How to make money on paintball: business plan, equipment. How to open a paintball club: learning how to make money on entertainment

You can organize a successful business by starting to produce and sell various goods, but the best way, which, in my opinion, is more creative and interesting, is to provide services in demand.
Today we will talk about such a business service in the field of entertainment, as the organization of a paintball club, i.e. learn how to open a paintball club. Before I talk about all the intricacies of opening and running such a business, I want to talk about why this type of business will be successful.

From childhood, we loved to play all kinds of “war games”, we took a suitable stick, imagining a sword or a gun instead, and went out to an imaginary battlefield in our courtyard. This is how my friends and I spent the whole day, running, jumping, we imagined ourselves conquerors of the whole world. Time passes, but at heart we are all the same children who want to frolic and completely distance themselves from all problems. And now, one of the modern entertaining games, paintball, will come to our aid. Such a game is able to unite people and increase trust.
The game will help relieve the stress accumulated by sitting in a stuffy summer office, help to normalize the tone of your body. The game of paintball is a chic alternative to holding corporate gatherings in a bar or restaurant, which everyone is already bored with, so some businessmen are puzzled by the question of opening their own paintball club. Paintball outdoors - fresh air, adrenaline, a manifestation of team spirit and leadership qualities.

So, How can you open a business like this?? Having decided to go into this type of business, a bunch of different questions arise: “how to open a paintball club?”, “Where to start?”, “Do I need a gun license?”, “Payback?” and many others. Calm down, things need to be resolved calmly, without any nerves. It is necessary to work carefully with all the information available, write a business plan for a paintball club and more questions will go away by themselves. Now let's talk in more detail about all the nuances of organizing a paintball business.

Weapon license

I want to note that a paintball marker, with its similarity to a weapon, is absolutely not such. Quotes from federal gun law:

Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that are structurally similar to weapons.

This type of “weapon”, like a marker, belongs to the group of goods called “sports equipment and equipment”. Thus, the purchase, storage and carrying does not require any permits. There is no need to license such “weapons”.

Organization of a paintball game

Where did you most of all like to play “war” as a child? It could be various construction sites (a lot in our vast country), in abandoned premises, that is, where you can hide and hide. The club can be organized not only in the open air, but also in various premises (a great option when the weather is bad outside). So, now we will look for such places.

Requirements for the organization of the playground:

  • Sufficiently large dimensions of the site, to accommodate various obstacles, structures, as well as to arrange all kinds of shelters from car tires, logs, boards, slate and other materials.
  • Maintain safety at your site. The territory of the paintball club should be flat, without deep holes that you can fall into. Don't let your clients get hurt because that's not what they came to you for.
  • Organize several options for playgrounds so that customers do not get bored with the monotonous arrangement of shelters and structures.
  • The game implies some danger, so the area must be fenced with a protective net so that the balls do not scatter outside the site.
  • You can organize a site in the field and place various inflatable obstacles on it.
  • If you find abandoned businesses, villages, and other buildings, then you are very lucky. In such places, there are enough various shelters, and you will hardly have to build anything. Just don't forget to thoroughly check such places - safety is paramount!

Equipment for opening a paintball club

Aspiring entrepreneurs ask one single question: “ How much does it cost to open a paintball club"? Let's try to calculate how much you need to invest initially. So, the main cost is the purchase of paintball equipment.

  • 16-20 markers(gun for paintball). The price of such a marker is about $ 200 per piece.
  • 20-25 camouflage suits(this number includes uniforms of judges). Such costumes are purchased in stores, but if you want to save money, then you can make such costumes yourself (sewing costumes in a sewing workshop)
  • 20-25 protective masks. The cost of the mask is from $ 30 per piece
  • 16-20 marker bottles, as well as a compressor for filling cylinders with air (from $ 2000). At the initial stage, you can save on the compressor and charge the cylinders in other paintball clubs or organizations that have such a compressor. Cylinders are filled with air or carbon dioxide. Note that a cylinder filled with carbon dioxide allows you to fire 50% more shots than from a cylinder with air. Therefore, if it is possible to fill the cylinders with carbon dioxide, then this will significantly save your costs.
  • Boxes with balls. One box costs about $100 (2000 balls)

There are a huge number of different scenarios for playing paintball. So, let's highlight a few that are the most popular.

