What is my speed. How to check Internet speed - online connection test on a computer and phone, SpeedTest, Yandex and other meters

Many who have already encountered Internet speed testing services have noticed that the result of these tests quite often diverges from the tariff plan (the speed provided by the provider). The majority, not delving into the details and subtleties of the services, prefer to believe the indicated results of the speed test, on, perhaps for the first time, an open site. And then calls to the technical support of the provider begin with complaints and claims. Often, long negotiations with technical support end in nothing - the recommendations of the technical staff are difficult to fulfill, or scary. And, as a result, the client is not satisfied.

We did a little testing of the most popular Internet connection speed testing services and decided to find out which service to give the most preference to, and also tried to find out why speed measurements show such different results. On each of the sites, we carried out from 3 to 5 measurements, citing here the best indicators.

For testing, we used a simple system unit with a dual-core processor, 2 GB of RAM, installed with the Windows 7 operating system. The computer is not installed, the firewall is disabled. All components and modules (including the flash player) have been updated. Used browsers: Opera, Chrome, Fire Fox, Safari, testing was carried out in each of them. The network card is the most inexpensive, with an interface speed of 100 Mbps (Full duplex). The computer was connected with a 3-meter twisted pair cable to a Cisco L2 switch with a 1 Gb / s port (auto) and an external interface (Internet channel) 2 Gb / s (LACP bonding mode 2).

In total, an analogue of broadband Internet access was obtained with a speed limited by the bandwidth of the computer's network card - 100 Mbps.

Speedtest.net by Ookla - Global Speed ​​Test

speedtest.net- probably one of the first and most popular services for checking the main network parameters. The test itself was created on the basis of flash technology, which, on the one hand, is beautiful, convenient and visual, on the other hand, it can fail - an incorrectly installed flash player on your computer, or a browser flash module is not able to fully implement speed testing, and , as a result - measurement errors.

The web interface of the page http://www.speedtest.net/ looks like a map with the ability to select a server with which to test.

When you open the www.speedtest.net page, the service determines your location. Very useful in this service is the choice of the server with which you want to test, because the fewer intermediate nodes between your computer and the server, the more accurate the measurement results will be.

Before testing begins, a ping test takes place - the server's response time to your request to it.

Immediately, after measuring the ping, the download speed is measured - Download.

After measuring your upload speed, the service will automatically start measuring upload speed - Upload, the speed at which you can upload and transfer files to the Internet.

Outgoing speed testing - Upload.

After performing all the tests - ping, incoming and outgoing speed, the results will appear on the screen with a suggestion to repeat the test ( TEST AGAIN), or select another server ( NEW SERVER) to check the Internet settings.

Test result.

Next, using the service Speedtes.Net, we have chosen another, the most remote server in Kiev, the data to which will pass through several Data Centers, by this we will show the influence of intermediate nodes on the accuracy of testing measurement.

Selecting a remote server located in Kiev.

Speed ​​testing with a server located in Kiev.

Here it is worth paying attention to the increase in ping to 13 ms, which indicates data delays on intermediate servers and routers located between us and Kiev.

Result for Speedtest.net by Ookla - 95/95 Mbps with our bandwidth of 100 Mbps, this is the most accurate result.

If you need to do testing with our server located in Torez, go here.

Bandwidthplace.com - speed test for all devices

bandwidthplace.com- just like Speedtest.Net uses flash technology to measure network speed. Everything is more modest here, the choice of servers (button Select Server) for testing is small, only about 15, the location of which says that the service is focused on America and Japan. The closest to us was Frankfurt (Germany).

The result of the check, to put it mildly - no. With our actual channel width of 100 Mbps, the Bandwidthplace.com service showed only 11 Mbps - 10 times lower than our real speed. Moreover, we did not manage to check our outgoing speed using this service.

Bandwidthplace.com speed test.

The remoteness of the server and a large number of intermediate nodes to it are to blame. We counted 8 pieces.

Route trace to the server - Bandwidthplace.com.

