KTRV General Director Boris Obnosov on how missiles are designed, manufactured and sold. To get well you need to work well Boris obnosov tactical missile weapons

Boris Obnosov was born on January 26, 1953 in Moscow. After school until 1976 he received higher education at the Moscow Aviation Institute, majoring in mechanical engineering for aircraft.

Boris Viktorovich's career began in 1979 as a junior researcher at the Department of Aircraft Manufacturing Technology of the Moscow Aviation Institute, then as a senior researcher. He worked at the department until 1993.

In 1983, Obnosov graduated from the engineering course of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov under the program "Applied Mathematics". subsequently successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

From 1994 to 1998 he was the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations. In 1998, he became Advisor to the Department for Security and Disarmament Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the period from 1998 to 2001, he held the position of Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Technologies", "Promexport - Defense Technologies", Advisor to the General Director of the Promexport enterprise.

From 2001 to 2003, Boris Viktorovich was Advisor to the General Director, Head of the Department of Defense Technologies and Space, headed the Department of Defense Technologies and Space of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. In February 2003, he was appointed Acting General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Production Center Zvezda-Strela.

Since 2003, he has been the head of Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC. Concurrently, he headed the department of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Under the leadership of Obnosov, the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation solves the problems of producing missile weapons and developing production, building housing for employees of the enterprise in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Boris Obnosov is a member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences and the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

For many years of conscientious work, he was awarded the titles of "Honorary Machine Builder", "Honorary Citizen of the City of Korolev". Awarded: the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of Friendship and Ivan Kalita of the Moscow Region; medals "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", "For strengthening the military community" and a gold medal named after academician V.F. Utkin.

Boris Viktorovich is a laureate of many awards: the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, the National Award "Golden Idea" in the nomination "For personal contribution, initiative and diligence in solving the problems of military-technical cooperation." Awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; signs of the Governor of the Moscow region "Thank you" and "For labor and diligence"; the badge of distinction of the city of Korolev "For Merit" of the 1st degree and the Badge of Honor "Silver coat of arms of the city of Korolev".

01/27/2018 On January 26, honorary citizen of the city, General Director of the Tactical Missiles Corporation Boris Viktorovich Obnosov celebrated his jubilee birthday. He will celebrate another important anniversary in March of this year - it will be 15 years since he heads the KTRV.
Boris Viktorovich was born in 1953 in Moscow, in the family of a military man, which became the reason for their family to move frequently. He graduated from school in Ulyanovsk. In 1976 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze, having received the specialty of a mechanical engineer. Immediately after the institute, he was enrolled in the full-time postgraduate department of the Moscow Aviation Institute. In 1979 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Later he graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University, worked in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian representation in the UN.
B.V. Obnosov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, full member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the Board of Directors of enterprises of the military-industrial complex (DIC) of the Moscow Region, First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ROR), member of the Bureau of the Board of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia". Has state, government, departmental, regional and other awards.
Rich life experience and a high level of knowledge allow B.V. Obnosov as Director General of KTRV to successfully implement a targeted policy to ensure the production of military equipment in the prescribed volumes under the state defense order and intergovernmental agreements.
In addition, Boris Viktorovich conducts an active scientific and applied activity. He is the author of a number of scientific papers related to the improvement of the organization of development and production of military equipment.
Under his leadership, the Tactical Missiles Corporation implemented a number of major high-tech projects, thanks to which the enterprise became the head organization of a powerful holding. Currently, the Corporation unites more than 30 enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex and is rightfully one of the leading manufacturers of high-precision aviation and naval weapons.