  • wall to wall. Players are divided into two teams and try to destroy the opposing team. Each player has only one life, play until the first hit
  • Capture the Flag. The flag is at an equal distance from both teams. The task of the team is to capture the enemy's flag and bring it to their base (often, it is very difficult to bring the flag to their base)
  • house siege. Participants must capture 3 flags from the opponent's house. Moreover, the players in the house have only one life, and the opponents have an infinite number. The goal of the game is to capture the flags in the least amount of time.

On this, perhaps, we will stop, if it is interesting, then other types of scenarios can be viewed on the Internet. Be a paintball fan so you can infect your club's customers with passion and competitive spirit.


One technician will be required to service and maintain equipment (equipment) for playing paintball. You also need 3-4 judges who will also act as administrators of the club. Their responsibilities include: safety briefing, training in handling markers, helping develop a paintball game strategy, and assisting in the game. To account for incoming income, placing orders for consumables and equipment, a cashier (accountant) is needed.

Business payback

It is possible to make good money organizing a paintball game, but you should clearly understand all the nuances of organizing this game. With a stationary club, you will have to spend extra money on organizing a venue for the game, fencing, a changing place (cloakroom), toilets, places to relax, and a cafe. If we talk about an away club, then it is necessary to include in the costs such items as organizing a trip to a certain place, organizing the game itself, as well as a picnic (I think this is a must if you want to get the location of your clients).

Let's look at where the income will come from:

  • sale of balloons with paint(the main income of the paintball club). For one game, about 300-500 balls are spent per person. Moreover, the price of one ball in a paintball club is 2-3 rubles. It can be easily calculated, if only 20 people visited your club in a day, then the profit will be in the region of $ 300-400;
  • entrance fee(not a mandatory component);
  • ammunition fee(the cost of the kit is about 500 rubles. It includes all the equipment and 100-200 balls);
  • rental equipment and markers;
  • sale of markers(you can open your own shop selling everything you need to play paintball);
  • sale of souvenirs, food(mini-cafe at the club,

Organizing a paintball game is the key to a successful and prosperous business. The main thing is to draw up a good business plan for a paintball club, choose a good location, equip it with the necessary equipment. This is quite enough to start, and constant, regardless of the time of year.

Business Analysis

Markets and products. The products used and the overall market strategy will be exactly in line with the interests of other successful paintball field operations throughout the Russian Federation. The products used will be the industry standard to generate revenue and encourage paintball equipment companies to sponsor contests and events that will help attract players from across the region. All products will be considered on a cost-benefit basis and will consider factors such as safety, reliability and price. The development-oriented market will mainly consist of young people aged 16-25 and older than 26-46.

The purpose of the paintball club business plan- development of the indoor and outdoor playing field, as well as income generation through rental and admission to the field. In addition, revenues will be generated from paintball equipment rentals, supplies, and food concessions. These four streams of income should make the initial investment profitable within the first year of operation and secure on an annual basis as the sport of paintball grows across the country.


It is already a hundred million dollar business across the country, with revenue that continues to grow on an annual basis. Similar to a bowling alley in some organizational aspects, a paintball service company provides rentals to players and equipment in a structured environment.

Other income generating opportunities include the sale of consumable items such as paintballs, CO2 refills, and various types of essential and consumable equipment. Concessions are another source of stable and significant income that, if properly managed, can lead to significant profits.

As an example for , the paintball club is located in the southeastern part of the city and is the site of an abandoned multi-screen cinema. It is located in a demographically popular part of the city and is very close to shopping malls and major thoroughfares of the city.

There are many places for outdoor play and there are several centralized buildings that would also provide an indoor play arena. The facility is currently unused and is a mandatory and dormant asset for the current owners of a regional theater chain that would like to relinquish ownership.


The organizational form of the paintball club will be individual entrepreneurship. As a system, it is planned to use the simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Production plan

The production development plan is essential to the overall concept. The business should strive to make it a paintball destination in the local community. There is a certain atmosphere that must be created for this to happen. The type of atmosphere required for success depends on the development of the theme for the playing field.

The theme for a paintball field can be post-industrial or military or something like that. The theme is very important in making the paintball field a destination and not just a place to play. The more successful the theme, the more likely it is that repeat players will return and use the field on a consistent basis. Several topics were discussed and the military theme adopted for the region itself.

