Business plan: Raising pigs. Become a Millionaire Farmer

The pig breeding business is profitable both on farms and at home. It is cost-effective, despite the time of year and the financial situation in the country. Meat is an integral part of the daily diet of every person, a necessary product for cooking.

The pig breeding business is profitable on any scale and does not depend on the season.

If you figure out how and where to start a pig breeding business and how to succeed in it, you can get a good income. The pig business will be successful if it is properly organized. It differs from other types of business in close contact with animals, which require attention, care, constant monitoring of their health.

Among the advantages of a business in raising pigs, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • gestation period. Carrying offspring in a sow takes up to 3 months, and feeding from 1 to 2 months.
  • Fertility. Healthy pigs produce up to 10 piglets at a time and up to 30 per year. In terms of fertility, they bypass cows and sheep.
  • Early maturity. In a week, the piglet's weight increases from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Six months later, it is up to 100 kg with a properly composed diet.
  • Meat yield after slaughter. The percentage of finished products is 73%, and compared to other animal species, there is minimal loss.

A good sow produces numerous offspring, which will turn into more than 3 tons of meat per year.

With a simple calculation, we can conclude that one pig will provide 3000 kg of meat per year. Breeding pigs as a business can bring good income.

Household Benefits

Opening your own mini-pig farm is possible after preparing a package of documents. Registration and coordination with officials of the administration of the district or city requires considerable effort.

Project costs include initial capital and monthly expenses. The piglet rearing time is up to six months, and during this period the pig farm needs funding, despite the lack of pork sales.

Pig breeding costs include:

  • registration;
  • rent of land and premises (if not own);
  • purchase of forage;
  • equipment, instruments and inventory for the economy;
  • purchase of piglets;
  • other expenses.

Sole proprietorship is one of the most successful forms of ownership for a pig farm. It is issued when keeping more than 100 heads of livestock. Despite the profitability of the pig farm, business and investment in the early stages sometimes do not pay off.

A profitable option is the design of a household plot. Raising pigs at home as a business does not require additional staff costs. In order to breed pigs and not use a lot of effort, you need to think through everything correctly and agree with the service station on the supply of feed and the sale of finished products.

Even when opening a homestead farm, a novice businessman must think through a business plan for breeding pigs in detail, assess the possibilities of growing, producing and selling. With a reasonable start, entrepreneurs end up with a successful business.

To optimize taxation, a business can be formalized as an individual entrepreneurship or household plot.


Growing pigs in a household plot cannot be started without a room. Sometimes the city administration rents an old building in need of reconstruction. But, as a rule, they use their own barn or household territory and build a barn from scratch. The latter will cost more, but it will be more expedient, because it will immediately be possible to install an automatic water supply system and provide the necessary production facilities.

You should not abuse the unpretentiousness of pigs. They are cold in a reinforced concrete or concrete room, and in order for the animals not to catch a cold, it will have to be insulated: the air temperature should not be below 12 degrees. The pigsty should be clean, bright and draft-free. Water supply and sewerage will facilitate the cleaning process: non-compliance with sanitary standards leads to livestock diseases and losses.

Caring for pigs is a labor intensive process. Therefore, the pig farm is made automated, which facilitates the daily care of animals. Once a month, they disinfect and regularly, several times a week, ventilate the room to get rid of bacteria and viruses. Despite the common stereotype, pigs are clean animals, and maintaining order in the premises is reflected in their health and reproduction.

For normal reproduction and development, pigs need a warm, clean and ventilated room.

Piglet selection as the basis of pig production

Breeding pigs at home involves the cultivation of all breeds, among which are:

  1. Bacon (Temworths and Landraces).
  2. Sebaceous (Berkshire and black large).
  3. Tallow-meat (Duroc and white large).

It is necessary to think over and decide on what or what breeds the economy will be built on. The species must be adapted to the climate - the immunity of pigs depends on this. It is worth thinking about nutrition. You can consult with farmers of neighboring farms and find out which breed takes root in the area.

With the correct calculation of the diet at home, animals gain a lot of weight. The optimal age for buying a piglet is 2 months, weaning from the female is painless, since the piglet has not needed feeding for a long time. In this case, the weight is 15-16 kg.

The purchase of piglets, even distant relatives, is unacceptable, since such pigs will not be able to recreate viable offspring in the future.

Piglets must necessarily meet the above requirements, as this is the key to a healthy livestock in the future. Only highly productive pigs can give a large offspring. Buying animals is an investment, the quality of which will be reflected in the quality of meat and offspring. In order for pig farming as a business at home to be profitable from the very beginning, boars and sows are bought.

Choosing the right breed of piglets is the key to a successful pig breeding business.

Feeding is a factor in a thriving business

Feed for pigs is a decisive factor in a successful business. Profitability proportionally depends on the weight of the livestock, and the weight depends on the feed. A balanced diet of pigs is directly related to the taste of meat. Each specific age group of animals should eat food in the right proportions.

The slightest attempt to save on food will immediately give negative results.. Pigs will be weak and prone to disease, which will not only reduce profits, but will also incur losses due to visits to the veterinarian and the purchase of necessary medicines.

You can not save on animal feed, as this will affect the rate of weight gain and the health of the piglets.

Sales of products

Selling pork is not difficult, as the meat is in demand among buyers. A conscientious attitude towards customers and high-quality pork is the key to a prosperous business.

Sales options depend on the volume of production. With small volumes, this is a sale on the market, delivery to a store or delivery to catering places for the preparation of meat dishes. In addition to supplying meat to the market, opening your own point of sale would be an excellent option. It is profitable to sell pork in whole carcasses and in parts. Livestock can become a sales option - the sale of breeding stock, young animals and boars. When selling meat, you need certificates confirming the quality of meat, which should not be forgotten.

For a variety of products, a smokehouse is being built, which makes it possible to offer people smoked meat or lard. The advantage of smoked meat is that the entire carcass of slaughtered cattle is used, while raw meat gets rid of waste.

During the holidays, dairy pigs are in demand, as they are considered tender and light meat.

Pork is very popular, so you will not have problems with the sale of finished products.

Payback and profit

It takes six months from buying piglets to getting an adult pig. The profit from the sale of pork fully pays for investments in the business and operating expenses. The profitability of the project is 30% under favorable conditions.

The yield of meat per 100 kg of pig is 73 kg. The larger the animal, the more finished products. After the sale of meat, expenses are deducted, as a result, a profit is obtained. The payback time for investments in breeding pigs is 2 years.

