What business to open on the highway. What is profitable to sell on the highway What can be sold on the highway from a car

Before deciding on the direction of activity, you need to consider that you will not have to rely on a permanent clientele. However, there are quite a few non-permanent consumers. It is important to understand that the supply of goods and services must meet the needs of the population.

The next step is to register your company. For a small segment, the organization of individual entrepreneurship is more suitable. Further, depending on the scale, we determine the required area and location. Choose the most passable place, that is, those routes that are laid, for example, on the way to resort towns or industrial cities. Purchase of equipment and hiring of personnel should be carried out in accordance with the chosen type of activity.

We offer you a selection that lists the main ideas for business in the roadside segment.


In Russia, this idea of ​​entrepreneurship on the highway is not widely developed. Nevertheless, the demand for such services is present and tends to grow. To realize the idea of ​​​​opening a motel, first determine the favorable location. The ideal option is if there is an operating car service, gas station or store nearby. It is necessary to take into account the requirements for business on the track. For example, motel signs should not interfere with road visibility. The optimal distance from the road must be observed.

The determining factor for this idea is the presence of a large parking lot, otherwise the flow of customers will be significantly reduced. For a 10-room motel, you will need approximately 150 sq. meters. The view from the windows of each room should overlook the parking lot so that guests can see their cars. The situation inside the rooms can be minimal:

  • bed;
  • closet;
  • bedside tables;
  • TV;
  • shower room.

Create a comfortable atmosphere for your customers in the form of a pleasant renovation. Then on the next trip they will stop again at your place. For customers, an important factor is the availability of terminals for paying for mobile services, as well as accepting credit cards. For optimal attraction, it is recommended to design the building under a specific theme.

roadside cafe

On long trips, such establishments near the roads are simply necessary. In addition, the level of competition for such an idea is minimal. To open a cafe by the road, you need a small building with a chamber and comfortable atmosphere. In addition, the entrance to it should be convenient and as open as possible, and it is also preferable to have parking spaces.

Count on the number of tables for approximately 70 people, no more. In addition, a 24-hour work schedule is required. Also determine the shift work for your staff.

As for the menu, focus on dishes that take less than 25 minutes to prepare, and offer a takeaway service. A long wait for a cafe on the highway is unacceptable. Be attentive to the drivers and guides who stay with you most often, you can negotiate with them to attract additional clients. In return, give such consumers discounts.

car service

An important type of service on the highway is car repair. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a car service and tire fitting is recommended. The best option would be a combination of these services in one service. The most successful location for this business idea is considered to be low distance from cities. Be sure to include car diagnostics in your assortment, as this type of service is most in demand on the tracks. Body work can be included in the nomenclature, but it is not recommended to specialize in this area.

Sauna and showers

On the highway, this idea is most relevant for business, but this area is not developed among entrepreneurs, so there is practically no competition in this type of business. Working hours are best around the clock. In addition, a favorable location is considered to be a place near a car service and other facilities.

Trading platform

This idea functions optimally in combination with other objects: a hotel, a gas station, and so on. Food products will be considered the most relevant products, while the main emphasis should be placed on products with a long shelf life. In addition, related products for cars are needed, for example, anti-freeze, various guides and maps, batteries and much more.

If it seems to you a difficult task to implement a business idea on the track "from scratch", there is an opportunity in this field of activity. So you will acquire a functioning enterprise with a developed organizational structure and an established management system. On our website you can buy a business franchise on the track in different price categories. The main advantage of the franchise is the lower cost compared to self-organization of the business. Good luck in your new endeavors!

Trade along highways has long become a commonplace for the Moscow region. What they don’t sell along the roads: from watermelons to “non-freezing”. However, these products are often of poor quality and hazardous to health. Last summer, Moscow Region Governor Andrey Vorobyov urged the regional government to put things in order with non-stationary trade in the roadside, first of all, along such major highways as Yegoryevskoye, Kashirskoye, Volokolamskoye and Pyatnitskoye highways. What are the pros and cons of roadside trade, and how the authorities of the Moscow region intend to streamline this area of ​​the consumer market, the RIAMO observer found out.

Under current rules, any trade closer than 50 meters to the roadway is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, every year on the roadsides in the Moscow region you can see gourds, stalls with berries, and even stalls with fish and meat.

As you know, roadside traders run the risk of buying goods of dubious quality, and experts interviewed by RIAMO confirm this. Of course, there is also a chance to run into bad products in stores, but there it is much lower due to the strict control of supervisory authorities.

Meanwhile, the sanitary requirements for products sold non-stationary are exactly the same as for goods sold in large stationary stores, said Aleksey Egarmin, co-chairman of the National Consumer Rights Protection Union.

“However, it is much easier to organize trade along the roads - and this is used by unscrupulous entrepreneurs who are trying to sell products grown with obvious violations and containing harmful substances,” Egarmin notes.

Not only can roadside products themselves be manufactured improperly, but they often absorb roadside dust and vehicle fumes, which can affect their quality and pose a serious health hazard. The result of the use of such products for the buyer can be deplorable - up to severe food poisoning.

“I personally talked to the ambulance doctors, who said that this year there were a lot of food poisoning due to fruits and berries, many of which were purchased from roadside vendors,” says lawyer Alisher Zakhidov.

According to him, the sale of watermelons is not without reason officially allowed only from August 1. Watermelon is a berry that ripens by a certain date, and if you harvest ahead of time, this is fraught with poisoning and other unpleasant consequences. And roadside traders open watermelon trade long before August 1, ignoring the rules, the lawyer states.