An aggressive growth strategy requires us to adopt the following schedule in our paintball club business plan:

  • Winter 2017 - Rent of a primary land plot in the southeastern part of the city.
  • January 2018. - Bid specifications prepared for contract construction services.
  • February 2018. - Applications awarded for March and April above ground construction.
  • March 2018. - Above-ground rehabilitation of standing buildings for the inside of the playing field.
  • April 2018 - Above-ground rehabilitation of outdoor playgrounds and construction.
  • May 2018. An equipment installation and distribution center has been established. May 15, 2018. - Initial promotional blitz.
  • June 1, 2018 - the grand opening of the Paintball Sports Palace.

Paintball came to us from the USA, where at first it was an entertainment for foresters and served to train soldiers, and later grew into the most popular spectacular game that gathers stadiums of spectators.

It is not yet so popular with us, but the number of people who want to shoot paintballs at each other and feel like a participant in hostilities is steadily growing. Therefore, paintball as a business can be safely called a profitable business. In addition, with the right approach, such a club is a very promising occupation. Today we propose to figure out where to start for those who are seriously fascinated by such a business idea.

Paintball: business plan - basic

The main service that you will provide by opening your own paintball club is the rental of equipment necessary for the game to those who wish. After all, most of your customers will consist of amateurs who from time to time have fun in this way with friends. Only true professionals in this field have their own equipment and guns for paintball, and there are only a few of them in our country.

What points should be considered when considering the idea of ​​​​opening a paintball club?

If you still question paintball as a business, then analyze some factors that will help you make a final decision:

  • If you live in a small town, then you are unlikely to be able to organize a successful and profitable paintball club. It is best to engage in such a business in large settlements with a large number of inhabitants.
  • If you want to open a paintball club as the main source of income, then it makes sense to offer your customers a number of related services to increase profits: organizing corporate parties, preparing and selling barbecue, beer, snacks, soft drinks, etc. In this case, you will be able to attract more visitors, which, accordingly, will allow you to earn more money.
  • If you yourself are not particularly interested in paintball, then you are unlikely to be able to organize a successful business in this direction. Since in this case it is not enough just to invest money in the business, constant involvement in the process, communication, communication with customers, organization of various promotions and events, etc. is also required.

How to legally organize a paintball club

To get started, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur whose line of business is the rental of sports equipment. Equipment for this game does not require certification. If in the future you move to a new level of business and start organizing official paintball competitions, then you will have to register as a legal entity. You will also need to contact the local authorities for official permission for such events.

Choosing a place for a paintball club

The organization of such a business implies the need for a certain space. It can be both indoors and outdoors. The choice, as a rule, is made based on your own preferences and the size of the starting capital.

We bring to your attention several options for choosing a place to organize a paintball club:

  • Renting a plot in an entertaining country club with baths, saunas, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. Since people come here to relax and unwind, there are many who want to run around with a paintball gun.
  • The territory of abandoned enterprises and military units. Such places, thanks to their atmosphere, will attract customers like a magnet.
  • Sites at country campsites and tourist bases.

Keep in mind that you will have to invest in landscaping in any case. After all, it is necessary to enclose the area for the game with a special net, as well as organize locker rooms, showers, storage places for visitors, etc.


Paintball as a business involves the need to hire a number of employees, including an account manager, instructor, game referee and equipment repairman. Quite often, one employee can combine part of the functions.

If, when opening a paintball club in the spring and summer, a lot of clients immediately reached out to you, do not rush to inflate the staff of hired employees. Since in winter, in any case, there will be much fewer visitors, and a large number of employees will be unjustified.

Equipment and supplies for a paintball club

This item will represent the main item of your initial investment. The required kit for a paintball club consists of the following items:

  • Protective equipment: reliable masks, helmets, vests and knee pads.
  • Form. It is best to sew it to order. However, keep in mind that there should always be a form of a wide variety of sizes: from the smallest to the largest. After all, your visitors can have a very different complexion.
  • Paintball guns (correctly they are called markers) and spare parts for them.
  • Air tanks with reducers for each set.
  • Protective synthetic mesh (about three hundred meters).
  • Transport cylinder with a pressure of 350 atmospheres.
  • Ammunition, which are gelatin balls with paint of different colors.
  • Equipment for the battlefield (inflatable figures, wooden and metal shelters, obstacle courses made of tires, etc.).

If you plan to provide additional services to your customers, then you will need to take care of the purchase of appropriate equipment, raw materials and materials.

Advertising and promotion of your paintball club

At least at the initial stage, this business cannot do without advertising. Therefore, when planning expenses, set aside a certain amount for printing flyers, business cards, banners, creating your own website and contextual advertising.

