How to start making money on the Internet by opening an IP? How to legally work without registering a SP or LLC and receive income There is a SP how to make money.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so mediation assistance in opening any business begins with the legal registration of the latter. According to the legislation of most countries, doing business must have state registration. Russia is no exception. Here, the opening of a business must be denounced in one of the established forms - individual entrepreneurship, LLC, JSC, and so on. Not every citizen is able to register his IP and therefore he turns to the appropriate intermediary firms.

If you have a legal or accounting education, then this kind of activity will not cause you any difficulties. However, even without such knowledge, it is possible to assist in opening an IP.

In this article, we will talk about opening an IP, since it is this procedure that has an increased and stable demand.

How to open an IP in Russia

Opening an individual entrepreneur is a strictly regulated procedure, which is described by the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” dated August 8, 2001 No. 129.

IP is opened at the place of registration, however, it is possible to open it at the place of residence (temporary registration). Registration of individual entrepreneurship takes place not only in the Tax Inspectorate, but also in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS). In the PFR and the MHIF, registration occurs automatically if an individual entrepreneur is registered without opening additional jobs. If it is planned to become an employer when opening an individual entrepreneur, then additional registration with the Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat is also required.

Of the mandatory documents, when opening an individual entrepreneur, you will need - an application from an individual in the form P21001, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN, if necessary, an application for switching to a simplified taxation system (USN). You also need to pay the state duty to the Federal Tax Service and attach a receipt for payment to all documents.

Why do you need to switch to USN? Once a year, small and medium-sized businesses in Russia have the opportunity to switch to the simplified taxation system (STS, USNO) from the main taxation system (OSNO). This transition allows you to simplify accounting and reduce taxes. It is in the simplified tax system that an entrepreneur can choose the necessary tax rate for himself - 6% on income or 15% on “income minus expenses”. Therefore, if a future businessman plans to immediately work under the simplified tax system, then he needs to submit such an application even when registering an IP. The application is submitted in two copies, the second copy is returned back with the finished documents.

In addition to the mandatory documents, the future businessman will need a number of additional certificates and clarifications from various authorities if he plans to engage in any special activity.

Naturally, if the documents are filled out incorrectly or not in the form - IP registration denied.

To understand all the intricacies of this registration, at first glance, not everyone can. Yes, the second time too. Since registering an individual entrepreneur is not a daily task for any of us, and the instructions in the Tax Office are florid, difficult to read and, in general, “a lot of letters”. Some, in an attempt to save money, try to open their own company and follow these tax instructions - they waste time, nerves, but, on the other hand, save 1-3 thousand rubles. Most future entrepreneurs turn to intermediary firms that assist in opening an IP. It is intermediaries in this matter that make very good money. If they know how and where. Now we will tell you how and, especially, where to provide assistance in registering an individual entrepreneur.

The same, good profit from new IP + useful services

Despite all the apparent complexity, registering an IP is a fairly simple action. Especially if you know the ancillary services used by all intermediary firms. There are not as many services as it might seem at first glance.

1. Accounting and legal services " My Business"That's basically all you need. Using this service, you can prepare and fill out all applications absolutely free of charge (which is typical, documents are checked for correctness automatically), generate the necessary package of documents, learn the intricacies of doing business in certain areas, get recommendations and advice in case any difficulties arise or there will not be enough necessary documents and so on and so forth. Using this service insures you against outdated knowledge, unnecessary statements and other things, that is, the formation of a package of documents using this service guarantees that this package will comply with the current legislation of Russia. And registration of IP will pass without problems.

Thus, having registered once in “My Business”, you will be able to provide intermediary services for the preparation of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur, without legal and accounting knowledge. This service, from intermediary firms, costs from 500 to 3500 rubles (500 rubles - simple preparation of documents in My Business, 3500 rubles - obtaining documents for the entrepreneur).

To register an individual entrepreneur for an entrepreneur, you need a notarized power of attorney with the right to sign. This is all you need to start providing intermediary services for registering an individual entrepreneur.

An additional bonus, with the help of this service, you can keep accounting records (especially relevant for the simplified tax system), prepare tax returns and other documents, again, without any special accounting knowledge. Intermediary firms charge for these services from 3 to 10 thousand rubles a month.