According to him, unscrupulous officials contribute to uncontrolled trade on the roadsides, as a result, traders get the opportunity not only to avoid sanitary checks, but also to engage in body kit, deceiving buyers.

Merchants reluctantly?

However, any phenomenon has both a negative and a positive side. According to Egarmin, the main advantage of roadside trade is that it is the shortest way to bring farm products to the consumer.

In addition, trade by the roads for many small farmers is perhaps the only way to sell their crops at a decent price, says automobile activist, coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement Petr Shkumatov .

Suppose a family has collected two tons of potatoes: one will be useful to them, and the second is clearly superfluous. A kilogram of potatoes in the store costs an average of 20 rubles. Of course, potatoes can be sold to resellers - a maximum of 3-5 rubles. But it is very unprofitable, it is easier to throw it away. You can’t sell it to your neighbors either - they have enough of their own. There is only one thing left - to go to busy roads and sell potatoes there, the source of the agency explains.

According to the auto expert, such traders do not create problems for traffic, as they often choose not expressways, but roads near towns and villages.

“Most of those who sell on the roadsides work along roads where the speed does not exceed 90 km/h. With such a high-speed mode, they do not create any obstacles for motorists, ”explains Shkumatov.

“Another thing is highways where cars move at speeds up to 110 km/h, for example, the M-4 Don highway. Trade there should definitely be banned,” the auto expert believes.

But the fact is that often there are no merchants there anyway: cars moving at high speed simply do not have time to stop next to them, Shkumatov added.

In addition, good visibility is important for traders near the roads - about 2 kilometers, enough for drivers to stop. Therefore, most often agricultural producers. Hand traders can be seen in small towns where the maximum speed limit is 60 km/h.

According to Shkumatov, such a drastic measure as a complete ban on trade along the roads will deprive many people of their income, and will allow resellers to purchase agricultural products at bargain prices. The expert believes that it would be much more correct to create organized places for roadside trade with good parking, thus making a compromise.

Path to civilized trade

Experts note that recently there have been fewer roadside vendors in the capital region, which is most likely due to a trend towards a reduction in the number of entrepreneurs in the country. It also affects the fact that the authorities of the Moscow region have seriously taken up the roadsides.

“For those who trade near the roads, today all conditions are being created for the legalization of business. These are both seasonal markets and weekend fairs,” says Aleksey Egarmin, co-chairman of the National Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

In his opinion, the leadership of the Moscow region understands the importance of the problem of roadside trade and pays close attention to it. Another thing is that some local officials sometimes simply do not care about it: well, they trade and trade.

“But in general, the Moscow region is a quite progressive region, and today the situation with trade along the roads is gradually changing for the better,” Egarmin believes.

In the Moscow region, the fight against illegal roadside trade has already begun.

“Currently, active work is being carried out to fulfill the instructions of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. Soon, all points of unauthorized trade should disappear from the roadsides of roads near Moscow, ”Vladimir Posazhennikov, head of the Ministry of the Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region, told RIAMO.

As the minister specified, 75 unauthorized roadside collapses have already been eliminated, another 121 collapse should be removed by the municipalities within the next two weeks.

“Given that the turnover from illegal trade on the roadsides amounts to tens of millions of rubles, it can only be eliminated systematically, by strengthening the work of supervisory authorities and getting rid of corruption in them,” said lawyer Alisher Zakhidov.

He cited as an example civilized trade from the machines of the Food City agro-cluster on Kaluga Highway, where compliance with all trade standards is strictly monitored. According to the expert, the entire Moscow region should strive for such a format.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Luminous discs are of two types: with LED backlight and painted with paint, which includes a phosphor. There are several options for implementing a business idea - you can sell paint, LEDs, LED strips, caps and other goods (you can, for example, create your own wide-profile auto light online store), or you can also provide services for painting and installing LEDs. The cost of services for painting discs varies from 4 to 12 thousand rubles. and will depend on the brand of car, the number of paints, the complexity of the work and your reputation.

Not every company can afford construction equipment, for example, a car for business - it is more profitable to rent it. The dispatching service for ordering construction equipment is an analogue of the passenger taxi service, only in the segment of special equipment. The business is an intermediary between customers and owners: the former can quickly find and use rental services, while the latter receive additional income from the use of equipment. To open such a control room, you will need to invest in the creation or purchase of software and the development of a mobile application. In the future, a phone and Internet access will suffice.

Upgrading a car can be not only external, but also internal. Sewing of covers and upholstery of car interiors are in great demand. Clients are both owners of old cars and owners of premium cars. Such a business in the garage is profitable due to the splitting of services (tailoring of seats, armrests, doors, steering wheel, installation of inserts, embroidery, engraving, etc.) and the use of different materials (velor, leather, alcantara, flock, vinyl, carpet). In a word, on one customer you can earn both 1 thousand rubles, and 50 thousand and even 200 thousand.

Cargo car wash is a specialized business designed for buses, trucks and trucks. It is difficult to clean a truck from dirt without special washing equipment, so there will always be customers for such a service. Cargo washes are located in industrial areas, along highways and near parking lots. You can equip the sink by installing an automatic complex, which will cost 3-6 million rubles, or by purchasing a manual complex for about 300 thousand rubles. High start-up costs are offset by significant income - 20 cars a day can provide daily revenue of 35-50 thousand rubles.

