Responsibilities of a Corporate Account Manager. The concept and features of corporate clients

Corporate customers are organizations that purchase goods or services in large quantities.

Such cooperation is important for sustainable development, in order to attract and retain customers, an individual approach and awareness of the direction of their activities are needed.

In a broad sense, they include legal entities that purchase specific goods or services.

Special strategies are created for their search and successful work with them.

Successful attraction of corporate clients is a guarantee of business stability in difficult market conditions.

Let's start in order - consider the differences of such cooperation.

Qualities required to work with corporate clients

Corporate customers are legal entities that purchase specific goods or services in bulk.

To find such buyers and make them permanent, special loyalty programs are being developed.

To attract corporate clients in 2017, as before, special departments are being created.

Large-scale cooperation with the company becomes a source of income for years and even decades.

That is why so much attention is paid to the search for corporate clients.

  • a responsibility;
  • composure;
  • punctuality;
  • professionalism.

Interestingly, in relation to work with corporate clients, punctuality is important.

The counterparty company strives to make the most of its time, so it is important that goods and services are provided on time.

Important: If a problem arises, it should be resolved as soon as possible.

Subsequently, the representative of the company will not have to clarify the details, there will be no unnecessary loss of time or.

Working with legal entities and individuals: what are the differences

In fact, working with corporate clients and individuals are two completely different areas.

Therefore, a specific approach is required in each case. If, when working with a private person, only one person needs to offer a product, then when working with a company, you need to present its beneficial aspects to the whole organization.

Consider the differences in the audience in comparison.

  1. Search for clients. To find private clients, the media are used - television, newspapers. To bring the offer of services or goods to company managers, they use mailing lists or cold calls. Letters allow you to tell in detail about your services. Telemarketing is designed to help you get to know your potential customers and their preferences.
  2. Making a deal. When working with an organization, much more documents are required than when selling to a private person. The package may include a form, an act of intent, an agreement, and so on.
  3. Deal participants. If, when servicing a private person, a transaction is concluded with him or with his representative, then several people from each party are involved in a corporate transaction, including. In order to correctly execute the operation, it is important to clearly delineate the powers of employees.
  4. Deal time. From the beginning of cooperation to the achievement of the final result in a situation with corporate clients, a year or even more can pass. There are cases when during this time the employees responsible for paperwork are replaced, for example, in view of. It is important for the counterparty to keep information about the client base, including the contact details of all responsible persons.

In view of such global differences, attracting and working with corporate clients requires a completely different approach.

This affects all areas - from search and ending with the retention of the buyer of services.

The main ways to find corporate clients

Finding clients in the form of legal entities means providing the company with a stable profit.

However, their search is different from the search for buyers-individuals.

This issue is especially acute for companies that opened in 2017 and are just starting their activities.

Let's dig deeper and look at the basic techniques for finding customers.

  1. Monitoring of Internet sites. This method is in the first place in the rating. Managers get acquainted with the content of various Internet resources in order to find potential buyers. The advantage of this technique is that the search for clients is not limited to a specific region.
  2. Conducting an advertising campaign. As a rule, it is entrusted to the department of corporate clients. Outdoor advertising, mass media, the Internet can be involved. Preference is given to periodicals in which large companies leave applications for cooperation and their contact details.
  3. Visiting thematic exhibitions or viewing catalogs. At exhibitions, managers meet with potential clients. The directories may also contain the contact details of a potential customer base, which should be processed in a timely manner.
  4. Familiarization with information in directories of enterprises and organizations. Such collections are published both at the federal and regional levels. In them, enterprises are collected by industry. Such a base will be a good assistant in finding corporate clients.

A controversial method, which sometimes still brings good results, is the use of word of mouth.

Among employees and partners, reviews, recommendations,.

While this information should be treated with caution, such information can be useful.

Secrets of attracting large companies to cooperation

In order to continue developing business in 2017, we need to continue working on attracting corporate clients.

Important: two key factors that influence the development of methods are the level of interest in the offer and the availability of financial resources.

