How to take good selfies. A simple trick to look your best in selfie photos

Selfie photos have firmly entered our lives through a variety of social networks, and today every young person takes “selfies” quite often. How to take a beautiful selfie on ava at home or in nature, selfie at home, let's try to figure it out.

How to take a beautiful selfie without resorting to photoshop

Take selfies at home, in nature, at work, at a wide variety of events - anywhere! At the same time, of course, I want to take a beautiful photo, choose a good angle and then not resort to using Photoshop. Is it possible? Absolutely yes! A little skill, some simple rules - and your selfies will be just great without additional labor and time costs. So, let's figure out how to take a selfie.

What is the best camera for taking selfies?

Many, thinking about how to take a cool selfie, which can then be proudly uploaded, and even with hashtags, believe that the front camera in a smartphone is absolutely necessary for this. In fact this is not true.

The front camera is good because it allows the owner of the smartphone to see in advance what the picture will be approximately. But the unfairness of life in this case lies in the fact that in the vast majority of mid-range smartphones, the quality of the front camera leaves much to be desired, so it is better to use the back.

How to take a good and beautiful selfie: background and light are important

If you want to take a really good and beautiful selfie, then pay attention to the background that will be behind you. It is desirable that there are no strangers there, and if you can’t do without them, then at least they should not catch anyone’s eye in the photograph. A selfie is just your photo, remember that.

As for lighting. Some wonder how you can take a beautiful selfie without a flash, and turn it on all the time. This is a big mistake. The flash should be turned on only when necessary, the rest of the time it can ruin everything. In particular, if the light is too bright, the photo can simply be exposed to light, and it will be covered with incomprehensible light spots. And natural light, if you take a selfie during the day, should definitely fall on you, follow this.

This task is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A lot of selfies on the net expose their owners as completely unattractive - with disproportionate faces, twisted figures, strange facial features. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the right angle for a good selfie.

  • Professional photographers do not advise taking pictures with your head thrown back, because of this it seems strange, the oval of the face is distorted.
  • It is a very bad idea to try to take a photo of yourself almost in full growth, stretching out your arm with all your might - in this case, the arm itself will look like the tentacles of an octopus.
  • Taking a selfie from above, looking at the sky or the ceiling, is also not recommended - this angle is clearly unsuccessful, again due to distortion.

Among other things, the pros say that the most advantageous position for a good selfie is when you are turned to the camera by three quarters, while a selfie in profile or full face in most cases is very unsuccessful.

  1. If you do not want to use Photoshop later, then take care of your appearance in advance. At least tidy up your hair and go over your skin with a sponge.
  2. When taking a photo, do not be lazy, click several times, each time slightly changing the position of the body. In this case, you will have the opportunity to choose the most successful option.
How to make a beautiful selfie video

Video by Alexander Samsonov, who will tell you how to take a beautiful selfie, how to take a selfie correctly, how to take a cool selfie for a guy, how to take an awesome selfie at home, talk about poses and ideas for a selfie.

Perhaps that's all. We figured out how to take a beautiful selfie that you can safely upload to a social network and collect “likes”, “classes”, “reposts” and other signs of recognition of your selfie skills.

Love taking pictures? Join the fashion trend of photography - self-maid: original shots - for those who like to have fun; beautiful photos in unusual places - for fans of tourism; pictures that take your breath away - for extreme people. Well, and on the little things - cute poses with pets, in front of a mirror, with friends, girlfriends. To make a gorgeous selfie, capturing "outstanding" events, your own imagination, courage, acting skills and ... our article will help.

A selection of the best selfie poses for girls

Selfie photography is a wildly popular pastime. Millions of photos of yourself beloved / beloved, taken independently using smartphones, tablets, are posted in, stored on the hard drives of their owners' computers, in the memory of gadgets. Most of the fair sex love to be photographed. Selfie provides an opportunity to take shots that will appeal to every girl. What poses to take to show yourself in all its glory?