It also makes sense to give a few PR-articles to local print media dedicated to recreation and leisure.

Also, make a mailing to the companies in your city of a commercial offer for holding corporate parties in your paintball club. Today, such team buildings are very popular not only in foreign companies, but also in domestic ones. In addition, you can organize special promotions for students, providing them with certain discounts and bonuses.

Also keep in mind that in order to develop your business, you need to generally promote and popularize paintball in your city. To do this, try to arrange big holidays, promotions and events, attracting the press to cover them. Collaborate with other clubs, hold joint paintball championships, because you all benefit from this.

Paintball as a business: the financial side of the issue

Perhaps this point is the most important. To a reasonable question: “How much does paintball equipment cost?” - it will not be possible to give an exact answer, since everything will depend on the quantity and quality of the kits. However, the minimum amount required to start this business is $4,000.

This does not take into account the cost of renting the territory, since this issue is very subjective and depends on many factors. If you plan to equip your paintball club with showers, locker rooms, parking, and provide additional services, then the minimum initial investment will be from 10 to 18 thousand dollars.

  • Project indicators
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a paintball club (active recreation park) in a city with a population of 1,200,000 people.

Project indicators

  • Monthly turnover (revenue): 400,000 rubles.
  • Net profit: 127,670 rubles.
  • Payback: 16 months

How much money do you need to open a paintball club

According to the business plan, the organization of a paintball club (active recreation park) will require about 1,505,000 rubles to be invested:

  • Equipment for children's paintball (30 sets) - 120,000 rubles.
  • Equipment for adult paintball (30 sets) - 400,000 rubles.
  • Equipment for laser tag (30 sets) - 450,000 rubles.
  • Equipment (masks, camouflage) — 40,000 rubles.
  • Protective mesh (50x100m) - 40,000 rubles.
  • Trailer - dressing room - 140,000 rubles.
  • Music (speakers, center) - 40,000 rubles.
  • Construction of a gazebo - 25,000 rubles.
  • Construction of 2 polygons (material + construction) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Electricity supply - 30,000 rubles.
  • Rental deposit and other expenses - 40,000 rubles.
  • Website development - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising — 30,000 rubles.

Step by step plan to open a paintball club

The organization of a paintball club involves the following sequential actions:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Search for a land plot for the placement of playgrounds
  3. Business registration
  4. Conclusion of a land lease agreement
  5. Construction of playgrounds and arrangement of recreation areas
  6. Purchase of rental equipment and consumables
  7. Search for club staff
  8. Website development, active advertising of services
  9. Development of game scenarios, staff training
  10. Club opening

Description of products and services

Paintball is one of the most popular types of outdoor activities, which is played by large companies. Despite this, we do not plan to limit ourselves to paintball only. In today's competitive environment, it is important to provide customers with several options for recreation. Therefore, in addition to the classic adult paintball in our club, you can play laser tag and children's paintball. The preliminary price will be as follows:

  • Paintball (from 15 years). The average price of the service is 800 rubles for 2 hours of play. The price includes: marker rental, 300 balls, briefing, photo session, game scenarios.
  • Laser tag (from 7 years). The average price of the service is 650 rubles for 2 hours of play. The price includes: weapons rental, briefing, photo session, game scenarios.
  • Children's paintball (from 7 years). The average price of the service is 700 rubles for 2 hours of play. The price includes: weapon rental, briefing, 200 balls, photo session, game scenarios.
  • Additional services in the recreation area:
  • Barbecue and skewers rental - 200 rubles.
  • Coal - 120 rubles.
  • Music center - 300 rubles.
  • Rent a heated tent for up to 50 people - 3000 rubles / 3 hours

Marketing plan

The competition among paintball clubs in our city is extremely high. The game is quite popular and began its rapid development in the early 2000s. However, the quality of work of many such organizations is very low. The absence of any service is striking (and this is very important for the modern "spoiled" client). 90% of clubs use abandoned buildings and structures as playgrounds, which greatly increases the injury risk of the game. Because of this, most of the customers simply refuse to play paintball (especially children). Parents are simply afraid to take their children to incomprehensible and dangerous training grounds. Our club decided to go the other way, perhaps more costly. But, without investments, you cannot build a normal business today. The main criteria for the success of our organization are:

  • Own playground, interesting and safe.
  • Convenient location of the playground - within the city with the ability to reach by any public transport.
  • Modern game sets for paintball and laser tag.
  • Equipped recreation area for players - a warm dressing room, tents, gazebos. Possibility to order food and drinks.
  • A variety of game scenarios, experienced and competent instructors

Particular attention will be paid to the development of the club and attracting players. Modern youth spends a decent part of their time on the Internet, so this advertising channel will be one of the main ones. Our business plan includes:

  • Creating your own website, with an attractive design and a vivid description of the gameplay;
  • Active advertising and promotion in social networks;
  • Work with entertainment portals of the city, holiday agencies;
  • Carrying out promotions and distributing coupons through special Internet services (couponers);
  • Contextual advertising.
  • Carrying out of city competitions on a paintball, participation in charitable actions is obligatory.

Download paintball club business plan

Production plan

To accommodate a paintball club, it is planned to rent a land plot of 5000 sq. m. in the popular city recreation park. This place was not chosen by chance, despite the high cost of rent (50 thousand rubles per month). Firstly, the park is located within the city, that is, it is convenient to get to it by public transport. Secondly, the park is very popular among the townspeople. Its size is more than 40 hectares. There are many attractions here, so its traffic, especially on weekends, is estimated at thousands of vacationers. In fact, the playground will always be in sight - and this is the best advertisement for the club. Special attention will be paid to the construction of interesting playgrounds and recreation areas. At least 200 thousand rubles will be required for the arrangement of the gaming zone. At the first stages, it is planned to build two playgrounds separated by a grid. This is done in order to be able to accept two companies at the same time. Thus, our club will lose fewer customers, trivial due to the fact that all playing time is scheduled. Over time, the number of gaming zones will be increased, which will allow to receive even more companies of players at the same time. For paintball, 30 markers, the same number of protective masks, cylinders, feeders will be purchased. In addition, it is planned to purchase protective ammunition (body armor, camouflage, groin protection) and supplies of balloons (wholesale). In total, at this stage, about 400 thousand rubles will be spent.

To diversify the services will allow the purchase of kits for children's paintball. Fortunately, large investments are not required here, while the growth of a young audience of customers is guaranteed. Splatmaster game sets will be purchased as equipment for children's paintball.

These game sets are distinguished by their low price, light weight, convenient operation. They do not require gas filling - the ejection of the balls is exclusively mechanical. Such weapons hit much weaker than classic paintball markers, and do not cause any pain to children. However, the aiming distance is at least 40m - more than enough for a fun game. For laser tag, 30 gaming sets from Laserwar will be purchased for a total of 450,000 rubles. The advantage of this game is that, unlike paintball, there is no pain. Shooting is carried out using an IR beam, and hits are recorded by sensors installed on the player's head. Everyone can play laser tag, from the youngest players to older players. The game is absolutely harmless and painless. Of course, this will significantly expand the range of services and will attract the widest audience of customers (for example, those who are afraid to play paintball).

As staff, it is planned to employ three instructors (shift work 2/2), a gunsmith (should monitor the condition of weapons and prepare equipment for the game), an administrator and a project development manager (responsible for advertising, attracting new players, working with the database of regular clients). The total wage fund will be 96,000 rubles per month.

What taxation system to choose for a paintball club

The organizational form of the club will be individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, it is planned to apply the simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the business. Monthly expenses according to the business plan will be (based on 50 games):

  • Rent - 50,000 rubles.
  • Salary - 96,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 28,800 rubles.
  • Consumables (balloons, gas) - 55,000 rubles.
  • Equipment depreciation (camouflage, weapons) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 249,800 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a paintball club

According to preliminary calculations, the average check from one order will be 8,000 rubles. In addition to the game itself, it is also possible to order additional services (awarding medals, renting a tent). The main revenue will fall on weekends, when our club will be visited by 4-5 companies per day. On weekdays, the number of players will be significantly lower, on average, one company per day. It is expected that the planned performance of the club is 50 completed orders per month. Or about 750 players. The revenue, therefore, will be: 50 x 8000 rubles. = 400,000 rubles. Hence the profit: 400,000 - 249,800 (fixed costs) = 150,200 rubles. Excluding taxes (STS, 15%), net profit will be 127,670 rubles. The profitability of the business is 51%. Taking into account the period for business promotion (minimum 6 months), the return on investment will come in 16 - 17 months of the paintball club's operation.