Services for auto-selection of used cars can be called a trend in the auto services market. In general, there are three main business formats - these are large federal companies that are leaders in the industry, lone professionals and non-professionals who combine this business with a related business. Of course, one cannot do without certain knowledge and experience in the autosphere, but the most attractive side of the issue is the financial one. To start and purchase the necessary equipment, a pick-up truck will need about 100 thousand rubles, while working alone, you can earn about 100-150 thousand rubles per month. More about this business -

An interesting and not fully mastered business idea is the sale of auto parts for trucks for business. Like the number of passenger cars, the number of trucks is growing, and so is the need for spare parts, both original and replicas. The peculiarity of this business is that the creation of a store will require large investments (from 2 million rubles), solid experience in this area, as well as increased attention to marketing and promotion.

For a business in the manufacture of car stickers, you need a little: the ability to work in graphic editors, a large-format printer and consumables in the form of film. The process of applying stickers is quite simple, so a business can be built on the creation and sale of stickers by bringing your online store to the search top.

Light trailers can become a profitable business if you try to offer the market either a very cheap or exclusive alternative. Creative thinking here should be learned from manufacturers from abroad, where universal camping trailers regularly appear, which can be used both for their intended purpose and as a summer gazebo, kitchen or bedroom. An interesting idea is to equip such a trailer in a modular system, turning the trailer into a transformer.

The auto vinyl styling service involves applying special coatings to bumpers, bodywork, glass and optics. The result is an attractive vehicle design and additional protection against chips, scratches and weathering. On wrapping a small car like Daewoo Matiz, you can earn 20-30 thousand rubles, large cars like the BMW X5 crossover - 60-90 thousand rubles.

Cars for business on passenger road transportation in the format of a fixed-route taxi, although they have already experienced the peak of their popularity, are still in demand in some cities. You can start your own business even without owning your car. One route can earn from 60 to 150 thousand rubles. per month with turnover from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

With a good sense of humor, you can always and should earn. A great option for this is selling creative wipers. These can be presidents waving their hands, cats wagging their tails, traffic cops with batons, grandmothers with brooms and other funny images. To start, it is quite possible to start selling from groups on social networks.

This business option is to open a specialized car painting salon, including pre-cleaning, priming, grinding, selecting and applying paint, varnish and polishing the painted surface. To open a full-fledged service, you will need an amount of about 2 million rubles. He will be able to bring more than 150 thousand rubles. per month.

According to the police, the detection rate of car thefts in Russia is about 30%. Therefore, owners who do not want to install an alarm on their car are the vast minority. To open an alarm installation service, 530 thousand rubles may be enough. and a staff of 4 people. Such a service will be able to bring in more than 90 thousand rubles per month. net profit.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Even in the auto business, there was a place for a female niche - a female taxi service. Women's taxis are traditionally painted pink, and their drivers and passengers are exclusively representatives of the weaker sex. The disadvantage of such an idea is not too high profitability - after all, this service loses to an ordinary taxi in terms of the number of transportations, forcing customers to overpay for insufficient turnover. Women's taxis are especially in demand in those regions where there are problems with women's rights.

Auto hostels are unusual roadside hotels where visitors can drive directly by private car and spend the night in a cozy garage next to their car. In fact, car hostels are the same hotels with gates instead of doors, which are designed not to separate car owners from their vehicles.

Airbrushing is a fashionable direction in car restyling, which can bring excellent profits to a budding entrepreneur. You can open an airbrush studio even alone and in your own garage. And 150 thousand rubles will be enough for everything you need. Your own small airbrush studio can bring in more than 70 thousand rubles per month.

If you have a presentable white premium car or a retro style car, this is a great opportunity to earn money by renting your car for weddings and other celebrations. You can earn 1-2 thousand rubles on rent. per hour, and extract additional profit from the rental of decorations for the car. All that is required is to find a good and inexpensive advertising platform so that the client can find you.

An off-road taxi is a great business option for resort and tourist cities, where there is an increased demand for transportation to difficult places. In fact, an off-road taxi is the same auto tour through beautiful natural places with pick-up and drop-off of tourists. The difference from excursions is that off-road taxis do not require a guide.

The services of detailing centers and detailing studios that provide comprehensive car care services are becoming increasingly popular among car enthusiasts. This can be both a car wash, and car body care, and dry cleaning of the interior, and application of innovative protective coatings to the body. Detailing studios can earn good money even from one order, and the key customers of detailing studios are men over the age of 30 with an above-average income. You can read more about opening detailing in this article.

You can get creative with car washing by hiring several girls of model appearance. The cost of services can be immediately increased five times - there will still be customers. At the same time, most of them will not care about the quality of the car wash. The main thing here is the show. A separate surcharge in bikini car washes is taken for a topless car wash.

Old decommissioned buses can be used as unique hotels. Moreover, you can get down to business on a grand scale, as one Chinese entrepreneur did, buying several dozen old buses on the cheap and creating theme houses from them with the design of famous cartoons. The idea may be of interest to owners of suburban areas and recreation centers.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In America, such a type of auto business as meditation buses began to appear. Its essence lies in the fact that the interior of the buses turns into an oasis of calm - with soundproofing, incense, mats and pillows for meditation and yoga. Such buses are parked in large cities, where residents are most often exposed to stress. Money is taken for meditation sessions with an instructor.