Sound contrived? Let's move on to specific methods of how to find and retain customers.

  1. Smart offer. When making decisions, the leadership of the organization is guided not by emotions, but by logic and rationality. The promotional offer in 2017 should be drawn up accordingly. The text should be short and informative at the same time.
  2. Individual approach. This moment plays the most important role in retaining corporate customers. For each company, it is worth developing a separate cooperation plan. Pricing flexibility, selection of service packages, discounts and bonuses, notification of fresh offers will help to create a loyalty program. It is also worth paying attention to establishing personal contact, which corporate events help with.
  3. Studying the activities of a corporate client. A clear understanding of the needs of the company and the direction of its activities (after all, their production requires completely different costs) will help to adapt the proposal to its needs and make it as profitable as possible. It is enough to know, which will make sure that the counterparty is reliable.

Summarize. Corporate customers are legal entities that purchase large quantities of products.

Working with corporate clients and working with individuals have significant differences. These are two different areas of activity, and servicing corporate clients requires a special approach.

If in the B2C sector the customer is one person, then the corporate client belongs to the B2B sector - it is a whole company, and the product needs to be sold not to one person, but to a large organization.

There are several descriptions of corporate clients, for example, I. Rybkin in his book “Active search for corporate clients” writes the following: “The difference in the search for corporate clients and individuals is due to the presence of different interests in the transaction. The latter have only one interest - personal. The client - an individual - always pays his money. Several interests are always involved in working with legal entities: - the interests of the organization associated with making a profit; - the interest of people involved in the implementation of contracts; - the interest of competing organizations. Therefore, the conclusion of an agreement with a corporate client is influenced by many different interests and factors. Their mutual influences must be taken into account. At the same time, we should not rule out the option that our potential client may be a private entrepreneur or the direct owner of the company, here, on the one hand, work is simplified, and we work with this client as with a retail client, but we must also not forget that he pursues the interests of the company.

A. Barysheva in her work identifies three important differences between corporate and retail clients:

“The main task of a corporate client is to make the work of their organization more efficient (profitable, productive, competitive, etc.). At the same time, all purchasing decisions are made by ordinary people with ordinary human needs (work less, earn more, stand out in the eyes of the authorities, grow professionally, make their own work comfortable, etc.). Therefore, it is more difficult to work with a corporate client. Good sales require us not only to understand the personal interests of the particular person with whom we are negotiating, but also the interests of the organization that he represents. If we sell coconuts to wholesalers, we must be sure that they can sell them to the Eskimos for a profit. This approach requires us to collect detailed information about the client's business.

Since the needs of the organization are directly or indirectly related to economic indicators, the conclusion of contracts with corporate clients is more logical than emotional. This gives more opportunities to use logical reasoning and specific numerical indicators. In order to take advantage of these benefits, we need to better understand the client's business.

A corporate client's company is a living organism where various interests intertwine, interact and fight. It is very important that the decision to conclude a deal is usually made not at the negotiating table between the direct customer and the seller, but just in the absence of a sales manager: at a meeting, in an informal conversation at the dinner table, in the smoking room. In order to involve all the decision-makers on our issue, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the client's business.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to study the business of a corporate client. I would like to make a reservation that everything depends on the size of the transaction and on the service that the company offers.

S. Minnet in his book “BtoB Marketing” points to a more rational approach of corporate clients: “Corporate purchases are carried out within organizations, while the behavior of individual consumers during the purchase of products and services of interest to them is based solely on their personal considerations or on considerations which are produced by very small and informal groups such as a family or a married couple. Consumers of technology-driven products are more likely to ask themselves the question, “Will this product work as promised by its supplier?”, while consumers of fashion-driven products are likely to ask themselves, “Does this product fit the features?” my way of life, and to what extent will it convey these features to people whose opinion is important to me? Often they want to compare (even at a minimal level) the product they are interested in with similar products of competing firms, in terms of these objective criteria.