Recommended download paintball club business plan for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment is needed for a paintball club

To equip a paintball field, large injections are not required. You can use old tires and building materials. It is better to separate the site with a camouflage net. But you will also need to purchase:

  • special form;
  • masks and vests for protection;
  • markers;
  • air balloons;
  • cylinders receivers with a filling station;
  • Consumables.

It should be borne in mind that the form will be required in different sizes, and it is much more profitable to sew it to order.

What documents are needed to open a paintball club

The business will need to be registered with the tax authorities. You can choose from sole proprietorship or LLC. For the club, individual entrepreneurship is quite suitable. Moreover, it does not require large reporting and costs. You will need to prepare a standard package for business registration.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business to open a paintball club

You can select the OKVED code 92.72 - “Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups”. Although other options can be considered. But the proposed OKVED will suit you in all respects.

Do I need permission to open a paintball club?

A license for a paintball club is not needed, as a marker that looks like a firearm belongs to sports equipment. The advantage of opening a paintball club is that it does not require a large number of permits. The main thing is to conclude an agreement with the city administration.

A successful business can be done not only on food products that everyone needs, but also on entertainment or in-demand services, which include paintball, which is popular today. How to open a paintball club and will such a business be profitable?

A little about paintball

Paramilitary games have always been popular. And today, in the age of office workers, almost constantly sitting at the computer, this statement is doubly true. Where else can you experience an adrenaline rush and feel relieved that the accumulated aggression is leaving. A temporary touch of risk gives an indescribable feeling of the fullness of life and the desire to experience these feelings again. And on such strong emotions, you can make a good business.

But still, you should not take on the opening of a paintball club if we are talking about a small settlement or an industrial town. There, such entertainment will not be in demand, since there is no target audience for which they are designed. In addition, you can really make good money on paintball only if you constantly develop your business, invest in it and offer additional services, and simply expensive equipment purchased and rented out will not bring the desired income.

People need adrenaline, which means they will have to show their imagination and offer customers not only equipment rental, but real adventures.


Have you considered all the important points and decided to create a paintball club anyway? Then you need to register the business correctly, since such a case will not go unnoticed. And in order not to have problems with the law and the tax service, you should:

  1. Register - go through state registration and (of course, you can immediately, but an individual entrepreneur is preferable at the initial stage, since it is easier to keep accounts and submit reports). But then, if the business goes well, you will still have to register a legal entity, for example, a paintball club or a federation - this is the only way to hold large-scale sports games.
  2. Choose the direction of activity and OKVED codes - for you it will be the rental of sports equipment that does not require certification.
  3. Choose the taxation system - the best option -.
  4. Find and rent a territory for organizing paintball games. It can be either a sports club in the city, or an industrial long-term construction on the outskirts of the city or in the suburbs.
  5. Purchase (or rent) the required equipment.

Where will we play?

When it comes to the most suitable places for paramilitary games, the first thing to look for is old military or test sites, abandoned or unfinished industrial facilities, basements, former military units, old warehouses or factory floors. If the object is located outside the city, then it is better to organize your base nearby with a small campsite or a couple of houses, where customers can leave their things, change clothes, wash off the paint and relax. Ideally, if there is also a barbecue area or a cafe, a comfortable shower and transport (you can buy or rent it, or you can conclude an agreement with a transport company), which will take the game participants to the place. Of course, you will also need to fence with a net and guard the facility.

If you are looking for a place for a sports club in the city, then you should pay attention to the convenient location and the presence of a nearby transport stop. And in general, it is better to rent a room where people are always ready to continue the fun - not far from entertainment venues.

Necessary equipment

It must be said that when organizing a paintball club, the main expense items are, of course, the rent of a training ground and sports equipment, for which you also need to purchase consumables. Everything you need to play can be purchased or rented. So, you will definitely need:


At first, a paintball club will need a manager who will work with clients, issue uniforms, equipment, consumables, manage a warehouse and purchase consumables, as well as a trainer-instructor who will work at the training ground, helping the participants in the game. His duties will include demonstration of equipment, rules for handling it, assistance at the pit stop, refereeing. The manager can be the owner of the business, who will also take on the duties of an accountant and personnel officer. You will also need a watchman (guard) for the night.

If the business is actively expanding, then it would be wiser to hire an accountant, another manager and an instructor who will conduct a training course.

Pricing policy and additional services

In fact, by organizing a paintball club, you create a sports rental. But of course, as a business, paintball shouldn't literally be about letting other people play with your toys. But in general, it is from the rental of forms, markers and additional equipment that the main revenue will come. Therefore, you need to set a reasonable rental price for equipment, uniforms and protection, as well as sell ammunition for yourself (by the way, they bring 100% income).