You can open a small business by selling car perfumes: hanging fragrances, sprays, fragrances on the panel and deflectors. For such a business, a few square meters in some passable place, preferably in a shopping center, will be enough. In addition to a wide range of car perfumes (from economy class to premium), you need to include other little things in the sale: steering wheel covers, polishes, rags, covers for rights, key rings, etc.

The essence of mobile tire fitting lies in the on-site services of mechanics who, at the client’s site, repair tires, disks, carry out seasonal tire changes, and remove locks. The peculiarity of the business is that you need to work around the clock, quickly responding to the call. Additional services may include the delivery of gasoline, starting the engine with a dead battery, unlocking the alarm and other emergency assistance.

There are more and more cars, but not every motorist can afford to store his vehicle in a garage or in a covered place. Dust, dirt, foliage and tree buds, bird droppings, snow, rain and sun - all this makes the owners think about buying protective awnings, which can cost from 1 to 25 thousand rubles. For such a business, a well-promoted one-pager is enough.

In large cities, there is one significant drawback - the lack of public toilets. Especially for this, there are toilet-buses equipped with the latest plumbing. Toilet bus services are especially in demand during major events and public holidays. As a rule, the main obstacle for this business is the huge cost of buses - it is easier to purchase a whole shelf of dry closets.

The production of windscreen washer antifreeze can be a very profitable undertaking, since during cold weather “antifreeze” is bought in large quantities. The level of profit in this area can turn anyone's head, but not everything is so simple: the production of methanol “anti-freeze” is prohibited, and law enforcement agencies regularly conduct raids to close illegal workshops. The “anti-freeze” allowed in terms of quality is expensive, and at the same time it is less effective.

Sale of spare parts for retro cars

The culture of restoring discontinued iconic cars in our country is gradually growing, so there is a demand for spare parts for retro cars. Due to the shortage, they can be sold at a very high price. Parts can be of three types: original, remake and restored. The business is to buy rare parts from former owners or those who have done a lot of digging in their garage, bringing them “to mind” and then reselling.

To provide extreme driving services, you will at least need your own car, and you can offer your service through driving schools that want to expand their profile. Extreme driving courses can include both emergency driving and very specialized services such as pursuit techniques, maneuvering during shelling or attack, and so on. For an hour lesson in extreme driving, you can earn from 1 to 3 thousand rubles per hour, and sometimes even more.

More and more people want the garage to look stylish and comfortable, and therefore such a type of business has appeared as garage furniture sales. Through the online store, you can sell garage racks, tool carts, wardrobes, containers and all kinds of accessories, the main thing is to properly analyze the demand.

Installing karaoke in a taxi was once invented by a Chinese entrepreneur Feng Xiaoming, after which his business immediately went uphill. It allows you to earn on one trip much more than a regular taxi. In Russia, the followers of Xiaoming earn 2-3 thousand rubles on a karaoke taxi. per hour, at the same time offering color music, drums and tambourines.

The school bus business has always been developed in the West, but is rare in Russia. There are three conditions that must converge to open a launch: the remoteness of the educational institution from the places where children live, wealthy parents who are ready to pay well for the safety of their children, and the willingness of local authorities and schools to meet the needs of the entrepreneur. Not surprisingly, minibuses are becoming a more tempting area for business. And you can buy a minibus for transporting children on the basis of Gazelle Next for 1.7 million rubles.

You can open your niche business in the auto industry by selling child car seats. You can sell them in the format of an online store, or through a retail outlet. The second option is attractive in that buyers have the opportunity to try on a chair for their child. The location of the store does not play a big role: potential buyers find information about car seats online. The main thing is to offer the client a variety of goods and conduct professional advice before buying.

Car tents are a whole business segment with a fairly wide offer and choice of manufacturers. Tents can be installed on the roof of a car and on the side, be soft or with hard floors and a roof. There are even special hammocks on the roofs for those who like to look at the starry sky. Considering that the number of independent tourists is constantly growing, the business of selling such tents has good prospects.

Tracked vehicles and bulldozers can be used in an unusual way: by renting equipment to those who want to test themselves and have fun in an adult way. This is a great idea for extreme parks who want to expand their specialization and equipment owners who want to increase the profit from their use. You can also arrange an attraction, rolling people in the bucket of an excavator.

The ice cream truck is nostalgia for Americans, but for Russia it is a new and unoccupied niche. To please the kids with delicious and unusual ice cream, the car is equipped with refrigerators and a freezer. This business is more suitable for romantics with their own van available, rather than individuals who are only interested in money. The disadvantage is simple - it is much cheaper to install several ice cream carts around the city than to spend money on buying and equipping a van.

In a big city, an exit car wash may turn out to be a popular service. Exit washing can be carried out in a wet and dry way. The concept is attractive both for car owners, as it saves time, and for entrepreneurs, since mobile car wash requires a minimum of costs. You can open your own business providing mobile car wash services if you have 200-300 thousand rubles, most of which will be spent on equipment and detergents.

