Khokhloma pattern in a circle drawings. Khokhloma - an old Russian folk craft

    Khokhloma painting is quite popular. Such a painting does not require too much skill in drawing, the main thing is to make a little effort, perseverance and attention.

    As an example of a painting element, you can draw this:

    Curvy lines, berries, flowers and birds are welcomed in Khokhloma.

    First, draw the base - a winding line. And then proceed to drawing the berries, and then the leaves.

    Everywhere you need to start with the main winding lines, and then paint.

    I propose to color the cutting board in the style of Khokhlomaquot ;.

    For work you will need

    • wooden cutting board,
    • brushes and acrylic paints
    • glass of water,
    • colorless varnish.

    First of all, let's mix the paints to get a golden color. To do this, take yellow and metallic colors.

    Let's start drawing the stem.

    draw a berry at the top

    then two more berries

    a little lower still draw a branch with berries

    on the left we draw a branch, leaves on it

    now a branch with three leaves, and in the middle a curl

    start painting the background

    continue to paint the background

    paint over the background completely

    the side of the board is also covered with golden paint

    now cover the board with clear varnish. Everything is ready!

    Even a child can draw Khokhloma painting. The basis of such a painting is plant elements and sometimes birds with fish. Basically, these are twigs, berries and leaves, all work is done in four colors: black, red, gold and green.

    Even a child can handle curls, circles and dashes:

    To begin with, we draw a drawing with a pencil, you can copy it from the Internet, and then we start coloring, starting with the largest elements:

    After we have drawn all the Large ones with the color we need, we paint over the background with black. After the background has dried, we add additional strokes to our twigs, draw on the blackness of the background.

    If drawing takes place on a wooden surface, after drying, it can be covered with several layers of alkyd varnish with intermediate drying.

    Here are a few elements and step-by-step master classes for drawing Khokhloma painting:

    Video master class on creating Khokhloma painting with your own hands:

    If you study with your child, then you need to start with gouache (4 colors - yellow, black, red and green) and drawings on paper, studying the obligatory patterns, and then, having studied the main techniques for drawing flowers, berries and blades of grass, you can take on wooden boards, wooden boxes and papier-mâché paper boxes for decorating with acrylic and oil paint. Be sure to cover at least 2 layers of varnish on top (but not nitro - it spoils the oil paint).

    The drawing is located on a black or yellow-gold background; first, the marking of large elements is done, then medium ones, and only then small ones. At the end, small curls, strokes and dotted berries are added. At first, everything is painted with each color in turn, it is given to dry well, and only then the next color is taken.

    It is better to start learning with the main elements:

    Kholmsky painting was very popular in the time of Russia, but now it has gone out of fashion, and the trend for Kholmsky painting has remained.

    Kholmsky painting is ideal for coloring a variety of dishes, kitchen utensils and just for painting walls.

    Even a child can learn to draw with this style, there is nothing complicated here, because this technique mainly uses vegetation, sometimes animals.

    Here are some examples that you can draw yourself:

    Also, it will be very useful to watch a special video clip:

    Khokhloma painting is very exciting. Previously, in ordinary Soviet kindergartens, this was taught, because I remember some of the lessons. Now it is no longer fashionable and children are taught completely different. If you do everything according to the old custom, then this is a complex technique. But for the kids they made it simple and understandable.

    So, we need to work:

    • Gouache paints - yellow, green, black and red
    • Squirrel brushes 2 and 3
    • Bank of water
    • Soft cloth to remove excess paint
    • Small white plate without patterns, for the palette

    To begin with, we start from simple elements, which in Khokhloma painting are called grassquot ;. It is performed in separate rhythmic strokes. The brush should be held perpendicular with three fingers.

    Here are the main and main elements of herbs.

    Now for a practical lesson. Looking at the bowl, which is decorated by the master, the children are given the opportunity to come up with an ornament themselves and paint with a pattern grass wooden spoon.