Depending on the conditions, the profitability of the business is up to 30%, and the payback takes no more than 2 years.

  • drawing up a business plan taking into account contingencies;
  • study of the strengths and weaknesses of the breeds;
  • selection of food that is suitable for the price and quality;
  • automation of water supply;
  • scheduling work and caring for pigs.

The advantage of breeding pigs is that the product is in demand all year round, which contributes to a quick sale. It is not worth investing all your money in breeding pigs. Only by gradually increasing momentum with a systematic increase in livestock can a result be achieved.

Special attention is first paid to the business plan for raising pigs. To make a profit when raising pigs in the household, it takes time to care for them, feed them and maintain optimal conditions in the pigsty. Finances invested in high-quality cultivation will pay off with profit after the sale of meat. Cheap means and methods may lead not to savings, but to losses due to the sale of a second-rate product.

Pig farming in the countryside has always been considered a profitable business. For half a year, a carcass weighing 110-120 kg is grown from a suckling pig, meat is in stable demand. To reduce its cost, farmers use new pig breeding technologies and modern equipment. We will talk about all this in this article.

The development of this business and the demand for products

Pork production in our country from 2005 to 2015 increased by 2 times, and industrial - by almost 7 times. The development of large pig farms, such as Miratorg, Rusagro, Cherkizovo and others, creates high competition in pig breeding. However, household plots and peasant farms consistently occupy about 25% of the number of livestock in this niche and produce almost 20% of products.

In the structure of consumption of different types of meat, pork has occupied 32–34% over the past 25 years. Large manufacturers of products are concentrated in the Central Federal District. In many other regions, the share of small farms in pig breeding ranges from 16% (Ural) to 49% (Far East).

The number of pigs in farms of all categories in 2016-2017 according to Rosstat

In rural areas, raising pigs as a business has good prospects if the cost of meat is at the level of 65-70 rubles due to modern technologies, competent feeding, and reduction of fattening time to marketable mass. Implementation of preventive measures against ASF (African plague) is of key importance. By the way, the regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East are still free from this virus.

Modern breeding technologies

To date, in pig breeding, non-walking technologies of keeping, the most profitable from an economic point of view, have become widespread. Pigs are kept in special pens, without bedding, on a slit or solid floor from birth to the end of the fattening cycle. As a rule, a pig farm provides for primary meat processing to deep-frozen half carcasses, for which a slaughterhouse is equipped and an industrial refrigerator is purchased.

A typical pigsty is divided into several isolated sections, where pigs are kept at different stages of the production cycle:

  • single uterus and boars for insemination;
  • farrowing and suckling pigs with suckling piglets;
  • weaned piglets;
  • the main livestock of fattening pigs.

stress-free technology

The stress-free method of breeding pigs is considered the most progressive. Its essence boils down to the fact that between the sections of farrowing, rearing and fattening, special manholes are equipped through which the piglets independently move from one section to another. There is a spontaneous formation of nests (groups) in which pigs feel comfortable, quickly gain weight and do not experience competition.

Breeding pigs in isolated sections meets the principle of "everything is empty - everything is occupied", the blocks are easy to clean and disinfect. A stress-free system improves meat quality, which is essential in a saturated market. The period of keeping pigs before slaughter is from 175 days.


This system of breeding and fattening pigs has become widespread in the USA, Canada, the countries of Northern Europe and has been tested in practice in Russia and Ukraine. Pigs are kept in large homogeneous groups in cold rooms (a metal frame covered with an awning) on ​​a deep non-removable bedding. The advantages of this method: a minimum of funds for the arrangement of a pigsty, the absence of heating, which ensures a quick payback of the project: from 1 year.

The disadvantages of the method include a large feed consumption. Pigs are fed without restriction with dry balanced mixtures, weight gain reaches 800 g / day. In a room of 360 m 2 there are up to 250 individuals. More often this technology is used when keeping fattening pigs. Up to 500 pigs are placed on the same area in a fully closed cycle farm with no-walking easel technology.

Where to start


Pork production is a highly profitable branch of agriculture. From 1 sq. m. of production area, a small-scale pig-breeding enterprise receives about 52 thousand rubles of profit, while for this indicator an average of 9.7 thousand rubles. To obtain an equal economic effect from cattle breeding, premises 5–8 times larger than for a pig herd will be required. An entrepreneur who decides to go into a pig breeding business must choose:

  1. specialization: complete closed cycle of reproduction, reproductive (breeding pigs), fattening (beneficial in cooperation);
  2. technology and breeds of pigs suitable for climatic conditions;
  3. a place for placing a pig farm, taking into account SanPiN 2.2.1 /, while the size of the sanitary zone is from 100 to 500 m, depending on the number of pigs;
  4. what kind of premises will be used: old with refurbishment, purchase of a modular hangar, construction;
  5. type of feed for pigs: to produce your own, you will need an agricultural area, the purchase of ready-made feed mixtures and premixes;
  6. equipment for keeping a pig herd, based on the scale of the farm and technology;
  7. method of manure removal, its processing, disposal: the average yield from one fattening pig is more than 9 liters per day;
  8. conduct a preliminary analysis of the markets for meat and waste.

After receiving answers to the main questions, you can begin to develop a business plan for a pig breeding farm. At the same time, it is desirable to focus on the system of recommendatory documents of the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture:

  • RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of pig farms for peasant (farm) farms.
  • RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of pig farms and complexes.

Top Breeds

Most Russian farms are dominated by a large white pig - a breed of domestic selection with good reproductive qualities. It is used when crossing as a mother form. Since 2006, as part of the implementation of the national project "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex", imported breeds of meat pigs have been brought to Russia: Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc. At present, they make up about half of the breeding stock in 117 breeding farms and reproducers.

When breeding pigs in commercial farms of a closed cycle, sows of a large white breed (C / B) and boars of imported breeds are usually crossed, purchasing them in breeding reproducers. Crossbreed pigs obtained as a result of 2- and 3-breed industrial crossbreeding, under the same conditions of keeping, show significantly better indicators in terms of weight gain, half-carcass length, meat yield, bacon thickness. On average, they outperform purebred white pigs by 9–10% in terms of the sum of indicators at the rearing and fattening stages. Promising combinations: two-breed (K/b × D), three-breed ((K/b × Y) × D).