KTRV products have been actively used from the very beginning of the Russian air operation in Syria. In his recent interview with Interfax-AVN, Boris Obnosov spoke about the Syrian experience, as well as about the tasks and prospects of the enterprise:
- It is no secret that it is during military campaigns that both the strengths of weapons and their shortcomings are clearly manifested. In combat operations in Syria, the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of Russia used a wide range of weapons developed and produced by the KTRV - these are missiles of various types, corrected aerial bombs.
Our promising product, the Kh-101 air-launched cruise missile, which, according to experts, proved to be good, was also tested in a combat situation. We can say that this product is the pride of our design school and there are no analogues in terms of accuracy and range at the moment.
Our representatives observed the preparations and the launches themselves both in Syria and in Russia. Based on the data obtained, the design teams of our enterprises carried out fine-tuning of products, taking into account local climatic conditions, and made adjustments to the programming of combat missions. We can say with confidence that the efforts of specialists did not pass
for nothing.
- How is the work on creating weapons for the promising fifth-generation fighter Su-57 going?
– Works by our enterprises are carried out in a very tight and busy schedule. These are the teams of Raduga, Vympel, the parent company in Korolev. For the Su-57, KTRV is preparing high-precision weapons both for intra-fuselage placement and for placement on an external sling. Now the stage of practical flights is underway, we are about to begin a very important stage - launches.
– What projects is KTRV currently working on on the maritime theme?
- Works on the marine theme are being carried out by several enterprises of KTRV, in particular, the State Research and Production Enterprise "Region", the concern "MPO-Gidropribor". Well-known, for example, are our products, such as the weapon system with the Shkval-E high-speed underwater missile, the small-sized anti-submarine system with the Paket-E/NK anti-torpedo, etc.
From an interview with the newspaper "Military Industrial Courier"
– Anniversaries are a good occasion to look back, to draw some conclusions. What are the main milestones as the head of KTRV you would like to highlight?
- First of all, the appointment. I remember I was on vacation and then mastered skiing, when the bell rang, which caused me a lot of emotions. After all, this is a huge responsibility, new tasks. To be honest, I was very worried about whether I would be able - without loud words - to justify the trust. In addition, KTRV has become, in essence, the first defense holding in our country.
We have gone through several stages of expansion. Initially, six enterprises were added, then eight more, and so on. I remember those days very well, because with each addition, the tasks became more complicated, and exponentially. I remember the first report on the successful completion of the X-35 state tests. Then they developed more than a dozen such weapons systems, but the Kh-35 became the very first “my” missile. I remember the 10th and 15th anniversary of the corporation. Of the sad events - the death of colleagues and friends, including those in the director's building. You experience the loss of such close in business and spirit people as a personal, family tragedy.
- Your working day is scheduled by the minute. What do you do in your free time, if you have it? Do you have hobbies?
- I love sports very much. Downhill and flat skiing, tennis, football - all these are my hobbies. As Leo Tolstoy said, in order to be morally healthy, one must periodically shake oneself physically. Classic was absolutely right. If you are in good physical shape, then it is easy to work. I began to love simple walking more, on Sundays I go for two or three hours. So my hobbies are sports, books, movies. I have a huge cinema library, I love good films.
- Don't you think that complete immersion in work, whether we like it or not, alienates a person from the family, makes him a rare guest in it. How do you manage to resolve this contradiction? Does your family resent you?
- Relatives and friends are probably offended more by those who are constantly at home, on the couch. There are many such examples in modern Russia. Somewhere I saw statistics that the strongest families are those in which the wife and husband see each other for about 20 minutes a day. My wife and I have been married for 35 years, and I think everything has settled down in the family. Yes, I would like to see more children. But no one is offended. Everyone knows that I adore guests, and on holidays we all get together, talk, and discuss. The main thing is the mood, which largely depends, let's face it, on the affairs at work. Sometimes it happens like this: you are at home, and your thoughts are at work.
– What life credo helps to resist difficulties, to respond to the challenges of the time?
- I believe that if a person has set a goal for himself, works to achieve it even through I can’t, he will definitely achieve a result. I have always been struck by whiners who complain about difficulties and failures. What did you do to complete the task? Often nothing. It is necessary not only to see the problem, but also to work out in detail its solutions. Then, even in small steps, you will get closer to the result. As people say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. When we started 2017, it seemed an impossible task for many to make several hundred of our latest products. But they did it! Therefore, my life credo was and remains one: never give in to difficulties.
You appear to be a strong-willed person. But there are really deadlock situations. As then?
- The main thing is not to panic. Be able to switch to something. Let's say, go to the bathhouse with a good company, take a break, just get some sleep. By the morning the decision will come. I also had such situations when it seemed: everything, a dead end. But then the decision came.
And one more thing - without a fair amount of healthy optimism, I repeat, without a sense of humor it would be very difficult.
What qualities do you value most in people?
- I will not hide, there were moments of disappointment in the behavior of some colleagues. It would be self-confidence and bragging to think that I am one hundred percent versed in people. But for the most part, my expectations are justified. This is intuition and experience.
Most of all I appreciate sincerity and spiritual strength in my colleagues. And also the ability to provide help to those who need it - and it is better not in word, but in deed. Believe me, this is important. I also appreciate diligence in people, the ability to take on the solution of some problems. I do not tolerate falsehood and snobbery.
- The issue of social justice, which worries a huge number of Russians, how important it is, in your opinion, in our state. Is it possible to move forward without his decision?
- Without solving this problem, it is impossible to build a healthy society, and hence a strong, strong state. Let the genius live like a genius. It's bad when a crook lives like a genius. The main thing is to create a large middle class, which has always been and will be the backbone of power.
- On the anniversary, it is customary not only to sum up the results, but also to look ahead. To what extent do your plans and expectations coincide with the plans of the corporation?
- As the famous song says, “the native country would live” and KTRV with it. I want us to have good orders, loving and responsible specialists to work at the enterprises ... To be surrounded by a wonderful director's corps. To ensure that KTRV continues to develop dynamically in accordance with the strategy approved by the Board of Directors. Last year, Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov was elected chairman of the council. I really appreciate his political experience and high professionalism. We manage to solve many problematic issues effectively thanks to his personal active support.
Today the corporation and its products are well known. But we go further. We create short, medium, long-range air-to-air missiles, anti-ship missiles, and a whole range of other products, each of which is important and expensive for me, like my own child.
The next step is naval underwater weapons. My immediate plans are to complete testing of the new torpedo in 2018. I will be immensely proud of myself and the team if we carry them out just in time, as required by the state defense order and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Looking back, thinking about today, I guess I was lucky. There are many things in my life that make a person happy.

