begin with a market assessment. To understand whether it is advisable to implement an idea, you need to conduct surveys, identify potential buyers, evaluate competitors, weigh all the pros and cons, and assess the risks. All this is necessary in order to properly organize each of the stages of the project and make it profitable.

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