The main characteristics of meat breeds

Indicators Large White Russian Large white imported Landrace Yorkshire Duroc
Multiple pregnancy of sows, head. 12,0 12,9 12,5 12,6 9,9
Fattening period to commercial weight, days 171 155 151
Feed consumption per 1 kg of growth, kg 3,0 2,75 2,65 2,51 2,63
The thickness of the fat over the 6th–7th vertebra, mm. 19,3 12,6 14,1 12,5 13,5

Pig farm room

Depending on the specific circumstances, the pig house can be reconstructed from the one in which other animals were kept, or built from any economically viable material. When building a pig farm from scratch, the most practical building is made of precast concrete and sandwich panels. The main regulatory documents that establish requirements and building codes:

  • SP 19.13330.2011: Updated version of SNiP II-97-76. Master plans for agricultural enterprises.
  • SP 106.13330.2012: Updated edition of SNiP 2.10.03-84. Livestock, poultry and fur-breeding buildings and premises.

The size of the pigsty is determined by the number of pigs and breeding technology. The internal layout depends on the number, size and capacity of the pens, taking into account the regulations RD-APK for the placement of pigs of each sex and age group. So, when kept in group pens with a depth of 3.5 m, it is necessary to provide each pig with an area in m 2:

  • 2.5 - boars-producers;
  • 1.9 - waiting sows;
  • 0.65 (0.8) - fattening pigs on slotted (solid) floors.

Shown below are the dimensions and layout of a fattening facility for 1,000 pigs using three-phase stress-free technology as recommended by V.I. Bazykina, A.V. Trifonova. The area of ​​the premises is 793.8 m2. The main parameters of the technological process:

  • 2 groups of sows, 6 animals each;
  • rhythm of reproduction - 21 days;
  • feed consumption - 412 tons / year, water - 2150 tons / year;
  • manure output - 1,100 t/year;
  • land area - 33.4 hectares.

Necessary equipment

Modern pig farms use rather complex technological equipment that provides the necessary productivity and safety of products for consumption. These are easel systems for keeping, feeding, watering pigs, equipment for creating and maintaining the necessary microclimate, removing and processing manure.

Both Russian and foreign companies are represented on the equipment market. Many manufacturers make it to order, taking into account the size and configuration of the room, the cost is usually negotiable. The price of imported equipment is 3-5 times higher, which corresponds to the quality, and it is mainly purchased by large industrial enterprises. Most manufacturers follow a narrow specialization.

  • Machine equipment for pig breeding (for insemination, farrowing, keeping boars, sows, fattening piglets). It is produced by Luch, ROS NITI, Invest-Holding (7–14 thousand rubles), Schauer, Wesstron, Big Dutchman (10–20 thousand rubles).
  • For microclimate(ventilation, heating, cooling systems). Producers: Agromoltekhnika, Agrovent, they also specialize in watering and feeding systems. Foreign companies: Egebjerg, Bauer, Wesstron.
  • Feed preparation equipment, distribution, teat and cup drinkers on the market are mainly imported, with the exception of the products of the two plants mentioned above.
  • Manure removal systems(scrapers, sewer pipes, conveyors). In Russia, they are produced only by Abono Group and BaltAgroSnab; foreign companies are represented by ACO Funki, Big Dutchman and others.
  • Slotted floors - produced by many companies. Concrete have the lowest cost, but are used only for pregnant queens and fattening pigs. Plastic ones are used for suckling and growing piglets, they are warm and more comfortable. High-quality plastic gratings last up to 15 years. Metal floors are used for lactating sows.

Domestic equipment is more affordable for small farms. In addition, it can be bought with the help of government programs for preferential lending to agricultural producers. Thus, microclimate equipment manufactured by Agromoltekhnika will cost on average 30% cheaper than imported ones.

Breeding conditions

It is possible to get a good profit in pig breeding only if all zootechnical rules for keeping animals are observed. Reproduction, livestock safety and fattening time are affected by the density of pigs and the microclimate in the room. For each group of piglets (sucklings, weaners), adult pigs, their own requirements are set for the level of temperature, illumination, air humidity.

Machine tools and slotted floors are periodically inspected and repaired. The width of the slots more than 2 cm leads to injuries of pigs, they get abrasions, bruises, fractures, lag behind in growth, lose fatness. In an aggressive environment (humidity, evaporation, high temperature), the machines are subject to corrosion, so galvanized equipment is preferable.

With ration feeding, each pig should have its own feeding place. In the case of using automatic distribution of dry feed, one place is provided for 4 heads, when using moistened mixtures - for 8 heads. Uninterrupted water supply is of great importance. The rate of water supply to the drinkers corresponds to the age of the pigs:

  • for weaners no more than 0.6 l/min,
  • for fattening pigs - 1 l/min,
  • for lactating sows - up to 3 l/min.

To maintain optimal temperature, humidity, cleanliness, the required air pumping power is: in sections for farrowing sows and piglets 430 m3 / h, for adult pigs 180 m3 / h is enough. Air exchange reduces the level of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, which adversely affect the health of pigs, reduces the level of pathogenic flora.

In order for all processes on the pig farm to run smoothly, it is necessary to have a technical specialist on staff and a supply of parts for the repair of the main systems of technological equipment. Even a temporary failure in the operation of feeding, watering, heating systems causes severe stress in pigs, leading to weight loss and potential income.

Feed quality and standards

Balanced feed is the main factor influencing the rate of development of piglets and weight gain in adult pigs. Their composition has a direct impact on the quality of the future food product. Carbohydrate-rich potatoes, corn, barley contribute to the growth of the sebaceous layer. Traditional types of feed of plant origin are evaluated for nutritional value as follows.

  1. Quality - wheat, barley, beets, peas, pumpkin, food waste, meat and bone meal. They give juicy meat, hard, dense fat. Their optimal share in the volume of nutrition is about 50%.
  2. Medium quality - corn, buckwheat, potato husks, various bran, molasses. In the pig diet, they should be present in an amount of no more than 60% in a mixture with highly nutritious feed.
  3. Reducing the quality of products - cake, soybeans, millet, oats. They are introduced in an amount of up to 25%, and 2 months before slaughter they are excluded altogether. The fat from them becomes soft, the meat is loose and tasteless.

The fattening stage in pig breeding completely determines the quality of the product. Here the farmer proceeds from what he wants to get as a result. Traditionally, there are three fattening regimes: meat, bacon, greasy. The requirements for weight, condition of gilts, set and nutritional value of feed are different in each case.