  1. Quality lighting. The ideal would be daylight diffused light, which hides sharp corners, shadows. Cold light lamps will help to make cool shots. On the street, choose such poses and selfie angles so that the sun illuminates your face without falling directly into your eyes.
  2. . Taking a winning pose, focus on the eyes and lips: well-applied black eyeliner, mascara will visually enlarge the eyes, bright lipstick will give the lips plumpness. Highlighter is another indispensable item with which you can emphasize the contour of the face, highlight the graceful line of the cheekbones with a darker shade.
  3. Natural posture. Whom would the unknown Norma Jean Baker become if she had not practiced seductive poses in front of the mirror for a whole year. The result is obvious - for more than half a century, photos of the magnificent Marilyn Monroe have been an unattainable ideal for most women. Naturalness, sincerity of emotions, laid-back - the key to the success of your selfie.
  4. Beautiful background. The same type of photos of young beauties: “a la lips with a bow” in front of a mirror have become a byword. Do you want your selfie to be unusual, exciting? Choose an original shooting location that will serve as an interesting backdrop for the photo. The pose, when the smartphone, tablet is raised above the head, creates a picture rich in composition with a beautiful background, an interesting plot.
  5. Good angle. The camera, located above eye level, visually enlarges them, lengthens the figure and hides extra centimeters of volume.

Stars of world cinema, politicians did not ignore this fashionable trend. The photo of Hollywood celestials at the Oscars 2014 won the top positions in a short time. Successful poses, beautiful make-up of actresses, smiles of actors, the right moment - and the picture collected millions of votes in social networks in a couple of weeks. Treat selfies as a pleasant pastime, and fashionable cool photos will collect no less likes from girlfriends and friends.

Selfie photoshoot at home by the mirror

Own pictures at the mirror allow the girl to appear in a favorable light not only in front of her friends, but, which is much more difficult, to please herself. In daylight, try to have the lighting from the front and not from behind you. Indeed, with the latest version, the flash power of the front camera of a smartphone or tablet will not be enough and the face will turn out in the shade.

Also watch the video about the best selfie poses.

When taking a selfie at the mirror, turn sideways with it by 35–40⁰. Practice in advance: find poses that emphasize the dignity of the figure and beautiful facial features. To make the skin of the face look matte and wrinkles become invisible, directed cold light with a flash is the ideal solution. What poses will help you take a good selfie in front of the mirror:

  • Half turn to the mirror;
  • With a slight tilt of the head;
  • Full-length portrait rotated 30⁰ left or right;
  • Leaning on some object or putting your foot on a slight elevation.

Interested in taking not static shots, but a lively, emotional selfie with incredible poses? The naturalness of movements, a sincere desire to have fun will give hand-made pictures a lively brilliance. Don't want to repeat the mistakes of bad selfies? Give up frilly tense poses, vulgar accessories. If the hand enters the frame in the foreground, change the position - in this case, the proportions of the figure are violated.

Cuddling with pets

Photos with animals are such “cutes”: touching, sometimes funny. Pets in any position are excellent, so the main concern of the girls for this kind of selfie is themselves. Gentle hugs with your favorite cats will emphasize your tenderness, love for your pet. Funny selfies with dogs will cheer you up, and pictures with exotic pandas, koalas, camels will remind you of a wonderful vacation in. Whatever poses you take, do not forget about the naturalness, naturalness of the image.

Selfie in the car

Interesting self-made pictures of motorists refute the opinion that a girl and a car are incompatible. Black sunglasses, bright lipstick - and, voila, in front of you is a gorgeous selfie of a fatal beauty. Winning poses will be when the camera is to the left of the model. Admiration is worthy of young mothers who manage to do everything in the world: take a selfie with a baby in a child seat in the back seat; without violating traffic rules, drive a car; chat with friends sitting next to you.

follow me style

Do you love to travel the world? Tell the whole world about unusual places, ancient cultural monuments, cool events - not only with the help of words, but using visual images. The “follow me” style involves the monotony of selfie poses – a rear view and an endless number of background options – gorgeous waterfalls on the Iguazu River, ancient ruins of the Roman Colosseum, museums rich in artifacts, and even endless expanses of the sky.