The title of Honorary Citizen of the city of B.V. Obnosov was awarded in November 2012 for his great contribution to the development of the Tactical Missiles Corporation and the implementation of economic and social development programs for the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

In preparing the material, publications in Interfax-AVN and the all-Russian weekly newspaper Military Industrial Courier were used.

The products of the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV) have been actively used since the very beginning of the Russian air operation in Syria. BORIS OBNOSOV, General Director of the corporation, told Kommersant's special correspondent IVAN SAFRONOV about the tasks and prospects of the enterprise, about import substitution and relations with the Ministry of Defense, as well as about hypersonic weapons.

— How does the economic situation affect the financial performance of KTRV?

- Our revenue in 2015 amounted to about 160 billion rubles, net consolidated profit - more than 14 billion rubles. These are pretty good numbers. Every year KTRV adds from 20% to 30%, there were years when the gains were large. If we take the entire time of the corporation's existence, and next year it will be 15 years, then the amount of revenue has increased by 28-30 times. This was achieved not only due to the growth of labor productivity, but also due to an increase in the number of enterprises: initially we had six of them, and now there are already 31. Until recently, there were 32 enterprises, but just the other day we merged JSC "Iskra Machine-Building Design Bureau" and JSC "Horizon" (manufacturer of airfield and ground equipment, as well as units.— "b"). The growth of labor productivity annually outstrips wages.

During this time, there have been major changes in the structure of the revenue itself. If in the early 2000s the lion's share of our exports accounted for, now the share of the state defense order has increased dramatically - in my estimation, it is somewhere from 60% to 70% of total revenue. But this does not mean that our export volume has fallen, but its share has simply decreased. In general, after joining the NPO Mashinostroeniya corporation as a sub-holding, export deliveries in the portfolio have increased.

- So now you earn more on government orders?

- The volume of orders through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is constantly growing, but their profitability is low. This is due to the fact that every year we master new products that require huge costs for the deployment and development of production, and this happens at our own expense. Yes, there is a federal target program "Development of the military-industrial complex until 2020", but - especially in the first years of mastering new products - a lot of own funds are still required. The very same profitability remains at the level of 4-5%.

