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Twenty years ago, when I was an undergraduate student, I studied pedagogy, psychotherapy, and other methods of personal development management under Abraham Maslow. After 10 years, I met Franz Persl and began to engage in Gestalt therapy, which seemed to me more effective than other methods. Currently, I believe that certain methods are effective when working with certain people who have certain problems.

Most methods promise more than they can deliver, and most theories have little bearing on the methods they describe.

When I was first introduced to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I was fascinated, but also very skeptical. At the time, I firmly believed that personal development was slow, difficult, and painful.

I could hardly believe that I could cure a phobia, and another similar mental disorder, in a short time less than an hour, despite the fact that I did this repeatedly and made sure that the results were stable. Everything you find in this book is presented simply and clearly and can be easily verified by your own experience. There are no tricks here and you are not required to convert to a new faith. You need one

- move away from your own beliefs somewhat, leaving them for the time necessary to test the concept and procedures of NLP on your own sensory experience. It won't take long - most of our claims can be verified in a few minutes or a few hours. If you are skeptical, as I was in my time, then it is thanks to your skepticism that you will check our claims to understand that the method solves all the same complex problems for which it is intended.

NLP is a clear and effective model of human inner experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a very detailed way, which makes it possible to make deep and stable changes in this activity easily and quickly.

Here are some of the things you can learn to do:

1. Heal phobia and other discomforts in less than an hour.

2. Help low-learning children and adults overcome appropriate limitations—often in less than an hour.

3. Eliminate unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, overeating, insomnia - in a few sessions.

4. Make changes to the interactions that take place in couples, families and organizations so that they function more productively.

5. To cure somatic diseases (and not only those that are considered to be “psychosomatic”) in several sessions.

Thus, NLP claims a lot, but experienced practitioners use this method, realize these claims, achieving tangible results. NLP in its current state can do many things, faster but not all. … if you want to learn everything that we have listed, you can devote some time to it. There are many things we cannot do. If you can program yourself to find something useful in this book instead of looking for cases where our method doesn't work, then you're bound to come across those cases.

If you use this method honestly, you will find many cases where it does not work. In these cases, I advise you to use something else.

NLP has only been in existence for 4 years, and the most valuable discoveries have been made in the last year or two.

We have started a list of NLP applications. And in relation to our method, we are very, very serious. The only thing we are currently doing is researching how this information can be used. We have not been able to exhaust the variety of uses for this information and have found some limitations. During this workshop, we demonstrated dozens of ways to use this information. First of all, it is structured internal experience.

Used systematically, this information makes it possible to create a whole strategy for achieving any behavior modification.

At present, the possibilities of NLP are much wider than what we have listed in our five points. The same principles can be used to study people who are gifted with some kind of outstanding ability in order to determine these abilities. Knowing this structure, one can act as effectively as these people with outstanding abilities. This kind of intervention results in generative changes by which people learn to create new talents and new behaviors. A side effect of such generative changes is the disappearance of deviant behavior that might otherwise be the subject of specific psychotherapeutic intervention.

In a sense, the achievements of NLP are not new, there have always been "spontaneous remissions", "inexplicable cures", and there have always been people who could use their abilities in an outstanding way.

English thrushes were immune to smallpox long before Dnenner invented his vaccine, now smallpox, which claimed thousands of lives every year, has disappeared from the face of the earth. Just as NLP can eliminate many of the difficulties and dangers of today's lives and make learning and behavior modification an easier, more productive and exciting process. Thus we are on the eve of a qualitative leap in the development of experience and ability.

The really new thing about NLP is that it gives you the ability to know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Richard Bandler John Grinder

Richard Bandler, John Grinder. "From frogs to princes."

This book is an edited recording of the introductory NLP training course given by R. Bandler and D. Grinder in January 1978.


Twenty years ago, when I was an undergraduate student, I studied pedagogy, psychotherapy, and other methods of personal development management under Abraham Maslow. After 10 years, I met Franz Persl and began to engage in Gestalt therapy, which seemed to me more effective than other methods. Currently, I believe that certain methods are effective when working with certain people who have certain problems.