  • For meat feeding pigs of almost all breeds are used. These are gilts and castrated boars at the age of about 3 months weighing at least 30 kg. With a traditional diet of grain and vegetable mixtures, weight gain is on average 600–650 g per day, feed costs are 4.5–5 units. per 1 kg. The term for reaching a live weight of 100 kg is 11–12 months. This is low intensity technology.
  • For bacon feed choose gilts with a long body, lightweight hams, these are breeds of large white, landrace and their crosses. They are fattened for 7–8 months, eventually getting juicy tender (marble) meat. Feed requirements are increased: not less than 150 g of protein per 1 feed unit. nutrition, mineral and vitamin supplements. The desired daily weight gain is 400–500 g in the first 2 months, then 600–700 g per day.
  • To achieve sebaceous young animals at the age of 120 days are selected and grown up to 130-150 kg in 10-12 months. In this case, the thickness of the fat reaches 5 cm, and to improve its taste and density, bacon diet is used 6 weeks before the end of fattening. Two-thirds of the period, the optimal average daily gain is 700–800 g, and then decreases to 600 g.

Regulatory documents that establish requirements for feed:

  • GOST R 51550-2000: Feed concentrates for pigs.
  • GOST 34109-2017: Complete feed for pigs. General technical conditions (introduced from January 1, 2019).

Sales and prices

In a saturated market, the main task of the farmer is to find stable marketing channels. Dumping by large groholdings reduces wholesale prices for pork. So, according to the IMIT agency, in February 2019, the average cost of 1 kg of meat (half carcass) in this segment was 152.3 rubles, while in November of the previous year its price was about 175 rubles. In the summer, during the "barbecue" season, it traditionally grows.

According to statistics, the average price is only a guideline for financial calculation. In practice, it depends on many components: the quality of meat, the proximity / distance of transportation, the requirements of the buyer and many other factors. The simplest analysis of the demand for pork and prices in a particular region can be carried out on the trading floors, Agroserver, Industrial portal of pig breeding.

Traditional distribution channels:

  • sale of fresh chilled meat at agricultural markets, fairs;
  • contract deliveries to meat processing plants and other processing enterprises;
  • participation in tenders to select a supplier for state and municipal organizations (hospitals, kindergartens);
  • contracts with public catering enterprises (restaurants, cafes, barbecues);
  • own processing of meat to semi-finished products and sale to stores.

In addition to pork, other pig products are also in demand on the market: offal, trimmings, bones. Substandard remnants are bought up by fur farms and zoos. Up to 3% of the total income from pig breeding is contributed by the sale of manure processed into fertilizers. To do this, you will have to purchase a technological line. Many crop enterprises buy it on an ongoing basis.


The biggest risk in pig production over the past ten years has been associated with the spread of the African plague virus, which leads to 100% death of the entire livestock. At the same time, quarantine measures provide for the complete destruction of pigs, as well as equipment and wooden buildings within a radius of 20 km from the detection of a source of infection. This must be kept in mind when choosing a place for a future pig farm.

The risk of infection is reduced by such measures as timely vaccination of animals, refusal to use thermally untreated food residues, reliable fences around the farm, and restriction of access of outsiders to its territory. Water for drinking pigs must not be taken from open sources (river, stream) to which wild boars have access. You should not buy piglets without VSD, especially from disadvantaged regions. Other entrepreneurial risks are typical for all agriculture.

  • The trend towards lower purchase prices for pork, while in retail they are declining much more slowly.
  • An increase in the cost of meat production due to an increase in tariffs for electricity, gas - pig breeding consumes a lot of energy.
  • Shortage of domestic equipment for pig breeding and higher cost of imported equipment due to currency fluctuations.
  • Failed grain harvest and rising prices for foreign premixes and mineral and vitamin supplements.
  • Tightening environmental supervision and requirements for the disposal of manure, which requires additional costs and increases losses from penalties.

With all the risks, pig farming is more profitable than other types of animal husbandry. A small area of ​​the farm, a short period of growing pigs to marketable weight (170-200 days), their omnivorous and prolific nature provide, with proper management of the economy, a stable profit and profitability at the level of 25-30%.

GOSTs and veterinary requirements

  • TR TS 034/2013 - On the safety of meat and meat products.
  • GOST 31476-2012: Pigs for slaughter. Pork in carcasses and half carcasses.
  • GOST 34159-2017: Meat products.

The main document regulating the circulation of meat and meat products on the territory of Russia is the Customs Regulation TR CU 034/2013. According to this document, any batch of fresh unprocessed meat must have a veterinary certificate, and a declaration of conformity to quality is issued for semi-finished meat products.

Since 2012, veterinary certificates (veterinary accompanying documents or VSD) have been issued electronically through the state information system GIS Mercury. It traces the path of meat, starting from the slaughter of animals to the final consumer - a store or a catering establishment. The certificate is issued by the responsible specialist of the Rosselkhoznadzor of the area under his control based on the results:

  • veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • examinations (live pigs);
  • laboratory research;
  • information about the epizootic situation.

Access to the Mercury system is free, expenses will be required only for the purchase of a computer and payment for the Internet. In order not to waste time on mastering the program, training specialists (usually not free), many entrepreneurs enter into agreements with an intermediary firm. It is engaged in the creation, registration, cancellation of the organization's VSD for a fee.

Which economic form to choose

An enterprise of any form can be engaged in pig breeding:,. Regardless of the type, they all have the right to apply a single agricultural tax - ESHN. Its size is 6% of the profit (income minus expenses). A society is more often created if private investors are involved in organizing a business. Owners of small farms in most cases prefer to register a peasant farm. In the application for registration, you must indicate the appropriate types of activities from the directory "OK 029-2014 (KDEC Rev. 2)":

  • 01.46.1 - breeding and rearing of pigs;
  • 01.46.11 - raising pigs for meat;
  • 01.46.12 - livestock breeding;
  • 01.46.2 - production of boar semen.

You can specify an unlimited number of codes, and it is better to enter them with a "margin". For example, the provision of services for the insemination of pigs - code 01.62. If in fact the farmer does not carry out any activities, this does not entail any consequences for him. Otherwise, the Federal Tax Service will accrue 13% of the income from it in the general manner.


In agriculture, pig breeding is considered the most profitable business. Despite the development of large pig farms, there is enough space in this niche for everyone. So, buyers are increasingly choosing chilled rather than frozen meat. It has a short shelf life, so retailers prefer to buy products from local producers. Farm food shops are gaining popularity every year, and the number of restaurants and cafes that specialize in cooking dishes from organic products is increasing.