— How much does this program help you out?

— Without this targeted program, we would not have been able to achieve such an increase in revenue. Consider that over the past three years we have completed the testing of 14 new products. Each of them must be put into mass production, which involves the preparation of a huge amount of equipment and documentation. Indeed, often the release does not begin with four or five samples, but with a hundred. This imposes a serious burden on the entire team.

- The fact that you are now also engaged in naval underwater weapons, somehow complicated the existence of the KTRV?

- In 2015, the concern "Sea Underwater Weapons - Gidropribor" with all its "daughters" entered the KTRV. We faced a very difficult task: it consisted of very heterogeneous enterprises, some of them were burdened with debts and serious underutilization of capacities. Today we got acquainted with their financial and economic condition, assessed the capabilities of the directors' corps. In May, by presidential decree, all shares of Gidropribor were transferred to KTRV as a property contribution. The work on consolidation of efforts is gaining momentum.

- They say that the Dagdiesel plant is in a critical condition.

- The situation there is really difficult: he had several hundred million rubles of tax and salary arrears. To solve this problem, it was necessary to develop a comprehensive program of financial recovery, pay off tax deductions, and open bank accounts. The state helped, allocating approximately 600 million rubles, and another 300 million rubles. we allocated from our own funds. But it is clear that you will not be fed up with money alone: ​​as they are given, so they are spent if you do not have a guaranteed order. As a result, in stabilizing the situation, we received serious support from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The company received a worthy order for the performance of work.

— What are the difficulties in integrating maritime enterprises with KTRV? Some experts believe that the corporation is more imprisoned specifically for the creation of aviation weapons.

- This is an erroneous assumption. In the late 1990s, we managed to survive only thanks to the creation of naval weapons, this should be clear and understandable to everyone. Our golden product, without any quotation marks, which has been exported and is being exported to many countries, is the Uran-E ship complex, created on the basis of the Kh-35E missile. And what about the Bal-E coastal complex, which hit all the assigned naval targets the first time during the last military exercises? And what about the product of our enterprise "Region" - the high-speed underwater missile "Shkval", for which even the Americans were hunting? It is the only mass-produced vessel in the world capable of reaching speeds of up to 100 meters per second underwater. We are engaged in the means of destroying mines - this is the Maevka complex, we are finishing work on another system for detecting and destroying mine weapons. In addition, "Region" interacts very closely with "Gidropribor" on the "Physicist" torpedo - its "brains" were produced by this very enterprise. All desalination plants for submarines, mine sweeps are manufactured by our Krasny Gidropress.

The creation of underwater weapons has its own specifics. This is a completely different medium, a completely different density, but the very physics of the processes, hydrodynamics, and technological chains are very close. The overall dimensions and caliber of torpedo weapons and aircraft weapons are really similar. The machine park of the corporation's enterprises is ready for the deployment of their production. And this is a significant cost savings for the state. Therefore, the expediency of combining both production capabilities and design personnel, of which there are not so many left and which must be protected, was obvious. I am convinced that in the current realities we should not compete in the domestic market if there are good prospects in the external one. The only thing I regret is that the integration was not carried out earlier.

And what would have happened if this had happened five years ago?

“The results would have been more noticeable. We have now set up the work of boards of directors, developed a comprehensive program for the development of underwater weapons together with the Ministry of Defense. We created a similar program in 2007-2008 for aviation facilities, and for many years it has been a "road map" for us, along which we have been moving. Now we will carry out such work on torpedo armament.

- Have you ever thought about taking over the coastal enterprise "Radiopribor", which is now in a deplorable state?

- There were such conversations, but since he is a supplier of components for the products of the Dubna Machine-Building Plant (part of AFK Sistema. - "b"), then you would have to purchase it. But the plant feels great in AFC, so this issue is not relevant for us.

In general, the policy of KTRV is somewhat different from the position of some of our colleagues in the shop. We do not seek to create new factories in the "open field": our policy is to reload existing capacities. So, in the Orenburg Strela, over 7 thousand people work, and the load was 30%. With the entry of this asset into the KTRV, the situation has changed radically. Now this enterprise is loaded, as they say, to the eyeballs. In my opinion, in the face of a shortage of funds and personnel, this approach is more rational.