Most methods promise more than they can deliver, and most theories have little bearing on the methods they describe.

When I was first introduced to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I was fascinated, but also very skeptical. At the time, I firmly believed that personal development was slow, difficult, and painful.

I could hardly believe that I could cure a phobia, and another similar mental disorder, in a short time less than an hour, despite the fact that I did this repeatedly and made sure that the results were stable. Everything you find in this book is presented simply and clearly and can be easily verified by your own experience. There are no tricks here and you are not required to convert to a new faith. You need one

Step back somewhat from your own beliefs for the time needed to test NLP concepts and procedures against your own sensory experience. It won't take long - most of our claims can be verified in a few minutes or a few hours. If you are skeptical, as I was in my time, then it is thanks to your skepticism that you will check our claims to understand that the method solves all the same complex problems for which it is intended.

NLP is a clear and effective model of human inner experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a very detailed way, which makes it possible to make deep and stable changes in this activity easily and quickly.

Here are some of the things you can learn to do:

1. Heal phobia and other discomforts in less than an hour.

2. Help low-learning children and adults overcome appropriate limitations - often in less than an hour.

3. Eliminate unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, overeating, insomnia - in a few sessions.

4. Make changes to the interactions that take place in couples, families and organizations so that they function more productively.

5. To cure somatic diseases (and not only those that are considered to be “psychosomatic”) in several sessions.

Thus, NLP claims a lot, but experienced practitioners use this method, realize these claims, achieving tangible results. NLP in its current state can do many things, faster but not all. … if you want to learn everything that we have listed, you can devote some time to it. There are many things we cannot do. If you can program yourself to find something useful in this book instead of looking for cases where our method doesn't work, then you're bound to come across those cases.

If you use this method honestly, you will find many cases where it does not work. In these cases, I advise you to use something else.

NLP has only been in existence for 4 years, and the most valuable discoveries have been made in the last year or two.

We have started a list of NLP applications. And in relation to our method, we are very, very serious. The only thing we are currently doing is researching how this information can be used. We have not been able to exhaust the variety of uses for this information and have found some limitations. During this workshop, we demonstrated dozens of ways to use this information. First of all, it is structured internal experience.

Used systematically, this information makes it possible to create a whole strategy for achieving any behavior modification.

At present, the possibilities of NLP are much wider than what we have listed in our five points. The same principles can be used to study people who are gifted with some kind of outstanding ability in order to determine these abilities. Knowing this structure, one can act as effectively as these people with outstanding abilities. This kind of intervention results in generative changes by which people learn to create new talents and new behaviors. A side effect of such generative changes is the disappearance of deviant behavior that might otherwise be the subject of specific psychotherapeutic intervention.

In a sense, the achievements of NLP are not new, there have always been "spontaneous remissions", "inexplicable cures", and there have always been people who could use their abilities in an outstanding way.

English thrushes were immune to smallpox long before Dnenner invented his vaccine, now smallpox, which claimed thousands of lives every year, has disappeared from the face of the earth. Just as NLP can eliminate many of the difficulties and dangers of today's lives and make learning and behavior modification an easier, more productive and exciting process. Thus we are on the eve of a qualitative leap in the development of experience and ability.

The really new thing about NLP is that it gives you the ability to know exactly what to do and how to do it.

John O. Stephens


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a new model of human communication and behavior that has been developed in the last 4 years thanks to the work of Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Leslie Cameron-Bandler and Judith DeLozier. In its origins, neurolinguistic programming developed on the basis of the study of reality by V. Satir, M. Erickson, F. Pursl and other psychotherapeutic "luminaries".

This book is an edited recording of the introductory NLP training course given by R. Bandler and D. Grinder. This course was held in January 1978. Some of the materials are taken from tapes from other seminars. The entire book is organized as a recording of a 3-day workshop. For simplicity and ease of perception of the text, most of the statements of Bandler, Grinder are given simply in the form of text without indicating names.