The implementation period of projects in pig breeding is approximately 3-5 years, a record short period for agriculture. Many farmers reduce the cost of production by producing their own feed, using the benefits of concessional lending for small businesses.

The production of even the simplest semi-finished products, smoked lard, packing and packaging of meat significantly increase the profitability of the business. The average income of a farm for breeding pigs for about 500 heads is 2.5-3.5 million rubles a year. Maintaining a pig farm is hard work, but it pays off in full with a decent profit.

Meat is a very important component of the diet of every person, a necessary product for cooking. The demand for pork is always high, so many want to start breeding these animals not only for fresh meat, but also for a decent income. This unique animal provides a stable income both when raising livestock for meat and when keeping sows for the sale of offspring. Pork production is beneficial both for the family and for business development. In any difficult economic situation, there will be meat on the table.

Let's take a look at pig farming as a business - where to start and how to succeed? Is it profitable to keep pigs at all, where to start a business of this kind, what kind of care do they need, and what do they need in general? With these and many other questions Reconomica help you figure it out today.

If you want to change something in your life - change your job!

Every person in his life dreams that he and his family live in abundance. You can’t earn much money at an ordinary factory, in a store, and so on, so people try to open their own business, or, as they say, a business.

So was I, Sergey Braslavets from the city of Krivoy Rog, an ordinary guy who worked in very different jobs. At first, they were ordinary in a store, after which they offered to go to a construction site, where earnings were much higher than in a store. After working a couple of years at a construction site, I wanted to change something in my life. And since I had long dreamed of working for myself, I decided to go into business. But not everything started as well as I dreamed and thought.

Problems that arise on the way to success. Choice of field of activity

The first problem that surfaced was the question of where to start. I wanted to come up with something interesting and something that we have very little in our country. For a long time I puzzled over where to start, but then my wife helped with this problem. Since I spent all my youth in the village, and my parents and I were engaged in farming, I decided to try to create a business in agriculture, namely in pig breeding. Taking my savings, which I had accumulated for many years, I began to immerse myself in the agricultural business.

After the problem with choosing where to start disappeared, other pitfalls began to emerge that stood in my way to prosperity. I want to talk about the main ones.

Choosing a place for a pigsty

For a good business development, you need to initially select a large building, which in the future can be increased as the business progresses. The building must be selected so that it is convenient, and in a short time to prepare for operation.

At the moment, it will be very difficult to find a building, since now a lot of people have already bought or rented it for their business. Since no one will let you build a pig farm in the city, you need to look for a place in the nearest villages or towns.

The most convenient place will be in the village, as it will be possible to find land there and sign a land lease agreement.

In addition, there you can find people to work on the farm, since there are no jobs in the village at the moment.

Requirements for premises and paddocks

It is not so difficult to find a suitable building as to prepare it for operation. The next step is repair. This point of the pig farm business plan must be approached very seriously, since the building will need to be equipped with everything necessary for convenient and fast work. Let's start with a general overhaul. Before pouring the floor, we need to design cages and pens for pigs, because there must be several types of them.

Big pig - small pen!

  • For large pigs, small pens are needed to reduce the mobility of the pig.
  • For medium cages, you need a larger cage so that it can accommodate at least ten heads.
  • For small pigs, since their weight is still small, cages can be made hinged to increase the working area.
  • We need to make more separate pens for sows.

After all the pens are installed, we proceed to pour the floor.

To simplify cleaning in cages, the floor should be done at an angle of 8 or 10 degrees.

It is advisable to allocate a place in the pen for the pig to sleep and make this place out of wood, because if the pig freezes, then its coat will increase (which can play a bad role in its sale).

Feeders for pigs and feed selection

After that, we proceed to the installation of feeders.

The correct size of feeders, in a rural way "trough", will allow all pigs to receive enough feed.

In addition to feeders, you need to install drinkers, the size of which can be made much smaller. For convenience, you need to bring water to each drinker and make one separate tap. Near each cell there should be a channel for draining waste and urine. At the end of the channel, a transport belt can be installed, which will allow you to load the manure onto the manure trailer without any problems.

In the building of the pig farm, you need to allocate a separate place for storing feed. In the storage room, the floor and walls should be covered with pallets and an exhaust hood should be made for good air circulation. The walls of the building must be whitewashed, because whitewashing is very good at killing mold, fungus and various microbes that can lead to animal illness. After the building is equipped with all the necessary technologies, you can proceed to the next paragraph of the business plan.

Balanced feed is the key to high weight gain in animals. What you need to know

Proper selection of food and bait will give a good growth of the animal and allow you to develop well.

For a good weight gain and animal health, the diet of pigs should include: barley, wheat, sunflower cake, meat and bone meal, sometimes adding vegetables (beets, potatoes).

Each farmer (entrepreneur) himself selects the proportions of adding one or another in order to prepare high-quality compound feed.

There is a standard ready-made compound feed, which includes less than half of barley, 30% wheat, 10% sunflower cake and some meat and bone meal.

Feeding pigs with pellets is now very popular, so you can install your own pellet mill, which will allow you to make pellets on your farm.

As you know, there are very few state-owned grain planting enterprises left; grain can be purchased from a private entrepreneur (farmer). You need to find quality food at a good price.

It is undesirable to buy a lot of feed (for a couple of years), because, firstly, it can deteriorate, and secondly, when harvesting in autumn, the price of grain drops slightly.

The amount of grain must be bought with a margin so that it is enough for a year of feeding with the calculation of adding heads. To save on grain grinding, it is advisable to install a crusher on the farm.

After you have purchased the grain, you can think about your own grain, which will save a lot on the budget of the business plan. In order not to buy land, it can be rented. Of course, planting grain will entail many problems (purchase of equipment), but it will be possible to get around them. At this stage of evolution, there are many enterprises for renting equipment, therefore, in order not to buy it, you can pay money and rent the necessary equipment.

The most important thing is the right choice of pig breed

And now let's get down to the most important issue - animals. Now there are many breeds of pigs - meat and greasy.

The most popular breeds in the field of farming: large white, landrace, duroc.

The main breed to work with is the Landrace. Landrace - a meat breed of pigs, which was bred by mixing several breeds. A special difference from other pigs is the long torso and large back.

If there is a goal, all problems are solvable

I had to solve all these problems gradually, but quickly, because I really wanted to feel like a businessman. First of all, I found an old abandoned building in a neighboring village in the Dnipro region and rented it.

Since there was not much money, I gathered the whole family and began to equip the building for breeding pigs.

The whole process of arrangement was based on the basic rule - there is not enough money, but you have to do it.