    And this is a grassy ornament using kriulyaquot ;.

    Kriul serves to emphasize the rounded shape of the product.

    More important patterns leaves.

    Combining all these patterns, you can paint pottery in a very original way with your child.

    Draw patterns of Khokhloma painting in the form of curls with berries, leaves, flowers. Draw a wavy line, from which curls are drawn on both sides. On each curl, draw two leaves and a berry at the end of the curl. You can draw a pattern of Khokhloma painting in the form of several curls, one black curl and from it the same shape from two to four colored curls, for example, two green, two yellow. Below are several patterns of Khokhloma painting. For a sample for training, you can take a grassquot ; pattern, practice on a separate piece of paper, and then draw on a blank sheet. You can draw a pattern on the image of a jug or plate.

    It will sound funny, but drawing in the Khokhloma style is done exactly according to the same method as the painting of dishes, which was done in ancient times in Nizhny Novgorod and the surrounding villages. Each element of the picture is done with one paint, after which the picture must dry. As soon as there is confidence that the colors will not mix, you can take another paint and direct the necessary elements with it:

    Pencil is even easier - no need to wait for the paint to dry:

    You can make a drawing in a graphic style, simply by repeating the style of Khokhloma. If there is a desire to comply with all the rules, then colored pencils should be taken.

    Khokhloma painting is a beautiful painting on dishes, which was used in the 17th century. The name is given according to the area where the painting comes from, from Khokhloma, from the Nizhny Novgorod region. Khokhloma painting appeared thanks to the craft of masters from that area.

    Before you paint the product, you first need to carve spoons, mugs, planks and other utensils on a wooden machine, make a flat surface, then cover evenly with drying oil in several layers, make a layer of aluminum powder. After that, you can apply the painting.

    Khokhloma painting is an ornament with a view of plants, twigs, berries, flowers, symbols, curls. Often in such a painting, red, yellow, black, as well as green and others are used.

    The finished item is coated on top for strength.

    Oil paints are used.

    There are different techniques of Khokhloma painting. Pattern gingerbread - This is a large pattern in the center, from which smaller patterns branch off.

    There is also a pattern under the background - curly quot ;, which is done with yellow and red paint on a black background.

    To complete a drawing, you need to use creativity, fiction to create ornaments. To complete the pattern yourself, there are base lines, symbols with which you can start learning to draw. Simple elements are available even for a child, it is also useful for children to learn painting, it develops skills.

    I propose to make a board painting at home. Take a board, as well as gouache paints, PVA glue, brushes.

    You can make a drawing for painting yourself or take templates on the Internet. Then you need to copy from paper to the board.

    The plank, first of all, will be treated with egg white as a primer. Once done, let it dry.

    Following the egg white, we cover the entire product with gold paint.

    We color the berries with bright paint.

    We draw the veiny part of the leaves.

    We paint around the contours the entire background with black. Then you need to let the paint dry completely.

L.V. Orlova, "Khokhloma painting"

Here are the main techniques of Khokhloma painting. The material is presented according to the principle from simple to complex, from studying the basic elements of Khokhloma painting and repetition exercises, to tasks for improvisation and painting three-dimensional images.

To get started you need to have:
1) gouache paints of yellow, red, green and black colors;
2) squirrel brushes No. 2 and No. 3;
3) a jar of water;
4) a soft cloth to remove excess paint from the brush;
5) a piece of white thick paper or a white small plate without patterns, which will serve as a palette.

Exercise 1. Pattern "grass"

Learning to draw the simplest elements of a grass ornament. Perform exercises to repeat the main distinctive elements of the grass pattern. In Khokhloma painting, “grass” is an ornament made in separate rhythmically arranged strokes.
All elements of the grass ornament are drawn immediately with a brush, without applying a preliminary drawing with a pencil, while holding the brush with three fingers perpendicular to the surface of the sheet.