Our workshop differs from other workshops on communication and psychotherapy in several ways. Starting our research, we observed the activities of people doing their job brilliantly, after which they tried to explain what they were doing with the help of metaphors. These attempts they called theorizing. They can tell stories about a million holes and penetrations into the depths, you can find out that a person is like a circle, to which many pipes are directed from different sides and the like. Most of these metaphors allow a person to know what to do and how to do it.

Some organize workshops where you can watch and hear a person who is competent in so-called "professional communication", such a person will demonstrate to you that he really knows how to do certain things. If you're lucky enough to be able to keep your sensory apparatus open, you'll learn to do certain things.

There is also a certain group of people called theorists. They will tell you about their beliefs. Regarding the true nature of a person, about what kind of “open, adapted, aukinic, spontaneous”, etc., a person should be, but they will not show how anything can be done.

Most knowledge in psychology today is structured in such a way that it mixes what we call "modeling" with what is usually called theory, and we consider etiology. The description of what people do gets mixed up with the description of what reality itself is. When you mix experience with theory and pack it into one bundle, you get psychotheology. What gets its development in the system of religious beliefs, each of which is headed by its own powerful evangelist.

Another strange thing about psychology is the mass of people who call themselves "researchers" and have nothing to do with psychologists in practice! Somehow it happened that researchers produce information not for practitioners. In medicine, things are different. There, researchers structure their research in such a way that their results can help practitioners in their reality. And practitioners actively respond to researchers, telling them what knowledge they need.

The next important feature that characterizes psychotherapists is that they come to psychotherapy with a ready-made set of subconscious stereotypes, which makes their activity very likely to fail.

When the psychotherapist begins work, he is primarily set to look for inadequacy in the content. They want to know what the problem is so they can help the person find a solution. This always happens and...

Whether you guessed right or not, it doesn't really matter. In both cases, you have received important information about what you are unable to perceive and whether the content of your hallucinations matches what you perceive. As you continue to train the way you have been doing, you may notice when interacting with your client or loved one that the responses you get from them are not what you would like. If you take this as a sign that what you are doing is not working and change your behavior, then something else will happen. If you continue in the same way, you will continue to receive what you had in practice, then you will receive from this seminar as much as people have never received before. For some reason, putting this statement into practice is the hardest thing in the world, the value of your communication is the response you get. If you notice that you are not getting what you want, change your action.

But in order to notice this, you must clearly distinguish what you receive from the outside, from how you interpret this material on a subconscious level, mixing your inner state here.

The exercise we are about to do is limited to only one sensory channel. The exercise was meant to help you think of sensory experiences as visual output. By holding your partner's hand, you will receive certain kinesthetic information. You can extend this exercise to the auditory system as well. Then A should close his eyes, and B should describe his experiences with sounds, but without words. The key and tempo of the scale will be different, and since A's eyes will be closed, he will have only sensory input - auditory.

Or you can think of a certain experience and talk about cooking dinner. This happens quite often in married couples. He creates for himself an image of how his wife is cheating on him, and right there they talk about how they would go out into nature. He says: (angrily) "How I would like to go with you, we would have a great time, and I would take an ax to chop a lot of wood."

Another thing married couples do is "fight." Do you know about quotes? This is a great stereotype. If you have clients with unspoken aggression, for example, against their bosses, and they cannot really express it, as it would be inadequate (or they could be kicked out after that), then teach them the quote stereotype. This is great, because your client can go to his boss and say: “Someone just stepped on my foot in the street and said:“ You are a stupid brat. ”And I knew what to answer him. What would you do if someone called you a stupid brat? Like this right on the street? “People are almost unaware of metalevels if their attention is diverted by content, one day I gave a lecture to a group of psychologists who were quite touchy and asked a lot of stupid questions, I told them about the stereotype of quotes. Then I gave an example - and even said what I was doing as M. Erickson told me how he stopped at a turkey farm, the turkeys were terribly noisy and at night he even woke up from this noise, not knowing what to do. One day he left the house, and I turned my face to all the psychologists - and saw that I was surrounded on all sides by turkeys, hundreds of turkeys. Turkeys here, turkeys there, turkeys everywhere. And he looked at them and said, "You turkeys." two people in that audience understood what I was doing and were shocked to the point of numbness. I stood on the stage in front of these people who paid me their attention and said: “You are turkeys” and they did not know what to do. They sat and nodded their heads gravely.