After the repairs were made, I immediately started buying crops and additional feed (supplements, premixes, vitamins). In this matter, I was lucky, because my friend's father is a farmer, and I was able to buy grain from him at an affordable price.

Everything went like clockwork: the building was equipped, food for the start was purchased, the main thing remained - pigs. Where can you get them? I got into the car and drove through the villages to look for people who sell pigs. Since I needed a large number of heads, I could not find a place where I could immediately buy the right amount. Almost throwing up my hands, I returned home with nothing.

After my mood improved after the failure, I sat down at the computer and started looking for companies that sell pigs. After reviewing all the ads on the Internet, I realized that in our country, companies that are engaged in pig breeding can be counted on the fingers. But still I found a suitable place where you can buy animals. The city where the pigs were sold was very far from me, but still I went there and bought the necessary pigs of different breeds.

Sales of finished products - where to sell live pigs and pork

After everything was set up and a couple of months passed, I had to face another small problem, it was sales.

At first I tried to sell on the market myself, but since there were already a lot of competitors there, I was kicked out of there. The first batch, which is 5 heads of pigs, had to be sold to relatives and neighbors.

I began to puzzle over where and how to sell products. Since rumors about my small farm had already spread throughout the city, pig buyers began to come to me. At first I had to sell pigs at a very low price, since there was nowhere to go. But once the director of a private small sausage shop came to me, examined my pigs, and offered to cooperate with him. Of course, I agreed, since I wanted to have a regular customer for marketing. Now I have started to sell small pigs in parallel, because the number has increased.

The financial side of the issue - how much to invest and what income can be expected

Honestly, many people condemned me and my business, saying that it is a very unprofitable and very labor-intensive business. But still I did not listen to them and continued to do what I loved. To make it immediately clear, let's look at how much I have invested in the business.

To rent the building, I had to pay $ 3,000, this amount for a year of renting the premises. I was lucky that there was already some equipment there, so I spent $2,000 to repair and equip the pens.

This amount included the purchase of cement, sand, gravel to fill normal floors, as well as the purchase of shaped pipes to repair the pens and feeders. At the metal acceptance bases, I bought old pipes to make an automatic system for drinking pigs. Since I myself am a welder, and I have relatives in my family with hands, so to speak, I did not have to spend money on repairs, pouring floors, building pens.

For grain and supplements, based on 1 year, I spent $ 1,500. I had to shell out $1,000 for the pigs. I bought 50 little pigs.

In addition to the above expenses, there were a lot of small expenses, but there were so many of them that, it seems to me, their amount was half of the total amount.

In the first year of my small business, I spent about 10 thousand dollars, and I did not see any profit, because the pigs only grew, gained weight. Then, gradually, those pigs that grew up, I was able to sell, but I had to invest the money in small pigs and food. Honestly, 2 years was very hard to get the whole system up and running.

Don't expect a quick payback, butall efforts will not be in vain

Let me briefly sum up all of the above. From the very beginning it was very difficult, honestly, many times I wanted to stop and throw everything far, far away, but still I overcame myself, and after a while my business began to bring not only expenses, but even good income.

Kira Stoletova

Raising pigs for meat is a good investment. Pork is a product in demand in the market. It is part of smoked bacon, sausages, it is used in the preparation of first and second courses, therefore, raising pigs at home as a business is very profitable.

You can fatten piglets for meat at home either with your own hand-made mixers or with professional feeds of various classes.

The pig breeding business needs to be planned thoroughly, for this it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of breed, look at photos and videos about pigs, and study the description.

Pig breeding as a business can be started without a lot of start-up capital. First, it is enough to get a few individuals for testing. As soon as it becomes clear that the business is to your liking, you can expand the economy and establish production.

Benefits of raising pigs for meat

A pig business at home has its advantages:

  1. Short gestation period. Pregnancy in a sow lasts about 3 months. Piglets also do not feed on milk for a long time. Their infancy period lasts 1-2 months.
  2. Pigs are fertile animals. A sow gives birth to up to 10 babies at a time. A pig gives offspring up to 2-3 times a year, which means that 20-30 piglets a year are provided to the owner. This is a remarkable indicator if we compare pigs with goats, sheep, cows.
  3. Pigs gain weight quickly. If you feed them correctly, a piglet weighs about 100 kg in six months.
  4. There is very little waste from pigs after slaughter. Meat in finished form is up to 73% of the weight of the pig in live form. Such a small percentage of waste can not boast of other types of large and small livestock.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that offspring can be obtained from a pig, which, in adulthood, will give more than 3,000 kg per year of a pure meat product. Now you should go to the market and find out the prices for meat. This will be the annual income from one individual.

Where to start growing

To open his own pig farm, the owner needs permission from the authorities. Also, the future owner will need start-up capital - capital that allows you to buy and keep animals until a stable income from the business is established.

The expense items for a novice pig breeder are as follows:

  1. Registration of a pig farm.
  2. Purchase of feed.
  3. Lease or purchase of land and premises, if not available.
  4. Purchase of special equipment.
  5. Purchase of animals for breeding.

The most common form of ownership in this case is private enterprise. However, if the farm population is less than 100 individuals, it can be omitted. It is more profitable to arrange this business as a household plot. The advantage of this activity is that a small pig farm is a family business that does not require hiring employees.

To spend less energy, it is better to conclude an agreement with the service station. This organization is engaged in the supply of fodder and the sale of meat products.

Before acquiring livestock, you need to draw up a business plan that takes into account the amount of initial capital, expected income, and sales markets. It is also worth considering whether the owner will sell meat and lard in its original form or whether they will be processed into sausages and other products directly on the farm. In the second case, you need to estimate the possibility of acquiring equipment.

It will depend on the volume of production how it is more profitable to arrange a business: as an individual entrepreneur or a household plot. To do this, it is best to consult with a competent lawyer or to first study the relevant legislative framework yourself.

Organization of a pig farm

One of the main questions that confronts the owner of a pig herd is where to keep the animals? Of course, you can rent some old building of a suitable format in the neighborhood, renovate it or rebuild it, but this requires capital investments, payment of rent, competent legal assistance. This is the reason why many choose to build a farm on their own land. This will require financial investments of a larger scale, but such a structure will belong entirely to the farmer. You can also immediately build it for yourself, taking into account all the systems and planning the necessary premises.

