Business plan: gift wrapping. How to open a gift and souvenir shop from scratch

Naturally, everyone loves to receive gifts, and some even like to give them. Beautifully wrapped gifts are doubly pleasant to give. Surely each of us remembers that feeling of happiness and anticipation of joy from childhood, when we quickly wanted to remove elegant paper in several layers from a gift found under a smart Christmas tree or presented on our birthday.

During those minutes, a lot of thoughts flashed through my head: what lies there? And this feeling of happiness when receiving a gift remains with a person all his life. The gift wrapping business is relevant, profitable and does not require huge investments at the initial stage of development.

How do you start a successful gift wrapping business?

At first glance, it seems very simple to open a business of this kind: register as an individual entrepreneur and rent a small room in some crowded place. But for some reason, there is always a queue at some counters, while the seller misses others. In fact, everything depends on good taste, design talent, sociability and insight of the seller.

When the client briefly explains to the seller what he needs, he must quickly feel it, which package is ideal for this gift, the seller must offer an idea, and then turn everything planned into material. For example, for a male boss, a gift should look elegant and at the same time strict. If the gift is designed for a lady who is a work colleague, it should be unambiguous and refined.

A gift that will belong to a beloved man or woman may contain elements of hearts, angels and other attributes of a declaration of love on the packaging. And for a child, a surprise gift is suitable, which will be hidden in an interesting toy.

The initial steps in the gift wrapping business are choosing the right location, the right materials, and the format of the service itself. One of the important conditions for a successful gift wrapping business is the right location. The ideal option, of course, is a huge shopping center. But here certain difficulties may arise, such as a rather high rent or the administration of the shopping center works only up to two well-known packaging companies.

Supermarkets, large souvenir and gift shops, train stations, flower pavilions, markets that are located in densely populated areas can be an option to consider. In any areas of industry or in the private sector, this type of business is unlikely to be successful. This type of business can also be opened on a very small area up to 4 sq.m.

Consequently, the cost of renting even in a prestigious shopping center will not be very large. As a rule, the salary that sellers receive depends on the revenue made and accruals occur as a percentage of the cost of one package. This payroll option is the most optimal for the owner of the outlet.

To solve any embarrassing situations that occur in any type of trade, which are directly related to the dishonesty of the seller, you should install a video camera. This will discipline the seller and give complete confidence to the owner of the packaging department.

In order to open a gift wrapping business, you need to purchase a special rack for all packaging materials, you will also need a counter - a table at which the seller will work and packaging material, such as wrapping paper of all colors, various ribbons, lace, tubes, boxes. You should not immediately purchase premium accessories and materials, it is better to expand gradually as the business develops.

But if there is a wonderful and prestigious place to house such a department and there is an experienced and talented salesperson-designer and enough funds, then luxury gift wrapping materials can be included at the start.

Is the gift wrapping business profitable?

The cost of opening such a business is not high. Initial capital is required in the amount of 60-80 thousand rubles, this includes the cost of the initial batch of packaging materials, this amount also includes retail equipment, rent of space and costs associated with registering an enterprise and logistics.

We all love holidays. Why? There are many reasons for this. A holiday is an occasion to meet with family and friends, for pleasant wishes, sometimes extra weekends come along with holidays, but the main reason why we love holidays is, of course, gifts.

Many people believe that the desire to receive gifts is a feature of a mercantile person, but first of all, a gift is a way of expressing one's disposition towards a person, one's sympathy or even love. In addition, the gift does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it be made from the heart.

By the way, some people like to give gifts more than to receive. This is not surprising, because it is so nice to see bright positive emotions on the face of a loved one and know that you yourself are the cause of them. However, sometimes it can be very difficult to choose what to give to this or that person. In such a situation, Maxim, who is engaged in the gift business, can help: he forms practical and beautiful sets and delivers them to customers, thus making a good profit and delighting his customers.

Reconomica also likes to give gifts to his readers in the form of interesting and useful articles. That is why we asked Maxim to tell his story of building a holiday business and present it to your attention.

Good afternoon, dear readers. My name is Max. I live in an ordinary provincial town, where almost all people are engaged in trade due to the lack of production. By the age of 22, I realized that it would be great to have an additional source of income that takes up little personal time. After successfully defending my diploma, I, unlike my peers, did not immediately run to work, but began to learn how to build a business from scratch.