The difference with technology products is clear: corporate buyers very often establish precise and explicit criteria for the quality of the product they are interested in even before making a purchase.” This is a partial list of differences between a corporate and retail client.

In summary, a corporate customer is one person or group that satisfies the needs of the organization by purchasing or ordering something, while spending the company's money and must account for them. Where, in addition to the interests of the company, there are interpersonal relationships and interests.

This client is interesting for a long-term period of time. His satisfaction is the main goal of any company.

So, the B2B market has a number of fundamental differences from the consumer market, which has a significant impact on the promotion strategies and tools used in this area. The target audience is organizations, not individuals.

Accordingly, a number of features inherent in corporate clients and the B2B market as a whole can be distinguished:

There are relatively few corporate clients in contrast to the end-user market. Often, a manufacturing company may have only 2 or 3 customers, since the products it produces are quite specific and applicable only in a certain industry (for example, in the capital goods market). In such a situation, the loss of even one customer can be disastrous for the manufacturer in terms of business development opportunities. Thus, the importance of each individual corporate client is much higher than in the consumer market.

In the market of organizations, the process of making a purchase decision is significantly different. A fairly large number of people take part in the procurement process - company management, purchasing managers, marketers, employees of production and financial departments, etc. Consequently, the process of making a purchase decision becomes much longer and multi-stage, and also requires compliance with a fairly large number of formalities and approvals.

Corporate customers tend to purchase products in batches rather than individual items. Here we are talking about purchases, not purchases. Therefore, a purchase in the B2B market has a higher degree of risk for the buyer, since it is a fairly large investment.

Corporate clients usually have a fairly high degree of competence regarding the selected product, which imposes certain requirements, firstly, on the quality of information in the representative materials of the selling company - booklets, product catalogs, advertising messages, and secondly, on the characteristics of the company's sales personnel, who must be highly professional.

Corporate clients are not inclined to change suppliers frequently. If the company has managed to qualitatively and competently ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the client, he will contact her again. This is due, on the one hand, to the desire of customers to simplify the procurement procedure - repeated purchases take much less time, since the process is already established, on the other hand, the degree of risk for the client organization decreases when buying from the same proven supplier. Thus, establishing contact with a potential client in the B2B market is almost always focused on the long term.

In the end consumer market, brand choice is often impulsive and dependent on external factors that are difficult to predict.

However, vendor consistency among enterprise customers can be a barrier to entry because it is difficult to convince organizations to buy from you if they already have a vendor that they have no complaints against.

Demand in the B2B market often depends on the demand in the end consumer market. The growth in demand for certain goods in the consumer market leads to an increase in demand for raw materials and materials for the production of these products in the enterprise market.

The development of the B2B market is linear and is associated with the development of technology, while the development of the consumer market is cyclical and is determined mainly by fashion.

Relatively small budget for marketing communications. The main investments in the sphere of B2B are made in the improvement of technologies and R&D.

However, these features of corporate clients cannot be considered universal. The market of organizations is heterogeneous. The characteristics of a corporate client are determined by the field of activity, the scale of the organization, the properties of the product / service offered, and the communication policy of the client firm.


I like my work. I can not imagine my life without a car and long distances. GruzovichkoF has it all. On official business, I found myself in Voronezh, Pskov, Veliky Novgorod, Kem and other Russian cities. I have already visited some of them, but it was the transportation under the command of GruzovichkoF that allowed me to get to know these settlements better.

I have only recently worked at GruzovichkoF, but I have already become imbued with the life of the company. Logistics attracts me with its multitasking, non-standard solutions, lack of routine. I especially appreciate the team in which I work. We are reliable colleagues and true friends in life!

project manager

Two years ago, immediately after serving in the army, I got a job at GruzovichkoF as a contact center operator. I was attracted by the opportunity to combine work with study at the correspondence department. Gradually, part-time work turned into the main profession, and career growth was not long in coming. In the position of senior operator, I developed my managerial competencies and acquired useful skills, which subsequently allowed me to become a project manager.

car mechanic

There is always enough work in the repair shop. It is difficult to call it a routine, because breakdowns are different. I get great pleasure when I see the result of my work. It is especially pleasing when, after a while, the car again enters the repair area, and the gearbox is still in good condition!