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In Europe, hundreds of catering, service and trade establishments are located along the main highways. In Russia and Belarus, roadside service companies do not meet demand even by 50%
In European and post-Soviet countries, large catering and service companies ignore the roadside service market. The only exceptions were some automakers. Most major players prefer to open retail outlets in cities, leaving the freeway niche at the mercy of small companies and private entrepreneurs. As a result, representatives of Russian small and medium-sized businesses, who invested in retail outlets near busy highways a few years ago, are gradually turning them into small network enterprises, opening new facilities along highways.
Third night driving
In Europe, the problem with roadside service has been solved a long time ago. For example, in Germany, on the main autobahns, at least after 30–40 km, there are specially equipped parking lots where the driver can take a shower, eat at any time of the day, fill up the car, stay overnight in a motel, buy groceries and road maps. And every 15–20 km, rest areas in the forest or field are equipped for motorists. Each of these parking lots will certainly have a telephone, drinking water, dustbins, benches, tables and a dry closet (it is not customary in Germany to perform natural needs anywhere). Often, eateries open at such sites. The formal owner of all roadside service facilities is the state. But private companies make money on servicing drivers. They rent hotels, restaurants, gas stations, paying rent to the local budget. At the same time, representatives of the state strictly control the quality of service and the tenants' working hours.
In most countries of the post-Soviet space (with the exception of the Baltic states), it is not yet possible to speak of a developed roadside service. For example, in Russia, the demand for hotels near the highway is satisfied by 25%, for catering establishments - by 55%. The exception is the developed infrastructure of the metropolitan regions of the European part of the Russian Federation, primarily the Moscow region and the environs of St. Petersburg. On most federal highways (not to mention local ones) it is problematic to find a motel, a decent cafe or an auto parts store. For example, on many Siberian highways, despite heavy traffic, roadside service facilities are located more than 300 km from each other.
The situation in Belarus is no better. The only highway more or less saturated with roadside service facilities is M-1 / E-30 Brest - Minsk - the border with the Russian Federation. On the transit road, along which Russian and European road carriers follow in an almost uninterrupted stream, catering establishments are located on average every 10 km, gas stations - 26 km, service stations - 47 km, motels - 76 km, guarded parking lots - 28 km. However, according to specialists of the Republican Unitary Enterprise (RUE) Magistralavtodor, there is room for another 14 cafes, five gas stations, two motels and 10 service stations (mainly designed for trucks). However, opening a roadside service point on this highway is not so easy. This is due to the fact that in comparison with other routes of the republic there is a high concentration of such objects. And the government is interested in the uniform development of roadside services throughout the country.
A more promising direction can be considered the opening of cafes, service stations, shops and motels on the not so busy highways of Belarus (for example, Minsk - Gomel, Minsk - Vitebsk, Minsk - Mogilev, etc.). To develop the service on these routes, Magistralavtodor promises all kinds of assistance and support to entrepreneurs who decide to open a retail outlet. It leases recreation areas or gives permission for the construction of buildings directly near the site, which significantly reduces the cost of businessmen for the arrangement of access roads. In addition, you can do without additional approvals from local licensing authorities and traffic police. The citizenship of a businessman does not matter, according to Belarusians, they are ready to cooperate with Russian, Polish, Ukrainian firms.
Upturned virgin soil
There are enough examples of successful development of roadside service facilities in the Russian Federation and Belarus. Characteristically, in most cases, entrepreneurs managed with minimal investments, and all the money earned at first was invested in the development of their outlets.
Andrey Vlasov started in 1996 with the sale of barbecues in the village of Pavlovsk, on the Baikal highway (M-51). Now he owns a roadside cafe-hotel. According to the entrepreneur, now you can’t start such a business with one barbecue, serious financial investments are needed. “It is advisable to immediately build a complex that includes a cafe, food and spare parts stores, a service station, and a hotel. This requires large investments, but it is not necessary to build the complex alone, you can attract partners: one equips a cafe, the other equips a hotel,” Andrey is convinced.
This is how Kirill Zhurenkov, the owner of the Ortus company, developed his business. The entrepreneur began by selling pies and dumplings, which were prepared in a rented trailer. Now Kirill manages a complex of service establishments under the single brand "At Uncle Vitya" (a cafe, a hotel, a restaurant, a service station and a car wash).
“In order to assess the prospects for the development of the roadside service market, it is worth taking a closer look at the experience of European countries and the United States,” says Antonios Vanezis, marketing director at Brothers and Company. - There exist a wide variety of forms of restaurants on the highway. In addition to such an economical format as the sale of fast food takeaways for motorists, restaurant centers, cafes, pizzerias, free floor establishments, etc., are successfully operating. According to the expert, the remoteness of points from large cities makes regular delivery of fresh products expensive. Therefore, as a rule, many restaurateurs reduce the assortment, offering mainly quick-cooking dishes that can be easily packed to go.
Often, various objects for motorists along the highway are created on the basis of state transport enterprises. An illustrative example is the Lyskovoavtotrans company, which was once a state-owned enterprise (SE) Avtokolonna 1413. The cessation of funding from the state budget after the August 1998 crisis forced the heads of the SOEs to engage in commercial activities. “We had to look for ways to survive, no one wanted to be left without work and drive out specialists who had worked with us for many years. To cope with financial problems, we decided to open a roadside service complex on the basis of our company, - recalls Nikolai Guzanov, director of Lyskovoavtotrans. - Part of the administrative building was rebuilt as a hotel, a cafe, a grocery store were opened, our repair base was redesigned for trucks. We now offer a wide range of services. For example, if the driver wants to eliminate the malfunction on his own, we rent a warm repair box with a viewing hole. More complex repairs can be provided by our employees, and in an emergency, they can be called at night.”
text: michael krasavin
$15,000 is enough to open a small cafe near the highway, and the money invested will be returned in a maximum of a year. The main thing is to get permission from the authorities and not quarrel with the locals