Perhaps my experience in such a business as selling gift sets on the Internet will be useful to you. It is most likely that you will not be able to earn money without large initial investments in the first year, but the prospects for this business are truly enormous.

Exactly a year has passed since I started this activity, and I already see dozens of ways to increase the turnover of the business and significantly increase profits.

By the way, at the same time I help my family in a home business specializing in the sale of Maine Coon cats. Building a family business is very different and requires much more time and money, but the profits are much higher.

How I got into selling gift sets

Having studied all the relevant niches, I settled on gift sets. And there were several main reasons for this:

  • minimum cash investment at the entrance to the business;
  • no hassle with paper documents in large volumes;
  • large margin (markup);
  • personal sympathy for this type of business;
  • no need to rent premises for the first time the business exists;
  • minimal competition.

It was these arguments that acted as a pushing element to choose this particular niche. After a while, it's nice to know that I made the right choice.

To start this business, you need to do several tasks, and preferably in the sequence I have indicated:

  • analysis of competitors and collection of information will help you stand out from the crowd and sell original gifts;
  • drawing up a portrait of the target audience and creating a unique selling proposition;
  • niche testing on free ad sites;
  • purchase of products for sets, including ordering boxes with a logo;
  • drawing up a content plan and creating selling posts / ads;
  • creation of a website and accounts in social networks;
  • uploading photos and selling texts to the site and social networks;
  • compilation of the semantic core of keywords and further connection of advertising companies.

I note that a client who cost you 300 rubles with a profit of 1000 from the goods is a very good indicator. Therefore, the price of the goods must include not only the cost of the goods and delivery, but also other costs, such as advertising, electricity or gasoline spent.

I’ll make a reservation right away that this is a short plan, which includes sub-items.

But they already differ significantly depending on the filling of gift sets. For example, you may need professional photos for the site and groups already at the start.

Photos should emphasize the beauty and originality of the product.

How and when I first tested a niche

I tested the niche at the beginning of 2017, namely in January, when all the holidays had already passed. I decided to put test ads on the boards, I took photos from the usual search on the Internet, which could be used without copyright infringement. The ad looked something like this: “Please your loved ones with practical gift sets that are created individually, based on the preferences and interests of the person. The cost of the set is 3000 rubles.

Methods for communication were also indicated.

I submitted an ad on 5 sites, I did not use any additional services in the form of auto-raising and fixing topics.

The first call came after 3 hours, I told the client that now all the sets were dismantled, but I can assemble and send a new set in the near future. Immediately, the question that I had already thought about, but put off, stood up squarely. It was necessary to urgently solve the problem of the purchase of goods and the logistics of delivery.

Naturally, in addition to this, I told my friends and relatives about my undertakings and wanted to hear the most plausible answer. Approximately 90% of the environment not only supported this idea, but also offered help and gave a lot of advice on completing the gift sets themselves, which had a positive effect on my readiness to immediately get down to business.

Starting investments

Starting investments are not only money, because other resources are also spent, which I will also talk about.

Moral investments

Firstly, I would like to note the moral investment with which I paid off with interest: the first weeks I literally studied competitors and their unique trading offers around the clock, looked through their websites and blogs, formed my own differences. And in a short time I entered the market with a really worthwhile offer. Before me, there were no practical gift sets on the market. That's what I focused on. After all, when you give a gift, you really want to end up using it.

Financial investments

Secondly, it's stupid not to mention financial investments. Accurate calculation of the cost of purchasing all goods for the first 50 sets:

  • 10,000 rubles were spent on the purchase of interesting and new books of various genres;
  • 5,000 rubles were spent on the purchase of a batch of cardboard boxes measuring 310 x 210 x 150, a logo was applied to the entire batch;
  • 500 rubles were spent on the creation of the logo;
  • 7000 rubles paid for the creation of a simple one-page site with the function of buying directly from it;
  • 10,000 rubles were spent on the purchase of interesting and inexpensive gadgets from China;
  • 10,000 rubles spent on board games, cups, notebooks, sweets and many other interesting things;
  • 5000 rubles compensated for all other expenses.

The total cost for the purchase of the first batch of gift sets amounted to 47,700 rubles.

Investment of temporary resources

Well, the last type of cost is, of course, time. In the first month of the project, when everything was still being created, I spent 10 hours a day. In the following months, I spent an average of 2-3 hours a day.

I sell goods not only with the help of the site, but also with the help of the created group in Instagram.

For 2018, I set myself the goal of achieving a profit of 800 thousand rubles.