Mikhail Zakharchenko


I am not new to GruzovichkoF. I worked in the Moscow division, and when I decided to move, I asked the management to transfer me to St. Petersburg. I went to a meeting. I am a reliable person, I know the requirements of the company, and it is more convenient for me to work with an already familiar company. I'm glad I didn't have to look for another job. The green trucks of the company have already become familiar to me.

Mikhail Timin


I have been working at GruzovichkoF for four years now. I like that the profession is “alive”: you don’t just travel, but constantly communicate with people. Yes, and a good income! I have a wonderful crew, we work with loaders clearly and harmoniously.

Ruslan Akinbaev


I came to GruzovichkoF quite young, worked as a loader, and then asked for a driver. There is more money, and it’s a pleasure to be behind the wheel for me! Now there is a small child in the family, my wife is at home, I fully provide for them. And with such a schedule, there is enough time for loved ones. I advise you to choose the right firms, such as this one!

Igor Skvortsov


I was laid off from my last job, sat without work for a long time, until I decided to try my luck at GruzovichkoF. This is where my experience comes in handy. I work a lot, but it's only good. I was able to make repairs in the apartment, now I'm saving up for a motorcycle. I don't think it's long to wait!

Daniil Kudryashov


When I retired, I did not know where to put myself. I began to look for options for a part-time job, so I came across an ad from GruzovichkoF. I decided to offer my candidacy, because I have a solid driving experience. Have taken! Now I don’t sit idle, I’m constantly on the road, which only makes me happy. I'm happy with everything, and I'm slowly enticing my friends here, no one has complained yet!

Sergei Topol

senior logistician

After serving in the army, I worked for a year in the field of logistics, but at a different enterprise. A friend recommended that I get a job at GruzovichkoF, which I did, and have never regretted it. We have a friendly team, a good attitude towards employees, a decent salary, career opportunities. Of course, at the initial stage there were difficulties, but I successfully overcame them, quickly got involved in the process, which allowed me to grow to a senior logistician in less than a year.

Petr Ivashkin

I chose the place of work carefully, read reviews about the company. At first there were some concerns, but when I came to the office, I saw what kind of guys work in the department, I realized that we would form a team. The main thing is that there is mutual assistance in the team. One will not leave the other in trouble!

Victor Kondratiev

Kirill Litvinov

Before, I was not connected with transport, but I took a risk and mastered a new profession for me, I started to succeed, and for two years now I have been working at GruzovichkoF. I like that we meet with the team outside of work, arrange various sports competitions.

Alexey Bykov

senior operator

Six months of work at GruzovichkoF was marked by great changes for me. I went from operator to senior operator, graduated from university. And now, having a diploma of a qualified automation engineer in my hands, I don’t even think about parting with my native profession.

Olga Yakovleva


It so happened that I can only work from home. A friend advised GruzovichkoF. I called and found out - indeed, the company has the opportunity to work from home, take orders from customers. The training took place through webinars. They explained everything clearly, there were no problems with the perception of the material. At first, it was scary to talk to the client, but the competent instructions of the coordinators helped me a lot. Satisfied with work. Now my life is different. I have a job, a stable income, and the feeling that I am helping people.

Alice Schultz


I already worked as an operator in another company, but problems began there - salaries began to be cut. A friend advised me to get a job at GruzovichkoF, saying that there were no such delays. Didn't cheat! And it was easy to join the process in a new place, because I already had experience in this area. I wouldn't trade my job for another!

If you are considering other options (in addition to employment as a corporate account manager), then do not limit yourself to this selection of ads, in our many other positions for different positions. There you can also use the search for offers of direct employers and agencies.