There is practically no competition among the owners of roadside cafes, hotels and service stations. Even along the busiest highways of Ukraine, catering establishments are found approximately every 15 km, gas stations - 25–30 km, service stations - 50 km, hotels - 67 km. On less busy roads, these figures are almost three times higher. And this despite the fact that many roadside establishments operate with a profitability of 100%, and the annual turnover, for example, of a small restaurant, exceeds 700 thousand UAH.
On a low start
Anatoly Bortenev, the owner of the Bornito company (a cafe on the Kyiv-Kharkiv highway not far from the capital), started his business in 1995. For $500, he bought a metal pavilion, leased land near the highway, and agreed with a metropolitan company to supply food. Initially, the entrepreneur planned to open a grocery store, but quickly became convinced of the low profitability of the outlet. According to Anatoly, a roadside shop makes a profit only if it is located on the territory of the village. Otherwise, the profitability is low - most motorists prefer to buy products in the capital, which is not so far away. Therefore, over time, the businessman converted the store into a cafe: new premises were gradually completed to the pavilion, expanded and improved. As a result, by 2000, the former stall was transformed into a solid roadside establishment with a separate kitchen, two halls for visitors, a billiard room and several lounges in the attic. Anatoly estimates the total amount of investments in his business at about $20 thousand. According to the entrepreneur, the market value of his cafe, taking into account the location and buildings, exceeds $1 million.
The business of Yevgeny Borisov, the owner of a service station on the Odessa highway, is developing no less successfully. The businessman has been working "on the high road" for almost five years. Initially, Evgeny provided only tire fitting services, but clients often turned to the auto repair shop with other problems. Demand creates supply, so the entrepreneur decided to expand the range of services provided. Two years ago, he received an $80,000 loan to set up a full-fledged service station. With these funds, Evgeny built three boxes, a residential house for mechanics (it was planned to work around the clock), an overpass, purchased lifts, tools and a tow truck. The initiative turned out to be successful: in less than a year, Mr. Borisov paid off the bank in full. Evgeny initially focused his service station on servicing cars, but now he plans to carve out some more space for truck repairs. In his opinion, this is no less profitable and promising than working with passenger cars.
Permissive red tape
Entrepreneurs who own various establishments along Ukrainian roads say that the main obstacle to their business is the difficulty of obtaining permits. According to Anatoly Bortenev, permission to start construction can be expected for several years. Moreover, this problem is relevant not only for beginners, but also for entrepreneurs who want to expand an existing business. “I planned to build an indoor pool on the territory of the cafe, however, remembering the unpleasant experience of dealing with government agencies, I postponed the implementation of this idea until better times,” complains Mr. Bortenev.
Another problem of roadside cafes is young people living in the surrounding villages. According to Anatoly, young people abuse alcohol, especially on weekends: “Rare Friday or Saturday ends calmly. Almost every week, locals either arrange a showdown among themselves, or try to provoke a fight with visiting visitors. Of course, this scares away customers. Therefore, we have to hire security guards for the weekend, which at least somehow restrains the brawlers.
Maintenance station owners have a different kind of problem. First of all, with the supply of spare parts. “We buy the most popular units ourselves,” says Evgeny Borisov. “But it is impossible to stock up on all possible parts for all cars, and without the delivery of components, work stops.” The businessman solved the problem with the delivery of spare parts simply and efficiently: he agreed with partners (owners of car dealerships in the nearest settlements and Kyiv) that the necessary parts would be sent on a call with the nearest passing bus or minibus.
A common problem for all roadside establishments is a lack of staff. There is a catastrophic shortage of qualified cooks and auto mechanics who are ready to work outside the city. They try to solve the problem by involving local residents, but this trick is not always successful. Often, rural specialists allow themselves to go to work drunk or not go out at all, be rude to customers, and perform their duties carelessly. “All hope is on folk craftsmen. Oddly enough, among the residents of the surrounding villages, we found several real nuggets who do the work accurately, attentively and on time. But this is the exception, not the rule,” complains Mr. Borisov.
Roadside Picnic
So far, there is competition between roadside services only on the central highways of Ukraine. “Compared to other highways on the Kyiv-Kharkiv highway, competition is high: various eateries are found every 10–15 km. We are fighting for the client, trying not only to keep low prices, but also to improve the quality of products and services,” Anatoly Bortenev shares his experience. An important role in attracting and retaining customers is played by the reputation of the institution. Poor service will scare away not only one visitor, but also his friends and acquaintances.
Evgeny Borisov agrees with Anatoly: “There are competitors everywhere, but the client does not know where the car will break down. Nevertheless, when choosing a service station to which a motorist will arrive, reputation plays a key role. Drivers who constantly drive on the same highway know well where the work will be done better and cheaper. On occasion, they will willingly tell their “broken” comrades where to turn.” Another recipe for success from Mr. Borisov: do not neglect orders from local residents. As practice shows, they also often seek qualified help. There are special discounts for residents of nearby settlements at Evgeny's service station.
$15 thousand is enough to open a small roadside cafe for 15-30 seats 100-150 km from Kyiv. Moreover, the main expense item is the cost of obtaining permission from local authorities and concluding a land lease agreement. On the other hand, if it was possible to agree with the rural "bonzes", the investments will be returned within six months or a year from the moment the cafe or restaurant opens. Profitability depends on the business of the route, the availability of similar establishments and the quality of the products offered. In some cases, it can reach up to 200%, and the average for the market is 50-100%.
To open a service station, a large amount will be required - from $50,000 for servicing cars and from $100,000 for repairing trucks. Accordingly, the payback period is longer: at least three years. The profitability of roadside service stations is quite comparable to the profitability of ordinary catering establishments: 40–80%, depending on location and specialization.
text: michael krasavin
Published in №13-2008Tags: Opportunities_for_neighbors