Achieved exhaust and what types of advertising I use

As for the profit received from this case, I will demonstrate it monthly:

  • January - 0 rubles;
  • February - 3500 rubles;
  • March - 13,500 rubles;
  • April - 15,000 rubles;
  • March - 16,000 rubles;
  • June - 15,000 rubles;
  • July - 16,500 rubles;
  • August - 21500 rubles;
  • September - 20,000 rubles;
  • October - 25,000 rubles;
  • November - 30,000 rubles;
  • December - 24,000 rubles.

Total came out exactly 200 thousand. I think this is a good indicator for such a small amount of investment.

This is what my Instagram page looks like.

Website and social networks

As you can see, the case is progressing, and I plan to spend more time on it than now. I see great potential in this area and I plan to open a new site to improve conversion from advertising companies. As for Internet marketing, here I mainly use contextual advertising, payment is made for each user who goes to my site. For Instagram, targeted advertising is best suited, which is offered in the personal account of a business account.

As for other social networks for this business, I can mention VKontakte. I plan to start my own group there in the next couple of weeks: most recently, the function of adding products has appeared there, and this is exactly what is needed for successful sales.

A user who joins the group immediately will pay attention to unusual gift sets.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the creation of the advertisements themselves before launching a full-fledged campaign. I advise you to use a / b testing ads. This will protect you from draining your advertising budget on the very first day of sales, because even a professional will not be able to create an ad correctly the first time. If today something goes with a bang, tomorrow it may completely fail.

Therefore, the only correct option is to constantly be on the lookout for the most ideal ad.

To create them, you need a semantic core of keywords and knowledge of the basic constructions of ads. You will be surprised how exciting this activity can become, because one replaced word in the text can significantly affect the conversion of sales.

Current state of affairs

At this point in time, the monthly turnover of funds for this project is 60-65 thousand rubles. I have already ordered the development of a new site with an improved design. That is why my official website is temporarily closed, but it functions group on Instagram.

In the near future, I plan to hire a part-time packer, most likely it will be a student without bad habits, with attentiveness: he will have to not only pack gifts, but also fill out postal forms, as well as send parcels.

This will help me focus solely on the development of the project and not waste time on mechanical labor.

Currently, I am doing very well in sales and I have a day to the minute, I pay great attention to planning my daily tasks. I also set short-term and long-term goals that I strive for every day.

To attract customers, sometimes I make discounts.

I can give advice to all beginners not to spend a lot of money on preparation, but to immediately begin to act.

Do not invest a lot of money in advertising at the start

Do not immediately buy expensive sites and invest heavily in advertising. The first thing to start with is, of course, niche testing. This can be a survey of relatives and friends, whether they like this business or not, as well as posting free ads on relevant sites.

I also want to note the importance of reserve money in reserve.

The moment you start doing business, in the first months you will not have time for your main job and, most likely, you will need to quit. Therefore, it is necessary to have a reserve of funds for 2-3 months: this will allow you to fully test the niche with a trial purchase of goods.

Use a simple logo

Of the useful tips regarding delivery, we can mention the application of the logo on the box. For the first batch, I suggest you save money and choose black and white printing, which is exactly what I did. This significantly reduced costs: I saved about 3,000 rubles.

Create a website yourself

You can also save money on creating a website. If you are at least a little versed in building websites, you can save 5-10 thousand rubles and make it yourself using a website builder. To create such a creation yourself, you do not need to know programming, it is enough to understand the sequence of elements and information blocks.

In the website builder, you collect ready-made blocks, you need knowledge of building a sales funnel.

For example, at the top of the site, in the so-called header, your unique selling proposition should be located, which would be the first thing that catches your eye. Next is the block directly with the product, the next blocks are guarantees, reviews, delivery, contact information.

Working ways to increase profits

In order to increase profits, it is customary to either reduce the cost of purchasing materials and wages, or increase sales. I decided to test both options, but the first one is still in the plans, so I will focus on the second one.

One of the main tasks of any business is to constantly expand the information field of the company and increase sales.

I took the following steps that contributed to additional profit:

  • in addition to the site, he introduced an Instagram blog, which almost immediately began to generate additional income;
  • posted advertisements on all free sites in all cities of the Russian Federation;
  • invited close people to sell gift works for a percentage;
  • wrote and sent out several promotional articles for informational and news sites;
  • connected targeted and contextual advertising.