Current vacancies

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education is highly desirable - Experience of 3 years in a similar position - Proficiency in English (conversational level)

Applicant requirements:

Successful experience in sales in the service sector (preferably from the beauty sector) - The ability to work in Bitrix24 will be an advantage - Sociability, responsibility, initiative, ability to negotiate.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education; Experience in sales (B2B, K+); Negotiation experience; Work with corporate clients; Producing a presentation; Conclusion of contracts; Mobility.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education; Experience in the field of 3 years; Expert knowledge of legislation in the field of insurance, insurance products and technologies in the field of personal insurance, legislative acts in the field of public procurement; Responsibility, initiative, ability to convince, stress resistance; Experience in direct sales of insurance products in the segment of large corporate clients, including government customers; Developed negotiation skills, proven experience in the successful implementation of projects (sales, support) for VHI; Advanced PC user (Excel, MS Office 2010, PowerPoint).

Salary: up to 90,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Education - higher (education in the field of medicine and natural sciences is welcome); Experience in sales from 1 year; Experience in the field of laboratory diagnostics will be considered an advantage; 1 year experience in a similar position; A responsibility; Punctuality; Attentiveness; Polite telephone communication Stress resistance in dealing with clients; Confident PC user

Salary: up to 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Education Higher / incomplete higher / secondary specialized education Computer skills at the user level (Word, Excel, Outlook - required) Skills in "1C" Experience in working with clients (ready to consider without work experience, if you want to learn and develop) Communication skills, diligence, Responsibility Business Communication and Negotiation Skills

Salary: from 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

At least 1 year experience in active (direct) sales; Proficiency in sales techniques; Experience in presentations, telephone conversations, experience of "cold calls"; Active life position; Desire to develop in the banking sector; Higher education or incomplete higher education (from 3 closed courses).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

This offer is for you if: You have experience in sales and communication with various categories of clients; Understand the technology of production of building and/or repair materials; Strive to achieve results You try to keep abreast of new products for repair and construction.

Salary: from 60,000 to 200,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Striving for personal and professional growth; Good communication skills, good oral and written communication; Confident PC user; Stress tolerance; perseverance; Experience in sales is preferred but not required. Desire to earn and develop in the field of sales.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Availability of a car, sales experience from 3 years

Salary: from 60,000 to 150,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Work experience of at least 1 year (legal entity); Focus on results; Excellent communication skills; Grammatically correct speech; a responsibility; punctuality; performance; Stress tolerance; The ability to convince; desire to work and earn; Confident PC user.

Salary: from 45,000 to 90,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Desire to work and earn money in the field of b2b transport services. Activity, ambition, purposefulness. At least 2 years of experience in customer service (advantageous).

Applicant requirements:

Experience in a medical laboratory is preferred; Strong PC skills; Ability to work with a large amount of information; Learnability; Stress tolerance; Accuracy; Attention to detail; Responsible attitude to work; Ability to work in a team.

Salary: from 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Successful personal experience in sales of services, including active sales, excellent telephone communication skills, telephone presentation skills, competent speech, presentable appearance, positive outlook on life, goal orientation, desire and ability to communicate with people, ability and desire to work result-oriented, long-term cooperation orientation, fluency in word, excel, crm

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education; Experience in the field of attracting the SME segment from one year; Knowledge of current legislation, knowledge of banking products, cash and settlement services, lending, acquiring, payroll projects, accounting, taxation. Cold calling and direct sales experience Ability to conduct effective negotiations; Developed leadership qualities.

Applicant requirements:

Confident PC user Competent speech Responsibility, communication skills Learnability, desire for self-development Sales skills, negotiations with customers (preferably B2B)

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Ability to work with a large amount of information! Confident PC user. Skills in working with office equipment (mini-ATS, fax, copier). Correct oral and written language. Communication, attentiveness, consistency.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

The main requirement is the ability and desire to work. Successful sales development experience. Preferably in the b2b market Developed communication skills Readiness for business trips in the Moscow region, Moscow High self-organization, positive attitude, responsibility and ability to work in intensive mode Work skills in 1C, CRM

Applicant requirements:

Knowledge of the necessary regulatory documents accompanying transactions, the procedure and rules for their execution - Knowledge of the basics of organizing customs clearance and control operations - Knowledge of the procedure for concluding and executing foreign economic transactions - Negotiation and business correspondence skills - Knowledge of English at a conversational or fluent level (possibly knowledge of other languages) - Skills of interaction with customs authorities - Knowledge of Incoterms 2010 rules - Experience in supporting international transportation

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience in customer acquisition; Entrance skills to the object; Negotiation skills with decision makers; Active life position; Experience in 1C:8 is desirable.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education PC - confident user Business negotiation skills Stress resistance, customer focus, initiative, result-oriented, organized, responsible, attentive, accurate.

Salary: from 40200 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Excel knowledge; Grammatically correct speech; Ability to work in multitasking mode; Desire to develop in this area.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

This offer is for you if: You have experience in sales and communication with various categories of clients; Understand the technology of construction and / or repair; Strive to achieve results You try to keep abreast of new products for repair and construction.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

From candidates we expect: Ambition, confidence and focus on results Good negotiation and presentation skills Confidence, competence, communication skills A high level of learning and responsibility for the result Successful commercial work experience

Applicant requirements:

Higher education, confident PC user (Word, Excel, Internet). Experience in working with corporate clients, experience in commercial negotiations and business correspondence is desirable. Active life position. Grammatically correct speech. A responsibility. Stress tolerance. Willingness to work and earn.

Salary: from 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Education - Higher Citizenship - Russia Registration - Moscow, MO Experience - At least 3 years in corporate sales. Professional skills: Competent speech Presentable appearance Confident PC user Motivation to work and earn money Striving to become the best salesperson Higher education / incomplete higher education Experience in the auto business from 3 years Excellent communication skills Focus on high results High degree of efficiency, openness and customer focus. PC proficiency: 1C, Excel, Word, Outlook, The Bat!, Internet, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Successful B2B sales experience from 1 year Speech and writing literacy, ability to build long-term relationships with corporate clients Initiative and ability to work independently Higher education Activity and positive attitude PC fluency (User of Office programs)

Salary: from 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

2-3 years experience in B2C sales (corporate client), B2B. Higher education. Computer skills MS Office (World, Excel, Power Point, Outlook). The presence of a client base, or the possibility of its rapid development. Experience in sales of advertising, travel services, banking and insurance products to corporate clients is preferred; in sales of office supplies. Ability to speak competently, confidence, punctuality, self-organization.

Salary: from 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity, responsibility, ability to communicate with people, positive results of work to attract customers. Driving license category B (desirable)

Salary: from 60,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher or incomplete higher education; Mandatory experience in corporate sales of 2 years at the official dealer of the Vag-group; experience in finding corporate clients; Having an IBT VW certificate is an advantage; PC - advanced user; activity, high communication skills, organization, desire to work and earn.

Salary: from 45,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

At least 1 year experience as a corporate manager. Higher education Stress resistance, leadership qualities, initiative; PC-confident user. Knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel), Internet, 1C Enterprise Organization, responsibility, attentiveness, accuracy, punctuality

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Negotiation skills, business correspondence, the ability to determine the needs of the client, the ability to convince, knowledge of the principle of working with objections. At least 3 years experience in sales, experience working with products, tenders is desirable. A car is required (parking is free).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Successful experience in commercial work is welcome Activity, result-oriented Communication skills High level of learning and responsibility

Applicant requirements:

Purposefulness, responsibility. Logical thinking. Grammatically correct speech. Confident PC skills General understanding of the specifics of the advertising market, promotional materials (desirable, but not required).

Salary: from 45,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in a similar position; - age from 23 to 45 years; - higher education; - excellent PC skills (1C 8.1 Trade Management, MS Office). - personal qualities: communication skills, active life position, focus on results.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Sales experience of at least 1-3 years in the B2B market Higher education (technical education will be an advantage) Confident PC user (MS Office) Readiness for business trips in Russia (adequate in time) Knowledge of English at the level of Intermediate, Upper Intermediate (desirable). Diligence, proactivity, initiative, purposefulness. High emotional intelligence.