If you are congruent, then they won't know if you distract people with interesting content, then you can experiment with any stereotype. When I said, "Now I'm going to tell a story about Milton," everyone was looking for a "containment space" and drowned there.

In the middle of my story, I even turned away and laughed with restraint, then I turned back and finished my story. They thought it was strange behavior, or they explained it by saying that I was preparing them for the funniest part of the story. (Milton turned away and laughed). At the end of the day, these people would come up to me and say, “I want to tell you how important this was to me,” and I would say, “Thank you. Have you heard the story about Milton? I would not like you to think that this is a story about you! « You can train any new behavior and it will look like you are not doing it, quotes give you more freedom to experiment, to achieve behavior flexibility

After all, this means that you can do literally anything. I can walk into a restaurant, walk up to the waiter and say, "I walked into the washroom and this guy came up and said wink" and see what happens next. She will wink, and I will say: “Well, isn’t it strange? “And go away. It wasn't me, so I don't have to worry about it - it's a good way to indulge in personal freedom. You can no longer be responsible for your behavior, as it is "the behavior of someone else".

At one conference for psychiatrists, I went up to someone and said, “I was in a lecture with Dr. X just now, and he did a thing that I have not seen anyone do. He went up to one person, lifted his hands like this, and said, “Look at this hand, then I did a hypnotic suggestion and put this person into a hypnotic state. Then I patted his stomach to bring him out of this state and said: “He does strange things to himself, doesn't he? “He replied: “Yes, of course, he should not have allowed himself anything like that, and you? "Oh, never! "

He never answered.

Quotation marks also work great in family therapy, when family members are competitive, constantly arguing, and not listening to each other and therapists, you can bow and say: “I am glad that I am now dealing with such a responsible family, because working with a previous family I had to look at everyone and say, 'Shut your mouth! “This is what I had to say to them: “This reminds me of the group we had in San Diego. There were about 150 people gathered there and we told them: “The next thing we want to tell you about is how couples compete.”

“Well, if you told me that, do you know what I would say to you? “Well, if you told me that I should do it, I would send you to hell! “Listen, if you ever told me this, I would have taken it like that ...” The only unpleasant thing is that the quotes are soon lost and the couple moves on to a real fight. Most of you know quotes from family therapy. You ask: “How are you? “And if they don’t immediately start arguing, then they do it in quotation marks, then they lose them and argue for real. All non-verbal counterparts support this. Quotes are a dissociative stereotype, and when the dissociation breaks down, quotes go.

Sadness is usually such a stereotype. A grieving person does the following: he creates a CONSTRUCTED visual image and sees, for example, himself with his beloved, who has died, left, or somehow become inaccessible in some other way. The reaction called "sadness" or "feeling of loss" is a complex reaction to dissociation, one's separation from these memories. He sees himself with his beloved, remembers this wonderful time and feels empty, because he is NOT INSIDE THIS PICTURE NOW. If he were to enter into this very picture that stimulates sadness, he would discover in himself the very kinesthetic feelings that he shared with the one he lost. This could serve as a resource for him to construct something new in his life, instead of being a trigger for longing and sadness.

Wine is arranged a little differently. There are many ways to feel guilty. The best of all methods is to create an image of the face of a person at the moment when you did something unpleasant to him. This is a visual eidetic image. Thus, you can feel guilty about anything. But if you get out of this picture, in other words, wrap up the procedure that we did with sadness, then stop feeling guilty, because you will literally see everything in a new way, get a new perspective.

It sounds very simple, doesn't it? This is very simple.


Twenty years ago, when I was an undergraduate student, I studied pedagogy, psychotherapy, and other methods of personal development management under Abraham Maslow. After 10 years, I met Franz Persl and began to engage in Gestalt therapy, which seemed to me more effective than other methods. Currently, I believe that certain methods are effective when working with certain people who have certain problems.

Most methods promise more than they can deliver, and most theories have little bearing on the methods they describe.