I have listed only what I managed to personally test, but in fact there are much more ways. Alternatively, you can significantly increase your income by creating and promoting product pages in all social networks. But in the future, for this, you still need to hire an SMM specialist who will deal with all means of communication in social networks.


Gift boxes are a great type of business that does not require huge start-up fees. Absolutely anyone can do this business, and you don’t have to do anything supernatural. But work, as in any other business, is still worth it.

Money loves hard-working and enterprising people.

Working on this project, I learned how to plan my time perfectly and realized that it is the most expensive resource that a person has. A few months after starting the business, I began to receive commercial offers by mail, but at the moment I refuse everyone. There was even a case when I was asked the price of the sale of my project.

You can earn quite a lot of money selling gift boxes, although at first there will not be much profit. But the income received from the business directly depends on what knowledge you have, how much time you can devote to the business and how much start-up capital you have. As the example showed, with a starting capital of 50 thousand rubles per year, I achieved a profit that was 4 times higher than the initial costs. Do you think this is a good indicator?

Everyone loves to receive gifts, and giving them is no less pleasant. Especially if they are beautifully packaged. Remember the feeling of anticipation of joy and happiness, familiar from childhood, when you impatiently removed several layers of elegant paper from a mysterious box found under the New Year tree or handed over for your birthday. In those few minutes, thousands of thoughts raced through my head: what is there? And this childish feeling of happiness when receiving or giving a gift does not leave a person all his life. No less pleasant gift wrapping business: relevant, cost-effective and does not require large investments at the start.

How to start a gift wrapping business to be successful

It would seem that it could be easier than opening a gift wrapping business: registering an individual entrepreneur and renting a tiny nook in a crowded shopping center. Nevertheless, at some packaging counters for some reason there is a queue, and behind the others the seller girl sits and misses. The thing is that the main secret of the success of the gift wrapping business is good taste, design talent, sociability and insight of the seller. After all, having exchanged a few words with the client, he very quickly must feel, what kind of packaging is suitable for a particular gift and a particular occasion, suggest an idea, and then masterfully translate it into a material. For example, a gift for a male chef should look strict and elegant, for a lady colleague - elegant and unambiguous, for a beloved woman or man, hearts, angels and other attributes of a declaration of love can already be scattered on the package, and a child can be intrigued by a surprise gift hidden in a soft toy. First steps in the gift wrapping business: choosing a place, materials and service format A very important condition for the success of a gift wrapping business is a good location. Of course, the ideal big mall, but there may be difficulties here: high rent or the administration of the center prefers to work with only one or two "familiar" packaging companies. As an option, you can consider supermarkets, large gift and souvenir shops, flower pavilions, train stations, large markets in residential densely populated areas. In residential areas or industrial areas, the gift wrapping business is unlikely to succeed. Another important plus is that you can open a gift wrapping business in the full sense of the word on a piece of land with an area of ​​​​2-4 square meters. m. That is, the cost of even expensive rent in a prestigious shopping center will not be too burdensome for your budget. Sellers salary, as a rule, is dependent on output and is calculated as a percentage of the cost of each package - the most convenient option for any business owner. To solve the awkward situations associated with the dishonesty of sellers, which are typical for any type of trade, it is useful to install a video camera. This is a trifle that will calm the owner of the packing point and discipline the seller. To start a business on gift wrapping, you need to buy a display rack for packaging materials, a counter-desktop of the seller, assorted wrapping paper, ribbons of different colors, lace, boxes, tubes. You should not immediately buy very expensive premium materials and accessories, it is better to expand the range of services with them as your business develops. However, if you find an experienced and talented salesperson-designer, an excellent prestigious place to place the outlet and are not too limited in funds, then luxury gift wrapping services can be included in the assortment at the start.

How profitable is the gift wrapping business

Initial business start-up costs do not exceed 60-80 thousand rubles, including the cost of the first batch of packaging materials, commercial equipment, space rental, costs for registering an enterprise and logistics. The cost of one medium-sized gift (a sheet of paper 0.8-2 rubles, ribbons, decor, a stapler, adhesive tape - 2-5 rubles) does not exceed 10 rubles, while prices for this service start at 30 rubles. There is a profitability of 300%, and with a good location and a good seller-designer, investments pay off in a couple of seasons. A season in this business is a series of holidays: New Year and Christmas in winter, February 23, March 8 and Easter in spring, etc. To minimize downtime during the off-season and increase profits, the gift wrapping business can be supplemented with a souvenir trade, balloons, figurines, jewelry boxes.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

50 000 ₽

Starting investments

150 000 ₽

40 000 - 50 000 ₽

Net profit

3 months

Payback period

Gift wrapping is a business for those who want to start their own business without significant financial resources. To start, you need 30 thousand rubles, basic skills and a competent business plan. By investing a minimum of funds, you can quickly develop a business and receive a decent income.