Result for Bandwidthplace.com - 11/-- Mbps with our bandwidth of 100 Mbps - this service is not suitable for our region.

2ip.Ru - Portal of network services

2ip.Ru- probably one of the first Russian-language services for the Internet. Among them is the speed check service.

Before checking, the service offers to enter your speed according to the tariff plan, for further evaluation - declared / actual.

The lack of choice of the nearest server affected the results.

The result of the Internet connection speed is 2ip.Ru.

Despite the fact that the 2ip.ru service is aimed at Russian-speaking network users, it is located in Germany, so the service is more suitable for the western regions of the CIS countries (Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg ...). In view of the fact that there are a large number of nodes between us and the 2ip.ru service, it is not suitable for accurate measurements.

Result for 2ip.Ru - 27/7 Mbps

Pr-Cy.Ru - Analysis and verification of network resources

Pr-Cy.Ru- another popular Russian-language service that specializes in website analysis, the speed check service on it is a nice addition to other services.

There is a map on the speed test page that allows you to select your preferred server with the fewest nodes on the way to it for the most accurate result.

Speed ​​test page - Pr-Cy.Ru.

After pressing the button "Start Internet Speed ​​Test", first the server response time (ping) is measured, after which the incoming and then outgoing Internet speed will be automatically checked.

Internet speed testing on Pr-Cy.Ru website.

Internet speed test result.

The test result was disappointing, the deviations were more than 20%. Most likely, the owners of the Pr-Cy.Ru resource do not prioritize the accuracy of measuring Internet speed and pay more attention to the accuracy of their other services.

Result for Pr-Cy.Ru - 80/20 Mbps, in our opinion, a dubious service for our region.

On this, we believe, enough comparative tests. Our goal was to show that speed check services are nothing more than entertainment, you should not take them more or less seriously. We did not specifically consider other services, such as.

Learning how to measure the speed of an Internet connection correctly. With the help of what resources you can correctly check the Internet, what parameters you need to look at and how to determine whether a good result is in front of you.

I will definitely tell you about Megabit and Megabyte, they are often confused, and I will also tell you what ping (Ping) is and why it is often kicked out of online games because of it. In general, I will show in detail how to find out the speed of the Internet on a computer.


Hello everyone, today I decided to write an article that will allow you to qualitatively analyze the speed of an Internet connection. You can find a lot of materials from different sources, which in one way or another show where you need to go and what numbers to look at. But now you repeated all this on your computer, you saw numbers, large or small with different units of measurement.

Sit, look at them, sometimes you even rejoice, but what do these data mean? It was displayed to you, for example: Input - 10 Mbps, Outcome - 5 Mbps, Ping - 14 and what's next, it's good for you or if you don't look at it, then you say, they say these numbers are nothing to you do not speak? And in most cases, everything is exactly like that, we see the result, but we can’t analyze it, because we don’t know what each direction means.

funny conversation with a friend

In general, I decided to write an article on this topic, just yesterday. I talked with a friend, and it so happened that we started talking about the Internet. He asks me - Vanek, what is your Internet speed? Well, I said, I pay 300 rubles for 8 MB / s. Without hesitation, a friend answered, well, bullshit you have the Internet, I have 30 Mbps for only 250 rubles. The whole thing was also said with such a clever look, I could not restrain myself, I laughed when I walked away, I immediately thought - that's the topic for a new article.

Understanding users have already figured out what the catch is, and for those who haven’t caught it, we carefully read the article and absorb useful knowledge. Probably another 15 minutes I had to explain to a friend that he was a little mistaken with the choice of the Internet and the money he pays can be spent more wisely armed with good Internet. I won't ramble too much, let's move on.

How is internet speed measured?

In order to understand and correctly analyze the speed of Internet connections, you need to be well versed in the units of measurement with which you will actually measure your Internet in the future.