Cool selfie poses for guys

How to distinguish young people in a selfie? Sports hobbies, extreme sports, rest in a nightclub, pictures with celebrities - will not leave any girl indifferent. Original poses in an embrace with a shark or in the cockpit will emphasize the courage and determination of a young man. Do not forget about the relevance of selfies - serious events, tragic events - will certainly arouse general interest, only with a negative attitude.

Selfie in the gym during a workout

Are you proud of your success in the gym? Take a self-made photo that shows your inflated cubes. Take the pose of a real athlete, swinging dumbbells - the girls will gasp when they see your biceps. But do not get carried away with narcissism in the mirror - you are not a young lady. Yes, and increased workload, exhausting workouts leave not so many opportunities for selfie: doing exercises requires both hands free from the smartphone.

In the night club

Meeting up with friends at the disco is great fun. To leave a memory of a cool session in the best nightclub in the city will help "club selfie". Relaxed poses, cheerful smiles, great mood will be the perfect components of a bright hand-made photo. Love to dance? Selfies of your own dance steps or "show performances" of friends will replenish your collection of self photo frames.

extreme selfie with gopro

A selfie stick is a long telescopic stick for taking pictures of yourself, a loved one or company at some distance from the side. To cover a larger background, capturing yourself in an extreme situation and the world around you, arm's length is not enough. GoPro gives you the opportunity to capture yourself in the most original natural poses, in unusual or:

  • on the roof of a skyscraper;
  • in the sky, skydiving;
  • deep underwater and skiing on its surface;
  • in an amusement park on a roller coaster;
  • traveling on a salt lake where the sky merges with the earth;
  • over an abyss with seething waterfalls;

Photos of successful selfies with friends

A bright, memorable selfie with friends will leave an unforgettable impression, cheer you up, and bring a lot of positive emotions. You can see the best examples of successful shots in the photo below. To make a successful photo shoot, use the following recommendations from professionals:

  • A person taking a selfie photo should be located in the middle of a friendly company so that everyone can fit into the frame;
  • Put the camera in standby mode, agreeing with friends about the emotional coloring of the photo and poses;
  • To process photos, use the built-in filters, as well as special programs on other media.

After the advent of the social network Instagram, selfie photos have become a particularly popular direction in photography. More and more users are joining this network, millions of new photos are posted daily on personal pages. However, not everyone who owns a smartphone with a camera knows how to take a beautiful selfie, what poses and ideas to use to make this frame interesting for subscribers. This is a whole art and our today's review will help you figure out how to take photos that will collect the maximum number of likes on social networks.

How to do it right

Today, even world stars and presidents of states post pictures of their own faces on social networks.

In 2013, in the UK, the word "selfie" became so popular that it was included in the Oxford Dictionaries.

Although in Russia this art of photography has not gained such large-scale popularity, there are a lot of fans of snapping themselves on camera. Moreover, this passion for "selfies" is manifested not only in girls, but also in many guys. But making a beautiful selfie that will resonate with the audience is not so easy.

There are a few unspoken rules for taking a good selfie photo:

  1. Watch out for lighting. A picture taken in daylight will give shine to the hair, smooth skin, illuminate the iris of the eyes and make them brighter. When photographing in twilight, you are always at risk - it can both spoil the photo and make it mysterious and charming. Play with the light and you will definitely find your edge.
  2. Nothing ruins a selfie like having no background. Many people like to take selfies at home, but usually such pictures turn out to be boring and of the same type. It is much more interesting to go outside and take a picture against the blue sky or a painted wall. Even a photo in the shopping center mirror will look much more lively and interesting than a home selfie. However, a couple of shots hugging your favorite teddy bear, with a pet or buried in a blanket can be posted on Instagram with the hashtag #cute.
  3. Shoot your face from the right angle. It is known that the left and right sides of the face are slightly different from each other. Try taking a selfie by turning your head to the left and then to the right, and see which side you're more photogenic on. When shooting, it is recommended to lift the phone up, so the eyes visually appear wider. Experiment, turn your face in different directions, and you will definitely find the right angle.