- This year, the Ministry of Defense has tightened the system of control over the spending of funds under the state defense order. Are you comfortable working in such conditions?

- The question is not easy. Whenever something new is introduced, you have to get used to it. And what the Ministry of Defense has introduced is radically new: separate accounts for each order, work only through authorized banks. The process of adapting these rules to reality is extremely complex. For example, I need to buy titanium for three orders: one for a hundred kilograms, the second for twenty, the third for half a ton - and, accordingly, I need to draw up three contracts. Well, who is interested in selling titanium in such a volume? Is VSMPO-AVISMA interested in deliveries of metal in kilograms? It is more interesting to supply tons to large corporations, for example, Boeing. In addition, when buying in bulk, it is easier for the buyer to get discounts. But I am sympathetic to the innovations of the ministry, because they need to control every ruble. From this point of view, such steps are probably justified. On the other hand, there are no laws that operate all the time: like it or not, but life makes its own adjustments. I know that amendments are being prepared now that will somewhat simplify the work on this scheme.

— Did your corporation keep money in Nota-Bank, whose activity is now suspended?

- We cooperated only with those banks that the Central Bank recommended for work with strategic enterprises. If you look closely, about two weeks before the revocation of the license from Nota-Bank, it was included in the list of reliable banks. And, unfortunately, part of our funds was there.

- Big?

- Enough.

How are you going to return?

- Our representative has entered the committee of creditors supervising bankruptcy proceedings. Part of the money has already been returned. We continue to work, we hope to receive the remaining funds.

— Products manufactured at your facilities were involved in the Syrian campaign. What conclusions did you draw from the results of their application?

- I believe that the experience that was gained during real hostilities is simply priceless. Anyone who believes that it is possible to conduct state tests of any product and thereby ensure its unmistakable use in any theater of military operations is not always right. All armed conflicts of the last decade have shown this: be it Desert Storm, be it the events in Yugoslavia... Yes, in the actual use of weapons, a certain specificity, whether you like it or not, manifests itself. Here in Syria, for example, there is a different climatic zone, different humidity, different underlying surface ... Let's take laser illumination: no one knew how it would behave during start-up in the morning, when it is relatively cool, but a haze rises from the ground, but as during the day, when the air warms up to 40 degrees. Everything needs to be tested in real conditions. And the information that we received, I repeat, is priceless for us as developers.

— Is it true that some KTRV enterprises had to switch to work in three shifts?

- Yes. This is due to the fulfillment of the state defense order and the development of the production of new products. So, for example, our design bureau "Detal" works in Kamensk-Uralsk or the Smolensk Aviation Plant, which has extremely intense tasks.

- With what products do you associate the greatest prospects in the field of military-technical cooperation?

— Almost all of our products have good export potential. We have updated the product line for foreign customers: for example, the Kh-35E and Kh-35UE anti-ship missiles - the range of the latter is approximately twice that of the previous analogue. It is fully digital, has increased noise immunity, can approach the target from different directions. Despite the fact that they look similar, the X-35UE is a fundamentally new product. Or the X-31PD anti-radar missile with a range increased to 250 km, which allows it to be launched outside the enemy air defense coverage area and thereby increases the survivability of the aircraft. Air-to-air missiles of various ranges are also in great demand among our foreign customers. We are expanding our offer for adjustable aerial bombs. In the near future, we will include a 250 kg bomb in it, and for the rest of the products with a caliber of 500 and 1500 kg, we will significantly increase the range and accuracy of delivery. Interest in the Bastion and Bal-E coastal complexes of operational-tactical and tactical action, respectively, is stable.

— Is the Brahmos project equally interesting for Russia and India?

— I am sure that this project has a very big future. This is an example of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. We are now at the stage of adapting this missile to aircraft carriers, I think that within a year or two we will complete this work with our colleagues.

- Is the process difficult?

“It is proceeding as it should: both we and our Indian colleagues understand that this kind of work cannot be done in a week or a month. A schedule has been agreed and is being implemented.

- What is the state of hypersonic projects now? About ten years ago this topic was given almost no attention.