The exercise includes the main elements of "weed":
"Pigtails" - the simplest element of the pattern. It is performed with a slight movement of the brush tip from top to bottom.
"Blade of grass" - These are strokes with a slight smooth thickening.
"Droplets" - draw by applying the brush to the paper.
"Antennae" - are drawn in the form of a continuous line of the same thickness, twisted into a spiral.
"Curls" - are performed with a slight pressure in the middle of the element.
"Bush" is the most complex element of "grass". It consists of symmetrically arranged simpler elements - sedges, blades of grass, droplets, tendrils and curls.

Exercise 2

In all tasks for improvisation, first they consider the painting made by the master, then they independently paint the drawing of the product.
Consider a cup with a herbal pattern, made by a craftsman. The festive and solemn color of the painting is given by a combination of gold, red and black colors. Invent and decorate the spoon yourself with elements of herbal ornament, using two colors - black and red.

Exercise 3. Grass ornament

The purpose of the exercise is to gradually, using the method from simple to complex, learn to draw a complex herbal ornament, using all previously studied elements.
First practice in pointing the leading stem of the "kriul". The main element of the "kriul" - "curl", has the same length and twists alternately up and down. Then the pattern is complicated by the addition of red and black "bushes".

Exercise 4. Painting a cup

When considering a salt shaker with a herbal pattern, pay attention to the rhythmic alternation of ornamental elements. The smooth flow of the leading line - "kriula" emphasizes the rounded shape of the product, red and black colors give the painting a solemn and festive sound.
Decorate the cup with herbal ornaments by leading the leading stem yourself and using the elements of herbal ornament previously studied.

Exercise 4

In the Khokhloma pattern "leaves", in addition to red and black, green and yellow are also used.

Exercise 6. Painting a napkin holder

Considering the work of the master, pay attention to the location of the branch with autumn leaves. The free arrangement of leaves, herbs emphasizes the shape of the product, gives lightness and splendor to the pattern.
Improvise, create your own composition, apply the Khokhloma color palette: red, green, black and yellow.

Exercise 7

Learn to draw patterns with a brush and poke seal. A poke is made of paper, for this a strip of paper is folded into a tight tube.
The berries of lingonberry, currant and mountain ash are drawn with a poke seal.
Gooseberries, strawberries and raspberries are drawn with a brush. On the dried paint, the berries are "lived up" in yellow.

Exercise 8

Paint the product with a brush and a poke seal, using "lightening" and other painting techniques.

Exercise 9. Ornament with "berries" and "leaves"

Practice drawing a Khokhloma ornament using the previously studied elements, completing the ornamental strip according to the model.

Exercise 10

Considering a vase painted with a masturist, pay attention to the correspondence between the pattern and the shape of the object. A branch of ripe berries wraps around the surface of the product, creating a continuous strip of ornament.
Invent and paint a vase on your own, paying attention to the pattern and shape of the object.

Exercise 11

This is the final entry level exercise. In this exercise, use everything you have learned so far. Decorate the red and yellow petals and flowers yourself with a variety of Khokhloma patterns. Then these blanks can be cut out and made into an appliqué in the form of a colorful Khokhloma bouquet. The bouquet will be more beautiful and lush if the children complement it with light sprigs of grass.
If you want to make a large bouquet, you can cut similar blanks from colored, yellow or red paper and then decorate them to your liking.

Collective work. "Khokhloma bouquet"

As a final task, you can create a team work with the participation of several people. To do this, each participant prepares several petals from colored paper in yellow or red and paints them. Then a colorful Khokhloma bouquet is glued on a large sheet of drawing paper, in which there is a place for each participant to work. The bouquet can be decorated with tendrils and bushes. Such collective work will serve as a good decoration.
From such blanks, you can glue not only a bouquet, but also a garland, an ornament, an ornamental frame, etc.

Khokhloma - an old Russian folk craft; bright, colorful painting on wood with the obligatory presence of a golden color. Not by chance Khokhloma symbol - fiery Firebird, a fabulous bird with plumage, shining gold. Another name for the painting is “golden Khokhloma”.