To create a beautiful selfie with a large background capture, it is recommended to use a special selfie monopod.

By moving the phone further away from you, you can fit more people into the frame or capture some incredible natural backdrop. Another useful device for taking selfies is a silicone case with a sticky back. Everything is simple here - put a case on your phone, stick it to something (glass, mirror, wood, stone, etc.), and take pictures of yourself at least in full growth.

But what you should not do is take selfies at serious events, for example, at religious ceremonies, memorial services or funerals, this is considered bad form.


Typical sexy poses and “cute” duckface are, of course, good, but when there are millions of such photos, it’s very easy to get lost in the crowd. Only pictures with non-standard poses, bright accessories in the frame or incredible nature in the background make you draw attention to yourself.

For girls

There are not so many poses for creating a selfie, because when shooting on an outstretched arm, usually only the girl’s face and chest are visible in the photo. Therefore, the pose must be chosen so as not to distort the proportions of the body and emphasize the depth of the eyes. The best shots are obtained when shooting at an angle, the back must be straight, and the chin slightly raised to avoid the formation of wrinkles on the neck.

Full-face selfies are best avoided altogether, as the camera tends to enlarge the nose, and such shots are rarely successful.

A girl's selfie will look bright and unusual against the background of some sight.

To capture more of the background, raise the camera above you. Also don't be afraid to take funny selfies, girls with a sense of humor are especially attractive. For example, use oversized glasses or a funny hat for a selfie. Grimacing, fooling around, because these are the photos that look “alive” and are very successful. Selfies in the gym, where the girl shoots herself in the mirror and stands in a half-turned position, showing the relief of her figure, are very popular with the opposite sex.

For men

In order not to look like a narcissist, it is better for men not to excel in finding extraordinary poses. Take pictures of yourself against a beautiful background, in extreme or unusual situations, near sports cars, with celebrities, with animals, and likes and subscriptions are guaranteed. Well, to consolidate the result, do not forget to add brutal selfie photos from the gym, where you stand in the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger pose.


Running out of selfie ideas? Then read below, especially for you, we have prepared several ideas that will help you create beautiful and original "selfies".

For home

Home decor is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for selfies.

To create a beautiful, romantic shot, lie down on the bed, hang your head slightly over the edge, raise your hand with the camera up and back a little, and bend the other hand and bring it to your face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips. In the frame, the eyes will protrude in the foreground, then the lips with a playful hand, and then in the background, slightly blurred, the contours of your figure.
For a selfie at home, do not forget to use any attributes, be it a mug of tea, a book, a plush toy, a pillow, and so on. The pictures taken in the process of cooking look original, when the girl is standing in an apron, with a kitchen mitt and a ladle, and at the same time “conjures” over the pan.

For girlfriends

The best attribute for a selfie with girlfriends would be a mirror, because when shooting at arm's length it is quite difficult to fit two or three faces in the frame. Poses for such shooting can be anything. Seeing yourself in the mirror, try different options:

  • hug each other;
  • fool around;
  • bounce;
  • smile sweetly;
  • make funny faces;
  • eat ice cream;
  • drink a cocktail from a straw.

And do not forget about accessories, the pose of cool girls with glasses is still relevant. Hats, scarves, glasses, wigs, headbands with ears greatly affect the dynamics of the photo and make it much more interesting. You can experiment with mirrors, a doubled or even tripled selfie looks extraordinary.

For lovers

Taking a selfie of a couple in love is called "relfi", that is, a romantic selfie.

Classic selfies are shot in bed in an embrace with your soulmate. However, even such pictures can be original and interesting. For example, the two of you lie down exactly at the same height, press your heads tightly against each other and take a picture so that half of your partner's face and you are in the frame, visually you should be two halves of one whole. Original, symbolic and simple. By the way, you can still work on this photo - enlarge and crop to eye level. Then in the center of the frame there will be two eyes, but different people.

Another pose that causes bouts of love and tenderness in the audience is when the couple stands as close as possible opposite each other, slightly tilting their heads down, touching their foreheads and closing their eyes. Only the faces of lovers should be in the frame.