Thus, by leading your customers through this service, you can earn from 500 to 10 thousand rubles from each appeal.

2. Opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs. Some banks have their own affiliate program, which pays a reward for each opening of a current account. The reward is significant and can be up to several tens of thousands of rubles per account. By helping your clients to open an account in the right bank, you will receive this reward. You can find out which banks provide such services in several services: Leads and Admitad.

To solve complex cases, you can involve experienced accountants and lawyers. However, as practice shows, a combination of the above services helps and works in 99% of cases. Demand is stable. Services, if not overpriced, are in demand. The low level of legal education among the population contributes to this. The main thing is to start.

More and more people are striving to start working for themselves, and based on current trends, one of the most convenient options is to become a freelancer. In the article we will tell you about all the subtleties of registering an IP for working on the Internet and making money on sites. Wherever you work - online or offline - you still need to comply with the laws of the country where you work (for example, Russia) and pay the appropriate taxes and contributions. In fact, the process of opening an IP by a freelancer does not fundamentally differ from the classical scheme, however, there are certain subtleties with the selection of OKVED codes denoting activities, etc.


Preparation will help you simplify your next steps in registering you as a legal entity. You don’t have to do anything difficult - the main thing is attentiveness. Preparation includes the collection of all necessary documents, as well as the selection of OKVED codes that will classify your activities accordingly.

Choosing OKVED codes for working on the Internet

It is in the choice of codes that the main difference lies in the entire process of registering an IP when working on the Internet - making money on advertising and SEO services (it is these types of earnings remotely that we will focus on in our step-by-step instructions).

There we find section K - Operations with real estate, rent and provision of services. From here we select a certain number of codes, which we will then need to enter in the corresponding application, which you will submit to the Tax Inspectorate. There, most likely, you can start choosing the codes that suit you, starting with paragraph 72.

In bold type, we have highlighted those items that are the most universal, and can suit most freelancers involved in Internet entrepreneurship in terms of creating and promoting sites.

IMPORTANT! You should only engage in the activities that are implied in the codes you specify. If you have specified some code, but are not engaged in this activity, then it's okay, but if it's the other way around, then there may be problems. And yet, you should not indicate those codes whose activities you doubt, because some work requires special certification and other bureaucratic problems.

Collection of documents and state duty

You will need to register - on the basis of them you fill out the relevant applications, and you will also need these documents when going to various authorities.

What do you need:

  1. Passport.
  2. TIN certificate.
  3. FIU certificate.
  4. Paid stamp duty.

Usually, the question arises with the TIN certificate - it can be obtained from the tax office at the place of your registration. To do this, it is enough to come there and write a corresponding application. The issuance period is 5 business days.

Further, in order for you to successfully issue an IP, you must pay a state fee. Its cost at the time of writing is 800 rubles. This can be done at any branch of Sberbank, but you need to come there either with the relevant tax details, or print out a ready-made receipt for payment.

The receipt can be generated online on the tax website -

Registration and start of activity

When all the initial information has been collected, in order to fill out all the applications and submit documents, you can proceed to the application for registration and to switch to the Simplified Taxation System, unless of course you have chosen it.

Filling out applications

The first and most necessary is an application for registration of the Sole Proprietor. The form is standard, and you can download it on the official website. And to avoid problems with filling and filing, you can use the online service for this.

Application on the official website -

(don't forget to select your region at the top of the site)

Next, you need to choose a taxation system. The simplest option is the STS Income 6% (You can also read,). You will pay a fixed percentage of your turnover, i.e. funds that will be credited to your current account. The application must also be filled out in advance - you will submit it to the tax office the first time you go there.

Hike to the tax, Rosstat, FIU

Documents have been collected (including photocopies of all available), applications have been completed, it's time to go to the Tax Office, and if you go in person, you don't need to notarize anything. Registration takes place at the place of your registration - it is to this tax office that you need to go.