Business Relevance

On all holidays and all year round, people give gifts to each other. For New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23 and March 8, Birthdays and other events. There is always a demand for this type of service, although it has some seasonality. Each of us makes several gifts throughout the year, and everyone wants it to look nice and presentable. But not everyone can handle gift wrapping on their own, which is why they turn to professionals for help.

It is best to open a gift wrapping point in a large or medium-sized city. There, the target audience is wider, and the level of income allows you to often use such services. In addition, in large cities there are more options for hosting a gift wrapping service, as wrapping outlets are usually located in shopping centers, flower shops and near gift shops. However, even in a small town, you can succeed in your business if you correctly evaluate all the pros and cons of the gift wrapping idea, as well as draw up a competent business plan.

Benefits of a Gift Wrapping Business:

    minimal investment in the gift wrapping service: no need to invest in expensive materials and equipment;

    low costs: a large staff and rent of a large room is not required - 3 sq.m. will be enough;

    at first you will be able to work independently, saving on wages for employees;

    there are growth prospects. You can start with a simple gift wrapping, and later develop into a full-fledged gift shop, expand the range and list of services, and then open several outlets around the city;

    simple technological process. Do-it-yourself gift wrapping requires certain skills, but they can be acquired in no time. To fulfill orders, you do not need to handle complex equipment - everything is quite easy and understandable;

    The payback period for a gift wrapping business is 3-5 months. If you open during the period of peak sales, you can recoup your investment in the first month of work. Therefore, it is recommended to open a gift wrapping point at the end of November, on the eve of the New Year's hype;

    business profitability can reach 300%.

However, every business idea (especially those that do not require large investments) has its own pitfalls.


    seasonality. High demand period from December to March;

    the need to develop a client base;

    competition from major players. Usually gift shops have a department with packaging, so a beginner will have to assess the market in advance.

In order to analyze the idea of ​​a gift wrapping business point of gift wrapping, you need to solve a number of problems:

    collection of information about competitors, offers on the market, prices;

    defining your target audience and creating a unique selling proposition;

    analysis of business locations: pedestrian traffic, the presence of competitors nearby.

Based on the data collected, you will be able to draw up a business plan for a gift wrapping business and evaluate its prospects.

Gift wrapping is a business built on emotions

The prospects for the gift wrapping business are great, but why not everyone manages to succeed in this business? Why can seemingly identical points bring different income? A whole queue forms next to one, and another seller is bored behind the counter. What is the secret of success?

Secret of success to feel the needs of the client, to offer him what he is looking for.

    Hire a professional. The success of an enterprise directly depends on its insight, taste, design skills, ability to communicate with people and find an approach to everyone. Both the seller's advice and the quality of service should be at a high level.

    Diversify the assortment, but do not overdo it. A small assortment of packaging material will force the client to go to a competitor, and an overly rich offer can confuse and complicate the choice. By the way, keeping a huge amount of packaging materials is also unprofitable for you - this increases the cost of purchasing and complicates storage.

    Stand out. Even if you are the only gift wrapper in this mall. Offer something interesting - and you will find customers not only among people who accidentally passed by. It is to create a unique offer that an assessment of competitors is carried out.

    Choose a location. Even the most thoughtful business can fail if you choose the wrong location. In this case, the main advertising of your services will be a profitable place.

    Get involved. Gift wrapping is a creative business that requires constant attention. At the same time, it is quite simple, so the entrepreneur himself can handle it. The main thing is to have the skills to arrange gifts. Before starting work, be sure to attend classes or workshops where they teach gift wrapping. For all its simplicity, this activity requires the knowledge of some tricks and techniques. If there are no such courses in your city, you can find them on the Internet. When you achieve some success in this matter - teach all the tricks to your staff.

Now that you know the key success factors, you can go directly to organizing a business.

Registering a Gift Wrapping Business

To start your gift wrapping business, it is enough to register an IP. No special permissions are needed. The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is standard. The main OKVED code is 82.92. Packing activities. When registering an individual entrepreneur, try to cover the codes of the activity that you plan to engage in as much as possible. Otherwise, you will have to redo the documents later. What other codes might come in handy?