- This is true. Therefore, in fact, we raised this issue with the country's leadership. The topic of hypersound arose at different times depending on the state of the economy, science and technology, but during the years of perestroika it was practically forgotten. But I thought and still think that hypersound is a topic whose development could have a huge positive effect on all branches of science. Be it aerodynamics, computational methods, engine building, materials. We cooperate very closely with academic universities and the Russian Academy of Sciences. I expect that in the near future we will hold a meeting with leading scientists on the fundamental problems of developing and creating hypersonic technologies.

Now due attention is being paid to this direction, which cannot but rejoice. A number of projects are also being carried out with the Advanced Research Foundation under the Military Industrial Commission. Believe me, we already have interesting results in this direction.

Is there a big gap between other countries?

— When compared with the USA and China... They have something better, something we have. You just need to understand that this topic requires a thorough and comprehensive approach. Do you know how we sometimes think? Let's come up with an asymmetric answer, quickly get something from the stash and - bang! Everything is fine, the enemy is defeated. This will not work with hypersound: here you need to invest a lot of resources in research work and full-scale experiments. But the expected results will be worth it.

- And when can Russia get hypersonic weapons?

— I think that at the beginning of the next decade.

- How are the tests of the first samples going?

— I can’t reveal all the details, but we already have some developments.

- Did you use the achievements of the USSR? I mean the research work "Cold" and "Cold-2".

“Of course—he who does not remember the past is doomed to failure. And in the USSR, this topic has been dealt with since the 1960s.

We are all well aware that it would be simply impossible to make a hypersonic weapon from scratch, although the technology has reached the required level. Imagine how the homing head should work at speeds of Mach 8-10 (Mach 1 - about 300 m / s)? Under such conditions, plasma is formed near the surface of the rocket, the temperature regimes are prohibitive. No one knew how this would affect the functioning of systems and units. These issues are currently being worked on.

It is no coincidence that in the United States at the beginning of this century, the "Lightning strike strategy" appeared, which provides for reaching any point on the globe within 60 minutes in order to damage the enemy's infrastructure. As part of its implementation, the Pentagon formed a joint department for hypersound, and the largest industrial companies were involved in the work. The Americans pay great attention to this issue: their X-51 Waverider apparatus kept a speed of Mach 5.1 for 240 seconds. Solid indicator.

- Ukraine has imposed a ban on the supply of products to defense enterprises of the Russian Federation. KTRV purchased engines and components for homing heads there. Is this question closed now?

— The idea of ​​such a ban is not the best for the two countries. Together with Motor Sich, we could earn serious money for both Russia and Ukraine. The Kh-35E rocket had a Ukrainian engine, and the Kh-35UE already had the Rybinsk Saturn engine, which is superior to the Ukrainian version. With the homing heads, the situation is as follows: they were purchased from the Kyiv "Arsenal", and now they have reoriented themselves to the products of the Azov Optical and Mechanical Plant, which is part of the KTRV. That is, not just import substitution took place, but a transition to products of a fundamentally new quality. We no longer have any cooperation with Ukraine: I have always had excellent relations with the directors of Ukrainian enterprises, but you understand that we do not make politics. If a country does not want to cooperate, then you will not be forced to be nice.

— Did the sanctions affect the modernization of machine tool production?

- There were certain difficulties: we wanted to order one type of machine tool abroad, but were refused. And we need a machine not in a year and not in a single copy, but as soon as possible and a series. As they say, you can shoe a flea, but who needs it alone? There is another problem. Previously, we purchased, for example, 20 machines from abroad. Three more are needed, but the sanctions do not allow this. We buy domestic analogues and immediately face the problem of their maintenance. But the ice has moved in this direction. At the Moscow machine tool exhibition in May of this year, interesting Russian-made machining equipment was demonstrated. I hope that this area will develop at an accelerated pace.

- Did the ban on the supply of microelectronics from the USA and the European Union somehow affect KTRV?

- This is a serious problem. Two years ago, the capacities of enterprises were insufficient to compensate for the purchases that we made abroad. Thanks to certain reserves, we survived the transition period, and the enterprises reached the desired pace. Although there are still delays in deliveries, the quality needs to be improved. But movement in the right direction is clear.