Salary: up to 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Desirable medical/biological/pharmaceutical education; Experience in the B2B sales sector for at least a year (laboratory diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment); Successful experience of communication with clients and conclusion of contracts; Personal qualities: sociability, high degree of responsibility, desire to learn and develop, punctuality, resistance to stress.

Salary: from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Friendliness and sociability, love for people and the ability to listen to them; computer skills at a level that allows you to confidently use search engines; punctuality and willingness to work in a team according to common rules; presentable appearance; competent oral and written speech. trainability, since all new employees undergo a comprehensive training program at the Corporate University at the expense of the company, and therefore work experience is not required - agree, this is good news!

Salary: from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (technical as an advantage); Experience in corporate sales Experience in the main tender sites Confident work with PC: MS Office, 1C Presentable appearance Negotiation skills Competent oral and written speech; Learning and activity Technical literacy

Salary: from 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Successful customer acquisition experience Business negotiation skills at the decision maker level; Ability to find an individual approach to the client; Ability to work in multitasking mode; Proactive life position; Striving for continuous professional development; Focus on results.

Salary: from 60,000 to 120,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

1. Experience in consulting, we do not take ordinary lawyers. 2. Stress resistance in its real sense, sissies will not survive, there is no need to torture yourself or us. 3. Good knowledge of corporate law and experience in registering foreign companies. 4. Desire to develop and earn money in our rapidly developing company. 5. Ability and desire to solve non-standard tasks.

Salary: from 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Personal qualities: stress-resistant, positive, easily trained, purposeful. Professional qualities - work experience is required in country hotels.

Salary: from 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in working with corporate clients, knowledge of the device of the car, it is desirable to have a client base.

Salary: from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Purposefulness, responsibility. Ability to plan your tasks and the tasks of your project development team. Willingness to solve problems under pressure from customers. Ability to work in multitasking mode. Ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Logical thinking. Good communication and good business correspondence. Confident PC skills. General presentation of the specifics of the advertising market, promotional materials (desirable, but not required).

Salary: from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

A major satellite communications operator is hiring a Corporate Account Manager (satellite communications, telecom). В/О Experience in telecom operators in the position of B2B Sales Manager from 3 years: Satellite Priority (Gazprom space systems, RTComm. RU, AltegroSky, Rostelecom, STEK.COM, WebMediaServices, Raduga-Internet, Amtel Svyaz, Starblazer, MTT, etc.) Mobile (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Orange, etc.). Ready-made pool of B2B clients, excellent sales skills, cold search for clients, customer acquisition, B2B sales, ability to multitask, developed communication skills. Readiness for infrequent business trips in Russia. English - colloquial (communication with a foreign office).

Salary: from 50,000 to 110,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We need initiative and ambitious employees with successful experience in sales and focused on high results!!! Requirements: Higher education; At least one year of experience (desirable, but not required, in the FMCG segment); Organizational skills, communication skills, resistance to stress and willingness to work in a multitasking environment, focus on results, business erudition, the ability to negotiate and defend the position of the company; Confident PC user: MS Office.

Salary: from 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in the field of transportation, understanding of the peculiarities of the market of transport and forwarding services; experience in working with clients, in the field of sales or customer management; diligence initiative, independence in setting goals and objectives of their working day

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience in working with clients from 1 year in organizing events ("turnkey") or supporting complex projects. - Experience in active sales of services. You must love to sell and know how to do it. - Professional skills in organizing and supporting the preparation and implementation of small projects or individual sections / sections of projects (project management) - Excellent skills in effective communication, preparation and negotiation, presentations. - Work in a multitasking format.

Salary: from 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

At least 1 year of work experience (preferably in the field of cargo and passenger transportation) Business communication skills, competent speech, ability to negotiate, High customer focus, ability to resolve conflict situations, willingness to work with objections, stress resistance Focus on results, attentiveness Computer knowledge at the level of a confident user High learning ability Experience with primary accounting (advantage 1C)

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A good market seller doesn't sell snow to Eskimos. He does not seek to receive one-time money, he seeks to receive a constant profit from all transactions that the client will make for the next 100 years

So writes one of the well-known Russian publications on marketing. And this statement is most relevant when working with corporate clients.