    47.65. Retail sale of games and toys in specialized stores;

    47.78.3. Retail trade in souvenirs, folk art crafts;

    47.62.2. Retail sale of stationery and stationery in specialized stores.

This is not an exhaustive list. It can be supplemented depending on what goods and services you choose.

In addition, you need to decide on the tax regime. USN is suitable for your activity. Because the costs in this business are small, it is better to choose the simplified tax system "income" at a rate of 6%.

Finding a suitable location

For a successful gift wrapping business, it is very important to choose the right place for trade. The best option for a gift wrapping counter is a popular mall. But here problems can arise. Most likely, the best places in such centers will be occupied by other entrepreneurs, and the cost of rent is higher than in other places.

But even if you don't find a suitable gift wrapping place in the mall, that's not a problem. You can stay on the territory of a souvenir shop or a flower pavilion - offer them cooperation.

Increasing sales without investment!

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The plus is that 2-4 sq.m. will be enough for the counter. This area will accommodate a packing table, a small stand, and consumables. The rent will be small - about 8 thousand rubles. But the cost may vary, depending on the city and shopping center.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a place:

    Competitors. Opening next to a competitor is unprofitable, so choose a place away from them.

    Customer traffic. Your outlet should be located in a crowded area with high traffic. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on advertising.

    Favorable neighborhood. Consider the proximity of stores where gifts are usually bought. For example, perfumery, household goods, gift shop.

Supplier search

After you have chosen a place, you need to decide from whom to buy consumables for gift wrapping. To work, you will need high-quality paper of different designs and tape for packaging. There are many types of packaging. What to start with at the start? From the most requested: craft wrapping paper and themed prints for the holidays, boxes and gift bags of different sizes. In addition to consumables, you will need to purchase various goods: postcards, small souvenirs, etc. You can buy hand-made products. Needlewomen can be found on forums, on Instagram, at the Crafts Fair, etc.

To find suppliers, look at websites and professional forums on the Internet. Immediately negotiate all the conditions, do not hesitate to ask for a discount on bulk purchases. Before concluding a contract, read reviews, chat with customers, compare options for prices and reputation, choose the most profitable one.

Purchase of equipment and consumables

In order to ensure the operation of a gift wrapping outlet, you will need a minimum investment. From the equipment you need a counter, where there will be a table for packing, a seat for the seller, a small showcase, packing tools and a cash register. All this will have to spend 30 - 40 thousand rubles.

The cost of consumables for gift wrapping is also minimal. To begin with, it will be enough to make a purchase for 10 thousand rubles. In the course of work, you will understand what is in demand and what is unprofitable. In your next purchase, you will already know the preferences of customers and will be able to adjust the assortment.

The purchase of consumables is closely related to the range of services and prices that you are planning. Be sure to work out the expense and income item in the business plan. Let the indicators be approximate at this stage, but you will be able to assess whether it is profitable to purchase a particular product, material, etc. Immediately make a list of goods and services that you plan to sell. After all, it is better to make a one-time purchase in order to get a discount or save on shipping.

When choosing a packaging material, be guided by fashion trends in decoration. In recent years, eco-decor and natural themes have been especially popular. Therefore, in your arsenal, you must definitely have canvas bags, craft bags, cotton ribbons, dry flowers. Choose your material for the coming holidays. It is worth preparing for them in advance.

Types of gift wrapping services

Your main offer is a gift wrapping service. Additionally, you can sell greeting cards, balloons (then you will need to purchase a helium balloon), various souvenirs, bouquets of dried flowers, gift boxes. Offer themed gifts. For example, on New Year's Eve you can sell gingerbread men and candies, and on Valentine's Day - chocolate with confessions, heart-shaped sweets, etc. It all depends on your imagination and enterprise.

Don't limit yourself to one-time gift wrapping orders. Try to find corporate clients for cooperation. Recently, the design of corporate gifts has become relevant, especially in large organizations. The design of such presentations is different from the usual order. You will need to use the company logo, its corporate colors. It may be necessary to order custom printing on the boxes. Do not be afraid of non-standard solutions - this is how the client will contact you constantly.