This is very important, it is necessary, well, it is necessary, it is necessary, otherwise there is simply no way. After all, when you come to the store, you tell the seller how many kg of apples you need to sell, or you yourself calculate how many kilograms of potatoes you need to buy to last at least a week for the whole family, you even tritely consider how many grams of sweets to buy so that you have enough money to pay off. Now closer to the point.

When you start wondering about the internet, you will come across two units of measurement - these will be Megabits and Megabytes. We go in order.

The prefix MEGA is the prefix millionaire, you don’t need to pay special attention to them, it’s just an abbreviation, replacing the number 10 to the 6th power. Once again, we do not look at the prefix, we follow everything that is written further, namely, we look at BITS and BYTES. (megaBIT, mega BYTE)

A bit is the smallest unit of measure used in calculations in the "computer world", think of a bit as one unit - 1

A byte is naturally also a unit of measure, but it contains 8 bits, which means that a byte is eight times larger than a bit.

Once again, BYTE is 8 bits.

Examples. When testing Internet speed, you may be shown:

30 Mbps or 3.75 Mbps, where you have to understand that these are two identical numbers. That is, when you have taken measurements and they showed you the result in megabits, you can boldly divide it by 8 and get the real result. In our example, 30 Mbps/8= 3.75 Mb

Have not forgotten about my conversation with a friend, now you can go back and see why I did not agree with my friend, what was his mistake? Look, count, it will be useful for fixing.

In addition to units of measurement for a competent analysis of an Internet connection, you need to know that there are two types of connections. Incoming and outgoing.

It's not difficult at all, but you have to read it once just to know. Incoming information is everything that you download to your computer, watch online, listen to music, in general, everything that you browse on the Internet will be called incoming traffic.

But when your computer transmits information, let's say you play an online game and small packets of information that control actions in the game leave your computer without fail, or for example you upload a photo to a social network, all this will be considered outgoing traffic.


Everything we take on the Internet is incoming traffic.

Everything we send to the Internet is outgoing traffic.

Now a little tip, when analyzing, you can ignore outgoing traffic. Why? Because with a good performance of the incoming Internet connection, the outgoing one will automatically be good. They go in a complex, but you need to remember that the speed of incoming information is always higher, sometimes even twice, but this is not scary.

When measuring the speed of the Internet, you will see such pictures and this is normal:

I think we have figured out the numbers more or less and now you can easily analyze the speed of the Internet connection as accurately as possible. Although it is probably worth making a small digression to suggest what speed will be enough and for what purpose.

What kind of Internet do I need for stable work?

Here is a table that will serve as a hint to this question, and if you do not understand, then write in the comments to this article, as soon as I see it, I will immediately write the answer.

Task Internet connection speed Classification
Viewing text and graphic information 10 Mbps or 1 Mbps Slow Internet
Watch online movies, listen to music, play, chat on Skype From 20 Mbps to 40 Mbps Good multitasking.
Browsing the Internet, downloading large amounts of information, high-quality video and other high loads From 80 Mbps and above Universal for all occasions

I often hear the question, but with such an Internet, how long can I download a movie? To be honest, such questions annoy me a little, if you know how to count, then why not do it, adults and the elderly of the past generation can be forgiven, but now young people should be educated and instantly give out information of interest, so I won’t even write about this, but just in case, I will show the principle of calculation in the video, so after reading the text, do not be lazy to take a couple of minutes to watch the video.

And besides this, you should always remember that a virus can get on your computer and the speed will be reduced several times,

Where can I test the speed of the Internet?

As I said at the beginning, there are a lot of different resources that provide an opportunity, so to speak, to weigh, measure your Internet. But as practice shows, only some of them work stably and can give correct information, and not fantasize ...

yandex.ru/internet- for me, this is the best resource for measuring the Internet.

speedtest.net/en/- a mega popular site for determining speed, but it only works fine for me after the second scan. After the first time, it shows not real numbers, so I immediately run it a second time and get a normal, real result.

www.ip.ru/speed/- the site can do a lot of useful things, I like it, but unfortunately it often deceives with Internet measurements, but it gives some useful information, who is served, which provider and where the service platform is located.