Who are corporate clients?

In the modern market, corporate clients (definition) are legal entities, organizations or enterprises that purchase a product / service in several copies at once. Suppose such a client buys not one computer, but 5 or 10 at once. For most commercial companies, they are the main component of the business.

If there are not enough customers, the company may not survive in the harsh market conditions.

A truly competent manager understands well: if today he does not find a client, tomorrow his competitors will find him, and all the profit will go to them.

In order to avoid such a prospect, entire programs are being developed on how to find corporate clients, how to attract them and how to keep them in your company.

This task is not easy, but quite doable. First of all, it is necessary to understand specifically: a corporate client is a narrowly focused concept and being able to work with him is a whole art. First of all, a corporate client manager must understand the criteria for attracting such people: the degree of interest in a product or service and the availability of financial capabilities of a person or company.

How to find corporate clients for a company easily and efficiently?

A new enterprise, as a rule, few people know. And the main task is to solve the issue of how to attract corporate clients. There are several ways to do this and the task of the manager is to study each.

  • Trading electronic platforms. A systematic analysis of electronic resources can significantly expand the search for corporate clients. There is a special program that helps managers track any changes in data, conduct various monitoring on the necessary web resources and respond to them in time.
  • Thematic exhibitions. Particular attention in resolving the issue is given to various thematic exhibitions, which bring together both clients and customers. Here, work with corporate clients should be promptly and competently organized in the form of business card data processing, which interested people leave for further communication. This type of work can be carried out without attending the event, only by looking through the exhibition catalogs.
  • Well organized advertising. Advertising is handled in the company by the department of corporate clients, which is looking for cooperation with its clients. All types of advertising are used here: television, radio, street advertising, advertising on the Internet. The most convenient forms of advertising are its electronic versions, since in this case it is easy to quickly make any changes and make a rating or monitor changes. These can be newspapers, magazines, catalogs (all electronic), where large corporate clients leave their announcements about their desire to cooperate or contact information. You can also use help desks. Most organizations engaged in a certain type of activity enter all the contact information necessary for the company.
  • A good base of corporate clients will play a rather significant role in the work. If you don’t have your own, there is always the opportunity to outbid it from a competitive company. But, by and large, from the first days of the existence of a business, a competent leader organizes the compilation of his potential client base, which will help in further promotion in the market.
  • Attracting corporate clients is serious business. You can rely on the responses of old friends (if they are not competitors). In addition, any kind of social contacts will do. Even the use of rumors and gossip may be put in the right direction. The sales manager for corporate clients of the company's product is obliged to use any effective method.

What is involved in attracting corporate clients?

Finding and attracting corporate clients is only half the battle. It is also necessary to work with them correctly, because corporate clients are a large part of the company's profits. But the forms of working with them differ significantly from the methods of working with individuals. It requires a special approach and originality, the meaning of which is:

  • The correct offer of a service / product. Practically, all advertising is designed for the average layman, and company employees are already middle managers or top managers. How to make the offer for corporate clients sound right? You have to call or write. In other words, competently organize a system of corporate mailings and cold calls (telemarketing).
  • A transaction that is made not by one person, but by several at once, both on the part of the customer and on the part of the client. Therefore, servicing corporate clients in this case is not just a fact of sale, but the fact of a successful sale. And since a group of people cooperates at once, the powers must be correctly distributed among them. And only then the company will have a successful deal, and the manager will be able to track the work of his employees.

It is very good to develop original methods for selling goods to corporate customers for your company. After all, the difficult thing is not to find a company, but to make it your client. And in this business it is important to impress, to achieve cooperation, to tell correctly about the work of the company, to offer gifts to corporate clients. In general, to do everything that a qualified manager can do for the prosperity of his company.