Khokhloma Firebird.


Russia is famous for folk crafts, and Khokhloma - the most famous type of Russian folk painting.

The history of fishing begins in the 17th century, and its homeland is the left bank of the Volga, Nizhny Novgorod villages and villages. The emergence of fishing in Nizhny Novgorod is associated with the appearance in these parts of the followers of the "old faith", hiding from persecution in the forests of the Volga region.

Among the Old Believers there were many icon painters who knew the secret of making "golden" icons without the use of gold. Wooden icons were first covered with silver powder, then they were covered with boiled linseed oil - drying oil - and sent to the oven. After processing in the oven, the icon acquired a delightful golden color.

The mass production of wooden utensils painted using the icon painting technique began with the advent of a cheaper material than silver - tin, and then aluminum powder. The Nizhny Novgorod peasants, who had long mastered the art of three-dimensional woodcarving, mastered the “golden” painting and turned the dishes they produced into bright and elegant works of arts and crafts.

patterns decorated all types of Russian wooden utensils: spoons, ladles, brothers, trays, plates, bowls, bowls, tuesas.

Spoons, bowls and everything in the world.

The Nizhny Novgorod lands are not very fertile, so the occupation of folk craft has become a new source of income for the majority of peasants in the villages and villages of the Volga region. Produced by them the dishes were brought to the large trading village of Khokhloma for further sale. From the name of the village came the name of the craft. From Khokhloma, elegant dishes were sent along the Volga to other cities and countries.

So, several reasons contributed to the spread of products with Khokhloma painting:

  • abundance of forest;
  • the proximity of the Volga - the main trade artery;
  • distribution in the Trans-Volga region of the art of gold painting on wooden products;
  • local traditions of the art of three-dimensional woodcarving.

Already in the 19th century, the fame of the Nizhny Novgorod masters of Khokhloma crossed the borders of Russia, and thanks to the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889, the golden Khokhloma became known not only in Europe, but also in Asia and America.

painting technique

Wooden utensils should not be used unpainted: hot food cracks the wood, and the utensils become unusable. Khokhloma painting - the most festive and elegant example of coloring wood products.

Stages of production of Khokhloma dishes:

  • production of dishes of the desired shape;
  • drying;
  • white clay primer;
  • application to the surface of drying oil;
  • grouting aluminum powder;
  • painting;
  • applying several times a special varnish;
  • hardening in an oven until golden brown.

When painting use oil paints: ocher, cinnabar, soot, carmine, red lead. The main background colors are red and black; additional colors: light green, brown, yellow.

The master paints on a large spoon.

Khokhloma products decorated with floral ornaments consisting of:

  • ripe berries: raspberries, mountain ash, currants, strawberries, gooseberries;
  • stems;
  • colors;
  • leaves.

Floral ornament.

The main types of ornament:

  • "grass" - a pattern of blades of grass, which, curly, gather to one root;
  • “leaf, under the berry” - a bizarre interweaving of leaves, berries, flowers and stems;
  • "kudrina" - a painting in which curly golden curls of leaves, flowers, berries are repeated on a red or black background;

Sometimes images of animals and birds are woven into the drawing.

Khokhloma painting centers- the city of Semyonov and the village of Semino, Nizhny Novgorod region. Their enterprises produce both dishes and household items: boxes, tables, cabinets, stools, vases.

At the Nizhny Novgorod fair.

Products with Khokhloma painting are a wonderful gift, bright and festive. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish real Khokhloma from fake. The genuine product is warm to the touch, has a flat, smooth surface.

Khokhloma painting is recognizable no less than Gzhel. Luxurious patterns and combinations of shades, a characteristic tandem of red and gold, flowers and berries, outlandish birds - all this cannot but attract attention and study each line with fascination. Professionals assure that Khokhloma painting is very simple to perform, and if you understand the principles of its creation, even a person who has never held a brush in his life can master the technology.