By the way, I took examples of pictures from these sites, in the video I will show each site separately, and you yourself will choose which one you like best. When you analyze the results, you may notice another interesting parameter - Ping (ping)

What is Internet Ping?

This parameter can often be heard, especially among those who like to play online games. These type of people, to be honest, are a little obsessed with pings during the game.

I even had a case 7-8 years ago when I myself enter the game, as I remember now - it was Counter-Strike. Well, I went in, I play, here I hear a lot of fuss, screams and discontent, and in every sentence they shout at him a high ping, let's kick him out. And in fact, they kicked me out of the room by a general vote, of course I was not very pleased, but there was nothing to do.

On that day, I spent several hours learning the cursed word for me at that time, ping.

But in fact, the essence of its work is very simple, I will not load your heads, but I will only say that this is also a unit of measurement that shows the speed of data transfer from your computer to the server.

Now, quite simply, you entered the game, at the moment when you perform some action for you, the character simply makes a movement. And on the technical side, in order to even just move your character from its place, the computer must send a command (package of files) to the server, and the time that these files will fly to the server, be processed there and return back will be called ping.

In fact, it turns out Ping is the speed of data exchange between the computer and the server.

What determines the ping, how can it be lowered?

Everything is quite simple here, the first and main reason is the physical distance between your computer and the game server. For example, you play in Moscow, and the server is in China, it turns out a very long distance and therefore it takes more time to transfer data packets. And at this moment we are cursing, they say the game lags.

Naturally, the speed of your Internet will affect the ping, the faster the connection, the lower the ping will be. Next, you need to understand that ping can increase if the transmission line is overloaded, that is, your provider serves not just one of your apartments, but a whole house or street, and if everyone decides to surf the Internet at the same time, then you get a little chaos.

Rational use of traffic is when you are sitting at home on the Internet via Wi-Fi, playing, and your parents are watching TV shows through the same Wi-Fi at the same time, your younger sister is sitting on a tablet in the next room and playing her games. The more people using the access point at the same time, the lower the Internet speed becomes and the ping grows accordingly.

There are three ways to lower ping:

  • Change provider or tariff plan to a more powerful one
  • Make some changes to the registry of the operating system (improvement is not significant)
  • Loading of specialized software. (we throw this method out of our heads right away and use the first two)

Have you figured out what's what? I think that all of you understood a long time ago, so I will round off. Below you can find a video to consolidate the material you read, do not be lazy, you need to watch it.

Watch the video: How to find out the speed of the Internet on your computer?

Well, what have you read? Then we go down below and write our comment on this article, otherwise how will I know if you read it at all or not? See you soon, bye friends.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Today, in order to check the speed of the Internet, it is not at all necessary to be an advanced connoisseur of high technology. It is enough to use an online service where you can determine the speed of an Internet connection with a simple click of a button. There are a sufficient number of such services on which the Internet connection is checked online.

A simple user, as a rule, does not attach much importance to the speed of the Internet connection. By and large, the most important thing is that the necessary files (movies, music, documents, etc.) are uploaded and downloaded as quickly as possible. But if any delays or failures in the Internet connection begin to occur, any of us starts to get nervous.

The lack of Internet speed at the moment has a special effect on the “nerves”. self-creation of a website or blog(I'm talking about myself and "my high-speed" Internet connection).

Of course, the speed of data transfer on the Internet depends on many factors. And all these nuances are negotiated with the Internet provider, with which an agreement is concluded to provide them with network access services. But providers often do not fulfill their obligations, and the actual data transfer rate is much lower than stipulated in the contract. And most users simply do not know how to check the Internet connection, or rather, its speed.

To begin with, to test the speed of the Internet, disable all network programs (including anti-virus programs) if possible. Check the network connection status.

View network activity.

My computernetworkShow network connections- select State working network connection.