For connoisseurs, you can hold paintball grenades and markers with a high rate of fire, additionally install collimators on weapons. And if you also organize a crossbow shooting range or equipment rental, for example, ATVs, on the territory of a training ground or sports club, then a quick return on investment is guaranteed.

Business Specialization

Even at the planning stage, when drawing up a business plan for a paintball club, it is worth clearly defining the specialization of the business and the organization of work with clients. If you want to organize corporate holidays and offer team building services, then you need a good coach who will work with teams and the right approach to clients. This means that prizes will be required, and the emphasis in the game will need to be on team building.

If we are talking about youth recreation, then it is better to think over promotions for students and schoolchildren and interesting game scenarios in advance. Depending on which direction you choose, appropriate advertising will also be required.


You don’t need to spare money on advertising, because the more people learn about your club, the more potential customers you will get. This means that we need posters, business cards, an interesting website on the Internet, promotions in public transport. It is quite difficult to make a universal advertisement for such a business, therefore it is better (if, of course, you are planning to work in several directions) to think separately about advertising for young people with an emphasis on creative and fashionable recreation and advertising for corporate clients and distribute it purposefully among potential consumers of services.

Those who already work in this business note that the main difficulty is organizing games in the winter. Firstly, in winter the activity of those who enjoy running around the range in search of adventure decreases in winter, and secondly, in difficult climatic conditions, the requirements for rest are different: a bathhouse or sauna, a place to relax, parking (or better, a guarded closed territory).

In addition, you should plan in advance work with inventory, repair and maintenance of equipment, as well as the purchase of consumables.

But, do not forget that the main thing in such a business is constant development. You can hold city competitions by concluding an agreement with the youth policy department in the local administration, you can work with social services and deal with children from dysfunctional families. In any case, participation in such programs will be a good advertisement and will attract additional customers. It would be nice to organize a permanent team or a paid training course for beginners.

Another important point is the safety of the players. Of course, you can’t get seriously injured from a ball of paint, but bruises and bumps during such a game are a common thing. In addition, while playing, participants can get into an open area or suffer due to violation of the rules of the game. All this must be warned in advance of the participants in the game, who must understand that they are adults and are responsible for themselves. Therefore, it would be useful to sign a document in which customers confirm that they are warned about possible injuries and the consequences of violations of the rules and have no claims against the club. This can be fixed in the contract for the provision of services or in an annex to it.

Financial aspect

It's time to calculate how much it costs to open a paintball club. By the way, prices for paintball equipment are usually set in dollars, so the calculation in rubles will be approximate. So, the main items of expenditure are:

Expenditure Amount of expense
Landfill, club rent (for the first month) 100 000 rubles
Business registration 7 000 rubles
Purchase of markers (requires a minimum of 20 pieces) 30 000 rubles
Air tank with reducer for each set 63 000 rubles
Purchase of protection (20 sets) 14 000 rubles
Form tailoring (20 sets) 40 000 rubles
Mask from the company "Proto" with single glass (20 pieces) 21 000 rubles
Protective mesh 14 000 rubles
Transport cylinder for 350 atmospheres 5 000 rubles
Gas station 2 500 rubles
Consumables 80 000 rubles
Landfill design 40 000 rubles
Documentation 10 000 rubles
Advertising 30 000 rubles
Total: 456 500 rubles

Now let's calculate the monthly expenses, based on the fact that the club has a manager, an instructor, a manager (owner) and a night watchman (security guard):

As can be seen from the calculations, the opening of a paintball club will require at least 456,500 rubles of initial investment. How quickly they pay off depends on where the club will operate and how the business will go. It is impossible to predict this in advance, but on average, the payback period for such a project is 8-9 months. As for the monthly expenses, they will amount to approximately 192,000 rubles.

It is clear that talking about a specific amount of income in such a business will not work, but you can voice the income items, and it is up to the owner of the business to set the amount of the cost of each point. At the same time, it is worth considering the demand for paintball in a particular city and the fact that the markup on consumables is usually 50%.

  • Entrance fee (may not be).
  • Equipment rental (markers).
  • Sale of balls (one player will need about 400 pieces per game).
  • Rental uniforms and protection.
  • Additional services (anything: from renting a cottage and using a shower (sauna) to shooting at a shooting range and renting ATVs).