What you have to deal with:

  1. Tax. The queue will be lively, so it is better to arrive early and not at the end of the working day of the inspector accepting documents. After accepting all the documents from you, you will receive an appropriate receipt in your hands, which will indicate the date when you will be expected to receive the finished documents.
  2. Rosstat. This is not always necessary, but sometimes (at the request of the bank) it is necessary to appear there to receive the appropriate Rosstat information letter with OKVED codes - this letter may be needed to open a current account. You will need the following documents: a copy of the TIN, a copy of the passport - the main side and registration on one sheet, copies of the OGRN and USRIP. Find out the address of your branch here - . In Moscow, you can get an extract online through the website, while in the regions you still have to go to Rosstat personally.
  3. FIU. The tax office notifies the FIU that a new IP has appeared! Most likely, you will not have to go there, since you will have to receive all the necessary documents from the FIU to the e-mail you specified during registration - details and so on for paying fees. If this did not happen within 7-10 days, then it is better to report to the FIU, capturing all the necessary documents.

Freelancer's current account - withdrawal of funds

In fact, you can’t do without a checking account. It will be possible to withdraw all earned funds to this account. When making money on the Internet - on websites or advertising, most of the income can be accumulated on Yandex Money, Webmoney, etc. e-wallets. Withdrawal from them can be set up for one bank account - this function is provided by various Internet banking. We recommend choosing a reliable bank, and find out in advance if they have the ability to link an account to electronic wallets (read more about the IP current account in the article).

Previously, you had to notify the relevant authorities - tax and others - about opening an account, but now this is not required. You have opened an account, and you can safely withdraw profits to it. And already from having a turnover - to pay tax according to the chosen taxation system.

Freelancer taxes, fees and bookkeeping

Perhaps this is the most important section of the entire process of organizing an IP for entrepreneurship on the Internet by a freelancer. You can take over this entire process, and do not depend on anyone, but there is an alternative - to trust professionals who can also act as your consultant - site.

We pay tax

Since we mentioned above that the 6% STS scheme will be the simplest, it is precisely this that can be recommended to most freelancers (especially for those who have minimal own expenses). Your task is to calculate 6% of the funds that came to the current account, and pay this amount to the budget, after submitting the appropriate declaration.

The main problem, or rather a concern for many freelancers, is the payment of taxes from Webmoney, Yandex Money, etc. e-wallets. In this case, it is not always clear how to confirm this type of income, because the funds to the IP settlement account do not come from the customer, but, in fact, from an organization completely unrelated to your activities. The movement of such funds is intended to be regulated by Law No. 161-FZ on the "National Payment System", but in practice everything is not always quite simple. The situation can be simplified by organizing the withdrawal of funds immediately to a bank account, bypassing electronic cash.

Contributions to relevant funds

The main funds for the payment of contributions are the Pension Fund and Social Insurance. The FIU takes over the receipt of payments to both funds. First you pay 18 610,8 rubles. In the MHIF - 3650,58 rubles. Total in total 22 261, 38 rubles. But, these are figures for a total annual income of up to 300,000 rubles. If the amount is higher, then in addition to a fixed figure, you must pay 1% of income in excess of 300 thousand. Until December 31 of the current year, the mandatory part of the contributions is paid, and until April 1 of the next year, the remaining part, if the income is more than 300,000 rubles.

We reduce income tax by the amount of pension contributions!

Entrepreneurs who do not have employees can reduce the amount of income tax by the amount of contributions to off-budget funds.

How to carry bookkeeping

If you have a simplified tax system, then bookkeeping for online business will not be a big problem for you. There are always 2 options: do everything yourself, hire a specialist. The first is greatly simplified by various online services, such as

Any business has a truly huge number of options to earn money. Actually, the main point of business is in earnings. the right to conduct activities in many areas - exceptions are rare. Your way of earning depends on what you know how and how you will promote your products or services.


There are two ways to become a sole trader. The easiest way is to simply "move" from the office to home, remote work and provide the same services that you provided at work. This is a very good way for experienced professionals with connections, as it is not always easy to immediately find enough clients to make a decent income. Such a specialist can earn much more at home than at the office, since clients pay not to the company, but to him personally. Therefore, the first way to earn an entrepreneur can be called remote work in the specialty, performed at a high level.

The second way to earn money is to find and promote a successful business idea. It is unlikely that there is a clear algorithm for finding good business ideas, but many can easily name certain goods or services that they need, but are either not represented on the market at all, or appear rarely. If you need these goods and services, then other people need them too. Thus, by starting to produce these goods or provide services, you will solve certain problems of other people and make money on it.