Pigs are undemanding animals, but this does not mean that the building should be equipped somehow. If concrete or concrete structures are used in the construction of walls, they must be insulated, otherwise the animals will freeze and suffer from colds. The barn should not be colder than 12 ° C, it should be light, cleaned, drafts should be avoided. If you immediately carry out water supply and sewerage, it will not be difficult to clean the premises, and timely cleaning is the key to a healthy livestock.

Pigs, despite popular belief, do not like dirt, therefore, so that cleaning and other moments of care do not take a lot of effort, you need to mount at least primitive automation.

Every month in the pigsty it is necessary to carry out processing, several times a week the room is ventilated. This allows you to destroy the microorganisms that cause disease. In the pigsty, a room should also be provided for mothers with children, only then the business on any piglets at home will bring benefits. It should be warm, clean, the air should be fresh.

The choice of breed of pigs

Before acquiring livestock, the owner must decide on the choice of breed. All of them are suitable for growing commercially, however, each has its own characteristics that make it more profitable under certain conditions.

Pig breeds

Raise pigs, depending on the purpose. So, there is a division of all breeds into three types:

  1. Greasy - Large black and Berkshire.
  2. Tallow-meat - Big white and Duroc.
  3. Bacon - Landraces and Tamworths.

The breed must be able to take root in the climate characteristic of the area. It is worth asking experienced breeders in the owner's region what breeds they prefer and why.

Piglets should be purchased for feeding at 2 months of age. By this age, they are already quite independent and do not need mother's milk.

If the owner correctly composes the menu and selects good quality feed, then the piglets will gain weight quickly and without problems. A healthy piglet at 2 months old should weigh 15-16 kg. If the weight is much less, it is not easy to raise an animal. If you plan to leave the purchased piglets for a tribe, you need to carefully monitor the degree of their relationship. Pigs, even distantly related, will not give a full-fledged offspring. It is best to purchase pigs for a tribe in different farms. You should not save on buying animals.

Inexpensive individuals often do not meet breed standards and are not suitable for a tribe. Also, piglets bought on the cheap often have a hidden defect or are infected with a disease. It is not necessary to think about breeding such animals.

Breeding requires a boar and several females. If all these conditions are observed when acquiring animals for breeding, then soon the owner will receive healthy, prolific offspring, which means that his business will flourish.

pig fattening

Pigs are bred to obtain various meat products, which means that the owner is primarily interested in his wards gaining weight faster. It is necessary to feed animals, observing all the established standards, it is recommended to select a balanced diet. If the nutrition of animals is not properly organized, does not correspond to age, is not varied, meat products will not achieve the goal. Fattening any piglets for meat at home should be correct, the diet should be entrusted to be compiled by a competent specialist.

The purchase of feed and the correct fattening of pigs for meat at home is a field of activity in pig breeding, where even a small saving can do more harm than good. The fattening of any pigs for meat at home should occur gradually, since the livestock will not gain weight at a rapid pace, and the body of pets, weakened by improper nutrition, is susceptible to disease.

Sometimes saving leads to the death of livestock. Also, the taste of meat directly depends on the diet. So, when buying food for pigs and making sure that pigs and profitable business become interconnected concepts, you should be guided by the proverb “the miser pays twice”.

Realization of meat products

The sale of pig meat and products from it usually does not cause problems. These products are popular with buyers. The only condition: they must all be of good quality, then even the simplest business plan is doomed to success. The tastier the products, the more demand they are in the market.

How profitable to sell pork depends on its quantity. If the farm is small, then it is better to buy a place in the nearest market or to resort to the help of an intermediary, such as a specialty store. You can also conclude an agreement with a small cafe or restaurant that willingly purchase high-quality meat for the kitchen.

If the farm is large, you should think about opening your own store. Meat can be sold in whole carcasses, if an intermediary acts as a buyer. It is permissible to implement it in a cut-up form, if the owner is engaged in this. Under certain conditions, pigs can be sold live to the factory. Usually piglets go well, but some prefer to buy already adult animals - boars and sows. If the pig farm has a surplus of adults, do not immediately reject this option. In addition, selling live does not require documents from the sanitation station, certificates of meat quality, labor for slaughtering animals and processing carcasses.

If the farmer plans to make pork products, you need to take care of the premises and equipment. The simplest thing is to build a smokehouse. Smoked lard and meat go well after something simple, they are more expensive, they are more waste-free than raw meat, they are stored longer.

Not only adults go to the slaughter. The meat of suckling pigs (from 3-4 weeks from birth to 5-6 weeks) is highly valued among gourmets for its juiciness and tenderness. The main thing is to raise the livestock so that all animals are healthy, and the meat and products from it are of high quality, then they will diverge well.

Investments and business payback

Pig breeding as a business at home should be carried out in several stages. The piglet turns into an adult in about six months. If you fatten pigs for meat correctly, at this age the animal can already be slaughtered: the profit received covers all costs, this is a direct way to succeed. As a result, pig farming as a business has a net income of about 30%, if the market situation favors this.

From 100 kg of live weight as a result of slaughter and subsequent processing, approximately 73 kg remain. The more the pig weighs, the more income the owner will receive as a result of its sale. Considering all the factors: leaving the pigs to the tribe, building a barn, buying livestock, feed, etc., the farm will pay for itself in 2 years. According to indicators in the economy, a two-year payback and 30% income characterize pig breeding and raising pigs as a profitable business and as one of the profitable sectors in agriculture.

Pig breeding as a business should be built gradually. Before proceeding with the purchase of equipment and animals, it is necessary to calculate whether the business and breeding of pigs in general is beneficial for the climatic zone and region of residence, whether there are similar profitable farms nearby. It will not be superfluous to ask more experienced colleagues for advice on the pig business. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Write at least a short business plan that takes into account all expenses, including those that may arise unexpectedly.
  2. The choice of breed that is grown at home, depending on the purpose of cultivation and climate.
  3. Purchase of fodder for feeding animals.
  4. Installation on a farm of small automation.
  5. The study of the life of animals and the planning of care activities in accordance with this.

Pig farming at home is a profitable branch of agriculture, but this does not mean that the farmer should invest all his money in it without doing anything else. For a pig business, it is better to allocate initially small funds, and then, as profits are made, develop this type of farm. It is worth remembering that pig farming requires not only money from a novice farmer, but also time that he will spend on caring for animals.

At a minimum, the farmer must know how to properly feed a pig for meat, what diet to provide. Careless care, as well as ill-conceived organization of life, can lead to the death of livestock, and the meat industry will not make a profit. If you follow the simple rules for caring for and raising animals, taking into account their diet, pig farming at home is a profitable business that even novice and inexperienced farmers can develop.