Setting prices for gift wrapping and assortment

The price of gift wrapping consists of the cost of material and your work. Very often, to simplify calculations and record keeping, used paper is counted by rolls - that is, if you spent 1/3 of a roll on packaging, you will have to write off the whole roll. On average, the wholesale price of such a roll is 80 rubles. This paper is enough to wrap 2-3 medium-sized gifts. Do not forget to include decor in the cost price: ribbons, bows, tags, etc. Based on these calculations, the cost of one packaged gift will be about 60 rubles. Feel free to multiply by two - get an approximate cost.

Another tip when setting prices: find out the price of competitors. This is quite simple to do: take a couple of boxes of different sizes and go pack them. Check several points to derive the "average" price - from it and push off.

Be sure to consider how much the decor will cost. Because the order is not always limited to paper packaging and ribbon. The client may ask to wrap a gift in non-standard sizes and shapes, decorate the box creatively, etc. You must be prepared for this as well. Be open to new things and don't be afraid to use methods you haven't tried yet.

At first, you will be able to do the work yourself. But in the future you will have to hire employees. Look for an assistant who will wrap gifts. You will also need the services of an accountant. You can perform these functions yourself or hire a person to work remotely.


Main requirements for the seller-packer:

    gift wrapping and decorating skills;

    sense of taste, creativity, fantasy;

    friendliness, sociability, sociability;

    the ability to listen to the requirements of the client and implement them;

    decency, responsibility, perseverance.

Usually, young people aged 23-35 are hired as a salesperson.

When selecting an employee to wrap gifts, be sure to give him a test task. Just ask him to wrap a gift, indicate your wishes for decoration. And then observe and draw conclusions: how quickly and efficiently did the master do the work? Did he listen to your wishes, or did everything his own way? Based on this task, you can make a decision in favor of a professional, but do not forget about personal human qualities.

Ready-made ideas for your business

When hiring staff, you need to determine how much you are willing to pay for their work. On average, the salary of a salesperson-packer is 17-20 thousand rubles (the salary depends on the city). Outsourced accountant services will cost about 7,000 rubles. Total, with all deductions, 25-30 thousand rubles.

Gift Wrapping Business Profit Counting

Calculating the income of such a business is quite difficult. Profit depends on seasonality, the number of regular customers, price levels. As practice shows, on average, a retail outlet can earn 20 thousand rubles at the start and 40-50 thousand rubles in the future. During the festive hype, revenue can double or even triple. The turnover of a point in the pre-New Year period can reach 150 thousand rubles - it all depends on the entrepreneur.

If we are talking about an average income of 50 thousand rubles per month, then for this you will need to fulfill 8-10 orders per day. It's a lot, but it's real. Especially if, in addition to gift wrapping, you sell related products. With this level of income, the initial investment, which amounts to 50 thousand rubles, will pay off within 3 months. And if you correctly take into account the start time, then in the first month you will be able to reach a net profit.

Advertising outlet for gift wrapping

The easiest way to promote a gift wrapping point is a good location and advantageous neighborhood. If you manage to get a good place, you can consider that the promotion is 80% complete. The rest will have to be obtained through a bright sign and counter design. A good option would be a themed design depending on the holiday. Such a counter will surely be noticed.

This business cannot be classified as highly profitable, and therefore the advertising budget is very limited. Use inexpensive ways: cooperate with gift shops, souvenir shops. Print coupons that will be issued when buying gifts: even a 5-10% discount can bring a client to you; post ads on social networks, post examples of your work.

Business risks

When compiling a gift wrapping business plan, be sure to work out such an item as risks. You must always be prepared for difficulties - and it is advisable to take measures in advance to avoid them.

This business may face the following risks:

    wrong place. This will lead to the fact that you will have few orders and the content of the outlet will simply become unprofitable. To avoid such errors, analyze the location in advance;

    poor quality performance by staff. A poorly placed order is a spoiled impression and loss of a client. Someone will leave dissatisfied, silent. Someone needs to redo it. All this has negative consequences. Therefore, take seriously the assessment of the skill of the one who will be engaged in gift wrapping;

    business seasonality. The excitement that is observed in December-March can turn your head. But this number of orders will not be year-round. And you need to prepare for it. Come up with interesting offers to warm up sales during the off-season, supplement your store with new products that will work at this time.

    actions of competitors. The risk is serious because gift wrapping is a specific service. And the variety of retail outlets with packaging is useless here. It is possible that a nearby gift shop will suddenly add a wrapping service. And that's where the good neighborhood ends. What to do? Create a unique trade offer, conduct a competent pricing policy, immediately agree on cooperation, increase the client base, recruit regular customers.

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