To understand the implementation of this technology, it is important to understand its essence and features: not only the combination of certain lines and curls makes “Khokhloma” “Khokhloma”, but also what is invested in them, how they are connected, and what image they create in general. The development of Khokhloma painting was significantly influenced by oriental ornaments of carpets and shawls, as well as Russian patterns of house carvings in the form of stems and leaves. The church also contributed in the form of a common color scheme: black and pure red, gold - deep, strong tones. All this gave rise to the original technology of the Volga masters and remained at the heart of the current "Khokhloma".

  • The drawing in Khokhloma painting is built on the “leading”, represented by a smooth spreading branch. It is gradually expanding by adding a variety of elements, divided into main (large flowers, clusters of berries, etc.) and secondary (small leaves, single berries, blades of grass). In this case, the main element should be in the center.

Initially, Khokhloma painting was divided into 2 categories, differing in the style of execution of patterns: “riding” writing and “kudrin”. The latter has become the most famous - it is a dark (red or black) background, on which graceful and complex curls and natural elements are drawn. The scheme of work is the same - first the leading branch, then additional details. “Kudrina” looks heavier and fuller than “horse” writing, which is characterized by a golden background with an abundance of blades of grass of different sizes, and the rest of the ornaments are made either under a berry or under a leaf. In addition, the very location of the picture should be a square that can stretch into a rhombus.

  • As for the technology of work, there are also some nuances here: Khokhloma painting is never written in clear lines, and there is no preliminary sketch stage in it. The master immediately fulfills the idea with paint, which causes a certain softness of even the smallest and finest patterns.

It should also be noted that some ornaments are not made by hand: more precisely, they are drawn, of course, with a brush, but through a stencil - this technique has been used for a long time and can be combined with stamping, for which a felt or wooden tool is used.

Despite the fact that some patterns can be created through a stencil, it is still worth learning Khokhloma painting with the simplest ornaments with a brush. To do this, pick up a few very thin and small (00, 01) brushes with squirrel or pony hair (it should be soft), and, guided by the prescriptions, first circle the proposed patterns several times, then try to draw them on hatched tips, and after - on the same paper or clean glass.

  • Blade of grass or sedge. The simplest and most basic pattern: a slightly curved line, maximum brush pressure in the middle, disappearing at the edges. Thickening is very smooth and has a minimum degree.
  • Curl. The next most difficult element; the pressure of the brush does not change, remains the same along the entire length of the pattern; the line is twisted like a snail.
  • droplet. It is good to train pressure on it: the brush is placed with the base of the pile, after which it turns 180 degrees and begins to be carefully removed from the surface. At the same time, it must be pulled forward. When a single pattern is obtained, try to perform 2 drops in a mirror.
  • Bush. It is a droplet collected by a fan, at the base of which a small dot is placed with the tip of a brush.
  • leaflet. The easiest way to complete this pattern is to bring out the mirror-reflecting blades of grass, curved outward, and then fill the inner void with the same color. A more complex version - without lifting the brush, adjust the pressure and direction, displaying an oval with pointed ends.

After mastering those patterns that are drawn only with a brush, it is recommended to try berry elements: they need a stamp made by yourself - it will create the basis of the picture. And small details will also be added with a brush. To make a stamp, just take a straw tube, attach a circle of paper down, and dip this part into the paint.

  • cowberry is performed by simple stamping of scarlet circles that do not need additions.
  • Currant- several circles-berries collected near a blade of grass, on which single golden dots are then placed with a brush.
  • Pock- in addition to berry circles, it is necessary to draw very narrow and elongated droplets and leaves at the base of the bunch. Speckles with a brush with gold paint are also required.
  • Malinka. A bunch of 6 circles-berries, which are already placed without observing the distance, through overlapping each other. Glare is drawn using the technique of blades of grass, after which points are put down with the tip of the brush. The sepals are blades of grass gathered together, the twig is leaves and a thin line.