The selfie taken from the angle above the head of the couple will look original. The lovers stand embracing, look up, their eyes shine. But when setting up such a shot, take care of the background, as it will be visible. This pose can be the basis for many other ideas - lying on the grass, sitting on the bed, in the water, in the car, on the merry-go-rounds. The main thing is that there are two in the frame, and they are in love.

In conclusion, I would like to add that selfies are momentary entertainment.

You should not spend a lot of time creating "the same" frame.

If it doesn't come out now, then it will work out next time. Don't let social media become your source of leisure. Remember that life is in full swing around you, where there should always be a place for entertainment, walks in the park, travel, live communication, sports, books, family, pets and much more.

Selfie. This word has become part of our daily vocabulary over the years. It is now even in the dictionary. In 2013, the Oxford Dictionary named selfie the word of the year.

What is a selfie from a technical point of view? Usually by this word in the modern world we mean a photograph of a person taken by the same person using a smartphone. In other words, at the same moment, the photographer is also the subject of the picture.

Most people take a picture of their face and then upload it to their social media page. There is nothing wrong with this, if everything is done with taste. To do this, we have prepared 15 creative selfie ideas for you.

Before you start implementing the ideas from this list, get yourself a quality selfie stick, which today costs from 200 to 1000 rubles, and your selfies will look much better. Selfie sticks, or monopods as they are also called, make your photos look more natural and you can create more interesting photos of yourself.

So let's get down to the ideas.

#1 You and your pet

Of course, many often post photos of cute pets (not always) animals. But why don't you take it up a notch? Place your dog or cat in front of you so that the face of the animal covers part of your face. Try to capture the moment when you look like you are part human and part animal.

#2 Selfie in selfie

Take a selfie while your friends or family members are also taking a selfie with their smartphone camera.

#3 Add accessories

The next time you're heading out for a selfie shoot, grab an accessory like a cool hat or aviator sunglasses. Alternatively, put on some bracelets, a new watch, or your favorite fitness band. Tie a scarf around your neck or wear a beautiful necklace.

#4 Create mystery

Create a sense of mystery by covering part of your face or one of your eyes.

#5 Tell your own story

Instead of just snapping your face to the camera, sit down and think about what you're passionate about and how you can capture it through photography. One way to do this is to include a few subjects in the frame that tell about you. Share a hobby you love - whether it's basketball, ballet, karate or painting.

#6 Share your shoes

Of course, not in the literal sense. Thank God, nowadays everyone has several pairs of their own shoes. It's just that today selfies of their stylish boots have become quite a popular trend.

It's nice to aim the camera straight down while grabbing the shoes. But why not get creative and take a photo of your feet along with some word that is posted next to it?

You can also write a message with chalk on the pavement or with your finger on the sand of a midday beach.

#7 Focus on the floor

If you're going to photograph your shoes, first find a really cool rug or tile floor to serve as a backdrop. Hotels and historic buildings are known for their unique flooring. Look for a floor that isn't too bright to take attention away from your shoes, but at the same time interesting enough to grab your subscriber's attention.

#8 Highlight your assets

In this photo, the girl took a selfie of only the right side of her face, which creates a certain mystique that we talked about in point #4. But she also draws the user's attention to her beautiful blue eyes by wearing a blue hat. The neutral color of the background with its amazing texture also emphasizes this advantage.

#9 Turn on bright colors

Color grabs people's attention, so use bright colors to help your next selfie stand out. When we talk about bright colors, flowers, summer clothes, brightly colored walls, fruits in the market and, of course, balloons come to mind.

#10 Mirror on the wall or car

Film yourself in front of a mirror at home or in your car.

You will get a double selfie or a simultaneous selfie from different angles, which is also unusual.

It is important to remember that while driving it is better to forget about the phone altogether. Also, before taking a picture, check the cleanliness of the mirror and the absence of unwanted objects in the background.

#11 Use reflections

There are also many surfaces that can give you an interesting reflection. You can use a shower head, watch cover or sunglasses.