If in the window State there is an active data transfer (digital values ​​change rapidly), check that all programs are disabled. If yes, you may have a virus. Then first treat your computer with some antivirus program ( You can also use a free antivirus).

After these steps, the Internet speed can be measured on the online services listed below.

Internet speed check on Yandex Internet.

Perhaps the most "Spartan" online service where you can measure the speed of the Internet is Yandex Internet.

But, despite its simplicity, Yandex does a speed test in a very original and high-quality way. It is enough to go to his service to check the speed of the Internet - Yandex will immediately determine your IP address, browser, screen extension of your computer and what region you are from.

Further, to measure the speed of the Internet in Yandex, click on the "ruler" button and after the Internet connection test is completed, you can view detailed information. Where the download speed and download speed will be indicated. And as a keepsake, when the Internet speed test is over, you can take the HTML code of the banner with you to embed it on your blog or website.

How to determine the speed of the Internet connection with the Speedtest.net service

This is one of the most popular online services, on which it will be simply pleasant for many to measure the speed of the Internet. The service promoted in Runet has an attractive design, and it is a pleasure to check the speed of the Internet on this resource. After measuring and testing the speed of the Internet connection, speedtest presents a report in the form of a banner, which indicates the download speed data from the network and the transmission data that comes from the user's computer.

Just like in Yandex, this banner can be placed on your website or blog. In addition, on the online service, you can take the script of the Speedtest Mini miniature module and install it on your website or blog. Then anyone can measure the speed of the Internet right on your site. And, perhaps, the most attractive product is Speedtest Mobile. This application is for mobile devices running Android and iOS.

Internet speed test online service Speed.io

This article will discuss the issues of incoming and outgoing connection speed units, means of determining it, and pinging. You will understand how to find out the speed of the Internet on your computer, how the real value differs from the declared one.

megabit and megabyte

Many users do not see the difference between these two concepts. And she is. Moreover, it is approximately the same as between a centimeter and a decimeter. 1 Byte contains 8 Bits. Thus, approximately 1 MB contains 8 Mbps.

In addition, it must be taken into account that during data transmission up to 10-15% is lost on service information. In addition, providers always indicate the speed with the preposition “to”. That is, they declare the maximum possible of them, but do not guarantee that it will always be. This is due to the fact that they once started a race for large numbers, and now they are used as a marketing ploy, since with smaller values, many users will not understand such subtleties, but will go to another provider, which will lead to real losses.

Thus, when raising the question “How to find out the speed of the Internet on your computer?” you must first decide which one you want to find out from them - declared by the provider or real.

The concept of download and upload speeds. Pinging

Internet speed is usually understood as the incoming speed. But there is also an outgoing similar value. It shows how fast a file is uploaded from a given user's computer to the server. Almost always the second value is greater than the first. Ping is the time it takes for a certain packet to reach the server from the user's computer. The higher the speed, the lower the ping. It can increase when the network is heavily loaded. The best way to lower it is to change the tariff plan with an existing provider or, if this does not help, the provider itself.

The most relevant is high speed, and, accordingly, low ping, for online players. With these indicators offered today by the main providers, any user can carry out quite comfortable surfing the Web, watch videos online, listen to music, communicate on social networks and perform other actions.

Checking the declared speed using Windows tools

How to find out the current Internet speed on a computer? Using the "Network Connections" located in the "Control Panel" in the "Network and Internet" tab, you can find out the status of the active connection. We call the context menu, select "Status". In the window that opens, you can check the speed of the Internet according to the numbers presented.

Preparing for the test

In order to get objective data when checking the speed of the Internet, you must:

  • pause the download of downloaded files or wait for it to complete;
  • suspend software updates, including OS;
  • close applications and stop processes that heavily load the system and the Network.

You can view them through the task manager.

Online programs for checking the speed of the Internet on a computer

Stable operation of these services is possible only if Adobe Flash Player is installed on the user's computer. Despite the fact that the manufacturer announced that it would soon stop releasing updates for it, it continues to be actively used on the Internet.