In some cases, you can use someone else's proven business idea. For example, you know that two coffee houses have opened in your city over the past year, and that they are popular with residents. In addition, you know that there are no other coffee shops in the city yet. Thus, if you open your own, then you will earn money, because there are coffee shop lovers in the city. With this approach, it is important to take into account that the same idea can work very differently under different circumstances. There is a huge difference between a small city and a big city, the periphery and the center, an expensive residential area and an ordinary one, and what works well in one circumstance may fail in another.

Earn without costs- the idea is quite utopian, since in any business it will be necessary to invest at least your own work. However, there are quite a few ways to make money without material investments or with minimal investments (for example, buying the necessary technical equipment, registering an IP).


If you know how to create websites or engage in web design, earn without costs you can by simply selling your services. All you need is a laptop with the right software (which you probably have if you're good at this sort of thing). As a rule, it is quite easy to find customers both on the Internet (since the demand for such services is very high) and among acquaintances.

Earn without costs easy for a photographer, organizer of festive events, DJ. In such cases, you only need to find clients. This is usually not difficult, since celebrations and important events occur in everyone's life. A photographer or event host is most often hired by acquaintance or recommendation, so once you have successfully worked with a few acquaintances and received good recommendations from them, it will not be difficult for you to find clients.

Without costs teachers, tutors and psychologists can earn. You can tutor or consult people as a psychologist right at home, and all you need for this is your knowledge and skills. The translator can do the same. A freelance translator can cooperate with several firms and translation agencies, receive private orders via the Internet, send translations through it and receive payment to a bank card or Yandex money.

Those who know how and love to work with young children can be recommended to open a home mini-kindergarten. It is no secret that a huge number of parents fail to enroll their child in a state kindergarten, and therefore they are often forced to pay a lot of money for a place in a private garden. A mini-kindergarten, in which there will be about 5-6 children, can be organized in an apartment (of course, if the children are safe in it - there are no open outlets, sharp corners, etc.). Parents of children can pay for their stay in the garden by the day, so the money that you costs go for baby food and other things necessary for children, you will be immediately reimbursed.

Some give up, while others, on the contrary, turn on additional reserves, forcing them to look for new sales opportunities with a minimum initial capital. If you are looking for how and on what to make money - choose and try your hand!

Niche selection

You need to start with the right idea. Under any circumstances, the most profitable business for a single person is the provision of services. In this area, there is no need for large investments in the purchase of goods or raw materials. Did what was required - get the agreed amount and look for the next client.

But you can try your hand at a small trading business that requires certain upfront costs.

Idea one: a business selling elite varieties of Chinese tea

It turns out that selling tea can make a good business. The net profit from it can reach 500-600% of the initial investment. And the demand for Chinese top grades continues to grow. The most popular teas are pu-erh, guanyin, da hongpao and others. Their price progressively increases with distance from the place of growth. If in the province of Yunnan one tablet of pu-erh costs about 40 rubles, then in Blagoveshchensk it is sold for 250, and in Moscow - for 1300 rubles.

The main thing is to find a partner who often travels to China on business and can buy small batches of tea along the way. This product is also sold among acquaintances and friends. If everything is lined up, you can do the official registration of your company.

Idea two: the Internet to help

There are many ways to make money online:

  1. Affiliate programs from which you can get a fairly high passive income. To do this, you need to learn how to work with contextual advertising in order to create a competent advertising campaign for the "affiliate" and then not let it out of your sight.
  2. Quite promising are also investments in the organization of sites. A properly organized site with thousands of visitors can generate passive income up to several tens of thousands of rubles per month. Everything will depend on its subject matter and traffic.
  3. You can start making money on YouTube. To get fast money, you need to go through just four steps:

Hence the conclusion: study what are the interests of the majority of Internet users, and you will get the opportunity to make good money in a very short time!

If you don't have a computer, you can start making money using your smartphone. There are many ideas how to do this with only a GMail box. Here are some of those suggestions:

As you can see, there are many opportunities for creative people to earn money these days. You just need to be able to find the most suitable business for yourself, which you have long wanted to start, but did not reach your hands. The crisis gives a magical impetus - have time to use it.

Where to start your business. How to start a small business from scratch: Video

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Somehow I was asked to talk about the legalization of income from the site (I already told), and today I decided to devote a separate article to this.