— What hopes do you associate with the new SAP-2025?

— We are optimists and hope that in the new state program orders for aviation weapons, for naval underwater weapons will meet the needs of the Russian Armed Forces. The President has repeatedly emphasized the need for high-precision and high-speed weapons, and this is precisely our profile. In order to reach the 70% level of equipment with modern weapons by 2020, we need to continue to work tirelessly.

- Now they often talk about the conversion to the defense industry. What is a conversion for KTRV?

“We are designed for the production of very complex products, and it would be a shame to switch to the manufacture of "pans and pots", and we have other tasks related to ensuring the security of the state. Of course, we must look for a niche in the civilian market. First of all, this is the production of medical equipment, there are certain developments in this area. But the question is that someone should buy it.

We are considering the possibility of assembling civilian aircraft at the Smolensk Aviation Plant - at one time the enterprise was engaged in the repair of the Yak-40 and Yak-42, delivered the last batch of Yak-18 training aircraft for the Russian Defense Ministry. The plant is ready to master the production of Finist and An-2 aircraft under a license. But I sincerely hope that there will be no such total conversion as it was in the 1990s. We must do what we can do well.

Interviewed by Ivan Safronov

JSC "Corporation "Tactical Missiles""

company profile

The corporation was established in 2002 on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GNPTs" Zvezda-Strela "" (city of Korolev). One of the largest structures in the Russian defense industry. It unites 32 enterprises specializing in the production of high-speed aviation guided missiles of the X-31 type for various purposes, guided bombs (KAB-500Kr type), torpedo weapons (Shkval-E project), guided missiles for air defense systems, rocket and space technology and electronic weapons. Also engaged in the repair and maintenance of manufactured products, providing licensed production of products supplied for export. The scope of the corporation's activities also includes the production of civilian products: medical equipment, wind turbines, drilling rigs, etc.

100% of the corporation's shares are owned by the Federal Property Management Agency. Revenue in 2015 amounted to 160 billion rubles, net profit - more than 14 billion rubles.

Obnosov Boris Victorovich

Private bussiness

Born on January 26, 1953 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in Mechanical Engineer for Aircraft (1976), Moscow State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics (1983).

Since 1977, he has been working at the Department of Aviation Robotic Systems at the Moscow Aviation Institute, he has gone from a junior researcher to the head of the department. From 1994 to 1998 - First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. In 1998, he was Senior Adviser on Security and Disarmament Issues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. From 1998 to 2001 - Deputy General Director of FSUE "Russian Technologies", FSUE "Promexport - Defense Technologies", Advisor to the General Director of FSUE "Promexport". From 2001 to 2003, he was Advisor to the General Director, Head of the Department of Defense Technologies and Space, Head of the Department of Defense Technologies and Space of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. Since March 13, 2003 - General Director of Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC.

Doctor of Technical Sciences. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.

Obnosov Boris Victorovich


Since 2003, General Director of JSC "Corporation" Tactical Missile Weapons "Boris Viktorovich was born on January 26, 1953 in Moscow.


Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze (1976), graduate school of the Moscow Aviation Institute (1979), Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1983).


  • From 1979 to 1993 he worked at the department of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Since 1988 - Senior Researcher, since 2005 - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • From 1994 to 1998 - First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN.
  • In 1998, he became a senior adviser to the Department for Security and Disarmament Affairs of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • From 1998 to 2001 - Deputy General Director of FSUE Russian Technologies, FSUE Promexport - Defense Technologies, Advisor to the General Director of FSUE Promexport.
  • From 2001 to 2003, he was Advisor to the General Director, Head of the Department of Defense Technologies and Space, Head of the Department of Defense Technologies and Space of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport.
  • Since February 2003 - Acting General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GNPTs" Zvezda-Strela ".
  • In March 2003, he was appointed General Director of Tactical Missiles Corporation OJSC.
  • Boris Obnosov is a full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Defense Industry Enterprises of the Moscow Region. First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Association of Employers of the Moscow Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (MOPP).
  • In the summer of 2004 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of building complex information systems for high-precision weapons.
  • December 3, 2009 Boris Viktorovich was awarded the title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences.