Tags: What, business, open, on, track

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What small business to open in the village from scratch: 7 successful examples

The village, first of all, is a platform for the production of agricultural products, but the processing business also has good prospects. The closer it is located to the sources of raw materials, the lower the cost of transportation and storage. Large processing and trading enterprises are interested in expanding supplies from domestic producers.
Now there is a favorable environment for starting a business in the countryside, and many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the opportunities that are opening up. Investments in agriculture, animal husbandry are a good tone and a demonstration of patriotic feelings. Please note: people do not hesitate to ask for help, send applications for participation in all possible support programs in order to receive a grant, subsidy. There are many of them, both at the federal and local levels.
In December 2015, the head of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, was awarded the title of Banker of the Year by the Association of Russian Banks. Despite the sanctions of European and American partners, the bank expanded its financial support for agriculture this year. The volume of loans issued outstripped the average market indicators.
The review contains 7 real examples. The choice of successful entrepreneurs helps to understand what kind of business you can do in the village, gain determination and start your own business.
Interesting business ideas implemented in the countryside
1) Vending milk machine
Mordovia, Kovylkino, Krutenkoe village
Rinat Churakov lives in a small town with a population of 20,000 people and used to be engaged in the provision of consumer services. The idea for a business in the village came while looking for a place for a country house at the sight of fields overgrown with weeds. In three years, with the help of a bank loan, he created a modern European-level milk production complex. When the purchase prices for it fell 4 times compared to retail, I thought about creating my own distribution network. Analyzing the market, I came to the conclusion that vending is highly profitable. Buying and installing two expensive machines, I realized that the idea was risky. However, there was a queue for fresh milk on the first day. They justified themselves in 4 months, and now the businessman has purchased another 15 pieces, planning to place them already in Saransk, the capital of the republic.
2) Rest, like in the village with my grandmother
Rural tourism is rapidly gaining momentum. Reasons: the narrowing of the directions of foreign holidays, the decline in income. A positive role is played by fashion, the offer of a modern level of service. In the Astrakhan steppe, caravans are driven along the Mongol-Tatar trails, somewhere they offer “wild” hunting, and sometimes people are attracted by the opportunity to communicate with nature, wake up with “roosters”, and not rush anywhere.
Ermaki village, along the Moscow-Minsk highway, 25 km from Smolensk.
There is no unique natural landscape or historical "estate" nearby. When 5 years ago Arkady Poterlevich started his business in the village from scratch, there were only three residential buildings. He staked on the lake: he launched fry of silver carp, grass carp, pike, perch, carp. Now there are even crabs. The fishermen pulled themselves up very quickly, and when they built 5 comfortable houses, a bathhouse, planted a garden and a vegetable garden, they began to come with their families. Now whole companies are already reaching out for collective recreation. All products in the local "tavern" are natural, there are football and tennis courts, and baths. Plans: construction of VIP cottages and a helipad.
3) Cabbage on "Indonesian" technology
Staromainsky district, Ulyanovsk region
The worst dream of a peasant is drought. The fear of losing everything in a lean year stops many who would like to start growing agricultural products. The Ulyanovsk region is a zone of risky farming, but Ilmas Sitdikov is getting record harvests using an irrigation system similar to that used for rice fields. First, he used old canals left from Soviet times to accumulate water, after they destroyed and pulled apart all the pipes of the irrigation system. Fregat sprinkling machines are working on the fields, three pumping stations have been built, and an artificial channel for supplying water from the Volga has been created. Fresh vegetables are supplied to Ulyanovsk supermarkets and are in demand. According to Ilmas, no one believed in the success of irrigated agriculture. And now many adopt his experience in land reclamation.
4) Camelina oil is not made from camelina
Kuytunsky district, Irkutsk region.
Demand for eco-products is constantly increasing, with foreign consumers and investors showing particular interest in them. Camelina oil is actually made from the herb. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia exported it, but then the culture was firmly forgotten. By taste and aroma, it resembles sesame, but richer in vitamin content, has healing properties. Artem Palchik in 2010 bought 50 kg of seeds and sowed a 1 hectare field, receiving 1.5 tons of raw materials. Now his KFH sows 60, and it is planned to expand to 100 hectares. The oil is certified, it is sold in large stores in the region, negotiations are underway on the display of goods in supermarkets. The products are awarded with the diploma of the international Berlin agricultural exhibition. Abroad, this product is in good demand; in Russia, sunflower oil is still more common. The entrepreneur dreams of entering the international market.
5) Exotic birds bring in a good income
Central Federal District, Moscow region.
Chickens, geese, pheasants, turkeys and guinea fowls - about 500 heads of different birds are raised by a young couple of farmers, former city dwellers. The question of what kind of business can be opened in the village, Vladimir and Tatyana Tyurin, was not initially interested. Seven years ago, they adopted several birds to feed dietary meat to a child who had minor health problems. Then there was interest, a family farm was born. They received a grant - 1.5 million rubles only this year, they bought 4 hectares of land on them, where it is planned to build a full-fledged eco-farm. Guinea fowl were first bred for beauty, and then it turned out that this was a very profitable business. The bird does not get sick, meat and eggs are valued, used in the treatment of oncology. Previously, it was supplied only from abroad, but now, according to Vladimir, there are so many offers that they intend to bring the number of guinea fowl to 2,000 heads. The organization of agro-tourism is planned. There are no competitors, for the entire Central District there is only one such farm in Sergiev Posad.
6) If trout is cheaper, more people will buy it
Berezovka village, Kondopozhsky district, Karelia
Northern Russian regions are of little use for agriculture, but have great potential for the use of natural resources. Wood processing, picking, freezing, canning mushrooms and berries - all these are opportunities for creating your own business. But the main wealth is fish. The IP of farmer Nikolai Fedorenko produces about 500 tons of trout a year, and he dreams of doubling the figure. Sanctions on Norwegian fish only please him. Its red caviar, lightly salted and smoked fish were awarded the international gold medal "ProdExpo" 2015. Trout is grown in open water, far from the coast - according to Norwegian technology. In total, there are about 50 fish farms in Karelia, today their biggest problem is that they have to buy fry and food abroad. Now the farmer focuses on growing his own planting material and selling it. The problem with feed is beyond his power, this is a task for biologists. In Berezovka and Kondopoga there are two shops with his products, numerous tourists are eager to see and fish directly from the lake.
7) Sheep farming is a profitable business in the steppe regions
Beisky district, Khakassia
Lamb is rarely seen on store shelves, despite good demand. Sheep are unpretentious to food and living conditions, multiply quickly and gain weight, live on pastures until late winter. Alexander Topoev keeps a herd of about 2,000 heads. Thinking over what kind of business to open in the village, he enlisted the support of a large trading network, to which he now regularly supplies meat. But now he has no problems with sales, rather the opposite: his products are willingly taken by cafes, semi-finished products workshop, "Myasnaya Lavka". Recently, he won the tender of the local Administration for the purchase of 1.5 hundred sheep at once for transfer to young families. The farm is growing: he has acquired pigs of a special breed and bought several cows. To feed these animals, they had to sow oats, barley, and wheat. It took almost four years to build the business.
The lack of funds for business development is not the only problem in the countryside, in many places it is difficult to find workers. How to get out of the situation:
choose a place near regional centers, small towns with liquidated production;
buy high-performance imported equipment that requires few maintenance personnel;
they invest in social infrastructure, build houses, which attract people who are ready to move to their place of work.
State support is not "free" cheese. You will need to report on expenses, and when drawing up a business plan, do not forget about inflation. The term for receiving money is stretched to six months, and in agriculture, as nowhere else, a spoon is expensive for dinner. The “village” business also has its advantages: the loyal attitude of the authorities, the cheapness of labor, and the lack of competition.