One of the most popular applications for answering the question in question is Speedtest. The Internet speed test is carried out on the site of the same name in the Net zone. It has many analogues, in which this name occurs in one form or another. There are also Russian-language versions. When entering a similar site, you need to click on "Test", after which the process of determining the speed and ping will begin.

There is also an English-language site speed.io, which determines the same speed indicators. To start, click Start Speedtest. The Internet speed test will be carried out within 1 minute.

In addition, Internet verification can be carried out on the Rostelecom website. We click on "Start" and in a minute we get the results of the test. It also displays ping, incoming and outgoing speeds.

Internet speed test in Windows 7

There is a limit on the reserved bandwidth on this system. It can be removed. To check the Internet speed on a Windows 7 computer, you need to open the gpedit.msc program from the command line or call the Run menu item. The Group Local Policy Editor opens. In the left column, click on "Computer Configuration", then go to "Administrative Templates", open the subdirectory "Network" - "QoS Scheduler". In the right column, select "Limit reserved bandwidth". We change this parameter to 0, confirm the changes made, close the application and reboot.

As a result, the speed of the Internet will increase. You can check it in the same ways that were described above.

Check when using torrent clients

How to find out the speed of the Internet on your computer when using bittorrent applications like utorrent? To do this, you need to end all applications and processes that load the network, having learned about them from the "Task Manager". Using the appropriate portal on the Internet, where popular files are located, download one of them, which distribute hundreds and thousands of seeds, while it is desirable that they all distribute this file at a given moment in time.

Subject to the conditions mentioned above, this will be the most objective incoming speed. It can also be viewed in real mode while the file is being downloaded. You won’t know the objective upload speed with this program, and it also doesn’t display ping.


In this article, we looked at how to find out the speed of the Internet on your computer. The main way is to go to the relevant online services and use the services they offer. In addition, a bittorent client can serve on a computer. For a reason that is not entirely clear, the Windows OS has bandwidth limits that can be removed, thereby increasing the figure in question. The speed that the main providers provide today is enough to surf the Web, listen to and view media files, play online games, and communicate on social networks. Some games may require more speed.

“Connection speed” refers to the amount of information downloaded per second.

Bits per second are used as units for this value. A bit is a binary value (1 or 0).

Using single bits to measure the connection speed would give too cumbersome values.

Therefore, to designate a large number of bits, metric prefixes are used: kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-.

That is, a speed of 1 Kb / s (Kbps) means that the device receives 1000 bits of information per second. How to measure internet speed yourself?

Modern communication technologies allow the use of the megabit as a standard unit, at the user level.

The average Internet connection speed in the world in 2014 was 3.9 Mbps.

Modern providers provide tariff plans up to 100 Mbps. This is the maximum limit of most home ports, at least as of today.

The most common connection technology is broadband cable connection. This type of connection has replaced dial-up modem connections.

The use of our own fiber optic lines, instead of the telephone network, has significantly increased traffic volumes.

So the modem connection provided no more than 56 Kbps.

Note! The standard home broadband connection is 10 Mbps. That is, for most users who do not have special requirements for connection speed, this is enough. This value is enough to download files, work with cloud services and feel comfortable online.

With commercial networks, things are somewhat more complicated. Each company has its own needs and, most often, an individual contract is formed on certain conditions.

For small companies and offices, a household connection is enough.

Important: Providers prefer to remain silent about the fact that the speed of outgoing traffic is an order of magnitude lower than the speed of incoming traffic. For ordinary people, this is not so critical, but if you need to send large amounts of data, then this circumstance is better taken into account.

In any case, the connection speed declared in the tariff is somewhat less in practice. The quality of communication at any given time depends on many factors.

The workload of the provider's nodes and the quality of home device settings affect the connection speed.

Wi-Fi connectivity is affected by even more circumstances:

  • Distance to access point;
  • Physical barriers to the signal path and their material;
  • The presence of radio interference;
  • Quality and receiving device.