For about a year now I have been an individual entrepreneur (abbreviated as IP) and since then the article of the criminal code for illegal entrepreneurial activity no longer hangs over me.

Usually, no additional interest is charged for this transfer within one bank. In any case, Mezhtopenergobank does not take off. I pay, however, twenty-five rubles for a payment, but these are trifles. So, at first glance, funds are cunningly withdrawn from the account of an individual entrepreneur to a regular account of an individual and their subsequent cashing out through an ATM.

Yes, even with the same RS IP, you will pay simplified tax, as well as quarterly payments to the pension fund (the details will be given in the pension). This is done again through the Internet client.

WebMoney withdrawal to the account of an individual entrepreneur

If we consider the sources of income from a blog site, then they can be divided into two parts. Firstly, this is earnings by displaying Yandex contextual advertising ads. Because I do not work directly with them, but through Profit Partner, then the withdrawal of the money earned comes from there. To do this, I signed an agreement with Profit and they transfer every month all the money I earn to my settlement account of an individual entrepreneur.

Secondly, banners are placed on my blog (read about), for which I accept payment on my own. That's exactly the problem of withdrawing money from WebMoney and stood in front of me until recently. I didn’t want to use standard channels without paying tax, and therefore I simply kept all the money I received in my wallet, periodically paying for Internet, hosting, cellular, etc. from them. things down to movie tickets.

About a year ago, the amount that I had accumulated was reset by hackers (read about my sad experience), after which I became smarter and more careful, because I connected it to my wallet. But the output problem remained, and, finally, this summer I was ripe for a feat - to set it all up according to the rules.

To begin with, I decided to ask the WebMoney technical support about the process. Actually, they sent me to the site Guarantee Agency, which briefly described the conditions that had to be met in order to withdraw webmoney to the current account of the IP. At first, they recommended, which had already been done, and get a formal certificate, for which it would be enough to indicate your passport data.

The second point was Obtaining a Personal WebMoney Passport. To do this is not so difficult. It will be enough just to choose on this page the most suitable registrar for the price or location.

To issue a Personal Passport, you must first pay for the services of a registrar, and then either personally come to check the passport data you specified, or send copies certified by a notary by mail. You can find out exactly which reconciliation method this particular registrar uses by clicking on the “More details” link.

You can learn more about how to get a formal and personal WebMoney passport from this video:

Further it will be necessary apply to receive a form of an agreement on the withdrawal of funds from WebMoney to the current account of an individual entrepreneur. This very application can be submitted on this page by ticking the box "Legal entity for withdrawal" and clicking on the "Forward" button:

Then you will be prompted to log in to the website of the Guarantee Agency in a convenient way for you. Well, now you will need to get all your IP documents from the folder and get ready to rewrite various numbers from them, as well as scan the following documents:

  1. Passport (pages with photo and registration)

I advise you to fill out the form in Google Chrome. Why?

Yes, because the timeout that you are given to fill out the form is very short, after which you will have to re-authorize. Well, Chrome can remember the values ​​you entered, after which it will be enough to double-click on the corresponding field and you will be given the opportunity to insert the data you have already entered.

Those. the first time we fill out the WebMoney withdrawal form slowly, with sense and arrangement, and after re-authorization we simply click on its fields to insert the previously typed values. These are the subtleties in registration through a guarantee agency.

After filling in and sending the data, I received a letter asking why I was connecting to WebMoney. I answered them: Withdrawal of earned money to the IP account.

They asked again: What are you going to accept WebMoney for? I said that I would accept webmoney for placing banners on my site, after which I was already sent a “fish” of an agreement with the Guarantee Agency with the following list of requirements:

Honestly, at first I didn’t understand much from this list, but after consulting with my accountant and letters with stupid questions to the support of the guarantee agency (which is noteworthy, they answered quite detailed and politely), everything cleared up a bit. It took a couple of weeks to collect the necessary documents, after which I filled out the contract form for the withdrawal of WebMoney through a guarantee agency and asked the support to check the correctness of its filling.

Because Since I live in the capital, I had two options: send the contract by mail, or come to their office. In general, laziness won and the contract was sent by mail. A few days later they wrote to me that it had been received, and a few days later I was delighted that now, finally, I can start withdrawing the money that was in my WebMoney wallet to my account as an individual entrepreneur. Hooray.