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If a roadside cafe is opened on a busy section of the highway, then the profit can be compared with the income of a restaurant in the central part of the city.

Business on the highway: ideas for cafes and trade, a plan for a profitable ...

How to open your own business on the track? What types of earnings are available to everyone? How to become a successful businessman?

What kind of business can be opened on the highway, having at least a small area of ​​land near the road? This question is of interest to many people who have this area. Of course, this is not a classic approach to organizing a business, because the idea must come first. Then you need to think over the pros and cons, determine the costs, organize and look for a suitable room, location.

But if you already have a useful area for business near the highway, then you need to act. First you need to determine that the track is a travel place, so it makes no sense to rely on regular customers. As for disposables, there will be a lot of them. The idea is simple: give the people on the road what they need on the road and you will create a profitable business. Plus, you need to hang a beautiful and large sign of the services or products that you offer, which will attract people. It remains only to calculate the profit and develop the business.

A great example is 7-Eleven, a Texas company founded in 1927. She managed to create a real revolution in the sales industry. The stores of this company worked when others simply closed - they worked day and night. Of course, today you will not surprise anyone with this, because at the moment we can buy anything and at any time, and even with home delivery, if you like. However, 90 years ago in the US it was revolutionary.

At the moment, 7-eleven has stores located in 18 countries around the world. The network includes more than 25,000 stores that serve more than 30,000 merchants. The turnover of goods exceeded 100,000,000,000 dollars for the year. Everything that people may need urgently is for sale here. The product list consists of 1000 items and has been compiled by experts. 7-eleven has so many clients that the company may not be afraid of any crises.

You can, of course, learn something new, or you can take the successful example of 7-eleven and implement it in Russia by opening a small shop near the highway, where products needed by people on the road will be sold. Even Thomas Edison himself said that great ideas do not have to be invented on their own, they can be borrowed.

So what kind of business to open on the highway? Imagine yourself in the place of a tired driver who wants to eat, drink, smoke and relieve himself. Perhaps he needs to charge his phone, refuel, etc. On a small plot of 15 square meters, you can easily open a small shop where it is appropriate to sell cigarettes, gasoline (not necessarily a gas station), fast food, oil, cold drinks. It is desirable to put a toilet nearby and develop a sign that people will notice even at high speed.

To equip a trading shop, you need equipment. You can either buy it (if you have money) or rent it. The amount of earnings will depend on the range of products that you develop. Try to determine as accurately as possible the needs of people on the road - drivers and their passengers. Do everything right, and then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba business on the track will meet all expectations.