In domestic countries, farming has always been considered a fairly profitable business, because here nature has created good conditions for raising animals. And many people have built a business on raising pigs and selling their meat, because such an occupation is considered quite profitable and has not lost its relevance for many years.

Pigs are chosen for rearing precisely because of the rapid weight gain, and when using the right feed, you can get about 85% of the useful weight from one head. Also, with proper organization of the diet and selection, you can get a weight of 100 kg after 6 months.

They also choose a pig for business for the reason that they are very prolific. A sow is capable of producing 10 to 15 piglets at a time.

If you create optimal conditions, the animal will practically not get sick and multiply quickly. But before you start making a profit from pigs, you need to think through many nuances well, and first of all develop a business plan.

Important: the business of selling pork meat is very profitable, as evidenced by statistics. Russians consume an average of 2 million tons per year.

For the CIS countries, it is easier to sell pork from their own market without exporting from other countries. Export meat has recently decreased, so you can take the counters with your own, high-quality product. The meat production business has a couple of advantages:

  • The pig grows quickly and is ready for slaughter within a year;
  • The purchasing power of pork is at a high level, there is practically no waste left;
  • It is possible to increase the growth of the business due to the regular farrowing of the sow, which gives 10-12 piglets;
  • You can start a business with little cost and minimal territory.

If you are already building Napoleonic plans and aiming for a serious start, be careful. Experienced farmers advise in advance to get a small number of pigs - up to 20 pieces is quite enough for a start and the first good profit.

You can breed such an amount on the site of your own house or in the country, and it is not necessary to register a business. It is needed only on a larger scale.

But for the implementation of the business you need the following:

  • an area that, if necessary, can be increased or provided for walking animals;
  • 10-20 piglets;
  • small funds.

Please note that we are considering setting up a business with pigs at the initial stage, without affecting large pigsties with permits.

Arrangement of a pigsty

The business plan for piglets begins with the creation of the right conditions. Most raise pigs on their own property. According to statistics, about 150 km.m are required for 10 goals. earth. But keep in mind that the pigsty itself will occupy 1/3 of this territory, so in extreme cases you can reduce the above area by reducing the walking area.

Pigs can be placed in a barn or create a separate room. It is carried out according to the usual requirements, where it is important to consider the following:

  • The floor must be filled with concrete;
  • For each pig, create sections of 2 square meters;
  • Walls and ceilings should not allow heat and moisture to pass through;
  • Sections must be separated by plywood or wood;
  • The room must be ventilated;
  • Arrange special baths for waste disposal;
  • Lighting must be sufficient.

A pig needs bedding in the form of straw or sawdust to create optimal conditions.

What breed is the most profitable?

An important stage of the pig business is. The most successful will be the meat breed, but it depends on the purchasing power and the availability of the desired breed in your area. Farmers distinguish several types of pigs:

  1. Universal. An excellent option for obtaining meat and fat, there is a lot of high quality meat here. We advise you to choose the Mangalitsa or Korean breeds.
  2. Meat. Outwardly, usually black in color, they breed in average numbers, but give good meat. The best representatives are called the Ukrainian steppe breed and Mirgorodskaya.
  3. Meat-bacon. Represented by a white color, have an elongated long torso and noticeably strong legs. The quality of meat in such pigs is at the highest level. We advise you to pay attention to the Duroc, Vietnamese and Don breeds.

How to feed and maintain pigs?

Please note that after you have built sections for pigs, it is important to consider the location of the animals. According to the rules, two boars or a sow with a boar must not be placed together. If the pig is raising piglets, this will require a separate section.

Many people try to feed pigs as cheaply as possible, but in reality this will not give tangible results. If you do not provide, the weight gain per day will be reduced, and the taste of meat will not be the same.

Pig breeders distinguish three types of feed, the first two are in demand the most and can be combined.

  1. Hard food- wheat, legumes, beets, carrots.
  2. green crops, useful herb in the form of clover or alfalfa.
  3. Various vegetables, in particular corn, potatoes and millet. Such feed should be excluded in the next 6 months before the slaughter of the pig.

If you want to raise meatier pigs, add green fodder to your diet. In order for the pig to give enough fat, consider introducing root crops and barley into the diet.

Possible costs

If you intend to increase the number of heads to 130, while you do not have a summer cottage or residential area for breeding, a certain group of expenses will be required. Starting a pig farming business will require the following costs:

  1. Lease of a land plot - about 100,000 rubles;
  2. Arrangement of a pigsty - 20,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of special equipment - 400-500 thousand rubles;
  4. Purchase of piglets - 300,000 rubles;
  5. Registration of documentation - 10,000 rubles;
  6. Food for the first time - 25,000 rubles;
  7. Services for light and water - 20,000 rubles;
  8. Salary costs for a veterinarian and workers - 100-130 thousand rubles.

As we see from the above calculations, in order to keep pigs in the amount of 130 pieces, it will be necessary to allocate enough funds, most of which will go to special equipment, the purchase of young animals and a land plot.

Of course, the numbers are not exact and depend on your region of residence. But about 1,000,000 rubles will have to be spent on 130 heads of pigs.

Business Benefit

According to approximate data, after 6 months of effective fattening, pigs can be slaughtered. 125 heads can either be put on sale as a whole, or butchered and sold for meat. The meat production business is quite profitable, but 5 heads or preferably more will have to be left for further development.

Let's calculate the approximate profit: 1 kg of meat costs 250 rubles on the market. A half-year-old pig in the amount of 125 pieces will give the farmer a “dirty profit” of 3,100,000 rubles. But we take away the costs of maintenance, including food every month, salaries to employees, utilities. As a result, approximately 1,500,000 rubles of profit will be obtained, which will be used as reimbursement for the initial costs of opening.

Outcome: the pig business is quite profitable, because the payback is about 6 months.

Where to sell pigs and meat?

In any business, it is important not so much production as the sale of the resulting products. Pork meat is in great demand, so you can make a profit in the following ways:

  • Own implementation of meat in the market or retail outlets;
  • Sale of live weight pigs without slaughter;
  • Sale of piglets after farrowing.

Most farmers slaughter their own pigs, butcher them and sell them in markets or their own outlets.

You can also sell a large amount of meat to various shops, restaurants and cafes. If your products are of high quality, the cost of meat and the demand for it will be higher.

If you are raising pigs for the purpose of selling piglets, this solution is quite profitable, provided you have good sows. The sale is carried out on the market.