There was a link in the letter, by clicking on which I saw a form for withdrawing funds with the data of my bank and individual entrepreneur already filled in. All that was left was to enter the required amount and thereby issue an invoice. Then I went to mine and paid for it. The next day, the money withdrawn from WebMoney was already in my pocket. Phew, and most importantly, how everything was "simple, logical and fast." I am shocked, but nevertheless terribly pleased. One problem less.

Now the guarantee agency will send you a report every month on the funds that you have withdrawn through it during this period of time. The act will be sent by regular (not e-mail) mail, and after it is signed and stamped (I don’t have a stamp, so I write “without a stamp” instead), it will have to be sent back to the guarantee agency within two weeks from the date of receipt. Therefore, you will have to go to the post office monthly, however.

Unfortunately, only for individuals, i.е. to withdraw through the Guarantee Agency, IP must now be transferred to an LLC, which creates additional problems.

Also, probably, it will be necessary to withdraw WebMoney through an individual entrepreneur at least once a month, in order to avoid covering up this shop (if I'm not mistaken). Well, for a hundred rubles, after all, it will always be possible to withdraw even with zero receipts.

Withdrawal of income from Google Adsense and YAN

Withdrawal of income from to the account of an individual entrepreneur can be carried out using WebMoney. Those. first, funds are transferred through Google Adsense to your WebMoney wallet, and from there it will be possible to withdraw funds to RS IP in accordance with the algorithm discussed just above.

In principle, the same cunning scheme using WebMoney as an intermediate link can also be used when withdrawing income from YAN. Tsop Profit Partner supports the withdrawal of earned funds to WebMoney wallets. But in this way, we still somewhat complicate and lose about one percent of the amount of income (guarantee agency commission).

Therefore, it will be easiest to conclude an agreement directly with the Profit Partner for the withdrawal by bank transfer. How this is done is described in detail in their help. If something is not clear, then try the technical support service (in the upper right corner, the "Online consultation" button).

In short, you will need to add a new withdrawal wallet called "Cashless Payment":

There you specify the details of your bank and current account, as well as the details of an individual entrepreneur. Then you contact Profit's technical support and ask to send you a paper version of the contract for signing.

When you receive the non-cash withdrawal agreement by regular mail, you will need to sign and stamp it (I write “without stamp” instead of printing), and then mail one copy to the specified address. Everything, then the routine of exchanging papers will follow by registered mail via Russian post. What is it?

At the beginning of each month, you will receive a letter by e-mail: Notification of the creation of an application for withdrawal of funds for the period 20xx-xx to such and such a wallet, the amount of 2.500.000 rubles (usually more, but this month the card did not go down). After that, you will need to go to the Partner's Profit admin panel and select "My Profit" - "Payments" from the top menu.

Scroll the window to the very bottom and in the list "My payments" in the top line you see a line with your application for withdrawal. Now you will need to open the invoice and act forms on a separate browser page (pre-enter the current act number) from the form located just below.

Print out these two forms (if you also want to have copies of them, then do everything in duplicate) on the printer, then sign them and put a seal (you can write “without a seal”). After that, they, but already signed and stamped, you will need to scan and upload the scans in the specially designated places of the form in the Profit admin panel.

In the line with your application for payment, you will see the inscription "Scan" in the corresponding columns. So you did everything right. Now, in a few days, you will receive a letter by e-mail: We inform you that payments for 20xx-xx have been made, the money will be sent to you within 1-2 business days.

The next day, you can check the receipt of payment to your account of an individual entrepreneur through the Internet client. If the payment has passed, then pick up an A4 envelope for sending registered letters (buy more of them at the post office), put the documents you signed earlier in it (in one or two copies), write the Profit Partner's address and send it by registered mail.

Do not delay sending documents, because if their Profit is not received from you before the next payment date, then it will be delayed for you. You will be notified about the receipt of documents by e-mail: We inform you that the original document for the period 20xx-xx has been received from you. Your original will be sent back within 3 business days. The second sentence talks about duplicates of the originals, if you sent them.

This is how the situation with the withdrawal of funds for an individual entrepreneur is confused. Haven't changed your mind to plunge into all this yet? Well, that's right, they didn't change their minds. It is worth it, because in this way you will be completely clean before the law (no illegal business activities) and before your conscience as an honest taxpayer.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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