#12 Zoom in on details

Zoom in and capture small details: your eyelashes, your new tattoo, or your engagement ring. For macro photography, you can use special lenses for your smartphone, which can be found in any store.

#13 Show off your fingers

Have you just painted your nails or do you have beautiful male fingers? Show your fingers to your friends on social networks.

#14 Take off your shadow

Shadow shots are best when the sun is directly behind you. Try to find a surface that will clearly show your shadow. Cement works well for these purposes, but if you want to be more creative, try another location, such as a lake or sandy beach.

#15 Goof off in front of the camera

Find a funny mask or fancy wig. Wear trendy sunglasses. Stick out your tongue. Make a stupid face. If you are at a wedding and taking part in a group photo, then after the professional camera takes a picture, pull out your smartphone, make a funny face and take a picture of yourself in front of others.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for selfies and it depends on you how unusual and interesting your pictures will look. If you have other creative selfie ideas, please share them in the comments.

The main photo in the social. networks (or ava) is the hallmark of every modern person. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to the photo that is in this place. Today, how to take a beautiful selfie on avu is a popular question among young people. There are no specific recommendations for this. But there are some tips that you can follow to make you look pretty good.

Selfie features for the main photo

This photo should look the most attractive. You can put your style, character, behavior and hobbies into such an image.

You should not put a selfie on your ava that does not reflect your image. After all, it is by him that others will judge you. But too much attention should not be paid to such an attribute. Otherwise, you will become obsessed and make yourself unreal. And that's not too good.

In addition, you should not put fake selfies on social media. networks. For example, if you take a picture of yourself with a guitar or a microphone, then everyone might think that you are making music. And when the deception is revealed, it will be unpleasant.

How to take a selfie on an ava girl?

A beautiful "avatar" selfie is a set of simple tips that includes:

  • Showing off your beauty. Focus on what makes you more attractive. For example, chest, face, hairstyle;
  • Favorable angle. Don't take photos spontaneously. Find the ideal position at the beginning;
  • Lighting. Bad light can make you a real witch;
  • Background. Make sure there is no clutter in the background;
  • Appearance. Be at the parade. No "natural" photos.

It is not necessary to specifically "make lips duck." It looks stupid and infuriates everyone. It is better to move your head slightly forward and tilt it slightly.

Smile or just put on a nice face. Negative and serious selfies cause rejection. With them, your page will turn into a castle of darkness.

Do not overplay with makeup and clothing. Be beautiful, not pomaded. Look at yourself in the mirror, take some test shots. And only then start creating the main photo.

Selfie on avu at home

Contrary to many opinions, the house can be a great photo platform. You can take an avatar photo of yourself at:

  1. Bedroom;
  2. On the kitchen;
  3. At computer;
  4. In the room;
  5. And even in the bathroom.

You just need to create a certain photo style. If you want to make an image of a cool young man, then you can take a picture of yourself in front of a computer, a shelf with disks and a poster with a celebrity.

Selfies in the bathroom also look bright and unusual. Just do not put a toilet bowl or sink in the frame. Make the bathroom hard to read at first glance.

If you have a pet, please use it. Today it is fashionable to take pictures with cats. So you can demonstrate love for our smaller brothers, showing yourself on the good side.

You can also create an avatar against the background of a carpet or an old closet. It will be retro style. But you don't need to replay. Otherwise, you will look like a granny who decided to live a social life.

Technical points

For the ava to be truly expressive, keep your phone or camera away from you. So there will be no distortion of the image. Do not wear glasses or reflective jewelry. They may leave glare. Taking a photo with them is quite difficult.

Try moving the lens up and down. Find a middle ground that suits you. Also watch out for the shadow. Bad shading can ruin everything.

If you have a selfie stick, then use it. It allows you to make the highest quality snik. With it, you can adjust the distance and angle. It's a really handy thing.

When you take a beautiful selfie on your ava, you should not rush to publish it. Consider it properly. You can show the "masterpiece" to your friend or girlfriend. And only then it is possible to expose the frame to the public.