When I was first introduced to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I was fascinated, but also very skeptical. At the time, I firmly believed that personal development was slow, difficult, and painful.

I could hardly believe that I could cure a phobia, and another similar mental disorder, in a short time less than an hour, despite the fact that I did this repeatedly and made sure that the results were stable. Everything you find in this book is presented simply and clearly and can be easily verified by your own experience. There are no tricks here and you are not required to convert to a new faith. You need one

- move away from your own beliefs somewhat, leaving them for the time necessary to test the concept and procedures of NLP on your own sensory experience. It won't take long - most of our claims can be verified in a few minutes or a few hours. If you are skeptical, as I was in my time, then it is thanks to your skepticism that you will check our claims to understand that the method solves all the same complex problems for which it is intended.

NLP is a clear and effective model of human inner experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a very detailed way, which makes it possible to make deep and stable changes in this activity easily and quickly.

Here are some of the things you can learn to do:

1. Heal phobia and other discomforts in less than an hour.

2. Help low-learning children and adults overcome appropriate limitations—often in less than an hour.

3. Eliminate unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, overeating, insomnia - in a few sessions.

4. Make changes to the interactions that take place in couples, families and organizations so that they function more productively.

5. To cure somatic diseases (and not only those that are considered to be “psychosomatic”) in several sessions.

Thus, NLP claims a lot, but experienced practitioners use this method, realize these claims, achieving tangible results. NLP in its current state can do many things, faster but not all. … if you want to learn everything that we have listed, you can devote some time to it. There are many things we cannot do. If you can program yourself to find something useful in this book instead of looking for cases where our method doesn't work, then you're bound to come across those cases.

If you use this method honestly, you will find many cases where it does not work. In these cases, I advise you to use something else.

NLP has only been in existence for 4 years, and the most valuable discoveries have been made in the last year or two.

We have started a list of NLP applications. And in relation to our method, we are very, very serious. The only thing we are currently doing is researching how this information can be used. We have not been able to exhaust the variety of uses for this information and have found some limitations. During this workshop, we demonstrated dozens of ways to use this information. First of all, it is structured internal experience.

Used systematically, this information makes it possible to create a whole strategy for achieving any behavior modification.

At present, the possibilities of NLP are much wider than what we have listed in our five points. The same principles can be used to study people who are gifted with some kind of outstanding ability in order to determine these abilities. Knowing this structure, one can act as effectively as these people with outstanding abilities. This kind of intervention results in generative changes by which people learn to create new talents and new behaviors. A side effect of such generative changes is the disappearance of deviant behavior that might otherwise be the subject of specific psychotherapeutic intervention.

In a sense, the achievements of NLP are not new, there have always been "spontaneous remissions", "inexplicable cures", and there have always been people who could use their abilities in an outstanding way.

English thrushes were immune to smallpox long before Dnenner invented his vaccine, now smallpox, which claimed thousands of lives every year, has disappeared from the face of the earth. Just as NLP can eliminate many of the difficulties and dangers of today's lives and make learning and behavior modification an easier, more productive and exciting process. Thus we are on the eve of a qualitative leap in the development of experience and ability.

The really new thing about NLP is that it gives you the ability to know exactly what to do and how to do it.

John O. Stephens

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a new model of human communication and behavior that has been developed in the last 4 years thanks to the work of Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Leslie Cameron-Bandler and Judith DeLozier. In its origins, neurolinguistic programming developed on the basis of the study of reality by V. Satir, M. Erickson, F. Pursl and other psychotherapeutic "luminaries".

This book is an edited recording of the introductory NLP training course given by R. Bandler and D. Grinder. This course was held in January 1978. Some of the materials are taken from tapes from other seminars. The entire book is organized as a recording of a 3-day workshop. For simplicity and ease of perception of the text, most of the statements of Bandler, Grinder are given simply in the form of text without indicating names.


Our workshop differs from other workshops on communication and psychotherapy in several ways. Starting our research, we observed the activities of people doing their job brilliantly, after which they tried to explain what they were doing with the help of metaphors. These attempts they called theorizing. They can tell stories of a million holes and