Winner of the "Golden Idea" award in the nomination "For personal contribution, initiative and diligence in solving the problems of military-technical cooperation" (2007). Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2007), the Prize of the Governor of the Moscow Region "For achievements in the field of social transformations" (2007).

Boris Viktorovich Obnosov is an organizer and leader in the field of creating high-precision tactical weapons and military-technical cooperation with foreign countries. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, the medals "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth", "In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", the Gold Medal. Academician V.F. Utkin, the badge "Honorary Machine Builder", the signs of the Governor of the Moscow Region "Thank you" and "For labor and diligence", the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation.

General Director of JSC "Corporation" Tactical Missiles "since 2003.

General designer of aircraft weapons. Doctor of Technical Sciences. Senior Researcher. Full member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences. Full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

Born in Moscow on January 26, 1953. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze, specialty: mechanical engineer for aircraft (1976), then the engineering flow of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in applied mathematics (1983).

In 1994 he received an invitation to work at the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, then at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation as a senior adviser on security and disarmament issues.

Since 1998, he has carried out his activities in the field of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries. He held responsible positions in state-owned companies special exporters of weapons and military equipment: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Technologies, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Promexport - Defense Technologies, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Promexport. At FSUE Rosoboronexport, he headed the Department of Defense Technologies and Space.

On March 13, 2003, he was approved as General Director of Tactical Missiles Corporation OJSC.

For ten years, the corporation under the leadership has come a long way of development. During this time, we managed to build a holding management system, work out the mechanisms of interaction between enterprises. Many management and production processes are automated based on information technology. A phased modernization of the technological base of all enterprises of the holding is underway. On the basis of targeted programs for the development of the defense industry, dozens of projects are being implemented to introduce advanced technologies into production and R&D.

Today, the association has realized itself as a dynamically developing company that has managed not only to preserve and generalize the existing domestic experience in rocket science, but also to develop it on the basis of the latest world scientific and technological achievements. In recent years, the corporation has consistently ranked among the top 100 world leaders among defense enterprises.

By Presidential Decree No. 1443 of October 27, 2012, the Tactical Missiles Corporation received a new impetus for development due to its expansion and the inclusion of the sub-holding Military Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroeniya into it. The combination of design schools, production facilities and laboratory and bench base opens up additional opportunities in the development and creation of advanced models of defense equipment that meet modern requirements.

The ongoing strategic line for the further development of the Tactical Missiles Corporation provides for the creation of prerequisites for an innovative breakthrough that will allow Russia to return to the forefront in the development and production of high-precision weapons with the widest range of applications.

With active participation, the Military Industrial Complex under the Government of the Russian Federation, coordinated with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Defense, developed and approved the Comprehensive Target Program for the Creation of Aviation Weapons. On the basis of this program, the corporation is carrying out a large range of work to create a guided weapons system for the 5th generation fighter.

Carries out a lot of organizational, scientific, technical and public work to strengthen the Russian defense industry and achieve social stability in society.

He is a member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, heads the Board of Directors of defense industry enterprises of the Moscow Region, is the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a member of the Bureau of the Board of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia", takes an active part in the work of the Board of Directors of enterprises of the scientific and technical complex of Korolev.

On the job, he heads one of the specialized departments of the Moscow Aviation Institute (GTU).

Labor in the service of the Motherland, his success in scientific, industrial and social activities have been marked by many awards of federal and regional significance.

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. Honorary diploma of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the National Prize "Golden Idea" in the nomination "For personal contribution, initiative and diligence in solving the problems of military-technical cooperation." Prize Winner and Gold Medal. P.V. Dementiev. Honorary citizen of the city of Queen.

Awarded: Honorary Engineer, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th Class, Order of Friendship, Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth", Gold Medal. Academician V.F. Utkin, the Order of Ivan Kalita of the Moscow Region, the signs of the Governor of the Moscow Region: “Thank you”, “For labor and diligence”, the gratitude of the Governor of the Moscow Region, the insignia “For Merit” of the 1st degree - the highest award of the city of Korolev, the badge of honor “Silver coat of arms of the city of Korolev”.