And this is in addition to the features of the wired connection. As a result, it turns out that the actual connection speed will always be slightly lower than stated in the tariff.

Measuring the actual speed of the Internet

He has more than seven billion checks on his account.

The service allows not only to measure the speed, but also to save the test results in a profile, publish them on social networks and in a public comparison.

By the way, the average value based on the results of all checks is 22.7 Mbps.

Let's proceed directly to the process of measuring speed.

The example uses an ADSL connection via a Wi-Fi router with another active user. Tariff speed 5 Mbps.

First you need to go to the speedtest website.

After downloading, it will look like this (pictured below).

Determination of the region and the most suitable server occurs automatically, but each user can independently choose any one of the servers available around the world (1 choice on the world map, 2 - navigation around the site).

The white dots on the map indicate the available servers.

In addition, the counter of the number of checks (4) is displayed, as well as the current IP address with the name of the provider (5). The check can be started (3) immediately after loading the interface, or after determining the required server.

First of all, the service measures the ping (1). Ping is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the user's PC to the server and back.

This value is measured in milliseconds.

The higher the indicator, the slower the connection, the longer the sites load and the worse the games work.

This indicator reflects the amount of data received from the server per second. Here you can clearly see how the tariff speed (5 Mbps) differs from the actual one.

The example used an ADSL connection, which is why the spread in values ​​is so large.

In broadband wired connections, it will be an order of magnitude smaller.

Internet speed test completed.

In addition, you can send the results to the public rating (2). There, the results of all checks are collected and compared.

Gratitude to the creators of the resource for the services provided can be expressed not only by good karma, but also by quite material means (3).

The most objective results are usually obtained after several checks. D

To optimize the process, a new check button (4) is provided. It is possible to initiate a check with another server (5).

Interesting! There is a mini version of the service that can be embedded into websites. Distributed for free. It can be used both for personal needs and with registration in the Ookla service, then the load on the channel will increase, because measurements from all over the world will take place using the registered server.

There is also a version for mobile platforms. Download for free in the AppStore or GogglePlay. A mobile version is available for smartphones and tablets that support Internet access.

Once you have determined your connection speed, there are some steps you can take to improve it. Of course, if the values ​​suit you, then there is nothing to worry about.

Connection acceleration options will be discussed later.

Increasing internet speed

The first thing that comes to mind is changing the tariff plan or provider. But these are cardinal steps designed to significantly increase the speed.

Some increase in speed can also be obtained due to small manipulations with your own computer.

Here are a few ways to help increase your internet speed.

In fact, the number of downloaded megabits will remain the same, but by optimizing the work with traffic, you can achieve better browser performance:

  • Dosing the load on the network. While surfing, you do not need to open many tabs with different sites at once. The load on the network leads to a slowdown. In systems with small RAM, the drop in speed is also caused by the fact that its volume is not enough;
  • Disable automatic updates. This item is most true for automatic Windows updates. Other programs can also occupy traffic by searching for and downloading updates. Disabling updates will help offload the network;
  • Disabling torrent managers. The operation of such programs and, in general, various downloads "eat" a lot of traffic. Disabling unnecessary downloads in a timely manner can save a lot of traffic;
  • Disabling ads. Many pages are overloaded with advertising banners and other marketing tricks, and their loading also affects the speed. With the help of special browser extensions, you can reduce the amount of downloaded advertising content;
  • Turbo mode of the browser. Most browsers have it. Enabling it reduces the quality of images, otherwise it turns them off completely. This move allows you to reduce the page load time;
  • Reduce the distance between the access point and the device. The signal will cover a shorter distance, therefore, the Internet speed will increase slightly. Reducing the number of obstacles in the signal path will also lead to an increase in speed;
  • The speed of Wi-Fi connections drops when many users connect to the same router. Changing the access password will help eliminate the possibility of unauthorized connections.

With the information given in the material, managing the connection speed, measuring it and optimizing the work with the Internet will not be difficult.

How to check internet speed

How to measure internet speed yourself?